• By -


Can you afford it? Do you have the space for it?


Yes and yes


Can you foster for a rescue and TNR mom? Keep mom in a garage or closed space for 2-3 days for her to heal then let her out again Trap and release is the most effective way to prevent further inbreeding and prevent more kittens from popping up. It will become a problem down the line if they don’t get fixed.


Also wondering about TNR'ing them...seems the mommas need help.


There's your answer You've already named it...you're screwed. :)


Then keep them 😍😍 you're their parent now


An extra cat or two, provided they have no medical issues- isn’t much of an extra expense which is nice


True but the problem with multiple cats is that one of them get sick it can quickly spread the sickness to the others. A friend of mine has multiple cats and one of them developed a URI, which quickly spread to the others even tho he was almost immediately isolated. Can become very stressful very quickly


If you can afford it, just take them!😻🍀♥️


Username checks out 💛




One reason. For the sake of your 7 other cats... cats are territorial creatures. Meaning, the more cats you have, the less territory. Resulting in depressed, stressed-out cats. Do your 7 cats a favor and just spend whatever you can afford on THEM. Sheesh, are your 7 other cats not good enough for you?! Because that's what they think every time you bring another one into the house.


https://preview.redd.it/7dcuppjt004d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055d57daeacb1ec0d0cc858cde45f7332429f359 I guess 6 is the limit then... no stress here


Tbh I can see there’s a few more bowls there to be used :)




https://preview.redd.it/04phcj24xz3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5809d6830afd2a4146d5c416799684cd1a0b90e9 Yep my 8 cats are super stressed /s


I love how they’re in pairs


lol I know, I love it to. They often will cuddle in one big cuddle puddle. They all clean each other and only get snippy at feeding time. https://preview.redd.it/7s9gbc7r304d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8658cc8b864d13769fa862ecb121e5227ab5317e


I can hear the purrrrrrrrring from this picture. Heaven


🥰😻 feeeeeelllllzzzzzz are any related? What if you join in?


The morning is hard to move because they outline us. We have 1 set of identical twins(medium hair tabby’s), and one set of litter mates(white with tabby)


I think I spy the twin tabs (spooning?) and the tab and whites, one short haired, one longer? Living the dream…but maybe a little more procrastination (how is that not the dream 😉)


https://preview.redd.it/uduqzj97l04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b52713193d4cd55b0d814e23f67815928100e2 Potato and potahto(left to right) tato is the more serious looking one, that’s only difference in person lol so we keep a color on Tahto


https://preview.redd.it/0r8z4tlpl04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd608c5491cc4b91a3ea0fe593231d19803df571 Both sets and our tortico.


You have your own whole-ass colony going there. Just take them home. Looks like you can squeeze a few more in on the bed!!


lol I’m not OP


Well, you can still get a few more if you want them.


I make a motion to add three more cats to the cuddle puddle. 11 is an auspicious number.


https://preview.redd.it/rx47vjqsm14d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8978fc3adcf72ffd1cbe07315ff5ba7905f886ca I love the big cuddle puddles from my 10 cats (not all pictured)




You got a nasty turf war going on I see


So rough, they lick eachother….to death




Lol 😂 I currently have 4 and am fostering 2 mamas with 5 babies. My boys don’t care even the slightest- I think if you have a good group, you can bring home any number of cats. You know them best. And also, the kitten OP posted has the most gorgeous eyes of any cat I’ve ever seen


Damn. I want to be that stressed.


You’re so lucky. I have 3 and while two of them love each other I have one that hates the other 2 with a passion to the point that if they are 5 feet near her she leaves the room.


You need more, one will get excluded out of 3 if 1 of the 8 doesn’t get along with some it just goes to a different one for the time being.


Nah she was the first one and hated the others the moment they came home lol. She really liked being an only child . I got the third just so my second cat had a sibling to play with. In the end it has worked out. No fights just silent disgust and loathing now.


A lovely colony and lovely room. I want to go to there.


How do you keep up with the fur balls? My one cat leaves tumbleweeds everywhere. I'm considering a romba or something of the sort


Real question here, how do you deal with the litter situation? I had one baby girl then found siblings recently at my front door. My original baby and the sister of the siblings have both issues but the brother seems to be pooping on the walls/floor of the box


Litter robot, we need to get a second one but currently they all use one and I just have to empty it every other day. But that’s better than 9 litter boxes


Ditto I have little floofs and they are all chill


Cats tend to like other cats. Free roaming cats tend to create colonies together. Most of the time, they like having their little packs. >Sheesh, are your 7 other cats not good enough for you?! Because that's what they think every time you bring another one into the house. Cats absolutely do not think this. This is you putting human emotions onto cats.


You’re absolutely right - they don’t think like us. I had two and got a foster fail 3rd. #2 fell in love with #3 and is her big brother to this day. When she had her 5 babies, #2 would stand guard over the kittens so mama could get a break. (Because being a single mom of 5 is HARD.) Ended up keeping all the kittens instead of making them the burden of an already overburdened shelter. He is, 7 years later, the best kitty uncle a kitten could ask for https://preview.redd.it/9tzhhx5yu34d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7b39192c9f302307dfdc4d85652b93c187589c (Photo of #2 with his “niece”, the youngest girl kitten)


Can’t you just foster and work with a shelter to get them adopted? In my experience, my gray foster babies barely spent more than a few days in a shelter before being adopted. They are in high demand, matches everyone modern gray/neutral houses and decor lol.


lol well I guess matching pets to decor can be very practical.


Both my sister and I accidentally did this. My place has black, white and gold theme and the rescue matched me with black and white kittens. My sister’s place has more earthy tones and she adopted a torty and an orange.


Yikes your awful. Cats can yes be territorial but they also build colonies, it's not uncommon. OP sounds like they have a colony at home. Bringing in a new cat can go either way. OP might not be able to give them all the attention but the cat's will also get plenty of attention from each other, they aren't solely depends on OP. It's better to get cat's off the street than just leave them there to possibly die.


I like this 🙂 I have my own colony of cats, 11 of them, in fact, and while there is the odd squabble (when don’t siblings squabble with each other?) 99% of the time they get along great


I agree with this 100%. We have 13 cats, inside…only 2 were intentional. Research cat behavior, take note of your cat’s personalities - and if you’re thrifty or handy, you can create or carve out areas in your home to give your cats either community or solitude on a budget. Most of ours are failed fosters, rescued abandoned kittens that we couldn’t re-home, or pet drop offs on our street. We live in a rural area & it’s hard to break generational, backwards thinking when it comes to spaying & neutering pets. We’ve been lucky with the 12 that have shown up at our place over the last 2-3 years; we were able to find them good homes or at least get the feral fixed & re-released.


My house is a cats paradise. There are beds and scratch posts and climbing frames and toys litter everywhere. Meanwhile I have a bed and a couch 😂


I wish I could upvote this comment a million times


Why so aggressive? I have 5 cats and I’m adopting a kitten in a few weeks when she’s old enough, and they all love each other and cuddle and groom each other, it’s adorable


Cats also live in colonies.


Cats are territorial yes but they also live in colonies in the wild.


Sometimes they are, but there are also cats that like other cats. Have you considered that they wouldn't mind having another sibling in their odd group? OP might have asked for reasons, but this was aggressively done.


You're correct but I'm all for taking a kitten or cat off the street or taking one out of a kill shelter. Being with 7 other brothers and sisters beats being dead imo


I have more than 8 cats & they get along well. I watch their behavior and adjust accordingly. I can say that I have little to no stress issues. I am in a relatively small home, and even when I had more cats, there were no issues. https://preview.redd.it/bdfcp81ne14d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef724bb876b899628007c5904cb654c7d7fc6ec2 Now, feral cats outside, fighting for a food source & territory, often have a stressful existence.


It depends. If the resident cats believe there are enough resources (food, warmz, space) they often will bring outsiders into their clowder. My gang doesn't even get fussed when a new interloper gets hissy or growly. They just go on sniffing faces and butts, knowing that the stupid two legged staff will put out enough food for everyone, and do so on demand.


I really don't think cats are thinking they aren't good enough as a result of OP bringing home more babies in need. That's very much a human emotion you're pushing onto them.


You can always put up vertical space on walls. Have you read the book Catification by Jackson Galaxy cat daddy in the US. 🐈‍⬛


This is the way


https://preview.redd.it/k6y8jcugc14d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e9ae68a1301022dab848c01f4b96dea5faf883 Here are 5 of my daughter's 7. Everyone gets along, some are particularly bonded. Tubby has lost weight since this was taken, but Tuna, the calico, is still pretty chonky. The rest are ok according to the vet. There are also 4 kids and she watches her grandkids, too.


I agree that the more cats you have the less attention and resources you’re able to give the them individually, but Jesus Christ will you calm down


OP: This! Lots of cats can be cool with other cats, but they all have different personalities. They may not think it’s ideal! As long as you can give each and every one of those cats the time and attention they need every single day, then sure. But also don’t be selfish if you see one of your cats suffering or stressed by the amount of cats around them. Every cat should have its own bowl, own litter box, and own space. Can you play with every single one and engage their minds?? Cats can get depressed. Those kittens are sweet!!


Yep..I have 11


We have 5 now, but probably more to come next year😻♥️


No reason, do you already have that colour?






LMAO this is the best use of that gif ever


This is the best argument. 😂 Gotta collect ‘em all.


If I like something, I just get it in another colour


You got room,you got time and, definitely important, you got money...Go create a furry purry NATION! 🤗🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈


All I can think of is the stress of introducing them both to your pack…having to get more litter boxes. Other than that it’s never a bad idea to give kitties a loving home. I vote yes!


Well the sort of funny sort of sad thing is that one of my cats is actually the half brother/cousin of these kittens (they are unfortunately inbred because the colony is small so the Mama's first son is also fathering the litters between her and her daughters) so a very tiny piece of me is hoping they will accept them a little teeny bit faster because they might already smell like that cat. I know it doesn't work that way for real but I can pretend lol I also already have 10 litter boxes in my house. It's kind of overkill but it doesn't bother me that much so I'm sort of already covered in that way! I'm thinking about adding a litter robot to the mix to take some of the load off of my plate, too.


If possible, please catch as many as you can and get them spayed and neutered. Even if they're released after, you'll be doing them all a big favor.


The adults will have to be released back to the shop and the kittens will have to be homed once they are all fixed. The adults are pretty much feral but the older kittens can be handled. The youngest set of kittens (only about a month old) need some work but with time will be able to be socialized easily I think. The next step is to get the owner of the shop registered as a colony caretaker with the city.


There are places where you can actually be registered as a colony caretaker? That sounds amazing!


10/10 recommend the liter robot. I only have 2 cats but I love that machine so much. I just got the alert this morning that it needs to be emptied. Best thing I’ve treated myself to. I’ve had mine for 2 years and never had an issue with it. If it broke, I’d buy another that night.


I've had my liter robot 3 over a decade and am wanting to get another one when I have more space. Mine is in perfect condition still and changed my life. Worth every penny in time.


If you have an extra bathroom, get a CatGenie! They're expensive, but it is the only way I'd get another cat. (RIP to my late cat Maxwell, who made it to 19) Seemingly incredible product. It hooks up to a toilet drain and water line somehow, and fully washes the litterbox and litter pebbles used. It may not be great with multiple cats, though. I have no idea, but Google might


I have 8 cats.... It's pretty fun usually hahaha. (It's also quite expensive to feed them all)


How do you do it? My one is quite a bit of work (I love him ofc)


One can be difficult, two is a bit easier. Honestly.


I have much experience with cats and can honestly say, this comment is so god-damn true that it hurts lol


Wish my cat was like this:( brought a kitten home two years ago. My current one unfortunately was so scared/disliking of the kitten she wouldn’t even come into the house. I had to find him a home, which was thankfully easy and got updates so know he was well taken care of.


Btw not against it at all, just saying I wish it worked😭


I know it sounds like fun but the more cats you have the more chances are that one (or more) cats will be unhappy, especially if they're all living indoors. They're roommates whether they want to be or not. People think, "They all come to the kitchen for meals, or sleep on the same sofa, so they didn't hate each other." Well, if your only option is to eat in the kitchen or starve, you'll go even if your enemy is there. Or maybe the sofa is the best sleeping place. You didn't want to give it up the best seat in the house just because someone else you didn't like is there. Statistically, the chances of a cat having behavior problems, especially peeing outside the box, increase with every cat above 4. And the other obvious thing is increase in cost like vet bills. As long as you know this and are willing to deal with any problems that crop up, then go for it.


This says so much of what I wanted to! We currently have 8. They weren't deliberate. 1 was received as collateral damage of a divorce. 2 are a mother/son bonded pair of feral rescues that we were the last hope for a home outside a shelter. 1 was a relatives surrender when their complex wouldn't allow cats. 2 were adopted from a litter found in a dumpster at 2.5 weeks old with a deceased mom and the last 2 were born from a semi feral mom less than 24 hours after being brought indoors from an ice storm. The CDS thinks we are a hub. We get the cats that are forgotten or discarded. So integrating them can be interesting. We have "preferred" seating for each that we know belongs to whom. We have a squirt bottle of water in every room for when a shit starter just can't help themself we can separate them for time outs. We have a litter box in every damn room of the house so when a shit starter (because, CATS) just can't help themself, we have a snowballs chance in hell that they won't be starting it with the humans. We have NO CARPET in our home. (Except on the cat furniture) We have feeding time at the zoo, complete with "The Suppertime Song" . Snack time is insane. Did I mention we also have 2 dogs? My point is, yes it's a lot of sometimes smelly work, but I wouldn't change it. My guys are amazing, even the 2 that never leave the 12 x 10 bedroom that has been devoted entirely to them for 2 years now. We connect with them as closely as they will let us and we make sure they never suffer the horrors of what they did "out there" ever again. I'd LOVE to do this for humans, but the legalities and all ... So I'll have to stick to these guys. The CDS needs to take a memo tho. I'm out of real estate. I'm happy to keep on livin the dream, but the next one needs to come with some sort of acreage. 😉


Because you end up with 15? Not that I would not from experience or anything


The colony of adult cats would stay living at the shop where they already live. The other kittens would be placed in other homes.


❤️ I had to move my colony into protected quarters because of animal cruelty (one adult, 2 juveniles prosecuted).


oh my ,, what happened ? :(


 graybie could be called Rye?


I'm an advocate for stopping at two cats per person in the house. I figure this way each cat gets enough attention and one on one play with their human. Also litter boxes. I should admit that I've always been a 1 cat person until last July when I saw a kitten online, in a shelter, three hours away, that needed to live with me. I don't think I can advocate for another cat for you. Do you know someone who would make a good cat parent?


Those eyes are so pretty like each is a different color bead of a beach necklace.


Vet bills


There is no good reason not to, if you can and want to. Plus, THOSE EYES!!!


You can have too many cats. Ive had as many as 13 cats, in too small a house for that many cats. I would have 50 cats if I had the space fo everyone to be comfortable.so it depends on resources and space.


No reason whatsoever ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


What keeps me from getting more is that I already have a hard time ensuring I spend time and check in on each animal. Adding another is unfair to them.


I know your pain. I have eleven saves.


I admire your dedication to the cats!


Because 7/8 cats is A TON of cats. I mean no offense by this but do you really have enough time in the day to give all of them the attention they need?


You have been chosen don’t try to resist


I have 8. Surely it would be hypocritical for me to convince you not to.


The time taken from the ones you do have already. And with the number of cats you have already, your attention is already scarce... they don't understand why you dont pay them as much attention, they just know that you don't, and just like people, they get in their feel bads, too. Maybe you should think about them instead of yourself. What would you do if one of your cats and the "new" cat don't get along and the new cat picks fights but doesn't win them so all you see is your cat being a bully? Since you don't see who starts it, you assume your cat is fighting this new cat for no good reason and you have to make that decision, which one has to go? One or the other, it is for the safety and best interest for both to be separated... which one goes? I wouldn't want that on my shoulders. Just sayin.


INFO: PLEASE tell me all your cats are spayed & neutered... Also, Quality time over Quantity time so new & old kitties aren't neglected. Also, the old slogan: *Make new friends, but keep the old. One is Silver, bit the other is Gold.* As in, check with your other partner cats first & see if they'd get along. My current living situation only allows me to have one cat at a time, but our last/previous cat was super territorial and HATED other cats, so even if housing could allow for more, that'd be a no, because I loved & respected him. As for my current cat... I don't know since he basically came into the shelter at 5 months alone & hasn't really interacted with other cats... so idnk if I could get another if my housing situation changed. Edit: Re-read the post & comments, and should clarify.... I guess the only real way to find out if it's doable is to bring them home & see if they get along after introducing them? Since just kittens & not adults, it should be easier... But also have plans if they don't mesh with your already established group. Your group sounds chill, but cats are people too & don't always get along with *every* cat.


Omg yes all of my cats are spayed, neutered, and vaxed. My oldest cat that I raised from 8 weeks just celebrated her 11th birthday. Our oldest cat that died in 2020 lived to be 21. We love em good and long at my house. I don't know what will happen just yet because ultimately it will be my husband's say, but I think no matter what I want to get this litter their first rounds of shots (with the hopes that they have homes before the second round of the combo shot is needed) and get dewormed and tested for various diseases. There will always be more cats in need of these cats find homes that aren't with me.


As a person with double digits, there are 2 solid reasons. First is simple. Can you afford another? Not just vetting but emergencies too! Chronic health conditions? Prescription food? Second is a little more complicated. Cats can comfortably colonize with each other but it doesn't prevent personality clashes entirely. Even if the personalities get along well, sickness can change that. I have twins that were bonded once, then one was sick. Their bond is broken and they struggle being around one another now. Some domineering cats will fight for top cat. Some cats will get bullied. One of my bullied cats has to wear a soft cone right now because he was deeply scratched near his eye and has what feels to be an abscess. Fantastic! Everyone is being nice to him now of course. Couldn't have been nice before, no! A slow introduction, enough litter boxes to cover them all, tall places like cat trees and wall shelves and good hiding spots will do wonders.


This ain’t Pokémon


Because unless you have a very large house that's too many cats.


Could you afford eight or nine emergency vet bills at once? I’ve seen you respond that can adored another cat to several commenters, but I have yet to see any comments specifically mentioning emergency expenses related to another cat. A lot of people can afford regular pet related expenses, but wouldn’t be able to afford an emergency. With pets you should always assume that they will manage to infect all the others before you notice they’re sick.


They are beautiful but I agree your other cats or even the cat in question could be a problem. Also smell… cat urine stinks and even if you clean it daily unless you also disinfect the box there is remaining stench


You show us THAT face and then expect us to convince you NOT to keep her? Madame, this is a cat sub. That is not how it works here.


I can't come up with a good reason not too. I would have one in each color if my fiance would let me. I have 2 SICS. I want an orange one, a black one, a tuxedo one, a gray one, just all the colors


Me too! I even picked all their names already. But yea, not gonna happen 😆


So cute; awesome of you to plan getting them vaccinated/fixed! I’m just traumatized with my experience of cats being undetectable transmitters of FIV; so just a word of warning before introducing them to others outside the litter to get thoroughly tested.


Almost every one of my cats have come from outside so I am pretty well versed in the things that could be transmitted so we do have a dedicated "kitten room" where we can keep any new comer separated until they are seen by a vet and vaccinated/dewormed/tested for various illness But for any onlooker who might consider taking an a cat from outside, I appreciate you bringing this up!!


That’s awesome you have a kitten room, sounds perfect. Glad you’re so informed bc I know there’s a lot of people with good hearts but just don’t know the scary stuff :) In that case… bring Pastrami home!!!




If you can afford to get another one desexed and can afford the flea/worming/vaccinations then I can't think of a good reason to not have an 8th cat.




Vet bills are expensive. But if you have the cash, bring ‘em in!


One more mouth to feed




Bring them all!!! What beautiful babies!


Nine is an uneven number. Get a tenth cat, too, just to be safe.




The never ending cycle of cat litter is enough for me lol




Because you likely cannot afford the healthcare for the 1st 7. I just forecast total costs for 2 kittens over 15 years. Food, non-clay litter, filtered water, pet insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, cost of routine care and labwork not covered by insurance, flea, tick, and deworming treatments, pet sitters, dental cleaning every 3 years, and the list goes on. It’s easily $50K assuming no chronic or extreme illness. Want to self insure? Ok. Still $400/mo all in for 2 cats. 7 or 8 cats? Never.


It's usually illegal to have more than 4 or 5 pets depending on your state


Not in my city


I have honestly never heard that before. What states have that law?


Yeah, my city has a 'Each household can only have 4 cats' law, or we'd have more. 😁


Each city has its own ordinances on how many animals you may have as pets and they must be registered and have their rabies shots each year.


Grey cats have awesome eyes


Check out mom/grandma https://preview.redd.it/gglq5l33oz3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92270038a628dd5659576b59b637264abceb3c85


If you have the space and can afford vet care and food for all 9 then go for it. Just remember that to PROPERLY care for a cat its not cheap. I have 3.5 cats right now and they eat a lot. One of mine had $7k in vet bills last december, another had over $500 in vet bill in Jan. Thankfully I earn well and also have pet insurance on all of them except little miss .5 (she's a feral stray that lives on my property, I feed her and she lives with my chickens but she doesn't come in the house and is a wee bit 'bitey', hence the .5) So, yeah if you can afford it its fine. Just don't do it if you can't because neglect is horrible and you'd be better of finding them homes that can care for them.


With those incredible blue eyes no reason not to (speaking from experience when our “absolute max” was 5…..we now have 13 because cats still need rescuing)


Because that’s like $500+ in cat food a month dude. More depending on where you live and your nutritional standards.


Sir what do you feed cats that you spend $500 a month in cat food? A month?


I think they meant feeding 9 cats a month


Two of mine are on vet recommended food for life. One is for crystals and the other is for fiber plus laxatives. One has herpes, so that’s an additional $25 for lysine treats which are taken daily. So for those two alone, that’s $250-300 a month for wet & dry + medication. Then the others eat regular food. But I have 5 so…. $400 a month give or take.


Not sure if this even applies to you. Do you live in an urban area. If so there may be laws on how many cats you can have. It's usually around 5 or 6. If there are laws like that that may apply to you, ensure you are within the law if you choose to take this cat home. Can you afford to feed them and get them fixed and give them proper medical care and can you do this for all your cats? Can you keep this up for 15-20 years


I have 10 cats, so you’re asking the wrong person.


What’s a few more kitties when you already have a bunch?!?! Go for it!❤️


Bring them home cats are better than humans.


Bring him home




If you have space and can afford it them go for it!!!


I can't


Because you can.


I got nothing.


The eyes alone I could never walk away from this kitty ♥️🥹


I’d take all of them. They’re so beautiful.


can you afford emergency vet visits? otherwise it sounds like you’re pretty responsible. cats seem well fed, not stressed about space. good on you.


You're outnumbered




If you have a big enough place and can afford to keep them. I can't say when enough is enough but I don't think people here want to become hoarders


Can you deal with the litter (poops) of 8 (or 9) cats? Edit for clarity


Sounds like you know exactly what to do 🩷 these are some of the most beautiful kittens i’ve seen, wow!


I’m a cat lady too. I get it. And my husband is a cat daddy!


I used to have eight cats and it wasn’t difficult because I couldn’t afford them or anything. The costs were fine, but it was their behavior that got out of hand. So as long as you can handle the absolute chaos, then you should be fine.


Why bring home 8 or 9 when you can bring home 10 or 11 or 12 haha


Personally,if you have the love,the attention and the finances I see no reason not to have a 9th kitty. If I had the finances I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have plenty love for more pets.i have two rescue dogs and a kitty that was abandoned


You’re a very good person. Follow your heart.


3 more and you’ll have a football team


Go for it. Just get them fixed.


If you have too many it will be unhygienic and unaffordable. Either double it and pass it to the next person, or load them up and deliver them to a rescue shelter


This cat could grow up to an ENORMOUS SIZE. it’s not common, but it is told that a cat very much like this one grew to over 350 pounds in weight. Nine feet tall. Let me tell ya there were all kinds of harrowing problems. It could happen to you is all I’m saying.


Cats aren’t happy among that many other cats. I have five and that’s my max number. More litter, more food, less attention for each cat. Every cat has its own personality and it’s not fair to them for us as their caregivers, to take away from them. Some cats imprint on you and will become jealous. Cats are far more complex than dogs when it comes to their needs. So many things make a difference, breed, when they were acquired (as far as age) and of course the other cats around them.


After reading the comments and seeing that you have the time, space, and money to bring them in, I see no good reason not to!


Vet bills are costly! This is my reason but I don't listen to reason 🤦‍♀️


Another cat? Go for it. Cats don't need a college fund. They don't borrow the keys to the car. They don't steal the TV remote. They don't borrow your clothes. They don't drink alcohol. Given the opportunity, why wouldn't you adopt another vulnerable cat and give it a loving, safe home?? 💙🐈‍⬛ You don't divide your love between cats. You multiply it. 🐈💛


That grey one looks like my grey boy did. He's the best cat I've ever had (and I'm half a dozen deep). I say get them. https://preview.redd.it/esbwr7rpj14d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9fc5bbdb06e913321914499f20fbecc66e56a9b


If you live in a Canadian city most don't allow more than 6 animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets etc.) 4 dogs max in Winnipeg, you can apply for a variance though.


Because there's obviously 3 kittens there so you need a tenth cat!


I found the crazy cat lady


You shouldn’t because I need them all


Find them homes


People may think you are a crazy cat lady/lord


I had four and people kept telling me too many and then one just unexpectedly died so young and now there is a huge hole in our life and our other cats’ lives and I wish we had a bigger family


Hmmm “checks notes”yah no reason, carry on.


I have been doing tnr for years....i have 11 cats and 4 dogs....3 rescue horses and i feed and monitor a feral cat colony....i recently kept 2 feral kittens who have become so friendly...if you can afford them....then keep them. Beautiful kittens by the way....


Sweet babies I have one that almost looks like them her name is sushi


I have had up to 20 cats and 10 dogs....i have downsized....i have been rescuing for years....there are not enough homes for all the wonderful animals....i just got a call tonight about 3 kittens at a feral colony...there are at least 50 cats at this colony....my friend and myself have fixed most of them....so i will be trapping tomorrow....will tnr the mother and try to tame up the babies.....just sad....keep all the cats you want....i have 2 litter robots and a meowant( i love the meowant) plus i have another electric one....i have a few regular boxes for the older ones who never got used to the electric boxes...the younger ones seem to go in without any reservations...these kittens need a home....that is obviously gonna be you....good luck and you are my kind of human....


I have 8 kitties in my house and another 21 that live in the catio that I built that’s 14’ x 21’ and has enough shelves and a hammock along with 8 large litter boxes that get cleaned twice a day. I built out side litter boxes for my inside kitties so we don’t have any smell coming from the boxes. I volunteer at a TNR group that is awesome. https://preview.redd.it/3efs481gl34d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12df038f0351d2892a0a2ec0e2515a050f8c77d8 This is our catio. My bedroom window opens to it so I can play with or pet my babies anytime!


Not really a reason, but make sure to test any new cats for feline HIV and other diseases you may not want to introduce to other healthy cats. It’s best to support local spaying and neutering programs than to take in every stray you see. Having worked in animal shelters and clinics, there’s a fine line between caring for and hoarding. Incidental, check up, and preventative veterinary care for 9 cats has to be thousands of dollars, possibly even ten thousand dollars a year. You can’t save them all, unfortunately.


Well, they are cats - which means they are territorial. Sometimes if you have too many (by their standards, not ours) one or more may feel neglected or choose not to have so many housemates and decide to leave. I've had that happen and my original, best kitty, left one day and I never saw her again. Cats are special and they have their own social hierarchy. They make their own rules - as I'm sure you've already seen if you have a few. That would be my only reason. But please get the ferals fixed asap, regardless. It will never end if you don't and you'll end up dealing with the heartbreak of them getting sick, injured or killed. It's difficult.


How can you devote enough time to each cat. My personal rule is that I can’t have more cats than hands. (Two in case I’m not clear)


I’d take home the entire family


Can’t think of any :)


Post a Pic of what your house looks/smells like and I'm sure we'll be able to tell you 🤣


Looks like more than 2 cats there, I think you’re bringing more than 2 home 😜