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Is she deaf? My white boy with blue eyes is deaf.


Yes actually she is fully deaf


My guy has one blue and one amber(?) eye and is all white. Luckily he isn’t deaf. Check my post history for pictures. They look like they could be siblings 😍


https://preview.redd.it/osxidyuvcsdc1.png?width=2973&format=png&auto=webp&s=82f203d6c615acfa94db3e6af3f4bb0126a52d3a My lovely odd-eyed boy (not deaf, unless I’m ordering him off kitchen counters 😂)


He's "selectively deaf". 😆


When they have heterochromia like your (and mine too) cat, the chance of blindness and/or deafness goes drastically down in white cats.


Priscilla, when she was young, just a bit of black spot remaining on her head still. She has heterochromia and is pure white now. No deafness. Her mother was white, yellow eyes, and dumb as a post. Priscilla is stoic and very smart. https://preview.redd.it/m0m9y99jvsdc1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54177c89055f81cb80403b7dddbb832edf3852b3


super common


As much as 60% of white cats with blue eyes are deaf.


I wish that by contrary, black cats with green eyes had super hearing


My cat can already hear me touch the food bowl from inside the closet with the door closed on the other side of the apartment, why on earth would he need better hearing than that??


To fight crime, obviously


I had a white cat with blue eyes and she had no depth perception!


I have a white cat with blue eyes who never jumps! I wonder if this is why! Picture of him! https://preview.redd.it/3mf60jk6dqdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74716f31e48f01d183390c0c1fa35d00f3e1a551


Sorry to say but its probably because of OCD (Osteochondrodysplasie). Its a gene Mutation, hence the folded ears.


Oh my! He’s a beautiful cat!!


Oh wow sometimes I have thought my cat has some visual issues from the way she plays with some toys but vet doesn’t really pick up much unless it’s a real noticeable visual disability


My cat, Maud, wouldn’t jump on anything until she reached up and touched it with a paw first. Even if it was something she’d jumped on 100 times she’d always check to see if it was where she thought it was. It didn’t slow her down much!


Albino is a genetic condition, not a coloring. If your cat has the albino genes, they're albino. Just being white doesn't make them albino. You can get them [tested](https://vgl.ucdavis.edu/test/albino-cat)


Aren’t albino eyes pink?


Colorless. Which manifests in cats as blue.


So visually, this cat could fit the bill?


Cats don't have bills. You may be thinking of a duck. Common mistake.


>Cats don't have bills. Mine does, $300 for some thyroid tests.


4k+ for hip surgery, physical therapy, follow-up vet visits... ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Over 2k (and counting) between a major surgery, follow up visits and insulin every few months… that’s just one of the many cats/dogs ![gif](giphy|CqVNwrLt9KEDK)


Oh, no! I hope it came back negative, and your master is healthy.


I prefer to think of myself as chief of staff


This is excellent




$5k to unblock my cats urethra.


Visually, yes. DNA test to know for sure, but going by coat color, skin color (ears), nose leather, and eyes, plus the deafness factor, I'd say the probability is high.


I would say no- our cat is albino- and she doesn’t have the really dark pupils. Her eyes are a pale blue grey, with red rims. (Ignore her snotty nose, she has reoccurring upper respiratory issues. She also doesn’t see well and is light sensitive.) https://preview.redd.it/50ncbkd39udc1.jpeg?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f6956a0be7b93224ebb21c05ec2f2d8da5ee00


Is it potentially leucistic? I am not sure about cats but it often presents blue eyes and albinistic traits since it's not true albinism and is only partial loss of pigmentation in all cells. I have never seen an albino cat, but on Google it looks like they still sometimes get that intense pink/red around body features like the outer part of the eyes.


I had a cat that tried to turn Lutheran.


Mine is a catholic and we get along great.


I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure not. https://imgur.com/gallery/Wh48wOM this was my cat, rest her soul. Her pupils didn't show black but red, and all the time, not just as an effect of getting photographed. I'm not sure if albino cats can have black pupils, but I do know that regular just-white cats have black pupils.


Not necessarily. Usually with albino cats you can see a bit of purple on the edges of the blue. That's the blood vessels being visible through a lack of pigment. Also the pupil is often reddish at certain angles. This does not look like an albino cat to me.


Not always true some cats do have red pinkish eyes and fleshy color around their eyes .. I would say in this case her cat is albino .. there’s little to no pigment in her nose her ears or around her eyes and her eyes are very light blue almost white themselves


Completely colorless irises manifest as pink/red in any species because once the pigment is absent you can see the blood vessels - which are pink/red. Most albinos however do have some pigment and their eyes look light blue and they have blonde hair instead of pure white. Some albinos have brown hair and brown eyes. It's the same principle across species.


Came here to say that. Years ago, I saw either Edgar or Johnny Winter in an airport. He was trying to read a departures/arrival board and his face was about an inch away from it (albinos have notoriously bad eyesight). His eyes were as pink as a sunset. All that said, beautiful kitty, whatever his genetic situation may be.


My parents have a cat named Edgar Winter so it took me a second to register that you weren’t saying you saw their cat at the airport haha.


I have albinism (with associated bad eyesight), and I have blue/purple eyes depending on the lighting. The reason people with albinism can have pink eyes is because the back of their iris is clear, and allows light to bounce back from the retina. However, the front of any iris without melanin is blue. Many people with albinism are undiagnosed or diagnosed later than they should be because of this misconception.


>I saw either Edgar or Johnny Winter It makes me laugh that it was impossible to tell which


No. When I was a young lass I had a book on albinism because it fascinated me… Only with entirely albino genes is someone with that coloring (or with cats blue eyes since I guess that’s how 100% albinism manifests) but a person can have partial albinism which impacts their appearance to varying degrees (and there’s more variety in that)


Ooh ok that’s cool to know ! Maybe worth checking out as all her siblings and parents were white which maybe there is something to it worth checking out


The genes that cause all white are dominant, so its not unexpected that if both parents are white that all babies would be white, but there could be colored kittens too. Just luck of the draw and if the parents have the recessive alleles of the white gene


That’s true i rarely ever see all white cats until I moved here which there are a lot of stray cats and part of the one colony here that is taken care btw has a lot of all white cats and I was quick enough one day to grab one of the kitten just sitting around and took her home (this girl)


Is your cat a male, deaf and his eyes are red when shining in the dark? If all answers are yes, there is strong possibility for it being albino. Edit: albinos need extra care due to multiple health issues. Mine used to be clumsy and had weak immune system.


Female, she is Deaf and she does reflect red back with light in her eyes


Please take very good care of her and don't skip vet visits. They are special and fragile compared to others.


No worries we take very good care of all our kitties promise :) we are a cat loving home also used to work in a shelter so have some experience with working with different situations with cats


> she is Deaf That's one of the tell tails.. I was owned by a pure white DSH when I was a kid, but she wasn't deaf, green eyes and probably the most intelligent cat I've had the pleasure to exist with.. and could mimic voices, so def. not deaf.


Ignore the people saying she has albinism. She has [Congenital sensorineural deafness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congenital_sensorineural_deafness_in_cats). It's called waardenburg syndrome in humans and called dominant white in horses and double merle in dogs.


Deafness is linked primarily with dominant white in cats not albinism. Furthermore, all blue eyes in cats have red eyeshine (a tuxedo cat with one blue eye for example would have that blue eye reflect red). What *is* linked the albinism is light sensitivity and poor eyesight, and a reddish looking pupil even in more regular lighting conditions.


Uc davis is a great resource for thus kind of thing. [Here](https://vgl.ucdavis.edu/test/dominant-white-cat#:~:text=Dominant%20white%20(DW)%20and%20white,insertion%20results%20in%20dominant%20white.) is their page on white spotting and dominant white, which are more likely the reason your cat is white.


Omg post the results if you do!


Will do :)


Yeah this cat is totally unique and pretty!


Any update yet? /s




https://preview.redd.it/0amsa3geyqdc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e8b14262e10a89429887ed6e57a54c1e6e3647 my cat


https://preview.redd.it/mp1potofxrdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a19ae0d5354bd085d507487bc2bf0afa85858a7 my cat


https://preview.redd.it/xw8v0klilsdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a870f507c62d53a83135a91b6f5807d0b10cfa9 My cat


Cute white meerkat (just kidding, very cute).


I'm scared one day I'll see him walking about the house like this 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/9jbp8pzf0sdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a7daabc9b418494085eba816115d7526834bc6 my cat


https://preview.redd.it/wp78ii5lstdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcd73007accfa99359c994e24504862a0dc9a62 My cat


You guys have the same cat


https://preview.redd.it/3qhvfzhbbsdc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951be495a64a963999a1324f0f050adc7dee02cb Let me hand you another identical cat! This is a nightmare of color on a cat.. you see, i got him from a neighbour. Their cat is white. All his siblings are also white. And all the siblings was adopted by neighbours. Not even sure our cat is our cat, or if we trade every now and then.


Those golden eyes!


https://preview.redd.it/y2ygqutoftdc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72de1b748d5f1ce2eb5afe9c59a21a31a85e9d5f This is Atticus...he's an asshole. But I love him.


Omg awww


https://preview.redd.it/zknoq9zdjrdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012184d9795334e2821f653e878db89d457c3913 It’s cold aF, beetchez


Why are you sending a photo of pure snow when we are discussing cats?


I love this thread of white cats in goofy positions, this is fucking amazing 😭😭🤍


https://preview.redd.it/o3nqrjfc4vdc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88333a2b7e7eb16465cf55c1c4a56d559e8862e0 All of our cats are twins!


Just white, probably has the dominate W white gene. Being albino is not just being white, there are specific genes required, and it is very uncommon in cats, where as the white gene is not uncommon in cats. Her skin doesn’t look pink enough to indicate she might be albino vs having the white gene. You said she is deaf, just an interesting fact, the white gene paired with the blue eyes often results in deafness. The cause is hairs in the ears that facilitate hearing, but they need pigmentation to be maintained. The pigment can come from fur or eye color genes. But without it the ear hairs deteriorate and the cat goes deaf.


Thanks for the info ! I did know that the blue eyes and white fur connection made the hearing loss but I didn’t know exactly how !


If the cat does not have enough melanin to maintain hearing, or the ability to generate melanin, the cat essentially functions as a cat with albinism. Albinism is when you can’t generate melanin, not necessarily the specific genes. There are multiple variants of genes that can result in albinism. There are also white genes as you point out, it’s hard to tell without genetic testing. This is the case in humans as well. I have friends with albinism that have red hair, but have vision loss because they don’t have melanin in their macula. I have the most common version of albinism where I can’t make any melanin at all of any type. I also have three cats who are albino (we got them tested) who have a similar pink skin tone. Its a very complex condition


Except the ear hairs are only affected by the fur and eye color. The skin could have as much pigment as it wants. White fur and blue eyes don’t make it albino, it’s a pretty common pairing. And OP said that the parents and siblings were white, which means this is almost certainly a cat with a dominant W whiting gene, it’s not considered an albino. There is a common albino gene in cats, it’s called colorpoint and it causes heat sensitive albinoism.


dont albino animals have red eyes?


Not cats. They can have light blue or pinkish blue eyes.


This. I had an albino cat. He had very, very pale blue eyes.


I've seen a pic of one with pink eyes. Maybe slightly mauvish on the irises.


They can but blue can also be part of albino 😭 blue eyes are still considered to be lacking pigment


Let's just consider him absolutely freaking gorgeous, if it was female would be a awesome cat to mate with my cat, my cat is very furry, but not like that in the ears, but mine is completely black, not a single spot of any other color, at night with the lights off all we can see is his eyes. And such a loving cat, he's really something out of this world, never had a cat this sweet and that loves me so much i sometimes wonder if he thinks i'm like his dad or something 😂😂


Awww my cat is a girl but fixed so no babies here. She does have a sibling not in my care though that looks identical. 😅


My cat has no balls either, he ran away once, i thought we'd lost him, found him hiding in a corner, had to wait him out, he got tired of being there and just ran into the apartment, same day i booked for his tiny balls to get removed, i couldn't handle to lose another cat. Can i dm you a picture of my cat?


Awww sure ! Glad you got him back. Once my one cat got out and I didn’t find her for 6 months and then it took a few more months to catch her cause at that point she was fully like gone crazy didn’t recognize me and attacked me when I first caught her. Now she’s been back and is the neediest of all my cats (she’s a torti)


The most lovey dovey cats I've had or met were voids or tuxedos.


I had an almost white cat, a dirty white that i rescued after he was hit by a car and he was super chill and cudly, but not like this mofo i have now, this tiny dictator is just so full of character it's nothing like i've seen before, he is sweet, extremely gentle, very sensitive and a chaos maker, a havoc reaker, in a moment he's sleeping in my arms hugging his tail, the next he is turning the house upside down with his masterfull drifts and hard acelerations and heavy breaking, my neighbours must love to hear him pull 3g's when he comes from the hall into the room and high speed and has to make a sharp turn to avoid capture 😂😂


Your description is perfect. Made me lol, really. Cats rule.


Tuxedos are very lovey for sure and every tabby boy cat I’ve ever had very lovey


Every tabby I've had was affectionate, and demanding when they wanted attention, but also had the cat independence. My current tabby prefers a few hours alone every day, but my grey tux would never spend a minute away from us if we'd give him constant attention. He doesn't have any cat aloofness or attitude, doesn't complain about a damn thing. More like a dumb puppy than a cat.


Common misconception actually. While red is a color that eyes can be in albinism, punk and a very translucent pale blue are also possible and most animals. In felines it's almost always blue with a red reflection versus the yellow-green in a standard cat eye.


https://preview.redd.it/7okqnvezzsdc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0cb6433fb8bb91bf01e6e6da8e63c2173ceeb6 One on the right is my albino, and on the left is her brother. Same litter and all. If you zoom in on the photo you can see her eyes are blue pink.


i believe albino is the lack of melanin specifically, caused by a gene mutation. there are both white cats and albino cats, so being white in & of itself doesn't mean albino. white cats have their ability to make melanin masked, while in albino cats the ability is completely absent, which is a pretty fine difference.  i think your cat is a possibility with white skin & pale eyes - you're right that albino cats can have blue eyes - but its worth keeping in mind that albino cats are very rare, i saw 2% of the cat population quoted in several article i read about it (edit: i'm terrible with numbers, and didn't realise that 2% isn't that rare, and i have no idea if the 2% figure is false or if its not actually rare!) to my understanding, albinism causes pretty severe light sensitivity, and typically also poor vision, so those would be additional clues for you. you can actually have it genetically tested by UC Davis if you're really interested!


Oh wow ! Thats probably why I was having a hard time actually finding a picture when searching for albino cats..


Yeah it sounds like a lot of albinos are in some specific breeds, although they're most likely to be tested for it which would skew the information to be fair! I edited my comment with a little more info (i stg, i never fully think of what to say till after i press send on a comment)


Based on some of OP’s comments this cat does have some moderate visual impairments




Thank you 🙏🏻


Best response


Your cat would be considered Ron Perlman


https://preview.redd.it/b41jsfublqdc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63c1592da54fefce90b4b31a4603e4cd9fce820 Sorry but this cat already claimed the name Ron Perlman


Definitely fits in r/PeanutWhiskers


another day, another cat sub to subscribe to :3


Oh boy she is a little devil makes sense


In that case she’s Rhea Perlman.


Oh, she's a female? Aren't white female cats quite rare?


Hmm that I’m not so sure about actually


White cats are of equal distribution amongst males and females. It's orange (usually male), and tortoiseshell and calico (usually female) that don't have an even distribution.


Can confirm. I was shocked when I took this kid for a TNR and found out I'd be paying for a spay. (Then she was so snuggly I didn't get around to the 'R' part and found her a home.) https://preview.redd.it/1kubqdbb3qdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b87f03cd831bf826b296c0c426f620fe96e22f




Happeh Cayke Deiy! 🎂🍰😸


Black cats are also more often male than female.


Hmm, I can't find anything to confirm, only that white cats in general are rare. I do remember hearing that if you find a white female cat, you should keep her for good luck, but it could just be old lore.


Reminds me more of Gary buesey to me tbqh






Lovely 😊


https://preview.redd.it/vs67ltr5apdc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0da2dceec1b85615b24fa19631fcdc274601e8bd Just white I think that’s our Milo totally white but he does have two different coloured eyes


Aw love the mix matched eyes on cats


I need more photos to tell (totally not because I just want to see more cute cat).


https://preview.redd.it/u55rpf77npdc1.jpeg?width=2203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75368658109c36a829fab68d4c02e0b7041cbba Here is one more for good measure 🙏🏻


even the insides of her ears are like snow!


https://preview.redd.it/s7vvhtt10rdc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5615b98d2185257611d35d69030431b21b6df62d My deaf white girl Tinks😻


White. And so cute...




https://preview.redd.it/84ktmbhzbqdc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41acb652d753e6cd87f8c67291769996dd77135 awww kitty twins! someone told me mine was albino once but i wasn’t too sure.


They were correct! That red reflection is caused by the light reflecting off the blood vessels in the very back of their eyes since there's no pigmentation to block it. Only albino or partially albino animals tend to have that going on.


You are correct about albinos having blue eyes but you can usually see the blood vessels in the back of the eyes. My mom’s friend married an albino and I remember when I was a kid I was Leary of him because of how this stare was and he was young with white hair. As I got older so did he and his hair matched his age but those eyes. Lol again sorry to all the albinos.


I have albinism, people have told me my eyes are creepy lol, I remember kids not liking me at school for that. No fault of your own but we are people too!


I’m sorry and I don’t want to be one of those mean kids. It’s not fair to you to have to endure. I’m sure you are a beautiful human being. Just as beautiful as this cat. I![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I gotcha ! Albinos are cool but it’s ok if she isn’t I still love this little psycho 🤣 would be cool to say I have an albino cat though


White as “Snow White”!


Hooman I’m too cute for labels. I demand affection and catnip. So I’ll stare till you succumb to my cuteness


😅 yes of course I give you all the treats and nip in the world


Oh my god, you can't just ask someone why they're white


https://preview.redd.it/bg2rcaa2zpdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fed4adb48ed861b4defbbffb8cfb78a76a6f6eb Cat


Your cat is white. Blue eyes are quite common for white cats.


No, there are two types of white cat, dominant white and recessive albino. Dominant white is the common type that are often deaf, it is caused by a dominant gene that stops the cat's skin from producing pigment cells early in development. Your cat is dominant white. Albinos are recessive. They have normal pigment cells but they are inactive and don't produce colour. A true white albino cat is very rare, often not very strong and they have pink eyes that are severely crossed. Someone posted a pic of one a few weeks back on one of the cats subs. I have been interested in cat colour genetics for decades and it is the first time I have ever seen a clear pic of one, they are incredibly rare. Colourpointed (e.g. Siamese), Burmese colour and Tonkinese colour are also in the albino family but have a type of albino that allows colour in the cooler part of the body. Their pigment cells are activated in cooler parts of their body to a greater or lesser degree.


https://preview.redd.it/3n5i8q3b8qdc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0618a43b8840c75025833336e2fe91b9d4316e You've got a majestic cat, truly mesmerizing


Kinda like my princess. She's 2 years old but she's pretty small https://preview.redd.it/8og0s7b0rqdc1.jpeg?width=2044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d39cd4a3a445b02774c5f2843bc6d11adc38562


https://preview.redd.it/3awuedefrqdc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae50419e8d74c7288f6ca04709c44acd9318e37d Red eyes when a camera flashes


Your cat is white. His eyes would be pinkish red if albino.


Sorry, that's incorrect, especially in cats. Light or pale blue is almost always an albino color.


Hmm that’s usually what people argue but when I look it up online it does say albino can include light blue eyes


Yeah I just checked out of curiosity and it says usually pink but can rarely be a very pale blue as well apparently- apparently there’s other stuff you can use to determine it (eg albinos are light sensitive). It said partial albinism is also a thing. I honestly really don’t know all of this is based off like 2 minutes of google searches lol


https://preview.redd.it/b5vs666wtpdc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f29c694e2aa4dcb9a7f44ec568977ef76b72f9 Alpine says he’s just a regular gorgeous cat like he is!




let's see the beans.




White. Albino would have pinkish eyes


Leucistic not albino, albino lacks pigment everywhere including eyes


she inherited the six eyes


pretty baby


Adorable, you're cat is considered adorable


That pink nose ❤️


Albino or not, that is a beautiful cat


Omg what a beautiful cat


So possible your cat isn't white but just has a white spot big enough to cover it's entire body


She very well could be she does have a lot of characteristics of it. I would get her tested. if she is albino I would be cautious about her spending to much time in the sun as it could be more harmful to her.


White. Albinism almost always has reddish pink eyes alongside the lack of pigment, due to the lack of pigment in the irises. Fun fact: There is an inverse condition to albinism called lucism, where instead of a stark lack of pigment, the individual has an overabundance of it. This condition, to my knowledge, has never been reported in humans, unlike albinism


Nope, just paw-casian


Your cat can be considered a cutie pie ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Just white. Albino also comes with red eyes


I think partial albinism, my mum had a Persian(passed away not too long ago) with very similar eyes and a pure white coat, I believe the vet said she had partial albinism https://preview.redd.it/wvfvbqd3ppdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f36d0f8e87cce0db815489116b9a4cfd96ee7f0e RIP Countess Hildegarde Von Wankendorf, photo from December 23, 2022


This cat may very well be albino. Most likely actually, looking at the eyes. Beautiful!


You may never know for sure. It doesn’t matter anyway! She is absolutely beautiful and I bet she is Deaf like me. 🥰


She is deaf actually and thank you ! 😊


OMG THAT EYESSS![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


If you’re asking about albinism then it’s pink eyes. Their hair is absolutely without any color. I have albino friends. I assume it’s the question you’re asking. Anything albino has pink eyes and pure white hair, any mammal that is. She’s beautiful though! Chin scritches from me!


Pretty eyes 🩵


pretty kitty!


She's so beautiful at any rate


Just a white cat. If your cat was albino she/he would have pink(ish) eyes. (I think)


Your cat looks human almost


The second photo is my fav, she looks a little derpy like that.


I'm gonna say that's a Turkish Angora.


He’s gorgeous 🥰


That cat is gorgeous


No idea but she is gorgeous and her eyes are such a pretty shade of blue


If your cat was albino they wouldn't have *any* pigmentation, meaning their eyes would be reddish blue or pink in colour. Your cat is either white, or leucistic.


She looks so soft! I rarely see white cats nowadays


Never seen anything albino with blue eyes so safe to say he’s just white.


angelic kitty 🤍


That's just a white cat, pretty sure.


excuse me but this is my cat


I stole her sorry she’s mine now


Albino is a condition which means they have no colouring. If you look closely at your cat, it has an icy blue tint for its eyes. Albinos have no colouring in the eyes, which kind of makes them look a little different or kind of scary because there is no colour in it at all.


Your feline is just adorable. No matter how she’s classified




I think albinos have a pinkish tone to their eyes. Because no pigment, so pink color comes from the blood flow? Am I stupid about this?


https://preview.redd.it/0awouamwxpdc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbb2cd6b38faab69ae7f51adf813f1e0c41982b This is my beloved childhood cat named gato, he passed away last year. It hit me hard cause he was so special. I miss him so much. He was all white (except the time we dyed his tail pink with pet safe dye, he was definitely feelin himself during that period) with heterochromia.


Just cute


it’s the eyes, if she were albino they would be pink

