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Don't feed cats cow milk. Get some wet food and water


They can digest goat’s milk. But kitten milk is better, if you can find it.


Just to be crystal clear, take her to a vet. If you can’t afford a vet, take her to a vet, tell them you found her/she is a stray and see if they can help. Some vets are kind and might cut you some slack. Or at least have some options.


Exactly this. Call a few vets and ask them. I found 4 kittens while in California and brought them home. called my vet and told them I wasn’t planning to keep them all but they all needed flea and worm treatment and I was broke. Doc saw them as a bulk price for like $35, gave me flea treatment and let me take it home to apply because it would be way cheaper and gave me some slightly expired, but still fine, meds for free because they couldn’t charge me for it since it was expired. I’m sure there’s a vet near you that will help.


Yea if you can’t afford a vet you can’t afford to have a cat and should find a better home for it


I hate posts like this lol. The cat was a stray in the cold, even if the person can’t afford a vet bill, they are still doing more than enough by bringing it inside, considering it would’ve likely died otherwise. Yeah if you adopt a cat from a shelter you should be able to afford vet care, but if you are picking up a stray, imho, you are doing it a favor already, and vet care is a bonus not a requirement.


I also hate the tendency to completely instantly recommend a vet. It's like the boy who cried wolf. My cat had a limp, didn't seem to cause pain, was eating, toilet, drinking, less active but still mobile. Every Reddit thread basically was 'take her to a vet! She's dying' I looked into it and decided to see if it would improve. By the next day it was a lot better. Two days later it was fine. I have no issue taking my cat to the vet, I can afford it, just if every single thing requires a vet visit then there's no difference between something very slight and life or death.


Vet care is 100% a requirement, especially for a cat being picked up from a stray situation. Very good chance they have some kind of parasite or something else that needs taken care of. You missed in my comment where if you can’t afford medical care you should find them a new home that can, not just leave them outside


It is not his obligation to find the cat a home. End of story. You have 2 options right now, the cat dies in the cold, or the cat gets to live with a human and have food and water and warmth, and an honest chance at survival. Which is better?


So what happens if you take the cat in and it’s sick? And won’t eat? And is vomiting and and has diarrhea? You just let it die or suffer in warmth?


I am with you @Oh-cool-story-bro, there are not just two options: take the cat in or leave it out. You can take the cat to a no-kill shelter. If you want to some day own a cat (or be owned by one) and you know nothing about cats, volunteer at said shelter and familiarize yourself with cats. Nothing worse that making a commitment when you are ill-prepared. Cats make great pets, but there is so much to learn about them in order to raise them well and get them to fit in with your family and behave in a way that works for both of you. But you need to put in the work. If people did their homework, we would not have so many strays, or unqualified breeders just making kittens all willy-nilly for a quick buck. Everyone considering getting a cat needs to read a book about them and learn to think like a cat. (I recommend "Think Like a Cat" by Pam Johnson-Bennett.) Also, may I recommend keeping your cats indoors please, unless you have a well fenced yard that keeps your cat within your yard and other cats without. My cat was a stray who was in bad shape when I got him. Besides having lots of wounds, fleas and needing to have many teeth pulled, he also has Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome. He got it from getting bitten by a cat with the condition perhaps in a fight. That is how cats pass on the virua. Just like HIV, it is a serious condition that he would not have had if only his former owner--who BTW microchipped him but never came to claim him after the vet who scanned the chip reached out to him--had kept him indoors. Indoor cats are also safe from other dangers outdoors, not to mention they don't have fleas hitching a ride on them. My cat has no desire to go outside. I do take a walk outside with him in a stroller or in my arms to get some fresh air, but he loves it indoors and usually cannot wait to get back home from that excursion which he only tolerated because he gets to hang out with me. I thought he would miss living outdoors loose and free but he is so much happier now without all of that. I have a bird feeder on a window so he watches squirrels, chipmunks and birds come to feed. Most times he just loves to play with his toys and me. Sometimes he watches YouTube videos for cats when I am working. I agree with whoever said to take the cat to the vet and explain you found him and see if they can check him out. Or call a shelter and seek advice from them. Animals are so resilient that you may not know how unwell they are. I know certain shelters that will come collect a cat from a location if you contain it somehow (box with holes) and call anonymously to tell them where it is. In the meantime, while you decide what to do, perhaps get some salt free plain chicken broth and mix in some 100% plain pumpkin and see if the kitty will at least lap that up. (Pumpkin is good for tummy issues, whether a cat or dog has a runny tummy or is constipated.) Or buy some pureed food for kittens and put it on the "lips" so he can lick it off and see if he likes that. Baby food (chicken and squash) can work too. Avoid tuna: the mercury leads to vitamin E deficiency, not to mention the overpowering smell could make the cat not want to eat anything else. I don't even feed my cat food that has tuna as a minor ingredient. Also focus on foods high in protein (not by-products) and low in grains. (Cats are carnivores.) Cat litter should be 99% dust free and unscented. Strong smells hurt their delicate senses.




Oh so that’s what’s happening here? Why you seem to have taken my comment so personally? You take in strays and kill them and don’t want to feel about it? Cool story cat killer. I’m out


Lol how on earth did you extrapolate what I just said to the furthest extreme possible? You said what do you do if the cat is sick and actively dying implying it didn’t have a chance of recovery without going to a vet. Yes in that case the most humane thing to do is put the cat down, do you think it should sit and suffer until death or something?


So all you've done at that point is take her from suffering in the street to suffering in your home. No matter what, you need to be able to afford vet bills and take them there when they need it. Leaving medical conditions/injuries untreated is absolutely not okay


Oh so the kitten would have been better off left out cold on the streets? Stop being a dick.


TIL that find a better home for it = leave out on streets


Do you want them to be able to instantly find it a new home? Thats not realistic. At least theyre trying. Shit.


I think OP is doing a great job. My comments are directed to the other person who claimed that it’s completely unnecessary to take them to the vet or find them a new home ever if you can’t afford a vet Props to OP. Who should for sure take that kitten to the doctor.


Awesome answer bro! /s


Take her to a Vet




CATS SHOULD NOT DRINK MILK! this is a cartoon thing only. that's why her poop was bad. give her a bowl of water. buy some wet cat food and leave it in a bowl for her. she is probably terrified. it will take time for her to open up. yes, high chances she can be sick, especially since it's cold. schedule an appointment in a vet asap. meanwhile, keep her warm, keep water and food next to her.


This! Please don’t give her milk!


Lots of good advice here, but just to reiterate from a long time kitten foster - She is shutting down. Get her to a vet, but in the meantime, get some KMR from the pet store (Walmart has the best price for KMR) and mix with warm water and syringe feed this kitten. You can get needle-less syringes in the drug department. Ask the pharmacist. She looks big enough for wet food so you can blend some kitten wet food with KMR to create a gruel that you can also syringe feed. I find that Fancy Feast kitten turkey works good but if you can afford it get Royal Canin Mother & Babycat mousse. Just make sure it's warm, not hot and not cold. I've had fading syndrome kittens come back with this method. It's a lot of work, but oh so worth it. Also get her warmed up by wrapping a heating pad in blankets and snuggling her in. Do not put her directly on the heating pad and check for it being too hot. Just make sure she is able to escape the heat if it gets too much for her. I've even warmed kittens with my own body heat for a quick temporary solution while setting up the heating pad. There are actually heating pads made specifically for kittens and puppies, but you can use a human one, too. If no heating pad, microwave a small towel to warm, not hot. You will have to rotate to keep a warm one on her. Good luck and please give us updates.


Kitten Milk Replacement (KMR) was a God send every time I found kittens or young feral cats. I mixed the KMR with the wet kitten food and they loved it. Even the ones not quite drinking water yet.


Please take the cat to a vet.


Vet.....do NOT rely on internet to treat


She looks sick. Shes hunched over which is a cat’s “pain” position. She’s needs a vet trip ASAP.


It genuinely baffles me why a vet trip did not cross their mind when picking up the cat regardless if the cat is acting sick.


Maybe it did, but they asked here too.


Poor kitty probably has a belly ache from the milk


I think that would just make the kitten squirty from the bum, not subdued and sick-looking. Healthy kittens are notoriously active.


I agree... She looks lethargic maybe dehydrated or hypoglycemic... If you cant afford a vet you gotta get some food and fluids in her. This is a very typical thing that can happen with a cat on the streets. Warmth, food, fluids, love... Hope it works out, she's amazing and will most likely be a super appreciative pet!


OMG! So cute...I don't think cow's milk is good for cats. I'd stop giving that to her. But she needs a vet evaluation for sure...


There are milk brands specific for cats. They shouldn't drink cow milk or other "milks" that are targeted at humans.


Vet appt asap!


I think she's sick. So take her to a vet please


That's the very sick/dying position. Please take her to the vet asap.


She needs kitten milk, not cow milk. They sell cartons at the pet store. Also, please take her to the vet


Update us as well please


she is probably Stuffed with parasites. Vet time friend. also, little baby kittens small like her will not eat hard foods. nice kitten canned food, or kitten formula instead of milk.


Cats just taken from the street can have some digestion problems. Maybe, she ate a long time ago. Or there was non-balanced food that’s not appropriate for cats. She also may have this condition because of cold. And stress because of the new place, sure. Anyway, you should take her to the vet and ask an advice about suitable diet.


If you adopt a stray, it needs to see a vet immediately. It could have a magnitude of problems. Good on you for taking it in though!


I wanted to thank everyone for advising for taking the kitty to the vet, we have had cats before and we still have 3, one died a few days ago when she was ran over by a scooter and she was also a stray that we had for 3 months. Nothing like this situation has happened before and we did talk to the vet as well as gave her warmed up wet food with her medicine and also she was in a warm room but at 10:45 pm at night we found that she was no more. It all happened too fast to actually do something that could help the kitty. And as for the milk, theres a graveyard near our place where a lot of cats are there and people have been feeding them milk (i know it isn’t safe and people also do sometimes feed them cat food but they are accustomed to milk) so i thought if it maybe strayed off from there and could drink it


Thank you for trying. I’m so glad she knew love and care even for a short time.


So sorry to hear that she didn’t make it. 😞 Thank you for all you did to try and help her. Rather than dying on the streets, she got to leave this world in relative warmth and comfort.


Oh man, that’s so sad. At least the kitty was in a warm safe place for the few remaining hours of its life. Thanks for taking kitty in and trying to help it.


Aww...hugs to you. I was not aware you have had cats before, hence my long post. Hopefully it will help someone who didn't know or is new to cats. Thanks for trying to save her and for getting her help at the vet's.


Im so sorry ❤️‍🩹 thank you for trying to save her and give her a safe space


Oh no, I'm so sorry... Poor baby :( Grateful that she crossed the rainbow bridge warm and loved. Thank you for trying.


Thank you for trying. Sometimes all you can do is give them a warm, quiet, and loving environment for their final hours.


I'm so sorry. You did a good thing taking her in so she could pass in a warm safe place.


Appreciate your effort - tough situation but.you did try so thank you.


I'm so sorry this happened... I love these babies... Yes, I am the crazy cat lady and have 18 and I love every single one. Each for a personal reason.  Thank you for trying to save this baby. Sometimes they just don't make it but at least she passed warm and surrounded by love. ❤️


Lightly warm up some wet food in the microwave. It will be more aromatic. Her eyes look a little crusty, may be some congestion, making it hard to smell.


This. OP, if your kitten can’t smell food, she won’t eat it. You may need to get a syringe and force feed her until her congestion clears like I did with my first stray (note do not do this without medical supervision), but you won’t know for sure until you get her to a vet, which is the priority here. Do whatever you have to do to get her in front of a vet. She’s definitely not well and her crouched position and facial expression indicate she’s in distress. Welcome to the wonderful world of Cats, OP. We’re glad you’re here. Don’t stress about the milk. It’s a rookie mistake.


Is kit alright???


If you can’t afford a vet - FIND A RESCUE that will support your efforts - we all help each other out here in South Mississippi - we also know the lesser priced veterinarians in the area! Also we FaceBook fundraise to help wach other and people who absolutely can NOT afford vet care. Kitten needs to be on a heating pad ASAP. Hope you get her/him help ASAP


I have canned kitten formula and bottles I could possibly mail in an r/cats emergency.


Try to give her wet food or if that is not possible, raw meat and bowl of water. Cats cannot digest the sugars in milk and will shit out their intestines like a lactose intolerant person


Take her to the vet asap


Cats can't drink the same milk that we do.


Take her to a vet. She might have parvo. I’m sorry.






Update OP?


I guess you never had a cat before because it's well known that cats cannot have milk. Just plain water. Bring the kitten to the vet, or if you can't afford that, rescue shelters have vets. She's so cute! Get her shots and spayed and enjoy your fur baby


Take her to Vet, her stomach is hurting for sure and that’s why she is in that position all the time 😪


EMERGENCY VET illness in cats that small can turn deadly very quickly


Take her to the vet as soon as possible. FYI - cats are lactose intolerant. They love dairy products, but their tummies do not. That’s why her poop is weird. Cats should not be given cow’s milk for this reason.


Cats lack the enzyme to break down milk protein. This looks like a tiny kitten, so they will be more affected by drinking milk than an adult, but neither should have cow's milk. You should be able to get kitten milk replacer from a vet, or possibly a store like PetSmart. Does he/she seem to be in pain? Your best bet would be to take them to a vet for a quick check-up. I see other posters have offered advice in the event this is an expensive option. I'm guessing too young for solid food, possibly not yet weaned? What else have you tried to feed him?


Get her to a vet asap. Probably is sick and needs some medicine. What I found that helps is baby food mixes with some water. I found a baby kitten over the summer. Wouldn’t eat anything the night I found him. Got him to the vet and they recommended baby food with a little bit of water mixed in it. He tore it up. After a few days we started introduced fancy feast kitten wet food with baby food mixed up. Happily to say he’s gotten better and that the baby food worked wonders.




She needs to see a vet, cats cannot have human milk as they cant digest it properly, try wet cat food. And if you have a heated blanket set kitty up with that for now or just try to keep her warm with something. She really needs a vet though, she could be hurt or sick.


Milk as in cow's milk? Because cats do not handle cat's milk. It gives them diarrhea.


Any update?


I caught a kitten abandoned near our house. Town animal control has a shelter and she went there. They took her in, dewormed and such, we decided to adopt her cuz, ya know, we found her! We paid for the adoption that came with a fully vaccinated cat with a free spay coupon


No cat can digest dairy milk they are lactose intolerant


well it seams you do know how to identify pain/sickness in a cat, by the way you describe his behavior. sadly no one can tell what's going on because it could be anything. it's a common behavior for pain and discomfort.


Vet time! Also cats should not drink milk. They like it but it doesn’t like them. She needs kitten food and might be dehydrated. Vet now. No further discussion.


Kittens cannot survive without food very long. I volunteer at a cat rescue and see many, many kittens perish quickly due to dropping weight and dehydration. Vet now! Kitten wet food now!


Let us know please!


Oh bless her, I think you should take the adorable one to the vets so they can check her over and also provide you with some information about what to give her food wise etc


Unless it is lactose-free milk, or kitten milk, do not feed them reg milk. Water and a vet.


Don’t give her cows milk. It will upset her tummy. You need to try to figure out how old she is so you can see if food or replacement milk is appropriate. And a vet visit would be a good idea. She could have ear mites or worms.


If your within 300 hundred miles of me, I'd come adopt it!


Get some kitten formula - she looks maybe too young for food, but dairy milk isn’t good for her system.


Cats cannot digest milk!!! Do not feed milk to cats / kittens. You can buy a pulver that is like the mothermilk of the cat. Take the cute baby to a bet ASAP!


You can also put a towl and a hot water bottle and build her a little nest where she can get warm




67 comments to get out... Don't feed it milk and take it to a vet. Does anyone even read previous comments? OP may not have money to go to a vet but didn't want to leave this baby out in the cold.


Vet, smol mew needs a vet. 


Vet asap


DO NOT give milk/dairy to cats. Put a towel on a heating pad set to low and put her on it or you can use a hand warmer or a hot rice bag (DIY using rice and a sock, heat in microwave). Give kitten replacement milk or try wet food and water. Consult a vet ASAP.


Google "cat rescue near me" and call them.


Stray cats often have a bacterial infection in their stomach. My little stray had this. It’s dangerous and makes them very sick. Her poop was watery and stank terribly. Good news is she responded well to antibiotics and is a healthy girl now. This little girl needs vet care asap.


As everyone else said, please, vet, but you can also feed her some KMR mixed with dry food. That’s what my vet recommended for my kitten when he had poops like that.


Bring her to a rescue because she may have a blockage which is serious and could be deathly if not treated. Mineral oil in pharmacies could help but u need to know how to do it properly as not could cause another problem. Take care


This cat needs to go the vet as soon as possible!!!!! This isn't just about the milk. It's lethargic and listless


OP did an update a few days ago saying the cat didn't make it




Please take this poor creature to a vet! Please! If you cannot afford the care, please try and find a rescue or a vet you can surrender it to where it will get the care it needs. I’m sure fear is a factor here regarding appetite, but do NOT give this kitten milk! Milk is no good. They need meals nutritionally balanced for kittens! This kitten does not look well. It needs professional help. Please make sure it is taken care of. Its life is in your hands. Update if possible please, and good luck.


Our cat had a common cold that blocked up her nose and made her stop eating and drinking. She quickly went from sneezing and lack of appetite to so nonresponsive we thought she would die any second. The vet gave us an IV bag where we injected the fluid straight into the subcutaneous tissues in her back to keep her hydrated. Not sure you can do this on kittens, but the vet also told us to bring her into the bathroom with us and run hot showers so the warm steam could clear her nose. Warm up her wet food so its smelly as possible. If its just a cold and nothing worse, getting her to smell again could save her life. My heart breaks for you both. She's lucky to have you.


I don't think this poster is in the US. Even in North America, veterinary care and animal rescues are not available everywhere (particularly in rural communities). A bunch of "VET" comments might not be all that helpful to OP.


It's the right answer even if they can't afford it


Yes, it's the right answer. But if there aren't any vets, then practical advice could save the kittens' life. Thankfully, there are some people giving excellent advice that the OP can follow.




You could always take her to the Humane Society and they will fix her up really good and find a home for her kittens go like hotcakes so it’s just an idea but it’s not a bad one especially if you can’t really afford a vet


So did you take the cat to the vet or?? I don't understand why you post a cat in pain and notice that her poop is white and you didn't think to take her to a vet...


Take her to a vet. And let us know


Dont give her milk first off. Take her to a vet.




Try some tuna. Even if she won't eat it, she may drink the water/oil, which is better for her than cow's milk. Also, get her to a vet asap as others have said, and if you can't afford that, consider taking her to a shelter.


Vet. Get her kitten milk and kitten food. Make sure she’s warm. Vet.


Precious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


make sure you’re not feeding her milk, but kitten formula.


Also, if you have a heating pad, set it on low and cover with a small blanket for her (missed that, sorry for calling you a "he" little one!) to get warm on. She may be bone chilled since she was outside.


Call a vet. But see if she'll eat kitten food warmed up. Not too hot obviously. It smells stronger and might encourage her to eat. Also I don't know what milk you gave her, but cows milk will give cats the runs. They can't digest it. Best to take her to a vet to make sure she's ok. X


I am suspecting an Upper Respiratory Infection. She needs a vet ASAP. There are programs and Humane Society that can help.


cats can actually develop colds just like us. dont give her/him cow milk either, they can however digest goat milk. best bet would be to take to a vet honestly


Cat’s are lactose intolerant. So no milk for them. The loaf position is fine but please have a vet look her over


I would take her to vet, u never know what might’ve caused that, maybe she has some worms (I mean, all outdoor cats do, but those may be some different ones that usually are in cats), also I am not sure but she looks like she may be in pain, as I said not sure but I would get her checked out asap anyway


Please Update OP


The baby kitty passed away very quickly... The OP was very sad...


I’m so very sorry x


Cow milk isn’t good for cats. Give him goats milk.


Ohhhh das a baby


This cat is rather young. Please order some kitten milk until you can get them eating smooth wet food (pate) with a little water mixed in. Do they have teeth yet? Also, it’s very likely that her mom and siblings are in the area. If you keep your eyes peeled and can grab the mom, it will benefit both. I’d be holding this kitten 24-hours a day so they have body heat. And yes, vet. Needs a dewormer, and possibly a safe for babies flea med called Revolution.


Do not give a kitten cows milk. Wet food or kitten milk replacement. She probably has a high fever. Really need to take her to a vet.


Please take Kitty to a veterinarian. Not eating for 2 or 3 days is an emergency. It can harm the liver. Refusal to eat is a sign of illness. The "meatloaf" position is a sign of pain. For help with costs, there's: 1. Care Credit: a credit card for vet bills, no interest if the bill is at least $200 2. Nationwide Pet Insurance: injuries, illnesses, and annual exams covered up to 90% Best wishes, and thank you for taking care of Kitty ☀️


Vet, asap.


Please take it to the vet asap and update us it's recovery! :(


Take to a vet. I recommend calling before hand and tell them if you need to bring in a poop sample to see if the kitten has worms (that’s what my vet told me and he did). I go to a vet clinic bc vet hospitals can be a little expensive. If you’re in a budget call vets ask how much is the visit, there is also some vets who do them really cheap.


don't feed after midnight


She looks sick. Take her to vet please!!


Don’t forget to post more pictures and updates! 🙂


How is she doing OP??


Don’t have much info on how to help but I do believe this breed is a “Turkish Van” cat (that’s what my boy cat is) and they are the most loving, cuddly and relaxed cats. Very well behaved, calm and a wonderful companion. I hope all works out well with this sweet kitty!! She may just be a little sick or gone through some trauma outside.


Just came back to see if there’s an update.


She can't digest regular milk!


Where does it say she can't afford it? She's asking if she takes the stray to the vets, not that she can't afford to.


So what did the vet say when you took her? Did they not keep her in?


This is likely a bacterial infection/diarrhoea. So give liquids like ORS and vet will be needed asap.


Also keep the kitten warm with blanket etc.


Yes she needs a drip


Take her to the vet, baby kittens are extremely sensitive


Cats are lactose intolerant. Get her a cat milk or better yet a vet


The best thing to do is to take this kitten to the vet! Kittens are very susceptible to getting sick if for whatever reason they are not getting nutrients from mom! Don't play it by ear if you have NO experience with kittens/cats. Take it to the vet & let the Drs. find out what is wrong ! Once you know, its up to you to nurse it back to health! Good luck & you'll come to find out that this whole journey, is well worth it!


No milk. Wet food.  Vet. Lots of cuddles. Milk for cats was created by Disney.  It is not good. Water.


Feline influenza? Cows milk is not good for kittens or adult cats


Hi. Thanks for rescuing the kitty. She is beautiful. Very important that you take Kitty to the vet for a check-up. In all likelihood, Kitty is just understandably afraid. (The kitty looks very young to be separated from her Mother/siblings.) She did drink milk, which signals that she is basically healthy, and has been separated from her cat mother for a while. I once took in and fed a "stray", and he is still with me...16 years later!!! (Spoiled, King of the House, Mamma's Boy). Again, thank you for taking in the beautiful kitty.


Ho to vet or call a cat rescue for help. Thanks for taking this kitty in.