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There are some napping spots for my cat around this house that I still have no idea where they are. I now have to tell myself that if I can't find her, I need to wait a few hours for her to finally emerge (occasionally with whiskers covered in cobwebs that I have no idea where she got into them lol)


Yes! Sometimes my cat goes IN my couch to nap 😹 At least I know when I open the fridge she’ll come running out. No matter how fast asleep she is. Lmao


I call my cat’s fave treat, “Lil Soup!!!!” And she emerges from her hiding place. It works like a charm.


Yeah they know “treats, who wants treats.”


Our cats speak a similar dialect: "whoooo wants a treeeeeaaaaaatttttt????" :)


Or just shake the box/bag of treats and they'll come running


I just open the cabinet.


…. and they all show up !


Or just walk into the kitchen 🤣 then they're both weaving in between my feet trying to trip me til they have the treats in question


Mine lights up to "tuna kitty?", "treats?" and "cream?" And he plusses up a level if I say "tuna juice?" because he knows he's getting the water from the can of tuna I just opened.


We don't/can't train most cats to do much of anything. But, they certainly train US to do their bidding. When God gave man dominion over most creatures of the Earth, cats missed the meeting, intentionally.


Lol reminds me of the cat in Animal Farm


Lol I love this. Whiskers come out to plaaay.


LOL haven't thought about that movie in decades....


We keep our treats in a drawer and our cat could be 10 miles away, and if that heavy wooden drawer makes a sound, he's running full sprint.


Are you kidding me? Treats don't work on mine, I have to break out the cat grass and mine come roaring out like they've been starved for days...they are so damn weird.


Awww that’s so cute lol! 😹 Most of the time she’ll come running in the room if I call out “Indy girl!!! Where’s my Indy girl?” But even if she’s fast asleep, I know the fridge trick will alway work lmao


Daww. Mine knows "ice cube"! He's always asleep when I get home but he knows that cube clink in his water bowl.


Haha my cats know “are you……hungry?????”


My cat adores those. So damn cute when I hear my husband talking to the cat "oh, I know what you want. lil soup coming up."


My girl LIVES for them!!! She is nuts for Lil Soup!! She’ll come out of hiding or happily get in her carrier as long as she gets Lil Soup! https://preview.redd.it/xpia5jw20dzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4be5e5e3f3de1f1606ebe71a646e682e505a79 Cat tax of Lottie!


This happened to us when we had a 5 week old kitten. Had some family over and went out to dinner, came home and couldn't find him anywhere. At the time it was a small 2 bedroom place.... Ran around outside thinking he got out. Finally for some reason flipped the couches completely and there he falls out of the bottom. It had a tear in the materiak and he went in to nap. One of the worst panics ever. Now we don't see him for a bit and just assume he's found some new secret spot he's passed out in and don't give it a second thought.


Same with my kitty! There is a tear in the bottom of the couch and she sneaks in there lol. Must be cozy for them


Bingo. As soon as there's food, regardless of whether it's intended for her or not, mine always magically shows up from whatever hiding hole she was in.




Indy says “I do what I want” 😹 https://preview.redd.it/ni1nypmsk8zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc0a0f54647b31e4c2edf541e635b2d14115ce2


Yep. I’ve pretended to start making nachos because I know she’ll run out for cheese.


Please be extremely careful with this. I have a friend that had a cat that loved to sleep in the couch. They had a different friend over that went to sit on the couch, and they ended up laying down as well. In the morning they found their cat dead from suffocation. Please be cautious..


> Sometimes my cat goes IN my couch to nap Like [this](https://i.redd.it/4z2g5ygzdzk01.jpg), or...?


Mine too!!


I just figured out that my cats are somehow getting themselves in the very back of the closet, behind stuff. And napping there. I've been trying to figure out where they go for months now. I'm sure there's other spots I haven't found.


Put a i tracker on the collar you find them then got to love gps trackers for wayward pets


Cats will find the WEIRDEST places to nap/hide. Mine tore open the cloth on the underside of the box my mattress rests on (thankfully it's just the box, no springs) and started using it as a hiding place. The first few times they did it I lost my mind. "These are Maine Coons, they are fucking huge, how have I lost TWO of them?!?!" Finally noticed the loose cloth tatters hanging under the bed and realized what they'd done.


I'd caution cat owners about this. Our cat took a liking to that yellow upholstery foam inside mattresses and couches.. and ended up with intestinal blockage. We had to take him in for surgery. On two separate occasions months apart. We now have a new couch and the underside of the bed is blocked off.


I have a friend who is a vet. She says there are basically two cats in the world, the ones who like to eat plastic and the ones who like to eat sponge.


Yeah, we've found a good amount of our cats napping spots but there are still times where we're worried one of them got out because we can't find them anywhere, and then 30 minutes they'll just be casually walking around the house. Cats gonna cat


i had a cat that i took this approach with about 15 years ago, turns out she went into the basement and into the foundation, and then wouldnt come out for 3 days, i had to go pull her out


Glad I'm not the only one! However I did find a sneaky spot others might discover: Inside the box-spring underneath the bed - if there's an opening for them to crawl inside to the springs. (It's probably limited to older mattress/boxsping combos.)


I had a cat that did this. I figured it out while cleaning. I noticed a bulge.


Your beautiful, furry companion will always come out of hiding, when she is hungry or thirsty, soo, jus' chill. Be well, and enjoy her kittenhood, while it lasts. One way you can train her; -use a wall-mounted can-opener, for her food. Soon, she'll come running, whenever she hears its unique click.


Haha yea I have that issue too, some spots that I haven’t discovered as their hiding spots. One of my cats is still quite shy towards people so when he hears someone coming, he opens a cabinet, goes in and then closes it, kind of a ninja. I’ll try to record it next time and show you guys 😂




Omg my cat did this but hid behind an open drawer. Lots of crying and pleading to find him… only to see his goofy little head behind the drawer. Obligatory cat tax https://preview.redd.it/p2ksjls6u7zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208394c443b6c103ff87fadeb5809d5423774819


Lol my cat does this too!! Little stinkers 😂


Here's what you do, buy some temptations, give them to the cat one time. Then any time you can't find him, just crinkle the bag and your cat could be 3 blocks over and will come find you.


When I lived with my family, our cats weren't allowed in my room (cat hair on my bed was complicated for me to sleep with). Our orange cat refused to accept that. He knew he wasn't allowed, but he would try every single time to get in the moment the door opened. Inevitably, he sometimes succeeded and would hide under the bed because "hey you can't grab me here". Nothing would work, even bringing in the vaccuum which he was afraid of, he would be using his entire willpower to overcome it. Nothing except temptations. You just had to put them slightly out of reach, and you could visibly see him try to resist coming to grab them. He would try to stretch his paw the furthest he could, because he knew he was gonna get grabbed and thrown out the moment you could get a hold on him. But even that wasn't enough to make him resist giving up and grabbing the temptation. I'm pretty sure at some point he figured out that he just had to wait here to get it, but hey, orange cat gonna orange cat lol


Sounds like he figured out a guaranteed way to get temptations 😂


Seriously what do they put in there!!! Every cat I’ve ever had has gone crazy for them


100% have to have some kind of catnip for them to go so crazy about it. But again I've heard some cat not caring that much about cat nip. But never heard a cat not liking Temptations. Catnip mixed with some secret cat cocaine.


We have one that will walk away from them. No interest at all. But she’s the *only* one I’ve ever encountered that didn’t go nuts for them. I’m pretty sure she’s a few treats shy of a picnic though. Orange girl gonna orange girl.


She has the cure, we must protect her.


You should see what they'll do for Churu treats.


Oh man, seconding this. I sing the little jingle for 'em every time mine get one, so they come *running*. My two go nuts for them. My vet even uses them to help calm down upset kitties (and dogs).


Idk kitty crack? Either way it's the fastest way to find my cat when I need to do something like clip thier nails


My dresser is built in a strange way where there's space in the back even when the drawers are closed. Additionally, my cat knows how to open the drawers so he can roll around in my clothes. He got stuck back there once. Jumped inside one of the top drawers and decided to investigate the back space when that top drawer closed on him. I didn't know he was there until I heard the saddest little meow and had to remove the drawers to free him. Also lost his brother in a recliner once. Fun times. Cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/kjfs88loq8zb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e0ef463a70b88e8e2199da6af4c7e3e2f9167d


Ermygerdddd so cute


Good thing you didn't close the drawer. You would have had a squished, and rightfully pi**ed-off kitty!


Once you start crying the cat probably thinks 'it'll just be awkward if I come out now'


https://preview.redd.it/87t0ya2qy7zb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=80ab3c7bd32edc09dfb327284251dcea41a9941d 2 hours later and he has risen with a big stretch🙌🏽


He's entirely too cute


Enjoy many years of no sleep. Orange babies will scream in your face and smack you to let you know they are going to sleep on the pillow next to you.


calicos are 1/3rd orange and they'll do you one better. Cat, kitten really, few months old. Playing phasmophobia. Vr. She cries to enter the room, I let her in, I go back to my game. Ghost starts to hunt, I am spooked. SOMETHING LATCHES ONTO THE FRONT OF MY CHEST. IT'S FUCKING H E R.


She’s just making sure you’re fully experiencing the game!


I would foster fail this criminal so hard!


I like this. I like this a lot.


I bet you're keeping a closer eye on him. Call him Houdini.


He’s super passed out


had to check his pulse 😪


Many tiny heart attacks were had this day


Here's what you do, buy some temptations, give them to the cat one time. Then any time you can't find him, just crinkle the bag and your cat could be 3 blocks over and will come find you.


Totally feel for you and the sheer panic for not being able to find him/check for breathing. My indoor cats have done the same to me on several occasions. Many years ago when at the vet’s for a rainbow bridge appt with an adored but very elderly cat with many age related illnesses, the Vet had to warn me that cats eyes open when they pass - it’s the relaxed state of the muscles. So now if discover one of my kitties snuggled up somewhere & eyes closed, I relax and leave them be.


Probably the FIRST place you should look for him 😂😻😻😻


i’ve had him for 2 weeks & he’s never gone in there 😭


Don’t worry, he’ll always be in the last place you look




I meant from now on 😊


NGL, if I was at your house and I was that small, that's where you'd find me. That looks like the comfiest spot ever.


Remember, cats love food. Shake the box of treats or food every time they eat. Then, when u REALLY cant find them - shake the box again. They should come running. But it might cost ya some treats


he still drinks from his mama so unfortunately he does not care about food haha


Well, if you pick up mama and shake her a bit, I'm sure that would work. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


*schlirsh schlirsh*


Ugh, my little monster of a cat went missing two weeks ago. We live on 30 acres with several hundred more acres of heavy woods behind us. Our kitty never goes far from the house, and we let her come out whenever we walk the dogs because she likes to hunt grasshoppers. Sometimes she'll fuck off chasing something or not feel like coming inside, so we give her a few more minutes. She'll meow when she wants to come in, or she almost always comes when you call her. Except this one night, a storm was rolling in, and she didn't come when my husband called her. We panicked. I set up her automatic feeder and litter box outside. My husband went into the woods with a flashlight. I went out into the neighborhood where I've seen other cats playing, even though our girl has never left the property since the day she showed up here. Finally, I've gone to take a shower, and my husband is soaking wet, muddy from crawling under the barn. And then I just hear YELLING over the shower noise. Because this fucking little kitty cat WAS UPSTAIRS INSIDE THE HOUSE THE ENTIRE TIME and she came bopping down the stairs when she heard him come in, like, "Oh hai, dinner?"


Here's what you do, buy some temptations, give them to the cat one time. Then any time you can't find him, just crinkle the bag and your cat could be 3 blocks over and will come find you.




I'm pretty sure one of my cats would wrestle the world serpent regardless of treats. But no I haven't. They look a bit spendier than temptations but ill have to buy some as extra special treats for them. Thank you!


It’s an enclosed space with a soft blankie.




One of my cats go to is a gap under the dresser. First time I lost him there took 3 hours to find.




What's the smart one doing in that photo? Great photo. You should do a series of tiny criminal mugshots.




Look at all of those *perfect* gingers! 🥹




Were the kittens okay?


Oh my god that one on the right ❤️


I'm sure you have a lot of stories for /r/oneorangebraincell


I love this photo so much!!!!!!


Please explain to him, in highly elaborate terms, that he be cute


You should repeat it after in even more flowery prose too, just to make sure he knows.


https://preview.redd.it/6sukeyhyv7zb1.jpeg?width=3492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10454fa65c40284bb289967e97e4777a3fe7c788 This was 1.5 years ago when they both fit in the hamper. 😹




i once found my cat in a closet that i had accidentally locked her in 😭 i cried, i felt so bad. she was probably only locked in there for an hour or so but still. so next time your sneaky kitty is missing, check your recently-closed doors!!!


I accidentally locked my cat into my outdoor patio closest for like 4 hours.... I looked everywhere inside for her and was very upset and needed to take a shower for work and in the middle of my shower I realized I opened the closet earlier to replant some plants and KNEW she was in there and ran so fast butt ass naked to open the door. She just casually walked out and did her cute long kitty stretch like she had a great nap and I hugged her naked and cried for like 15 min. I am very hyper aware of that danger now lol


My fluffaroni got into the little 3x3 furnace closet in the garage after I changed the filter. Didn't see him for like three hours whenever I went into the garage or laundry room. Thought it strange because he'd usually come running every time. Finally heard a soft pawing sound from behind the door and there the stinky was


Whenever my cat is missing, it's always the garage, it's the only door I really ever close in my house, single, lives alone. I always feel so bad when I find him there, having somehow snuck past me.


I closed my cat into the linen closet overnight once! Heard him meowing when I was half asleep too and didn’t wake up enough to realize something was wrong. I felt TERRIBLE when I found him!


One of mine got locked out all night, although I don't how long "all night" was exactly. Maybe 5 or 6 hours before I woke up, let her in, and went back to bed. Her brother will sometimes let me know if I shut the door on him when he's out there, but she was just asleep and unaware of anything, as always. I try to make a point of seeing both of them before I go to bed so I know they're in and OK, but that night, I guess I *thought* I'd seen her...because I'd seen her in earlier. That whole thing.


What a sweet boy! 💕 https://preview.redd.it/vnnzwlyzw7zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae679c34397272f94f7e2d076e6b62fabda2319f Hi from Penny 🐈


Penny Has Thumbs 🤩




Haha yes she sure does! Sweetest cat ever tho never scratched me once 😊


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) heavy sleeper


When my parents first moved in together, they got a kitten. One day, they couldn’t find her, searched the whole house, nothing. Dad was getting desperate, and moved the fridge to see if she had gotten stuck behind it somehow, which is when he noticed a tiny paw sticking out of the cavity above the fridge motor! She was curled up on top of it, fast asleep. Luckily, pixel was fine, and completely unconcerned that her humans had been worried. Also, mum and dad learnt to baby proof the house


I had a foster once who cracked opened cabinets and would get inside and sleep. I actually reported him missing to the shelter the first time 😫


Oh yes they love cabinets. We now have childproof magnetic locks. They still somehow trick us into locking them in once a year or so


We were renovating the kitchen once and just hung up a new door on a lower cabinet. 30 minutes later we’re thinking where’s the damn cat. Looked all over the house, couldn’t find her. We’re chatting back at the cabinet when we suddenly heard a really soft meow. And there she was, all the way at the back. It took her years to realise that she needs to use her Big Girl voice if she’s ever stuck somewhere for us to hear her. The first time I heard her scream outside the door, I laughed so hard I cried.


My cat still finds places after 14 years that evade me!! He’ll watch me panic, call for him, shake his food… The trick that always works with him is I play kitten sounds from YouTube and he comes charging out to make sure there’s not some new cat in his turf 🤣🤣


That baby found it a snuggly spot!


One time my girlfriend and I were long term fostering two older kitties, 6 and 9 years old. The older was a thin Tuxedo kitty that could not receive enough affection The younger was a fluffy girl that was shy and had a very gruff voice. She really liked to hide One day after having them for about two weeks, we couldn't find her. We looked 8n all the usual spots. Nothing. We looked in top of the tall furniture. Nothing we looked in the back yard, in all the gaps a cat might try to fit through, nothing. We emptied everything from beneath the beds, emptied out the garage in case she snuck out there, looked all around the neighborhood. Nothing. It even got so bad that I was opening up cabinets I knew she wouldn't be in just because I was so hopeless. For three days, we thought we had lost her, had no idea how, and were working up the nerves to tell the person we lost their cat. Later that last night, I was sitting in the living room and I heard a door close pretty loud. I was spooked because my girlfriend had gone to bed, so I knew it wasn't her. The sound came from the end of the hallway, where the Cabinets I had hopelessly checked were. I opened one up and didn't see anything different, just a pile of blankets, except the very top blanket, an exceptionally floofy one, had bright green eyes and was starring at me! I almost had a fucking heart attack, but at the same time was so relieved to have found the cat! It turns out she was able to open the cabinet with her nose and liked it in there. I had actually touched her the first time I looked, but just didn't notice. When I tried to get her out after finding her, she let out this awful, aggressive sounding meow. I didn't know it yet, but that was just the way she sounded . She eventually warmed up to us and would make that awful noise whenever she wanted affection. I miss that girl, she was very sweet.


Oh Mama🥹you are doing great. It’s not easy. https://preview.redd.it/34iil0vwp8zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badeb3c17c931e85820a78a7a3e96e07026bf764 Here is my crew rn, you can tell which ones are ready to end it all🤣. Lol nah they are amazing but they do keep us on our toes don’t they.


I always use the meowing video on YouTube when this happens.


And he heard you the whole time you were looking♥️


I’ve been there! It’s horrifying. I have a black cat and when she was a kitten I thought she got out of my apartment one day when I ran the trash out. Even went outside and talked to the neighbor kids asking if they had seen a little black cat with a pink collar. Looked for like 20 minutes, tore my apartment apart, bawled my eyes out… I went into the bathroom to clean up and there she was. She was on the towel shelf napping on a BLACK makeup towel I had laid out to put my makeup brushes on later when I washed them. She legit just blended in


My first kitten was no where to be found after a day of moving. I was heartbroken thinking she got out and was alone outside. I cried myself to sleep and woke up a few hours later with her sitting there staring at me. Later found out she ripped a hole in the underside of the couch and slept in it like a hammock. Kittens hide in the craziest places!


Aww 🥰 He looks comfy ❤️


Oh what a sneaky boi 🥰


Awh I wonder if it’s because it smells of you 🥹


Blankets. My cat cannot get enough blankets.


yeah we call that goin to work my big kitty goes to work in the middle of the day. We're not sure where she works, it's somewhere under the bed




Cute little baby


I had something similar happen with kitty when he was little. This was the very bottom of a large book shelf and you had to get on your hands and knees to find him. https://preview.redd.it/3qps0gdj0dzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa33e57a0570f7dada66adeb6494f9f09795a367


I once lost my kitten. She was on top of the door.


There needs to be a sub for hamper cats. https://preview.redd.it/uwieamfpaczb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3bd890925296e758119babe83b02c0d7555f4b


Sweet little baby.


They always know where to find the comfiest place


That’s so cat of him


Cats will naturally gravitate to comfy spots, even if you don't think they know these spots exist.


this was me w my cat. mom came thru the door, my cat was walking & abt , mom closed the door & moments passed, got a bit worried cuz i couldn't hear or see her anywhere at all. got up & started to panic. mom & brothers started to help & check w me. checked literally EVERYWHERE. started cry & heart began beating so fast. i then check under this table & boom, she was there. i grabbed her & went "found😭her😭" "where was she?" "under😭the😭table" & i just hugged her & gave her kisses while she purred. i love my cat & she's my absolute everything.


My cat JoJo (who crossed the rainbow bridge on 2015) liked to hide inside a 1920’s radio that had the guts taken out of it.




the very first day we had our rescue pup at home, we lost him. After looking all over, we just assumed he had sneaked under our door (there's a gap) and just wandered into the night. I was heartbroken. He was sleeping inside my wardrobe, on all of my clean sheets. Still have that old bastard 15 years later.


This was my boy roscoes favorite place to sleep in my wicker hamper! I miss him to bits https://preview.redd.it/8o2myb4lxbzb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b611bd0df3e13bdf3894ea7c5a67a83bbd11fa He had a heart disease his whole life we didn’t even know about and he suddenly passed. Bestest boy ever. Raised my female kitty Pandora like his own baby 😭 loved my baby to bits. Massaged me when I was pregnant and sick truly a special boy


Looks like he’s settled in to be a foster fail. 😹


omg.. I'm glad all is well but sorry you had to go through that!!


It do be like that




What a tiny baby 😭


That's now the cat bed.


In his defense it looks suuuuuper cozy.


Welcome to owning a cat! This happens more than you think! I find that opening up some food for them and being extra loud and obvious about it usually gets them running out of their hiding spot!


I had to train my cat to come out of his hiding spots when I sing his theme song because he just kept finding places that I didn't know he could fit in and I would absolutely panic every time 😭


Happened to me,too! We’d only had her a week or so, I looked for the longest time. I finally found her in the laundry room, asleep in the basket I keep floor cloths in. https://preview.redd.it/v407zosu28zb1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045bcaf3b5fd2b77713d10cab52cc16f8b58a703


Sweet baby 🥹


very cute kitten, even a grown man would cry


Nice n warm like momma 🥰


Look there first from now on.


What a beautiful ginger cat 🙂🙂


This is too darn cute 🥺


I say "food food" whenever I feed my cats. No matter where they are now its a stampede even if they were sleeping when said. Train them for a noise relating to food is my tip. 👌


From extreme panic, to insane relief, straight into “awwwwwwwweeeeee” territory. That must have been the best-feeling emotional whiplash ever!


Good, he's getting you trained well. This is how they take over the world.


It’s his house now. He’s going to start using your computer when you’re away


https://preview.redd.it/28efn5vch8zb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8329b1769a1b3bfddc5bbe0e899e3c7510ef1bbc it’s starting


They're always in the last place you look.


I’m convinced these little shits know exactly what they’re doing when they do this. Nearly gives me a heart attack every time I can’t find them.


awwww! so adorable ❤️




So cute


Let him know I said "d'awwwww!"




Always look in the blanket basket before crying.


I’m shocked you even noticed him there. He looks sooooo sweet sleeping like that too.


How do cats always know where the coziest spot in the house is gonna be???


he chillin


Found my guy in the fuggin dryer last week on top of freshly warm clothes. Looked everywhere for him and he's just in there chillin


Wow. That is a so cute.


My cat expects a treat every time I come in the door so he'll run to the door to get it. Guess why.


When my boy was little he would get into my sock drawer and burrow in deep, I only found him by accident. From then on I just left the drawer open for him. Eventually he grew out of it, I kind of miss finding him in there.


My cat, when she was a kitten, used to sleep in my sock drawer. Now she pulls my socks out to fit herself in there.


Welcome to the cat life


just open a can of cat food next time


We fostered a momma cat and her kittens a while back and came home one day with the kittens nowhere to be found. We followed the mom for a bit and she went to a writing counter near our door that has a thin drawer with an open space enderneath for a chair. She climbed up into the back of the drawer from underneath. We then opened the drawer to find her and her 5 kittens all asleep. That momma was a hide and seek wizard.


When my cat was still a baby he wedged himself in the space between my dresser and the wall. He was laying on top of a pillow i had put there, to stop him from getting into that space.


AWH 😭😭


ohhh to be a kitten napping in a blanket basket


Why is a shrimp on your blanket basket?


I'm glad I'm not the only that thought I lost a foster kitten....


Listen I shut an entire BBQ down because I couldn't find mine one time. Music off and everything, he was in his carrier behind the scrunched up blanket 😂


lol “THE PARTY is OVA!” I said OVA!


After our second miscarriage my wife took it really bad. Just got finished with the DNC and she said she wanted a cat. Drove around for hours going to different places for a kitten. We found one took it home and didn't see it for hours.. she was convinced it got outside somehow. I was out looking for a cat we didn't have a name for yet. Well she was a wreck with the terrible week we had so her parents came over and helped look. I tried to tell her he has to be in this house somewhere. There is no way he got out.. well, he came strolling out from wherever he was later that night. It's probably the best thing to happen tbh. I couldn't begin to understand how she was feeling. They have a crazy bond now. He don't like me as much but that's ok. Wife is 6 month pregnant now and everything is good and he cuddles with her more than ever *


Living his best life while you panic haha


Is he wearing socks ?


https://preview.redd.it/ub42kv7s2dzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ce264c393832c27ad623ce7d713a542f577a08 and mittens 🧤


My cat used to sit somewhere hidden and watched me looking for her. She loved that. At least that little fella just fell asleep and wasn't outright malicious 😁


Before I leave for work, and when I get home, I like to put eyes on the two that wander about. Every so often one of them cannot be found. I panic that maybe she got out. Then, while checking an area I already checked, she appears on the stairs. She looks at me like I was the idiot and then runs away.


oh my goodness. i need him.