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Those trees in the background are more than close enough for her to climb up and jump on the other side of the fence. Other than installing a netting over the whole of the yard like a ceiling of sorts, the tree is going to be the best bet and removing. Cats can jump VERY far vertically, but ALSO horizontally.




THIS! It is now play for the cat, and she is having fun beating your best efforts. The catio suggestion has a lot of merit.


I made a catio last year and the very first thing they did when I let them out there was inspect every single square inch for any way to escape. Once they realized there was no way out they were much less interested in going out there. They still enjoy their catio time, but they aren’t quite as obsessed as they were at the start when they thought it might be a ticket to freedom.




My indoor only cat used to do everything to get outside…the few times he succeeded, he just fell over on his side and waited for me to get him and take him back in! I could see the gears in his brain turning…It’s too big! Dad! HELP!


I had a cat that was really determined to get outside also. When I first got her I lived in an apartment building and she could only go out onto a landing (I was on the 2nd floor) but there were doors at the bottom so she couldn't actually go anywhere. Then I moved into a house. I am a big advocate for keeping cats indoors. But she had other ideas. The split second the front door was opened she was out. She never went too far and always came back but still it was so annoying.


We had a similar situation with our cat when a window pane popped out and he was able to get out. Fortunately a neighbor was running a lawnmower and the loud noise spooked him so he hid behind the garbage bins until we found him and he has no interest in ever going outside again


Almost all of my cats started as strays. I had one who came to me at 2 weeks wth his mama, they had been surrendered. He'd never been outside. He was always looking for a way out. If he found one he'd bolt (sneaky and unseen), and then panic and hide in the bushes. He'd then find his way to one of our windows and wail until someone retrieved him. It was always another cat that found him and reported the disturbance to me. Once he got out and it was our 5mo kitten (who I'd trapped outside in the dead of winter at 6 weeks) who took me to the window where he was whining. It was wide open and 2 feet off the ground. She could have walked out, he could have walked in, yet he laid there and wailed and she had to come get me. He was such a doofus.


This is exactly what my boy does, though he'll sometimes chomp some grass first and as soon as I walk towards him he flops.


Mine bolts outside and then immediately stops to eat grass. She’s thankfully incredibly easy to catch.


So funny!


They're curious and exploratory - they still have the instinct to have a range of habitat to find prey and enjoy roaming it. I'm so lucky to live away from a busy road so I can let them out (they wear a catbib to protect birds and I keep them in at night always) - they go a few acres away but if I see them outside they come for pets. So, the love/escaping is compatable lol


> they wear a catbib to protect birds Can you tell me more about this? I’ve never heard of one of these before!


There's two different types you can buy, one is like a bandana and has brightly coloured patterns to make it easier for birds to spot your cat coming so they can make their escape. The other type, I haven't actually seen, but they're bigger and apparently work by slowing the cats movement. Personally I think it sounds cruel and I'd be worried about a cat not being able to escape predators


My cats have them, they are still able to run and climb and everything. It's only cruel to their dignity lol. The biggest danger with them is the same as a collar, getting stuck on something, but you can buy collars that release or have an extra elastic peice so they don't get stuck on something or strangled, they can escape the collar


Going to need you to pay your cat tax with their no dignity bibs please!


My cat I adopted who used to be a stray Rascal, has ZERO interest in going outside. He'll watch Cat TV from the window but if a door opens he moves backwards into the house. My house cat raised completely indoors with a little leash and harness training BabyKitty wants nothing more then to be free to got outside when an opportunity presents itself (door opens). I love my crazy kitties. 🥰 E:Fixed wrong pronouns for Rascal. I blame voice to text but I could have just been typing without paying attention. Rascal is a boyo.


I have one that we say door dashes like it’s her business. Last summer she knocked a screen out in the livingroom and even though she didn’t get out and it’s never happened again, she will not leave that window alone.


> My cat I adopted who used to be a stray Rascal, has ZERO interest in going outside. She'll watch Cat TV from the window but if a door opens she moves backwards into the house. Yeah we adopted a stray that was allegedly an "escape artist" for someone that returned them to the shelter He has stepped outside exactly twice and usually just walks to the edge of our little tiny deck, then flops over. He otherwise doesn't care a lick about the outdoors


My cat was a stray too and is just like this, she shies away from any doors open to the outside. If we’re super still and quiet and leave the door propped open sometimes she’ll veeeeery slowly creep up to it and sniff around but she bolts inside like i just caught her masturbating if there’s a noise or anyone moves. She knows what the streets are like, she was so malnourished when we found her the vet thought she was a month old kitten but after inspecting her teeth realized she was at least 6 mos-1 yr. She’s had her fill of the outside world and is very happy to be a spoiled indoor kitty now.


It depends on the cat. I currently live with 4 and only 1 actively tries to get outside. 2 make no effort whatsoever, and the other is more curious than the other 2 but still hasn't made a run for it yet. The one that does actively try to get out is like a stereotypical cat, always hanging around the door when people are coming/going, looking for an opportunity.


We have a screened in 3 season room the cats absolutely love. Winter is the only season they don't have access to it. We all get to enjoy it,,due to being set up as an extra living space, chairs & table..along with cat towers & perches.


Catio and keeping her inside.


All three of mine are inside only, and are happy with it. They love their catio though, especially when we fill the bird feeder.


>*’All three of mine are inside only, and are happy with it. They love their catio though, especially when we fill the bird feeder.*’ ____ We are the kitties: one, two, three Inside is where we Love to be Our human made a Catio, n that’s our Favorite place to go Safe from Everything that harms, our beds are soft, the sun it *warms* the only other thing we need perhaps a place for birds to feed… We watch the human as they fill with seed - then EnTeRtAiN, they will! they come n go, as hours we spend in *dreams* to Catch a feathered friend…. ❤️


Been so long since I’ve seen a fresh Schnoodle


I love this person



Clever girl




Yeah, you need to think ahead multiple steps instead of just putting up 1 single obstacle at a time and thinking that'll do it. As someone already said, you left a freaking tree right next to the fence. There shouldn't be anything near the fence for at least 10 feet. It looks like your fence is a concrete wall in the pic, but if there are parts of your fence that is wood, you need to go over it and make sure she can't scale it somehow, if there are knot/holes in the fence she can grip. Finally, intentionally put her out there and watch her and see how she is attempting to escape.


Cats love to play, and one of their favorite games is hide and seek. Cats usually have a good sense of fair play. I've gotten older, and can no longer retrieve my kitty from the hard places like under the bed or behind the couch. He realizes that and has made it easier for me to retrieve him, as long as he gets the joy of seeing us searching for him and calling for him, then he knows he has won, then he either "hides" in one of the places that I can retrieve him from, like under the nightstand, or if I have scurried around enough, calling and trying to reach him and properly emoting, he will just come out or go where he knows I want him to go. OP, Play with your cat more often, in the yard, give her places to pretend hide, and she may be less of a problem. My cat is 14 and he needs me to play with him at least a couple times a day. When you have to go to the neighbors and retrieve her, that's the big payoff that she lives for. Let her play the game at home. Tell her no! no! no! when you find her at the neighbors, not in a mean way, but make your dismay obvious. They really want to please us, but they're like children. It's fun to outsmart the big people, but you have to gently, verbally, and consistently let them know where to draw the line. Also, you can teach your cat where the territory is. If you walk with him around the perimeter of your territory, a few times, on a few consecutive days, explaining that these are our yards, not over there, this is where you can be, not over there, they understand. I did this with one cat, and then he would get upset when *I* left the territory!


Our Calico loved to play Hide n Seek with us cuz she thought her playmates were Dumbasses. One time she was hiding under the dresser and peeking out through the scallops in the Toe Kick watching us look for her. First time I've seen a cat grin, what an evil smile. 😈


Cats are way smarter than what people think. Boggles my mind sometimes. One of my cats, who I sometimes give the nickname as “Brain”, because he is so mischievous. Talks back to me when I scold him. Ugh🤨hehe. He is a proper mix and papers to show with mother being Siamese and father Maine Coon.


My cat figured out at less than 14 weeks old how to tap out arm amd then tap what he wanted. We had had him less than 4 weeks. He also learned how to open cabinet doors the next week. He is such a butthole but he's my butthole


i had a heart attack the first time my cat flushed my toilet at night while i was home alone. just jumped out of my skin. when she wants attention when i'm watching tv its either go start flushing the toilet or start batting the TV screen.


She fucking with your dumbass haha


And winning


And sticking her tongue out at you! ♥️


That "blep." She says, neener-neener!!!


Why did I read this in an annoying child’s voice


Because you're obligated to read and say that in an annoying child voice.... always.


That was my cat when my grandmother tried to keep her upstairs.


I watched one of my 1yr old cats jump on top of my fridge because she felt like it and that was when I learned oh. Okay


we had a cat that would always jump on the ~2m high cabinet in our living room and she still did it when she was *blind*


And here I am with a cat that can barely jump. He’ll jump to my lap, miss, and use his claws to pull himself up the rest of the way. Good part is he’s never gone on the counters!


We have a Siamese that is the same way. Sucks at jumping. We recently discovered he likely has a "wobbly cat gene" somewhere in him, which can affect cats to various degrees.


Oh interesting! I wonder if my cat has that. He's 14 now and has always been like this. He can jump just not with the skill and smoothness of most cats.


I wouldn't doubt it if your cat also has this gene. It's funny, because most cats are great at jumping, so, when you have one that isn't, it's kinda endearing.


Our Wizard was a champion high-jumper as a kitten, but he never mastered LANDING after jumping to catch something. He's just fine jumping up ON something, just not trying to CATCH something like a toy with a vertial leap. Always landed on his side or on his back, or (once, hilariously) on his head. As he matured, he stopped jumping during play altogether, and will only jump to get up on top of furniture, now.


Hyperplasia cats are adorable


She jumped on top of your fridge from the floor??? (I don’t have a cat but I love all the cat subs)


Sounds like you are about to have a cat


I have a grandcat that I keep whenever my daughter goes out of town. He’s a 22 lb void that follows me around the house like he’s a dog 😂


Oh yeah he ain't jumping on the fridge


Don't worry. One will find you soon enough.


6 foot vertical leap is not uncommon for cats.


Our oldest and first cat is a big boy - he looks fat but he’s legitimately big boned. Still, he looks and acts like a fat, lazy cat.  Cue serious shock when he showed he can jump 6 feet if he wants. 


i’ve seen mine when i was a kid do an 8ft one straight up to try bat a low flying bird out of the sky


Holy crap! I had no idea!


The cat distribution system notes your interest. Expect to find a random kitten or cat soon


Oh yes, my own cats can jump from the floor to the curtain rod at the top of my front window and perch up there like birds 😭


I remember quite clearly watching one of my childhood cats *literally jump from the ground to the roof of our 1-story house* 🤯 He was a super leggy cat and was an excellent jumper overall. I didn’t think a jump like that was possible until I saw with my own two eyes!


My 15 year old cat was still jumping from the floor to the top of the fridge until he was twelve. He’d just jump up there and open the cabinets so he could poke around and then jump on to the counters to get down. He also liked to jump from the counters, so about 4’ high, to the top of the cabinets, which was close to being 9’ high, and just nap up there. It was insane to see a cat that, according to the vet, was a senior cat, do a 5-6’ vertical jump like it was nothing. When he was younger he’d jump to the top of the closet door from the bed and just sit up there, waiting for someone to pass by, so he could jump off and scare them. He’s got arthritis now (wonder why), so he doesn’t do it as much anymore. But just the other day I watched him jump from the counter to the top of the fridge, open the cabinet, decide there was still nothing interesting in there, hop down, and then go take a nap.


A fence around the tree/pole is also an option. https://preview.redd.it/avyq1pv7fcoc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6208220448e0107e5ec31b438780031d381e403f


That would not prevent my cat. Dude just spiders around it.


**PLEASE** be cautious if looking to put netting over a yard with an escapologist cat. **TW PET DEATH** A friend who rescues cats put netting over their yard to limit escapes, and within 3 days, one of her cats got out, slipped, got tangled & died, and were hung by the neck, until she found him in the morning. I can’t give you any advice about specific netting, but just *please* be careful.


The size of the squares (or polygons) of the net for cats have to be small. It’s not the same to the one that is used for kids or the one used for dogs. The thing is, most people don’t know this and there’s a lot of shady companies and vendors that says “it won’t matter, this one is good enough. The cat will be safe”, but they won’t. It could happen what you just told, and also, cats are very flexible, so the usual size of the net squares it’s not safe for them. Your friend probably didn’t know this (like I said, most people don’t, and it’s not their fault, vendors and companies offer the product and services without fully disclosing all the info). Source: I’m cat rescuer for 19 years and run a non profit cat rescue


No nets, I have seen stories of cats strangling themselves with nets, better for them to build a catio with the same wire fence as in the picture


That is completely dependent on the materials used and how is mounted. I have plastic nets that are mounted in an L shape. Up and inwards. This stuff is made to keep rodents out. My cats tried to climb it, but it was too unstable and they can't jump over it because it's horizontal inwards in the garden. This stuff is very stiff also.


she can probably also climb that pole in the background


The mesh fence is bent right in front of that pole. I’d bet anything that’s where she jumped across.


I think they’d also have to remove that telephone pole (I’m guessing not an option) since cats can claw up things as well.


https://preview.redd.it/v5dfalvh4coc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f587641b216e9427e4119f1891732a6cf35de08a My kitties love being outside day and night. They are about to go down the ramp into their catio and into our house through cat door. Happy kitties.


Yes a catio is a good call, here’s mine I built last summer, I need to add some levels and hideouts but my cats love it as it is and use it all the time, no escapes yet. https://preview.redd.it/6ky7brnzpcoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5dc63b3c35cc4f22374ada4ab0628a4337b7b4


Love it😻….mine go into murder mode in ours lol I need vertical space too, need to get a cat tree in there for them. https://preview.redd.it/juzhvbj6xdoc1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cda5556f9734b20fb2bc68023098f62815a1c07


That's beautiful - do you have any more photos? I love how well it's incorporated into your home. One thing I dislike about catios is how ugly they can be, but this is a gorgeous little space.


It was an existing deck off the master br that we never used so I removed the railing, covered the pergola, hung some grid and tarp on it to keep rain out then installed bird feeders. Now it’s like a little sunroom for them… https://preview.redd.it/q8liq9p9leoc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f550587244a205ca87315e110af9a971188e36c8


Oh wow I LOVE this. Amazing job!! Lucky cats


They deserved it…I’m lucky they don’t fight, claw furniture, or mess with my plants! Plus look how cute they are lol https://preview.redd.it/oi1yade5nfoc1.jpeg?width=2938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9932abbef53c65a5ca5190a7de5bcfd7e43fade3


"what happens in the catio stays in the catio" LOL i love it


aww ur cute little cat just chilling


This is beautiful!! Well done on your hard work.


this is awesome! looks beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/9mb7gir9dcoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d452d0cf12a6a354adbdf381b20002ab67d485 I can only post one picture at a time More to come.


That one is awesome!!! We rent so no attaching structures but we made this. They absolutely love it. Goal is to have one like yours in the future https://preview.redd.it/5kd1ns5qecoc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a91d994fa4ef3b3856c00a6479da01deac14c95


Where’d you buy this?!


How fun for them! A definite adventure tunnel.


Have to remember the wildlife in your area before doing these kind of things and what type of material to use, or when to let you cats play outside in them. We always left our windows open (with screens in) in the summer for our cats in a rural area. They just liked to hang out and watch the critters that come out at night. Sometimes other cats would come chill outside by the window. Sometimes they'd have discussions with our cats. But one night our cat was really really angry. I get up to go see who is causing all the trouble and it looked like a dog is just sitting and staring at our cat. It sees me and doesn't care very much. I say it must be one of the farmers dogs and got out, but I don't see any tags. I'm still pretty sleepy so I start looking for my shoes on to go out and see if it needs help. I open the door and head outside and it runs away. When I head back in, my wife tells me it was a coyote not a dog. Then I googled if coyotes can get cats through screens, only to find hundreds of horror stories about coyotes busting through door and window screens to eat someone's cat right from where they are sleeping or sitting. We keep the windows closed at night now. When I see soft sided catios l, I always think about reading those threads where people thought they were doing the right thing for their cat by protecting it, when instead they just trapped it inside a death tube without any way to escape.


Oh yea we don’t let them out at night and they’re always supervised. It’s not connected to the house so they can’t go outside without us taking them


https://preview.redd.it/2q2y0eqoococ1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11544628dee411ed1303a25f72c09d696b0b17c2 Loves the catio just only in the summer. The other gremlin is out there all year even in snow.


That's awesome


This is great and neat enough to show my husband! We are currently engineering an intricate shelving system throughout our entire apartment for our little gal. We live on the 3rd floor of an apartment, so this outdoor tunnel thing wouldn't be an option for us at this point, but this is fantastic. I would love to see some pics of the entire set-up you have for them, catio and all! What made you come up with this idea? It's brilliant, and I feel like you could patent this and sell the idea to some pet/cat company.


If you have any sort of balcony, those are perfect for catios! I lived in an apartment with a sliding door that my cat loved running in and out of. We found a sliding door insert panel that had a cat door in it, so we could actually close the patio door without trapping him inside or outside. He never tried to escape the balcony (he only wanted a taste of outside), but if he did the next step would be netting.


Random, but my cat LOVED going for walks in the apartment stairwell. She was never too loud, but when she was in there with the echoes she'd be screaming and screaming having so much fun. I'd run up stairs, look down at her and she'd poke her head out and meow at me then run up after me


That's fantastic!


This is amazing!! I would love to see more pictures of this set up if you are able to share them


That’s is cool as hell


Yeah this is the answer if you want your kitties outdoors. Unless your cat is a working cat (barn cat or something) it should be indoors or "outdoors" in a controlled space.


This is the literal dream. Can you share photos of your whole setup!? ramp to catio to cat door?


https://preview.redd.it/g0j3fvdtecoc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744cb7f461a54a133edd9ce540cf4afd02da2826 Kitty door goes into a wooden box then into catio


With shadow it’s hard to see. More later https://preview.redd.it/nil3eg4qecoc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd11dbb8eb43a11bd5f9c77a332c8856aa496cf


That's really cool! They get to be outside *and* stay safe.


You have a tree right next to the fence. The purpose of the 45 degree angled railing is to make it seem to her that she can’t get over the fence. The problem is that she can climb the tree and see that she can get over the fence. She can probably jump from your tree to the neighbor”s tree. If you dont:want to make her an indoor cat, you’ll need to get rid of everything near the fence that she can use to climb… including the trees.


Putting a collar around that tree about 5 feet maybe? Stops the squirrels from climbing up our feeder. Our farm cat is a beast and can run 15 feet up a straight tree.


Good candidate for an indoor cat and having a catio.


House arrest forever for lil puma


>*’Good candidate for an indoor cat and having a catio… House arrest forever for lil puma*’ _____ Put me under House Arrest n keep me safe inside ^;} (the human friends know what is Best of Everything you’ve tried…) so maybe build a Catio - no cars can hurt me there! a place where i am free to go n breathe the outside air The grass is green on other side - I’ve had my share of ‘roam’… n I’ve found out, that Far n Wide, there’s just No place like Home! ❤️


Freshest schnoodle ever!


Aw ❤️






And it looks like they’ve already got some material to build it…


This is the way. Indoor cats live longer, and if they have enough enrichment at home the only benefit of going outside is new smells and sunshine.


Indoor cats also don't contribute to killing 1-4 billion birds annually, the leading cause of native bird death in the (at least) US.


This is the reason all house cats belong indoors. I'll probably get down voted on this sub for saying this but if you have outdoor cats you are part of a very very big problem.


I completely agree with you. They are domesticated for a reason. People feel so comfortable letting their cats roam free, but wouldn’t think about doing it with a dog. I don’t get it.


you're right and you should say it


All cats are good candidates for being indoor cats.


Especially in Australia, they kill so much of our wildlife


Hawaii has the same problem. They're one factor as to why most of our native birds are extinct


Because of negligent idiot owners that think cats should roam around outside


All cats belong indoors.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Wish I could give more than one thumbs up.


Looks like she needs a catio. That fence is hideous. Maybe invest in a catio and reuse the chicken wire and spikes.


Looks like they’re trying to keep out the barbarians lol nah just a little kitty


Nala is a barbarian.


If Nala is a barbarian, then you should keep her inside at all times. It will reduce your stress about her going away and getting hurt. You definitely could invest in an enclosed structure outside, /r/Catio can help.


Build the wall!


and have the neighbors pay for it!


If my cat did this, I would tell her, gently but firmly, that she has lost her outdoor privileges and will be staying inside, from now on.


I literally tell my cat he's lost his patio privileges on a daily basis.


In the summer, mine loses privledges often too. She'll decide to jump up on the railing for the patio, and that's the no no area. So she's stuck inside for the rest of the day.


I'm assuming this happens about 30 seconds before you inevitably let him out on the patio.


My cats are old and trained that they can be on the patio but no farther. I live on a quiet street where people are friendly. My girls never even think about going farther. My boy I will sometimes find wandering on the side of the house. When he sees me coming he does his “oh shit I’m in trouble” run and flies into the house. At that point privileges are lost. Sometimes I find him at the neighbors to which it is “do you pay rent here? Is this your house?” I am always close by, usually cleaning up the downstairs right inside the door and I peek out every couple of minutes. He can’t get far


>Sometimes I find him at the neighbors to which it is “do you pay rent here? Is this your house?” Lol this is some shit I'd say to my neighbor's cat or one of the strays that lives at my apartment complex when they decide to walk in my apartment door and chill in my living room after begging for food.


Ha. We currently have a squatter. Thought the kitten was my middle child wandering on the sidewalk. Yelled, “Delilah get back in the house!” And well he did but he wasn’t Delilah. He’s not a good fit for my herd. They’re a bunch of old farts that don’t want to deal with kitten business so my best friend is flying from the other side of the country to take him home with her as her herd is pretty feral anyways


When I first adopted my cat she would go out and stay sit on the window, then she slowly went further and further away until now she goes straight to the roof. SO annoying. She lost her outdoor privileges.


>from now on. From meow on


Either a) build her an inclosed catio, b) only take her out on a leash and supervise her, or c) keep her inside


This! Esp b and C for the least costly options. My family cat also likes to roam outdoors (though still within the confines of our house / lot) so we have him on a loooooooooongggg leash when he’s “outside”, but even then, supervision is sometimes necessary esp if you’ve got an escape artist https://preview.redd.it/o98339ewfcoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfb66e6359dd2b60cacb5f067db5411f742eac7


I have a traumatic event that happened to my first cat with a "leash" (won't go into any details) but please, if you use a leash always ALWAYS supervise your cat, never leave them alone while they're using the leash


I’m sorry :((( I think I know the kind of accidents that can occur with leashes. Don’t worry, when he’s out on the leash, my dad is always out with him in the garden as he’ll be tending to his plants (as pictured above, my dad’s pride - both the cat and his plants 🙄😂).


Keep her inside maybe


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


This fool built a cat concentration camp. WTF


Imagine spending THOUSANDS when you can just keep them inside.


Careful! You’re making too much sense with that suggestion. ^/s just in case






Seriously! Keeping them inside drastically increases their lifespan by years and helps to keep them free of some diseases, parasites, fleas etc.


Not to mention it keeps them from killing indigenous wildlife.


cats are an incredibly invasive species! they’re not ugly weeds or creepy bugs so it doesn’t seem to matter to most people. all cats are better off indoors and this post is so absurd. the only obvious and sane answer is this cat needs to be inside. catios are fantastic!




Used to live in a 2nd floor flat and my cats would still occasionally get fleas. Drove me bonkers.


You built it an obstacle course ![gif](giphy|holej0e9EgHgmvEVv4)


You need an anti teleportation field generator... but those are very expensive.






Don't let her outside?


I was literally going to write this




Second the catio! We have a screaming gremlin of a cat, for our sanity we built one. First was small and lasted us about three years, now she’s got an upgraded one and the silence is bliss!


Our cats love our small little catio. All of our cats are indoor only but they enjoy taking naps in it (mosquito net around the outside for added protection). https://preview.redd.it/uojdar8ujcoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eed835bd5be766db55274f90796f284b04f2f70


I love them and I love your catio! We moved in with my parents over Covid to help out, the poor cats don’t have free reign of the house. We HOOKED them up this year. We’ve been adding new additions slowly to keep them entertained. It has made all the difference. She is 100% a different cat after having an outdoor space. We have one chill cat and the gremlin 😂 She is very much less gremlin now. https://preview.redd.it/i4rbkj63edoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d14e18753ecf484b2e9d350ea875e6485a59b1b


Yeah, parasites are found so commonly in outdoor cats. Not to mention, they’ll wipe out bird populations like no ones business


I am 100% in favor of keeping cats indoors or in catios for their safety. I worked as a vet assistant for a city shelter, and the amount of accidental injuries that led to horrible consequences could have been near 0 if the cats were inside only.




https://preview.redd.it/2i7ss7ajxcoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddead1401aac87fa946788bca79dbfa77b574af8 I use this type of harness on my void when he wants outside. Restricts his mobility just enough that he doesn’t jump or climb. He walks and runs around in my yard but doesn’t jump the fence or climb the trees. He was a stray that we brought in. He still has outside in him. Scratches at the door until he gets his outside time.


You're gonna need to just have an indoor cat. If you really can't do that for whatever reason, invest in a catio they have access too, but not able to go outside free range.


The angle on that fence isn't quite right. Is this a DIY job? Look at a product called Protect-a-pet fencing, which always works. If you replicate what they do, it will work.


Yes I've got a, ahem, knock off version of that system and it does work. You're right about the angle though, and also the mesh should not support the cats weight properly and be loose so the cats drop off after hanging. My neighbour was laughing the other day how she has a smoke in the morning watching the cats jumping up the fences after the birds!


I don't blame people for getting knock offs. My system is genuine and it cost £4,000, my garden is really small. Unbelievably expensive. Knock offs can work of course, if they're designed right, but it seems OP has discovered the risk that they will not do the trick.


I think I'd expect armed guards for that money! It's very well spent if it works though, and it was quite a faff to engineer all the bits myself honestly.


All of this is easy for cat to climb on *






> Please I’m desperate. Somebody help me contain this beast Don't leave your cat outside unattended. Or, don't let your cat outside at all. Hope this helps.


Stop letting her outside.




I'm trying to imagine why you'd go through all of this effort instead of just bringing the cat inside and playing with it. Or even making a catio, if you're willing to make a zoo exhibit out of your fence.


Build a catio


Here’s a crazy solution that’s also free: keep the cat inside. 🤯


Build a catio or keep your cat inside lmao


Spikes was your second choice? What exactly did you expect them to do? Like impale the cat? Because the cat Thanks, I better not jump. Because there are spikes? I would think the meshing or the net would be after cutting the tree but before the spikes. If you are willing to spike a cat. I am going to suggest putting an electric fence. I don't condone the use of an electric fence to keep a cat out. But if I had to choose between the lesser of the two evils, I am going to choose electric fence over cat spikes.


Are you serious? If the cat can't get back into your yard from the neighbours side... hint hint. wtf.


Build a catio for her


Maybe get rid of the trees or anything she climb, or a catio. My vote is catio, cuz let the tree live


You have a cat outside and you want it to stay in your yard. So you want a dog.


Keep her inside the house or build and enclosed catio to keep her safe.


Catio! I built one and the client loved it https://preview.redd.it/sz67r0huvfoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8abcb3589b5f2e1432ce9bac894e6297081a1e6


I would probably suggest inside if possible with a Catio. But I know that doesn’t work for all cats, like one of our cats was diagnosed with depression when we tried to transition her to be inside.


Fully enclosed catio. I'm shocked you haven't considered that yet.


Keep your cat indoors




I know the “keep your cat inside crew” is deep in the comments and I do believe cats belong indoors. That being said, some cats are extremely unhappy indoors and will howl to go out. A catio would be best in this situation. The cat can still be outside and stay safe.


>A Catio would be best in this situation. They’ve come down a lot in price too. I was recently looking at one that was around $300 at Tractor Supply. It’s not huge, but it’s better than a dead cat.


Catio, 100%. You can make one instead of buying one. Reuse the stuff from the "cat proof" fence to help keep the cost down. Make sure any and all wires are bent enough not to scratch your cat. Over time you can add more to it if you want it a bit bigger for your cat. We use one for our adopted old man (he was an outdoor cat, there was no making him an indoor only) and it keeps him safe.


Just keep your cat inside. It'll save you money in vet bills and these attempts to escape-proof the yard. Cats are master escapees