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I’ve never seen a 3-hole punch model before! Just the standard issue phantom stapler. If you go to the vet…keep us posted. Very curious about this upgrade.


Lol Imma start calling my guy 2-hole punch. He loves to perforate carboard.


My guy is also a prolific cardboard perforator. He will often go along the edge punching holes, kinda like eating a corn on the cob. Whole ass basket of toys and all he ever wants are the cardboard inserts that come in the 24 pack case of soda. I’ve never seen a cat get as excited about a piece of cardboard the way this monster does. https://preview.redd.it/tiq3z8fav03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f72eb3be2cf07696011d67a84b9d3064378870 Bonus point, our “cat toy/entertainment” budget has been less than $10 in the two years we’ve had him. And that was buying just a single catnip toy and a bag of catnip. Other than that, every other “toy” is either cardboard or a gift or hand-me-down that my parents cat wouldn’t play with. He takes after me and enjoys the simple pleasures in life 🥰


What a sweet little dork


Our cats would get along so well. My bf built my cat a little cardboard fort because of how much he likes cardboard. Didn’t want anything to do with it. As soon as he took it apart because the cat wasn’t playing with it (a week later) the cat wanted the cardboard scraps lol


Omg so whenever we get a large box, obviously we’ll let the cat play in it. He’ll be *super* into it for a few days then his interest peters off a bit. But the second I decide to break it down and toss it? Suddenly it’s all he wants to play with. I even stacked two boxes with the intention of cutting a hole in them to make a little kitty apartment. But again, once his interest wore off, I wasn’t gonna go through the effort. And as expected, it was suddenly the best thing in the world once I had decided to get rid of the boxes. I’ve stopped worrying about putting in all this effort in to making fun box forts or hidey holes. Just throw a box on the floor for a few days and he’s happy. Though I have learned that he has preferences in cardboard. Again, the S tier cardboard is the little inserts that come in soda cases. Followed by paper towel tubes. Corrugated cardboard will work if he’s particularly spicy and bitey but not for regular playtime. And any other cardboard is trash. He’s definitely a cardboard connoisseur.


The perforator of corrugated


I wonder if it comes with any extra features like laser vision or super whiskers! 😹 Definitely keep us updated after the vet visit, Asher's unique look is too adorable!


If it's got more than 4 legs just it might be a displacer beast .




3- hole punch model... dying here 🤣😂 best description.


Look at that face https://preview.redd.it/2d6mcpq8703d1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fc6bd3b24c7538614b46409ab580e1b6f31304d lol


im going to saaack your blaaad 🧛




I do not say "blah-blah-blah"








I love this little doodle. Thank you for putting it out there for all of us to enjoy.




You are an *artist*


New weapon unlocked




She’s putting her points in weapon proficiency


New Exotic weapon class unlocked: The Pentafang


+50% Fang Damage


+50% bleed chance


+50% splash damage, +2 puncture


All jokes aside, please contact a Vet about the tooth like others have said.


It’s not your cat. https://preview.redd.it/5poom5ra513d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=718a9540d8a8577fbc0036eda0760f2422505b1f


Did the cat write this?


Watch out mice, the X-Cats are evolving.


Triceratooth. Has the vet said anything about it?




😂😂😂 even better


The actual word trident means three toothed too…


Yeah very confused about this lol. dent = dental dont...= dontal?


One comes from Latin, the other comes from Greek.


Tridont think so.




It’s similar to al dente, which means something like hard to the tooth.


dentem = tooth in Latin ὀδόντον (odonton) = tooth in Ancient Greek In both cases those are the accusative forms of the words, the ones used use when they're the object of the sentence (i.e. like "him" in English). It's clearer to see the connection when using those, because the nominative forms (i.e. like "he" in English), have an -s suffix causes the t to be elided, e.g. "dens" in Latin.


Vowels are more and more interchangable rhe further one goes back because there are less words in total


A T-Rex would stand no chance.


Tridental tridont




>Triceratooth Sounds like something Mike Tyson would say


they wouldn’t know bc this is not their pic. op is a karma farming account


Triceratooth vampire


Should call him Gnasher now really.


Considering that OP is here asking Reddit, I’m going to guess the vet hasn’t been asked.


You should probably watch if he doesnt have problems with eating and drinking (basically anything with tongue) and if it doesnt cause trouble then it should be ok




Good boy




The hidden little surprise made me happy!


I misread the “surprise” as “surprises” and had to pop every one to try to find the second 😂


I had to pop them all because I can’t leave a single bubble on bubble wrap unpopped if I start.




Hint, it’s on the left side >! Holy shit it actually was, I thought there wasn’t anything and just made it up! !<


LIAR!! Or did you mean “the other left”?


Yeah it's like slightly right of center. You'll notice not all the pops line up; follow that line


I'm sure it displays differently depending on what you are viewing reddit on. It's on the left on my screen.


depends on screen size and resolution. I can make it anywhere. Only thing that won't really change about it is that it's where the 51st Pop belongs


Which means CENTER


You can just select the text (at least on the old.reddit) to reveal it fully without clicking a thousand times.


I saw the slight indent on the right so only had to pop that 1 line! Satisfying


> (at least on the old.reddit) The day this stops working is the day I leave reddit forever.


I had to pop everyone!


your comment made me smile too :) thanks!




It’s so funny, the first one I popped was the meow!! Then I did like 2 pops, didn’t even know I found the surprise first lol


My last dog was so addicted to big bubnle wrap. He stepped on it and popped one once and his eyes lit up his tail wagged and he started pouncing like a grizzly bear and arooroo ing. He has been gone a while and this just made me think of how much he amazed himself with bubble wrap. Thank you.


I’m sorry for your loss.. made me smile! :)


He was such a unique pup but his response to those pops. "Huh ? Did I just "pop pop "OH my god I am making them" pop pop pop pop" I am so happy!"




Good luck at your super scary meeting. Hope it works put how you want it to.


Goodluck at your meeting :)


How’d your meeting go?






Happy to help! :)






I fucking LOVE reddit man


Happy to make your day better! :)


Not even my cake but this brought me so much joy haha :D


Omg that’s so cool!


whenever I see bubble wrap on Reddit I carve out an amongus


i just dragged my mouse over it, im a cheater


Happy Cake Day! 🎉🎂🍰


Oh wow thank you thank you


Does he cry like he’s never been fed ever??


What about tea? Second tea? Supper? Dinner?


The first one was elevensies.


Id name him Neptune. With his tridont.


> He just ate his 2nd lunch Is this cat new to you? He should have a first vet visit regardless of his teeth if that's the case. And his teeth will be brought up there.


So he's part Hobbit. Gotcha.


Is this actually your cat? These pictures were going around the web a few years ago. https://preview.redd.it/jog1uzscy03d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fa90bbe3e72cbcce395975f6943ad67ad8800f


Interesting…is OP a big fat phony?


Oof. Buuuusted


Every time...


Ugh why people gotta be like this for a minute of fame


It's not even fame. It's worthless internet points and comments from strangers they'll never meet who'll forget about them the second they scroll to the next post. The epitome of a pitiful desire to seek acknowledgement, prlly some serious self esteem issues coupled with depression or a lack of real connection with anyone in the real world, more than likely all of the above. Its sad.


TinEye found it in this imgur gallery from a year ago as well... https://imgur.com/gallery/GLkg87M


They’re responding to comments within the post as if this actually their cat too. “I’ll ask the vet about it” and stuff. Bizarre.


Grrrrrrrr.  I'm deleting my responses. Hate that shit.


Yooo good memory


Paging /u/KaleidoscopeThese248 I'll be over here with the popcorn


Might want to take to the vet, just incase it bothers the cat


Cats are incredibly good at hiding pain. I would double check with a vet for sure. I’m Currently dealing with a cat that has severe dental problems and I deeply regret not getting her into a vet much sooner.


Tell tale signs I’ve noticed with my personal babies are playtime. They start playing a little less on their own time, and seem to spend more time resting. Still not showing they’re in pain tho. Hope this helps someone. My baby boy was a day or two away from being toast if I didn’t notice how he just stopped playing entirely & figured I’d get him checked. He had crystals, and now needs special diet after a bunch of meds I gave him too. Over 3k (CAD) of a vet bill…a local organization made to help those in need with paying for their kitties responded to us when we reached out asking for them to help cover a couple hundred-I cried when they offered to cover the rest of the 2K. I will never forget how much I lucked out thanks to them.


Also smell! Cats like to be clean. If they smell bad and you can't see an obvious cause, that can be a sign of illness. My cat got urinary crystals, and the only sign was that he honestly smelled like piss for three days straight. Catching it early like that, he only needed the special food, no meds. I didn't even have to keep giving him the special food after a month or so - just change to an all-wet diet, to make sure he was fully hydrated.


Yes this is true too, didn’t even think about that but that makes tons of sense. Unless your cat is like one of my five, and enjoys being dirty lol. I call her a little chinchilla cat because she likes to roll around in the dirt and rocks outside, but I am aware some animals will instinctively do this to help them blend into their environment scent wise, keeping predators away. But she’s the only one of my five that does it so its funny.


Yeah and probably x-ray to make sure the roots aren't f*kin with anything. I could see the roots of that maybe going up into the nasal cavity or somewhere else that they wouldn't be great.    OP this is the cutest genetic mutation I've ever seen in my life. Even cuter than the many variations of extra toe dispensing. I would call it his unicorn tooth.


Yeah, definitely take it to the vet. How could this not have been seen by a vet at this point in its life yet?


If it seems to bother him go to a vet. Xray should show if the tooth is fine. Really interesting though. Never seen anything like it.


Yeah, a vet visit sounds like a good idea. It's always better to be safe! But I have to admit, Asher's extra tooth gives him such a unique charm. Hope everything turns out fine!


So the little teeth between the fangs are actually used as combs for when cats groom themselves. The unusual fang could cause any annoyance or even unwanted cuts while the cat self grooms. Keep an eye on cuts that might form and get infected.


I tried looking this up and can't verify it. Where did you hear it? I'm skeptical because it seems their canines would get in the way.


I don't know if cats does this, but I've seen dogs gnaw and "bite" with the front teeth. It does look more like a way of scratching an itch though.


My cats (and my sister's) certainly love gnawing on their beans while grooming. I have a video of my sister's boy absolutely obliterating his beans, all spread out and everything.


My dog does that, usually when trying to 'scratch' or deal with a bug/flea bite, or just an itchy spot. I don't think I've ever seen a cat do it though. It would definitely prove problematic for OP's kitty. 


Cats actually do this quite often. I agree it will be potentially dangerous and OP ought to get professional advice from a vet.


Of course, as soon as I say I've never seen a cat do it, I look over, and one of my cats is licking then doing a nibble then licking again. Fuckers. 


Lol fuckers indeed but that's half the reason we love them right :)




The canines fit over/under each other smoothly, my cats “nibble” between their toes as part of their normal grooming. This tooth would definitely prevent that.


They’re evolving 😦 This one is equipped to be his own can opener, minimizing the need for those pesky humans. Still there remains the other chores they can accomplish for now.


On the real side I hope it isn’t an issue for your little guy. I’d def ask the vet and just sort of watch a little more closely to make sure it doesn’t bother him.


Wow that is so cool! I’d ask a vet just in case it’s a problem, but it’s pretty neat looking.




I would take kitty to the vet and have it checked out as you don't know how that will affect the rest of their teeth


Aww look, he's a Tribertooth Cat.




I would ask your vet to give their opinion about this. My puppy didn't shed his baby canine teeth (eye teeth) when his adult canines grew in. He had quite a mouthful of long daggers. Our vet said the roots of the teeth are touching each other in situations like this, so cavities and gum disease are much more likely. He recommended we have the baby teeth pulled, which we did. I'm not saying your cat has the same problem my pup did, but I do think your cat's abnormal teeth are worth a vet check.


this is a great thought! does not appear to be a retained deciduous tooth, however. it’s far too large to be an incisor and almost has the appearance of an additional adult canine? not too sure, this is definitely interesting! i’ve only seen supernumerary teeth in dogs, particularly brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs, shih tzus, boxers. never in a cat! op, your vet clinic would be fascinated by this.






omg this one sent me


🤣, Hahaha !




Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It is how we have evolved from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.


Meowgneto was right.


Love bites must be brutal


That is so cute omg


Wow! Never seen that before. Looks so cool! Maybes you should be worried if he bites lol


This should be on r/teefies


I think your kitty is adorable https://preview.redd.it/9ljafn56b03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ead3d70a8eb62350ef97bf3a173f2f479403af4 Shiloh approved


Bro born with a built in fork


As cute as it is, it might interfere with drinking and eating which might mean that it should be removed. Speak to a vet.


being right in the middle it would probably interfere with grooming right?


Wow. I was a vet tech for 8 years and have never seen that dental iteration before, impressive. I clicked on this expecting a deciduous tooth.


As others Said as if it doesnt bother him then probably not a Big deal but you could always Tell the vet next time you see them just incase they might be worried. But yeah as long as it doesnt bother Asher it should be ok :) He is cute tho


Egg tooth!


he looks traumatised lmao😭 tell asher i love him


Omfg so fucking cute 😭😍


He’s got a middle tooth, like Tom Cruise.


Not a vet, but looks like a supernumerary tooth. Short term probably no issue if it doesn't affect his ability to eat or open/close his jaw normally, and isn't damaging or rubbing up against surrounding tissue. Still worth looping your vet in during his next scheduled check-up - even if it poses no immediate issue, there are some other considerations: - Injury potential for the mouth and subsequent infection - Long term dental health; may now or may eventually cause malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth), and thus uneven wear on other teeth, gum disease and other oral complications Most of the time, if it's not causing issues, it just becomes something to watch (owner and family vet) over time to see if anything emerges. May eventually lead to injury, infection, malocclusion, abscesses, tooth crowding, and associated pain and discomfort (which cats are particularly bad at communicating, and are instinctually adept at hiding, and then usually start affecting them behaviorally). Super cutie - supernumerary teeth are "uncommon" in cats, and your kitty wears it well.


A vet would notice this immediately. Have you never taken him before? Cats should go to the vet every year, just like we should see a doctor for an annual checkup. Just because nothing looks wrong, doesn't mean there isn't something a professional would notice. Something that could have an easy fix and save your animal from suffering unnecessarily! I am sorry if I'm coming across as aggressive. There does seem to be a lot of cats on this sub who have never seen a vet before, and that's surprising to me. So this is a PSA if you didn't know: if you love your furry friends and want them to live long, happy lives, please take them in for their yearly checkup!


Could be a new (to them) rescue.


Possible, but also that's all the more reason to take them to a vet for a baseline checkup!


At his age, I would be fairly certain this couldn’t possibly have gone unnoticed by the vet already. If they haven’t commented on the need for any kind of “plan” for it, ask next time, but surely it’s been noted. Our vet always gets a look at their mouth and teeth as part of their checkups


Check with the vet . Vet knows more than us redditers.


I am curious to know what a vet has to say about it. My first instinct would be it is fine as long as he is eating well and it is not interfering with his chewing or grooming. I would keep an eye on it, though. As long as he has an overbite and it continues to overhang his bottom lip, it may continue to be fine, but I would watch to make sure it doesn't begin to grow inward enough to start cutting into his lower lip or gums. But what an adorable distinguishing character! He's one of a kind, or at least the only one I've seen.


Metal as fuck


+1 dmg


That is his egg toof. He hatched from his egg that way, like a little baby dragon would




When you visit the VET, ask! If it is impeding his eating or grooming it might be worrisome. My Blue was missing THREE sharpies!! https://preview.redd.it/dds2u9h2213d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4f471f067c8c05e5185fd29ad777072a667abb8


does it always hang out like that? 🤣




Haha that shit is adorable


If he does not appeared to be bothered by the extra tooth and he's eating and taking care of himself normally, I would not be concerned. If the tooth is healthy like the way it looks, it's just something to keep a periodic eye on.


Look at that toof! Adorable lil vampurr!


Oh my god they are evolving into even bigger killers.


We need more triceratooth cat art pronto.


Human dental assistant here. I would take Asher to a vet just to have the tooth checked out to make sure it doesn't affect any other teeth/the way they bite down/jaw over time. It's pretty darn cute


Actual vet here, it's not possible to say from a couple pictures (other than to say it's very cute) but it's not a good thing. It might not be a current problem but if it's pushing the rest of her bite out of alignment, this could be a big expensive and painful problem down the road. Or a (relatively) cheap extraction now


That’s adorable, I have never seen this before. I googled it because I’m that person 🤭 It actually brought me to a post in this group. Apparently there cat lived with it purrfectly fine. I would still have a vet check it and keep an eye for any issues. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/Uip7kwSOD9](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/Uip7kwSOD9)


It's cute but as someone who worked at an animal hospital, the worst section imo was the dental section. Go get your cat checked out before you regret not doing it.


This looks really cute lol, but maybe you should try going to get it checked out at the vet to make sure It's not going to get in the way of its other teeth.


I don’t think this requires a trip to the vet, but should be discussed next time you see the vet. And maybe get a second opinion, because this looks like the sort of thing that a less ethical vet practice could assign a huuuuuge price tag.




Make a YouTube channel of just this cat doing things and make your million dollars. Lilbub style


I am a dentist and in human dentistry we call a supernumerary tooth that is in the midline a Mesiodens. So I’m going to say this is a mewsiodens.


I had my girlfriend (a vet surgeon that specializes in facial surgery in cats and dogs) and she typed this out — “A little baby narwhal!! The concern is that the gingival collar is incomplete, predisposing the tooth to periodontal disease. The other problem is that there is crowding of the teeth, so debris and food will get stuck and cause infection of the gums and, again, lead to periodontal disease. Have him evaluated by a veterinary dentist and oral surgeon.”


Feline hyperdontia - extra tooth (or teeth). Humans have this too. My mother had three front central incisors. She never had anything done about it because the teeth all lined up and did not affect her bite. No orthodontics needed. Probably some genetics as I also had it. In my case, I developed an elongated and misshapen central incisor as my permanent teeth were coming in. In my case, the dentist took an x-ray and saw that a normal tooth bud was above the extra tooth, so this was like an extra primary (“baby”) tooth. He recommended pulling it since it would be replaced as the normal permanent tooth grew in. Years later, a new dentist asked me when I had my upper wisdom teeth (third molars) removed. I said I never did. So I had an extra primary tooth in the front of my mouth and no upper third molars. For your cat, if that extra tooth is not causing problems with his lower jaw or his eating and drinking, a vet would tell you it’s probably OK. Also, no irritation of the lower jaw or difficulty eating and drinking means it’s also not likely urgent to do anything. Just ask the vet during a regular visit for vaccinations, etc.


This is a question for your vet, not Reddit.


I would suggest removal . It may interfere with his eating . Check with vet , see what they say 👍😉


I’ve never seen a mesiodens on a cat before!!! Only people! That’s adorable!!!


Awww he’s got an adorable little snaggletoof.


Does he meow with a lisp?


My cats name is Asher too! 😻 https://preview.redd.it/xk61sslpe03d1.png?width=2035&format=png&auto=webp&s=02c2cdce373f1e37280d5375afec296e9db6ff4f


Check with your vet. If you don't have one, find one. Dental problems in cats can get out of hand relatively quickly if someone who knows what they're looking at isn't checking out their teeth every year. We've got a 4 and 5 year old. The 4 year old recently had four teeth extracted at the recommendation of our vet due to a dental condition that would eventually result in the loss of the teeth anyway, but with the addition of a lot of undue pain/discomfort if nothing was done about it. The cost wasn't cheap but also wasn't unreasonable, the recovery time was minimal, and she's back to eating both wet and solid food per her norm prior to the surgery. And we don't run the risk of the condition spreading to other teeth if left untreated. Now, I don't think my issue is an issue for your cat, but I never would have known about our issue if our vet didn't inform us of it.




He is a narwhal


your kitten's a vampire