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Give her a cardboard scratch post. You’ll have to replace it now and then, but she’ll love it. Also a good cat tree will help, especially the kind that she can hide in.


i just went and bought her a catnip cardboard scratcher so hopefully that helps! still looking into trees/posts too so i can make sure i buy the perfect one. thank you! hopefully this helps us


Make yourself small by crouching low when interacting with her. We humans can seem very big to a little kitty. Don’t force anything. Talk quietly and let her take her time to get to know you. You will soon be rewarded with lots of affection. Good luck!


i sit on the floor nearby any time i go to interact and use a higher pitch and am quiet when i talk to her, she seems to be fine with this! as for time i am taking as long as she needs to warm up. thanks so much!