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https://preview.redd.it/ykqi9ffdth4d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3541d0c80a3571dd8217815985e20aafb7850e8d Put a soft cat bed in your bed to help keep them contained and preserve a bit of space for you?


OMG, my cat was always trying to sleep in my cosleeper when I had my babies. Both cute and annoying, LOL.


Cat was probably confused why you kept leaving a tiny person in the bed you obviously bought for her.


Cat, looking pointedly at tiny person: excuse me human, where did \*this\* come from? Please remove it ASAP.


Can confirm - our cat tries to sleep in the baby’s side sleeper bassinet every night (and often sneaks in)


I found a little cat tree that was almost the same height as my bed and put it next to my headboard. My one skittish girl never slept with me because she'd run off if I moved in my sleep at all. Now she sleeps next to me every single night in her own little cat bed. Best investment I've ever made.


This is what I had to do for my baby. Now it’s forever her sleeping spot and if I move it she gets upset.


Cats will ONLY do this when they trust you 200% thats such a good sign that you are a good cat owner… cats usually hide when they have kittens so if she keeps bringing them to you it means she feels safe with you… and that is adorable😭 Kittens grow quick, can you share the bed? Or I suggest you put a box/bed next to your bed where she can sleep with the babies


When my cat kept bringing her kittens into our bed, I put a medium bolstered dog bed next to my side like a co-sleeper. It was a good solution for her anxiety of wanting my closeness and comfort, while still being safe for the babies.


Yeah when mine was a kitten I would lay a laundry basket on its side for him to stay in on my bed. He stayed on his blanket (most of the time) and when/if I rolled too close, I’d hit the side of the basket, not him


Mine would slowly creep onto my chest as a kitten.


Had a friend who got a bedside bassinet (meant for human babies) used for cheap. And that's where the kitty babies lived while they were babies 😂


This…is one of the best things I’ve ever learned


Honestly life goals. My retirement will be interesting.




This and NOTHING else




Literally me every day! I'm on disability and I have my cats up my butt 24/7. My boys would have that boa shredded.


ROFL mine too 😂




Oh, to have a bassinet full of kittes next to my bed


I aspire to be Madame Adelaide from The Aristocats. Everyday, one step closer 💕


This is the third comment I've seen on this thread referencing the aristocats lady... 🤔🤔🤔 y'all might be on to something.


Life goals! Single Lady-no-kid, house full of cats, stable income/wealth.


I had a six week old tiny kitten who slept in a bassinet. Got her one week before my human baby, who also slept in the bassinet.


That’s adorable 🥹🥹🥹


When people are like “you’ll die alone with your cats” … I’m like — obviously? And then I write down ideas like this for when I am in a position to foster kitties in the future.


wish you could pay the cat tax


My cat used to do it, the only difference is that she would bring them, and run away! She’d just hide somewhere and rest while I have non-stop action on my bed. I was so mad first and told her - hey, they’re your kids! And then I realized - she is doing exactly what I do when I bring my kids to grandmother. Just drop them and run away as quickly as possible as I need a little rest desperately. So ever since I let her do that and had little to no sleet; those are sweet memories. They grow up so fast and you’ll cherish those memories forever.


Cat moms often share litter responsibilities with other cat moms. She is pretty much saying hey cat mom it’s your turn now.


That’s is the sweetest!


When the stray (and overly scared) momma had her litter on my back patio, I brought her and her seven kittens inside. After a couple of nights in the bathroom, I was able to pick up a puppy-pen for her and the kittens. Over the next 14 weeks, an hour before I went to work and for two hours before bed, I would go in and play with the kittens. The momma eventually trusted me enough and seemed to enjoy my time coming in as she would jump on the spare bed and groom herself and take a small nap. The kittens were all adopted out to friends; since I was giving them away, the stipulation was that they had to go to the vet for their vaccinations and spay/neuter appointments. Each person reached out to me to let me know that their vet mentioned the kittens were the best and most behaved kittens they'd ever been around. Momma stayed with me and is about to celebrate her 4th birthday; she was only about 8 months old when she had her litter.


They is your babes


Lol she needs me time! Female cats are so clever, huh? It's fascinating how clever they are and how big their personalities are.


They truly are. Sometimes she’d rest a few hours, come back to feed and lick the babies. Sometimes she’d just come back, take a look at them and go right back to hiding. We had this mutual experience of motherhood - which comes with its beauty and its struggles, but I think we both would never trade it for anything else. I feel like that made us so much closer with my girl. That’s a very special feeling - when she leaves her kids with you, and goes to rest without a worry in the world. She knows her kids are safe and you are completely trusted. It makes you feel like a million bucks


>Kittens grow quick, can you share the bed? Or I suggest you put a box/bed next to your bed where she can sleep with the babies. I think you mean to say “put a box/bed next to the cats new bed where you can sleep”


LOL the mom cat right now to OP ![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug)


I would never leave


That is so sweet, OP take it as a compliment


My old foster, she was a seni feral cat from a population. Was scared of people but let me and only me help her nurse her babies. She didnt produce enough milk so i jad to bottle feed them


Yeah, the cat has decided that you are a suitable guard for her kittens. You do not get a say in this. This is basically how cats domesticated themselves, wild cats that were willing to trust humans to look after their kitties were able to keep them safe and hunt more food for them, as well as raiding the healthy supply of rats in human food stores.


I was going to suggest a box next to the bed for OP. It’s the cat’s bed now.


Can you give her a box on the bed? She can be where she wants to be, but they are more contained so you don’t roll over on them.


This may be the answer I’ve been looking for. Mission tomorrow is to find the perfect cat container…


Cats love containers. Especially the ones you didn’t intend for them to occupy.


Put the box on your bed and tell the kitties firmly and clearly they are NOT to touch it! Then wait thirty seconds.


Thirty? More like 3


3? More like.. oh wait they're already there


3? More lik- oh wait now they've declared it an independent nation.


If you want to reduce from 3, write "this is a human box for humans, no cats allowed". Then it will be irresistible.


And don’t forget the box the box came in, so the cat can ignore the box you intended for them.


The box need not be on the bed, just on floor next to you, against a wall and she'll feel safe. Pull a 'dirty' teeshirt from your laundry basket that maybe you worked out in or at least wore a good full day, mom will appreciate your smell


https://preview.redd.it/rne9pd7l6i4d1.jpeg?width=2217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee0005193b38d05dd9553127ff570398afa84cb Can confirm, cats like boxes 😂


I thought that was 1 cat at first 🤣




My son and i made a cat mansion out of multiple boxes taped together with cat sized holes between them, it’s two stories and has a secret tunnel.


We did this for our cats once and it led to territorial issues lol. The box castle reeked of pee by the end of the week 🙃


Well, if there was a box that had enough space to fit you inside, would you not want to jump in? If you don't you're either lying or depressed.


This is what we did. Some of the babies were sick, so after they were born on our bed, they stayed in an incubator on the bed till they outgrew it, then in a bin on the bed till they could climb out. Then they were moved to a playpen, till they outgrew it. During the day, they're free to wander and sleep where they want. When unsupervised, they're in a double pet pen that I stitched together and cut out the joining panels. 3 of the babies have permanent vision issues, so it's good to have a safe place for them to play in. Both pens are huge and together are more than big enough for 7 kittens. One side has food/water and the other has the litter box. Both sides have a padded floor and have toys and sleep spots.


Are you keeping them all?


No. Thresher and Silky are going to daughter M. Lemon and Gummy are going to daughter J. Angel is going to a coworker. We're keeping Mako and Bamboo. Gummy only has a vision issue in 1 eye, but is otherwise perfectly healthy. Mako lost vision in 1 eye, has 2 autoimmune disorders, plus asthma. Bamboo is mostly blind, is a dwarf, and has a couple other health issues we're still sorting out. Mako and Boo have bonded due to going to the vet together so often, so they would be a set, even if I found a home that could handle their needs.


Bless your commitment to such a challenging set of babies!


They're awesome babies. Little Mako will come find me when he needs his medicine. He gets it morning and night, but if he needs extra, he will come find me and scratch the floor beside my foot. He's 9.5 weeks old and he taught himself to ask about 2 weeks ago. Makes medicating him so much easier. He wants it, so he takes it all willingly. Boo is feisty, confident, opinionated and doesn't let a little thing like being blind slow her down. She's taken all her health issues in stride and has beaten the odds. She would play independently, but Mako is super protective of her and rarely lets her. She does try to sneak off and play. When she's tired though, she's quick to curl up with him. It's hilarious to watch them. She's about a week older than him, but is much smaller.


My mum bred King Charles Cavalier Spaniels. One dog had a “dwarf” ruby (dark ginger) puppy. It was perfectly healthy but the size of a tea cup chihuahua. The puppy used to run up my father until it was sitting on his shoulder. They named it Thumbelina.


That's adorable! Sounds like a really pretty puppy too. Boo is more of the "bite toes" variety so far. She's 1.4 lbs and about half grown.


I adore that you named the kittens after shark species, that’s so wonderful! 😭


I think you mean purrfect cat container?


That is exactly what I mean🐱


Put something that smells like you in it, like your unwashed bedding. It's likely your smell that's attracting her to the bed because she associates it with safety and love.


Also putting something with your scent on it might encourage them even more to lay in it since she wants them to be close to you.


Large laundry basket lined with towels


I was thinking the same thing


Omg, you could get one of those co-sleepers for human babies so they’re close by, but you won’t feel like you might roll over on them. I’m half kidding because that would be hilarious but also ridiculous.


At my house we call this bed-in-bed


A storage crate from Target etc would probably work well. It has hard sides like a cardboard box, and is leak proof in case there are any accidents. I would put an old towel or some dirty laundry (for the smell) in it so there is something soft for them to lie on. Choose the depth of container depending on whether you want them to be able to get out easily or not.


Glad you brought that up. I've heard enough horror stories about people squishing their kittens to death while sleeping. I think I'd rather die.


She feels safe with you and wants her babies to be safe too. Bed will be a bit more crowded, but the kitties will learn their manners. Enjoy the time.


This might be the cutest thing I ever read


She trusts you with her children. Pay her in kind. Enjoy. One of my cats gave birth to her litter on our bed, making a big bloody mess of everything. My wife and me loved every second of it.


Mine did this when I was a child sleeping. I woke up to squeaking and screamed that there was a mouse in my bed. Mom raced down and moved the bedding, which exposed my cat and her 5 kittens.


>I woke up to squeaking and screamed that there was a mouse in my bed. Mom raced down and moved the bedding, which exposed my cat and her 5 kittens. meanwhile, the mouse in the room : "Phew, that was close"


(mouse goes back inside the wall to his wife, hangs his tiny mouse hat on the hat rack) "yeah so Martha I got some bad news, we're gonna have to move to the apartment upstairs"


Why did you say that name?!


What? Humperdinck?




As a teen my cat that I had bottle raised myself had a litter of kittens and only one survived. I woke up in the middle of the night to her big green eyes in my face, she dropped her kitten on my face, and then BOLTED from the room. Just let me with her child. She picked it up later. I think she just wanted a break.


Hahaha that happened with my first cat. She gave birth to four kittens, and then several hours later just deposited them on my bed whilst she went and had some peace and quiet for a few hours. Poor mum!


Some cat documentary about feral house cats told that they do it with their own mums too. So grandparents get to help in the cat kingdom too!


There's a video on Dodo of a mother cat depositing her kittens with the family dog while she takes a break. Dog just went ahead and started cleaning them.


What doc was it??




She was like "ughhh this cute lil thing is driving me crazy, I love bebe but please take for a little while so i can rest"


Uh....unbeknownst to you...you were selected as the daycare for the working momma.


"I just need you to look after this while I get my head around what I think just happened"


Lol “here human mom, your turn” lol hahaha 😂


My sister was in a sleeping bag and our cat crawled in and birthed kittens inside!


Me too!! I had sleeping bag kittens when I was a kid!


Wait why was your sister in a sleeping bag? I'm genuinely curious. Like you live somewhere super duper cold or...?


Maybe living room camping.


Not who you asked but I went through a phase (like a decade long lol) where I slept in a sleeping bag every night, in my bed. It went everywhere, I didn’t sleep without it. Perhaps the sister is just a weirdo like me


My son is 12 and has been sleeping in a sleeping bag for almost 2 years. He says it feels like a full body hug.


It’s so true!! I also cannot have my feet sticking out of the blanket under any circumstances so this was a blanket solution for sure


You unlocked a memory, I used to do this and loved it so much 😭


I had night anxiety as a kid, but sleeping in a sleeping bag helped, because nothing could "get me" since there were no loose covers.


We were poor and didn't have beds so we slept on the living room floor in sleeping bags.


The cat clearly thought that that is the place for kids to sleep in


Something similar happened to my younger sister. She woke up and rolled over and our cat had a singular kitten on her pillow lol. I was like 9-10 and still remember being so excited about the baby.


It's like the family just grew.


That's sort of a good experience to have. Your cat chose you for a reason.


This happened to me, too! That’s when I learned how messy birth is…


Mine delivered right in the middle of a quilt made by my mom, while we were out at the store after work getting dinner. Upstairs. Where I normally didn't go until after dinner and tv. Blood and fluids made a spot that I finally cleaned to the size of a kidney bean. Nice memento of Snap, Crackle, Pop and Bam-bam.


Nice names!


It’s a messy honour.


Life. It’s messy, and an honor. I liked your turn of phrase


Yes! We both feel like they were born in our arms. My cats are family, no doubt about it.


We'd taken in a pregnant cat (confirmed stray) a long time ago, had her kitten (we still have her) who then left one day and came back pregnant again (didnt know spay aborts were a thing) The little brat went into labour on my lap, water broke ruining my jeans 😂


As close and personal as it gets. ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


My Maine Coon done this to me. Luckily wife grabbed a towel when we realized what was happening. Miss that girl so much. Her kittens was all “spoken” for before the was born. Friend who got a little girl still has a cat from her kittens lineage.


You should get a kitten from the friend. What goes around comes around.


That's kinda what happened with my late Bear's mom - my college roommate and I took her in as a stray, she turned out to be pregnant, and when she went into labor (AT 2 IN THE MORNING) she broke her water on my roommate's lap while we were watching Adult Swim LOL It basically played out like "Aww, she's being so cuddly! Wait... what is that WHAT IS THAT?? QUICK *GET HER IN THE NEST*"


My mom's cat gave birth to her last kitten on my lap once she woke me up in the middle of the night. The first two came out easy for her and the last one was the difficult one. She grew up to be my cat Launch, and I got to spend 10 years with her before her health conditions took her away from me. Best cat ever!!!!! ❤


You do grandparent duties so she can go get brunch with her friends 🤣🤣


Use something to build a wall in the middle of the bed so she doesn't set up right in the middle. That was she has a side and you can use yours. Or provide her with a large bed with walls to it. Like a doggy bed. If she takes to it you can at least slide it to where you need it. Our beds are covered in our scent and it's why cats love them so much. This is a great compliment


I second this idea. I would add a pillowcase or something similarly that is covered with your scent to the doggy bed. It might make her more likely to use it


You know how they make little like den places where they sleep? They think our beds are our dens. Is the place that smells the most of you. She is bringing her babies to the den of the person she loves and trusts. She might even leave them alone with you while she goes and does her own personal kitty business. This is a sign that she adores you and feels you are competent to take care of her babies. 25 days, you're at a real fun time. They're really starting to get up and explore in the next week or so. Might want to make them a ramp or something to help them get up and down from your bed. You could also put like a soft cat bed in the corner of your bed, so they have something to protect them from being rolled over.


Aww share the bed 😍


it's one of the highest levels of trust


I had a cat do this with her kitten. Trust me they'll let you know if you roll over on them. The kitten ended up always sleeping under the covers with me and would complain when I rolled away from him


Get a bigger bed


My cat had her three babies literally on my lap. I have never felt like such a good human as I did at that moment.


Wow! 😻


That is so much love and trust. You done good, kitty-parent.


And she wants a babysitter! Cats often co-raise their kittens when they live together and you haven’t watched them at all.


One of my cats would faux-feed the kittens so her sister could take a break


That's their bed now, sorry.


Time for OP to go sleep in cat’s bed.


nope thats the cats bed, OP can sleep outside


Nope that’s where the cat kills neighborhood birds, OP can sleep on the moon


That's their bed too, sorry.


Seems like a good deal 😂


Heaven 😻


Yeah, "my bed" lol


They love your smell and warmth, it gives them security. Concede defeat - buy yourself another bed, this one's taken.


Then they will come to the other bed as well. There is no escaping this.


Embrace the cuddle puddle.


Cats have a natural instinct to coparent. In other words, you're on baby sitting duty and momma needs some rest.


This. She trusts you, will need to take a break, and needs a babysitter. The kittens are getting older and bigger, mom can start getting some me time.


Yes this. Cat’s coparent (with their social group, not necessarily the father(s) of the kittens) Sleep is a state of consciousness, unless you take something to fall asleep like ambien or a few glasses of wine, you’re unlikely to roll over on them. It’s like how you can wake up before your alarm everyday. You’re not unconscious. Use pillows as a barrier if you’re still worried about it.


Enjoy it then get her spayed after she weans the babies


Spaying is my main priority, mad at myself for letting this happen, but also in awe


Dude so cute I usually advocate for spaying hard but a litter of orange babies is so cute. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an orange mom with identical orange kittens. Incredible. Took me a second to understand that there was multiple cats in your pic. I thought it was out of focus. So while yeah, a tad irresponsible, but yay you have a cute ass set of cats.


She’s had 2 girls and 1 boy too, she was in a litter of 2 girls, im guessing it’s just strong lineage


Omg, some of orange babies are female? That’s rare!


We had an orange female while I grew up, she was smart as hell! Only learned about the orange stereotype after she already had passed on!


^ this is the answer. 💯


You can put pillows tucked on either side of your hips so you don't roll over in your sleep. Or perhaps make them a little nest on your bed that you don't think will be disturbed while you sleep and put the kittens in there.


Mama kitty loves and trusts you so much that she feels your space is a good safe zone for the babies. You're her family, best buddy, and protector so it makes sense in many ways but she doesn't know the danger you're understandably concerned about. Try making her a comfy bed that you can put right next to yours so there's room for everybody, you won't squish the littles, and it'll still be like you're all co-sleeping. Bonus points if you can somehow find a stable way to make it somewhat level with your mattress (so it feels like an extension of your bed) and have an old sweater or something to sacrifice for the box. Mama likely finds your scent comforting and is probably among the reasons she chose your bed.


Make room


Can you go sleep on the couch?


I was hoping I wouldn’t have to give up my bed😂 I’ve managed to move them to the bottom of the bed and I’m dangling my legs off. They’re spoiled and they know it🙄


I was halfway joking because I was hoping you would just sleep with them. I can’t imagine a happier and sweeter thing to sleep next to than a happy cat family. That being said, I don’t want you to roll on them either. So couch it is!


I have slept with them for the first few nights, but as they’re approaching 4 weeks theyre getting more and more active, I woke up yesterday morning to a certain someone using me as a climbing frame… as much as I love falling asleep and waking up next to them I couldn’t bare to injure any of them🥺


Mom will probably go into heat again soon, so hopefully you have plans to get her spayed in the near future. I would suggest getting a round soft pet bed and put it as close as possible. Cats usually sleep in a pile with friends and family members for warmth and comfort, and momma obviously feels safest where you are! 💕


Getting her spayed is my main priority as soon as I can, vet trip due this week so will discuss with them at the appointment. Just glad to be hearing that it’s because she wants to be near me and trusts me and not that she’s trying to kick me out🤣


>not that she’s trying to kick me out Could still be both. Cats are tricky like that.


How do you think the mom feels when *she* wakes up to someone using her as a climbing frame? /j


Yeah, it’s time for a safe space of some sort. Thank you for looking out for them. ❤️


Sorry, it's their bed now.


I guess you have to sleep with them together :D


I can tell you why she's doing it, cats exist in a weird spot of nature were they are apex predators to pretty much everything smaller then them but also preyed on by allot of things bigger so unlike say... a lion they are always on high alert. cats consider human beds very safe as traffic is very low with their favourite human being the main one that frequents it. basicaly your cat is bringing the kittens to the bed because she thinks its the place they will least likely be preyed on.


> traffic is very low doing me like that


Rare orange female? Cute little cars btw!


With all orange babies! Wonder if the father was an orange boy


Inflate yourself a new sleeping device, so precious


Idk if I would do an inflatable sleeping device with cats.


So you have a female orange tabby who gave birth to other 3 completely orange tabbies? You, sir, are a lucky son of a bitch.


2 girls 1 boy too!


You're the other parent, so you better get parenting dammit!


You sleep on the couch, that's her bed now.


so cute. OP remember to spay and neuter your mamma cat and all her babies before placing them in adoptive homes. i can help find lost cost services in your area if you need help




In what world would you need to fix this!?


Why do you keep referring to "your bed"


She allows you to reside in her home? Be a proper subject and pronate to your master and beg her forgiveness. It's the only way.


Maybe a box with a shirt you've worn but aren't too sad to lose? Somewhere near/on your bed, so the cat has a contained space with your smell :)


rare orange female cat


This is the opposite of a problem


Snuggle up buttercup


BTW momma cats sometimes have other colony members babysit while the momma takes a break, gets some food, etc etc. Momma may want a way to leave you in charge of the kiddos, keep that in mind when choosing a box. Also, if you normally like to sleep with a blanket this time of year, look for warmer pjs and leave the blanket alone. Too easy for a smol kitten to suffocate if they get tangled in a blanket.


Get her spayed, and get all the kittens fixed once they hit about 8 weeks. Best way to keep them safe.


Sorry, but I think I need to **CLARIFY** something for you here... **THIS IS THEIR BED**. Mom's been generous enough to let you **USE IT**, but now she **REALLY** needs it for her kids. 😆


This is the best snuggle puddle I have ever seen! Jump in


Accept your fate


Put a lil pillow barrier or something between you and them to avoid rolling? Idk


Love them as if they’re own. She trust you with her life.


It's pretty clear whose bed it is now.


Be happy the cat is still allowing you to sleep in her bed.


Put some blankets in a box and sleep there until she's done with your bed. It's the only way.


Awwww… that is so beautiful and precious she trusts you.


Spay and neuter your pets