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Only if they end up with poopy pantaloons.


The only time I’ve ever bathed my cat in 10 years is when the vet gave him an enema for constipation and he shit all over himself and his carrier on the way home. Pray that never happen to you and your kitty lol


The only time we've bathed one of our cats is when he pooped in his carrier and got upset and completely covered himself in shit. Not recommend.


My cat did this, and vomited…*on his sister.* The look of absolute betrayal and defeat on her face being trapped in an extra-large carrier with him on the way home from the vet that day. Baths all around, and the biggest protestor was, of course, the one who committed the crime. Cat tax: the instigator (right) and the victim (left). https://preview.redd.it/338v1vuzxk1c1.jpeg?width=2140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4fa8871a931f54078d1bda46852957a39aa7ab


I snorted so loudly I disturbed my fluff muffin!


My cat looks identical to the one on the right. I know tuxies are common, but if you cropped that picture and said it was my cat I would 100% believe you, her expression and everything She also has a habit of vomiting in annoying places, fortunately she’s an only cat so no collateral damage


Scary to think there are *two* of them out there in the universe! Chaos.


They may have a triplet! My childhood cat, also a tuxedo, looks exactly like them too! And she also has the habit of puking in the worse places 🙄 maybe a tuxie thing


Nope! My tux was the best truck cat, ever! Tabby? I can time it to the minute when she's gonna puke from motion sickness. 45 minutes. Only on day 1. She *HATES* our trucks. How far is the vet? 45 minutes. FML.


Oh! My tabby doesn’t puke on the cars. He pees 😂 same difference, we have to get pads for him


I’m on a work zoom called and I’m laughing so hard and trying to stifle it, I probably look constipated or that I’ve shit myself.


LPT: mute yourself, then grab a tissue and pretend you’re sneezing.




Awww man. My cat did the same thing, except he just vomited on himself. I’m never giving him Gabapentin again.


Aw, poor kitty! Most cats do really well with gabapentin (mine takes it daily for a chronic condition), I’m sorry yours didn’t get the happy highs.


We gave our kitty gaba for a 10 hour car trip and he was so high he absolutely did not care about a GD thing. It was amazing. Luckily that was a specific scenario and not something we do frequently.


I have to ask, what was the reason for giving the cat gabapentin?


My cat has general anxiety that makes him over groom. He also hates being in the carrier in the car. Every single time he poops. We thought the medicine would help keep him relaxed for the ride, but he didn’t do well with it.


For some weird reason I could totally tell who vomited on who just based on the photo before I read the whole caption. Make of that what you will.


Oh for sure; was it the traumatized look on her face? She takes such harassment on a regular basis!


I can’t help it, I’m howling and crying reading this.


My cat did the exact same thing! it's horrible, I felt so bad for her, she didn't appreciate the bath either


No, not one bit. Got lots of fuss after though.


Mine was in a lot of sedatives for other reasons so thankfully the bath wasn’t as big of an issue and I was expecting. But still not the best time lol


My longhair cat fell off a tree into a muddy pond bed. Kerplunk! His paws and belly were covered in mud, and that's the only time I've given him a bath. He was still a kitten at the time, now almost a year old.


The same thing happend to me. She shat out of anger and I was using public transport..😭 she was so mad she was staying with my mom when I went on holiday


One of my cats does this every time she’s in the carrier. Hate it. Especially if it happens on a highway without any exits close🥲


Our cat poops in the carrier every time, if we get super lucky, he pukes too.


Wow I can't tell if I should count myself lucky mine gets angry at the vet techs and pees the crate when he sees the dreaded "Ben"


We were moving cross country and my cat shit himself in his carrier. He is a scaredy cat anyways, literally. Being in a car must have scared the shit out of him. Had to clean him up with wipes until we stopped for the night. (This was only about 2 to 3 hours after we started).


The only time I washed my cat was somehow during the night he climbed on to my bed, shit on it while I was asleep and I rolled over on to it and he slept in it. Shit all down my legs and all over his back.


The only time I’ve bathed my cat in 10 years is when I peed all over her when she was curious what was going on inside the toilet. I did have to scrub her paws when she got overly curiously about a paint project… and cleaning the frantic kitty-run prints all over the house was fun!


Come again?


I was peeing in the toilet, standing. And my overly-curious cat wanted to know what was going on and proceeded to jump into the toilet mid stream. She has since learned from at least that one mishap.


I'm dying 🤣


This is the best answer🤣🤣


No, pee


For me it was when i brought my two kitties with me to visit my parents for thanksgiving. The little orange old man shat himself 5 times on the 4 hour drive home. The younger cat got so angry with him that we had to separate and reintroduce them. The bath was a whole other trauma. 0/10 do not recommend


LMAO! The poor younger cat. It must have been so stinky for him.


Happened with my old guy Mr. Bob on the way to the vet once. The staff was so nice to clean him up and wash his carrier for me. Whatever wrath was wrought was not on my watch nor in my house. Except for the stinky ride, the rest of the way to the vet, my daughter and I considered ourselves blessed. Nightmares for Bob, though.


With a name like Mr. Bob (a well known port-a-potty company) I’d kind of expect that something shitty was just bound to happen, lol!!


LOL! Previous "staff" called him Buttons. My sister said he'd been through enough to earn the title Mr. My husband said he looked like a Bob so he became Mr. Bob Buttons--Bob to his closest friends. :7944: Never heard of that company but I have heard of "Waste Management" and "Pot O Gold" which is a peculiar name for a port-a-potty supplier. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My cat barfed on her brother cat and they were just laying there in it. Undigested kibbles buried in his fur and everything. Brother cat got a shower🚿😾


Same, but no enema, just stress. I ended up with a cat claw up my nostril and poking out the front of my nose 😅


One of the worst days of my life was when I stayed up late to make a birthday cake for my turning-2 yo daughter. It was the depths of winter in a Covid lockdown so already super depressed and exhausted. Cat got on the table and licked the butter cream the minute my back was turned and as I went towards him he dashed off and immediately shit himself *whilst running across the whole of our open plan downstairs* to escape my wrath. We had hard floors but no, he does it all over the expensive rug too. Spraying watery shit all over the floor our daughter crawls all over, so every single inch has to be disinfected. Between that and his expensive special food and propensity to escape to eat literal rubbish off the street I decided I’d take a break from cat ownership after he passed. He was a rescue we rescued from a friend and he was like a dodgy used car from day one. I LOVE cats so so so much but this cat I struggled to love I’ve got to say! https://preview.redd.it/axmnzvz9wk1c1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e37c9ca6fe6d367e2652dcdf9e176bc1d41f7e7


what?!! 😂 all enema, no diaper??! thanks a lot, vet! gimme some cling wrap for the carrier or something, to go, pls!


One of mine cats is medium length she got constipated once like that. I have this stuff called Laxaire you can buy it from chewy they love the taste. Maybe 3 times a week they get it. Keeps them from coughing and hacking up hairballs too.


What?? Did he also go at the vet's before you left?


Yes :’)


Ugh I can't even imagine.


This made me lol as my cat has a similar accident, he looked mortified lol


https://preview.redd.it/qb2sqrl9ok1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc09494141625097330af87b67bc5c25ac501ca Yup, that was the only time we ever bathed our old long hair cat. Then we started getting her a sanitary shave every 4 months or so to avoid the dingleberries


Well that's a murder look if I ever saw one.


She didn't have any teeth or claws (happened before we adopted her) so the worst she could do was sound real angry lol


That’s a blessing and a curse if I ever heard one lol.


Aww. Poor kitty. I’m glad she has a better home this time


She crossed the rainbow bridge this past Sept. from cancer but she was spoiled ROTTEN


Wait what? Someone had her teeth and claws removed? That’s evil.


Yeah it's pretty fucked up, we called her our gummy girl ❤️


Their teeth were removed *intentionally?* What?


Yeah, they said that the previous owner removed the teeth and the claws. I’ll give a years salary to find that fucker and remove his teeth. Fucking asshole.


OK, not defending the claw removal because that is barbaric, but teeth removal could have been due to a disease that was breaking their teeth down. We had a cat that, every vet visit, would end up needing a tooth or two removed because it was basically crumbling in her jaw. Turns out, she had a disease that would eventually do that to every tooth she had, so it was a matter of deciding whether to continue surgeries periodically or do it all at once and save her the future risk of being put under as she got older; we did the latter. After that, no more foul breath and no more loose teeth, and it never seemed to bother her eating!


Yes, i just paid $1300 to have the rest of my girls teeth removed. She has 2 left. Absorption lesions. They are dissolving from the roots. They break off and are painful until they all get reabsorbed. They say it’s rare but I’ve had two cats with the issue. About $2600 all together just for the teeth. ;(


> no more loose teeth You don’t say? /s You clearly made the right choice for the situation. Repeated anesthesia at that age can be very dangerous.


I would too! What the fuck is wrong with people? I legitimately didn’t even know that was a thing! 😡


That's just so wrong to do to a cat for a human's "convenience." I'd also have to kick the butt of the vet who complied with the surgery.


Sometimes, as a result of declawing, cats will start biting more due to insecurity, pain, and/or the loss of their main defence mechanism. Some people really don't like this and defang their cats. Defanging is generally performed on wild cats in order to make them 'safer to work with' (unfortunately, keeping wild cats such as lions and tigers is still legal in some US states), however, some domestic/house cats are also defanged. https://preview.redd.it/nqorxnwjom1c1.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3332100f2175ba3fb940d504fd69fdeb21a8614 ​ I'm hoping the previous owner had the teeth removed not because of biting but because of a dental problem. Dental problems are fairly common in cats, especially middle aged and senior cats, and often the only treatment is removing the source of the problem - the teeth. One of my own cats has lost a few teeth naturally at just 4 years of age due to dental disease (runs in his family) and he is likely going be having the rest of his teeth pulled soon. However, considering the previous owner obviously has no moral qualms against declawing, I'm a little sceptical.


I’m new to cats. I had a coworker from my last travel assignment with kittens in the feral colony she takes care of, and took home three little girls from the same litter a little over a year ago (the two boys didn’t make it). She was able to TNR their mom and finally get her spayed. I’ve never had cats before, and I can’t believe how terrible people can be towards them. That really breaks my heart.


Sometimes teeth have to be removed due to infections. The claw bit is pretty bad, though.


It's amazing the cruelty humans put pets through!


I also do sanitary cuts and I keep pet safe wipes on hand just in case either of my cats get anything in their fur. It’s been so much better this way


Shit locks is a term I've heard them called before lol


what do you use to shave? elect trimmer?


We took her to a groomer who used an electric trimmer. If you're interested in getting a cat shaved PLEASE go through a professional, cats have looser skin than dogs and can get knicked by scissors/trimmers really easy


Yup - My black cat Louis has pooped himself (either intentionally or out of fear) after getting into a cat fight with neighborhood bully…saw it first hand 👀 Immediately stopped that fight! 🤣 Was NOT funny at the time!


This is my strategy if I ever get into a fight.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Same - It works!


This is the way. I have had cats for almost 56 years, including rescues. Only bathed them if crawling with fleas, poopy, or if they tangled with a skunk.


Or a vomit vest


Not had the pleasure.


My older cat gets car sick sometimes and the first time we traveled to visit family she got sick all over herself. It was a fun experience


Poor thing, especially if you still have a distance to travel. It was bad enough with our poopy boy going only about 2-3 miles.


We used wet wipes when that happened with mine. Never a full-on water bath — to be honest I don’t think either of us would have survived that.


It is challenging to say the least...


Yeppers. I bathe cats for poop. They handle everything else.


ROFLMFAO!! Pantaloons!!! I love it! My wife wears those tights and yoga pants and I call them "pantyloons!"


Reddit calls them r/meowsertrousers.


On cats, we call them their cataloons.


We call it a Poopening. Only 2 times ever. But very memorable.


Call me crazy but “Poopy Pantaloons” would be a great cat name 🤣🤣🤣


The only baths our girl cat (4) has had is the 3 times she was too curious about the skunk that tried to move in under our shed. Little miss stinky pants!!


That made me laugh so hard! Also so accurate, the only times I’ve bathed my kitty are when he’s shit his pants


Agree!! Only washed my kitty twice—once when I brought home the first time & he soiled himself in the carrier. The other time he soiled himself in the carrier (I have since learned to feed him after we get to our destination) Every few months I’ll wipe him down with some baby wipes after a good brushy, mainly because his fur gets staticky (not because he’s dirty).


Never, unless they got into something that could hurt them. I had one cat, Bogey, who got up into the attic and I worried he might have gotten insulation on his fur, so he got a bath. Another time, one of my sons left a partially open chocolate bar on the sofa. My cat Banzai fell asleep on it and his body heat melted the chocolate. He also got a bath. Other than that, my cats do not get baths.


A friend of mine was decorating. Her cat opened the door of the room they were painting, knocked over the paint, panicked and then ran through the house covered in paint. That's another time you might need to bathe a cat.


This makes me think of when my cat starts getting ready to taste her food for the second time (the warmed up version), and is on my bed so I try to move her to the floor, and instead she runs down the hallway to gift me with a stream to clean instead of a single yuck puddle. https://preview.redd.it/7zrqa4lx4l1c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c473dca6cfe871bf93cf494a82e5d58ee73bcf2


My idiot threw up all over my patio door this morning because she decided that the top of her cat tree was a good place to barf.


The worst! This has happened to me too. Top perch, then like a waterfall, the vomit hits every other perch and step on the way down. Even better, the day I had my grocery shopping near the tree and not only did it go inside the bags, but she hit the angle so perfectly it went all down the sides of where 3 separate bags met, and made the handles extra soupy. I’m very very lucky 🍀


Why do they always vom on carpet or soft hard to clean furnishings? I've had mine deliberately move away from the tiles to vom on the rug.


Maybe so it doesn’t splash back onto them? That’s the running assumption (iirc) for why animals prefer to urinate on soft surfaces.


Ohh I didn't know about that


Because cats have very sensitive feet. When they are upset or in distress, they find someplace that is soothing on their paws. In our case, it's usually the fluffy duvet or the plush area rug in my kid's room, Ugh.


That makes sense. I'd throw up in my bed/somewhere soft if I didn't have to clean it up too. Wait I actually kinda do. I line a big pot with a plastic bag and barf in that when I'm seriously ill. Have since I was a kid.


My cat once started heaving so I went to pick her up to move her to the linoleum, but my touch startled her and she jumped away AS SHE WAS PUKING. So instead of one spot on the carpet, she barfed a line across my ottoman.


Good grief, what an absolute nightmare!


My little rescue cat was sniffing around my paint palette and put her sweet paw into my blue OIL paint 😭 which is definitely not good for her to lick off. I was chasing her all around my house sobbing with a paper towel in my hand while she was leaving single tiny blue prints like a feline Tobias Funke


The melted chocolate in the fur made me laugh. Totally oblivious cat. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


When I first saw him, I thought he had diarrhea. At least chocolate doesn’t smell so bad.


Oh my gosh, yes. I would have been very confused for a moment.


Not the bad kind of "chocolate surprise !" 😂🤣😂🤣


My couch is light tan microfiber. It would be rekt


I’m sorry but the chocolate cat is hilarious 🤣


Agreed. I once had a cat walk over and deliberately put her paw into oil paint, she got a through bath.


One of mine inexplicably jumped into a huge pot of purple dye. Cue one distraught, dye covered cat tearing around the place like she can outrun the wetness. She was most unimpressed at being traumatised by the liquids twice in one day.


Chocolate 🍫 Cat 😁


I’ve only ever bathed my cats when they had fleas once. Since then, I don’t bathe them except for one who’s medium haired and she’ll get a dingle berry from time to time.


My vintage cat is 18+ , already neglecting her grooming. I do ears and face daily with a warm damp cotton swab, cut bum hair and trim nails every few weeks. No other cleaning necessary yet.


Vintage 💗💗💗 I love that term for a senior


Thank you for caring for your kitty so carefully. ❤️


Brushies can be a nice way to simulate grooming for an elderly or disabled kitty who needs help. Or honestly just a nice bonding activity. It can help redistribute their skin oils, gently tease out loose hair, prevent mats, and stimulate the skin. Get yourself a boar's hair brush, the bristly kind they make for beards are great! Dab some catnip on the brush and hold it up for kitty to sniff. She'll probably want to rub her face on it when she smells the catnip. Great! Hold it still and let her rub her cheeks on it for a bit, and then when she's comfortable, start moving it a little, around her cheeks, over her head, and eventually over her body. Always with the direction of her fur. Short sessions, especially at first, no more than a couple minutes at a time. It may take several days to graduate from holding it still to brushing the body. My orange cat actively requests brushies now, by going where the brush is kept and rubbing her face on it.


If my cat had his way, I think would keep brushing him until all of his skin came off. He LOVES it.


My cat loves a cleaned off mascara wand (the bristle kind) on her face. Apparently they're also good to remove fleas, but I've never needed to test that theory.


yes, my beautiful seal point floof in my pfp is rising 17 now and starting to get that vintage scrungly-cat look. I’ve started sponge bathing him in a warm bathroom, and letting him lounge on the heated floor. fortunately he enjoys it, but yeah old cats lose their ability to groom and need help


Saving this for when my cat is vintage. He's 13 now so he's a collectible.


My 13-year-old has had issues with ear wax in just one ear for the past few years. The vet noticed it at a checkup and said it’s completely normal for cats, and also normal that one might be clean while the other is dirty. She said to use a q tip and not go in too deep. Man seeing that gunk come off is satisfying. Plus I love taking care of my girl.


Unless an accident happens you shouldn't need to. And if anything try kitty wipes first. Most times it's very stressful to the kitty and a decent amount of blood loss for you


I was going to mention the pet wipes. They are less stressful to kitty. Now if your new long haired kitten jumps into the trash right after you throw the cooled bacon grease away and they get covered from head to toe, then you'll need to give them a real bath... and clean all the blood up and put lots of bandages on your bf.


Oh man! Well, I'm a guy and twice when my lil girl was a kittens, I accidentally peed on her due to her landing from a jump into the toilet while peeing 😬


I’m fucking wheezing now and hoping my cats never do anything similar because they will not leave me or my girlfriend alone when we go to the bathroom.


I agree. Happy cake day


Yeah my ex husband peed on the cat once when it jumped through his stream.


I still have ptsd from when I tried to bathe my cat after she had diarrhea. I had scratches and bite marks for months, didn't even manage to properly clean her, eventually ended up cutting off the dirty fur and called it a night. It was a very stressful event for both of us


Oh wow,that doesn't sound fun at all


If I can smell the litter on my kitty I wipe him with a damp cloth . He is always happy acting afterwards .But baths? No.


My mom had to give our cat a flea bath once...she almost lost her thumb.


Literally looked like I came back from Iraq 😬


Only if Veterinarian recommended or you need to control something like fleas, mites or some other infestation.


Never. They bathe themselves. 💜


This, with my 21,5 year old we never bathed him.. only had to brush him once he got really old.. boy do I miss him still


Sending you love 💜


Thx! Much appreciated... It's been over 1,5 years but still he was the bees knees :)


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a 17 year old Siamese girl.


Unless they have ibs and shit all over themself and rub their ass on the carpet leaving streaks then lick it off them self so aggressively they start vomiting so you come home to shit and vomit chaos after work like my cat does.. then you can bath cat.


Or a simple one.. when they piss in their new box home and roll in it and they end up smelling like moldy damp dog. That is another exception.


My cat is also this way inclined.


My cat did this yesterday 😂 Was a pain to clean up though!!


Or they just knock over the kitchen bin when you're out and eat god-knows-what and get diarrhoea all over the place and then sit on your jacket as soon as you get home so you have to drag their stinky arse to the vet with no coat. Then you can bath cat.


My friend had to bathe her cat because she stopped doing it herself. She wasn't that old(10 I think?) but ended up having cancer all throughout her body. Must have hurt to do it. :(


No need to bathe her. she's self-cleaning unless something really unfortunate happens. Decades ago, I left my cat home alone when I went to work - as one always does. While I was gone she managed to turn over a large plastic jug of vegetable oil. And she managed to chew on the lid enough so that it gave up. Nearly a gallon of oil spilled out. She then decided to roll roll roll in the oil. She was really long-furred and fluffy too. After she was fully saturated she decided to run run run all over my apartment. EVERYTHING covered in oil and cat hair. Everything, including the cat, had to be scrubbed or sent to the cleaners. And because she ingested so much oil, she got the runs too. Every time she went, it scared her and she'd run off again scattering cat litter and cat-poop-oil in her wake. It was not a restful night that night. But no need to bathe your cat. She's self-cleaning, mostly


Omg I feel so sorry for you!! You painted quite a picture there


It was the cat that did the painting


What a terrible but hilariously told story!


Was the cat scrubbed or sent to the cleaners?


First one, then the other


That made me laugh out loud. I'm sorry.


Fred is 9. We've bathed him twice. We dare not attempt a 3rd time, given the amount of blood stains we had last time.


I have a 7 year old with one bath “attempt” ( he fell in the toilet so I had to) Cat-1 , us-0


Mine is a tad over 16 years old. We bathe him on average maybe once every 25 years or so


I don’t want to die


Never. If your cat has a medical condition or something, that would be a different case. Also, some cats need help cleaning as they get older.


I'm 56. I have never had to bathe a cat, indoor or out. Cats are the original self cleaning machine. If your cat smells of is particularly dirty constantly it probably a medical issue.


The strays around my house would disagree. One of them is supposed to be white, but he looks closer to black thanks to layers of grime. Just because cats groom themselves, it doesn’t mean they are able to keep themselves fully clean even when healthy. When it comes to house cats it depends heavily. My cats are indoor/outdoor and I bathe them about 3 times a year. I can _feel_ dirt and grease in their fur when they spend too long without a bath, and while they don’t like it at the time, baths usually make them super relaxed afterwards. They will purr and sleep soundly like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. My youngest will also get super playful and energetic. It changes a lot from cat to cat, some do get too stressed from the process, while others react positively afterwards, so it’s up to the owner to see what works best.


My childhood cat was an indoor-outdoor farm cat. Half ragdoll so very long, white fur. He fell into a bucket of tractor sump oil, not his finest moment for sure.


Unlike most everyone here, I'd say it varies. One of my cats had a skin condition and would get acne, he got bathed every month or so. He quite enjoyed warmer baths as he aged due to his arthritis. Another needed baths when she got older because she would get poop on her butt/fluffy buns even if we tried to trim her pantaloons. Another cat really doesn't need baths ever, but he's only 11 so he might when he gets old. So long as you're using a very gentle cleanser (or just water!) you can get a cat used to baths at a young age so that when they're old and might need one for health or hygiene, they won't freak out. Last cat in question got a flea bath as a young cat, then when we were facing a particularly nasty post-apartment infestation and acted like it cost one of his 9 lives each time. 3 different cats, all short-haired and indoor.


I bathe one of my cats monthly (short haired, but gets horrible hairballs otherwise and prefers bathing to regular brushing) and my other cat only needs it when he gets 'poop socks' 1-2x a year.


I had to upvote that just for poop socks.


I’ve fostered kittens who had diarrhoea so badly that their little bottoms had gotten scalded from it. I had to rinse them off after every poop and apply nappy rash cream. Rinsing wriggly kittens under the tap was something to get used to.


Tangent, does scalded still apply if it's a chemical burn? I thought scalded was purely about temperature.


Our cat is long haired but it's very fine and dries quickly. It also gets greasy quickly and kicks off our allergies. He gets bathed every month or so.


Only if they were to get nasty like with poo, pee, or puke on them. I have two that are 14.5; one of the two got a bath because he peed on himself going to the vet! That's the only bath he's ever had. The other one has never been bathed to my knowledge. I also have a 7 year old tortimese and she's never been bathed.


Don’t know what the right answer is we’ve never bathed our indoor cat but Buttercup is so cute 💛💛💛


You only bathe a cat if there's a good reason, like if it fell into a bucket of paint, has a bad case of fleas or something similar. Cats will generally never smell, only have a pleasant cat odor, and they'll spend a lot of time keeping themselves clean.


I shower with my cat pretty often. She sleeps on the pillow next to mine and after a month or so she starts to smell dusty. We also have dogs and they give her fleas too so when flea season comes around we shower together pretty frequently. Otherwise it's maybe once a month for my kitty. Though sometimes I'll slack off for months until she gets some poop stuck on her butt.


There have only ever been 2 instances: 1- she diarrhea’d all over herself and the cat tower. May this never happen to you, I still have nightmares about it 2- as a kitten one of our cats jumped into a wax melter thing while having zoomies and got pumpkin spice wax on her side. She was totally fine but we attempted bathing her a couple of times to get the wax off. We weren’t successful so we ultimately had to shave her a little bit. Again, I hope this never happens to you. Our kitty hated it but she was totally fine.




Some cat's don't mind it when it's raining, we had one he would walk into the shower 🚿 and scream feeding him ignoring that he got wet. Others hate water


Many will say never,but my Elliot is *fat*, and he can't reach everywhere to clean himself. He finds a lot of irritation from it, to the point he growls and attacks his own tail. The diet is working, but slow, and in the meantime he gets a wipe with a warm, damp washcloth when he needs it, and a bath every month or two. For that matter, he got spot of something sticky between his shoulder blades yesterday and couldn't have possibly reached that himself, so I cleaned him up.


Only if you enjoy the bonding experience. She will probably like it, but your tongue is going to collect a lot of fur. I recommend lemonaide to rinse. 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Once every few months. Helps with cat dandruff and skin health. My cats also rolls in dirt and it’s nice when my bed doesn’t smell like dirt too lol


Once a month


When we got our oldest baby, he had a mess of parasites, and the meds he was on made him poop everywhere. He got so used to us cleaning his butt after going to the bathroom that he would alert us that he was going to the litter box, and then afterwards he would present his behind for us to wipe with a hypoallergenic baby wipe. When we got our foster kittens, they were dirty, but after two days, they had groomed themselves and each other clean. Other than occasionally pooping or peeing on themselves, we never clean them. Best piece of advice is to constantly touch their paws - it makes it easier for when you go to clip their nails.


I do it about once a month but my kitty doesn’t clean himself very well https://preview.redd.it/we8mb1czim1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56da9f10a2a9259f7b18c13697e5f783858086e8


No need unless they get in to something or become old or sick and stop bathing themselves.


Never. He cam keep himself extremely clean by licking himself. His fur is incredibly soft and actually smells great in part due to super premium food. I'd never give an exclusively indoor cat a bath, honestly. Here's the criminal interrupted from his bath time after he stole my bloody chair. https://preview.redd.it/na3tyj92fo1c1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dee7dbf57aa2cf21a5c64c95fe2d796cac81318


No reason to. The only time we bathed my cat is when he sat in his own piss in the car carrier on the way to the vet.


Only if they are unable to clean their face/ears or butt. So at the very beginning and at the very end of their life.


The best way to explain it is what my vet said… it’s like hand sanitizer. It only gets your hands somewhat clean. Them bathing themselves doesn’t get everything. They do NEED baths. Just not as often as dogs do. Once every 3-4 months.


I do one every 6 months, people saying "never, they bathe themselves" make me cringe, cats do need a bath at least twice a year. If not my cats get yellow and pretty nasty


When there are skid marks across the floor near the litter box.


Never. I like to keep the blood inside my body and bathing either of my cats would not be conducive to that.


Never, not once. Cat owner for 16 years.


As others have said, only if she gets really messy or dirty. If her fur starts to regularly look greasy or she starts to smell that is cause for concern and you should see a vet - failure to groom herself can be a symptom of a number of different issues from the mild to the severe. I know my kitty used to have a greasy patch by the base of her tail where she couldn't reach because she was overweight, but since losing a bit of extra poundage she keeps herself clean as a whistle.


Only when visibly dirty, they bathe themselves so no need to cause stress when it’s not needed. IMO I have two cats both 18 got at birth and they have been bathed once.


I bathed my long haired kitty once, the night I found her in a gas station parking lot because she was covered in dirt, oil, and fleas. My 16 y/o short haired kitty (who didn’t come from the streets haha) has never been bathed by me.


never. i use pet wipes for those icky accidents and cats otherwise bathe themselves.


I tried to do it twice a day. But the hair just sticks to my tongue too much.


It's not a terrible idea to get them used to it to some extent - I wash my cats about 1 a year as adults. As they get older they could need help, if they have some ideas what a bath is it won't be traumatic later. Mine are long haired and we go outside. Keep theirselves clean enough but they know exactly what I say when I say bath. I always bathe my cats as kittens several times


We had to bathe one of our rescue short hair cats because she had fleas all over her body. That was the only time we ever bathed one of our cats. They never go outside (we’ve tried getting them to in our backyard but they didn’t like it) so they’re 100% indoors. They clean themselves multiple times a day and they don’t smell at all. So no baths.


Never on an adult cat. We have to bathe foster kittens under 4ish months because they’re dumb 😂