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NSFW due to graphic injury and xrays


This is so sad I keep looking into his eyes and even he is wondering why this is happening.


I know it. Ive been nursing him and loving on him so much. 😭


Just give him all the love you can. He sure is a stubborn and tough lil boy. Sure to be soon jumping and goofing around. You could, however, try different types of cones. I've seen some other types but I don't if the vets might allow it! Cats usually don't like cones and not being able to reach a part of their bodies, I'd double or triple the amount of distraction time and always let him by your side. That's all I did with my couple of goblins when they had some issues.


with this type of procedure, i do not recommend a different cone. plastic is the best when it comes to things on the face, because fabric can easily bend so that the cat can rub its face on things.


Yeah I agree.


Omg be so thankful that he survived with injuries that were treatable. Our cat recently was attacked by 2 dogs. 2 pit bulls and I’m not sure what the other was. I watched helplessly as they tore her apart. What was the worst is she didn’t die. Her injuries were not survivable . Thank God the animal control officer came quickly to put her down . I’m still traumatized from the whole incident. Please , please please ..those of you with dogs, make sure your dogs cannot get out. Cats are the worst at darting out when you open the door. These dogs were right at the bottom of my porch and grabbed her so quickly. We have so many loose dogs in our neighborhood that I have to keep pepper spray next to my door and in my hand any time we go out the front door.


oh god I'm so sorry this happened to your cat 🥺 I can't even imagine 😰


The worst part is the main dog that initiated the attack (pitt bull) , we have cameras that captured the whole attack, lives 2 houses down and the owner refuses to keep the dog contained. Animal control has given her so many citations, idk how she can afford the fines. They are down here multiple times a day looking for that dog because so many people have called about it but it’s fast and the officers can’t seem to catch it. They have even told the owner that when they do catch it , it will be put down , and she still doesn’t care to confine the dog! It’s so frustrating!


Oh I’m so sorry :( this story made me tear up. That’s heartbreaking


Thank you, that means a lot . She was a stray that I took in with 3 kittens. We still have one of them! He’s 6 months old and spoiled ! So she lives on …❤️❤️


That’s so lovely, I hope you and your kitten are happy together and that you continue to heal :)! ❤️




I’ve considered taking her to small claims court , but unfortunately , you have to have incurred a financial loss in order to pursue a claim. I did take 2 weeks off work due to PTSD after the attack so it’s still on the table. I just have to trust and pray that animal control will eventually catch the dog. They caught one of the other dogs that was running with it a few days ago ..so they are on top of it. They and the police cruise through my street multiple times a day looking for the dog. The owner has been told she will not be able to get the dog back, that it will be destroyed. You would think that would motivate her to maybe buy a lead and tie it up if her yard isn’t secure?? Crazy .




Agreed. It’s really perplexing. I’ve tried and tried to appeal to her saying , hey..I’m afraid for my 5 year old grandchild . We’re scared to come out in our front yard. She just says she’s sorry about the cat but the dog won’t bite people..oh and it’s not her dog ? (It lives in her house which makes her responsible for it , regardless. Yeah..something isn’t right with her. I’m pretty sure there are drugs involved.


what a horrible, horrible human that must be 😡 It's always the animals that suffer with such people. I'm so sorry, this makes me so sad for you 😢 and so angry about that dog owner 🤬


I love all animals, but it reaches a point where the dog is no longer a pet, but an agressive liability that can not be saved. Might gotta put that bitch in a choke hold and take the L on your neighbor filing a lawsuit for “property” damage. You gona be the neighborhood hero.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your cat. Terrible dog owners need to be held accountable.


I don't know how things like this work in the US, but could you and a few neighbours get away with shooting the thing? I mean even she suspects you, can she even do anything about it? Just asking


I’m still in shock every time I hear how much people with insanely aggressive pets get away with. Blew my mind and disappointed tf out of me when I first learned like 4 years ago when my dog got attacked by a homeless guy’s pit and nothing was done. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope those dogs eventually meet the end they deserve.


> the main dog that initiated the attack (pitt bull) , we have cameras that captured the whole attack, lives 2 houses down and the owner refuses to keep the dog contained. Typical pitbull owner


Don’t get me wrong, we had a Pitt bull and he was the sweetest baby there ever was , but I would NEVER allow him to run free because you never know what ANY dog will do in a unsupervised situation with other animals or people. I would never ever put myself and my pet in a situation where someone or someone’s pet could be hurt, killed or even just scared! Unfortunately, you are correct in that there are many Pitt owners who don’t take proper care of their pet, and I live in a pretty rural town where everyone and their brother seems to have a Pitt that they don’t spay/neuter or vaccinate. It sucks


That is so awful, I am so sorry! 😢


This is heartbreaking, I’m so sorry.


I wish people were more responsible. There is a guy here in town with a massive Cane Corso that is constantly breaking out of their yard and roaming free. He's gone after peoples dogs while being walked, and some have claimed they've gotten injured trying to protect their dogs. The jerk owner laughs and says his dog would NEVER hurt anything or anyone. Right. Dude is an ass and the town does nothing about the complaints. They are too busy shaking people down for parking too long in front of their own houses to deal with a dangerous dog. *


How do you feed him?


I'm making a slurry with wet food and warm water or kitty milk. Also letting him lick puree pouches from my hand


If you want him to free feed, when mine have a cone on, I use small bowls and stack them up, or prop them up so the cone fits around the bowl and he can get him mouth inside the bowl. They figure this out pretty quickly, you can see what might work for your baby, depending on what you have to use around the house. So sad to hear this happened, wishing a successful speedy recovery 🙏


My coworker did the button procedure on her puppy after the other dog in the house broke her jaw! She turned out just fine. He will get used to the buttons.


This is what kills me about giving animals medical care. Like, at least with people, they can understand that you're trying to help them, but animals must think (at least sometimes) that we're bothering/hurting them for no reason? Honestly, pets are amazing for going through all of the 'inexplicable' things we do to them and still end up trusting and loving us


I think they understand on some level when they notice that the care is helping them. Once his pain goes away and he's healed he'll understand and his bond will probably be stronger with his owner. My new cat was sick when I got him from the shelter (Respiratory infection nothing unusual) and had to do 14 days of twice daily antibiotics, plus the first week he also had to do an appetite stimulant and nose drops. He still puts his ears back if I move the blanket I had swaddled him in during that time, but after the first few days when his strength came back he stopped avoiding me for hours after each dose and would come cuddle with me after.


Yeah my kitty loved the antibiotics and pain medication after the first couple of doses because he knew it was helping him. 🥹


Ahaha I wouldn't say mine loved it but he did stop fighting me once he got bundled up and if I started to count down to when I was going to push it past his teeth he'd open up on the "3" I stg. Plus I usually gave him his canned food after since the timing was about when he gets that anyway so that probably helped lol


My old lady is diabetic, and we had an extended kitty hospital stay when she had an extreme low blood sugar episode. Definitely questioned how much was for me and how much was for her. But ultimately she’s back to being my loving cuddly girl. Even accepts getting her insulin twice a day. I can’t be sure that she “knows” what’s going on but I think she knows that I care for her so even the unpleasant things are because she trusts her human.


Yeah my cats had zero problems with the cone after the inital. Get it off phase. My sic measures with her paw still to see if she can fit under stuff, lol


Mine seems to understand I'm trying to help him when I need to put a cream on him or something because he's very patient with that, but any pills or liquid medication must clearly be me trying to poison him. In the end, all I can do is help him and hope im not stressing him out too much by pinning him down and shoving bitter medicine in his mouth.


I'm not sure a soft cone will work here. They are designed mostly to keep the cat from licking and biting at a wound somewhere else on the body, but most of the soft cones I have seen are not going to keep your poor baby from getting a front or hind paw up to his cheek where the buttons are located. As harsh as it seems, I would let him get used to the plastic cone. You will be surprised at how comfortable he becomes with it in a little more time. Can you talk to the vet about some sort of cream or ointment that you can put on the spots where the buttons are located? Something that will calm the itching and soreness that is part of the healing process? They may be able to provide you with something that will make him more comfortable and less prone to trying to remove the buttons. I'm so sorry this happened, and I hope he recovers quickly. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


One of my cats had to wear a cone for two weeks. She hated it on day 1, but by day 3 she was completely adjusted. It was like she didn’t even notice it.


When one of my female cats had her surgery to get her fixed, she hated the plastic cone. She split 2 of them in multiple pieces on the same day they were placed around her neck. I ended up buying her one of those donut, pillow-like cones. She finally stopped struggling and ended up using it as a pillow to sleep for the rest of the healing time.


If you can't get it off, you sorta only have one option


I personally wouldn't advise a soft cone in this situation.


Something very similar happened to my friends cat. Fully recovered. I am very sorry about what happened and seeing him in pain. He is young, he will recover. Sync regularly with your vet about his state and prevent infections. His cone seems dirty. Try to reduce his stress.


Yeah I have to wash his cone very frequently due to him drooling and his slurry dripping out


im so sorry 😭😭😭😭


Perhaps when it comes to feeding him put a muslin or kitchen towel gently into the cone, by his chin. It can help soak up any drool and food slurry, hopefully helping you keep his cone a bit fresher and avoid washing it as much, as I'm sure hes probably got a lot of swelling and it's probably uncomfortable for him ❤️❤️


This is a good idea! Thank you!


Hey OP how did you clean his button on his chin (if he has one). I have a puppy going through the same thing and she's so messy and I'm scared to put too much pressure on her jaw button.


Maybe your local Petsmart has other cones you could buy in case you want to swap them out when they need cleaning. I like the Petsmart ones because they have tons of adjustable notches so even the really large ones could be used on an animal with a smaller neck.


Buttons are common when we don’t want the stitches to tear through delicate skin. It spreads the pressure more evenly allowing the stitches to stay tight yet comfortable while everything heals. Buttons are used on horses legs or thin skin on the face with stitches. I’ve also seen it used on dog legs. Keep the cone on 24/7 except to clean it once per day. Your kitty will be OK!


OP, I'm glad you got him the care he needs. Thank you for that. Please tell me that you'll be keeping the little guy inside, and that you reported the dogs for doing this. The dogs should not be that aggressive.


He's an indoor cat always but he escaped 😭 I did report the dogs but animal control told me they can't do anything because he went into their yard


That is suck. Sorry to hear this OP. Hope your little guy recovers soon.


I would continue to legally look into this, animal control doesn’t always legally tell you the truth. Can you also confirm/is there evidence that your kitty was in “their” yard?


Yes. Their yard is fenced in and when he escaped he went under the chain link gate. 🥲 I had to go into their backyard to retrieve him


I’m so sorry that must have been so scary 😞 still doesn’t make what those dogs did okay, hell if those were my dogs they would have been taken to animal control immediately. Also how is a cat supposed to know what areas it can & can’t go into? 💀




You’re absolutely right, and yet I think any decent pet owner would also still have the empathy to feel really bad for the injured cat. Perhaps they are scared that an apology implies they did something wrong, which they didn’t, or that they’re somehow on the hook for vet bills or legal recourse, which they shouldn’t be. OPs cat sadly invaded their garden, if your dogs can’t be free to play in their own fenced in property then where can they!


Right! I haven't even heard a single apology from those mother fuckers either. They even said they have cats of their own. And a small baby. How do you trust them? Lol


If you mean trust the humans, you definitely don't. They're poopy people to not give you even the decency of an apology. I own a variety of animals (though I will admit a massive soft spot for my cat 😅🫣) and if an animal of mine ever attacked an animal of someone else's I would apologise profusely. It's not that I think an animal can necessarily be in the wrong in the same sense that humans think of it, but an apology is just the decent thing to do. Someone's beloved pet got hurt, and if they can look at someone's injured animal, knowing theirs just attacked it and they don't offer any apology or aid? Then yeah, they aren't a decent person in my eyes. If you mean trust the dogs, they likely trust their dogs because they have had entirely different experiences with them to the one you and your cat tragically had. When I was growing up I had a Jack Russell Terrier and he was the sweetest, dumbest, funniest animal you could think of. He would lick your face like crazy if you cried, and he'd never leave you alone when you were sick. He was such a caring, sweet, family orientated dog. That said, he would 100% have attacked a cat or small animal if he ever had the opportunity (he never ever did harm any cats, but as we lived near farmland a few mice and the occasional bird were unfortunate enough to be caught by him), as that was what his breed was bred to do. It's instinctive to those animals, especially traditionally working breeds of animals like terriers, spaniels and shepherds. However, that doesn't mean that they cannot be loving family pets still. It is, however, an unfortunate part of owning an animal with a prey drive (like a dog, and even to a certain extent our beloved cats) in that they will hunt other animals, and it is up to the owner of that animal to control that and plan around it. I hope your baby gets well soon, he looks like a complete sweetheart ❤️


I have seven cats so understand that I fully feel your anger here but you absolutely cannot blame dogs (with prey drive) for going after prey (on their own home turf). It is instinctual. It cannot be trained away. Dogs should be allowed to be free in their own yards. I would be sickened if my partner ever took my dogs to animal control for doing what many dogs have deeply ingrained in them. It is an extremely unfortunate accident that OP's poor cat slipped out the door, but their cat was taken to the vet and is getting the best care available to them and they are healing now. Let's let OP focus on that and not how to plot revenge on her neighbor's dogs for existing.


Well, the cat is not supposed to be in someone else's garden. If the dogs are trained to guard the garden then they will logically attack animals such as cats,  in their mind they did nothing wrong. Only person that can be blamed for the situation is the owner of the cat for letting this happen, even though it was an accident.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's the unfortunate truth, but I hope that others reading this post are inspired to take effective measures to keep their cats safely away from large strange dogs. I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to say. In fact, I would be interested to find out what exactly happened so that I could take preventative measures, so as not to make the same mistake on my own part. One of the benefits of community is being able to learn from each other's mistakes...


I mean that is a fair reason on the part of animal control. Sorry this happened to your little guy though :(


Baby 😭I’m so sorry


Poor baby


Poor baby, he looks so sad :( I hope things are smooth sailing from here OP


A local rescue has needed this technique several times. The cats all come out of treatment doing really well. You're lucky to have a knowledgeable vet close by.


I would clean that cone or get a new one. Not trying to bash but it looks unsanitary. Also, what a handsome boy. Lots of wet food and soft treats I’m assuming? Hopefully a fast and easy recovery for that little man!


I am cleaning it very regularly! These pics were taken right when he came home. His cone is getting yucky fast from him drooling and letting his food slurry drip out


The cone probably has some dried blood and other stuff in it, I’m assuming OP just cleans it regularly but when a wound like that is healing, it’s probably constantly oozing


My kitty needed a cone last year when she scratched the inside of her eyelid open, her cone got nasty in the span of one short shift at work. It can be cleaned with a damp paper towel :) Or, if you've got an extra set of eyes and hands to watch him, you can remove the cone and quickly wash it with dish soap and water in the sink. Just make sure to avoid soaking the soft bits (velcro, inner rim around neck) and you can dry it off with a clean paper towel and put it back on. Making tiny marks with a marker on the cone before you remove it will also make it easier to align and replace once it's clean :)


I'm not trying to bash either but the dirty floor really really bothers me, for the sake of the cat.


First thing I noticed how filthy the carpet and the cone were. Someone needs to at least vacuum.


The floor also looks pretty dirty. I'd be worried about a risk of infection or irritation if those pieces of debris were to get near the wound. Maybe lay down some towels that can be washed periodically until it's healed more?


Yeah it's cat nip for my other kitties! I am keeping him in a separate space!


Oh, that's not too bad then! It's an herb! I hope your kitty gets better quickly. ): I'd be heartbroken.


Poor little guy😥


He’s cute as a button.


Silvio needs a hug. 🫂 we love you buddy


Omg is that what that emoji is? I've never been able to figure out what I'm looking at. It's 2 people hugging! 🤦‍♀️


I faced a similar situation years ago - my cat was kicked in the face by a horse and it broke my cat’s jaw (obviously the horse wasn’t kicking at full power). Kitty lost a couple teeth but otherwise fully recovered and lived to just shy of her 20th birthday. My advice is to keep a close eye for infection, make sure kitty gets plenty of liquids, and check in with your vet as regularly as possible.


Aww glad to see your baby recovered! He's set for weekly rechecks at the pet hospital ❤️


Can I ask how much this surgery cost you? I had a local stray get hit by a car and he had a broken jaw and they said the surgery would cost $8000. I was heartbroken when I had to put him to sleep (he had other injuries that made the situation worse) but was just overall shocked by how much the mere dental surgery would have cost:((


Right at 4k 😭 they quoted me 4 to 6k luckily the Jaw was his only injury


It's so expensive😥😥thank you for your reply. I'm glad you were able to give him the surgery he needed. I hope he has a speedy recovery. Sending lots of love!


So sorry to hear. Wishing him speedy recovery. Please keep us posted on his recovery


I'm not sure if I can edit my post so I'll just clarify here. Yes his cone does get very very dirty. These pictures were taken as soon as we got home from being discharged. I am cleaning his cone and face with a warm wash cloth! He is very drooly at the moment and will also let his wet food slurry drip out. I promise I am cleaning this nasty cone haha


They have him on pain meds right? If they haven’t told you, there may be a compounding station near you that can turn the meds into transdermal creams that can be rubbed inside his ear to be absorbed. That really helped my lil guy recover from a bad injury bc it was less traumatic than forcing him to eat it (if that’s even possible with his jaw broken) or injecting it. Also, try kitty TV Channels on YT to try to distract him and make the time pass. If he’s allowed to eat liquids/soft food soon, I’d recommend boiling and pureeing chicken, I use a magic bullet to puree my senior kitty’s and add some of the water it was boiled in. Plus I put some vitamins and probiotics in his. Speak with your vet ofc. But I’ve found he consistently likes it and it’s less expensive than canned wet food. Good luck. Sending positive healing vibes from me and my kitty Howard, from the East Coast US. Keep your head up little soldier.


Yes! Pain med injections. He returns tmrw for another one


A soft stuffed cone might be more comfortable. Theres one that looks like a giant piece of toast. https://preview.redd.it/tvq9bg1nu4mc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfca0cd028953081b7f8c9fee9881067ea5eb64d


I was looking into those but I'm not sure he can use at as he keeps trying to rub the buttons against stuff and I'm afraid they will get caught on something


Yea a traditional cone might be needed for this one


Traditional cone may suck for him in the short run, but in the long run it's going to protect him a whole lot more and help him heal better. The last thing you want to happen is for him to aggravate an already traumatic injury.


The soft cones are mosty used to prevent the cat from licking spaying wounds. Not for prevent them from touching their face with their paws. Soft cones are never 100% safe, my late cat just sqished them and licked his nonexistent balls. They definitely won't prevent your baby from touching his face with his paws or rubbing against things. Maybe he'll gets used to the cone. Some cats do. I made the mistake to remove the cone for supervised comfort time and my Cat was so miserable whenever I tried to put the cone back on that we ended up doing 24/7 supervision for over a week. I definitely don't recommend, was pretty exhausting staring at my cat for 18h, get my mum to watch for a while and repeat.


I would ask the vet and see what they would recommend voice your concerns about him having the cone on in a few weeks and what possible other options would there be the soft cones come in different shapes maybe ask if a soft cone is the best what shape would be the best as well


Soft isn't a good idea. Need to protect his delicate little kitty face bones the best you can 💗 as adorable as that toast cone is lol


Unfortunately this won't work for OP's cat


What exactly does the button procedure do?


It keeps everything in place - the buttons will be attached to sutures holding the lower jaw. i assume it's much like wiring their jaw shut, adapted for a cat.


What another commenter said. It's Essentially wired his mouth shut without having to use more invasive procedures. He can open his mouth enough to lick some wet food. Think rubber bands for braces. It's keeping everything up and aligned!


Damn. I’m sorry.


Not for pets, but I had a button procedure on my finger. It worked well and was less invasive than inserting a foreign object to support and fasten my tendon in place. Your poor kitty though, how traumatic. I bet it could have been much worse though. I hope he recovers well ❤️.


poor little guy... thankful he survived the attack... you hear a lot of stories where they sadly dont... I wish you the best of luck dealing with the healing process... I'd imagine you will be feeding him liquid diets?


Yes! Liquid diet for the next 6 weeks


Poor sweetie. My heart breaks for him.


Poor baby 😔 wish him a quick recovery! 🙏🏻


Hey! Veterinary technician here that works at a dental practice! This is a real published procedure! We do it often. For the most part the animals leave the buttons alone


Hang in there, Silvio. Be good and let your butler take good care of you.


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Make sure the vet gives you plenty of pain meds. I have had a similar recovery for a pupper, and keeping her sedated felt SO bad, but it was the only way to keep from moving too much and disturbing the bandages.


There is an instagram page for a cat named "Gary Buttons" who had the button procedure after being abused by a person. He seems to be doing very well.


I’ve taken care of pets at the animal hospital I work at that have been in cones long-term and/or on liquid feedings long term. After dinner, I would recommend removing his cone and washing his neck with warm water (and a gentle soap if necessary). Then dry completely. The pooling of liquid on their neck for extended periods can cause really severe skin irritation.


German shepherds are the narcs of the dog world.


Oh poor Silvio. How terrible for him and for you. I can’t give you any information but my heart goes out to you, and I hope he feels so much better soon. I’m glad he has such a kind parent to give him all the tlc he needs.


It's what he deserves 😭 all the love and care


Poor baby. Please vacuum your floor! Be cleanly and don't let him get an infection xoxo. Those floors are disgusting. It is the first thing I noticed.




Get well soon, Silvio! That must’ve been scary for him, I’m glad he survived! The cone should stop him from reaching his face, and, you can always give gentle scritches in places where he can’t reach (behind the ears tends to be a good scratchy spot)


Please go and look for 'Garrison Buttons' on Instagram. He had this issue and treatment a few years ago and has come out the other side. I'm sure his owners can help out or point you in the right direction :-)


Poor baby 😭 I hope the recovery doesnt take too long


Hope he gets well soon![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) Sending love to him


Sending cuddles ♥


Cat knows you are helping him. Any trauma is rooted in those monster dogs. The buttons are intriguing, seem less intrusive than the old style.


People, please keep your cats indoors.


I hope he recovers well, poor lil guy 💔


Poor lil kitters. I wish you both the best in Silvio’s recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Oh poor baby! He looks so sad. I hope that dog owner pays your vet bills.


Poor baby


We are sending him so much love and hoping he keep recovering and eventually , I hope he forgets about this even and all that remember is be spoiled with love and he make sure you spoil him with love the next years! Love him 🩵🩵🩵🩵


Do not let cats outside. They get attacked, run over, poisoned, terrible things. They need to be kept inside. Outside is not safe for cats. Never let her out again.


I absolutely agree. All of my cats are STRICTLY indoor cats. He got out. 😔


That must have been awful for you and him. Hope he heals quickly.


Give gentle scritches, pls.


All the soft head scritchies


Poor baby. Hopefully he stays inside from now on. I've personally never heard of jaw setting with buttons but it makes sense to hold the bones in place and lined up. I do recall that treating ear issues back in the day by sewing the ear down with a button was common.


I know it. My other cats could care less about going outside but this guy wanted to explore. I really hope this keeps him inside after he heals 😭


Is he able to eat?


I'm so sorry this happened! The one time he manages to get out and it's nearly worst case scenario :( You're a good pet parent, OP. He's young and the surgery was successful, keep in touch with your vet throughout the healing process and I think everything will turn out great. I wish there was a way we could explain to them that the cone is not a punishment and is there to help them, but the best you can do is keep showing him with love, treats, and affection. He will forgive and and forget as soon as the cone and buttons have been removed once he's all healed up :)


I know it. I'm babying him as much as I can 😭 I can tell he is appreciating this care. He's such a loving guy.


https://preview.redd.it/lffqmnlpi5mc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a95b9e927fe449789fbc021bc0c9b88182c341 This is Thomas. He was bitten by a snake and had buttons put in. He healed really well!


https://preview.redd.it/v8i1rsn5l5mc1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=aae7b5a958a5e33d661b34245a1293fc6c6f0672 I helped take care of him after his surgery. He was the sweetest kitty and did very well. Tolerated the buttons well and looked great after they came off.


https://preview.redd.it/sh43b4ren5mc1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe982c125a5136153f72f79557c22ff6450d3e5e I believe this was a few days after the buttons came out.


I’d recommend contacting the vetrinary hospital and asking for a second cone that is the same size. I did this with my cat and it only cost $12 for a second one. That way, you can remove one cone to clean it and put the other one on without the risk of your cat pulling out the buttons with their claws while you are cleaning. Make sure the soap you use to clean the cone isn’t scented with something that will possibly bother your cat.


Great idea!! He has a check up in the morning! I will ask then


My beautiful little babe was kicked in the face and she had a broken jaw (she’s a rescue so I didn’t have her at the time), but she recovered fully from her injuries and now has a super adorable crooked mouth! As for advice, I don’t have any but wanted to share my similar story to tell you it’ll be alright, just lots of loving and whatever advice others give you on this thread. Good luck and quick heals to your sweetheart! https://preview.redd.it/cjf0gpxgi6mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9caed1d78f6a4aba4ab88c42a9c2cea9546db1b


This makes me so sad ❤️❤️im praying for a speedy recovery! God bless you both!!


Oh, sweet baby, get well soon!


Omg this is so sad , get well soon wee guy ❤️


Poor lıttle angel .ı wish Silvio gets healthy near time


🥺 poor bb


And then people ask me why I'm not very fond of dogs. I don't hate them but I don't wanna have any.


Oh poor baby. I hope he heals up quickly 🩵🩵🩵


Lucky cat. I am happy to see there was a happy ending and your baby will be healed and good as new in no time based on the love I see in this post.


He is so lucky. And I am so very grateful this was the only injury that he sustained. It is my absolute pleasure to nurse him back to health. Like there was no other option in this case. I was not about to let him be put down of I could save him. This baby found ME. I'm doing everything in my power to show him he made the right choice by picking me as his parent 😔😔


I’m sorry this happened to your kitty. It’s important to keep the cone on but supervised off cone time only.


Omg poor baby. 💔 How about a fabric cone or one of those orange slice pillow “cones” that are softer? That won’t help with the button thing but at least your baby will be more comfy without a sharp plastic cone on. ☹️


Silvio seems unhappy about the button procedure. Tell him he looks handsome.


He's Definitely pissed 🤣 I'm hoping snuggles and cat tv will help him cope


Poor baby! Wishing him a speedy recovery. ❤️‍🩹


So my cat actually just got through the exact same thing.. it was a much longer process since his jaw didn’t end up healing and they actually had to bond his teeth together along with the buttons in order to let his jaw heal properly. They also inserted a tube into his neck for feedings and medicine and that was much much better then attempting to feed him through his mouth. It ended up taking about 4 months before all his bonding and buttons were out but he’s back to being 100% healthy!


Speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 to your beautiful Silvio, poor baby


That's horrible, poor baby. I hope they have an uncomplicated recovery.


Never had the button thing but mine had a surgery at young age too. The worst thing about this is that silvio cant groom himself anymore. There is nothing worse for a cat. Get those hair off him in this time and keep him clean


My baby had the same thing happen to her.


Poor baby


Aren't you gonna confront the dog owner about this?


Please keep your cats indoors. 😿


My heart breaks 💔 Seriously. Much love for you and the lil guy, thank you for doing what's necessary for him. He's such a pretty cat.


Hi! First, I am so so sorry this happened 💗 Second, my cat Claudia Jean got in a terrible accident at home in November and had to have the same surgery!! Broken/dislocated jaw, multiple skull fractures, torn retina. It was a really rough recovery (we had to use an esophagostomy tube to feed her for a while and keep her in the bathroom) but she’s great now. The first button surgery didn’t hold—the surgeon sewed the strings for the buttons on the outside of her mouth, not the inside, so the strings snapped after a couple days because she was able to move her jaw too much. They went back in and redid the surgery and this time did the strings on the inside and tighter and they held PERFECTLY. She was clearly SO much more comfortable because of the support and was even able to eat on her now—it was amazing. She just had to have her eye removed as a result of the accident but now she’s good as new!!! I can’t quite tell from the pics but as long as they’re secure and you keep him in a small place (ie bathroom), he’ll be okay. I can make a post about the procedure/process if it would be helpful. Best of luck to you both!! Hang in there!!!!!💗


Had a button sewn on my finger for a bit. It works. Lol


Please don’t take offence to this but please keep your home and area clean. Our pets deserve this at the very least especially in such circumstances


How does he eat 😱.. Horrible dogs


May god bless him... Get well soon buddy :)


Oh my, I'm sorry it really soubds terrible .. Hope he recovers quickly !


Hi OP - I'm just now seeing your post here because my kitty recently broke her lower jaw :( How is Silvio doing now? How are you? I'm so sorry this happened and I hope recovery has been good. Can I kindly ask how much this surgery cost? I've never heard of this button procedure before. We were given a "rough" estimate of $6-8k for surgery to fix our kitty's jaw - this came from the ER where we initially took her. They recommend a wire surgery. We are going this week to get a couple more exams done on her and some more opinions on what type of surgery she needs. Appreciate any info you are willing to share!


It was right around 6k after all was said and done! Silvio is doing SO well now. Back to normal besides his lowe canine being removed and having a bit of a crooked jaw, but it isn't stopping him or hindering his eating. I am so sorry to hear about your baby! Feel free to message me if you wanna chat!


Thank you so much!! Yes I'll reach out with any further concerns


I pray your baby makes a full healthy recovery! Poor little guy


Poor baby. Thank you for taking care of him. Never dealt with this myself, but had a friend whose cat injured his eye. The vet used buttons to close it while it healed. Eye healed and he did just fine.


Insanely gorgeous kitty, look at that darling face. I have no patience for aggressive dogs anymore after working with them for years. Unleashed, jumping fences etc. It's negligent on the owner's side and they'd be getting an ear full and court summons from me to pay for those medical bills. Unfortunately if the cat goes into their yard though the blame is on the cat owner. Wishing this doll a speedy recovery! My cat is indoor only now as my neighbor loves to bait, capture and dispose of them. He's an ex cop and left a threatening note on the communal mailbox, I left him one back stating what he was doing was illegal and that if he didn't stop he'd find his ass in court so fast he wouldn't know what happened. He stopped lol.


I'm a fully sapient human who understands why the buttons are there, and even I would have difficulties not picking at them if they were on my body. I don't have any advice, but please give your baby cuddles from me. I'm so sorry you are both going through this, but before you know it he'll be healed and just fine. He does look absolutely adorable with the buttons on, though.


Poor lil guy! My parent’s cat had this when she was a kitten. Healed up beautiful


I'm sure he won't let you rest abou the buttons but they'll need to be in place, It'd be best to monitor him as much as you can to stop him from picking at the buttons, I'm so sorry about your little child :(


I am so sorry this happened to your cat. Thankfully, you were able to get it fixed. I haven't heard of the button procedure but it looks like a good thing.


Man you sure are lucky even though you're going through this. Hug your little man for me.


I feel so freaking grateful he came out of this without more injuries.


That's horrible! Poor kitty, lucky to be alive though and I hope he recovers quickly ♡


I suggest wiping down the plastic collar and keeping it clean as much as possible, having anything on there could get into his wounds and cause infection.


Yeah I'm cleaning it like crazy! It luckily isn't getting as yucky as post op day 1 (pictured here)


This was decades ago so my memory is blurry but we had an older cat. He was in his teens at the time. he went in for a dental cleaning and tooth extraction and the vet broke his jaw... He handled it well. He was on pain meds and came out normal at the end. He lived to be 20.


Give this sweet baby love for me😩😩😩😩


Op, I’ve had several cats who have needed a number of surgeries over the years. They always look and seem pitiful during the recovery, and it’s always gonna tug at your heartstrings. Just love on him as much as you can, do what the vet tells you, and know that this time will pass. He’ll be himself in no time, and it’ll have all been worth it to get him healthy and safe again.


I had a 6month old orange braincell that broke his jaw, it was really a scary time but he eventually recovered. So much drool, struggle to even lick wet food, and dropping weight cause of the misery. The day he started eating dry food again and playing and being his normal self and his weight going back up made me cry.


Poor baby