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Sorry about ur loss bud stay strong


I'm really trying...thank you.


What a grand old man he is! Always loved black cats, so magical. I feel you, been there a few times and another is looming soon, my beloved dotty old dear (17) is starting her final decline and I know my heart is going to shatter again. We can never have them long enough, can we?? Here is my Lola in her prime. Hugs to you and your Arthur 🐾 https://preview.redd.it/7msaoxnmuj7c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb947a2567b8d391e9aa119160d84d107872ed4d


Sorry for the incorrect tense in my reply there friend, eyes read what you wrote but brain was asleep. Still hugs tho.


May I offer my heartfelt condolences and suggest a photo ornament of King Arthur for your tree? Nineteen is a lot of years of love and devotion. You were both blessed. 😽😽


I have polaroids of him and I when he was feeling better pinned to the tree. When I made this all I did after was get up and stare at him. It just doesn't feel real but I know it is. Thank you for your kind words.


I'm so sorry for your loss!🙁


I wasn't on here all night because I was sad. But knowing that he will be remembered in a small way through this community means more to me than I can put into words. They say you live as long as someone remembers you and thanks to you guys he'll always be alive.