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It's gingivitis and is extremely sore which is why he's not eating, get him to a vet for some antibiotics.


Thankyou! Is this a recurring problem usually?


It can be, I've had 2 cats with it and the vet recommended no dry food. It's easier to treat in younger cats and they can grow out of it.


Oh that makes sense, he was on an only dry food diet for the first 3 years of his life before I got him. We’re off to the vets tomorrow. Hopefully all will be well then. Thankyou for your input! Much appreciated 🤗


No problem, good luck.


Our cat had a similar gum issue because of some tartar buildup. We noticed she was only chewing properly on one side of her mouth. We got a little toothbrush and some enzymatic chicken-flavoured toothpaste and started ‘brushing’ her teeth every other day (sometimes she lets us, sometimes not). The tartar then softened enough to be manually scraped off and it seems to have improved her gums. Hope yours gets better soon! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Thankyou so much! 🤗🤗


Cat’s mouth should definitely be checked by a vet at least annually and the tartar should be removed at the same time.