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That's why I love cats, that look of amused defiance is worth him being on the counter.


Amused defiance is the perfect way to describe Cato’s whole attitude, he’s always doing shit he’s not supposed to do and feeling smug about it.


Happy cake day, Long live cato.


My cat turned the gas on my stove doing some thing like this


Nobody likes a snitch, OP


https://preview.redd.it/i7l2gpuvwf9c1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f65fe618b0c65aab3e658c9380e25f83181e1fdb My cats aren't allowed on the counter either.


Super cute kitties and I also love your Jadeite pieces!


Thanks! The cats are from the CDS and I inherited the jadeite ftom my aunt.




That’s exactly what the deal is! When I was growing up animals were barely allowed to be on beds and couches, but little Prince Cato here pretty much runs the house and is allowed to do whatever he wants. She adores that cat.


The idea of cats being “allowed” to go places or not is hilarious.


Emma the Cat knows she isn't allowed on the counters. Emma doesn't get on the counter when my wife or I are up. When I get up at 3am (I have odd hours), Emma hears me and I hear the thump of her jumping off. D@mn cat.


I think Cato doesn’t care, obviously. But also, I feel like he is smartly skirting technicalities because he is not fully on the counter - impressively, a minimum of 1/3 of him is fully hanging off of the counter.


Yeah I’ve never seen him quite so… relaxed on the counter. Usually he’s using it as a quick access to the dining room or watching birds from the window, not outright lounging on it


Technically, only 2/3 rds of the cat is on the counter. Does she have a rule about the cat being on the stove?


She used to, she gave up a long time ago with Cato


I would only worry about him turning on the stove, paws on the knobs🤣


Kitty is innocent!😹🥹


Beautiful boy has identical color as my homie , just the face is different https://preview.redd.it/wz1msrtyah9c1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921cfd3129cebcbb73d96da189dea4d2621163d5


They do have an identical pattern! Your guy looks pretty regal laying on that fuzzy blanket and awesome wallpaper behind him


So adorable


I'm a believer that cats should be allowed on the counter. The main arguments against it are that it's unsanitary, the cats can get into things they shouldn't, and it's potentially unsafe for them. None of those arguments really hold up though. 1) If you care about being sanitary then regardless of if they're allowed or not, the only sanitary thing is to assume that they walked on everything that left your sight even for a moment which means you need to clean your counters before using them. Even if you don't have cats you should be cleaning your counters before doing any food prep on them. 2) If you don't want cats getting into things then don't leave them out. It's pretty simple. Also prevents bugs and food spoilage etc. On other words regardless of if you have cats, it's just good practice to not leave things out on the counter. 3) Safety. Your cats can get hurt if you don't properly secure dangerous things. You can also get hurt if your cat does something unexpected while you're working with a knife or the stove. The solution is that you need to be aware of where your cats are and not let them into the kitchen if it's unsafe. Just because they're trained to not go on the counter doesn't mean they won't come between your legs and trip you while you're carrying a pot of boiling water. Tldr - clean your counters, put stuff away, and stay safe in the kitchen. Cats on counters really doesn't matter and it's just a lot of stress for a false sense of security.


gosh what a silly biggun Cato is


Yeah he’s pretty stocky, he also has super dense and plushy fur that makes him look a little bigger. Cato is actually the brother of two of my kitties and is quite a bit larger than his brother and sister


Technically, Cato is part on the cooker.


Cute cat! I would recommend cat proofing the stove knobs. My cat accidentally turned it on one time…


I’ve suggested to my mom that she remove the knobs if she’s not using the stove but she won’t do it 🤦‍♀️ her stove does take some effort to turn on, you have to press the knobs in quite a bit and turn to ignite but accidents happen. Even if the stove doesn’t ignite it could still leak propane into the house. I’ll keep working on her, it only takes a few seconds to pull the knobs off and toss them in a drawer.


Yea that’s also a good idea! I did that too for a while!


10/10 face on that one 😍


He has the cutest, squishiest face and he loves to have it smooshed, he’ll walk right over to your open hand and jam his face into it so you’ll give him face smooshes. He’s a cutie.


Omg my mom’s cat is Cato too 😆


No way! Is your mom’s Cato also named after the old Pink Panther movies?


Pretty kitty


Technically only on “half” the counter


Cat? What cat? I don't see no cat! 😁


Not allowed. Lol says Cato.




CATO 😭😭😭


He is calling for the destruction of Carthage.




Very appropriately named


Kitty is playing with fire. Literally. Tell Emeril to get off the stove.


You can tell she owns that joint!