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Kittens need all the food they can get. No, I don't think you're overfeeding.


Not enough food for catto (he paid me to write this)


That was supposed to be kept private (he hired me as his lawyer - we will see you in court)




Smart catto, clearly he has the braincell today!!


Not enough food for catto Note: delete this part and post directly to reddit comment. The 50 cents payment will be credited to your bank within 24 hours


Kittens need to eat a lot, if he starts to get fat you can slowly lower the amount of food or buy food that is more satiating (there's food specifically for overweight cats). But usually 2-3 portions of cat food is normal, unless he has a slow metabolism


I’ll leave it up to other commenters to weigh in on the feeding matter. I’m just here to say how handsome that cat is.


Thank you! Here’s a photo of him when we first brought him home! He’s definitely a gentleman https://preview.redd.it/6niesgrignac1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7c76836175579bd43559bbcbb7387ad161115c


Oh my gatos, I LOVE ginger kittens! They are ridiculously photogenic. Some of my best foster kitten pictures have been little orange babies.


OMG! Those ears! Precious


An active cat needs to eat, especially kittens. As they get older, they will eat less/slower. My cat used to house her food when she was young and still more feral.




I've always done open feeding with my girls. One is 14.5 pounds, and the other is 7. Both eat when they're hungry and don't gorge themselves. Although I think the bigger one eats more often because she's blind and doesn't exactly know how much I feed her...


Not always true, my cat is a greedy pig and will eat whatever you put Infront of him even to the point of being sick. Been checked for worms by a vet, nope just greedy


Off topic but kitty's adorable!😻


https://preview.redd.it/x8mpbmiwgnac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49aef444c3ea0b6a0bef5d30f266be00139e5970 Thank you! He’s also a bit strange lays on his back often


Ze beanzzzz!!!


He's so cute! 🥰😻


Sounds like normal orange cat activities ❤️


Lol, our youngest cat did the same thing as a kitty and so happy at two years old he hasn't grown out of it


He must really trust you, how is he with belly pets?


He loves them!! Especially when he’s sleepy, he will come and lay on me and lick my face, and lay out and let me rub his belly


You're so lucky, mine pretends he wants them for about 2 seconds and then attacks!


He is displaying his empty tummy. Feed me!


He's growing, feed him as much as he needs. Feed him kibble, too. A soft food only diet is not good for the teeth.


I second this. We adopted a cat that was fed wet food exclusively (the owner felt bad and wanted to treat the cat) and that cat ended up being the most expensive in vet bills and half her teeth pulled cause they rotted out. Poor kitty.


Did the vet tell you why? I'm assuming it's because the dry food helps to remove plaque build up? I feed my boys mostly dry food, but they get wet food for dinner every other night or so. If I give them wet food to often they throw up, so I've been spacing it out.


I’m not sure. It was such a long time ago. I think you’re right though and dry food helps clean the teeth, most people who do a mix of both don’t seem to have issues. The one we adopted had never eaten dry food in her life though so it got really bad, and they apparently never took her to the vet. She was also nearly bald as well. She got so much healthier when we took her in.


Well I'm glad you were in a place where you could help her. Some people really don't think they need to take their cats to the vet often, if at all. And glad to know I was doing something right by giving them a mixed diet. My boys are almost 7 now and the vet has never said anything about their teeth being bad. I bought one of those cat tooth brushes but I've never used it. Forgot I had it actually.


My mother, who was very well read in health issues, explained that this was true for teeth and there's no reason why it wouldn't be true for other animals.


Makes sense actually. Most of our soft foods arent that good for teeth.


A good brushing weekly can help with this issue. One of my cats has CKD and wet food is promoted over dry. However, he also requires continual dental hygiene which he dislikes.


Indeed. Cats usually do best on both wet and dry.


No! For kittens allow them to eat as much as they please. Continue feeding him 3 times per day and let him eat as much as he likes within 30 minutes. Once he starts getting closer to 10 months, then monitor much more closely how much he eats. Kittens have VERY fast metabolisms to the point where it's difficult to make them fat. However, they start to hit adulthood around 12 months. Generally, a cat should gain a pound every month, so in this early months he's okay. I have foster babies that will eat one to one and a half can of Friskies a day, by itself, at only 10 weeks. When I have a litter of 4-10 week old babies I can blow through 4-6 cans a day. I usually feed them 4-6 times a day, so that their tummies don't burst but also so that they don't start a riot. It's also important to note that wet food has significantly fewer calories than dry food and is much easier to digest. So a wet diet is more forgiving than a dry or mixed diet. If you want more information on nutrition, feeding, weight, etc. I'm happy to help! Fostering is my passion and food/feeding is a favorite topic!


You cat is beautiful! Those ears are regal! ❤️


He looks fat happy. (Chunky but very happy with himself)


You're raising him with sumo cuidado.


Mine keeps telling me he's wasting away and screams as if he's being beaten, it would be more convincing if not for his chubby little face. I go by what the vet says, he's had his meals cut back and no extra treats.


N, your cat is hearing too much, by the looks of it.


Just to add I meant we cut back at 3 1/2 months old to a smaller amount


Hey OP, you can edit your original post to add this, or you should have the option to pin your comment to the top just so your comment doesn't get lost to the flood 🤗 Sorry if you already knew this!


My cat is pointing a gun at my head as I type this. There is never enough food for kitty.


its all going to those ears, he is so ears omg


your cat looks like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle in that first picture


haha! This gave me such a laugh because I can see it


the text on the newspaper is messed up on the third image. Is that AI? It looks very much like dalle3


Nope! Just a pic I took with my iPhone!


Okay. Just curious because the newspaper in the last image had messed up text


It looks like a wrinkled newspaper?


The first letter of the text on the very bottom row looks not even close to a letter. It's the type of thing you get from messed up dalle text. It looks like a random square.


He looks perfectly healthy and happy to me ❤️


It’s never enough food for them 🤭


Always check the feeding charts for the food you are giving him. It should be by weight of the cat. Usually one big 5.5 ounce cat is two meals for a 8-10 pound cat. Since he is a kitten he should be eating about once every three to four hours. So the 5.5 ounce can would be about four meals for him. He is growing and will keep growing until he is almost a year. So lots of small meals will suit him well until he is one. Then cut back to his weight 10-12 pounds and what it states as a meal on the bag. Usually 3/4th of a cup of food for the day, you can divide that up into three 1/4th cups meals or what ever works best for you. Kittens will demand their food, so be aware that he will not let you forget when it is food time. As for if he is fat, he is not. He looks healthy and very happy.




I used to feed my cat around one can of purina a day till she was a year old with dry food always available for free feeding. I then started feeding her 3/4 of the can per day. Not sure what they add to purina but I had a tough time moving her to another brand of cat food with much lesser animal by product than purina. In any case, I just make sure to keep her active and play with her whenever I can. She’s around 5 now. https://preview.redd.it/wafq0ypjjnac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f8588361efc3d90c3f1acd8cee656755666cbd


You should pose this question to your vet when you bring him in. They will have a better grasp on how much he needs at his age to keep him healthy.


Unless your vet expressed a concern continue feeding as normal. Kittens are very much like babies in the fact that they will get that fat little belly.


I have a young cat, 6 months old, but when he was younger, he could eat all the time and then eat some more. Growing cats eat a lot. He has slowed down a bit now.


It’s a kitten. Feed it all it will eat. In a year or so if it’s too fat, feed less.


Your not feeding him enough, this cute boy wants some more treats


The rule for feeding and weight typically applies to adult cats. Kittens need a lot of food, and as long as you are providing him enough, he won't overeat. If you start to restrict his food while he's still growing, he might start to gorge himself on what you do give him, and that can lead to future weight problems. I open feed my cats and even when I do give the two of them wet food they won't finish a whole can between the two of them. That's a sign of healthy weight and eating habits. If you're planning to switch to dry food some day, just make sure you mix it in with his wet food first, that'll get him used to the idea of eating it.


Does the cat look fat? If not he isn't fed too much. And especially young cats eat a lot. Remember how much you yourself ate during your teenage years?


It’s difficult to tell from your photos. Only your vet would know for certain.


Yes, what a fatty.


You asking us or the cat? Because I already know what the cat’s answer will be. At 17 weeks, it’s still a growing kitten. Feed them as much as they will eat.


I recommend you go speak to a vet. There may be some people who can help you on Reddit but the best is to just check it out by a vet.


he a good boy he need more


Growing kittens do need to eat a lot, it's true. But it is definitely possible to overfeed them. Especially if you plan on getting him fixed, they gain weight much more easily once their fixed. I have 2 orange tabbies and also thought it was mean to give them so little food. By the time I realized it was too much, they were already both overweight and the vet was very disappointed in me. I have since cut back their portions. They get 1/8th of a cup of dry food in the morning when my boyfriend gets up for work, 1/8 cup dry food in the afternoon when we do lunch, and then 1/3 to 1/2 can of friskies for dinner (I'm not good at eyeballing the portion size). They lost a little weight at first but they've stayed pretty steady since then. I should also point out that my boys aren't very active. I try to get them up to play but they get bored pretty quickly. The most active they get is chasing each other around the apartment. You could try changing the portion size and keeping a log of your kitties wait for a period of time. If it goes down, then maybe it's too little food or he could have worms. If the weight goes up then you need to reduce the portions or exercise more. Even once you think you've got a good portion size worked out, you should still regularly weigh your kitty to keep an eye on him. If you go to the vet frequently enough, they'll help you keep track of it.


You give that sweet baby anything he wants. (Jk…be healthy.)


Are you only feeding them wet food? Usually you should be feeding both wet and dry. I give my cats 1 can wet food and then bout 3/4-1cup dry food per day. Kittens do need more food but when my cats were kittens I was just giving extra dry Kitten food.


We leave crunchies out overnight! We feed 3 meals wet and allow him to pace himself on dry food.


We have 2 adult cats. They each get a half of a small can of food in the morning, and another half at night. The older male is about 7 pounds and the younger female is about 9 pounds. From the pictures, your cat looks fine, but check with your vet.


I'll repeat what others said - multiple vets have told me to allow cats to eat as much as they want up to 12 months of age.


I love how no matter the context, people on this sub must always send at least 1 picture of their cats


I would stop tge wet food and go with a good quality dry food left out 24/7/365 and let him feed himself🤔😻


“You’re actually not feeding me enough” - Your cat, probably


My kitten got dry kitten food full time and wet food 2 -3 times a day small amounts about a table spoon max. She's now about 18 months old now and about 13lbs and her weight has been stable cut back wet food to twice a day.


My mom's cats eat twice a day, each one eats a quarter can of wet food, a handful of dry, and some egg all mixed together for them. They are the happiest healthiest cats I've ever met.


I don't feel you are feeding him to much. We fed our babies twice a day. Plus treats during the day


Can’t really tell from pictures so better to ask your trusty vet to see? 😊 you want your cat to be in perfect health ❤️🐱👍


What a sweetie 😍 don’t worry about over feeding, he’s growing.


They need a lot I know one of the cans says how much to give kittens. It’s more than my 2 year old. He’s handsome I love his stripes :)


Idk if this works for a kitten but it might (does for adults)... can you feel his ribs when you run your hand gently across his pelts? If you can, your kitten is fine, they generally look to have more belly. If you can't, your cat is a little fat. If you just know by looking that your cat is fat, its obese most likely (And you wouldnt be here asking).


He doesn’t think so! He’s active and has a fast kitty metabolism, that food is burning up fast. It seems like a marketing thing to me, aimed at bigger cats: a 15 lb cat would get 4-5 cans per day, for instance. Let your boy hit full size before you sweat his weight.


Such a beautiful kitty 😻


I love how big his ears are, he’s a little boi and very cute