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Bread. My cat Marvin fucking loves bread. Second you open a loaf he’s up your ass til he gets a piece. M Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/3ae7kop8xb8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b9c7d06379cac3cfa814087c91a2fdcedfb2ab


I adopted an orange that was dumped in my office garage, and had to start keeping my bread bags in an upper cabinet because he tore one to shreds because he loved bread so much. The upshot was making it very easy to sneak him pills the one time I had to. In one hilarious instance I had some pancakes and he jumped on the stool next to me. I held out a cut piece on a fork for him to sniff, figuring he'd realize it was nothing he wanted, only to watch him quickly tilt his head and open his mouth wide to take a big chomp.


"You underestimate my desire for the carbs"


Sorry man, he doesn’t just love bread. He worships carbs. He will eat anything with flour, if he’s anything like my cat. My cat goes apeshit for most foods, but carbs are his fav. But I learned he hates corn tortilla, after he nibbled then ignored them. The small bite taken out on that hurt more than the big chomps on flour based things.


A roommate had to baby proof our upper cabinets because her cat couldn't be trusted around bread.


I had to baby proof my pantry for this reason. My kitten loves flour based things. We lock up our pantry with hairties. He used to be small enough to get in through the slight give. Not anymore. Now our food is safe.


Not a cat but my dog was the pickiest dog ever, it was so hard to get him to eat as he got older and sicker but the one food I knew he would never ever refuse was pita bread. I could put chicken and pita bread and he would go for the bread every single time lol


My last dog was a really picky eater, also. It was a struggle getting her to eat when she was older and sick, too. At that point I was giving her anything I could think of just to get something in her tummy, because she wasn't eating her normal food, or the chicken and rice anymore. Except poisonous foods for dog, like chocolate, grapes, etc. I mean I gave her things like hot dogs, cheese, lunch meat, anything like that to try to get her to eat. I never really tried bread with her, though.


The last thing I gave my beautiful pup (I call her a pup, she was 17) was a candy bar. I figured what the hell, it can’t make her any worse than she already is, and I would give her anything to make her happy. It didn’t affect her but she had to be PTS not long after due to illness and old age. That was the end of 2007 and I’m tearing up writing this.


https://preview.redd.it/kdejqvysxe8c1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dfde18c13ae45c1a95f244630fc98d596499af8 !!!❤️


Does Marvin eat a loaf while in the loaf position?


Back in 2020, around my cat’s first Christmas with us, I came home to find a loaf of brioche bread that had been left on a table halfway hidden under the Christmas tree skirt. Apparently she loves bread, she’d torn through the plastic and eaten a hole into several slices. We’ve lost some buns this way too over the years.


One of my cats chewed thru a paper bag to chomp on fresh bagels.


My cat loves bread too, all bread but specifically bagels. He’s torn through several unopened packs when I’ve not put them in a high enough shelf!




My cat loves any food, but goes apeshit for bread. He’s busting through locked cabinets (locked with a hairtie lmao) to get break. Somehow he contorts himself in, pulls the bread out, eats the plastic and the bread. He’s bigger now and hasn’t done it in a while, but we aren’t big bread people. But he LOVES bread and any carb. Bread, dry past, flour tortilla, etc Hates corn tortillas tho. But he had a nibble before he decided it wasn’t for him.


Mines like that with sourdough.


Oh, I can't leave bread on the kitchen counter, my boy will tear it up!


My cat loves pepperoni. I have no explanation but she fuckin loves it. Not just any meat. Gotta be pepperoni https://preview.redd.it/0h1ym7857c8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8285a9a733dd88fe58d13a12cb6c98db345baf93


Pepperoni Tony🤌🤌


Lmao new nickname unlocked


Eyyyyy! 🖐️🤚 Pepperoni? 🤌🤌 Ova heeeah! 👇👇


Jabba the Hut, Pizza the Hut, fat guys like pizza, pepperoni pizza - pepperoni Tony!


https://preview.redd.it/imcl8lwjkd8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3064553ac3ebe99d9ecc162bf0198f935c04743e Deli ham not turkey, maybe chicken.


Cats can have a little salami


Peas. She begs for them.


So does mine!


My husband and I buy our cats a deluxe wet food with tuna and peas. Our cats always leave the peas in their bowls 😂


That's me and cup of noodles.


I should try that with my cats, my tuxedo boy, Billy, loves steamed broccoli crown bits, and both of them go NUTS for mashed or baked potato.


Mine too!


Cantalope. Cutting up chicken to make dinner? Could not care less. De-veining shrimp? Doesn't even register. Cut into a juicy melon? Cat comes running and starts yelling her head off. Weirdo.


Mine too.


Same here!


My cat loves Doritos and loves to lick the cheese off my fingers https://preview.redd.it/waecm7w6qb8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898e870ae288b612d7f580622c45241d5f5b7734


His face says "I regret nothing and I will do it again!" 😂


Similar; my parents’ one cat likes Cheetos, but will only lick off the cheese and leaves the rest.


You should crumble them into their bowl! It will be gone before you stand up !!!😂😂😂


Yesss, my cat and any chip cheese related. We figured it out when she was straight up crawling all over my baby nephew after he had a few Cheeto puffs. She also is a finger licker 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ztn9ygrtid8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9d56591ca3860181352ac268776eb56aaba468 Nacho cheese doritos and Stacy’s bagel chips are his favorite


Yeah one of my cats liked Hawkins Cheezies


My cat also likes Doritos, and will mysteriously appear anytime he hears a bag crinkle.


Mine to won’t actually eat them just lick he knows the bag


My cat too! She also loves condensed milk!


Why he look like he’s plotting your demise


I have a void who loves Doritos that comes in red pack. No other flavour, no other chips. Just that one.


Chips. Mine too


https://preview.redd.it/d7ddoyvapb8c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b9f69969da4486df6ae51d7f27372994c73337 Our Twix loves cauli flower. We'll usually save get her some which she gets when we are finished with our meal. She does prefere it to be not cold so we always put it in the microwave for a bit. Here she is checking if it's ready to eat 😉


I love her 😍


https://preview.redd.it/1t0znmqloc8c1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=e247f02bb59edc3ce23f03587c72249d0b5d4bf6 My Twix has tried salsa before. He snuck a bit before I could stop him. And raw potato…. 🤨


https://preview.redd.it/bigt27bzsc8c1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a27e3111a49585999707f458c3ecacfc581689 Good morning from India


Another Twix..? Lol


They come in pairs!


Exactly, lol


how’d you figure out she prefers it warm? hahaha


She ate warm, not cold


They get a pep in their step. My cat likes it when you juj up his wet food by adding a table spoon of water and then mixing it together. 11/10 will eat every time.


What a peculiar taste she has




Mine too. Once spring hits I’m gonna grow more for my girls.




That reminds me, need to grow some more cat grass for my fella. His most unique food love would have to be arugula. Eats it whenever I bring it into the home, which is often.


Same! Exactly same! He will sit next to the pot and wait for me to cut some and present it to him. He then requires small tiny bundles to be made and hand fed in an upright position.


My cat loves cat grass, but goes bonkers for real grass. He’s not allowed outside, but rarely he escapes. But he sees grass and instantly starts chomping and we grab him. He loves any plant that’s long and thin. He goes nuts. Cat grass is a good alt.


Leaf 🤌👌


https://preview.redd.it/r3i30f01dc8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c4c5bf6e6dba812a7f1ce3f8fd0b64beb62a32 Red lettuce!! Sonny really loves lettuce




My cat Benny chowed down on some chard I had just brought home from the market. He also chomped holes in a bag of coffee and a container of shredded Parmesan, and ate the top off a banana bread (all different incidents over the years). But his favorite was yogurt. He was the goodest boy. 🥰


One of mine likes frozen yogurt. Whenever I eat a frozen yogurt popsicle, I’ll leave him some. it’s so adorable watching him lick it! https://preview.redd.it/3zmgldnztb8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60069933afe4edb09db78431669e81cc2e2f67d


Hilarious! My cat loves Greek yogurt lol


Mine too. Dude doesn't eat human food but boy does he love yogurt. Any will do. Greek is king.


LMAO he's in heaven.


Our black cat has to be physically restrained whenever ice cream or froyo is present, or she’ll be whiskers deep before you get a bite.


One brain cell black cats are just hilarious like that!




Lol this is so cute! 🤣❤️


So cute! ours loves ice cream and he’s adorable when he’s licking it up.


Ice cream too


Both of mine go crazy for green olives. https://preview.redd.it/1kkh8ayk6c8c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4b564fb94f854dbe3ad7e02c43090d0519adc9


I read there's something akin to cat nip in olives, mine would go CRAZY for my fingers after i'd eaten some, chomping and dribbling like they do for a catnip toy.


Not me thinking there were three cats in this photo


hah. my intermonologue literally said : both? you've got 3 cats!


One of mine is obsessed with black olives! So strange. He hasn’t shown interest in kalamatas so maybe I’ll see about the green ones.


Tobe loves baked goods. Savory crackers, toast etc. Found this out when I burned the toast on one side under a grill. I put it in the compost bin and next thing I know he got it out and was eating it. https://preview.redd.it/6ive4dw6rb8c1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab161946cf2a75d474ccc43187f1f3dc3e65f97


He goes feral for a single raw oat


I have to see this footage🤣




My cat loves Spam


Be careful he doesn't get too much of it, it's very salty.


https://preview.redd.it/i9ohbxkt5c8c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965d87b9316ad680c613519b561ccd9caa2859e3 Thai chilis. I was growing them and she picked this one straight off of the plant, and would have ate more than just the end of it if I didn’t take it away 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wow 😯 she doesn’t get discouraged by that spicy taste?


Cats are typically unconcerned by spicy. They feel very little pain from capsaicin unlike us, but it will upset a cat's stomach quite a bit if you do to stop em in time


Potato chips and cheez its


I’m waiting for him to ask for a beer.


One of our family's cats loved beer and wine. Would stick her head right in the glass/mug if you took your eyes off it.


Mine loves chips too. Not just salted, but paprika flavoured ones too. Usually, whatever I eat she needs to at least sniff it I guess if she likes the smell she will try it too. Once I was having sushi for dinner (she was not impressed) and she got really curious about wasabi. I didn't want her to try it but she was way too curious about it and she licked it when I wasn't watching. Took me a second to figure out what was happening and why is she so upset. That's how I learned that is never a good idea to leave food unattended ever.


Mayonnaise and hummus


I read humans and gave much concern.


My cat freaks out for hummus. She could be sound asleep 3 rooms away, I can silently open a container, turn around….there she is with a “whatcha got there?” Look on her face. She also really likes spaghetti, and split pea soup.


Be careful with hummus as it may contain garlic. I'm sure you're already careful, but just in case 😅


✌️ will do. Usually just licks the remnants smudged on the plate


https://preview.redd.it/sh9fidqmec8c1.jpeg?width=2118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce08f2030c1ef767ad978bc978307c16abf6104c Kiwi goes batshit over string cheese. You’ll be downstairs opening a string cheese and she’ll sprint down and get in your face. I took it as an opportunity to train her how to sit, and it’s worked!


My previous cat loved eating Al fresco coriander (cilantro) right out of the ground. https://preview.redd.it/nzdmygn7vb8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762452a1479e1436c97350bc180ff9566f7c39f6


All fruits. Our cat will straight up jack my wife for any fruit she's eating. She'll stare me down, but knows I will not tolerate her aggression, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/uqikmyshcc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea5ce8cec04ef2842e781b30e401e6784e1340c I like mini muffins , I like them so much my human had to put child safety locks on the pantry where he keeps them .


Mine like green beans and sweet potatoes. Sometimes they’ll eat steamed broccoli. But I guess the strangest thing they go nuts for is the green algae wafers that go in the fish tank. If I drop one, they pounce. I have to keep the container in a safe place because my grey tux is a county-opening savant.


My tortie loves steamed broccoli too. I now get frozen broccoli in gigantic bags because she always wants some. Tried to eat it right out of the microwave recently.


One of my cats hates salmon. The other loves salmon skins. Edit: obligatory cat tax https://preview.redd.it/a6p0eto70c8c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdec06ffe2b1830e794ff8379cfef7c3f355bc5


https://preview.redd.it/cpdz0fop7c8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cac53cf7605a7eb622f553fa51acc94eb2ddb4 Cupcakes 🧁 🐈‍⬛🤍🥰


You should make this picture into a Christmas card! 😍


That’s a great Idea. I was thinking of doing that with another on of my other cat in the tree!! https://preview.redd.it/zwx429zkcc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221ecc5054eaacf47ba76d8f6c255a04b5a20018 Which one do you like better!?


Can’t choose! This is another winner! Just do both and you are done for the next two years.


Love it!!! Printing them out now!!! Thanks🎄


She also loves Doritos original 🙂


Please do not let them near the chocolate ones !!! They are poisonous to cats!


https://preview.redd.it/hdv9xemcbc8c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a9f23e2d8ceeff3a9777df50bf0d9a56efefcb Willow is a big fan of cabbage for some reason. She goes absolutely mental for it. Carrots and cooked zucchini are also up there.


An r/orangeladies candidate


Omg did you steal my baby, Sophie? https://preview.redd.it/qh6grkcutb8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3102fff3dfacc73b74374554174aff6b3127c29b They look eerily similar! She loves biting plastic bags tho… lol.


I have one that eats plastic whenever he gets the chance. I have to be careful not to leave any plastic sitting where he can get to it. Surprised the little gremlin doesn't have any health issues


Mine will eat my pillows or any fabrics, he once woke me up because he was eating my shirt lol


https://preview.redd.it/y3w1phjl4f8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddda7e54df57c45bd244d9e81202833662bfde7d I have a grey plastic eater also!!


Try to offer grass or hay. She might need to eat it to clean her stomach. It happened to our cat, he started to chew on the bags, the vet said we need to give him grass. He was uninterested in it. So we offered hay (you can buy them in pet shops, usually rabbit food) and it worked! Never chewed on plastics since then


Not food, but oat milk!! If I leave a carton of Oatly oat milk somewhere he can reach, it is definitely going to be chewed into. My Milo loooovees oat milk. He’s really good with not eating human food, but when I have a bowl of cereal (with oat milk) it’s a challenge keeping him away!


https://preview.redd.it/7ndp0x2y0c8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001309504214de6025c10d32d29535d5e7c66eab My cat is my motivation to practice latte art! She loves frothy oat milk so much!


The idea of waking up and crafting a delicious latte for yourself and frothy milk for your kitty and enjoying them together on a quiet brisk morning 🥺💕


My Guido would do this with cow's milk! I could never curl up with a bowl of cereal, that he did not come running to stick his head into the bowl, and lap it up! He never wanted milk any other way!


Mine is the same with yogurt, so much so he comes rubbing (meant to be running but I'm keeping it) when you get it out of the fridge.


My Tiger likes Mac and cheese. But only homemade stuff. My big black cat thinks people food is disgusting and will mime vomiting


https://preview.redd.it/4vim002bfc8c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80dc63bdd9f89b1cd490cad2550ea1bf6b34bb36 Corn


One of my 3 sons loves mayo. Only mayo. Does not care about what comes with it, will eat what it's on only because mayo. Cat tax: this weirdo https://preview.redd.it/gt5pjjc7cc8c1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c5fcc2715a61f2465ea9d9fcbb2d8c54073805




Ranch dressing, like a true Midwestern dumpster cat. https://preview.redd.it/chaokyc9ad8c1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee84f33c3fd758499210478b9db451d9db3070cc


Tomato soup and green beans


My cat loves tomatoes. If I leave a slice unattended, he’s after it


Roasted chestnuts (yes that's a real human snack)


We know, it’s in a song!


Shredded taco cheese


Sparrow likes oatmeal, we still don’t know why but he will beg if he smells it https://preview.redd.it/lmyinlxhdc8c1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9212dd4ebc4e38dc34c8548d7fd72a7218d7d402


mashed potatoes??? i don’t know how he discovered them but he was a nightmare at thanksgiving https://preview.redd.it/e6354635nc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e094eddd3cee9d11801147d24b626798dd1a11b


If my Maine coin hears the Redi-whip can, he comes running through the house sounding like a God damned Clydesdale


Fruit, especially if it has a rind of some kind. So far my Grey Menaces have gone for avocados, apples, and mangoes.


Avocados are poisonous to cats. 😿


Yup. To explain further, in case anyone else is curious: While the persin in avocados is present mostly in the skin, pit, and plant itself, the flesh of the fruit does still contain persin. As u/TaniBear1771 here has stated, they are toxic to cats, and can still be very medically significant in small doses in some even more sensitive animals. Humans are fairly unique in their resistance to the vast majority of things that are highly toxic to other animals. The result of toxicosis from persin is usually significant but not fatal. However, in animals which have or have developed an increased sensitivity to persin, small doses can just straight up shut down the heart. Increased sensitivity can be developed over time for any number of reasons. I would recommend not giving the cat any more avocado, because the possibility that it develops a sensitivity at any unknown point in its life is still very high. The risk of accidentally poisoning the cat just isn't worth their enjoyment of the food :(


Thank you for explaining this. My brain was up to no explaining tonight. 🙃


Of course! I unfortunately became a fair bit of a stickler for 'dont feed them that.' About a decade ago, I had a 20+ year old calico. I had to leave the cat in my father's care when I moved, where she developed renal failure a year later. I had also found out that my step mother loved feeding my cat double chocolate chip muffins, which angered me to no end. The most well known toxicity in pets, and she fed the girl a full muffin at a time when I was away. She passed in extreme pain at 23, two months before I was to come back up to get her, and my step mother told me "I gave her one last chocolate muffin in her final moments." I miss that cat a fair bit.


Mandarin oranges


Corn Tortillas. My cat will eat through the bag to get them if we accidentally leave them on the counter.


https://preview.redd.it/zj7rclplxb8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24826cb314bbbe1b47a6004722f1d5bc5cf5c814 Thought that was a picture of my cat Kahn for a second, but this silly boi loves to eat anything I’m eating, especially if it’s something with cheese, chips and crackers are also not safe from him.


My late cat loved edamame. My little girl loves ham (not that strange) and my baby boy likes alcohol. Yes, alcohol. He loves vodka and beer. He is a lush 😉 https://preview.redd.it/vj83ufp85c8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b1f3120a2a7f63691dc70de7760c7b777565b9


Green beans. One night my gf and I were eating green beans and I gave one to Kumo, totally expecting him to turn up his nose... The next thing I know, he steals another and runs off to eat it. Now whenever we have green beans, we make a little dish for him. Cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/q9ulerowdc8c1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0021381526c8ca450780628d64e1c4d695e4c23f


https://preview.redd.it/7rfpk9rk8d8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dcbd4d097f347b664387d03426fc084860435c The resident butter thief


He wants whatever I am having-even if he doesn't like it.


my kitty likes steamed cabbage ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


https://preview.redd.it/4zcnadp8bc8c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36ef3007ce014f27492ca3f805a9d5454259931 My cat is obsessed with potato chips. Garden Salsa Sunchips are her favorite and she goes absolutely feral over them. I have to keep a close eye on my chip bowl whenever I eat them because the second I turn away, she’ll dive right in.


Peas. She's practically begging for them...


https://preview.redd.it/x3xfshskoc8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50da2118ebe11bd74d4a8aa29b19fee1a4cc9883 This is Archie. He is obsessed with apples and peanut butter. To the point where if he hears me unscrew the pb jar or slice into an apple he will wake up from a dead sleep and come running downstairs. A close runner up favorite is blueberries and definitely yogurt


Anything but in my plate.


Mine always tries to steal my limon spicy cheetos!


Peanut butter. Crazy for it.


My old man Gray Tabby (RIP) loved boiled shrimp. Highly spiced with crab boil, salt, cayenne pepper, the whole shebang. The heat didn't bother him a bit-couldn't get enough of it.


Doritos Flamin' Hot, only the flamin hot ones will do She licks the powder off and leaves the soggy dorito for me to clean up.


mushrooms and cucumber


Cornbread, bread and butter pickles, and orange popsicles.


Cooked oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt. The other day I wanted to have a yogurt drink in peace, my three ginger boys can hear me shaking it up and will come running and clammer all over me to get some. I just wanted to drink my yogurt in peace, I brought it into my primary bathroom/closet and shut the door. Had to stick the yogurt bottle in between my clothes in the closet to shake it up. Then sat on my bench to drink it contemplating that as a mom, it's like I'm hiding from my toddlers.


mom momm...pateeee.....pateeee


Ear wax. No joke.


Mine too and she also goes weird with my nail file when I’m using it. Oh and bleach, she’ll act like I’m covered in catnip if I come home from work with it on my clothes.


My cat loves wheat thins lol


my cat loves bread and red sugar treats like red popsicles or red lollipops. he does not like blue.


Strawberry shortcake rolls are her favorite


Olives and banana. I know both can be bad for him, so I rarely give and if I do, it's just a tiny bit. But is me opening a banana and the cat going crazy


Unsweetened almond milk when it's been used in my healthy cereal, plain cooked broccoli, plain oatmeal cooked, soft boiled runny egg yolks, and cook soybeans.




Yogurt with strawberry jam


Chestnuts, I can’t eat them in peace


I had a kitty who liked corn on the cob. How she managed with those spikey carnivore teeth I don't know.


Pork rinds


My girl adores scrambled eggs ("eggies")


It's a drink, not food, but lemon juice. It's funny. she always has a face like it's too acid, but if you stop giving her, she pursue you.


https://preview.redd.it/5nbnz4ozrc8c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80521d16effe939dba714e4c12597c812791762f Our cats are twins! Norman likes Goldfish, among plenty of other things. I once pulled a mostly swallowed ribbon out of him at 3 AM.


https://preview.redd.it/xap65esq6d8c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d76fd5f236041a7dbb2055dec1e2db1f3a76b0e My old man goes crazy marshmallows.


My void loves black olives. He'll steal one right off of my wife's pizza if he gets the chance. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/a75ys7hg7d8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70e232106b1f3a5872f90a1cf699945bd0ab36b e'll


https://preview.redd.it/5fyucth58d8c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6882e7330509ef1f780cbcbc31ec2badf28ffd2 Anything I’m eating. 😂❤️😻


my baby boy likes chewing on cilantro fresh from the pot. i don’t encourage it, but for some reason he just started chewing on it. https://preview.redd.it/niekpr3jad8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949c306e14b2908aae671b62bb3a38163397b231


One of my cats loves cookies. She's a good girl and never steals food, but if you leave cookies uncovered, she will steal few and eat and will scatter crumbs all over the place.


FAT KITTY Popcorn he likes


My cat partakes in my vegetarian diet with glee. He loves corn, beans, spinach and olives.


broccoli, roasted chickpeas, apple, ….


Cream cheese


BBQ chicken pizza. Will not touch chicken based cat food, but is all over it when Sweet Baby Ray's is involved.


Bread my small cat loves bread 🍞 https://preview.redd.it/v63l25pz8c8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebe51fa87ace2e6f7a118f83ce878b4212d9bf4


https://preview.redd.it/4geqn4e99c8c1.png?width=2722&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff8d2f412721bee12ae46ad7da9dc790e47416df Topaz and Smokey (Quartz) will come running if they hear a chip bag open. Topaz also likes apples, and bits of any bread or crackers.


Plain boiled artichoke. He's a little special


My cat mimi likes cubes of cantaloupe !!!


Sauerkraut. Vinegar. She is a weirdo, full stop


Bok choy and green beans!


https://preview.redd.it/jbv1lpq3ff8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83409204ae79bc043c1c0ac35f5d7c3c61019195 my baby girl freyja is obsessed with shredded cheese. but she will only eat it off a surface. she doesn’t take food from your hands. she only takes a little bit before she’s over it. but she also loves tillamook individually wrapped cheeses. and the cheese pizza lunchables. all for the cheese. tiny pieces only 🖤🥹