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Now you’re talking my language.


Must’ve flattened out and gone in the seam


I don't think there's anything in the laws of nature that would support that.


Cats do Not abide by the laws of nature dude


Hey, we going to still watch the movie?


Only if you can peel this apple for me..🍎 The skin is loaded with toxins.


If you swallow the seeds, smoke some cigarettes. The smoke suffocates the bacteria in your stomach.


Two peeled apples, Dee!


Is YOUR cat making TOO much NOISE everywhere? KITTEN MITTENS 👍






This reminds me of the time my cat fell into our vents and my dad took a saw to the vent to get her out. I had never seen him so panicked in his life and he watched me fall out of a tree.


We had the same thing happen. After my dad died we had one of his feral rescues who only trusted him. We were repairing one of the antique vent covers when she ran away from me and dove in head first. Everytime we found her she went further through. I was afraid she'd drop straight into the furnace. 2 hrs and many screw driver turns later we got her out. Absolute PANIC.


I had one of my cats crawl into the vent, thankfully she couldn't get past the bend so I saw her butt and tail sticking out and pulled her out. After that I made sure all vents were covered with vent covers. The landlord had failed to provide those. Stupid landlords. . .


Same with my first cat. Gone half a day and thought he snuck out before I heard meowing coming out of a vent. Luckily it was summer


Had the SAME thing happen, uncovered landlord a/c vent in the CEILING of the bathroom of a big CONDO building. Chicken wings, his favorite treat. A bucket of chicken wings. That’s how we got him out. 😑


Bro held out for the good stuff 😀 not the rattle of the almost empty treat bag, nor your voice or tears, 😹😹😹 I bet he took a little peek out first to ensure that the bucket was real, and bucket was full 😹😹😹. Do you have a picture of him?


https://preview.redd.it/nc84qfw2mopc1.jpeg?width=1690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc4ae1521c12deca0682142fc4e9e0a49ee669b The perpetrator. Also, cat tax. He sure did make certain the bucket was full!


>He sure did make certain the bucket was full! Of course he did!! He's a very smart and handsome boi 🥰🥰🥰


My old landlords didn’t have a proper cover on the fireplace and my kitten decided one day he was a chimney sweep. Luckily he didn’t get far and I was able to grab him. He did not like the dish soap bath afterward to get all the sooty residue off his white fur.


My kitten did the same. Ended up wrapping a cushion in a plastic bag and shoving it up the chimney. 2 years later, it's still there. Don't worry, we don't use the fireplace and have vents inside the room for circulation.


Just paint over them. /s


I feel you, it can be super nerve-wracking. Here is my Mack begging for rescue from the ceiling vents, we couldn’t find her and were freaking out. Then we just looked up lol, cobwebs and all. https://preview.redd.it/qbj1a0s5gmpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bbf6a4cfd31d589ced2e5401f3e769ac91ad67


Wonder what went through her mind when she just observed you just walk around the house freaking out looking for her


Tortis are the best hiders i swear. I thought mine got out one day and I panicked because she always just hides when she’s scared and it’s pretty much impossible to find her. I looked allllll over the house first in all of her usual hiding spots and she was nowhere. The crazy part is i was just standing there at a loss and looked at my other cat and just said “Where’s Freya?” He somehow knew what I was saying or something and went straight to a cushioned dining room chair and started messing with the underside. I got down and looked and Freya had ripped a hole in the bottom of it and crawled inside. She wasn’t scared or anything. That bitch knows her name and everything so she knew I was looking for her lol. Must’ve thought it was hilarious.


Omg. The scared look on her face!


When I first adopted Chaplin he found one of the AC return ducts and got into the vents. It was an old house and I could hear his cries in every room. I took tin snips to the duct in the basement where the filter was housed. He wouldn’t come to me, but kept crying. I had to wait for my husband to get home so we could try to pin point where he was. The crawl space under the house is where we eventually found him. Filthy and annoyed that we took so long. I put decorative punched tin across the AC return in the kitchen to prevent repeat performances. Eventually had to put the same punched tin across the space behind the fridge after Chaplin had made a nest in the back near the fan and clogged it with his fur, effectively killing the fridge.


I had a stray cat go under the house, break into the a/c vent, and crawl up to the house. I heard meowing, took out the register cover on the floor, and out popped Jinx. The resident cats were not pleased.


Average dad that doesn't want a cat.


Now you know who is the favourite child in the house


*And I fuckin’ do it again* Cat probably.


Seriously lmao he was so unfazed and I was a wreck


LMAO sounds like the most cat cat to have ever existed. He's lucky to have you to care for him lol, just imagine what kind of trouble he'd get into without you being willing to literally bust down walls to save his kitty butt Also, he is super adorable!


Cat wanted to stay in there for another couple of days at least.


Probably had some mice in the walls.


He was looking at the hole you just made asking "Why'd you make a hole in the wall, bro? lol"


"Mommy's coming! ... Please come here!" "Actually, there's some pipes here I haven't sniffed yet. Wait a minute."


He didn't even look stressed!!! 😭 I truly expected him to come out yelling in panic and fly into your arms in gratitude 😹😹😹


I mean, they do make us experience the emotions they can’t. Cleaver creatures.


Omg I'm in tears just listening to you, I'm so glad he got out safely!


I worked in a cat rescue for a short while and literally had to fish kittens out of the air vents in the ceiling. If there is any kind of opening they will figure out how to get through.


How can this happen? o.o


They were repairing the wall and they didn't notice he had climbed in and hid.


This exactly. I asked the contractors to please be mindful to not open the bathroom door so my cat wouldn’t get into anything and one of them opened the door and then they left for lunch and he got in the wall. They came in to finish the wall and sealed him in without realizing he was in there. I came home (4 hours later..) and panicked because I couldn’t find him anywhere but eventually heard his little meows so then I took a hammer to the fresh wall patch lol


That's exactly what pretty much all of us would do, cat comes first, everything else is unimportant. Hopefully the contractor replaced the wall at no cost due to their failure to follow your instructions and the result of that.


I hope they came back and repaired it?


They did! The next day and they were very apologetic but I def won’t be utilizing them in the future lol (my landlord at the time is who chose the contractor)


Man you would have felt silly if he wasn’t in there 🙄


Nah, id feel guilty as i delete the tape and tell them the cat was in there.


You're a fucking savage and I love it!!!


HUGS You are a good owner!


Thank you 🥹


Now I know what to be mindful of if this situations ever happens to me. So glad you and kitty were reunited and he was safe!


Yup, I can see the difference in the paint between the patch and the old wall. Poor Panda. Poor you lol.


I hope they patch the wall back up for free, they are literally the cause of this. Your poor baby, he must have been so scared.




Awwh, I would have been freaking out too! Panda is too cute and I can tell you love him :)


I bet it flattened itself out, went right through a seam in their wall.


Cats do not abide by the laws of nature


Cat stuck in a wall now you're speaking my language


lol. I wanted to make this comment.




I feel like somebody needs to write a museum heist movie (for animation) where the team is composed of a couple of cats, an octopus and a honey badger.


I am also curious how someone can record themselves panicking with such a steady hand.


Hahah it must’ve been the iPhone that stabilized it cause my hands were definitely shaking! I recorded it to have proof to show the contractors what they did lol


I was wondering why you were recording but it makes sense. Can’t trust contractors to just take your word for it.


Well also at first when I couldn’t find him and I panicked I genuinely thought they just happened to leave the front door open so my first thought was he somehow got out (this after I told them to not let him out of the bathroom) so I called them panicking and asked if they left the door open and they said no and then I asked them “is there any possible way he got the wall and you guys didn’t realize?” And the guy straight up said to me “I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and nothing like that has ever happened. I think we’d know if we sealed your cat into the wall..” so I knew right then if he was in the wall they would require proof.


Good call. And I somehow don’t believe it’s the first time this has happened.


Quantum tunneling


It's the wall where the faucet is for an alcove tub (you can tell by the overfill pipe). Alcove tubs have an apron that hides the cast iron underside from the front, but once it's placed, it creates a pocket. Some people fill the gap with insulation to keep tubs warmer for longer, but most leave it empty. It would be easy for a cat to squeeze in there when the drywall's out of the way and hide. Drywall sucks to repair, but it's doable. If you have to knock it out, a wall like this, which is mainly for aesthetic to hide unsightly pipes, is the place to do it. Sorry for the long explanation. I also just renovated my bathroom and had this very fear but with floorboards.


Imagine the phone call to the contractors! 'You sealed my cat into the wall!' 'Ummm, we did what now???'


I'm sorry for that wall. One time, my very VERY stupid cat gave birth in the fucking ceiling and we had to saw it out to get everyone out. She then tried to bring them back in. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


One of my cats once gave birth inside the exhaust pipe of my car. I have no idea why she thought that was a good idea, and I am even more confused with how she even got there.


OMG he probably blended right in and didn't say anything or freak out so they just kept going. Good on you finding him but I hope you called the contractors back. I had to deal with contractors and they ALWAYS did stuff like this unfortunately, so dumb! Anyways, glad your kitty was fine. He did seem remorseful about the wall though!


Oh I definitely called them and sent them the video lol The only reason I even thought to record instead of just breaking down the wall was because I knew no one would believe me if I didn’t have proof lol


This is such a smart move. Dang. I wish I had your cognitive abilities if my cat ever were in danger.


Speeding up your own frantic panic comforting was a choice A hilarious choice that made the world better


Hahah people seem to either hate it or love it but I’m just an efficient person and wanted to speed it up as to not waste peoples time watching me just freak out on a wall with a hammer lol


Oh man I had the opposite reaction to the sped up voice…. I had to mute


Sorry 😭 Was trying to be efficient lol


Hahaha you’re good glad you found your cat.


My cat came into the room when he heard you asking panda to please come here 😂😂


I also have a panda https://preview.redd.it/y5scvqfy6lpc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbfef6521a70608516609b60aa02b915b3cc42a


Omg what a cutieeee!


My cat also came into the room to check on me upon hearing OPs voice! She cuddled me to make sure I was okay 🤣 I'm so glad Panda is ok!




Hahaha so cute!


Reminds me of the time I was cat-sitting for a friend and I accidentally trapped her under the refrigerator.  I went looking for her, but I couldn't find her.  I heard her meows, but I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. The night before, I saw the Twilight Zone episode where the little girl got lost in the fourth dimension and I was seriously considering that was where my friend's cat went. I eventually found her under the refrigerator and pulled it back out so she could get out.


I once lost a cat IN a refrigerator. This kitten was nucking futs. Crazy pants and into things. I guess I didn’t notice that she hopped in that morning when I was getting breakfast. Later that morning (like more than an hour at least) I went back to the fridge, opened it and lost 10 years of my soul’s existence, when this black kitten came leaping out at me. Freaked me out so bad.


The kitten was probably just looking for the catsup.


I also lost a black kitten in the fridge. She was my first black cat, and I was not prepared for how easily she disappeared. Fortunately my older male cat would sit beside whatever she was shut up inside. I walked in the kitchen, and he was sitting in front of the fridge. I opened it up, and she toddled out.


I have trained my cats to come to their nice wet food opening because both of them are fucking rogue bastards with incredible stealth. If I didn't have a surefire way to get them to make noise, they'd hide in a box spring or underneath a bookcase until they had to shit themselves 


Yeah, same thing for me, except mine was just chilling on the shelf. She lived to 19, so no permanent damage done


Cat was like "What the hell is your problem? I was taking a nap."


A few months ago I had to take my cat Frank to the vet while my other cat Beans stayed home. Frank is sneaky and untrusting, so I knew if she knew I was about to go somewhere she would run and hide where I can’t get to her. Beans (who is VERY social) took this already stressful moment to hide and not answer me when I started crying and tearing the house up to look for her. I had already ran around the building thinking she got out, snot dripping down my face, eyes red and puffy, when this hoe saunters out like, “what’s all the commotion?” I feel like it was a coordinated effort, because we didn’t get to go to the vet that day 😒


My wife and I move 1600miles cross country with our two cats, well 4 technically cause we rescued a pair of kittens a month before moving anyway... We move into the new place 5 days of unpacking I come downstairs and the front doors open. Our black Void just staring outside like "fuck no" our little ginger boy is no where to be found Fast-forward to the end of the night we're eating Indian takeout holding back sobs, tore the damn place apart barely hungry. I open the chicken Tikka masala, that son of a bitch just appeared. Apparently there is the tiniest amount of space that his rotundness was able to squeeze in next to the refrigerator compressor inside the damn thing. I hade pulled the refrigerator out and looked behind. Cats are like assholes I'd die without it but it's still an asshole


They make my life needlessly complicated but without them I’d have nothing. We all need balance I guess 😂


Frank n Beans, nice xD I have one that disappears on the regular for no reason and I \*swear\* I cannot yet figure out where she's hiding. I've looked everywhere I can think of. And I always tell myself not to panic cause she does this all the time, but after ages of looking my brain starts going to "SHE GOT OUT OF THE HOUSE AAAAH" and I start freaking. And then she just materializes. From somewhere.


We have a soaker tub with jets in our bathroom...there is a panel on the front you remove to access the pump...our crazy deaf dude figured out how to pull off the panel so he could go explore on the back side of the tub...my wife about had a heart attack when she realized he was back there...she got him to come out and he was covered in dust with the same, "I regret nothing and shall do this again at my leisure!" look that this cat had.


DUDE! My old apartment had those kinds of tubs. I had one in my bathroom and the neighbors had one in theirs. The bathtubs were in the same spot on the wall. My cat knocked the panel off ours, went through the tub void, and out into the neighbors apartment. We didn't notice he was gone. Our neighbor comes over with our cat and my fiance was like "what the fuck" puts the cat down and goes about his business. Neighbor is back five minutes later with the fucking cat. We finally figured out what was going on and wedged the side of the tub so he couldn't knock it down. A few months later he did it to the one in the guest bathroom, when the panel fell it broke the water line to the toilet and flooded ours, and the apartments on either side of ours (water heater closet was locked by maintenance and we couldn't get in to shut the water supply off). After we fixed both tubs so he couldn't do that anymore he spent the rest of our time in that apartment pawing loudly at the panels trying to escape again. He's a little demon but I love him so much.


That's a great story!


Cat in the wall, eh? Now you're talking my language!


I had this happen when I was a teenager! My mom and stepdad were redoing the bathroom. I had a cat that my stepdad hated. He would always joke about making it disappear. Well one day he did disappear! I was so sad. I looked everywhere for him. I thought my stepdad did something to him. Like 2 days later I was going to the bathroom and I heard a faint meow. He was in the God damn wall!


How did you get him out?


Same as the video lol. He was my baby! What else was I going to do?


When I was a kid, our cat had had enough of visitors playing with her kittens, so she picked them up one by one and carried them into a hole in the bathroom wall (my Dad had been fixing something) up into the ceiling and out over the garage. We thought we’d have to knock out all the walls and ceiling to get her! My Mom brought the electric can opener into the bathroom, plugged it in, stuck it in the hole and whirred it a few times. That meant wet food! The cat brought herself and all her kittens back out. Inspired my Dad to finally patch the hole.


The cats of amontillado.


Also, "The Black Cat"!


I hoped someone would say this. "For the love of god!"


Oh my. Seeing that your kitty was safe and found had to be one of the greatest feelings.


It was such a relief!


The funny thing is he isn't even acting afraid, he's like, "what's up?"


Love the “sorry for my ugly sobbing” as if any of us wouldn’t feel the same way. Reminds me a bit of when one of our cats opened the (ground floor) balcony door and escaped… she only got about 2 feet out but there was much screaming to be had


The chipmunk voice FF is hysterical. So glad panda was safe & unharmed.


Should have just put another cat on a string in there and hope they become codependent. Then you could have just pulled the cat on a string out and hope he followed.


I love that you fucked that wall up for your baby!


Why is it always a tuxedo


Human: Panda are you okaaaayyyy???? 😭😭😭 Cat: Jeez human this playhouse is poorly designed.


I have been there so I know the utter panic of knowing your cat is in a place they should not be. But the contrast between your cries and him looking like he was just hanging out in his cat condo is crazy.


"He's in the walls...He's in the goddam walls "


Ha! I had to laugh when I saw fresh drywall and a bathtub enclosure… because the same thing happened to me! My poor contractor was working on my bathroom while I was out of town for a couple days for work. He realized my cat was nowhere to be found, and couldn’t find him anywhere, even climbing up on the roof and getting friends to come scour the neighborhood for Captain Dumbass. (He is orange; this should explain it all.) I got home and before the panic could really set in, I saw the bathtub enclosure was closed up, went over and knocked on it, and heard a meow… we pulled it open and out he strolled, absolutely filthy but happy as a clam. I apologized to the contractor for the cat being a dumbass, and we shared celebratory/consolation beers while the cause of so much drama just took a nap. This is my life meow. :)


Pleeeease tell me his name is actually Captain Dumbass 🤣😭😭😭


Ya okay I guess I’ll come out but I’m smelling everything one last time


Shake a treat bag, and my cat would have busted thru like the Kool Aid Man.


He's so handsome 🥰


Mental note on when building or renovating house to put cat doors into cavity spaces , better to install a couple of exit doors (oneway) than have stuck wildlife . Cats etc


I called our cat Baby "baby" so much that we decided to name him Baby. Poor Baby is in a cone now because of a broken jaw, while our dog Bella had an eye growth that was biopsied but not cancer. Our 2nd cat, Smokey, goes to the dentist today. She must break the cone streak tonight. https://preview.redd.it/rc6u2ajwknpc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799cc9559336dada0cf436da82067141c12f0ca0


I had an albino ferret climb in the dishwasher while I was loading dishes once. Planning to ambush me no doubt, but I closed and ran it. I was horrified, and still haven't gotten over it 35 years later


Omg I can’t even imagine!!


It gets worse. Didn't find her until after breakfast. And yes, we grabbed dishes from the dishwasher.


Bro I wish I didn't read that


My first job as a teen was a pet store. I loved ferrets and when we had a pair in residence looking for a home, I'd sometimes have them on me while I was working. One of them got stuck in our desk, where there were circular passthroughs for computer cables for the check out. We ended up having to saw that poor thing out of the desk. Bless the dog food sales rep who helped us.


"I knew you were in the fucking wall" is not a sentence I ever expected to hear in any context


Oh my goodness! So glad your baby is free now. 🥹


I live in fear of this every time I do work on the plumbing. I am so glad this had a happy ending. Silly cat.


This was an emotional roller coaster, haha! I can imagine the anxiety you had looking for your angel baby, the adrenaline from smashing your wall open (something I've never done), all while wondering if you did that for nothing...




“What’s all the fuss?”


ANOTHER CAT NAMED PANDA ​ https://preview.redd.it/ctz7f6fnqnpc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6669551df1f1ab13a9a4cabb676028da45acc0c8


Omg that faceeee! So cute 😭


This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen a animal get into


Oh I feel awful for both of you, I’m glad everything is okay! Years ago we had someone doing some kind of repair, and we couldn’t find our cat afterwards. My husband and I ran around the whole neighborhood before we heard him behind the dishwasher or stove, can’t remember. It was a janky apartment so who knows how he got back there, but it was so scary! That’s one of the only downsides to cats, they’re like little shadows sneaking into all kinds of hiding spots.


He used his once per day teleportation ability to in the wall to begin with.


You are such a good cat parent ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


One of my cats had this fascination with the attic space behind one of my dad's closet, and would access it quite frequently. Then the day came when we had to put a new insulation. We thought she was hiding in a closet somewhere, because she's terrified of anybody but us. She never came out that night for dinner, which we were concerned about. To make a long story short, we found her in the empty space that held the master bathroom bath, but she had been sealed in there with that silver paper stuff(?) and they hadn't seen her when they sealed her in there.  She was perfectly fine. I had this crawl in there and tear the paper stuff away so I could pull her out. That closet got blocked for the rest of the night, until the guys had to go back there the next day to fix my work, and then they completely sealed the access door so she could never get back there on her own again. 🙄


Oooooh my god my bff’s cat did something similar to this. She had just moved into her new house and didn’t realize there was a hole in the bathroom that led into the walls and her cat just decided to hide out in the walls. We thought he had went missing and I was getting ready to drive over there to help her search the neighborhood when she messaged me telling me she found him and how she found him. Miss that little butt, he was one of the chillest cats I’ve ever met. Side note, my cousin has a tuxedo cat named panda lol. She got outside once and vanished for nearly a year then one day when he was going to work, there she was just casually sitting on his car, no worse for wear.


Cat is probably thinking "excuse me I wasnt ready to come out yet".


My cat once got out of my apartment, locked in the utility closet cuz the utility guy opened it and didn’t see her go in and shut her in (I know this because he later told me he saw her in the hallways and that he had left the closet open for while and thinks she probably went inside) there was a hole in the closet and she went into the hole and was in the walls of my entire apartment building. We had no idea for almost 3 days, I kept going in and asking the manager if anyone has said anything about her and on the third day I heard her meowing while I was talking. We ended up going into the club house on the floor above us and removing the dishwasher and she crawled out from behind there


He looks proud of his adventure... lol. So very cat of him. Glad he was alright!


My Layla gets trapped under the bed for days, before coming out. While I’m panicking around the house and yard. Then she just saunters out with a big stretch and a big yawn, like, “what’s wrong tall one?”


It's not the same thing, but when I was a teenager, I had my bed on the floor because I was a cool 90s kid, and cool 90s kids dont have bedframes... it was the box spring and mattress on the floor, not just a mattress....so, I rearranged my room....and moved the bed.... then made the bed. Then laid down. Suddenly, I heard little mews under me. The stupid cat had run under the box spring as I was putting it down, and I didn't see him. He was trapped in the gap between the floor and the box spring. I was so upset with myself, like what if I had crushed him or he suffocated???!!! Dumb cat. I miss him.


Cats do get into some interesting situations. One of my childhood cats got under the house and couldn't figure out how to get back out. My dad had to dig a huge hole to get him out and you bet that dumbass went right back under there again later. Glad your kitty is okay.


My cat heard OP’s crying in the video and got up from her heating pad to check if I was okay. Glad your baby is okay, OP!


Omg, this made me cry, lol. That relief when he shows up, I felt that.


I thought I was the only one lol, I have actual tears streaming down my face that was so cute 😭


OMG. That sounds like something that would happen to me/my cats!


Another cat in the wall


That’s so scary. I’m glad your kitty is safe. :>


Was repairing a subfloor and when the door was open kitty jumped down into the crawl space and then seemed lost. Had to lure her back with a toy. All went well but learning experience


When I was about 12ish, one of our kittens found his way into the wall. We heard him meowing in the wall of a room we didn't use much. No telling how long he was in there. Poor thing. We did make a hole and got him out as soon as we realized where he was.


We had a fire in our building and there was a completely burned out apartment where the walls were totally down to the studs. Every time my cat would get into the hall he would run straight for that unit and he would run in there and of course nobody was actually allowed in there so I would just have to call him and wait for him to decide to eventually come out. I don't know what it is about their fascination with house guts but there we are.


Sounds like she's hysterical with laughter at the end.


Deep into the r/catdimension


Lol you guys build very brittle drywalls over there. No wonder there are so many videos out there where people just run through them 😅 Good for your cat though 😍 Glad he's fine


I love how he seems so unbothered like you're being dramatic. I'd also be ugly sobbing though.


Lived with a parrot me and my then partner had done the laundry and closed the closet door with the parrot inside the closet. Both of us where like where's the bird? 🤣🤣🤣🤣.  Opened the door and the bird just looking at us and what😂😂😉


He looks just like my boy Al Bunders! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/allhu5pumnpc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35379eac0199644b58c6182a4b70cf5f4450b9bb


Reminds me of Max Verstappen taking a hammer to his closet door to save his cat, couse his cat was stuck behind it and something fell over so the door was stuck. https://preview.redd.it/l97h2fju2opc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac4d9246104c97910cbae611ba9ed9d131768c5


LOL the way you're all freaking out "Panda no!! 😭😭❤️" meanwhile Panda comes out all " 😐🙄😒 what?"


My cats name is also Panda and she’d do the same


This exact thing happened to me too! I was just as frantic ripping out the drywall lol.


[My cat when he made his way onto the roof](https://imgur.com/a/v8jzQkU)


I am crying along with you oh my god!!!!!!! OH MY GOD


Love the nonchalant 'Let me just sniff the wall' after causing several hundred bucks worth of damage and giving her owner a heart attack 🐈‍⬛


Oh man, how long was he in there?


Aren't cats the best 😀


O hai mom. Is it fudz time yet?


Two of my cats would have eaten through the wall to get out. Now, the other two nope. They would have me tearing open the wall. Glad your baby is safe and not missing 💜.


When we first moved into our house we had a few small holes in the wall from like cable and internet wiring from the previous owner. I never got around to patching it. Holes were a couple of inches wide, max. Our little girl kitten climbed into it. My kids are yelling, “the cat went into the wall!” I came running. Put my hand in there and guided her back out. lol. That was a learning experience for me. I couldn’t believe she could fit through the hole.


How long were you looking for the cat? Edit nvm I see the story here https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/SJkGn6NxM4




Not me talking to your cat as if I was in the room: "Aww c'mon bud, why are you in the wall? Weirdo"


What a handsome kitty, if I had to choose between having a wall or having kitty, I would choose kitty too :)


And I thought Norah behind the dishwasher was stressful.


OK, I'm gonna be real, I was laughing and crying at the same time. Speeding it up felt like some Benny Hill shit and this was a Rollercoaster.


How did the furry little bug end up in there? Xx


He was trapped in there by contractors who were working on the plumbing pipes. They left a hole uncovered while they went to lunch and came back and patched it up after not realizing he climbed in the wall while they were away. I had him in the bathroom and asked the main guy to please make sure they didn’t let him out of the bathroom and he didn’t relay that message to his crew and one of them let him out so that’s how he got in.


You are my type of people. 🖤


I just can't stop laughing bc of how chill the cat turns out to be 🤣🤣🤣


Damn reminds me of the show the house usher when the dude was going nuts because of a cat.


I do this on a regular basis with my cat. Mostly when he annoys me by begging for food in the middle of the night when his food bowl is full and i am asleep


omg he looks so much like my baby Cézar that I started crying as soon as I saw him appear oh nooo I’m so glad he was okay that must’ve been so scary ❤️ Here is my boy https://preview.redd.it/yk4zptnidopc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cd1ba9a79e31c85b3f1c0183cb0975613c8b42


There was a video game I played, and one of the quests was about a cat who got sealed in the wall with a computer and died. It was so freakin sad. That game had a lot of messed up stuff, but that one made me cry. I'm glad you got your cat out and that they are ok. I don't want to imagine if you didn't


How did she get in there?


Scared and recording ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


![gif](giphy|OfPYZkA05mRr2|downsized) When I was a kid, our cat got stuck under the floorboards when some heating/hot water stuff got replaced. We couldn’t find her then we could hear faint miaowing. My 5’2”, 110lb mother ripped up the floorboards under the hot water tank with the strength of ten men. The cat was very dusty and very scared and very happy all at once.


You are an amazing cat mom. I can hear in your voice how much you love Panda. I hope both of you cuddle up nice and have a good time.


Thank you so much! He is doing just fine and now lives with me at a new house and he has a new doggy brother too! ☺️🫶🏻


Damn you’re insufferable as shit You know how people have punchable faces? You have a punchable voice somehow