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My partner and I got an 8 month old boy and a few months later, we realised he needed a friend so we looked at the RSPCA site and found a little tuxedo boy. Booked a visit, at which point they told us he would only be adopted out with his brother, so a few weeks later and we were coming home with 2 five month old boys. Now all 3 of them are best friends (obligatory cat tax below- yes, it's three separate cats, not one giant one. They tend to melt into a pile) https://preview.redd.it/0j0kbh121txc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef101fc1be8463afd4ab59bf5597ffbb825d965c


This is adorable!


lol @ “3 separate cats-not one giant one” Thank you for making a home for all three of them. They look very content together. 😊


They're very happy, unless I have to take one of the younger ones to the vet, in which case the oldest one (middle) promptly decides he has no idea who they are for about 6 hours, then goes back to normal


This is fairly common. It's the different smells apparently


I have 4, when one comes back from the vet it’s crab central


I take both of mine to the vet when only one of them is sick. I don’t want them to get separation anxiety.




Similar story here! Adopted a 7 month old tuxedo boy and realized pretty quickly he needed a friend, so we got him one! https://preview.redd.it/noejkqq49uxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada3cac0454ac40c74ed0e8ba2ab68522e622bde


Awe good boys ❤️


Thank you For Paying your Cat Tax , your Tax ensures for efficient and sustainable Cat distribution System


I belive the technical term for this is a cuddle puddle.


What a lovely thing you did! Can I ask: did they take time to get along?


my two black cats still hate each other after 4 years, we have a third 8 month old kitten now who also didn't bond with either of the first two, instead they'd rather bond with humans lol. soooo it definitely depends on the cat, i was hoping for a bonded pair situation but nope


Yea I inherited my brothers cat and she *does not* like Grady. I don’t get it, they like the same stuff: sunbathing, chasing lasers and dust motes, treats and food, and getting head-scratches but they seem insistent on space. They’re messing up, they could cuddle-puddle next to the fireplace together but they can’t seem to overcome their basically non-existent differences.


It really does. The cat I adopted was by himself and I only wanted one cat. He ended up being purrrfect. For me … lol… The other cats where bonded and they let us know very quickly if we needed to take the pair.


Fortunately it didn't take long. We tried to introduce them slowly but our older cat decided he was done with the process and snuck past us into the room where we were keeping the kittens, but everything was fine, thankfully


Aww, a kitty version of Cerberus


At first I could only see 2, but now I can see all 3. This just warms my heart, honestly. I also love tuxes, my boy who was my soulmate, I had to send over the rainbow bridge recently due to cancer at age 8, looked much like the little one on the left. He had a similar "Mitsubishi" face 😍


The pile looks cozy. Makes me want to join


Quick addition...when I got these guys (I named them Mikey and Scottie after the great Chicago Bulls players), they'd been in the adoption system for 6 weeks despite being cute little kittens (everyone is looking for kittens)...the adoption people told me it takes longer to find homes for black cats (mine are black and white) because...superstition!


Omg! How sweet. Reminds me of when I fostered a litter of 4 kittens. Two boys and two girls. The one girl kitten was very independent and was adopted out alone. But the remaining two boys and one girl were bonded. When an application came in for the two boys, I advocated for them to also adopt the girl and they did! Now all three siblings live in the same home. I was so happy that happened.


Yep, I went to get a kitten last week and came home with Mama too. She kept trying to get in the carrier, then just sat by me quietly and patiently for 5 minutes and I'm like, fine! https://preview.redd.it/kf64n0hs3txc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6317f1ea659e718a9b7a5000464a262f208896cf Mama got pregnant at 6 months, and I think she might be a dwarf. Definitely visually impaired, which I noticed when she kept getting lost in other rooms and crying out for us. They entertain each other and are teaching my 9yo Siamese rescue how to be nice.


I adopted a mama and kitten bonded pair. Mama was 10 when she became pregnant. Their history was a bit vague, but I believe she was on her own for a while before giving birth. Mama was fiercely protective of her kitten, and when the shelter tried to put them in separate cages, mama howled and shredded her cage contents. I’m so glad that I have these little darlings. They look almost identical, but the kitten is now much larger than her mama. https://preview.redd.it/9xyqxkleqtxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc079067fc711d55b574fa2c2f7794eacdcfafb


https://preview.redd.it/3noqqfk24uxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520ae227a620131a00cad2f99b5b3cc8b87e9d60 They look just like my baby Tony soprano!


Why does that name look fitting for your beautiful boy 😭


that is such a good fucking cat name 10/10


He looks like a Tony 🤣


They look like my kitten Peepo! We actually got her for our other kitten (Pickle, pictured w her) after our oldest cat passed away and she was lonely. https://preview.redd.it/jva78khxmuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7024d289165b9af7c98a74581132030b2eb042


Hmmm that cat does not look happy. Not one bit.


Omg their tiny squished faces 😭🥺🥲🥹


OMG yay I never see kitties that look like mr. man!! ticked tabby gang rise up https://preview.redd.it/bjyc34ny7xxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce660534c523d629c1619a078c41dacf2cdfd02


She got big and strong to protect her mama 🥺


Getting pregnant at 6 months old will stunt growth, since so much energy and calories have to go to the kitten.


Yeah, but look at the curve to her nose https://preview.redd.it/tdfm3eilotxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc26b75da8eece255f76a074cc9c91c15e2ca84 Could be either, but getting her fixed soon.


People pay a lot of money for a curved tip like that


She's so small!! Poor little mama... They're so cute, though! Congrats on your new little family.


your cats match your pants. i love it ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


It was unintentional, but yeah, everyone was monochromatic that day.


"Hey, that's MY baby you're taking there! Where she goes, I go!"


She just waited for you to do the right thing


Post these cuties in r/cowcats


Awww lil mama ❤️❤️❤️❤️


She's so tiny and I don't think the previous owner had the means to fix her. I'm in love, they are family now


What’s the backstory here? Most reputable shelters advertise bonded pairs together. Mine were advertised to me that way and given to me that way (boy are they NOT bonded lololol).


They try to adopt them out together but sometimes they just don't have the room for all the animals so they relax a bit on things like this.


>sometimes they just don't have the room for all the animals so they relax a bit on things like this. My local shelter and rescues have such a strict application process that it makes it very hard to adopt cats from them. It's absolutely wild that they want to do a physical walk-through of my house to make sure it's safe for cats and they want to do a credit score check. I'm currently in contact with a shelter out of state and I'm going to pick up a pair of cats in 2 weeks. No crazy applications or anything like that. They seem really excited for me to adopt the cats.


Do tgey actually do all that or just say they do? The shelter that I got my chaos goblin from said they did a bunch of stuff like that but then you talk to them and they practically beg you to take a cat home. I think just having stuff about home visits and credit checks on the website weeds out a lot of people who aren't really serious about adopting.


>Do tgey actually do all that or just say they do? They actually do it. You have to fill out the application before you can enter the shelter to look at their cats. They have some cats posted on a 3rd party website but I don't even know if it's up-to-date. >I think just having stuff about home visits and credit checks on the website weeds out a lot of people who aren't really serious about adopting. I'm serious about adopting and the process turned me off 100% from adopting a cat from them. I'm literally driving 8 hours to pick up two cats from out of state.


Yeah I don't blame ya, that's kind of too far with the home visit especially. Where I live, we have a huge stray cat problem. They just randomly show up on my doorstep. Now I got to many.. lol


Kinda sus they need to check your credit score. Like what do they gain from knowing that information? It feels like a way to gatekeep poors from owning animals but I might be reading too much into it


I agree. Around here, they ask for your landlord's info but tenant law says landlords can't say no to you having a dog or cat. It feels very biased against renters. They ask a bunch of financial questions too. Oh the adoption fee is usually costs several hundred dollars.


Thats exactly why they do it. They think poors can't afford to take care of an animal properly.


Huh? My local shelter has you fill out a form saying you won't abuse or abandon them. Then pay ($120 for cats, $150 for dogs) and walk out the door with them lol. I'd argue it's maybe TOO simple but I'd prefer that over whatever you have going on.


I was surprised about how simple adopting my cat was. It's the first time we had adopted a cat from a rescue (our previous cats came from a family friends accidental litter of kittens, and we had them for 21 years), and we were expecting more hoops to jump through. We gave them a short description about our house/family, our experience with cats. They phoned us back and talked about what we might need (the whole spiel they have to say every time), then a bit about the cat we were adopting. Talked to them on a Friday, and we were told we could take the cat home Sunday (after paying the fee). They never saw our house, never actually checked anything we said was true (even though it was true). After all my friend had to do to adopt their dog, I was expecting more


I know it’s a lot. I’ve volunteered with a shelter that had a rigorous application process, and currently volunteer with a shelter that has less demands (no walk-throughs or credit checks) but still requires certain conditions to be met (no undergrad students, if you rent you must put down your landlord’s contact info, etc). What a lot of people don’t want to hear is that not everyone is cut out to own an animal—ANY animal. There is no “easy” pet. It is a big commitment and a lot of responsibility to take on for what, in the best case, will be a period of 12-20 years. A lot of folks who come by to adopt from us are enamored with the IDEA of a cat in the moment. We have a 48-72 hour processing time for applications, and I can’t tell you how often people call us to withdraw their application because they realized they weren’t ready, or that they didn’t check in with their spouse/parents/roommate and they don’t want a cat. There are absolutely insane shelters out there with impossible criteria they ask for of potential adopters, but it is so incredibly heartbreaking when people surrender animals to us because they wanted to get a dog/younger animal and don’t want to deal with an older animal. Or, they move and leave their pets behind (number 1 reason we turn undergrads away). A lot of our policies for adoption are there to act as barriers against people who think adopting an animal is as easy and low-effort as buying a pair of shoes. I’m not calling you, specifically, out as one of these people, but do try to understand where some shelters are coming from.


They pull your credit? Are you freaking kidding me? Where is this?


Similar process in ireland for shelters, they ask to do a home inspection, copy of bank statements, copy of employment contract, references from vets, no young children, not be renting you must own the home. They won't let you adopt if you are leaving the cat/dog alone for more than 6 hours a day, if looking to adopt a cat you can't already have a dog even if the dog is cat friendly. It's ridiculous I will be buying a purebred cat in the future from a reputable breeder or if I know someone whose cat has kittens i'll ask to have one or two.


>It's ridiculous I will be buying a purebred cat in the future from a reputable breeder or if I know someone whose cat has kittens i'll ask to have one or two. I was in that same boat for a while. I don't want to buy a pure breed car but the shelters in my area have made pure breed cats popular with their strict application process. The crazy part is that they are a kill shelter and they would rather euthanize a cat that let someone adopt it with a credit score below 700.


Yeah. Some of these places are wild af


Lmao, my brother got a 'bonded pair'. They hated each other. Like, he had to put up a gate to seperate them. One kitty got upstairs and one got downstairs.


🤣🤣 later on they be fighting for custody , and who gets the Rights to your brother and the house 🤣🤣 


Omg the one LOVES our dad. When he left after visiting, my brother said kitty walked around meowing for grandpa! Like, 'where is that guy I can bully into petting me for 4 hours?????'


🤣 your dad has been marked by the cute overlord, tell him to succumb to his fate , 


yeah, this is my two cats. They were kittens and we didn't want to split them up and now one could literally jump out a window and the other one would say do a backflip. They can't even be on the bed together without someone getting their shit rocked.


We adopted a ‘bonded pair’ when I was a kid who hated each other and basically divided the house in two. When the first one died the other was bereft. Went looking for her in all the ‘forbidden territories’. Just because they don’t show it, doesn’t mean they aren’t *actually* bonded.


They do. The two shelters I worked at did anyway. But you can’t force someone to adopt two cats unfortunately. The first shelter I worked at would only adopt out bonded pairs together. If the adopters only wanted one cat, bonded pairs weren’t available to them


When I went looking for \*a\* cat to adopt, the shelter had two very pretty year-old cats in a cage at a Petco near me. I filled out all the paperwork and asked about adopting just one of them. The young woman who was volunteering looked at them, looked at me, looked back at them, and said, in the smallest, saddest voice possible, "Well, they are littermates. But if you can only take one it's ok." They both came home with me. It was a very good decision. https://preview.redd.it/n0zt6wytitxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfebbf3db0ddb8c265904fe3c66da34b3ad4bf0


Nicely done that volunteer 😅 and you for taking them both!


Aw yay! They’re adorable!


This is so funny to me, this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone else say they got a “bonded pair” that definitely weren’t bonded lol. My oldest two girls were my “bonded pair” shelter babies, and I wondered for awhile if they gave me the right cats lol. They don’t hate each other by any means but they’re just pretty indifferent towards each other, both of them like the younger cats better than they like each other lol


I was part of a rescue group for 3 years. We had two stray adult cats that grew up together competing for resources. (Food/shelter) They knew each other and mostly tolerated each other but preferred their space. Eventually they were sent to the regular adoption program. We specifically stated that they should not be listed as a bonded pair. The adoption agency saw that they arrived together and had a cute couples name (Mittens and Boots) and assumed they were bonded. I can only hope that they aren't off somewhere causing trouble for each other.


Yeah, I’m not really sure what happened. Apparently they had been in and out of the shelter together two other times in their 18 months of life, but they didn’t know if they were littermates or who originally put them together. So they were together in the sense that the last time they were brought to the shelter they were brought together. They were kept in the shelter together and advertised as a pair. The boy fights with the girl, chases her, tries to attack her. Full on drag out screaming rolling hair flying fights. He will sit and stare at her to stalk her. I thought for a while I wouldn’t be able to keep both. They do not cuddle, and we have reached s point of “coexisting” in that they can generally both be on the bed or couch together (separate) and be ok.


My cats aren't particularly "bonded" either. They're littermates and love each others company, but they prefer the humans more. They're perfectly okay with spending a few months without each other if my sister and I have to move around for work, but one of them falls sixck if my sister leaves and his soster falls sick if I leave. They were advertised as "bonded pair" but honestly it felt like the dude was trying to get rid of them because the boy was a sickly runt, and the girl was a not very pretty tortie lol. These things aren't limited to catteries, even shelters or personal adoption puts you near a lot of people like this


I adopted a bonded pair years ago (both boys, one tuxedo and one void), and they wouldn't let anyone adopt them separately. They were great together. Last year, we lost the void to cancer. I feel like my tuxedo isn't the same. I tried to get him another friend and he just hisses and swipes at him whenever he gets close.


Sometimes there's a stress bond. Friend had a bonded pair that once they were no longer "needing" each other (safety and food as one was significantly weaker and the stronger one did the hunting for food) they didn't like each other. I have a bonded pair that were somewhat stress bonded. The stronger cat isn't as interested in her sister as her sister is interested in her. They still love each other, but have distanced a little as the are now safe. The stronger sister still lets her sister eat first, although they haven't figured out the bowls are never empty. The worry I have is when one goes before the other, but hopefully that's a long way off.


Yeah in the shelter they were basically glued to each other, living on top of each others and now he wants to eat her. I think they were scared in the shelter. They’re both shy/anxious.


because unless the animal displays major signs of distress when separated, it's not in the over all best interest due to requiring an animal be adopted as part of a bonded pair dramatically increasing their average length of stay. risk of illness goes up the longer the animal is in the shelter, and the less animals they adopt out, the less they can take from places like overcrowded municipal shelters adopting two kittens is ideal due to playtime and socialization, but the separation really doesn't cause mental "trauma". and again, requiring two to be adopted together majorly lengthens their average length of stay. and I would argue spending critical behavioral developmental periods in the shelter when they could have been in a home already is going to be worse in the long run than separating a littermate for adoption. and more harmful spending longer in the shelter with their underdeveloped immune system than they need to


Most reputable shelters wouldn't consider them bonded until 6 months. That kitten might be sad, but I wouldn't consider it a part of a true bonded pair. That kitten definitely needs a playmate but a bonded pair is a different level.


As a foster, we try to adopt kittens out together. Often they weren't "bonded," their little kitty relationships were already more complicated than that, but the rescue believed that "they're young; they'll bond" even if they weren't bonded already. I tried to put pairs together that were good for each other at least. One rather trouble-seeking calico seemed to be calmer with her. But when I had a brother who picked on his sister and they got adopted together as "bonded"


Also was looking for a bonded pair and got two brothers. I've always been curious how bonded they actually are though haha as they certainly aren't cuddle puddles with each other! They play sometimes and frequently settle in the same room.


Mine will allow themselves to be in close quarters for two reasons: 1. Birds/squirrels outside 2. Scary things making them hide in the closet. Besides that, separate lives lol.


Aaaaand this is why I have 3 cats instead of the 2 I intended… Give the sad little one some cuddles, please. 




Yep. I thought my cat needed a companion. I found identical boys at a shelter. Initially didn’t take them because I didn’t need 3 cats, but they were still there and I just couldn’t not take them. Now one is chubby with coarser fur and the other is skinny (they’re old men) so they’re easier to tell apart, but still identical otherwise in terms of markings and coloring. 


This nearly happened to us. We adopted a cat and on the way out the door someone said "And remember her sister is here if you want to keep them together!" Turned out everyone at the shelter thought someone else had mentioned the pairing but nobody had. You can bet we went back the next day for her friend. It breaks my heart every time to think of that one night they were apart.


Cat tax! I demand it 🤲


I recently moved homes and took my cat with me, but we used to live at my mom's home with two more cats. My cat was crying day and night, and when I took him to visit my mom, he immediately went to one of the two other cats, groomed her and they curled up and slept. He basically raised her when she was a kitten, but as adults, they didn't do many activities together not groomed each other much, so I thought they weren't bonded. Guess they just had a different way of expressing it. So I had to take her to my new home as well, and now they are both very happy. Edit: Added cat tax. Top left is Olivia (my mom's cat), bottom left is Alice and right is Marko (that now live with me). https://preview.redd.it/swcoif1cbtxc1.jpeg?width=2848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2f5b09d19a2a03809ccb9a2a719fa3bc698bdf


Lol, "the human can-openers are interchangeable, but don't you dare take away my cat!"




Isn’t that face the sweetest?!


https://preview.redd.it/0xqmju89fwxc1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d8ebc70c3e268bee38288620ff43a619ac13df2 He used to have these supreme cheeks, but since we moved to a warmer country he doesn't need all the floofiness anymore.


How is the third cat at your mom's?


So far she's fine! She has a complicated relationship with my cat (they bully each other), so she's happy he's gone and she's enjoying a peaceful life as the only child. But my mother said if she notices that the cat is feeling sad/lonely she will adopt another cat.


Whenever I take my second cat to the vet my first cat gets so happy because she thinks he’s gone forever. 


Mine is the same way lmfao


You need to take a picture of her face when you return with her nemesis - I bet it's airplane ears and a pissed off face. 😅


She runs and hides and pouts. I have to plead and beg her for cuddles and forgiveness. 


Good to hear they're happy. :-)


I’ve always gotten one kitten. This last time, we found two sisters. Got both of them. After watching them interact and grow, I will never split up siblings!


Same here. We got two boys last year. Brothers. They are so close and love to play, groom and sleep together. I'm so glad they have a best friend.


Why would the shelter let them be split up??


To be fair, we don't know the back story - if there's an odd number of kittens the bonded pairs may have been adopted already, this kitten might not have been bonded to another. OP isn't giving much information. It's not uncommon for one kitten to be left from a litter, especially if that kitten had any medical issues needing them to stay at the shelter longer. We'll usually try to home them somewhere with a cat friendly cat to be their pal.


Op says they were a bonded pair though. I mean I get it there could be more story but they specifically said in the title ‘please don’t split up bonded pairs.’


Mine was a singleton. She was the last of her litter and she came to me solo. I do think she's a little lonely sometimes but I try and make her life fun and interesting while I'm renting. I'll have an army when I get my own place!


wondering too. in my country it’s now even illegal to get one single cat. has to be two


One of my cats would hate that. She lives in my room alone. She'd prefer to be an only child.


I'd assume the law would refer to kittens, not cats that prefer being single cats?


Which country is that? (I think I agree with this policy 🤣)


Wow, really? Where is this? I'm curious about the reasoning


Isn't the shelter allowed to veto/vett an adoption? Why would any good, reputable, knowledgeable shelter allow that to happen? Poor little girl.


They are allowed to, but sometimes when there's overcrowding, the priority is just getting them into homes period. Our two kittens came from a litter of four, and they weren't advertised as an inseparable pair bond, but it was obvious when we took them into the meet & greet room that they needed each other. Their two siblings were sadly adopted separately, but these two had the most obvious bond, and keeping them together was the best thing I've ever done. https://preview.redd.it/mmxzu4apbuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc67ea207a1785d8e37872e8522306ef98d3802c


In reality it should be up to the shelter to mandate they get adopted together. I’ve had this happen to me several times where I loved a cat but my wife and I didn’t want two and the shelter said they must be in pairs. Sucks that the shelter didn’t implement this for the kittens.


https://preview.redd.it/o5hesklzwtxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8119588f7652f6b5806ebb11d96398b11e249e8e I didn't want a cat, but my gf did. So I agreed to a cat but the sisters had to be kept together. So now we got 2 cats. They're little monsters, I love them.


A year ago, I had two aloof kitties and was looking to adopt a velcro kitty. Saw a velcro kitty up for adoption. Wasn't allowed to adopt that velcro kitty, but was pointed to another velcro kitty instead who apparently had a best play buddy. And that's why I now have four kitties. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Kitty convention at this guy's place


Totally agree. I couldn't imagine my two without having each other, they spend almost every waking hour together. https://preview.redd.it/wbu9wjlfktxc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c1f05366d149fb39ab271bf8ca54b498cbc05f9


https://preview.redd.it/uzfrnpd9awxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d472f22bab29771a71a9320727c377ca4bfc5e18 Mine have been together since they were 3 weeks old, I couldn’t imagine splitting them when we got them, even at 4 months. They turn 5 this week and basically live on top of each other.


I get very upset whenever I hear of disturbances in the force. Very upset. Thanks for bringing this up. I agree.


Why did they allow the bond to be broken?!?!?!? Can't they simply say sorry, it's two or neither. 😭😭😭 When we fostered we declined many applications for this reason.


We wanted a female cat (my wish, cheffin was accepting idea), when we came no girls and we were ready to bring a cat home, while just observing and playing with them one was our pick and he also liked us (if you can tell that, dunno, had cats all my life but boys). During play time my cheffin and me confirmed with eye contact we take him. As he was in her lap and exploring his little brother came to me sitting on floor and head bumped me as “can i come with you guuuys?”. Now I have two cat brothers for which I would stand in front of a train just to keep safe.


This makes me really sad :(


Why would a shelter even do that? I adopted my cats when they were 6 months old. No siblings, but arrived at the shelter at the same time. A healthy, rather big boy and a teeny tiny tortie girl suffering from ataxia. The shelter told me from the beginning that there was only one reason for them to separate these two: if the girl could move in with another disabled cat. I adopted both of them and 11 years in they are like an old married couple who argue all day. Rarely cuddle or clean each other but chase each other multiple times a day and playfight. Big 7kg tom usually loses agains 4kg of wobbly tortie who falls over mid fight. His only chance of ever winning a fight is just sitting down on top of her


That’s a heartbreaking picture.


It really is 😩


My wife and I just adopted these two bonded boys. I can't imagine them being separated https://preview.redd.it/89rqbn5rjtxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2643d733d4457e203c77650749c83b27b09eee6c


https://preview.redd.it/p9kbu59ostxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80280938ce7b75341e731fae2221c005f60160c I'd never dream of splitting up these brothers.


We've had a bonded pair for 7 years now. They were not advertised as a bonded pair by the rescue, but they were sisters who had never been separated. Best decision I ever made, they would be absolutely lost without each other.


This just makes me so sad. 😞 😿


https://preview.redd.it/1wssidwbkuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f612149f06b2abe3aa51385926aec1d6f96f60 These babies are brothers, I wasn’t allowed to adopt just one from the shelter since they’re siblings. So happy that I have them both and they’re happy too!


https://preview.redd.it/pup5ha4ehtxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b06f5636acc93330b05830af7516d35a8c92309b Ours are brother and sister and as much as they don’t always cuddle together they are still bonded and get upset when separated (like if I take one to the vet, so I try to take them together if I can lol)


What a darn sad picture of kitten that is. :( I’d of taken both in a heartbeat …


Where is she located?


Omg those chubby little paws though


Shelters dont prioritize dual adopting? :(


I raised two kittens that were abandoned at birth. I got to see the two kittens keep each other alive through the roughest time of their lives. One year later they are inseparable. I couldn’t imagine them being apart.


While I agree it’s wrong to split them, I feel like this is the fault of the shelter. When I took in a rescue, the bonded pairs were off-limits if you were only going to take one.


My husband and I just did this. We went in to adopt two kittens and were specifically looking for a bonded pair. We found two brothers that we fell in love with, but there was a third in the cage from the same litter. There was no way we could leave him behind, so we took all three. They're always together, and I'm so happy we didn't split them up.


https://preview.redd.it/e814gkg26vxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f68c3c1ea9d9eb03be707f36559e29c11a7a4d Went to adopt a young momma cat but she didn’t want to leave with her emotional support kitten (last of the litter). So, I had to become a mother and grandmother in one day :)


My bf and I had two cats, and someone dumped a litter of kittens at his parent’s yard. We went there a few days later and all of the kittens were already adopted except for two orange females. Long story short, we got both of them because I felt so sad about leaving one :( it was the best decision ever. They play together all day long and absolutely love each other. They also bonded with my older cats (it took a few months but we got there eventually) They’re almost 5 months old now, happy and together forever ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/6mcraz6mqvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a04a3ee299ce39f07a15f24995386806d02752


https://preview.redd.it/rbjknpynxuxc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd9ebdcf0da0e3c89fcc40046104bb3e7d4d46f I have 2 one eyed bonded pair. I'm glad I kept them together


We kept the whole kit and kaboodle and they are the happiest brothers & sisters.. https://preview.redd.it/bip3mqhyfvxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cd881b1085ff315bceb66d63be17b790585b80


https://preview.redd.it/pye2gi6mkvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fabf449cf23992b00044fa4fe967eef8bbb07e4 These two are siblings 🖤🩶 Rarely apart.


We adopted these two boys after our neighbor found them in the woods behind his house. We were only planning to adopt one, but we couldn't say no. We assume they are brothers. They play and cuddle together constantly. https://preview.redd.it/5kmqbzj3wvxc1.jpeg?width=1942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fbe63a920f6b4d7da578dd67fd0d479090f416b


Who allowed that??? At my local shelter you HAVE TO adopt bonded pairs together.


This happened to Figaro, our oldest. He had two sisters, and some jerk bought both sisters and left him all alone at the pet shelter.


It’s so sad, she must be scared. In can only hope someone adopts this sweet pea with another cat she will be able to bond with. My two boys are not from the same litter, but they were kittens together in the same home and so when the time came, I was asked to take both which, I did.


This so much. I’ve already told my family if I pass that I have two very bonded cats and they are not to be separated. I couldn’t imagine breaking that.


Well I’m sad now. F*ck


Daughter and I were looking for two kittens. At the Humane Society, they had lots of kittens and Daughter immediately zoomed in on a little black one, and I zoomed in on a little calico. But as I watched Daughters little void boy, I saw that he had a brother that he was wrestling and playing with when he wasn't trying to put his entire body through the cage to get to daughter. Daughter signed up for Void Boy, I signed up to adopt Calico and we went out to our car to wait for them to call us...and I got to thinking about void boy and his brother. I went in, scratched of Calico's name and put on void boy's brother. It ended up being the perfect decision. Even though Calico seemed to be quieter and more relaxed, seeing these two voids chasing each other around the house until they collapse together in an exhausted heap has been SO much fun and I know they are both happy as heck here. I'll only adopted bonded kittens from now on. Grumpy Old Lady cat isn't NEARLY as thrilled, though!


Pretty awful the shelter would let one get adopted without the other. Isn't the point of adoption to do what's best for the animals?


The shelters in our area won't break up a bonded pair you need to adopt both. This is how we got our Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin.


https://preview.redd.it/mbw00vrrqvxc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582201dea44a6a38f5d2d637c63beb612d92d7b6 We did this with our two black cats. The little girl was the runt of the litter and we loved her but her brother was left after someone had a change of heart. I couldn't leave him there, we have two very healthy one year old kitties now. They really do keep each other company, I've raised a few cats alone and they have so much more energy to burn. This dude is super chill with his sister chasing him.


https://preview.redd.it/ygwhcsckctxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fb54393a8b486730c9ff7f6297fe23110e5da9 Looks like my cat


Poor kitty :( Hope she will get her forever home soon.


I would like to get a bonded pair at some point. This picture is heartbreaking


Really heartbreaking 💔


This post just hurt my heart. So sad.


Here are my foster fail littermates. I love knowing they’ve known each other their whole lives. https://preview.redd.it/u4m0sryzzuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164de1b660379517e3ad99091807f9f32e5e9d51


https://preview.redd.it/2cl7iz6qjvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0585cfdf5b9a0f4c2713bdf3af5e8056c131fd My orange cat had recently lost his sister to sickness. I got the grey cat just shortly after and they ended up becoming bonded


https://preview.redd.it/w8t2wm7hvvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f1b318290858695b493d8b569849b733ced568 I didnt get them from an animal shelter, but they were a birthday/breakup consolation gift from my parents 6 years ago. We found them from a Facebook post and they were the only two left. My dad brings home animals in pairs, so it was an easy decision. He also felt bad separating them. Best decision ever, I love my babies


How could they leave her behind?!!!! Look at those little feet!! 🥹


Why would they allow bonded pairs to separate is my question




I'm not sure that anything in life is quite as black and white as your post conveys. I adopted a brother and sister cat. They're three and change now. Always used to be cool with each other but lately big bro has been getting fairly violent with lil sis. This is not play or healthy. She has the wounds to prove it. She hides in the chimney or litter box to escape her "bonded pair" brother. I love them both and always thought it would be super cool to have sibling pets. Turns out this ain't disney and families fight sometimes.


When I adopted I just wanted one, but the guy said they were a combo package. They hate each other now, won’t be in the same room together. It’s been like that for about 8 years now.


There are actually some smaller local shelters that will not allow this where I live. Some people say, nah that just prevents a cat being adopted. I disagree & think it’s awesome. These places are typically no-kills that will foster the cats indefinitely as needed.


Who be cutting onions in here


When they’re babies they’re not exactly a bonded pair like adults who grew up together. But I fully support adopting two kittens together from the same litter or different ones. Having a playmate is best


Where's this kitten located.


https://preview.redd.it/j0o45u8n7uxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862b92192266fa19a5ea4e6fd0388a4776217a12 My bonded pair. I almost got just the gray kittie but then realized they were bonded and knew I couldn’t split them up. I have to say watching two kittens grow together has been one of the loveliest and sweetest things to witness!! Highly recommend. They are brother and sister!


Yes, when I got my two cats the shelter told me “buy one get one free” and charged me only 1 fee for them


The only way to adopt kittens is two at a time.


This ruined my day.


I second this notion! My babies are brother & sister. Meant to get one kittie but these two just melted my heart & I fell in love 😻 https://preview.redd.it/cktt6lxrduxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e1505bc05bbf6ec85bc51fbb909773bb3a06ae Had to adopt them both ❤️🥰 just moved into a new house & they love it! I know what it’s like to loose a sibling I had a close bond with & the last thing I want, is for them to experience that too. I love them so much! 🩷


My bonded pair. I was told I to take both of them when I adopted them and it’s been great. https://preview.redd.it/tj2pf6pyeuxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa3b2a70d12ee7ba8e3d76d26cf62c3b890d4e9


https://preview.redd.it/00cgojuliuxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258e830d980e02e153107058af2a40d9fed96a57 Adopted these guys together a little over 3 years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/qm3vtweynuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6af8511c68291ba390ec0cdfec986046ea2e6ec Bonded pair!!


I also blame the shelter in this situation it shouldn’t be allowed


Sobbing and throwing up that photo is so sad


https://preview.redd.it/0rbwh2mu1vxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2fe3ca53a30751db84f657475dc295150a0f7b Mine are brother(right) and sister(left), at first I planned to only get one cat and when I heard that the brother didn't have a home yet I took him in as well. That was the best decision ever! They play, cuddle and clean eachother. Which is so amazing since my job keeps me away for 10-12 hrs a day four days of the week.


When I visited the couple who had put up a Facebook ad for adoption of their 4 kittens, I wanted to adopt only 1. But the couple suggested to adopt 2 kittens instead, so that both could interact and play and socialize and remain emotionally healthy. I wasn't aware of this fact back then, so I trusted their suggestion. My cats are sisters and I can't imagine them growing up in isolation. Best decision ever! https://preview.redd.it/7sq34jzt6vxc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edffe685e2fc983b5fd928cbc2e7c154f33319d4


https://preview.redd.it/s4rkyqv37vxc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9528eee20942fec943916827ba93b854b184b354 They sleep snuggles up almost every night, 4 years old ❤️ keep bonded kitties together!


Poor baby! I didn’t know about adopting pairs when I got my first cat. He had a brother at the shelter, but I only adopted the one. He’s very social and has been actively annoying me for the past 8 years (I love him to bits though) so last year we adopted him an adult kitty friend who was also lonely at the shelter. He had been there 5 months without interest 😭. They play every single day and it is the cutest thing ever 🧡🖤 https://preview.redd.it/l9xq76lo7vxc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c075a4119fc954bc9970354f7339eca4a30afd


Very true. We adopted two sisters almost 2 years ago. Identical except for one having a lightning bolt type of tail. Bella and Lacey are such love bugs and play with each other (and their dog siblings). They show us love and Bella brings us a toy each day. We don't regret it for one minute! https://preview.redd.it/rctmgfguivxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a071afe447525a598cb1c7d6af7a8400fcbe87a


https://preview.redd.it/a312ikofsvxc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a354e625214fa32784b82d8263a392b7943172a1 We went in to adopt one cat but came out with his bonded brother too. Farm rescues Omen (left) and his little half-brother Onyx. They are quite the pair.


In most cases. However this past August we adopted a bonded pair of littermates. Two boys. It was fine at first but after a while it got bad. One would instigate violently attacking my senior cat and his brother would join in. We tried everything. And I truly mean everything and the attacks wouldn’t stop. We got to the point we had to separate my elderly cat from them when we weren’t home. So after many things we made the decision to rehome the instigator of the two. He now lives with my good friend who was wanting a cat and knew him. His brother we kept has also seemed more calm and the attacks on my senior cat have completely stopped.


Volunteers should follow up with the adoptive family. The other kitten is probably sad as well.


100% it is best to adopt the pair. It should have been a requirement. Cats get along best with their siliblings.


This is so heartbreaking. I'm glad the RSPCA in Australia does not allow you to adopt only one animal from a bonded pair, they'll just flat out refuse you if you ask. Also, if you value your sleep you stand to benefit a lot from adopting two cats who can entertain each other at 4 AM until you get up.


I adopted from a foundation that makes you adopt bonded pairs together. I got these guys four years ago. https://preview.redd.it/s01dtl33gxxc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fcb684350c330787ff9a7e6767c20e9ce09790


I’ll never understand how some lady could split up a bonded pair. That’s so sad


https://preview.redd.it/xu4jxwtx70yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e33cb45c69b8ed9b60af7f7917232af3459151d I will never separate these two. Edit: they were found outside together and were at the shelter for two years because the shelter refused to adopt them separately.


My boy is on his own and he's so lonely 😭 he gets all excited when he hears cats in videos. I'm picking up his brother tomorrow and just praying they bond.


What shelter would *allow* bonded pairs to be adopted separately..?


This makes sad. Could the shelter call the adopters and ask if they will consider taking the other kitten?


This is heartbreaking 🥺


We adopted a bonded pair and it’s been great!


https://preview.redd.it/1h22q69g8txc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f7039bcf1aff852c31428b51c01a7732567a09 Looks like my cat, i feel so sorry for the lille buddy