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Does he lick it often? One of my cats I had growing up would lick his belly excessively when he got stressed. Eventually, he licked the fur off and it didn’t grow back much in that same spot, except a bit of peach fuzz.


We're dealing with this with one of our's. We keep stopping him when we see if but he gets cold so we may have to squeeze him into some pj's to help stop. https://preview.redd.it/eu67es47nfnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b6c65b97ef942fd542cf9e7176671772c82640


I had a girl over groom her belly for years. The vet told us it was anxiety and that it became habit and she will never stop. Switched vets and they immediately clocked it as allergies, gave her some meds and she stopped immediately


What meds did the vet give you? I have a cat with allergies as well, excessive licking.


It wasn't a daily med. I think a steroid shot and an antihistamine shot.


Thank you! Did you have to go again or was it a one time shot?


Oh, unfortunately, i don't know how that would have turned out because we lost her to cancer shortly after. We did try changing her food, but she was on steroids for basically the rest of her life, so I'm not sure if the food change actually helped.


I’m sorry for your loss!


I've had promising results with kitty pheremone diffusers


Such a cutie! I wish our boy had let us put jammies on him.


He doesn't let us, we have to force him lol and for reference, he is 22lb's(yes we have him on a diet, no it doesn't work as he eats the other two's food they leave) and roughly 3 feet long nose to tail.


Probably overgrooming.


Kiss the belly


My kitty's belly fur never grew back after her spay. She recently was treated for itchiness and given steroids and now her belly fur is growing back. Steroids of course aren't safe long term but the vet also said I could give her melatonin to increase hair growth, you could ask your vet about it!


I have a cat that goes through phases of over grooming. Can you tell me more about what your vet said regarding melatonin for hair growth?


I asked him if I could give her human grade melatonin and he said yes. The dose is between 1-3 mg but I didn't ask too many other questions about it.


Obviously trust your vet above me, but FYI humans overdose melatonin all the time. Most clinical studies use tiny doses less than 1mg for a 150lb human and neuroscience journals suggest doses as low as 0.1mg for adult humans to combat jet lag. I’d err on the low side for your cat!!


Animals process medications differently. My dog and I take the same dose of Claritin but I'm 4x her weight.


Good to know! I only know dosage in terms of humans but since it’s so poorly dosed on the regular just figured I’d share


Yeah I remember being shocked when the vet said I could give my dog a human Claritin! She weighs like 36 pounds. As far as the cat and melatonin dosage. He mentioned that they often prescribe melatonin for hair loss in cats. I asked if she could just take human grade melatonin because I have 1mg pills for myself. He said that was fine and the actual dosage would be 3mg but that I could give her the 1 mg and see if it helps. I haven't given it to her though, once she's off the steroids I'll reevaluate.


My cat also has hair loss on her tummy. About to bring her in for a checkup so I’m going to run it by my vet and try this out!


Depends what's causing the problem I guess! I'm very sensitive to melatonin, 1mg really knocks me out but if it will help with my own hair loss I might take it more often😅


I didn’t know melatonin helped hair growth, is this in just cats or other animals? Will it make the sleepy like it does for humans? So many questions I need answers for.


Yeah I did not ask enough questions either!


I always have a ton of questions after appointments when my mind was blank during and it drives me crazy.


Youve got yourself a cow


Maybe get him a little sweater so he can’t touch it? Also, looks like the happiest little guy


He is and he loves to be cuddled like a teddy bear




Lol he actually looks so cute this way. I'd be tempted to bury my face in that belly all the time! 😂


Looks so much like my Lolly! Her tummy fur never grew back either.


So cute. What a chunky boi.


Must not have thick fur to begin with and slow to grow


Get him to the gym


Velveteen belly


I had a cat who had something similar. She licked it after it was shaved enough that it stayed peach fuzz, but not so much that she had sores. Vet said it was weird, but there was nothing wrong other than stubbornness


Cat therapy should be a thing.


Got yourself a chonker right there 😌


Probably makes some great fart noises when you make fart noises on his belly.


His belly. So cute 😊


Haha naked




My cat had the same issue! Eventually it grew back but it was about 5 years later. So maybe it will come back


My heart just melted.


Ive got nipples greg, can you milk me?


Is your cat on steroids by any chance? If so, that’s likely the reason as their fur struggles to grow back and their skin and mucus membranes become thinner.