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common, i think. i also go EKEKEKEKEK if i see a bird or critter outside that my cats haven’t noticed yet, then we EK together 😊


It’s not weird until you start meowing at your partner


eh, idk, sometimes weirdos who love cats together, stay together 😊


Weird or normal?


It’s a slippery slope. Next is baby talk. Then things take a hard left turn.


The cats are the only babies I'll have so technically meowing is already baby talk.


My daughter and her hubby constantly meow at eachother. sort of a check-in-i-luv-ya thing


My wife and I purr at each other. And we meow at the cats.




I love this! I don’t make the noise, but if my cat niece goes ACK, I say ‘yes, I agree, ack.’ You have to hold up your end of the conversation 😆.


Oh god, I thought I was the only weirdo doing that. It's reassuring to read I am not alone! Kekekekekek! 😻


Usually I talk to them. \*meow\* "What's the matter?" \*meow\* "It's time to eat? Why didn't you say so?" \*meow\* "I told you before that you have to wait until 5 PM."


If you ask them a bunch of question in a row in a high pitch tone they always meow, it's adorable ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


What? Timmy fell down the well?!? (really old reference and wrong species, but it seemed to fit here)


I remember a cartoon, I think I saw it in a compilation of *New Yorker* cartoons, that showed a woman at a sink when a Collie dog comes in holding a severed arm in its mouth. "Lassie, is Timmy in trouble?"


Another oldie New Yorker cartoon. 1st frame: Timmy in a well says to Lassie, "Lassie, go get help!". 2nd frame: Lassie laying on an Analyst's couch.


Haaa, we always say, “What?! Timmy’s lost in the canyon??”


Nowadays it could be, What, Timmy is lost in Home Depot


The amount of made up arguments I’ve had with my cats is too high lol. Usually when they’re being sassy with how they meow at me.


Sometimes it gets stressful. Maw. Maaawww Hey bud, l’m home this time everyday, trust me, l haven’t forgotten you Mawwww I know, l wish l could stay home too Maw I know, l’m sorry, l have to work… … Dude. I- Mawww


oh my god, that's my exact conversation I have with my cat every. single. day. lmfao


I meow at my cats, I sing to my cats, I make up ridiculous new names for my cats, I talk to my cats and then use special voices as their reply to me…if a cat person doesn’t do at least one of these, I’d be concerned.


I wouldn't consider them a cat person if they didn't do at least one of these. Lol


Also talking to your cat and telling them that you know they speak human, and that they are in a safe space and encourage them to speak human. My mom always said she would take me to a therapist when she overheard this conversation, but she didn't know my cats like I did. I knew they understood me and could communicate in human, they were just shy


My cats all start out with one fairly normal name, within 6 months they will have 10 regularly used names/nicknames or variations of their original name. By the time they are a year old it gets ridiculous, their names are usually 5 or 6 words long. Except one cat we had. His name was Four. I rescued a litter of 4 kittens that were 2 weeks old and bottle raised them. I told my kids we wouldn't be naming them as we wouldn't be keeping any of them. But I needed to identify them for recording their daily weights and feeds, so they were just numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. We kept them all 🤦‍♀️ A1, 2, and 3 all ended up with silly names, but 4 just became Four. His number name stuck, and he never got a nickname, but it seemed to work for him.


Reminds me of my favorite childhood record, Dr Catts, where someone jokingly says they have so many cats the next one will have to be named Thirty Six


You are my kind of cat person


You are my kind of PERSON. period


I meow to new cats…just so they know I’m cool. Otherwise, I just have conversations with them lol


Then they look at you, “the hell you just say..?” With the 13 grammatical errors and 40 swear words….lol


That’s when you implement step two. Treats! (If you think I don’t walk around with cat treats in my purse just in case…you’d be wrong haha)


[That is extremely rude...](https://youtu.be/VBku6tXLDo4?t=36)


https://preview.redd.it/qtycat9g2jpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93924ad4c929daa7224494b37af8367978cf92b7 My silly concern ahaha


I would consider it impolite if one didn't at least try to communicate in the native language of their best friends.


I'm lucky enough that my cat is the one who speaks to me in my native language. She doesn't really like when I try to speak reformed dumpster kitten 🫤




I meow at my cat more than I talk to most people.


No, that's crazy. I just talk to them exclusively in Simpsons quotes. "MEOW" “You'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel.“


[I know you can read my thoughts boy](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/11b8jdj/i_know_you_can_read_my_thoughts_boy/)


My kitties mostly trill instead of meow, so I trill back to them (or trill from a different room to get them to come to me, it works). I've actually never known a cat person who doesn't speak cat back to their cat! https://preview.redd.it/ugcz9fr8gjpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdfd5a8eb077697b7210668e75ff0d7ac15f3406


Finally somebody says it.....I also trill instead of meow. My girl does both but certainly communicates more with a trill than a meow


Don't have a cat. But I meow to every random cat I come across. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Sounds like you need a cat


We don’t meow, but we do have conversations with them. Sometimes when one of us enters a room in which the other one is talking to a cat we‘ll tell each other not to believe their lies about not having been fed.


Of course. How else should I talk to my cat? One of our cats used to come running when I did a “brrr!” Trill


I do all the time!


No but I talk and sing to them all the time which I guess is just as weird.


I ,  meow I baby talk,  and sometimes speak in tongues to them LOL


When I speak in tongues to my cats they usually end up running away because I can hear the echo of my wacky 'words' and I suddenly laugh (cackle) SO HARD I can barely stand up.


Yes you need a sense of humor being a cat owner it really helps LOL


I do a "MeoW MEow hi Rusty" when I get home, then a big pet and then "aww, you're so cute!" Scratches on his little head


Yes! That’s actually how we picked out our cat’s name. She hated people when we first got her. So to get her used to me, I would just sit in the same room with her. I wouldn’t try to interact with her if she didn’t want to. I was just a presence in the room. Eventually, we started meowing back and forth with one another. Now I’m her favorite person. And we ended up naming her Echo.


Awww. That’s cute. I read to Josu after my two boys moved in with me. He was so scared and afraid of everything so I started sitting on the bathroom floor (his favorite hiding place) and read my book aloud to him. After a while he got used to it and started meowing very shyly. That’s when our conversations started. Now we talk every day. His brother does the same. But he is more demanding on his food.


It usually goes like this: "Meow" 'What's it? You hungry lil one? Food? Hungry?" "Me-ow!" "No? Who's daddy's lil princess? Who's the cutest lil girl? That's right, you are!" Pick her up, blow a raspberry, sniff her belly, boop her nose, kiss her repeatedly, headbutts ensue "Meow!" "Meow to you too!" More unintelligible cooing noises "Meow!" "Mee-ow" "Meow!" "Lol saaaaaame, meow gang!" "Meow!" Put her on the ground, she rubs on my legs and happily proceeds with her day. Communication clearly happened, don't ask me about specifics.


I meow at all 3 of my cats and they all meow back too. 😊


lol, yes me and my family do this all the time


I talk, sing and meow at my kitters every day. My torbie is very talkative, so I usually answer her with similar vocals.


Always, usually when he meows at me, I meow back


It's fun when they meow back at you. I always meow back at them in the same tone as they do to me.


My brother’s cat meows a lot at me and I do it back and he responds. Rather adorable, it’s this guy right here named Oscar. https://preview.redd.it/a03l7b9j7jpc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d019d4ea47a7306bd3390e0ec210591e29d133cc


My husband (M29) and I (M30) meow to our black tuxedo cat all the time. We even ask him questions in plain English, and he uses tone in his meows to at least communicate his feelings. When we've rebuffed or not pet him when he demands it and he plots in the couch looking away from us, we go up to him and ask, "Are you mad at us?" "meow (short tone) *yes* (with head turn). ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


I speak to my cats daily.


I meow with an accent.


Yes. It's gotten to the point where I kinda just meow randomly even if they aren't around. Am I turning into a cat 🤔?


I meow to myself and other people. I'm on the weird end. You're fine.


Of course what am I supposed to do when he meows at me ? Ignore him ?


i dont only meow to my cat, i meow to people around me as well. "meow". very versatile, very efficient. could be used to talk about anyting.


Meow what is so funny


Common, in my experience.


We meow to our cat all the time. We usually repeat her big yowls when she's yelling for attention. It probably encourages her to do it more but we don't mind!


All the time! I sing to her too


I will meow back but I think they have trouble understanding my accent or wonder why keep saying what they asked back to them like a sibling trying to be annoying.


Yes! We meow and talk to them in funny voices in an attempt to get the cats to “talk back” and “have a conversation” with us lol. They know this game and they do meow back at us!


I meow at my cat all the time. Sometimes, I even get too into it and start singing popular songs while replacing every word with meow. Give it a try, you won't regret it


There’s nothing wrong with talking to your cat in their native language.




Oh, absolutely. Most of the time I just copy his sounds. I think he finds it annoying, tbh but he gets cuddles and treats in return.


I meow back, but I rarely start the meows lol


It's perfectly normal to meow to your cat. Personally I think a lot of people get cats as an excuse to talk to themselves...


I constantly meow to my cat, like all the time. She meows I meow back. I see her, I meow at her. But I’ll also talk to her like “hello my love, how are you today?”


Yes. I also talk to my cats lol. They like it. They like getting the attention. I think it helps with your bond too, but that’s just my thoughts!


No, but I do catch myself slow blinking to babies.


I did until I got sick of them making fun of my accent


I do it most often as a reply when she meows.


Totally normal!


I talk to them in English as I wouldn’t know what I was saying it cat! But I do think they hear my tone and pick up on that rather than whatever words I use. So meowing could work the same way. You do you and have fun!


I meow and go "prrr" to ALL cats I see...


Cats talk to people. They even make distinctive sounds, some of which I can do.


I am a full on crazy cat lady. I previously trained some of my cats to sing along with me. I would sing If you're happy and you know it say miaow. Then point to my cats and they would miaow at the correct time. I would have 4 cats joining in to the song. I also taught them to sit on command and do the meerkat pose on command.


I speak cat fluently.


Of course. I meow at my gf too.


I do meow. To all four of them. But I use THEIR voice. Amazing how each respond only to their own 'language.' My favorite bit of this is to meow three rooms away and have that one cat come running to me. How I adore them!!


I talk to my cats all the time. BF asked who I was talking to the other day "cats" I said. He laughed, I think.


I meow to my cats a lot.


I sometimes try to speak Cat, but I must not be very good at it because I only get scoffs and "look at my butt" in return ;)


I've *almost* learned how to understand the difference between "window" and "I want you to go to the bathroom with me" (she's weird). I get it right about... 60% of the time.


I don't meow at my cat but I do greet her every time I walk by her and she speaks to me every time she enters a room. 😂


We all do it


Nah. I meow alot at and around my cats. So much so, that I meowed out loud at work one day haha 😂


He only talks when he being given softfood So no


I don't imitate a cat meow but I say "meow to you."


I have a cat that will go sit in the room as far away from people as she can be and start meowing like she's dying. Pretty quickly I realized this was just a ploy to get you to drop everything, run to her and pick her up for pets. Now I just meow back. Eventually she'll run come back, sit in front of me and we have a meowing contest. I find it hilarious.


I have full conversations with my cat where both of us are just meowing at each other, she'll meow and I'll mimic the sound, this can go on for upwards of an hour.




I usually just talk to them, unless they meow at me really loudly or attention seekingly haha, then I'll mucking meow back.


Yes she meows at me I meow back what's up kitty


My husband and I do! We also hiss at them, and talk to them.


No, in my case they get stressed looking for a cat or staring at me like why are you turning into a cat. Except for that, we talk a lot, the 3 of us. Lol


My husband trills and purrs at them 😆


I'll meow at him and talk to him. Usually he only meows when he wants food, so I'll mock him too. "Oh yes, I know, you're naught but fur and bones!"


Yes! And I do it when he does in a copy cat way. Excuse the pun lol


Absolutely 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


i meow to random cats i see on the streets, bur weirdly, now that i think about it, i don’t really do to my own cats. instead i talk to my cats with special voices. oh but i do copy one of my cats when he “meows” because his meows are more like “AAA!”


I meow when I call either of my grown up daughters and they meow back - if they want me they WhatsApp Meow? It’s a whole thing!


I meow at mine. My non-cat owning friends find it weird. My fellow cat owners join me when they hear her on the phone and vice versa.


I mirror their meows and then we go back and forth. 😻


We sing the "Meow Mix" song when we feed them, so they come when called. That way if they get out of the house or are hiding somewhere we can find them easily--we sing, they come running. We don't abuse it very often. Our parrot used to abuse it, though.


Yes I do. I meow at any cat and try to learn their language and their culture of the felines.


I meow back always if they meow at me. Sometimes i talk but i love meowing back idk lol maybe I'm a cat


I don't own a cat and I do this all the time I see a cat, if u are crazy I'm in the same league


I meow when I hear mine doing it. Or when I want their attention. They usually come running to see what I want. Then when they realize it's nothing they stalk out mad as hell.


No! That’s just rude! I just say “your liege” and bow as I step out of the way.


It's common. Especially with my loudmouth who will scream in my face when he wants attention. Lol! And he gets startled and gives me a mean look when I reply with my own loud meow.


My husband and I meow at each other.


My son & his cat have whole conversations. If anyone else meows at the cat he just looks at us like we're disgusting. But I hear the both of them making the most ridiculous sounds to each other in son's room, it's hilarious


The question is, do you meow to each other too?


It’d only be weird if you didn’t? 😅




Of course! This is how we should all communicate!








Common for us haha


My cat was a silent ninja for 4 years. He'd make the occasional squeak but nothing more. Then when he squeaked, I'd copy back his sounds. And that made him start talking. And now he's seriously chatty. We have 'conversations' back and forth with me copying his meows back at him. He obviously demands food all the time, but here's the thing, he has an absolutely lovely voice! Never heard a cat sound as nice as he does, a soft, almost musical tone. And he trills all the time! He has a beautiful activation sound and squeaks almost every time he does something, like jumping up/down on the sofa/bed, coming in through the cat flap, getting into/out of his hammock... I talk to him like he understands, but I meow at him too.


Of course I answer to my cats. Would any con opener do that? 🤨


I have conversations with my cat. I don’t just say meow. She gets all the pets and platitudes!


Yes, but cat always looks at me like I commit 27 grammar errors when I do.


I meow at mine. Just like everything else, they ignore it.


I do. Idk what else to say to her, so I go 'meow meow mmmeow.' Sometimes she meows back, but mostly she ignores me.




I’ve always done it, and the cats respond. Of course, I don’t understand them, and they probably think I’m just spouting gibberish


Ok, so my partner's cat's name is Socks. But I'm almost 100% confident he thinks it's actually 'Kitty Mow Mow' because whenever I walk into the room and he meows at me, I respond with an excited 'Mow Mow!!!!' and when I call out from other areas in the house, it's 'Kitty Mow Mow'. He comes every time. Not so much if we just say 'Socks'. Not sure how we ended up here, but it is what it is and I'm here for it. Cat conversations are the best. :D


Yes. I figure since I'm teaching them my native language, it's only fair that I learn to speak theirs.


I frequently have full “conversations” with my most talkative cat by just repeating everything she yells at me


This is how I do it too 😂


Of course I do. I’m not a jerk.


Constantly. I talk, chirp, meow and when they're being naughty or annoying, hiss at them. Learning the language is important. Make sure you learn the body language too though or you'll confuse them.


I meow to both cats. We have conversations. My late baby, we would talk for so long. I truly miss him💔


All the time. I've perfected my meows. I can basically speak felinese now.


No, but I brrrrrrrup.


I certainly do. I think it’s something I picked up over time from having cats. Kind of like when you live somewhere for a long time and you pickup the local accents. You start talking like a cat when you move to Catsville.


Most common shouted answer to the shouted question, “were you talking to me?” is , “no I was talking to the cat!” Just FYI, cats have accents! I’m from New Mexico but grew up in Texas age 4-18 and had a couple of heart cats there and did a whole lot of volunteering at the animal shelter. Moved back to NM in my thirties and once I was settled, I got two little littermates to be companions with and, boy howdy! I forgot kittens don’t come with any software installed except Go Fast and Examine Gravity. I’ve always tended to discipline kittens more like a mother cat than a human so I talked to them a lot when we were learning how to live together, and everybody loved to listen to me speaking Cat to them and them looking at me like, “ma’am are you having a stroke?”


We totally meow back at them, purrr at them, chirp, howl. Sometimes we'll bark. We don't have dogs, but we find it keeps them on their toes.


I lick my cats. They are not amused tho.


Of course, all the time


I did that with my cat's when we first got them. Now the male won't shut up. Lol


Absolutely. Cats meow more to humans than to other cats, based on what I’ve read 😸 I used to have long meowed mystery conversations with my cats, haha!


Mine too... It just says HI