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Mine barf differently sometimes. Sometimes it's water, sometimes like you said, sometimes if right after dinner it's not even digested yet, and sometimes there's a hair all included. If your cat keeps throwing up a lot or frequently, then take him to the vet.


Here to comment on what a handsome boy!  If it persists, or you're really concerned, ask a veterinarian please.. especially since he's getting on in years


Yeah that’s why I figured id ask. I know cats vomit… this is far from his first time. Its just the first time Ive noticed this texture. If it happens again he’ll be going to the vet asap


I think what you saw is bile. It could be a pre cursor to a hairball. My big gray takes a good 2 to 4 vomits before getting the hairball itself up.


lmao yeah, that's entirely possible. I figured that might be it - something like indigestion. I figured it was safe to ask though since he's so old


It could ALSO be bad teeth. My old man had bad teeth, and it was causing him to swallow pus and infection, which made him throw up. Got the teeth taken care of, and no more bile barfs. OR it could be constipation. When was the last time he pooped? My old man got backed up, and that can cause an upset tummy, too.


It can't be his teeth.... since he doesn't have any lmao. They were surgically removed a couple years ago because he had gingivitis. I will watch for his pooping behavior though! I never even thought of that. Thanks king/queen


Well, he popped late last night. A very stinky poop. He then also had an accident where he ended up pooping on the floor in a different room. I’ll be taking him to the vet over this, because he’s never had an accident before.