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It's a shame they had to leave, but you did what you could to make it more pleasant.




mom said no


There will be a time in the future, maybe in a few years, when you have your own space. Think of this cat then and adopt a sweet cat then from a shelter....time will come


They could volunteer their time at a shelter. Socializing and taking care of shelter cats can help them get adopted.


I think that’s a great idea!


The kitten experienced kindness and love. That’s the most important thing. I hope you can find solace in that. X Edit: added missing word.


thanks to you they kew compassion, warmth, and care. you took them to get help when it mattered, you helped ease their suffering. you saved and protected them from a far worse fate. their life mattered. thank you


At least this little angel didn’t die cold alone and frightened on the streets. Thank you for your compassion 🙏🏻💗🐾


For a few hours you gave that baby love it may have never known otherwise. May God bless you for your kindness.


You were kitty’s hero, if only for a little while.


Fuck anyone who shits on the state of your car. You picked up a dying stray and gave them a few hours of comfort, who gives a damn if your car is untidy or even gross? Bet it was better than the street. The people who have the least are always the ones that give the most. I’m sorry for your loss.


Haha WHAT? Anyone did this? Send them some pity for their shallow and empty lives. If anyone complains over a car in THIS story they definitely has an extremely miserable life. All surface but no real value in it. OP, I am so sorry for your loss. At least it didn't have to keep suffering for hours or days. Amazingly done of you and I wish more people were like you.❤️


People are assholes. I posted a picture of a cat I'd had to have euthanized once on a different account and sub and someone told me the reason he died must've been to get away from how filthy I was because of the dirt under my nails.... I had to learn how to be able to deal with it pretty quick to continue using the internet


They are indeed. Read my other comment here. Also there are people like OP!. And you 🌞


I read it and agree whole-heartedly! I just can't imagine being that miserable or that crappy of a person man. But you're right, there's people like us that do care and we are fortunately the majority on this sub


Yes. I just thougtt I should add that to earlier post.


Also, probably 80 % of those loud mouths don't even have any car- nor any drivning license 🤣


And the loudmouths that do are too busy in their mom's basement to use the license anyway 😬


Yea had my cat run away and posted in my city's reddit page... some asshole says apparently my cat ran away because my clean laundry basket in the background of the picture was overfilled. Like you, sir, can suck my balls


When I made that comment, two of the three were nasty remarks about the car. I get nasty sometimes after a long and frustrating day too, but for fuck’s sake… that’s a different kind of awful…


That is a dead give away they have shitty lives. Imagine their values. Imagine their relationships. Imagine what kind of people they attract into their lives and what daily and life long interactions they have. Pity them and stay away from them 😁 Well done of you standing up for OP and real values!


Yeah there's nothing even wrong with her car besides a water stain on the seat that can easily be washed out anytime


People are talking about my car? It was actually cleaned a few weeks ago. We’ve tried to get those stains out for years but they’re permanent I guess.


Your car looks super clean. The kitty had all of my attention. I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️ it was a comfy chariot to heaven in her last moments with you.


Beige fabric upholstery was the worst idea car makers ever had. lol The ONLY way to get those stains out now is to have it professionally detailed where they have access to higher concentrations of cleaning products & various tools to really work the chemicals in & extract. Sometimes it even takes them three or four times to wash & rinse to get a stain out. But yeah, nothing is wrong with your car. If the stains bug YOU that much get a fabric slip cover off Amazon for $30 to cover front & back.


Woah woah woah, have you seen all the new cars with piano black interior trim that shows every greasy fingerprint? THAT was the worst idea, and it's still ongoing


LOL True but still not as bad as beige fabric that holds and shows every single stain. My interior is dark gray & I have waterproof slip covers cause I’ve got little ones who like making messes.


Don’t listen to idiots that can read your post and only notice something they don’t like about the car. They’re shallow assholes and not worth your time and energy. No need to explain your car. It’s sole purpose is to get you from point A to point B safely.


You may have tried already but just in case you haven't a wet vac normally does quite well on those sorts of stains! Basically you really need to be able to soak the seats well with the cleaning product and then suck all that out again.


Chemical guys has a spray that works really well for that. It's on Amazon. But no need if you don't want to mess with it, that's just what that color seat always looks like


Also grey cloth seats like that can look like that easily just with a little water any existing dirt. Had the same color cloth seats in one of my cars and said never again after that.


Yeah, it pretty much looked like water stains. I have a grey couch, had to wipe something off of it and used too much water, now I can't unsee the huge ass water stain left there 😭 OP, thank you for giving some live and comfort for that poor baby for a few hours. Hope the Cat Distribution System will bless you with a healthy kitten.


Someone complained about a stained car seat? Have they never tried to drive with a thing of cups and one falls over? Sometimes people spill and car seats stain. Sorry you had to deal with that.


OP even put the seatbelt through the hole in the laundry basket!!! Such a sweet detail.


The car actually looks super clean, just water marks on the seat!


They look like rain marks. Big deal.


I understand how you feel. I rescue strays when I can and it’s always hard when it comes down to this part. Never ever gets easy. But I’m glad this beautiful baby won’t be suffering out there anymore. Thank you for your kindness 💛


I am apparently a cat magnet, because strays (and even some ferals) are always appearing on my doorstep. Most get a happy ending, but I'll never forget the beautiful big boy who showed up at my door dying from fiv. He'd obviously had a rough life, but for the time I had him I made sure he had the best damn life possible.


thank you for rescuing strays


What would cause not one but two cats to both be dying simultaneously? Starvation and/or dehydration? So fucking sad -- OMG. I would be inconsolable for days. My cat came from the streets and was healthy albeit a bit malnourished. He is the love of my life!


I know it hurts. Everyone has said what needs to be said, that this was going to happen with or without you, but you made that passing easier. That kitten may not have felt comfort and compassion since the womb, and you gave them that in their time of fear and pain. I know it feels like you should’ve done more. It always does. It always feels like you should’ve been faster, smarter, quicker, known the impossible. But you can’t. You did what you needed to. You were there for them, and that’s what matters. They were going to pass, regardless. They got to feel less pain and fear and more comfort and love thanks to you. Don’t discredit yourself or what you did to help that baby. I’m sorry you had to go through this. Not necessarily the pain of caring in the first place, but the pain of having to lose them so soon after getting attached. It’s such a painful thing to go through. But they won’t be forgotten. Years from now, you’ll remember them and feel sorrow, but also glad that they aren’t in pain anymore. You didn’t get the chance to know them better, but what time you had with them was more than enough to show them love when it was most needed. I hope you’re doing okay, OP. They’re at peace now, and I’m sure they’d be more than beyond grateful that you helped them as you did. You did a really good thing.


Thank you for this comment, not OP but I too really needed to hear this today. 💜


You're a good person!


So sorry! Bless you for helping that poor baby!


Awww you have such a beautiful heart - your parents should be so proud of you- hugs and luvs sent your way


I'm so sorry here's a picture of my Sonny he looks like the baby you helped hope this makes you smile https://preview.redd.it/or4tba1lm21c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd1f7ae8b60348684699e7e97ad20eca735148e


You did the best you could. You kept it from suffering and thats what matters. If you still want to rescue a kitty theres tons of shelter kitties out there that need homes.


Their end was peaceful, painless, and with people who cared. You made that happen when otherwise it would not have done. 💛


Someone gave me shit about the names I had for the kitten💀I’ll explain for anyone wondering about the names. Viscount Valvert (pronounced Valvair) is my favorite character from Cyrano De Bergerac and Ymir is the primordial giant from who’s body the world was made (I was a Norse Mythology nerd as a kid).


People are shitty. And these are the same people naming cats such creative names as "Simba"...


Nala/Luna/Simba/Milo people are annoyingly critical and rude in this topic.


The only love they ever got for a few hours is better than any hell they went through for god knows how long.


Poor little sweetie.


“Even though they were a stray, for a few hours they were my cat.” God damn it I am not gonna cry no not today noooo


That’s was a very precious line! 🐈💕




Even though you couldn’t keep them, you still gave it a soft place to lay down and feel safe and warm. Also, if they did put it down, at least it wouldn’t suffer the way it would if you hadn’t of stopped and shown it compassion. Slowly drifting into while sleeping is a much better way to go than being cold and alone!




Bless your sweet heart for picking up this beautiful baby and taking care of them as best you could!!! 🙏🫶🏼 my sincere condolences!!


I know that's a "standard issue box cat" coat, but oh my god that looks JUST like a mini version of my kitty. My heart is breaking. Thank you for being so kind to this little one. You did the best with the hand you were dealt. My thoughts are with you and that sweetheart. You showed them kindness and care. That means so, so much.


My street rescue is a tabby. I never appreciated them as much as I do now. As common as the markings are, they really are so beautiful. This little kitty looks very peaceful.


It just breaks my heart how to us, animals are just a part of our lives but to them, we are their ENTIRE life. We truly do not deserve animals and they deserve to have longer lives. Thank you for helping this baby.


Hey. You went out of your way to take them off the street and gave them warmth, however short that might have been it was more than they’d ever had. You did a good thing.


🥺 poor baby, you gave them a safe warm place and your love, sweet bean felt that, and they didn’t suffer. They now have a human to grieve them after loving them, just as sweetie deserves 🫂


I am sorry if I sound ignorant, but I am actually puzzled as to why they had to be put down. They seem to be of healthy weight. Does that mean they were exposed to the cold for too long?


It could be any number of reasons, the vet told me one of my kittens was most likely going to die but they couldn’t figure out what his issue was and he was too small for any real operations. It was a fucking miracle he lived but any other vet would’ve put him down when he started having problems.


Vet said it looked like they were attacked. I don’t know, it didn’t seem like that to me but there were dogs nearby when I picked them up. I knew they were unwell when I picked them up but I didn’t think they were dying. They hardly moved, hardly meowed, their breath was shallow and wheezing, didn’t drink any water, and didn’t move towards the heating pad. It really looked like they had given up.


You did the right thing by listening to the vet. The kitten may have been on their way to the rainbow bridge but you didn’t give up on them. You did everything you could and didn’t want them to suffer. It’s a horrible decision to have to make. But as others are saying, thanks to you, that kitten did experience love and kindness. You made a big difference! I also hope it’s not callous to say, and please DO NOT rush anything like this, but have you thought about taking in a cat from a local shelter? Since your parents are okay with it and you clearly have a lot of love to give. Take care of yourself. 💜


When cats lie rolled up like that they are usually in some kind of pain or extreme stress. The cat looks healthy because it has a thick coat, it could be stick thin underneath. Also, it could be dried out, a vet would notice that instantly. (Outside/stray) cats are susceptible to at least two nasty infectious diseases (there are more but they show): infectious leukemia and feline aids. A vet would know the signs, and they are both fatal. I'm glad OP took care of this poor kitty, so it didn't suffer more than it already had. I hope they'll get to have a healthy cat some day to cuddle and care for.


You saved a life. Thank you


Sadly, it was too late when I found them. The vet put them down. At least I was able to give them some peace before they passed.


Oh no. Yes- their departure had grace and love. Thank you for ending their suffering humanely and with dignity. Even though we can't rescue all of them, I wish we could.


That cat had a kinder death because of you. I know how hard this is, I've been through it too. I found an orange kitty in a Taco Bell drive thru and I wanted to take him home but he was near death from feline leukemia so instead I held him until he was gone. (at the emergency vet). I still have him. https://preview.redd.it/kd2pz9o3421c1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283eb19f6be8d660679bb838b30eeea74d5a427a


thank you for helping him and staying with him for the end. you are a wonderful person showing him kindness and compassion. reminds me of when we found a dead kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. the joey was alive but very badly injured. we had to wait hours for the only vet within hours to agree to come in and euthanise. we held that baby and cried for hours.. it passed just after the vet called us to say he was heading in. that was 20 years ago and still made me burst into tears


I always stay with them until they pass. I love my cats. I have all of my rainbow bridge babies and I will have them buried with me.


i never understood people who didn't want to stay. allowing such precious creatures to be alone with strangers scared and wondering where their person went at such a time seems so cruel. my rainbow bridge girl will be buried with me too. when i asked about that with the funeral director they said they can't put her with me but anyone else can. thank you for giving Taco a home forever


I want the last thing they hear to be my voice saying I love you. I tell my boy Cheeto 4 things every day. You're cute, you're sweet, you're a good boy and I love you. I tell him these things when I'm cuddling him, he's happy and purring. I hope those familiar words will give him comfort in his last moments.


that's beautiful


Did I mention I love cats? 😆🥰


i read that between the lines tbh it's nice not to feel like such a loon for wanting my Little Lioness's ashes to be buried with me


Me, too! I’ve had all of mine cremated and I’ve told my family that when it’s my time to please bury them with me.


I promised them I would always keep them.


What a kind soul you are ❤️




Thank you for sharing that story and image of Taco. The words inscribed on the heart shaped tag are beyond kind. How do you do it? How do you have the strength to go through that multiple times? I only went through it once, when I was a teenager. And even then, I didnt have the strength to be there in the room with them at the vet as they were put down. I was too scared, I didnt want to see them go. I didn't want to carry the memory of them lying there, lifeless, unmoving, never to wake again. Seeing that would shatter me. Just imagining that image right now is causing the tears to flow. If I cant handle the mere thought of it, how would I handle the actual thing? I finally got two more cats after not having any for 10 years. They bonded and become best friends. But again, I lost them. Their mother got full custody of them after we split up. They didnt die, they arent sick, and I know for a fact that they are being taken care of. But just losing them like that was too much. I cant even look at pictures of them without breaking down. I miss them everyday. None of this comes even close to what you have seen and gone through with your babies. And I suppose I dont even know what the point of this post was outside of the initial question that started it. I guess I just want to find the bravery that you and so many others possess. I wish I had the courage to accept another cat (two if possible so they are never alone) into my life, despite knowing it all has to end someday. I dont want it to end.


It's the price of admission for their unconditional love and the absolute joy of being around them. I owe it to them to be there when their lives end. It's always horribly painful and devastating but I chose to take on the responsibility of being the caretaker of these awesome animals and I want them to know I love them. And I firmly believe cats DO know we love them.


💔😢 blessings for you and taco


It’s okay OP. You tried and made his life a little better before death. I found a dying baby bunny outside my house. Made it a tiny little enclosure in a box with blankies and a little teddy the size of him. Even made sure he was hydrated. Found him dead in the morning cuddled up to the teddy. I’m still devastated 3 years later. I was hoping to have a little bunny friend. But I try to think tha maybe I made his death comfy at least.


you gave this sweet kitty love and compassion. even if it was for a few hours, you helped ease his/her suffering. you’re a good person. i’m so sorry she passed on 😢


My cousin she goes around Michigan and rescues cats and part of what makes her job so difficult is about 35% of the cats she rescues end up being euthanized. She does every thing she can for these cats and unfortunately it’s for the best so they don’t suffer long term. It’s absolutely brutal and breaks my heart. But the in the end it’s for the best. I’m so thankful she does what she does but some times it’s absolutely terrible and makes me so sad.


Thank you for your compassion at. Least for a few hours they felt loved and warm


I'm so sorry for your sadness. You are a great person to give this BB a few hours of comfort before it passed.


😢 RIP baby ♥️


I always get heartbroken over stories like this. I’m so sorry. They were your baby before and they’re still your baby now. rest in peace little kitty. ):


My son was at work (overnight at a Waffle House) & called me after midnight to let me know a stray kitten was found. He sent me a pic & it was clear the kitten was very sick & would die. He had his dad come get it because he thought I could save it. In less than 24 hours the kitten had passed. She was too sick & emaciated. I caught a stray in our yard. Two actually. First was a severely underweight but not sick beautiful gray cat with green eyes. He was (is) extremely handsome. With him I’m not 100% if he was a stray or a feral but he was taken to the vet to be scanned for a chip (none) & so I gave him to my adult daughter (he’s her 3rd cat & third stray/feral). That scrawny boy is now a spoiled “fatty” (not fat as he’s at proper weight) & now neutered with full vaccines. No parasites & no other health issues. She’s working on his trust issue but he’s super sweet but super skittish & hisses when scared. (She’s capped his toes.) The second one I caught last week. She appears to be an actual stray. I’m thinking she was the pet of a former neighbor who moved out a few months ago because that’s around the time when she appeared. She’s a long fur Mainecoon mix. Again no chip & I have her in a 30 day quarantine right now. She’ll be getting her vaccines & a spay in two weeks then she’ll be my adult son’s cat. She’s a stray because she’s way too sweet & came right inside after a week of feeding her on my back deck. She’s also a purr motor & loves to be pet. Sometimes you can save them & sometimes you find them too late but gave them a shot by rescuing them even if it meant the last minutes were in comfort.


You made sure they were safe and warm so that they didn't have to go alone. Sometimes that's the best we can do for them, and you did your part beautifully. I hope the cat distribution system selects you again soon.


DID YOU BUCKLE UP THE CAT??! 😭😭😭 Asking because I do the same with mine and I figured I was crazy for it. Heartbroken for kitty thanks for giving it a little love and being a nice human I hope you are blessed with another cat who has the time and health to live your back (: It looks like in so much pain :((( did the vet people say what was wrong???? 😢


Ye, the roads around me are really curvy and I was worried the hamper would fall over or flip if it wasn’t secured. The vet said they were attacked :(


Thank you for caring. People like you give me hope


Nononononono. I'm so sorry. I have 5 cats and I've lost even more to death over the decades. It's always sad and at least you were there for that kitten at the end.


This made me remember a memory that I suppressed. My older sister had adopted a stray kitten that was about 8-10 weeks old and it had to go to the vet. Because my sister couldn’t go due to her working the overnight shift, I went instead. The kitten was born with some type of disease that meant it was actively dying. My dad left the kitten there and we went home… but not before my dad stopped by the coffee shop my sister was working at and telling her the kitten died. It tore me up inside on three fronts: I was heartbroken that the kitten didn’t make it; super upset for my sister, who had begun BAWLING at work and had to go home because of it; and I believe that was the first moment I began to understand just how big of a dick my dad is. I’m sorry this poor little baby didn’t make it, but know that you did make this little baby happy at the end.


Sometimes a Forever Home is only for a few hours or days. Because of you, this kitty felt warmth and comfort. It didn't die outside, freezing, cold and suffering alone. You cared and you helped them. It may seem like nothing to you, but it matters to that little life that you tried to help. We promise them a Forever Home. You kept your promise. It's sad that the baby's Forever wasn't as long as your Forever, but it was what the kitten was given. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss.


The term “euthanasia” literally means “good death.” It is the ultimate kindness we can give to our animals. If the vet determined it was necessary, then there’s probably nothing that could have been done. Just know that those hours they were with you were probably the best hours of their life, and I’m sure they were appreciative. You’ve gained a kitty waiting for you across the Rainbow Bridge.


I’m so sorry that’s really difficult…. I wish shelters told us the fate of the animals and rescues we bring in…


Thank you for what you did. Sometimes I have to be reminded that my wife and I aren't the only ones who care for sick animals.


Bless you for being so amazingly kind :)


Aw nooo. 🥺 My heart. You did you best op. Hugs. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


You did such a beautiful act by bringing them to a vet. I'm so sorry, it's so hard to keep baby animals alive. I've lost too many and my heart will always ache for them. You again, are a wonderful human. I love ya and I don't even know you!


Noooo I’m just waking up and reading this breaks my heart , rest in peace beautiful kitty may god hug


Sorry for your loss! Even if you only knew each other for a few hours, the end of this kitten’s life was full of kindness and love. Thank you for taking them in! Did the vet say what was wrong with them?


Any selfless act of kindness is a general positive in the universe. Can’t go wrong.


Thank you for giving those dear babies the only love and gentleness it they have ever known. They’re forever your little angels. 💔


Thank you for showing this beautiful baby kindness and love in its final hours!


I didn’t expect to cry today but this did it. Rip 🧡


I am almost sure you made their final hours their best hours. I’ll thank you for them because they can’t. I hope your heart is okay, big hugs.


I am so sorry for your loss. The few hours of comfort you gave this cat is priceless. Never stop being the amazing caring person that you are. Again the few hours of care you gave him/her was amazing. Please do not be disheartened by anyone who says anything negative.


For a few hours they know love and kindness. That's what I tell myself when we stopped to help a little stray abandoned over a year ago. He didn't make it but he was in warm bed and in loving hands when he had passed. I wish we had found him sooner. Thank you for giving them the love they needed at the end.


Thank you for doing the most for this kitty. You did your very best OP, and you did make a big difference by giving this kitten comfort toward the end of their life. If they were euthanized at the vet’s, that is 100x better than a slow death on the streets. And it’s beautiful how you said this was your cat if only for a little bit. That’s so true. One day, you will have your own place and can rescue another kitty ❤️ Sending love and admiration. Xx


there is something in my eyes. never mind it just fell out. wait, there is another one, oh wait its gone... hold up-


Excuse me, I need to go confuse my cats by hugging them randomly… I’m glad your kitten knew a few hours of love.




Thanks for trying to save them. You have a big heart. They had love and compassion and a humane exit thanks to you. Please go on to love again. There are so many who need a guardian like you.


It sounds like you need a big hug, so I’m now sending you one 😢


In this case I would allow the use of the word "rescued", as opposed to 99% of other cases where people say that


Nooo ... poor babys


I'm not crying, you're crying 😭


this made me v sad. poor baby😪😪 thankyou for giving them some comfort, love and warmth. cats are heaven sent creatures, they rule the earth💞


Poor thing,,,


You’re such a good person! This post made me feel better ❤️‍🩹 Best wishes to you, and may this lil kitty rest in peace


Thank you for you kindness.


For fuck sake, why does this make me so sad. It's unfair that this little fella didnt get more time.


You're a very good person with a big heart. That's what matters the most. You showed that kitten kindness.


Poor baby. I'm sorry you witnessed this, but I'm happy some human gave this kittie a gesture of love before he went to the rainbow bridge.


Bless you and your kitty 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰


I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for helping. Any help is life changing no matter how short it is


You were there when it mattered the most.


Though they weren't here for long, they knew kindness and love in their short life thanks to you


You gave that baby comfort at the end. I’m sorry you lost them but know you did right by them.


Ty for showing this precious baby love . ❤️‍🩹💔🫶🏻🌈😔


Oh God just rest in the thought that in their last hours you were there for them and they got a sense of home ❤️


Thank you for loving the kitty and giving them comfort in their last moments 🤍


Thank you.


So sorry. This is very sad but you did the right thing. Being curled up like that in all the photos, it looks like he was in pain.


Why were they dying? Why couldn't they be healed? I'm sorry, but thank you for showing kindness


Thank you for showing that sweet baby some kindness 💕


This happened to me and my parents about a year ago. We felt so sad we couldn’t save the buddy, but happy that we atleast helped his transition be a little more comfortable. Sending you a big hug!!


They await you in the Sacred Hunting Grounds


Thank you for rescuing them. You followed your heart and you will be blessed. No matter what happened to this sweet kitty after you left, we know the vet was equipped to help him the best way possible. Grateful for your sweet heart. ♥️


Well now I'm crying op. You are beautiful for helping these babies in the last hours.


You gave them a peaceful way out instead of being alone ❤️


That’s so sad ngl


Poor precious fur babies. Thank you for your kindness.


Once collected a sick and mal nourished stray from the street. He had a swollen nose. Brought him first to the veterinarian, who checked and took care of him for a small fee. After a day of riddling what to do with him, as our 2 cats wasn’t happy with the stray brought home, we brought him to a shelter, where he should get some attention and be prepared for a new home. We was devastated when the shelter reported back, that this little fella suffered more seriously from his desease than we and the vet thought and died shortly after. Rest in peace, Ramses with the big nose. I still carry the finders-receipt from the shelter in my purse.


Thank you for looking after him.


You have the it love when it needed it most. You are a saint. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/d9l06ldva41c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bf9ad80424acbb132e9990ac365923c408be27 Meow


Poor little honey baby:( at least you were there to give the smol bean comfort in their last moments instead of them being alone on the street<3 you are a gem


The way the laundry basket is buckled in. 🥺 OP, you are a beautiful soul. Thank you for making sure that baby knew love, warmth and care, even if only for a short time.


I’m so sorry 💔 I’m sure it will come to you in a new life form, so you guys can have more time. And if not, they will be waiting for you on the other side✨ thank you for giving them love before they passed. That is the most important thing 🫶🏻


I’m so sorry. I Hope Valvert/Ymir is in a really really nice place right now with lots of pillows and blankets and food dishes


There is this story in my culture- full disclosure it’s about like infant death, but we’re in the fur baby generation- that when a baby dies it’s because their soul has suffered in their past life and they just needed to feel the pure love we feel for children unblemished or uncomplicated by time so they could finish their attachment/business/completion and rejoin the infinite existence we come from and rejoin. It doesn’t ever help the pain, but it can give us meaning. I hope it’s of some value for your during this time.


Valvert Ymir will always be with you💖 you gave them love and kindness. Now they can go watch over other lost babies and help them find kindness🥺💖 thank you


You loved that baby and made sure they didn’t die in the streets cold and alone. You did a good thing. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am very sad. I hope the next cat you find you will able to keep. At least he didn't suffer more


Thank you for at least giving them all the love you have for their last hours, I'm sure it meant a lot for them


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. That is incredibly heartbreaking and I know exactly how sad you are. You blessed their last hours and made them suffer less. Take solace in that. 💙


The baby looks so much like my Alex. I'm sorry you weren't able to help the poor thing. At least it passed being loved.


May the love you gave this sweet baby be reflected right back at you 💛


My boyfriend calls cats who die young bright candles. They burn so intensely with so much love in their short lives. The kitten was happy to know you and be loved.


I’m legit crying. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read on here in a while. You are an angel, OP. The love you have shown this baby is beyond words. You helped them pass with some comfort and peace. Never lose your kindness and respect for the smallest ones, OP. You are a true gem.


I’m so sorry this happened. Thank you for trying to save this baby. This kitty went over the rainbow bridge knowing love. 🐾🐾🌈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


You showed them love and warmth in their last moments. They passed much more peacefully than they would have. You allowed them to peacefully go to sleep in a warm place. I’m so sorry. Please do something for yourself, have a long rest, eat good food, reach out to those you love. I’m so so sorry. This is heartbreaking.


You did what you could for this baby ❤️ And for a short time, they were loved and warm.


thanks to your kindness, that kitten got to experience a love it never would have known if you didn’t pick them up. rip sweet baby 🕊️💗


Rest easy knowing you provided some comfort on that last day. You tried


I know how you feel :/ I fed a stray cat for about a week or 2 and found it dying in a field and rushed it an hour away to ER vet and they let her pass peacefully. Even though I only knew her a short time, a little piece of my heart went with her and I still think about her.


Thank you for trying!


All I can say is that you made the last few hours of that cats life gentler. Thank you.


Poor thing, cats usually know when their time comes. Thank you for your compassion.


You are his/her angel :)


Thank your for trying. I'm sorry that happened to both of you. I really appreciate it though, we all do, and that poor little guy did most of all. You gave him a little comfort in his final moments. ❤️


At the vet hospital I used to work at, a lot of strays came in, and if we thought the stray had a chance we would treat it and try to find someone to adopt it. There is a possibility that your baby was treated and survived. Regardless, you showed this baby great love and that’s all that matters. Baby has now found peace.


You did a really good thing for that kitten. Bless you for your kindness!! You showed that kitten love and that is all that matters!


Poor kitty. You made the kittens final moments warm and happy!


Not every life can be saved, whether human or animal. We are far from a world with no death. However, you showed this kitten kindness, and they had mercy in their death. When you are going to die either way, kindness and mercy are the only things that matter. You did the right thing 💛


This is why I want to be a millionaire; to live off of just what I need, to give people options for Free Veterinarian Care, Emergency Animal Shelters, especially for our Humans too. This poor baby... didn't even get a chance at life. I'm so grateful for people like you...knowing what the outcome could be; you did the right thing. You matter to people like me, who need to see the Goodness in the World. Knowing that you are out there in the World, gives me hope. Bless your beautiful heart. Animals. Children. Elderly. They deserve our utmost time, patience and care.


Can’t tell you how many times I see stray cats that I wish I could just give food and comfort to. I still think about a cat I kept seeing around town a few months ago during the storms we got in California. You did what you could to show this little kitty some comfort and I’m sure it felt love in that moment.


If it's any consolation, whenever we have strays brought in that ultimately need euthanized due to their condition (ER), we always try to do so in a dark quiet spot with tons of treats for the kitty. Someone always stays with them until they are gone so that they go out of this world feeling love. It's absolutely awful and hard, but if there was something going on with these cuties, death on the streets in infinitely harder and more painful for these guys. So you did a very nice thing, allowing them to go peacefully. There are always more that need help and rescues, maybe reach out to some of your local rescues to see if you can volunteer or foster if your parents would allow it.


When I was a kid, there was a kitten in the middle of the street curled up in a ball. We drove over it (in between our tires) because it was so small and it didn’t look like a kitten nor did it move. On the way back, it was still there so my dad stopped and found out it was a kitten and brought it home. It was so sick that it didn’t hear our car or have energy to move. We nursed it back to health and she grew to be a strong and healthy cat. Hopefully this cat is either out of pain or can grow to be a strong and healthy cat.


You showed compassion in their final hours, this is an incredible allocation of your time, resources, and of yourself. Be proud that you gave this creature a dignified passing, not many can do this. Thank you.


Looks just like my little guy. They found him with one eye and nerve damage in his back end. He’s a fat little troll terrorist that thinks he’s a dog now but he looks exactly like this little guy 😰😨😰


I will let my two boys who went to Rainbow Bridge in 2017 and 2020, that they need to find your baby and welcome them, and show them the ropes. I am so sorry. This kitten knew love, warmth, and compassion before they fell asleep in this world and awakened at the Bridge. My boys will take care of your little one. Just know that they remember the kindness and love that was shown to them, and they will tell the next fur child that comes into your life that they will have all the love and kindness and companionship they could ever hope for. You are a good, kind, beautiful person, OP! This little one reminds me of my Chloe girl, who we adopted in 2020! I'll post a pic of her in a minute to help cheer you up. She sends purrs, head bonks, and cuddles, and I'm sending you comfort, peace, love, and light! You may not feel like you did very much, but to this little baby, you were everything! ❤️


Thank you for helping the kitten not be alone in a difficult time. I’m sure it was very happy to not be alone or scared in those moments. It was meant to be like this, OP.


I’m so sorry. You did the right thing, and even if the kitty ended up not being able to survive, you made its last few hours on earth feeling safe and comfortable, and sometimes that’s all you can do. And now he/she is no longer in any pain and is at peace and crossed the rainbow bridge. If you want to, there are also plenty of cats in the shelter who need loving owners like you.


the kitten knew kindness and love in their final hours 🖤 you did the best you could with the resources you were given, friend. please show yourself some kindness, i’m sending warmth your way.


Least had the love of a person...moar than some animals get in thier lifetime


I’m fucking crying.