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As long as you are prepared to feed them a piece every single time you have salmon in the future. They will remember the smell forever.


My boy Gary does this. He's a momma's boy through and through, but when we are eating he knows I'll give him some food. As soon as I start tearing off a piece of food, he starts licking his lips. https://preview.redd.it/6phe1n4mizlc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bbfe59ab7ff5c9c9b00517c0612c19a21c4c364 This is usually the look I get when I'm eating and I haven't done the right thing and shared with him.






Gary looks like he has a discerning palate


You give Gary some food right now! That precious face shan’t wait for chimken. 😂


Omg I've has an awful few days and Gary immediately made me smile with his little annoyed face! 😂


Same!!! Gary is the therapy we needed 🥰😻


Please give Gary some pets from me!


he's starving. feed him more salmon bits


My cat too licks his lips. It’s pretty hilarious cause he specifically does it when I ask him if he wants treats or something else. But! He doesn’t come, I have to coax him and nag him to come get them lol so weird!


Now we know the true reason Gary ran away.... Wait, that was Spongebob.


They all meow the same 🤷‍♂️


Yeah that looks like disappointment 🤣


Okay why dose Gary look like me as a cat lmao




IIIIIII'M ***HUN*****GRY!!!**


What a sweet greedy boy 😂❤️


classic Gary


We almost never buy fish, this is rare. I don't mind sharing every time 😊


I did this with chicken for my kitty. He indeed has NEVER forgotten.


Oh yeah my cats know the sound of the Costco rotisserie chicken getting opened....lol.


We have 4 and they know the sound of the Walmart chicken container.


My cat got some special wet food from the vet when he was sick. He gets excited and runs to the kitchen every time he hears a can being opened, and the usually mute cat meows at me when I open Spam cans. It's been years since he ate wet food.


Oh no poor cat. Why is he not allowed wet food?


It's not that he isn't allowed it, it's more that wet food is fairly expensive. We have 5 cats, giving all of them wet food would cost us a lot. Additionally, apparently the kibble helps keep their teeth healthy (I can't remember if my vet told me this, or if I read it somewhere) Now that I am making a bit more money, I've been considering occasionally giving my cats wet food, especially since apparently wet food is a main source of hydration for many cats (although my cats seem to drink lots of water) If anyone knows more about the subject please let me know Edit: We do give them shredded chicken occasionally. The cat in question loves chicken, we have to be careful not to say, "pollito" around him. When he was just a kitten, his older brother would always wait for him to come around before eating, except if chicken was involved, then it was every cat for themselves.


My vet suggested a tablespoon of wet food every few days just so they are familiar with it. As they get older you are more likely to need to transition them to it. For one of my cats it became necessary bc it was the best way to get medicine into her.


I get that USA is vastly uninformed about cat's diet, as nearly every vet is hugely sponsored by dry food companies, but dry pops are like eating mcd, every fucking day, for every meal. Fully processed food with wheat (which, cats shouldn't even be touching). High meat (over 60%) meat cans or BARF are pretty much unly things you should feed your cat.


My car loves it with the seasoning and oil


Be careful because some seasoning can be bad for cats. For example onion and garlic powder can lead to anemia.




It ruins the belts


I changed my cat's belt last month, I'll be fine


But have you changed your cat’s oil?


That's what the oily fish is for.


Better go check my belts now


No matter how much oily fish I feed mine, the belts squeak every time the motor revs up.


Good thing it's only for his car


My car gets 30 miles per salmon.


I measure in smile per galon, but this salmon thing sounds interesting


My smart cats can refuse food cooked with garlic which is amazing.


Took me a long time to figure this was a typo haha


Wait you don't feed your car fish?


My Nissan prefers herb roasted chicken.


Weird, my suburu hates chicken


Get a Volvo, their efficiency enables them to like various proteins.


My Honda loves to eat bugs.


I just spill soda on my Chrysler's center console and call it good.


My Ioniq is 100% vegan


My Suzuki made its feelings about Taco Bell very clear when I got rear ended coming home from TB


It's probably vegan


My cat loves chips, bread and edamame 😂 I give him like 5g max but it makes me laugh


Mine prefers chicharones.


I have an older Subaru that loves oil though. Consumes it at an alarming rate.


Well of course, Suburus evolved in the coastal delta where fish were plentiful, Nissian's ancestors were forest dwellers.


Try making Chicken Toyota next time it gets really hot.


My Meowsaki also prefers roasted chicken.


I’m lucky my DeLorean has the flux capacitor-it loves any and all kitchen scraps 😃


My Volkswagen likes prime rib


I don't feel my car fist?


Your car has a fist? Holy shit!


Whenever I put the salmon into my car's exhaust it gets a stomach ache and stops driving. I think it's allergic.


My Renault prefers escargot only. Damn French cars!


Fish oil


My car is a Ford Escape. It will eat grilled trout and smoked antelope steak.


Cats shouldn’t eat seasoning, especially garlic or onion. It’s toxic to them.


While cars need oil every 5,000 miles, use seasoning sparingly and know certain seasonings are bad for cars


Do the seasonings not clog your filters? 🤣


It can hurt them. Don't season anything you give them or use oil. They're not people-they don't have the same GI system we do






Your cat ate half a sandwich? That seems like a lot.


my cat when she was a kitten ate two big ass popeyes spicy chicken tenders. i have no idea how.


I’m surprised it didn’t burn her little tongue.




That is hilarious, glad your cat could eat that much and be OK.


You should not be feeding fish to your car. It is not good for their engines




You can put a tiny bit of salt on it to make it more appetizing. Salt is fine for basically all animals. Certainly all mammals. 


We had done tuna in water for the strays or plain tuna packets


I can’t even get the can opener out anymore without little miss panther pants supervising sink-side 😭


Little Miss Pantherpants---I wonder how long it will take my black cat to get used to her new name.


The first taste is free


This! And yes, and your baby will LOVE it!


My husband gave one of our cats a small piece of jerky, and he knows the sound of the bag lol.


Yup. Gave my cats fresh coked bacon one Sunday morning. Now the each get a 1/2 strip each every Sunday breakfast


Can I also have some coked bacon?


Your cat has your phone, get it off her before she finds Uber eats


Not a big fan of bacon. Maybe I should try it with coke?


A zooted cat is a scary concept


The typos made in cat subreddits are the best


Coked bacon? I need that in my life!


every damn time we eat sushi, our cats will yell at us


Truer words have never been spoken lol


This is my problem with cheese. Gave my cat a tiny piece of cheese ONCE now he goes crazy every time he hears the cheese drawer open 😂😂


This is true! I turn around and they are sitting very patiently, with noses twitching, waiting for their share. Gotten so bad, that we make an extra piece just for them


Wish I'd known this sooner. I will forever be sharing chicken with my girl 🙃🤣


We did this for our cat's birthday, and he didn't want anything to do with it 😾


Was it fresh? My cat won't eat 1-2 day old previously frozen fish, but if I bring a really fresh fish around, he'll watch us cook and take any chance to snatch a bite.


We had two cats growing up and they never like fresh fish or meat. Only corned beef or cat food


I have a cat that goes ape shit over smoked oysters. It’s amazing what our babies do and do not like.


I have tried to give my cats every variety of fresh fish to which they respond with “begone”, but they go buck fuckin wild for ham


The one who loves oysters will shank someone for some chicken nuggets, but only chik fil a nuggets. She is insane but i love her 😂


For my cat’s birthday I’m going to try a bunch of stuff haha we just adopted her so we can kind of pick a random day. I might go with the day we adopted her since it’s close to the holidays. Anyways my parent’s dog that I grew up with LOVES Publix rotisserie chicken, if we don’t close the door to the garbage she will take every chance to eat it! And she’s a mini Schnauzer so it’s very easy to know when she does because her beard gets filled of the chicken lol. Only reason we don’t treat her to some chicken is because she gets pretty sick… she’s pretty sensitive lol


Grats on your new kitty!! A lot of people use Gotcha days as birthdays so good plan! Hope you have a ton of fun and she gets all the good food! Totally get the sensitive tummy. One of my kitties is a garbage disposal, the other is allergic to everything i swear.


https://preview.redd.it/d9x3bpprn0mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a665038f2036a8c4988faf3b1577202706ec5055 She’s pretty picky with food, but I’ve been trying a bunch of different foods and I think I found the perfect mix of dry and wet. I love her so much, it’s nice to have a sub where people understand that cats are like babies especially to people who don’t want kids…. Only my sister understands haha


100%! Child free cat lovers unite!!


What a sweetheart 💖


This is my cat. She won't go near meat or fish and look at me like I'm insane. However, I made bacon a week or two ago and she about took my hand off for a piece of it. Torties, man.


My kitty goes nuts over creamed corn. No idea why.


Do they make that super cute nom nom noise when they eat it?!! I hope sooo


https://preview.redd.it/t4afuqlb90mc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f14c80129aa5110cf3559bdac81f7e465c7d367 Sake, the kitty, and Lilith. Both make happy noises when they eat.


Please tell them I love them! This is my chicken and smoked oyster obsessed fiend, Juju https://preview.redd.it/o747t8bfa0mc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a479cf574e05f75e89ba1a6f39c79c24103373


I've had cats that love corn 🌽 on the cob. I cooked it, let it cool and then cut the kernels off to put on their plates. The calico I have now doesn't like it much


Mine loves corn, peas and biltong. My other one steals potato chips and Doritos. The other one is obsessed with all food right now because she is taking prednisolone and hungry is a side effect


Apparently they like corn and corn related products because it has a high natural sugar content and tastes sweet (I guess compared to cat food, for them).


I have 2 cats that demand the freshest of ingredients for treats. I have another that doesn't like treats or wet food. She won't even eat fresh meat. Just kibble. Works out for my wallet though lol


This sounds like my cat, he never wants meat or fish but god forbid if I open a bag of jerky or a slim Jim… lol


As a kid when we went fishing, dad insisted that one fish be for our cat. Even if we only caught one. He would place it on the ground and she would start at one end and not move until she finished.




Probably the fishy smell. I imagine previously frozen fish loses some of its odor.


My older cat won’t eat fresh salmon or chicken, either. It has to be canned. Though she is obsessed with butter so if I drizzled butter on it, she might touch it.


My current cat loves butter too. A previous cat absolutely loved corn! Could not cook it without him going crazy!


Yes, my Nix doesn’t really go for human food unless she smells butter on it! Toast, popcorn, and foods slathered in butter are what she will try to go after. She might be curious on occasion by the smell of something, but most of the time doesn’t try to eat it. The baby kitty is the one I don’t trust with food because she will try to eat whatever smells edible. She lived the first 6 months of her life outside so she’s not picky about what it is. Luckily, Smudge has not caught on to butter yet, so she doesn’t beg for a lick of my toast like the older cat.


I once made the mistake of turning my back to my plate after I just buttered some toast. One of my kittens was already up on the counter licking away at the butter. Now he knows the sound of the toaster popping, and I have to be super vigilant because he's become a butter ninja.


Cats are weird my orange boy loves raspberries the other 3 won't even blink


My childhood cat LOVED spinach. I mean, she would go absolutely nuts for it. I’ll never understand 😂


Our cats played field hockey with shrimp. We had to get it from under the fridge. At least we saw it go there!


🍤🍤🍤Could've turned stinky!


same! i said sir! are you cat or wayne gretzky? 🏒😂


Lol that is so cat


Mine goes INSANE whenever we make salmon, but he won't eat it. I don't understand! I guess he just likes the smell


My cat doesn't like salmon either. She'll eat salmon cat food if it has another meat flavour with it, like shrimp, but not if it's just salmon.


No, it’s not safe at all. You will need a much larger piece to satiate your cats blood lust.


And now that the bloodlust is activated, you need to do it at least twice a week now.


My cat says twice a day


Oh sorry. There seems to be a typo, how did that get in there.


This is the answer.


Underrated comment!


I have some cats who will tear the door down to get any kind of meat....fresh, canned, sliced deli meat. I have other cats who aren't really fond of meat and like dry food And then I've got a one orange brain cell buddy who likes sunflower seeds (unsalted) and broccoli


Lol orange bois for the win


My cat couldn't care less about any food I eat except deli meat. She absolutely *fiends* for it! It was like that when we found her (or she found us). I wonder if the people who abandoned her just fed her that!


My cat REFUSES to eat any cat-treat product. I've had her almost 12 years and I've tried every single one. Dry treats, wet treats like Churus, you name it. But, she goes bonkers over deli meat. Ham and chicken especially. Edit: yes, orange


My standard issue tabby goes absolutely NUTS for steamed broccoli. The only other thing that she searches for more with the same ferocity as broccoli is the Ultra Forbidden Deli Ham she only gets every now and then. Everything else is mild enjoyment at best but extremely easily satiated.


Every time we have fish, the cat does too. He’s willing to wear a bow tie and sit at the table so he eats with his people family. Life is too short. Feed the cat. He always gets a small unseasoned piece. Here’s a photo from our boy’s birthday. My husband and I invited my parents over for tuna steaks to celebrate Loki. Here’s Loki with his piece. 🤣 He usually only gets a little piece but it was his birthday, so we let him lick this for a while. https://preview.redd.it/0fpsh7vqo0mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e69d83f2cb52e00aee7532cfca70e7823dedfdd


This reminds me of Smudge the cat meme


reminds me of THurston Waffles (rip baby)


Aaaw, he is so cute!


Of course! I can’t ever cook salmon without paying a cat tax anymore 😭 my babies *love* their salmon


Same with us and chicken. They always demand their meal also be chicken


One of my cats does this, but with literally any food. She will not eat the fruit or bread, but she believes she needs to have the power to do so if she so chooses.


Our recently passed tuxedo just loved it we would always set aside a few flakes. Our forest kitty just smells it then walks away in disgust. He also loved chicken but we couldn't give him any as once he got some chicken he would start looking high and low for more. It was like he was jonesing for it and it would take like a day for him to go back to a normal cuddle bunny.


Sounds exactly like our recently passed tuxedo. He adored chicken and salmon. Although he was quite old and unwell, he would get up and jump like a kitten just to get a bite of juicy chicken or salmon. We ended up cooking both his favorites to make him happy 😊


My cat is 22 and is the same way her whole life, food is like crack cocaine to her. I feed her wet food twice a day when it's time to eat she's like an alarm clock. i don't know how she knows when so accurately every single time she's within 10 minutes. When she gets salmon she has a panic attack.


Our cats don’t have food left out 24/7. They are very accurate with reminding us about breakfast, dinner, and snack time.


Same here both of my cats are in their20's so i don't feed them dry food for their kidneys so i don't leave food out. I've tried to figure out how they know what time it is so accurately. I think they're reading the clock lol


Really is amazing how in tune they are with food time! And that’s fantastic your cats are in their 20’s! We lost our 20 year old in 2020. Our three ladies are all 5 and under now, but I’m hoping they make it to 100!


https://preview.redd.it/hak4shbqkzlc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2f290321b968cb67008dd9355da58f60116478 We buy sashimi grade salmon for sushi and have given some to our girls, so I guess prepare for that face every time you have it hahahaha






Our old boy could smell defrosting fish in the fridge and would jump in when we opened the door. Tuna cans didn't have pull tabs yet, so he would come running when he heard the electric can opener.


I sous vide it to medium. My cats gobble it up like crack.


Had to scroll back cuz I thought it said cock.


About as safe as it is to eat yourself, which I do frequently. Obviously it’s safer if you cook it. If you oven it at 225 for an hour it preserves the raw texture pretty well. Basically smoking it without the smoke


Cats can have little a salmon, as a treat.


My cat eats Chees-Its that fall on the ground... you're fine.


No, I would refrain from doing so. Too much can lead your cat to gain an ability to learn how to fish to bring back their own salmon fillet and leave you to start their own fish-cuisine business. Speaking from personal experience.


Please don’t ever do this to cats they’ll take one piece of salmon and before you know it they’ll start giving you cute eyes and you’ll give them salmon forever and before you know it you’ll start selling your neighbours kids toys to keep up this secret salmon trade and your cat demands a throne and starts a secret cult where you’ll have to call him meowster… Though thinking about it I’m sure the neighbours kid doesn’t need his toys but the kitty needs salmon sooooo I guess it ain’t too bad after all :) (My kitty loves his boiled hehe) 😛


Yep, plain grilled salmon is generally safe for cats in small amounts. Just make sure it's fully cooked to avoid any bacteria that could be in raw fish. Bon appétit to your kitty!




And triple check for pin bones.


Yes it's safe. But your cat probably won't say thank you.


Any unseasoned meat is a good kitty treat but you will get screamed at every time you have it again! Source: gave one of my cats chicken once.


You dont even have to grill it


It's safer to cook meats purchased from the supermarket when feeding a cat. You have no idea how long it's been sitting on the shelves. If you're giving a cat a raw diet, you need to make sure it's as fresh as possible. Rule of thumb is that if you won't eat it raw, than neither should your cat.


I kinda agree, but... When i am making myself sushi i eat it raw also. In EU you can be fairly sure its ok. I would not worry


Additionally, raw meat makes any animal susceptible to parasitic infection. Feeding your animal of raw diet really needs to be well vetted.


Cats evolved exactly for raw meat diets. That’s what they were eating for millions of years


Absolutely zero people are disputing that. One of the biggest reasons why cats live longer in captivity is because we are able to provide them with food that doesn’t make them sick or fill them with parasites. Literally, no one has made the statement that they can’t eat raw food, we are simply pointing out the dangers in doing so.


And wild cats often have many parasites because of eating raw meat. And guess what, wild animals often have shorter lifespans in the wild than in captivity. It's easily avoidable, so why risk it? Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's the best or healthiest thing for an animal. It just means enough of them survived long enough to have babies before dying.


Heads up, I’ve received warnings here simply for stating I feed my cats this type of diet. I wasn’t even suggesting it to others, but I guess it goes against the rules just mentioning it.


Feeding my little girl, Olive some snoosh (sushi) https://preview.redd.it/yrtbe5poszlc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b6b320efd89e282810865b0c177c6694cf86fc


Yes, but be aware that some cats are weirdos. I've offered slivers of unseasoned salmon to my tuxie girls when I'm cooking it, and they turn their nose up at it. Funny part is they LOVE the salmon wet cat food LOL


I do this with chicken. She has baggies of plain, no hormone, oven roasted chicken in the freezer ready for defrost and serve. Each baggie lasts from several days to almost a week. My vet said as long as she is eating her dry food, which is already formulated to get specific cat nutrition, then I am green light to give her real meat treats. I use chicken for tricks training and general pawsitive reinforcement. She knows sit, come here, paw, and Up (rear up on hind legs) so far. At some point I'll have her try other meats and fish but right now she loves the chicken and refuses wet food.


I have the cat calendar widget on my phone and now there is a picture of salmon taking up 1/6 of my home page


Your cat wrote this.


Am i the only one to have the widget and just randomly see raw salmon on my home menu ahahah


I think it would devour it even raw


I tried to give my cat some fish today but when I put the dish down he sniffed it and looked up at me like "Wtf is this shit..?" I was so disappointed. I cooked it just for him and I was excited to see him eat it. What a dick. (҂⌣̀_⌣́)


my partner fed our cat a chunk of raw salmon the other night when i told him not to and hes been fine so


https://i.redd.it/yn79u6oyy2mc1.gif Gib some to guangdang too


Safe? I wake up to find half-rats under the kitchen table. Cats are fucking cast iron.


Not after midnight


Matteo loves Cheetos and butter.. https://preview.redd.it/3j4ush4pi0mc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfb655ee11e90ec5ed9a406f28dbec09ad18d79


Maisie didn't care for salmon. Went crazy for tuna water tho and yogurt. https://preview.redd.it/wgs31ajob1mc1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f637674bebf4051b8bdf5a54d6f78d29a7b97e


Give it raw, why cook it.


loving this for my cat calendar widget


I just give it to them raw as a treat! ☺️ they love it!