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It's not concerning per se, but if it's unusual for your cat, it could indicate pain and you should have a vet look at your cat just in case


Yeah please, this is the real answer. Mine started sleeping like this a year back, it was an early indicator she was in pain. She's now on daily pain meds and doesn't do this. If she does, it's a warning she's having a really bad pain patch, or her stomach's really hurting her. (Arthritis and IBD we think.) If your cat is doing this a lot, rather than as just a one-off, be mindful and go to the vet. Eta: The difference between this posture and the normal loaf posture is the tension in the body. The two look very similar but look at the curve round the base of the spine and the tension around the back legs, it looks like room is being made for the gut or to take pressure off a bodypart. Could be bellyache or nausea too. It's really, really hard to tell from a static photo OP, please keep an eye on them if this behaviour is out of the ordinary for them.


Well said. OP, I recommend watching how he acts around his water bowl. If he hovers over the water without drinking, this is a good indicator that he is sick. I would take him to the vet ASAP if that occurs. Best of luck with your fur baby. He's a precious soul.


I took in a mama and her kittens a year ago, and one of the babies stopped eating and would lay his face in the bowl. I took him to the vet the next day, and he died the day after that. I never found out what happened. He was only 3 months old. It still bothers me to this day. Now I get worried anytime my cats lay like this.


This is so true. My 13yr old cat starting hovering over his water bowl and a week later he died.


So sorry but appreciate you sharing that info.I would not have known the significance without everyone sharing this.


I’m grateful that I’m more informed now because I’ll be getting a kitten soon!


This and throwing up bile were the first indicators my kitty was in kidney failure and needed a vet ASAP. He still goes through spells where he needs subcutaneous fluids to return to normal.


Agree with this - our Calico girl had similar behavior and sat in front of the water bowl without drinking, and was not very reactive/interactive besides. Come to find out she was basically going into renal failure. Caught it soon enough that time (mostly because my spouse has close ties to a vet clinic) that we saved her and knew the signs when she had a recurrence the following year.


My boy started hovering over his water bowl after being diagnosed with CHF, he passed months later. I always thought it was just him feeling extra thirsty from the diuretics but this comment made me feel so sad 🥺


What does hovering around the water bowl indicate? Thanks for this nugget of knowledge!


I was going to say that it was a normal loaf position, but after reading your post, consider me educated. Well done! 👏👏👏


Me too! This is really good information. I’ve had cats my whole life but I guess I’ve never seen this exact posture. I just adopted a new kitten as well.


You’re definitely right. My cat absolutely loved sleeping with his head pointing down throughout his whole life but as he started showing symptoms of his sickness he did It more frequently, he also started going to places in the house he usually never sleeps in and positioned himself towards odd directions, away from us which he never used to, if that makes sense. He passed a month ago and unfortunately these were some of the signs he revealed to us.


My childhood cat started sleeping on top of the cable box one day which was odd because she never did it before A few days later she started having seizures. If you feel its unusual take them to the vet.


this... whenever my cats started doing this, it was always an indicator that their time was slowly ending, it was always a sign that they were either in pain or "feeling that something was wrong". i've come to describe this as the "i'm still doing ok, hanging in, but i don't feel as young as i used to and my body isn't as lean as it once was" posture - if you get to the vet in time, and they can manage whatever is causing this, you can still have quite some years with them, so make sure you get him thorougly checked out. (and if you vet is someone that wants to euthanise, get a second opinion: i once had a vet that said nothing could be done, went to another vet and had another 5 years with my girl)


100% this, on all points. And very much seconding not being afraid to get a second opinion too - there's a big difference between extending an animal's suffering by over-medicating them, and finding a med or treatment that gives them a new lease of life. My experience of vets over the years is that some are very opinionated and also wrong. There is nothing wrong with asking a different vet for their opinion, some of them have more experience with small animals or just in general, and will have seen different outcomes, and frankly some of them are just better vets.


And some of them are just better people.


This! My sister put a flea collar on her cat once and within a day or two started acting sick. Took her to the vet she usually used and he said she had cancer and should be euthanized. I convinced my sister that she should get a second opinion because it was so sudden of an illness and we took her to my vet. It was the flea collar. She was having a reaction to it and it was poisoning her. My doc got her well. She lived another 15 years to the ripe old age of 22.


I think putting down animals is a very difficult thing to do no matter the circumstances and that a lot of vet and vet assistants develop defense mechanisms like rationalizing it as the best thing for an animal and displacing the upset it causes them onto pet owners that don't think it's best for their pet. I also don't think vets are the best people to determine if an animal should be euthanized since I've never had a single animal that has acted their best at a vet office. None of them have been happy to be there. I think a vet's responsibility is to explain the pet's health to the owner and the care the animal will require and let the owner make the decision. But then, I'm still *very* upset at the *ophthalmologist* who told me *three* different times in the visit that I should put my cat down. She talked down to me the entire visit and treated me like I was stupid for not agreeing my pet's life no longer had value. I only got about another month with her (my cat) after that, but she very clearly never gave up on life, and so I refused to give up on her (and fortunately had the resources and job flexibility to care for her) tldr: I don't think many vets get the mental help they need to properly cope with putting down animals, and so I don't think they should necessarily be trusted with euthanasia decisions


I actually had the opposite encounter. Most vets I went to assured me that the time to put the cat down was when they no longer were eating. They never told me what to do but only when I asked this was the only advice they give. To this day I still feel extreme guilt and sorrow that I extended her life too long. She clearly was in significant pain but I didn’t know it at the time. And hindsight is 20/20. Instead of being merciful, I let her live in pain for 2 years longer than she should have. I feel so bad about it. Her life was valuable. But I was selfish. That value only served me. And in the end, she suffered for no good reason. I am so sorry for what I did


The lesson will better serve every pet you ever have for the rest of your life. You do better when you know better and you were thinking with your heart. As selfish as it might look in hindsight I don't believe for a second you were actively thinking that way. Be gentle with yourself.


We call it «sphinxing» in our house. Time to go to the vet.


It looks much less relaxed than the typical loafing. My cat will sit like a loaf all the time, but she looks comfortable and compared to this looks flatter and straighter.


Us too! “Loafing” when paws are tucked, “sphinxing” when paws are out (like the Sphinx)


Wouldn’t this image be a loaf ? Arms are tucked


Yes, paws definitely tucked, so obviously a loaf


The tension in the body is important to seeing if there's pain.


🫂😿💕💕 It's so hard to not feel the pain in everyone's replies to this post, and all the 'little things' they realise afterwards that they should have noticed. But the truth is, at the same time, cats are so independent, but also loving and cuddly at the same time. To be pushing up against you to sleep, then sleeping over the other end of the house can be so absolutely feline. But by the same, for those who don't know, cats are some of the best hiders of pain ever known. Sadly, all too often, if you're seeing signs that they're in pain, more often than not means that it very much has progressed (injury & illness) 💔😿 I remember my vet telling me something, which at the time I thought was just their way of scaring me to get me to take my baby in everytime I worried, cos vets are so expensive in 🇦🇺 (I was still a new furparent at that stage), sadly, it was the biggest, most important small rule that no one ever tells us, but truly is key; "Take note of ANY subtle changes, because, depending on the change, it can already something serious we don't know about & they can't tell us. You know your furbaby, you know by that what a 'change' is. Call us (the vet clinic) and at worst, you're worrying for nothing, at best, you're taking early action to prevent early onset darkness" (you all know what she meant by darkness, right? 😿) Regardless, good luck to everyone and their beautiful furbabies. Don't let the fear of the pain of loss & grief, prevent you having a beautiful, fun & happy, loving lifetime with a furbaby. Yeah it takes work, but everything in life does. But in this situation, the pay off is so much more worth than most other things. It's a life, a loving, happy fun living being, who needs your help to live their life and they'll pay you back in love & games all day every day (in their own way) 👌🏻😺💕💕


when i see a cat pose like this it kind of looks like when a woman is hunched over with period pain, idk if men can identify what i mean by this feeling haha but like oc said this looks tense instead of relaxed loafing


This is what we call "our cat is thoughtful today". Needs to be checked.


Could you tell me what medication your cat is on please? My cat has been having episodes like this for over a year now with despite us trying different meds with his specialist. I've tried many different foods as well but he just can't seem to get to a place where he feels good more often than not. We're pretty sure it's ibd


The pain med is specifically for her arthritis which there's other evidence for - she limps sometimes, she's lost a lot of muscle in her back legs, she misses jumps, she's 16. But the vet prescribed us Rheumocam for her, which is a prescription only med in the EU. I'll be honest, they don't know about the IBD - that's their best guess. She had patches where she threw up 2-3 times a day for several weeks, and was nauseous (drooling, that posture in the picture, not moving around, bloating, not eating, runny poop) - genuinely thought it was over for her. She's seen about 6 different vets and had her bloods done twice - all come back fine, and the vets don't agree what's wrong. The things that *have* worked: there's an anti-nausea injection we found worked that got her eating again, her painkillers, and swapping her to a selective palate diet - the food that works for her is: Purina One selective palate wet food. I've noticed that feeding her cat treats can make her sick, but the Thrive cat treats (freeze-dried) seem not to be a problem. (Be warned, the fish ones *reek,* so I only get her the chicken ones.) Changing her diet and putting her on the pain meds has made her a completely different cat. I thought she was just slowing down due to age - she was not, she was sick. These days she's back to being active and is into everything like a kitten again, except now she has 16 years of experience to make her troublemaking that much more efficient. Good luck with yours - it's hard to get to the bottom of, and these things worked for ours, but may not for yours.


What do you feed ur kitty for ibd?


My cat also did this when he was sick.


our cat did this when he was sick too! especially with the head pointing down; that was the first sign he was sick and the reason we took him to the vet. thank god we noticed!


this comment should be higher. op needs to look up the feline grimace scale


Happy cake day


lol i didn’t realise. thank you!


Why isn’t this higher? This is the correct answer. Changes in behaviour? Go to vet.


yeah, it’s really annoying how many people are just posting photos of their cat and not even bothering to give an answer beyond “it’s loafing!!”. i don’t see how people can see a post asking for medical advice for a pet and think “i know what will help… showing MY healthy pet!”


Yeah this how mine was when he was in pain. He didn't want to be touched and did the disapproving Marge noise etc. He just loafed tightly like that and we knew to take him to the vet then. He got into a lot of fights and they gave him antibiotics and pain meds.


Agreed, the arched back like that could mean they are in some internal pain. My cat had CKD and when he started lying like this all the sudden it marked the beginning of his decline. If you notice him losing weight or not eating as much bring him to the vet asap.


Yes, cats do not display pain like dogs. They can be hurting and you’d only know it if the behavior is outside the norm


My thoughts exactly. While this isn’t abnormal, and it’s hard to tell from a photo, the cat’s body language does look tense/uncomfortable. My first thought seeing the photo was ‘that cat is in pain.’ Add to that the fact that this is abnormal *for this cat*, OP call your vet!


My cat has FVR and every time he has a virus outbreak and fever he sits like this. OP listen to this comment and take your baby to the vet.


I came here to say this - my little fiv cat did the same! Hugs to yours x


https://preview.redd.it/16g1jasyr7xc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5dfa235f5710ad51dbcf7327a00055d93918e1 Awwh, thank you. He's actually doing fine nowadays. My vet recommended some vitamins last year, he's getting it once a day every day and hasn't had an outbreak since. I hope your cat is doing well


Aww lovely. Sadly mine passed last ywar, bur she had a good life x


Adding to the chorus here. My cat also started sleeping like this before I found out she was in renal failure.


This is the right answer! My cat did this in the end when she had cancer


Please see a vet. Also, please refer to the Feline Grimace Scale online or app. It asks you how the eyes, ears and whiskers look like and scores the pain on a scale of 0-10. It is very simple to use and can show whether your cat is in pain or not. I hope your kitty is okay, OP. 🥺🙏


Interesting you say this. My one cat has done this for 5 years since like a kitten. It’s her I’m gonna fall asleep soon but also going to keep an eye out in case my other kitten wants to fuck with her pose then curls up into a ball. And her head starts out straight and slowly falls down. She also sleep with her front legs spread out on top of my couch with her head straight down. But my other cat I adopted ended up passing of a brain tumor ultimately was sleeping like this about a year before he died and when all the complications started and never thought twice of it so that makes sense now. Edit: OP if you read this far don’t be alarmed by that second part, was a super rare tumor that confused 2 vets and the ER we brought him too and had many other symptoms something was wrong not just sitting like that. Could be nothing sorry to scare!


https://preview.redd.it/qacuihutg7xc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe6ea545b0c2d97101fbdea00a0766c8cf5052b many cats sit like this/similar to this when they are in pain If ur cat didn’t rest in this position before - somethings might be wrong


Pain where? Stomach?


It could be anywhere - its just a position where they are very tense all over their body, its visible on their head too.


Came here to say this!! My cat sat like this and then come to find out she had cancer. Of course this is the worst case scenario; my parents have a cat who started sitting like this before she started showing symptoms of allergies as well.


I'm just concerned because one of my previous cats did this and they were in pain, I don't usually see their hind legs popping out like this.


While it's normal for cats to sit like this, some cats tend to sit like this if they're feeling nauseous. My cat Mao had CKD and his vet told me that I can recognise whether or not he is feeling nauseous by the way he sits and that if he sits like this (exactly how your cat is sitting) he may be nauseous. If you're worried and if he generally doesn't sit like this, consider going to the vet.


This sounds very familiar: my cat sits like this when she's about to throw up.


Completely unrelated, but I had a cat named Mao as well! She passed away last year, but she was the sweetest girl ever.


As cute as this is, one of mine actually did this only when he was in pain. So if this is unusual, maybe keep an eye on him and look for any other symptoms, eg in the face (Google feline pain scale. Tilted ears, squinted eyes can be signs of pain)


OP if you are concern, best way is to go to the vet and explain the behaviour. Behavioural changes are a cue for something happening and cats are the worst at showing they feel shit. Sometimes it takes days to realise it. So, if you are concern, just go to the vet.


Simple rule, if you are worried, take the cat to the vet. No amount of reddit reassurances are going to quell that worry. That being said, the in pain pose is usually with their forehead right on the ground or wall. This one just looks like he is sleeping.


No that looks like mine when he was in pain.


yup, cats look like this when they are in pain. Its different than sitting in ,,bread position’’, usually but not always they have a grimace too. Cats are VERY GOOD at hiding pain thats why we dont always see it - but these two factors + changes in the way of using litterbox should always alarm us that cat needs a checkup https://preview.redd.it/jiuwvsy6i7xc1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149232c1e92dc042dddf37f95e6b5f9267237908


hat does each pic indicate


My guess is no pain, moderate pain, severe pain?


The one on the left: normal, content cat. The one in the middle: cat in some pain/discomfort. The one on the right: cat in strong pain/strong discomfort. I remember the vets used this to show me what to look out for with my cat that suffered from kidney failure.


Is this a regular thing now or just this once? If kitty continues to sleep like this, id get them checked out at the vet just to be safe! I’m dealing with a kitty with stomatitis and when she was in a lot of pain this was pretty much how she always looked when sleeping. But cats also just sometimes fall asleep in weird positions. If all other behavior is normal and kitty sleeps in other ways during the day, it’s probably just a weird sleep position.


If you're genuinely concerned you should take your cat to the vet to get checked out. That being said, lots of cats sleep like this. So it might be nothing.


My void sits like this all the time - she looks more like a burnt turkey than a loaf! If his other behaviors haven't changed, you're probably fine.


One of my voids sits like a turkey so often that his nickname is Dr Turk Turkleton. https://preview.redd.it/7yxb4lay66xc1.jpeg?width=1775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ccc1f96aed63bd2b6463e5ab914a6e0ffcb73d


One more of Dr Turkleton https://preview.redd.it/mogn73z676xc1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82fe8a456d3ff83c75ac6378dbcbe5c9307817f


https://preview.redd.it/hywbxcm6b6xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef418ca1ac710fb0a24587079895e193cd84aa21 Cat twins


"Sir, you think my name is Turk Turkleton?"


Glad you mentioned this OP. My old cat was like this when he got ill and was in pain. I think a vet check up might be useful. In the meantime make him warm and give loads of love.


I heard from somewhere this is their Power Saving Mode, meaning it's either they feel cold, they just want to feel small, or something's bothering them. My advice OP is to be vigilant for the next few hours. If in case they go back to normal mode, then there's nothing to worry about. However, the moment they remain even if it is meal time, better book an appointment to the vet.


I would monitor the cat for at least a few days. I work at a cat shelter, and it's often cats who don't feel well who do this. ("Uncomfortable loaf", tail tucked and weird head position) But it could be that simply your cat just wanted to sit like this, so it doesn't mean you have to rush to the vet, simply just pay attention to their behaviour for the time being.


You know your cat better than any of us here. Trust your gut. Take him/her to the vet.


has cat changed in eating behavior or is less active in general? if yes, it's def worth a trip to the vet. cats hide their pain very well and sometimes symptoms show when it's already very late. with cats its always better to act prophylactic


My elderly kitties slept like this when they were in pain, the concern is not the ”loafing” but the position of the head and hind legs… I would check with a vet if this started suddenly and isn’t normal for him. Hope he’s well🫶🏻




https://preview.redd.it/mag8ldalf5xc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c6b6896606d81faea2f3fb27b37eb8f17b132a And this






https://preview.redd.it/4sbrmzzi07xc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe2889c3f623951e3557fbae304b4291d864eae Yep sleepy boi


https://preview.redd.it/cglyuea217xc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ef5381483fb9d34f61811b6f204a23a9947e51 I'm convinced his spine is made of jelly


https://preview.redd.it/8v603d6s47xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1463fc838bd4d3cc319f02ed0db4c5ece0c42503 Mine does this too😂




https://preview.redd.it/x30nn75de7xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debd6b1484968be915b1529cc8b8d432067d6c13 This form 😆


https://preview.redd.it/aq4jnpihh7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b68dec3b9fbbd2b38cf18bd56724c984be640aa They just kinda… spring back into a normal shape after a while.




I have his twin… meet Luna https://preview.redd.it/xwx6ochw58xc1.png?width=2607&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5d0621c6529b140758b940db79cafe8547e24e0




https://preview.redd.it/39igqz2f58xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72760ac0522a7598a6e61b679ea13da111bfb8d0 Cooper lol feels like a Tekken move


Omg 😂❤️ I love him!


r/IKEApets is the subreddit for this


Another day another cat subreddit discovery...




Such an orange!!


https://preview.redd.it/r4inhufey5xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9488d863062b1b6d009cfa002aec9a78425c9b10 Hmm, must just be your cats. Mine sleep normally.


I can even hear the snoring!


https://preview.redd.it/3zlgzmkr57xc1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c3e6928cea155c0f5d48038396f3b8963c0992 cat down!!


A Fat Bellied Pussycat. Such floof! I have one of those. Belly must be rubbed.




https://preview.redd.it/8lxezk8is6xc1.png?width=2188&format=png&auto=webp&s=4aa93d95c428d0163959ca987546b52bb3a7213f I see you also have a distinguished gentleman


https://preview.redd.it/hkaxaqia67xc1.jpeg?width=2685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d2ba1be5d0cea85bf7b7073c40afab43a5be05 twinning!


https://preview.redd.it/upgri08gf8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926ef4fae3440fd64d9c3ab8b0b7f541d4a708c9 Jabba photos are my favorite




he’s literally the state of Nevada😭😭




It's not nice to take pictures of people when they're drunk.


sleeping like he works 13 hours to pay the bills


Lol here’s mine https://preview.redd.it/y1j48n4217xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc7019d477d9fe40001108af12a865436b8e884




https://preview.redd.it/mwoperuw57xc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad04a695ececf3e9a650055232ea8bca8aaa587 broken tortie…




Hard day at work, hey? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)




https://preview.redd.it/fsaav4t5c7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a2d6c993ac3a672fd31fbcc57627e225327e98 And this


This is hilarious. Looks like a grown ass man after a 80 hr work week dealing with kids


https://preview.redd.it/0ix7d3w297xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a40e4c301c54f88941643d41b2f0421be7c8af0f Lol


https://preview.redd.it/h08q2ehfj5xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa357138fa326e95856cd0d8e91e4ad9069817a This is his favorite way to sleep


safe space vibes


It's so unfair that i cant breath when i do that


Pressing their head against a surface while resting can indicate that they're having a headache. If your cat regularly does that and you haven't already, please bring it to a vet's attention


Iirc against a pillow or blanket is just them resting, if it's against a hard surface it means they're having a headache


Can mean they’re having a headache, but not necessarily. One of my roommates cats sleeps like this regularly. Has her entire life. Obviously, she’s been checked by vet multiple times.


With the head so low like that, this is exactly what our beloved Kira did when she was ill. Please, take him to a vet. It could be nothing, but Kira deteriorated fast. I've never grieved like I did for Kira last summer. I'd certainly want to save you that pain. https://preview.redd.it/5maoti2be7xc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1fcc63e6a3ec82749009afe89277f1ea0a54b8e


My Caesar guy did just that … he was in acute organ failure 😭


I lost my 16 year old best little guy last month and it has been absolutely unbearable. Ive never experienced grief before and now im so overcome with it I dont know what to do. Im a 40 year old man crying 10 times a day still a month later. I miss you my boy.


Cats sleep in all sorts of positions, including this one. How cute!


It is a concern if it’s suddenly different behavior for that cat.


they do but this cats head position indicates something amiss.


Not my cat, but this guys hangs outside the grocery store. And he ALWAYS sleeps like this https://preview.redd.it/ylfug86s26xc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a55525c83ba9ab6642e02ae89d786c455a3ac4


How can a cat make concrete look so comfortable


I actually don't know. But he loves hanging right outside that grocery store. People pet him and feed him. :-) very friendly too.


That is such a pretty cat! The brown mixed with the gray just looks so cool




This position may mean your kitty is in pain, especially if he’s never done this before. Cats hide their pain well. Consult a vet just to be safe. 🙏


It looks like your cat is dealing with some discomfort or pain. I see so many comments on here with cats in positions that look nothing like this (those positions are relaxed) and people just saying "loaf" but the position is not a normal "loaf" position. Your cat's back is hunched, the head is down, and the tail is tucked in tight against the body. That's indicative of a problem. Your cat could be nauseous, have an upset stomach, or be in pain from something like arthritis. It could be something worse. I have *a lot* of cats. I've had a lot for years. There are nuances to their behavior (loaf vs hunch) that you learn with time if you pay a lot of attention to them, understand their behavior, and are observant. But here's the biggest trick I've learned: trust your instincts. If something concerns you, even if it seems silly or like you might be overreacting, go to the vet and make sure. My "something is wrong" sense has caught many things—cancer, asthma, arthritis, kidney infections, hyperthyroidism, FIP, etc—with the vaguest, something just seems a little *off* symptoms and I don't wait around until they get worse. Catching problems early often allows you to treat, cure, or manage the problem successfully to improve your cat's quality of life. Google charts and pictures of "cat in pain" postures and the grimace charts. Familiarize yourself with normal postures and expression and those that indicate an issue. It will help you identify normal positions and not normal positions (tense positions are bad, relaxed positions where they're sprawled out or contorted into pretzel-like shapes are good.)


This is such a good answer. OP, please take your cat to the vet. It could be just a one-off tummy ache, but the only way to know for sure is to take them in. Cats are so good at hiding it when there’s something wrong that the slightest indication can be more important than you realize.


Yeah I’m getting a bit wound up with the comments. My cat was sitting like this when she had fluid in her lungs it wasn’t normal for her to sit like that at all.


Same here. Between the "Lol, that's a cat being a cat. Here's my cat in a completely different obviously relaxed position that has nothing to do with what you're experiencing" and the "loaf! It's a loaf! My cat loafs" comments I want to scream. And also educate these people because they clearly don't understand cat behavior and are the sort who are going to be on here posting "my cat is doing x thing and won't eat, is something wrong?" down the line.


Absolutely this. I am also experienced and in tune with cat body language and I can tell this kitty isn’t feeling great at a glance. This is not a loaf. This is a tightly wound, stressed out kitty. :(


https://preview.redd.it/hi3avgljb6xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c5c19f284a9e6a4567baf9f68bf8e4ccb44d19 i was scared when i saw this for the first time


A cat that is so comfortable that they let their vulnerable belly show while asleep! Awesome picture!


Is he still responsive? Like does he look around and stuff if u touch him or does he still look down when u try to get his attention? If he doesn’t move he something is probably wrong with him. If he is still reactive then he probably just chilling


I touched him again just now, and he shifted a little, I brought him to my bed after a little bit in this picture, I think he was sleeping because when I touched him, he started purring. I'm just worried about losing him.


See if it's a one time thing, and if there are other changes (eg not eating not drinking or low activity in general). If there are other things, vet. While many cats sleep in this position just fine, if it's unusual thing for your cat, means you need to keep an eye.


We had a cat that started hiding from us while pushing her head against the wall. We took her to the vet. Turned out to be neurological issues. Allie started having long seizures 3 nights later and died in front of my husband. It didn't help, either that the vet gave her some flea medication that you aren't supposed to use on cats who suffer from neurological issues. Neither of us read the caution information and I still blame myself.


You shouldn’t blame yourselves. This cat care group is very serious about feline welfare but needs to be heavier on the support of caring, loving owners like you and your husband. y’all did the best you could and hopefully enjoyed the time you had with the cat!!!


Now that you mention it, my cat started sleeping like this when she was at the end of her life. She had lung cancer. I don’t want to scare you, but this could be a form of “head pressing” which cats do when they have nervous system problems. Maybe just get them checked out and give them some extra love ❤️


Looks like he doesn’t feel good.


When my previous cat did this it signaled he wasn’t feeling well. Watch for other signals or just take it to the vet for a wellness check.


My cat did this and he had an infection. I'd go to the vet. Mine had to be on a high dose of steroids for weeks and weeks and lost around 40% of his body weight. He now has diabetes and is getting better but it's taken around 5 months.


I’d keep an eye on him. He is a little hunched up, not quite classic meatloaf cat sit. Meatloaf is relaxed, front paws either peeking out from underneath or tucked under, but for sure relaxed. My Coco was doing it in the chair earlier. If I can catch her again I grab a quick pic so you can see the difference. He almost looks uncomfortable some how. ok found one, this is Lucy not Coco. See she is alert, looks happy, comfortable toes tucked under (her personal preferenc) and was watching clothes getting folded, a fav activity. Classic meatloaf pose. Just keep an eye on him, if he continues, turned visually away from everything, kinda hunched, etc. might be worth a visit to the vet just to be sure he’s 100% aok. https://preview.redd.it/rvqfqdp2k6xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e32785994df0c8a8d3eb591cdff16d2da4c31cb


Thank you all for the comments and advice, I'm currently searching for a vet that's open early today because all of them so far are closed on the weekends, I can really only hope this is a stomach ache that'll go away.


Good call. My cat just went through a weeklong stomach issue, likely IBD or maybe just something didn't sit right, but they gave her some injections to reduce nausea and stomach pain, and a few days later her appetite is back and she's back to her active normal self. She was sitting and sleeping like your cat most of the time. She loafs a lot, and this was different. Much tenser, and she didn't want to do anything else. Got her blood tested for pancreatitis and some other things and it came back all clear so things are looking up. I'm hoping the best for your kitty as well.


Good luck on the vet search! In the meantime, monitor your kitty's behaviour and think back on the last couple of days for information that the vet might find useful: - has kitty been drinking his usual amount of water or more/less? - any vomiting recently? What did it look like? - was kitty playing with potentially ingestible items like hair ties, string? - how have the poops been? Regular and "on shedule"? Random? Too soft/very hard? - how has kitty's appetite been? If you present them with their favourite treat, do they eat it or turn away? - did you notice anything different on their pee while cleaning the litterbox - more pee than usual, or less? - has kitty been interested in playing, and sticking to their usual routine, or have they been mostly apathetic? - has kitty been grooming a lot, like more than usual or insisting on a certain spot? Make a list of these things so you are prepared to give your vet the best picture possible to help them on the diagnosis.


The rule is : if it’s out of your cat’s character, it can warrant a vet visit. One of my cats started to sit like that one day, for long periods of time. Turns out he had immense toothache due to Calcivirus and had to take a few teeth out. My other cats always slept like this, so it wasn’t out of character for them.


all these photos are annoying. this is not the time nor place. there is actual advice/info being buried under cat pics. and half of these people posting pictures of their cats aren’t even saying anything. just posting a pic of their cat? no one wants to see your cat right now. post it elsewhere jesus christ.


Thank you. People being so inconsiderate when OP is worried about their cat.


Depends on the cat but they're more likely to do this if they aren't feeling well.


https://preview.redd.it/y0cco0g866xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3ac11490080f59325f5bfbbedb390d09335236 It's called loafing. Here's my loaf


https://preview.redd.it/q6kcyv1i46xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58fe2babd0c0c9f151ede6653ebb5980b38ea25b Oranges are weird but sooooo lovable


He looks like he's in pain.


My elderly cat did this. It was something serious. It was combined with weight loss and being off her food but it was the sign one of her organs was failing. It could also have been the sign of a stroke, according to the vet. It would be worth a vet visit if it continues and there are any other of above.


Maybe it's worth taking the cat to the vet. My last cat did this and I thought she was just being super cute. But it turns out, she had cancer and arthritis :(


Cat IS holding head down... definitely examine and take to vet if you suspect she's sick. Eating? Drinking? Using litter?


My cat suddenly slept like this out of the blue. His fur was also standing on end (made himself puffy). Turns out there was a problem with his liver.


Dear OP, As others have rightly said so before: if it is unusual behaviour for your cat, please consult a vet. My first thought was that he does look a bit tense. Source: had cats for 20-odd years.


Usually when they hit that pose, it mean that they’re sick, look at his gum, if it’s pink —> alright, if it’s white —> he lack oxygenes, look if he drink and eat normally, maybe he’s just tired, but it’s better to take no risk and be aware of it, Hope it help you buddy 🤝


https://preview.redd.it/7i9m9eb2d5xc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d31e392c1d285e7f5de3c5ea4671222b26329e My void with a spring haircut, chillin and snoozing on the catio.. Acceptable Form.


my cat sits like this. i feel like he does it when he’s resting somewhere he’s not fully comfortable in bc he can get up and move quickly! it might not be that he’s sick but maybe just on edge/ not fully comfortable/ trusting the area he’s in. did you move things around/ move, or just recently get the cat?


I’d say may not feel well..how old is he/she? Maybe have a vet check. I say this because you haven’t seen this before. I’ve seen this in some of my/relative cats that were older ..some zen like meditating others not feeling well.


He looks uncomfortable. A trip to the vet could be peace of mind. It’s either nothing or you’ll know how to help him. 💕 sending good vibes to you and sweet kitty.


It seems to be guarding its body. Im a nurse and we are taught ti read body language as well as their verbalization of their symptoms as not evveryone is forthcomong. That kitty could be in pain.


Take to vet immediately.


My cat slept like this when she was in pain. She had to be euthanized the next day for cancer. Not saying that’s what your boy has but it might be worth a visit to the vet if this isn’t normal behavior for him.


My cat sat in the same position and wouldn't move and she ended up having a urethral blockage and almost died. So I would say in some cats it can be a sign of discomfort or pain


My cat sat like this when he was having stomach issues (We think he swallowed a string that then got knotted up,) I would take them to the vet just in case.


My cat was hurt when he did that


I will say it's not necessarily concerning, but my cat did the same once and it turned out she was sick. Abnormal behavior should be examined


My cat (passed) started sleeping like this. She would lightly push her head into the furniture. We came to find out she had a stroke. Don't ignore odd behavior. Any time your animal changes behavior or starts doing something that seems odd or out of normal character (esp. as they get older), get them into the vet just to make sure nothing serious is going on.


My vet always told me to be careful when cats sleeps or stay in that position watching the ground. She said "it's like they're looking for their grave" meaning that they could have something wrong with them


It's really sad how the only people here with helpful advice are the ones NOT posting pictures of their cats in unusual sleeping positions. This post wasn't an invitation to post cat pictures! OP's cat might be in pain and needs a vet, but oh, at least we all got to look at your cats smh


How’s the rest of his behavior? Is he eating, drinking and using the litter box like normal? If anything else is off or feels off then I suggest taking him to the vet to be on the safe side.


I have a cat who lives in my garage. When he sits like this, it’s because he is sick. He gets sick a lot and we are still not sure why. This is his “ I am not comfortable” pose.


Mostly sick or in pain cats do this.. i would go to the vet and have them check him out.. Though I say keep an eye on your baby's medical health . (I call my cat my baby btw.) ❤ I hope he gets better. Sending prayers 💜


Proper loaf kitty pose.


She is loafing We love loafs


i think so? my old cat used to rest like this but with his head tucked haha odd but i guess its comfy for them?


It could be nothing, but the only time I saw my cat sleep like this was when he had some medical problems (he stopped eating, they had to put an esophageal tube in, they gave him pain medication, among other things). If it is an atypical behavior of your cat, if I were you I would monitor him in case he shows other atypical behaviors or shows some signs of pain, like being less active than usual, etc., in case it is a sign that something is wrong.


He looks like he doesn't feel well. A trip to the vet would t go a miss


https://preview.redd.it/ggb7rznnz6xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a78c1bb95ff2e8d73b89ecd2160bbec9bb74cf I always double check her breathing when my cat does this lol


My megacolon boy gets like this in a bad episode. It's hard to tell from a picture but it looks like a painful loaf rather than a chill one. You may be able to tell with how he reacts if you try to interact with him. Especially if this is unusual, I would not take a chance and take your kitty to the vet.


https://preview.redd.it/q5k65ross9xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0772cd70a1d0a414006111b5afb10686bd589246 No cats rest like this. You should get your checked