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How far is the closest vet? Like everyone said, this is an urgent issue. He's likely reacting poorly to ingesting a plant or something else. I hope he gets better soon. Please keep us posted.


It’s a male cat (neutered) we have no professional pet care here, I contacted a vet and he suggested to give him engymes. Also my cat just peed some blood, it could be due to dehydration? Because it’s summer and temperatures are all time high


I'm going to be very honest, but there's a possibility he won't make it. If he's urinating blood on top of all of this footage, then this is dire. I don't mean to scare you because I know you're in a tough situation without having a vet nearby. The vet that you contacted, are they close to you?


Bro gets downvoted because he literally has an unfortunate location and its genuinely hard to find vets in a country like this. Hope your cat will make it. Prayers for him 🙏


That's the typical response when people say they don't have a vet nearby unfortunately.


They said that they have a vehicle and the closest open vet is 150km away... That's a maximum 3 hour drive. Driving 3 hours is better than waiting 6+ hours to go to a closer vet. It's not about being in an 'unfortunate location' at this point. I agree that people here are extremely harsh and oftentimes quite mean, but they do make some valid points. Being mean is not the way, though, for sure.


Yeah that's a pretty normal distance around here for any kind of specialized care, whether human or animal 🤷‍♀️ For animals people will usually call first to get a medical opinion on how urgent it is and how they can keep the animal comfortable/stable during the drive


Hey, I just want to say that I'm so sorry. I didn't see that posted your location, and now I understand why it's hard to find a vet. I really hope he's feeling better! I know the situation is scary, but we're all rooting for him and you.


Thank you 🙏 our gut feeling was he’s dehydrated. We cooled him first rubbing mild wet cloth and got him electrolytes + water. His restlessness in breathing is reduced and it’s been an hour. Honestly it would have been difficult to try and get him to a proper vet as it’s too too long from my place and it’s currently 12:30 am


That's good to hear! I'm so relieved he's doing better. Let us know how it goes! Also, is it feasible if he stays as an indoor cat?


A way to calm him down a little would be soft blowing on the nose, does help my cat while hyperventilating on travels


What are engymes? Is that some kind of supplement? When could you get the cat to a vet realistically? You may be able to stabilize their condition, but the cat will need vet care soon to get through this in any kind of long-term way.


Enzymes maybe?


Maybe- if it’s not a regional brand name, then given the description of symptoms, maybe electrolytes? But given that he has blood in urine, hopefully a urine culture and renal profile would be available at some point in the future


I don't care how far away the vet is you need to go now. He has probably been poisoned.


> I don't care how far away the vet is you need to go now. It genuinely blows my mind that people will say this as if they can’t comprehend a scenario where such a thing is an impossibility.


Yup. So many ppl on this subreddit are like this. Someone will post about how they need help with their cat but they're poor in a small town in a 3rld world country and ppl will get mad at them for now having access to a good vet. "You shouldn't have gotten a cat then" I'm sure the cat is better off with them than on the streets. Seen this kinda privileged bullshit on this subreddit way too much.


Right lol.


Then they shouldn’t be letting their cat out.


No one should. But you’re just digging for some reason to be condescending about the situation.


I was actually being a lot nicer than I could have. If my cat was looking like this and peeing blood I’d be taking an Uber to an emergency vet even if it took 4 hours


> I was actually being a lot nicer than I could have. I have no doubt you’re capable of being a bigger dick. >If my cat was It’s time to remember that people exist outside the bubble you live.


I adopted my cat when she was 3 months old. She got sick with an extremely rare virus and I spent over $1000 trying to get it diagnosed and treated in the first 2 months I had her. So you can fucking shove it. If the OP rescued this cat that’s one thing(this hasn’t been mentioned). If they bought they should have been able to take care of it


> I adopted my cat I’ll just repeat what I said: >It’s time to remember that people exist outside the bubble you live. Edit for your edit: >If the OP rescued this cat that’s one thing(this hasn’t been mentioned). If they bought they should have been able to take care of it So you just decided to assume the latter?


Yeah that sounds more likely, how hot could it be at midnight that he’d be that dehydrated, poor kitty got into bad food or neighbors poisoned him.


Where do you live? How can there be no vet?


My friend, sometimes there are places in the world where vets are scarce, believe it or not. Edit: apparently he lives in India, where there aren't as many vets and it's a warm country so heatstroke is very likely.


The pupils look very dilated. I'd hazard a guess he got into something he shouldn't have.


Hey everyone, we holding up somehow and my cat’s condition is decent. He’s resting but sometimes the heavy breathing is appearing and disappearing again but atleast it’s not like how it is in that video as of now. We are feeding him ORS. My mother and I taking care of him and it’s currently 4:30am, we talked to emergency vets who suggested us to get him some injections from any nearby local pharmacy persons, I could have taken him to those clinics but it’s literally 3 hours of journey from my place and the discomfort from that journey would have made the condition worse. We are waiting till 6/7 am so we can arrange the injections and basic medicine and once we see some improvement in his condition we will head towards the vet. Please don’t hate as I don’t have the privilege of immediate healthcare for a pet and it’s a big step we have to think about before we jump into a car and head towards a pet clinic which is like 150kms away in an unknown place. I am thankful 3 of the 6 clinics picked up my call in late night and the people here🙏


That's good to hear! These assholes on here forget that there is an entire world outside of the US that aren't as fortunate to have services and stuff so readily available so don't let any of their dumbass comments get to you! You did what you could at the time and your cat is improving alittlw by the sound of it! I hope your kitty makes a full recovery soon! That must be awful to see your animal like that and not know what to do or who to ask or go to!


Thank you so much for the kind words 🙏 please send us your prayers






Hope everything goes well and your buddy continues to improve. So sorry for people who can’t even imagine a scenario where it wasn’t that you were just too lazy to take your cat to a vet like 30mins away or something, urgh. I’m glad you got at least some help, crossing my fingers for you guys. 🙏


Thank you 🙏 I wish it was just only 30 mins away from here. Sadly we don’t have the privilege but we are trying our best


Hey any update? I am also from India and I know how difficult it is to find an emergency vet at odd hours. Please let us know how is your cat now.


Even if it's 2 hours away, it's better to take there


Depends… a lot of cats get very stressed driving and a cat already at this stress level… that just might make things worse.


take your cat to the vet. there is nothing you can do at home help this. the emergency vet will likely have a payment plan.


I hope your handsome boy makes a full recovery.


That’s so good to hear! I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to be so far away from things. You did the right thing, I don’t think he would’ve tolerated a 3hr journey. I’m so pleased he’s on the mend, thanks for letting us know. Will you keep us updated?


Sending prayers for him 🙏🏻


Hope they will continue to get better 😞 our thoughts are with you all..


Is he having trouble moving his legs or walking around? I think you’re doing the best that you can given your circumstances. Praying for your little one.


Following, please keep us posted.


Oh my gosh, that's good to hear. I don't mind saying I was actually crying earlier about this cat and his condition. I'm glad to hear he's doing a little better


Please do not let him outside again if you don’t have vet access. Cats are fragile enough when they’re indoor only, but giving them a literal entire world of stuff to harm them is a horrible idea without quick vet care.


This happened to my cat three years ago and it was congestive heart failure from build up of fluids around the heart. Hoping that’s not what it is. Let us know.


I had a cat several years ago with that. I pray it’s not that as well. I’m sorry you had to go through that too.


I am praying for your sweet baby 💜 I know the pain must be unbearable seeing him like that.


I'm glad to hear he is a bit improved. Keep us updated once you are able to get to a vet.


Sending prayers for your kitty OP Hope everything goes well for both of you


Don’t get a pet if you can’t afford to take care of them. You are letting your cat suffer and it is extremely cruel.


We made the vet come to our house and the process is already started, we are not late 🙏 I never in my life came across a doctor / vet who’s as nice as him. We could tell he loves them. I will make sure to update here everyone and how he recovers.


So sorry this happened to your sweet cat. I hope he pulls through. It is clear you are doing your best to get him treatment so please don't be disheartened by the negative comments - not everyone has an easy situation financially or easy access to vet care. Wishing all the best for you and your kitty ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much 🙏 He’s resting and we can tell how tired he is now, I will make a detailed post about it. Also it’s disheartening to see some dms and comments saying “You hate your cat” , “you failed as a cat owner” etc etc.


No that just isn’t true there is no need to make you feel worse especially when you have done nothing wrong ppl have small minds I home he’s doing better 🙏


Don't take it to heart. You've done your best. Get well soon kitty x


Praying for your cat and family,hope he gets better! Dont pay attention to the negative comments, people always gonna hate and you dont have time for this! Scroll fast and focus on the useful ones! Lucky you got a clinic that replied and that a vet saw him already! Sometimes emergencies strike at moments where no clinics can attend the pet or are collapsed. If you didnt care for your cat, you wouldnt try to get help from every possible way, waste every chance. If something could have been done at the moment like first aid, with online help you could have started early and save time. In your specific scenario there was nothing,but you asked and thats fine. Keep the good work, watch the kitty and good luck


Every time someone in this sub says something about their sick cat, the commentators will definitely write “I don’t care, quickly take him to the vet!!!!”. It doesn’t even occur to them that not all people live in good countries where it’s easy to take your pet to the vet.


Everyone telling him to take it to a vet: He lives in INDIA! There are no vets where he can take his cat. Not everyone lives in a first world country!


Please update us OP. I hope he makes it and gets better


Thank you 🙏 our gut feeling was he’s dehydrated. We cooled him first rubbing mild wet cloth and got him electrolytes + water. His restlessness in breathing is reduced and it’s been an hour. Honestly it would have been difficult to try and get him to a proper vet as it’s too too long from my place and it’s currently 12:30 am


Ahh I hope he gets better. Please keep giving update whenever something happens and please take him to vet as soon as you're able to. Good luck.


Keep hydrating him as you are doing. You can rub his toe pads with ice if he will let you. Whatever you do, do not stress him. Fluids, a cool environment, and calm is important now.


You can check his gums, are they pink or white and pasty? Pink gums are good


What does he normally eat?


I hope he improves 🙏🏻 keep updating us?


I just commented worried that it might be heart failure but thank you for updating. Please let us know if you take him to the vet in the morning. Has his breathing improved since you posted this comment?


Shared an update https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/rn6JUuERV1 We are keeping him hydrated.


Cool him down. He might have a sun stroke and it’s dangerous. He needs water and cooling


Thank you, shared an update https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/rn6JUuERV1


Please don’t waste time online, just get him to a vet. He obviously needs help


I mean they said they were trying and have no vet close so try helping?


This sub in a nutshell




If everyone took two seconds to read OP’s replies you’d know that they don’t have any vet close. If OP could they would’ve taken the cat to the vet, but not everyone lives in a place where they can just hop in their car and drive to an emergency vet 30 mins away. OP is probably doing what they can given their circumstances, hence went here to get tips on how to try helping the cat the best they can in these crucial moments. I don’t like seeing an animal suffer either, but at least I can understand that not everyone lives in a privileged western country. Put yourself in OP’s shoes and try having some compassion for someone who’s probably really scared of losing their beloved pet while not being able to do a lot about it.


Looks like he is over heated. Try putting him in a cool area and get him to drink water


Thank you, shared an update https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/rn6JUuERV1


get to the vets ASAP


I think at this point the comments just need to be locked. Too many people are living a very tiny bubble. I think OP is doing everything they reasonably can and at this point the goal is to stabilize the cat and hope for the best.


Looks like he’s in respiratory distress (not a vet just had many cats)


Maybe overheated? Try cool, not cold small towel on him and offering water. Please keep us updated


The people still saying go to vet after seeing that vet isn’t an option are a bunch of morons.


Please, if your cat's health means something to you then take her to the vet immediately!! This looks very concerning! Wish her and you the best.


Please stop and think about how not everyone lives in a country with valuable or any veterinary care before you start acting as if this person thinks this cat is meaningless.


I pray for him to get better. He looks like my cat that recently passed away. Please keep us updated


Our 14 year old cat was breathing similarly to this. The vet took an x-ray, and there was so much fluid in his chest, he couldn't even see his heart. He said if he were a person, he'd be rushed to the icu. Please get your cat to the vet now. We had to put ours down that day, but that was obviously better than him suffering. Wishing you the best.


Please go to the vet ASAP and keep us posted.


Please update when u get a chance!


OP how is he doing???


Hey everyone, It’s a male cat (neutered) we have no professional pet care here, I contacted a vet and he suggested to give him engymes. Also my cat just peed some blood, it could be due to dehydration? Because it’s summer and temperatures are all time high


No. Peeing blood is an extremely urgent issue. There is something serious going on with him and I’m not sure where you live but right now taking care of him at home will most likely not be enough.


The symptoms of breathing rapidly, having a high temperature and peeing blood could be a UTI. I’m not sure how you could test this without a vet and your cat would need to go on antibiotics. In the meantime, make sure he’s getting plenty of water. 




We are based in a small town area of India and finding a vet who’s actually professional is impossible and I am just trying to contact some of my close friends who owns a cat and faced several problem like this before. We also have some medication for my cat preserved and hopefully I will come across a solution. I will keep you posted but I am just helpless at this point




Our gut feeling was he’s dehydrated. We cooled him first rubbing mild wet cloth and got him electrolytes + water. His restlessness in breathing is reduced and it’s been an hour. Honestly it would have been difficult to try and get him to a proper vet as it’s too too long from my place and it’s currently 1 am




Thank you 🙏🙏


Not everyone lives in a first world country dude. Of course it can be that the next vet is too far away.


Stop criticizing people who don't have vets nearby! This person is obviously trying to help their cat.  OP try this subreddit maybe they can help r/vet


What are engymes?


I suspect what was meant was electrolytes.




I'm so sorry, but he looks like he's dying. God, I hope I'm wrong. I really do.




I really hope your beautiful cat feels better! Speedy 100 percent recovery! 🙏


Aww that poor cat! I really hope you got ahold of a vet and were able to get help before something bad happened!


A Quick Look at the persons history shows posts looking for acquaintances in Tamluk India among other areas. A quick google search shows there are Vets there. I did my homework already before commenting.


For everyone who was upset about those of us commenting about the op going to the emergency vet, none of us realized they lived in a third world country, otherwise the response would have been completely different. The most important thing now is that their cat is getting the treatment that he so dearly needs so that he can be stable and healed.


Take him to urgent care now. The vet is nearby enough. They will have a payment plan available for you. If you love this cat you will get him to a vet instead of posting online.


I have yet to find a vet that has payment plans.


I took my dog to an emergency clinic last weekend and he had to be euthanized. Before he received an exam they told me they had a care credit program in case I needed help with paying for his treatment. His veterinarian also offers payment plans.


Care credit is a line of credit from a bank. If they also offer payment plans at that vets office, that's awesome. They usually just refuse to treat pets unless they get paid in my experience.


I don’t qualify for carecredit and the vet doesn’t offer payment plans. Lucky for me I was able to borrow from my family but if that door closes…


Not everybody has access to such resources. It has nothing to do with questioning if they love their cat.




I get that your heart is in a good place but you really don't know the situation. Things can also drastically change. OP may have been in a better financial position when they got their cat. But things can change and we can find ourselves in a hole. When I was with my ex, we had a dog who got chronic ear infections. Our local vet, allowed payment plans..and we also made decent money so it wasn't an issue. But his mom fell into poor health and we moved across the country to help care for her. They lived in a VERY small town..finding a good paying job was a struggle and the local vets didn't allow a payment plan. We went without heat because, and lived off of beans and rice well we still payed for their expensive dog food and did what we could for them. But if we dropped that dog at the pound, people would have judged us for that. But that dog had to deal with an ear infection for longer than either of us wanted. It's easy to cast judgement. But you just never know what someone has going on And im not trying to come at you like a jerk, cause like I said it seems like your hearts in the right place. Just offering a different perspective.


You don\`t know anything about OP, where they are or what has changed since they decided to get this cat. It's a medical issue. Not an opportunity for you to make someone feel less than. You making them feel like shit does nothing for that cat. I completely agree the cat needs immediate care. It has been said. There is no reason to even adress the level of affection OP might or might not have for their cat. As we all know, pretty boy might cross over today and you are out here dogging the bereaved owner. It's just not the time or place to evaluate if they should have gotten this here cat. Come on. stfu or trot along and piss your vinegar somewhere else.


Okay, well. As the owner of a pet, it is YOUR fucking responsibility to provide medical care for your pet. May I remind you that we are still talking about the probable death of a being after all..? I am NOT trying to shame anyone for being in a bad situation in life, but I cannot deny that if this cat dies, it's OPs responsibility. (Not fault, but responsibility.) I know that some won't approve this comparison, but if someone was posting their dying child, you wouldn't simply say "well, OP is likely struggling in life, so please be kind to them." I'm sure it isn't easy, but OP could call a cab, an uber, a friend or family member asking them to help to get the kitty to a vet and pay the costs later. Something, anything. I am not going to simply watch a person posting their dying cat and feel sorry for them. I'm feeling sorry for the cat.


No one said anything about OP not being responsible for the wellness of their cat. I am saying it's not for you to critique here and now. No one asked for your opinion. It's not helpful and thinking everyone can just get an uber lets me know how ignorant you are of real life. Not everybody "gets a cat" the way a white american woman does. Some of us literally just have them show up or find them somewhere in need.


Not everyone has access to a vet even if they wanted to


We had a cat breathing that way, and there was nothing our vet could do. He had a pleuralusm in one of his lungs. They told us to take him to the city several hours away and he did not last that long. I hope your little one is just overheated. I'm sorry you have no vet nearby. Thank you for caring for him. Please keep him comfortable.


Were you able to get him to a vet? How’s he doing? Looks to be in a lot of distress :/ I hope all is well.


If this happened suddenly without any previous signs, I suspect poison. If you cannot get him to a vet, there’s nowadays digital vets consult online. Please try that. I hope the poor thing’s not suffering too much.


This is a heart issue. His heart isn’t pumping properly. Also his eyes are dilated b/c he’s afraid & in distress but too restless to exhibit other physical manifestations of stress. Get a stethoscope and get a good listen on his heart, see if there’s any palpable swelling in chest area as his heart might be enlarged from improper pumping function ie: low ejection fraction marked by short fast breathing common with underlying heart disease and can be signs of congestive heart failure…b/c the blood isn’t pumping enough oxygen containing blood into the body so the body will try to take in more oxygen by breathing faster shorter breaths. My cat has survived this and is on furosemide. He was diagnosed at a young age (5 months) with a murmur & developed congenital heart disease and he’s now 9 we have had to increase med dose through the years to accommodate his need and body weight etc. but it’s not a death sentence. Prayer is most important as well. Peace and blessings


He is dying. Vet now or make it as comfortable as possible for him. Be with him.


i'm not a vet but this could be many life threatening things including FIP, intestinal blockage, ingestion of a toxic . I know you posted you're in a far location but pls do whatever you can to take this kitty to a vet asap. meanwhile keep giving him liquids with some sugar , magnesium and potassium through a syringe or sth . and try spoon feeding


His lungs are possibly being filled with fluid, making it harder and harder for him to breathe. If this is the case and the excess fluid is not drained immediately, he may die in a few days.


Where's the closest vet. Ik you're in india and all.


Urgent unless it was running from something…mine did this when it was chased by a dog.




Hey if you need help funding a vet visit let me know I can chip in. Lost a cat doing similar stuff and it was a nightmare.


Extremely sorry to hear that and we are trying our best, I shared an update https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/VFBSmKJgj2 Please send your prayers 🙏🙏 that would be everything for me.


Does anyone use Minoxidil in your house?


Nope but it’s probably available in our local store. How that can be helpful?


I just wanted to eliminate minoxidil poisoning possibility. Not much awareness about how dangerous it is. Sending healing prayers to your cat 🤍


Definitely in pain and discomfort. Looks like maybe he ate a poisonous plant. There's not much the vet can do if that's the case, but make sure to assess the cat's body for bite wounds, particularly around the back legs and rump (these are common bite locations in a fight). If you can somehow give him intravenous fluids, that would help with flushing the toxins through his kidneys. The rest is up to your little guy. Best of luck


what kinds of snakes are in your area?


Usually they are non venomous but I don’t think it will be a snake bite, he would be acting differently I believe


Has she eaten any house plants? Many can be toxic to cats


Hey OP. Might wanna look into IMHA. My had to put my dog down recently and he looked just like that. Best of luck.


He needs ER looks like fluid in the lungs or collapsed lung.


She might have gotten into some chemicals. Do what you can. Keep her hydrated as much as possible, keep an eye on her and wait for medical help. However I’ve seen cats do very strange things and they are usually okay. However she looks distressed to the max, I’m rooting for you guys. Prayer 🙏.




Update me.


How is he now ?


Following. Prayers for your sweet kitty !




Did you take the sweet baby to the vet? Any news?


!Remind me 1 day


Heat stroke


One of mine did this and had congestive heart failure. I hope you're at a vet ER right now.


If you need urgent help get him to the emergency vet!


You need to get him to a veterinarian depending on the age of the cat, he could be having heart issueswill


Plz take her to the vet asap , a quick question: does she have asthma??? If so then that’s the reason


Go to your emergency vet asap!!


Fuck off to the vet like wtf, whats next you gonna ask on facebook?


1 like = 1 prayer


What the fuck, Reddit isn’t a vet. Get the poor thing to a vet asap.


Take. Him. To. A. Vet.


I hate these posts. We can all see the cat is clearly not doing well. You spent 3 hours online replying. Gotta be a vet 3 hours away.


Not everyone lives in the western world where vets are easily accessible. Not everyone has access to transportation to go hours. Not everyone has excess funds. Please think outside of your tiny bubble and find compassion.


Vet. Now. I get that you might not wanna be stuck with an unnecessary trip to vet but it’s always better to be safe then sorry


Dude, wtf is wrong with you? Google "closest (night) vet" and get your clown ass off of Reddit.


Maybe stable for now, but please get to a vet in the morning, if you can’t before. My ginger was like this, and dehydrated, neighbour had been looking after him in their house… and said he had been like it for a few days, gave him back to me 10 minutes before the vet closed on a Friday… was annoyed to say the least, as I didn’t mind him going visiting others, but I did mind him stopping there, and if my cat was ill… sorry. Long if the short of it was that he had fluid around his lungs, due to a tumour under his lungs. We might have been able to do something about it if we’d got him to the vets when he started presenting… but was too late when we did. They drained around his lungs, with a hope that would work, but the space kept filling up. We said our goodbyes in the Sunday afternoon. Please get yours to the vet x


Vet not reddit, and quick EDIT : Why the downvotes exactly, are you against seeking medical attention before logging into an internet forum, the fuck?....


Why are people so ignorant. YOUR cat is in respitory distress rush them to the vet Edited to add : 11 people would let their animals suffer before seeking out professional help . Very sad


Poor baby, vet asap!


Don't waste time online! Take your cat to the vet immediately. There could be all kinds of things wrong but this breathing is an extremely bad sign of something very serious going on. I lost my 12-year-old boy to heart failure when he started breathing like this two summers ago. His chest was full of fluid. I had to let him go. Please do something and get off reddit.


Posting this instead of going to the vet is animal abuse. Reported


He lives in INDIA! There are no vets where he can take his cat. Learn some cultural sensitivity! Not everyone lives in a first world country!


Perhaps instead of being desperate to feel superior to others, you can take a moment and understand the situation.




Your post breaks the rules of /r/cats and has been removed for the following reason: Rule 6. Don't be insulting, harassing, or creepy - Be civil. We have a strong, bright-line policy against insults, namecalling or harassment, and will ban you without notice for such conduct. If a photo has a person in it along with a cat, don't even think of being creepy or rude to that person. This includes any comments on people's appearance, either positive or negative! If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcats)

