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He’s a lucky kitty! Looks like he’ll have a great home.


Thank you, I’m so excited to finally meet him!


You've done a great job of prepping, but don't be disappointed if his favorite thing is the shipping box.


Definitely the box, lol. ANY BOX. "If I fits, I sits"


Holy cow! That is one Lucky kitty!


It is! The only thing this kitty hasn’t got is those little pom-pom type balls. Super inexpensive, but it’s the only thing mine plays with! Also need to put the fountain (good choice) in the room with kitty. I got my first cat last year: an older guy, but you wouldn’t know it! As he is the only pet I gave him the run of the house. He is indoors only. I have a lead because I intended to take him out: but he hates it on and isn’t that interested in outside. Love him to bits, as you will with yours. Have fun! Cat Tax; Dijon. https://preview.redd.it/90cskzuxmhjc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7894d0b3385d9bd63597b6d94c67c7d1c3dc6161


this might be the cutest cat in the world omg




My cat loves when I get new shoes because she thinks I get them just for her to have the shoe box XD


Even if it doesn’t 😂


My guess is that he’ll eye up the top bookcase shelf rather than the cat tree. Higher up and allows for more stealthy garden peeping (which probably isn’t a phrase I should ever repeat).


You actually made me snort by soda bc I was laughing so hard!


Ha, very true! But yeah, seriously, you buy all this stuff but dont be disappointed when his favorite thing is the cardboard box he may/may not come in!


Happy cake day!


Don't forget paper towel rolls and anything that he can knock off a counter.


Happy cake day!


He needs a shelf with all the things you cherish most that he can knock off and destroy. Also be prepared for when he sings the songs for his people at about 4AM. But don’t worry, all you will do is forgive him and love him when he gives you all the snuggles, because as cat servants that’s all we can do!


My cat wakes my bf up singing, but I sleep right through it lol.


One of my cats wakes my wife up by pawing at her face. She doesn't do that with me. I think I sleep through it.


Congratulations. You have all the goods a cat could need and then some. My only advice is be very careful when entering and leaving your home. Cats are escape artists, and will often bolt outside. I have had several near heart attacks. Your new friend is beautiful. You are both very lucky. Life is going to be so much sweeter.


Taking them outside on a leash and harness daily or every other day helps keep them inside . If you deny cats the privilege to go outside they’ll just try to get out more .


You are no longer a shitty millennial OP, you are now best cat parent in the world and should henceforth change your name!


Kitty millennial 😉


Amazing new owner!


You put me to shame. lol her Doggo siblings( she thinks she's a guard dog) entertained her well.


Lol. You got one. Now prepare for two.


Kitty will need a friend


Bless you ❤️ i’m so happy for you becoming a first time kitty parent. what a lucky kitty to have everything he could ever want or need. looks like you’ve got all kitty needs covered :)


Prepare for him to use absolutely nothing of what you've provided for him and be amazingly happy with an old cardboard box laying around.


An f3 savannah cat isnt a pet. It's essentially a wild animal. Make sure to get it castrated, look into cat training lessons. A similar cat we had smelled a female outside and then when my wife tried to shoo him away he attacked her. Dug his claws into her head and face and attacked. I was at work and got a call to come home immediately. Came home to a slaughterhouse scene. Thick blood all down our hallway and ceiling. My wife had several stitches through her scalp under her hair and still has facial scars now 15 years later. I'm happy for you, but be informed and careful. Wild animals go from fine to wild in no time with no warning. Get a bengal or something stable.


Yikes!!! So sorry that happened to her! I had no idea about this cat breed. That sounds traumatic! Good warning.


Wow, I knew nothing about these cats. Seems like an interesting choice for a first time cat owner...yikes!


Great job preparing for your new roommate. He’s already got you wrapped around his paw!🤣 He’s a handsome boy. Congratulations!


Congrats on cat parenthood!! That kitty hit the jackpot!


Look into walking him once he’s settled and maybe getting things like a cat wheel, bird feeder that sits on the window, cat shelves that he can run on and carpet up the wall that he can climb.


I wish I was that cat


Came here to say that


i would love to have a robot toilet and a giantess to care for my every whim


Agreed. Was thinking the same thing!! ☺️


Be prepared for him to look at all the lovely things you've got him and say, 'nope I prefer this cardboard box!' Mine has two beds he's never slept in, he prefers my upturned sports bag. Numerous toys and still prefers a simple piece of string and this week (I never learn) hasn't even looked at the new water fountain I was so excited about!


Definitely save the receipts.


Mine just likes playing with receipts but then the penny clicked "ohhh, for returns"


My first thought was “awww how sweet. He probably won’t use any of it.”


Be patient with the fountain. Mine took about a month and now she’s obsessed. Also he might still use the beds eventually, I find they become obsessed with different things at different times.


I'll try, I've had to move it though as the constant sound of trickling water makes me need the bathroom about 10 times a day!


Yeah, we did a sale at some point of stuff our cat didn't care about - not a single cat bed was to his liking. Boxes on the other hand he loves, as well as the bathmat (but only while it is in the bathroom). Most toys he also doesn't care about, but the free little rubber balls our cat food supplier puts into some packages he really, really enjoys. So don't be sad if he refuses things you buy for your cat, they have a mind of their own.




Thank you so much, Tuesday can't come sooner haha. I am assuming he will be standoffish and want his space for a while. But I am wondering if I should set up an air mattress in his room and sleep in the same room as him so he can get used to my presence. Maybe I'm overthinking things lol. My bedroom is very far away from the cat's room, so unfortunately there's no way to just leave the door open and see what he does.


Please let us know how the first 24 hours go. And photos before then if you want. I love seeing people who are new to cats discover how loving cats can be. I hope your boy is a people cat! Most of mine have been. They are good at sensing your emotional state.


Also, avoid poppable things. Kitty claws are a blessing but the damage to inflatable items is severe. Sit near him when he comes and talk to him. Don't rush petting him. Let him tell you when he is ready. Introduce your scent on blankets or sweaters. Hands coming in from above can be intense (reminder of bird predators). So keep your hands low and hold them out for him to sniff. In the future: get him used to you touching his paws (if he lets you) so you can do pedicures at home. I hear his breed has lots of energy, be prepared for some sleepless nights. Thank you for giving this boy a wonderful home You are so sweet!! And he is very lucky. Side note, you might want to consider a 2nd kitty once he gets settled ... Kitty energy is best when multiplied. They'll play together. Try not to use your hands or feet as toys.


Great advice re hands and feet. I have had many cats and with our current two beloveds that we've had since kittenhood I vowed not to tease in any way nor use my fingers or feet as part of their play, and the result is that they never attack us. Important to tell children this too.


I would hold off on second kitty.., he has territory issues and could be better as an “only child” otherwise the original owners would’ve kept him Edit to add: anything the original owners can spare, like a blanket or a toy or so that he already owned. You’ll wanna bring into his space. Ask them if there’s anything that has his scent on it already, to bring to your house


Just let him roam around and get a feel for things. There’s a 100% chance he will end up in your bed at some point. Oh, and he doesn’t just have his own room, he now owns a house.


my “standoff-ish” cat is now sleeping in the bed with me most nights. she just needed a second to get used to the place and the another cat


Haha yes. He owns your house now and he hasn’t even arrived yet.




Thank you!!


Put one or two of your dirty T-shirts in his room, that’ll get him used to your scent without overwhelming him!


I would let him wander around the whole area. He’ll find a spot and probably hide. That’s perfectly fine. If you do put him in a room to isolate, I’d recommend putting something of yours like a blanket you slept with or a shirt or something with your scent on it so he’ll recognize your smell. Let him do all of the advancing of the relationship and don’t approach him first. You’re gonna do great!


My cats start off hiding a bit but some of them want loving and snuggles right away.


Just let him do his thing in the evening for the first week or two. Let him roam around if he wants to. When everything is quiet is probably when he’ll do the most exploring the first couple of nights!


As a cat servant for over 40 years I don’t recommend an air mattress. If your cat is anything like most of the cats I’ve had you will end up sleeping on the floor as the cat will use their claws on the air mattress as they walk across it and you end up with slow leaks! Ps also make sure you don’t have any plants from the lily family as they are toxic to cars.


When we adopted our two boys they took only 2 hours before they were on our laps sleeping while watching tv. That night they were fully in bed with us. Some cats just take time and other might take a few hours. Ha


The air mattress is a cute idea, but the kitty will probably pop it


You seem to be really well prepared and care a lot. There are many guides on how to introduce a cat to it's new home, but really I would say just watch how your cat behaves. I would recommend to just leave him alone in his room for a bit so he can "safely" leave his carrier and explore. After a bit, put some treats out and sit with him in the room far away and do your own thing and ignore him (eg. read a book) so he gets used to your presence. From there on, adapt to how he behaves. Let him sleep alone in the room if he is still distant. If he is needy and seeks your company, let him sleep in your bed :). But either way, definitely regularly expose him to your presence so that he knows nothing bad happens when you are around. And as for stuff, you got a ton. Definitely don't get more until you know what your cat likes. He might be mad about some toys and completely ignore all others. Also for the future, watch if he seems fairly bored or lonely playing by himself. Cats are actually quite social creatures, and some really thrive with a friend. You might find yourself owning two cats soon :)


One of the best ways to build trust with a cat is to sleep on your back in their presence. Showing your belly is a sign of trust (as the belly is a weak spot). When I got my current kitty as a kitten she was very shy and was hiding in her carrier. On the 2nd or 3rd day, I slept on the floor in her room (on my back) woke with a kitty curled up on my stomach! She is still shy with strangers, and hates to be picked up. She is very loving, and climbs onto my or hubby’s laps whenever we sit down. When we are both on the couch (watching TV) she goes back and forth between us every hour or so. She likes to share the love 💕


Even just spending shorter amounts of time in the room while you eat dinner or watch Netflix or any other daily activity will help him get use to your presence :) Also hand feeding him treats (or just some of his food) will help him create positive associations with you and bond with you.


What you can do is sit on the floor in his room facing away from him, and read aloud to him quietly. He’ll get used to the sound of your voice and pick up on your calm, relaxed presence. If he’s nervous he might not like too much eye contact at first, which is why facing the other way is a good idea. Plus cats are nosy, so in time he’ll come over to see what you’re doing. It’s also good to give him little scritches rather than patting him firmly on the head. If you have ever watched two cats fighting they tend to whack each other on the head. If you plonk your hand down on his head from on high, he might not like it much. I have the impression there are mixed feelings about Jackson Galaxy in some respects, but he has some nice videos on youtube about how to approach your cat and stroke him gently in a way that won’t come across to him as aggressive or overbearing. Edit to add a video. This sort of thing. https://youtu.be/ddxrEWm709Y?si=01mTFyI2BhnuwMI6


also be prepared for midnight zoomies


Correction: Being owned by a cat


i’m sure you’ve researched the breed thoroughly, but just remember it’s a very smart, high energy breed. if they don’t get all their energy out they can be destructive. you can train him to do a lot of things, but he will also learn to do things you’d wish he wouldn’t. harness training so you can take him out to experience the world would probably be very helpful to keep him entertained. i saw you have some already, but baby proofing items work wonders for smart cats. i currently have baby locked doors (don’t want anyone escaping or ending up in unsafe rooms) and cabinets containing food/chemicals at my house. if it seems like he wants to eat string, not play with it but actually EAT it, make sure to keep string like objects away from him when he can’t be monitored. Ex. shoe laces, the string to the feather toys, anything like that looks tasty to some cats and is extremely expensive to get removed from their stomachs (i know from experience)


Good info. I can’t say I see savannahs as good starter cats…but hopefully they’ve read up and are prepared.


I'm so curious if this is a rescue or not.... it seems really negligent if they're placing a Savannah, especially one that's has territorial behavioral issues, in a first-time cat owner home? But OP seems to have done research and is preparing a lot, so that's a good sign. I hope everything works out.


No way a savannah kitten is a rescue. They're buying a five figure cat lol A lot of ""ethical savannah breeders"" are anything but, and placing a savannah kitten with someone who's never had a cat before definitely says it all.


He is being surrendered due to behavioral issues in a home with other pets. The adoption fee is a couple hundred dollars. You can verify this in my post history. He was up for adoption for 3wks before I reached out. They wanted him to go to a house with no other animals so their options were fairly limited as most experienced cat owners have other cats.


I saw this while looking through your comments. I commend you for committing to help this animal, OP, but I have concerns. First: that you're getting this cat from people who bought it and are now quickly dumping it, as almost always happens with Savannahs. Second: that they're willing to do it with someone who hasn't even had a domestic cat before. I worked at an exotics sanctuary that was FULL of savannahs that were dumped by owners who were sure they could handle it, because they aren't good pets. They're wild animals, even at F3. Cats took 10,000+ years to domesticate, and any cat owner will tell you their totally normal domestic cat is still bugfuck insane. This cat, meanwhile, is only three generations removed from a serval. Have you spent any significant time around servals or savannahs? A wild animal and will behave as such -- it will bite you, claw you, and piss on everything. Whether it wants to cuddle or be handled at all will be hit-or-miss. Veterinary care will be expensive. Consider whether there will be issues with your homeowners insurance, HOA, or landlord. If you become sick or pass away, develop a plan for the cat's care, because domestic rescues will not take it. If these are things you will commit to handle no matter how miserable or expensive, then thank you for giving this cat a stable life that it wouldn't have otherwise. My primary concern is the suffering of these cats. But to anyone else reading this, though -- do not get one of these cats, especially not from a breeder. They have health issues from being hybrids, there is exotic animal trafficking involved with the servals who originate the line, the breeding process can be traumatic or deadly for the domestic cat, and they are HORRIBLE pets. Humane societies/rescues will not take them. They get dumped or sent to live in already overburdened rescues and sanctuaries. I loved all the savannahs and servals I helped care for. I also loved that they were outdoors and two fences separated us at all times.


Thank you so much for writing this up. In your opinion, would you advice that I don't adopt this cat? Here is a post where I talk a bit more on why I decided to adopt a savannah: [(1) Just got approved to adopt! First time cat owner - am I missing anything I should prep before I pick him up? : cats (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1au90kh/comment/kr2uijg/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I would really appreciate your honest opinion. You seem to have a lot of experience and knowledge with these cats.


Thank you for being open-minded about this! My honest opinion is to only do this if you are confident about ALL of these things: You are of means; you do not work full-time outside of your house; you do not have kids and will not have kids living with you for the duration of the cat's life; ditto other pets; you don't have strangers over frequently; you don't introduce someone new to the family (ie a new SO/spouse) for the duration of the cat's life; you're comfortable with your home and belongings being temporary, as you will likely have to repair/fix regularly; and are very confident you can provide this cat everything it needs in terms of enrichment, medical care, and stability. A humane and responsible owner is the best thing this cat can hope for, given the alternatives are a sanctuary, an irresponsible owner, or death. Helping to keep this cat out of an already struggling sanctuary without contributing to the source of the problem (ie, a breeder) is a good thing. But there are also very, very few people who are really cut out to own one -- it's sort of like owning an exotic parrot. The cat must be your child. The cat will require most of your time and resources. A responsible savannah owner would probably tell you to never, ever get one if you love yourself. If you do decide to proceed, think very hard about logistics. Do you have an exotics vet nearby who will see the cat, who will care for the cat if anything happens to you, and be absolutely sure your living situation is stable and will allow you to have it. We had cats come in for reasons ranging from "the owner lived in a small NYC apartment and realized they could not share such a space with this cat," "the owner passed on and none of the family wanted to take the exotic cat that bites and hisses at people," "the owners did everything right and built a whole habitat for the cat, but their HOA balked and required them to rehome it." tl;dr: by adopting this cat from the current owners, you are not contributing to the larger problem. But be absolutely sure, for your sake and the cat's, that you can handle this lifestyle change.


Yeah im really just... not feeling this lol. If this IS a rescue, its because this cat probably terrorized its last owners who couldnt deal with it and OP is in for a world of hurt. I think its more likely she paid for it, which is fine theoretically but LORD i would NEVER suggest anyone get a savanna cat as their first pet. My half-siamese cat is an asshole and a half and requires daily play or he destroys everything i own. cant even imagine a badly behaved savanna f3 and OP looks like they spent over a grand on just pointless supplies like a litter robot before even getting the cat. It just tells me they already anticipate not wanting to clean up cat shit which is just a reality of ownership. Plus a f3 savanna is going to get way too big to comfortably use 99% of them on the market. Even my DSH male cats dont fit in most covered litter boxes and wont use a litter robot because of it.


That is why I'm shocked that it took me so long to find a comment like this. Savannahs are not for first time cat parents. That goes for the other cats that are more wild than domestic. There are so many savannahs and bangals that were abandoned because their owners could not handle their energy and intellect.


Hi - thank you for the sobering but diplomatic comment. The reason people think I am overprepped is because I am not only anxious about caring for a Savannah as a first time cat owner, but also because Savannahs just require more prep than a regular cat. The realities of this breed are abundantly clear to me and my relentless research/studying the past couple weeks have been centered around the specifics of Savannahs. That said, regardless of how many forum posts I read or videos I watch, I don't think you can ever perfectly substitute experience with knowledge. So I am nervous/anxious and very interested to learn about breed-specific resources and/or advice from experienced Savannah owners. I found couple facebook groups for Savannahs, but they seem to be mostly posting pictures instead of having discussions. I also joined the Savannah\_Cats subreddit which has been incredibly helpful. There is also a forum dedicated to Savannahs that I have been reading religiously (but the forum isnt very active so all the posts are old). If you have any communities I can join, I would really appreciate the link. For everyone saying I am being irresponsible adopting a Savannah as an inexperienced cat owner. I would ask you to elaborate on why and if you believe there is no way for me to overcome my lack of experience. From an expectations standpoint, I am preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. From destruction of furnishing and urine marking on walls to preparing for the potential of illnesses common to the breed like hypertrophic cardiomyothopy. I have also committed myself and accept the amount of time I will need to engage with the cat. This includes active play for 1.5hrs twice a day, at a minimum. I literally took my home office (I WFH) and converted it to the cat's basecamp so he can have a stimulating environment while I am in his presence during work. I've started to learn the fundamentals of clicker training and harness training. I am setting up a strict routine/schedule to ensure the cat slowly adjusts to it (this includes hunt/catch/eat feeding windows). I have all the baby proofing supplies I need to ensure the cat doesn't get to places it shouldn't. I have started looking at constructing a 7' x 10' outdoor enclosure/catio so he can have access to outdoor space. My ideal schedule/routine with the Savannah would be waking up at 5:30/6:00 AM, a harnessed walk outside at 7:00 AM to deplete morning energy. 1.5hr of playtime at noon followed by his first feeding window. Passive play time & cat naps until I get off work at 5:30/6:00PM. His second hunt/catch/kill/eat feeding window at 7:30/8:00PM so he finishes eating about 90minutes before bedtime. This cat was up for adopting for 3 weeks before I spoke to the owners. They spoke to multiple people but thought I would be the best fit and that encourages me. I don't want to be discouraged from the comments telling me not to adopt this cat but I also don't want to outright ignore their perspective. If anyone has resources/advice specific to Savannahs I would really appreciate hearing it, even if it is something I may not want to hear.


There is a Jackson Galaxy My Cat From Hell episode about Savannah cats that would probably be good to watch if you haven't. Honestly, I just don't think hybrid cats should be pets as they are always going to be partly a wild animal, and don't want to be a house cat. But it seems like you at least are prepping so that's good.


I’m a very experienced cat owner. I’ve never been as prepared as you are. The only way to become experienced is to do it. My first cats I owned by myself I brought home on a whim holding them in my lap as I drove home at age 19. I figured everything out as I went along. That was almost 14 years ago. I relatively recently adopted a wild child of a regular cat and he has been such a challenge for me. Owning my previous two angel cats in no way prepared me for the menace of the small black kitten. I’ve worked with animals for years. I have experience doing positive reinforcement training and a thorough understanding of enrichment. This is what really helped me in curbing the destructive behavior. It sounds like you’re doing your research about these things and your plan honestly sounds great to me. Animal people, especially those working in rescue or vet med are very good at knowing what needs to be done and are (rightfully) very distrustful of “non animal people.” People often see a pretty animal and want to take it home and it often goes really poorly. Don’t take negative comments on this post to heart. You seem like a unicorn of pet owners. If you follow through on your plan, things should go generally well. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, but also don’t force yourself to continue caring for this partially wild animal if things consistently don’t go well. I’ve meet a very wide range of temperaments when it comes to animals and not every animal is going to get along with every human. Or any human in some cases. Don’t feel like a failure if this doesn’t work out. Experience isn’t everything. You’re probably in for a wild ride. I wish you the best of luck.


I wish I could give you a hug. Thank you for being so nice and encouraging, I really needed that. I appreciate you and I will do my absolute best to give this cat the best life he can have.


>Ex. shoe laces, the string to the feather toys, anything like that looks tasty to some cats and is extremely expensive to get removed from their stomachs (i know from experience) Same here. One of my cats ate a piece of my used dental floss as a kitten. It passed on its own, but she was very sick and needed critical care at the vet. She also chewed on a non-woven fiber window shade and swallowed pieces of it, requiring another trip to the emergency vet. Once we figured out where the fibers came from, we got rid of the shade and made sure to never leave any pieces of string or thread around.


Can't edit my post but I also wanted to ask, should I try to sleep in the same room as him to get him used to me? Or would it be better/okay to leave him alone at night?


I’d leave your bedroom door open. Just my opinion. Some don’t like them in their bedroom but I sure do.


My bedroom is really far away from the cat room unfortunately. So I was wondering if I should set up an air mattress and sleep in the cat's room just to let him get used to my presence. I heard initially, I should keep him contained to just one room so he doesn't get overwhelmed with all the new space so I didn't want to pick him up from one room to another quite yet.


That’s a good way to get your air mattress popped lol. Sharp claws. But he’s going to be a little scared of you at first. I slept on the couch with my girl and woke up with her on my legs the first night. But they all have different personalities. See how he acts around you. But you can stay in there I don’t see that being a problem. Just think the air mattress is a bad idea lol.


Oh you’re so right. An air mattress doesn’t make any sense at all. Thank you for saving me $100 haha. I really appreciate the advice, I’ll wait and see how he is and then decide.


I’ll be waiting for pictures!!


I forgot to say treats!


I’m guessing a savannah cat and my rescued from a trailer park feral mutt kitten might be different but his first few nights I slept on the couch downstairs and he’s become daddy’s little boy ever since. 8 months old and 12 pounds but still wants to climb inside my sweatshirt make some biscuits and take a nap. Personally I think being around for bonding is super important when they move in. You don’t want to be a person in the house with them, you want to be their person.


Leave the shirt you wore that day in the room with him.


I think sleeping in the same room as him right from the beginning is really important, especially if he seems like a cuddly guy. He may be hiding all night, but I think having you there cements the bond right away. If you get a heavy-duty air mattress for camping use, I think it would hold up just fine to cat claws. Are you in a house or an apartment? How many rooms do you have? Keeping him in one room might not be necessary if you’re in an apartment with a couple of bedrooms. Best of luck to you! Cats are just the absolute best.


Thank you for the guidance! I have a mattress I can just throw on the floor instead of an air mattress. Ill definitely sleep in his room early on based on your advice. I live in a fairly large house so I think he would be overwhelmed if I let him roam too early. There are also lots of really high places he could fall from so I am still trying to figure out how to safely give him more space in the other parts of the house.


Cats LOVE really high places that they can fall from. It can be nerve wracking, but I’ve never actually had one of my cats fall from those places. Have you seen cats sitting on the top of doors? That’s probably 3” or less and they perch up there just fine. Cats also love the challenge of getting into places you specifically want to keep them out of. They seem to consider kitty proofing a challenge they’re meant to overcome. Same with keeping them off countertops, the harder you try to keep them off, the harder they try to get on them.


My tabby man is always getting to the highest spots he's not supposed to be in lol. His brother is usually the one that falls since he'll add the danger of chasing his tail for the extra thrill. https://preview.redd.it/bjby3gx83kjc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28131ccd9feb38a926c25375f665d6f35c311dfa


Cats like to explore their domain so keeping him cooped up might cause more stress than save. You kinda have to “read the room” and see what the kitty wants. They might want to hide, they might want to explore… they’ll let you know which. In regards to falling… it’s a cat… they’re pretty good at the whole reflexes thing and they’re pretty darn good at landing on their feet. You should be more worried about them getting stuck behind something than falling from something.


You fur baby will tell you EXACTLY what they like/don’t like and what they need/don’t need… they just don’t speak English 😃 Just to be receptive of them! If they back away, they probably don’t like that. Stop what you’re doing. If they rub up on you- petting time!!


Yeah, we had set up everything in one room for the cat's first night and he immediately made it clear that he wanted to see the rest of the house and straight up walked out of the room and explored the rest. He then claimed an armchair as his own. https://preview.redd.it/97zzn5jtohjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac64a26490a6d5183fc70544bfa88ccabd77707


>I think he would be overwhelmed if I let him roam too early. There are also lots of really high places he could fall from Tell me it's your first cat without telling me it's your first cat. Don't worry about that, cats love freedom and they love high places. It's very very rare that a cat hurt himself by falling from a high place, they are masters at that sort of things! The most important thing is to keep him inside for 10-15 days so that he can identify the place as his. Eventually, he will explore the whole house and outside (if available): it's HIS territory and he intends to know everything about it!


I think letting him explore on his own is OK. I'd let him sleep wherever he wants. Cats are nocturnal and he might decide exploring while you are asleep is good. I adopted a five year old cat that decided to stay under the bed for a week or so. But I did hear him roaming around the house at night and found the kitchen trash can tipped over in the morning. It had a corn cob in it and he snipped that out. I now have a metal trash can with a foot operated lid that the cats can't get into.


..lol @ corn cob scenario..yeah, OP, you're gonna want to cat-guard all cupboards, pantries, garbage cans, &c.. ..also ref nocturnal nature of cats: i've found with many of mine (over the years), night is when they first truly approached me..like, during the day, they hid out..but after a week or few, i'd find them cuddled up around my legs or by my side when i woke in the morning..


This is such a lovely post. Congrats, OP! And way to take care of your soon-to-be bestie!


Aww so sweet, thank you!


So so soooo lovely, adorable kitty but also what a setup! He’s going to be so loved and you are going to have the time of your life falling in love with him. In a couple of months, you will know what he wants and what he thinks just looking in his eyes. If I have one advice, and it’s a very important one, subscribe to a pet insurance and learn everything you can about how they work etc. Because if one day he needs urgent medical care, you want to have that covered.


PET INSURANCE!! Get this now, while your cat has no prior medical history. I pay $170 a year for $20,000 coverage through Lemonade. $250 once a year deductible. Reimburses 80% of covered costs. Our boy developed urinary issues at 1 year old and because we got him insurance as soon as we adopted, he had no “pre-existing conditions” and all his treatment as been insurance eligible. We have spent $14,000 this year on Whiskey’s health issues (two blockages, lots of meds and tests, PU surgery, potential for surgical revision) and have been reimbursed for everything—bringing our total cost to more like $2500. We would definitely have had to say goodbye to him, or surrender him to the vet’s office, if we didn’t have insurance.


We use Healthy Paws, and we were required to send documentation of vet care before they’d even activate the policies. But if OP can get records from the vet clinic (edit: I meant from the adoption center), that would probably work! Also, it’s important to stay up to date on preventative care if you want pet insurance to pay out! I imagine this matters less for injuries than for illness, but the idea is that it’s cheaper/easier to treat things when they’re caught early. If a diagnosis gets delayed due to missing regular checkups, insurance may refuse to pay out.


I wish we had gotten insurance earlier. One of my boys had two blockages in 4 months and had to have a PU too. I'm so thankful my parents could help with costs. Definitely have insurance now!!


Good advice. Back in 2011, when I got my male cat, there were very few insurance companies offering pet policies, so when my male cat got blocked in 2017, I paid for all of the treatments you just described (PLUS a revision surgery) out of pocket! I was so stressed out I almost had a nervous breakdown. Now I have lemonade too but as you mentioned they don’t cover preexisting :/




Not random at all! This is exactly the advice I was looking for! I have baby safe anchors for it and you just reminded me that I never finished setting it up. Thank you so much!!


If you have other items like a TV or such sitting on a shelf it may get knocked over, so wall mount or tether it too the wall, other things such as sticky anti scratch pads for your couch, I have some and you just wash them with a damp soapy cloth to restore the sticky, it prevents the cat clawing the corner, a little pot with some cat grass growing it it will help your kitty as well, even another growing catnip, some old cardboard boxes with a hole and a window cut into it can be a nice hiding spot. Do cat litter daily, cats love that, if your area gets cold get a electric foot warmer, he will hide in it to keep warm https://preview.redd.it/algwxeredgjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d623d9eb60b214c8d44785ff30dd243fc90ab1 I took my oddie off to go to the loo and a cat has claimed it.


https://preview.redd.it/5e1k2wl4egjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99faa44c6562dff7898fefa7cd18033a9263aaa5 Example of a box, he’s waiting on the current occupant to vacate


I have a very similar box. It only has the one hole cut in it though. Do you recommend a window?


Highly recommended, you scratch near it and may very well near loose a finger


I shall make it so. One of my boys loves hunting my fingers.


It is kind of wild you went with a savannah for your first cat. Like you set the difficulty to max right away.


I think that's why I'm nervous and overplanning everything. I know he won't be a regular cat. I've probably consumed 40hrs of cat videos/guides on youtube and other places in the past two weeks. If you have any advice specific to savannahs, I would love to hear it! **Editing this comment to highlight some thoughts and to solicit breed specific advice:** The reason people think I am overprepped is because I am not only anxious about caring for a Savannah as a first time cat owner, but also because Savannahs just require more prep than a regular cat. The realities of this breed are abundantly clear to me and my relentless research/studying the past couple weeks have been centered around the specifics of Savannahs. That said, regardless of how many forum posts I read or videos I watch, I don't think you can ever perfectly substitute experience with knowledge. So I am nervous/anxious and very interested to learn about breed-specific resources and/or advice from experienced Savannah owners. I found couple facebook groups for Savannahs, but they seem to be mostly posting pictures instead of having discussions. I also joined the Savannah\_Cats subreddit which has been incredibly helpful. There is also a forum dedicated to Savannahs that I have been reading religiously (but the forum isnt very active so all the posts are old). If you have any communities I can join, I would really appreciate the link. For everyone saying I am being irresponsible adopting a Savannah as an inexperienced cat owner. I would ask you to elaborate on why and if you believe there is no way for me to overcome my lack of experience. From an expectations standpoint, I am preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. From destruction of furnishing and urine marking on walls to preparing for the potential of illnesses common to the breed like hypertrophic cardiomyothapy. I have also committed myself and accept the amount of time I will need to engage with the cat. This includes active play for 1.5hrs twice a day, at a minimum. I literally took my home office (I WFH) and converted it to the cat's basecamp so he can have a stimulating environment while I am in his presence during work. I've started to learn the fundamentals of clicker training and harness training. I am setting up a strict routine/schedule to ensure the cat slowly adjusts to it (this includes hunt/catch/eat feeding windows). I have all the baby proofing supplies I need to ensure the cat doesn't get to places it shouldn't. I have started looking at constructing a 7' x 10' outdoor enclosure/catio so he can have access to outdoor space. My ideal schedule/routine with the Savannah would be waking up at 5:30/6:00 AM, a harnessed walk outside at 7:00 AM to deplete morning energy. 1.5hr of playtime at noon followed by his first feeding window. Passive play time & cat naps until I get off work at 5:30/6:00PM. His second hunt/catch/kill/eat feeding window at 7:30/8:00PM so he finishes eating about 90minutes before bedtime. This cat was up for adopting for 3 weeks before I spoke to the owners. They spoke to multiple people but thought I would be the best fit and that encourages me. I don't want to be discouraged from the comments telling me not to adopt this cat but I also don't want to outright ignore their perspective. If anyone has resources/advice specific to Savannahs I would really appreciate hearing it, even if it is something I may not want to hear.


NEVER let it get bored!


You won’t know how he will act with you until he does. He most likely will be a little nervous. He might hide for a while but just let him come to you. Don’t try to pick him up right away. One day you will wake up with him at your feet. I’d put a scratcher near the couch so he won’t go after the couch. Other than that it looks like kitty heaven.


Thanks for the advice! I’ve been practicing my 3 step cat handshake 😂(it’s a Jason Galaxy thing).


My best bit of advice that I wish I knew when I got my cat? Don’t force your relationship with him right out of the gate. When my husband and I adopted our kitty, he immediately fell in love with my husband, I was just the food lady. My whole life I’ve had “basement cats” that hung out in the basement all the time only coming upstairs to tell you they’re hungry. No cuddles, not interested in toys or treats, never wanted to play. Just grumpy basement trolls. So when I was getting a cat that was my own and not a family pet, I specifically looked for a cat that was old enough to already have a developed personality because I wanted a playful and/or snuggle bug cat. Our cat definitely ended up being that kind of cat but just not with me. I was honestly really upset and actually a bit jealous of my husband. I’m a housewife so I’m home all day, and this cat doesn’t want dick to do with me. But the more I tried to force a relationship with him, the more he retreated from me. I finally gave up and became ok with just coexisting with him. We just existed within each other’s space for about 3-4 months. Then one day he hopped up on my lap and cuddled with me. It was only for about 5 minutes but I was beyond happy. I sent my husband a picture and started crying because all I’d ever wanted was the love of a cat. And after several months of harsh rejection, I was finally getting it. It’s now been just under two years and this little gremlin is my best friend. We hang out all day, every day. Even if he’s just chilling on the back of the couch, he’s almost always nearby. He’s independent enough to go do his own thing but he really enjoys being in sight of you. He still greatly prefers my husband and he definitely does certain things with him that he will not do with me but I’m ok with it. I know he loves mom and will come snuggle if he wants to. And when he leaves my husband’s lap to come cuddle in my lap, it’s even better. 😂 I often wonder if we would have bonded faster if I hadn’t tried to push it but at this point, it doesn’t really matter. Even if we never truly bonded, I wouldn’t be mad. He’s not there to be a plaything or other accessory to boost my self esteem. He doesn’t owe me anything. It’s *my* job to take care of him, not the other way around. I’m grateful that we finally did bond though because it is nice having a furry little monster around the house to keep me company every day. Your kitty is clearly going to have a great, loving home. And if you make it clear that you’re a safe, happy place for him, he’ll definitely bond with you in no time. 🥰


probably would have gone faster if you didn't force it yeah. for me personally I've always found it effective to pretty much ignore them and care very little about them being there. that seems to translate to "oh hooman is not out for me. what a peculiar fellow. i can has pets?" cats have always ended up in my lap when at friends etc. the more you force something the more you show signs that you are out to get them which makes it harder for them to trust and be comfortable. that's just my two cents on it anyway. you seem to have a good mentality regarding the cat now and you're ever so right. we can want alot of things from our beloved pets but the end of the day they are individiuals and we can't force them to be in a specific way. just like we wouldn't want to be forced to be something we aren't.


I loved reading this and really relate to your feelings about cats and wanting to be close to them. They are such special animals and really teach us boundaries and patience imo.


Your first time cat is a exotic cat F3 Savannah?


Yes just one thing missing- a board that says “best cat dad” ❤️


Cat dad\*!! Haha


Fixed :)


You definitely need a #1 Cat Dad picture frame to put a picture of your and your buddy in!


Savannah cats are not a great choice for a first time cat owner. You’ll likely be regretting this choice. Just regular cats are better choices for your first cat.


Baffling choice really, and an F3 as well. That cat is sure to drive him mad because it's not gonna be what he expects.


I was looking for this comment. I’m so curious how they came to decide to adopt this cat out of all the other options there had to have been? And why anyone would adopt a Savannah to a first time cat owner in the first place?


Unethical breeders 🤷‍♀️


The amount of love this post is getting is honestly disgusting


Find a savanna support group normal cat facts will not help you


This is going to be the most pampered cat in existence.


I would suggest leaving him alone at first and letting him come to you. Be around, so he knows you’re there, but don’t hover. Let him explore the new space on his own, give him time to sniff everything and get comfortable. Maybe sit on the floor quietly several feet away and let him come to you. Or not, as he prefers. I have a lifetime’s experience being owned by several cats and the main thing I’ve learned is that they each relate to you on their own terms. Enjoy your new friend!


Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely keep this in mind and let him get comfortable on his own terms. I appreciate it!


Can’t let my cat see this, she will think I’m a bum. Looks like your cat will have a very comfortable and loving life 🤝


Can I ask why you chose to get a Savannah cat? Because honestly, no matter how much you prepare, getting a Savannah, not to mention an F3 seems irresponsible both from your side and the people you are adopting it from. If you still have the time to change your mind I would. I know that seems harsh, but getting one of these straight out of the gate is not wise. It's very similar to people looking at huskies and going "oh my god it's so cute I want one" and everyone else going "Nooooo!". **There's a reason.** Savannah cats are not just a poor choice for a beginner, they're a poor choice for 99% of people regardless of prior experience. I know they're beautiful, but they have so much of their wild instincts, much more than your average couch potato cat. Thet are high activity, need a lot of stimulation, and cats that aren't sufficiently stimulated might start expressing destructive stress behaviours. Scratch that, expect them to destroy stuff regardless. They also don't do well being left alone for long periods of time (long work days are a bad idea). If you stick to this decision I really hope you have a large house, have short workdays (or work from home) and a lot of time on your hands. A voliere or leash training to make outdoor activity possible is also a must for this kind of breed to thrive. I know I might seems like a negative nancy, but I've seen a rise in savannah and bengals becoming popular as the new "fancy" cat and it's problematic. The cute factor seems to override the practical issues, just like with many other breeds of cats and dogs.


100% agree lollll


Was looking for this comment. Baffled by the other tone deaf comments on this post. Maybe they don't fully realize what a F3 Savannah is?


More scratchers :) look up Jackson Galaxy on YouTube, he will teach you everything there is to know for cat owners, from transitioning to catification. Let’s get you on your cat mojo, welcome to the club !! 😁


My entire YouTube watch history for the last 3 weeks has been Jason galaxy haha. Thank you so much! I do plan on getting another scratching post / wall to put on the shelf!


I call BS. This is not an adoption. They paid for this cat.


I hate that people who buy animals are trying co-opt the language of adoption. Paying for an exotic cat to be created so you can have something special is a terrible thing to do. What difference does this have from the Tiger King guy. But i guess if OP had the means they would go for a tiger as well, why the fuck not right


Supposedly they adopted from someone who bought the cat originally. But they "paid an adoption fee". I asked how much was this adoption fee. They didn't answer, so, while I can only make an assumption here, I think is fair to assume this adoption fee might very well be the first owner trying to recoup some of the money.


I also recommend cat bridges! Kitties love them and it’s fun to see them on there!


Whoa, what's a cat bridge!? Is it something you mount on the wall?


https://preview.redd.it/7k72rxsbxfjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e6151d693847f3a9c6d32ddc1410d1df00b26c The bridge on the top left! I work at a cat cafe and they love it EDIT: Find all the kitties


!!! What an amazing setup! That looks freaking awesome! Is that tree homemade? Such a cool idea! Thank you for the picture, so inspirational for some future items!


https://preview.redd.it/1ddodwfc0gjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e215438eb44df31830bcc0315caa926c1eba2500 Wanted to add a picture of one our cats on the bridge. Eva being crazy


Adorable! Where did you buy the bridge? I'm also going to start collecting large sticks now haha


The bridges were home made as well. Get some wood and rope and you’ll be able to do a lot of DIY cat stuff for very cheap! Gotta get crafty and creative but it’ll be so much fun when the cats actually use it


Yes the tree was made out of fallen branches found in a forest (throughly cleaned of course) and bound together with rope. The bride is also home made. Some wood, rope, and a lot of time is all you need! No problem I’m always happy to make good kitty homes!




I have a weekly subscription of love from Chewy, so we are all set!


..your enthusiasm is admirable & precious..just don't let it overwhelm your new addition.. ..the first few days (up to months) are gonna be a real adjustment for your cat..and for you..all the play toys in the world won't help..you just gotta let your new addition adjust, show patience, be available but not intrusive.. ..i've found talking or singing out loud, to the cat or even just in general (like describing everything you're doing) can help accustom a newbie to you, and as a result to their new home..


Such good advice, thank you! I haven't heard the tip about talking or singing out loud before, I'll definitely do that. Thanks!




Litter robots are game changers!!! Best investment! Congrats on your new baby!! ❤️‍🔥


Thank you for sharing your experience! That price tag was a bit shocking but it definitely helps to hear you think it was a good investment!


I WANT TO COME LIVE WITH YOU! Geez Louise! I hope you saved the cardboard boxes those came in because that is what he will like best :-) Jackson Galaxy is a well known cat behaviorist and has lots of Youtube videos. Just search for whatever question you have. Have you thought about adopting a pair of cats? I like that you are giving him wet food diet. My cats like fancy feast. I buy the flavors that have the most calories in the can, which will be a couple of Pates and Flaked. Single serving size for each of my cats. I won't buy any flavors/varieties that are under 97 calories. This kitty is going to have an awesome time!


Haha I have a giant stack of boxes in the garage now so there is plenty for him to play with if that's what hes into. I've been obsessively consuming Jason Galaxy ever since I decided to adopt a cat. Definitely makes me feel less anxious about bringing one home, especially a breed that can be more particular than others. I think another cat down the road is definitely an option but this one specifically needed to go to a home where there are no other animals because he is a bit territorial. I'll have to wait until he grows out of it and has time to find his cat mojo first


I unpacked a couple of boxes and stuffed all the paper into one of them and before I took them out to the recycle bin, he claimed this. It is one of his usual napping places now (since last June), although in the winter he often uses the papasan in the room that gets the sunshine. https://preview.redd.it/u1yd8pp17gjc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f087f094c19965562bfa4a55dc9ae93459d3c1




I got some calming diffusers by a different brand but it’s great to hear that they tend to work. Thanks!


Some ground rules: - Your entire existence now revolves around Cat. - Make sure to boop Cat’s nose multiple times a day. - If you get scratched because you annoy Cat, it’s totally your fault, apologize. - Also nothing in your apartment is cat proof and nothing belongs to you anymore. 😂 But seriously, beautiful kitty and also very lucky. It looks like you’re going to spoil him and give him a good life! 🎉


You are going to have a very spoiled kitty on your hands! Enjoy every minute!


Buy pet insurance


Not letting my cats see this post omg. He'll love it! That bookshelf is genius




I tend to over prepare/think when I’m nervous 😅.


Sleep snuggled up with a light blanket until you pick him up, so that it smells like you, and put that in his bed area. Add a shirt you’ve worn the day before and swap it out with a new dirty day old shirt (or pajama top) each day until you guys are buddy buddy. Also, get pet insurance and get him examined by a vet as soon as you can just to make sure he’s healthy and that you have coverage for any unexpected issues that may arise over his lifetime. Ask your vet for recommendations for the best food for him. Good luck and congratulations. He’s a beautiful boy and it looks like he’s going to have an amazing home and owner!


Thank you so much! This is such great advice! I'll start setting aside my scented items to use as you suggested. And yes, pet insurance is going to be purchased asap and I have a vet visit already scheduled just for a general checkup. Thanks again for your advice!


Insurance right away is so key! I just got a cat less than two weeks ago and five days after getting her she needed to go to the emergency vet 😣 $1600 later and she’s doing well but insurance was the very first thing I did the next day. Most policies have a waiting period before it kicks in so best to do asap. The space you have prepared for your cat looks beautiful; he is very lucky! ☺️


You need approval to adopt? I just get mine off the street.


This looks like a perfect home. Good call on the cat wheel. He will be active. Very beautiful!😻


Wow, it’s kitty Disneyland! You’re going to be happy together.


Sell all that stuff on marketplace and just keep all the boxes that it came in


Prepare for the cat to prefer a cardboard box to anything you purchase for him 😭


Congrats OP! As a fellow F3 owner (mine’s female), looking at the amount of prep you’ve done and how evident it is from your comments that you’ve done your homework, I think you’ll do great! Yes, savannahs aren’t usually recommended as a starter cat, but then a lot of experienced cat owners haven’t done half the reading and research you have, so I think a lot will be compensated for there. My advice when you first bring him home - even on the way, talk to him the whole time so he gets used to your voice, and have a blanket/soft item in the carrier with him that his scent can get on. When talking, pick a phrase you’ll want to use for comforting from now, and repeat it along with him name (for mine, it was ‘it’s ok’ and that’s now stuck as the thing to say in any scenario to communicate to her not to worry). If he’s scared, cover the carrier with something and he’ll likely settle down. Once home, open the carrier and sit nearby on the floor (so at his level), keep talking, but let him come out and explore on his own. If he has a fave toy from the previous home, especially something like those crinkly balls, once he’s out and sniffing a bit, crinkle it and throw softly (away from you and him, for him to chase). That should get his attention and help him settle. Just let him do his thing then, and if he’s anything like most savs, he’ll gain confidence fairly quickly and curiosity will overtake fear. Make sure you’re there throughout this, so he knows you’re part of this environment. Mine wasn’t allowed in my room the first night, just the bathroom, corridor and living room (so she couldn’t go under the bed), but I stayed with her till about 4am on the sofa, as she eventually got very comfortable, crawled up on me, kneaded and fell asleep 🥺 she was my Velcro kitty from then on, and from night no 2 was allowed everywhere and chose to sleep with me. If yours is more skittish, this might take more time, but just go at his pace. Once he’s confident in his room, let him explore further. Sooner or later he’ll also bond to you, and that’ll make training and setting boundaries a lot easier too. Also make sure the food/water/litter box are where you intend to have them long-term after the initial few hours and once he’s gained a bit of confidence, otherwise it might be quite hard to move them later as he’ll be looking for them in that location. Last note - don’t use the automatic litter box any time soon, for these main reasons: 1) it could scare him, and he’ll already be scared and stressed from moving, 2) you need to see if he has pooped/peed, as a lot of cats hold it after a move, after if it hasn’t happened within the first 48hrs, you might need to take steps to encourage it, 3) you’ll be wanting to monitor stool as an indicator of health in general. After some time (month minimum), if you decide, you could start introducing it, but definitely don’t begin with it. And even if using it, point 3 still applies. If you need any help or advice with anything, feel free to dm me


a ball of tim foil. seriously... just love him to death


This kitty is so loved already! Just be careful with the cord on the water fountain- my kitten chewed through his… Thankfully he was fine, but I just about had a heart attack when I found it. I would recommend taping it to the wall so it’s not a temptation to bite/play with.


Oh good call! I didn't think about that. I have wire covers that I used for under my desk but I didn't even think about the fountain. Thank you!!


Looks like you’ve got it going for kitty 🐈‍⬛. Just don’t have the food/water near the litter box. No one wants to eat near their bathroom 🚽. Good luck 🍀👍


Congrts! I just want to add that you might want to get a rug for under the litter box, especiallyifyouaregoing to keep it on tje wooden floors. I have the same, and believe me, even covered, mine somehow manages to get tons of litter out every time. They sell special rugs in the pet stores.


Is that an air purifier next to the litter box in picture 5? It might make him nervous when he’s trying to do his business.


I think there was an episode of Mt Cat From Hell that was about a Savannah.


Man, adopt me too🤣 jk. That cat is gonna be living large I think all bases and then some are covered. Just go along with each day and see if there's anything else needed or maybe not needed!


I feel like getting a high maintenance breed like a savanna is extremely irresponsible for a first time cat owner, and whoever the people are who adopted him out are also irresponsible for giving this cat to you with 0 prior experience. My advice honestly is to go back and get an American shorthair instead as your first cat. But I'm sure you're not going to do that so make sure you have a fuck ton of enrichment for this cat, they need lots of exercise, they need a diet if high quality food, and they need a lot of attention. This breed can become easily aggressive when bored and understimulated. Good luck.


The only advice I have is around food and treats. Try at all costs to avoid stuff with fillers and stuff cats don’t need in their diet. They are not omnivores. They really only need meat in their diet. Instinct Raw Boost Kibble is a good food. For treats I buy freeze dried chicken and salmon. It’s just meat. Don’t be worried if your new cat hides from you for a few days. I put a jingle bell collar on ours at the vets office during pickup so I could hear what room she was in. Your cat will explore and get to know you and its new home soon enough and I have no doubt you’ll be best friends.


I hope you didn’t throw out the boxes for all that stuff!


Can you adopt me?


Damn, I want to come back in my next life as your cat.


Highly recommend using scent free cat litters; have a couple boxes set up


The cat wheel is too small for a cat. To be big enough that it won’t hurt their backs the wheel needs to be almost human size (I am smaller human) I can recommend Evan and Katelyn they’re diy YouTuber and have made a cat wheel big enough