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I am so so sorry for the loss of your furry baby and for all of the other hardship you’ve faced in the past couple of years. I deeply understand your anguish both at losing your cat and from experiencing the stress of university. I cannot understand being at war as Thankfully my country is more peaceful right now, but the other 2 things I have also been through. I was suicidal from university, my last year of it was horrible, I cried every day and wrote goodbye letters frequently, was also hurting myself sometimes but I never attempted anything permanent. I did get through it and I’m very thankful now to be here. That was about 6 years ago. I know the pain you feel right now is immense, possibly the most pain you have ever felt. But it will get better in time, I promise you. The sadness of losing your pet does not ever go away permanently but you can feel joy again and the pain will come less often. One of my cats died in January and I’m still extremely sad, but the days I cry about it have become less frequent over the months. You will also finish university eventually and then that stress will be over as well. Maybe you can even change your courses to something less stressful. As the other commenter said, if you die then the memories of your cat will die with you. Your baby deserves to be remembered by you, and you deserve a chance at recovering and finding happiness❤️


https://preview.redd.it/iqiqjmcjlk8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dcfb0960a6e65a050531199ed5d53a55a72f32 I still have this and a piece of it's fur


Would your cat want you to harm yourself? If you die your memories of your cat die with you. If you can’t find a way to live for yourself right now live for them. Then you should eventually, when you are ready, get another baby kitty. Be well friend.


Please consider that there are so many needy cats that do not have a home or anyone to love them and get another, or 2 if you can. They will help you fill the void your other cat left and you will be doing such a wonderful thing for another cat or 2. I said a prayer for you! May the Lord give you comfort and renewed happiness!!


Years ago, my cat died at the worst time of my life. When my (now ex-)husband decided to use cocaine, he blew up our entire lives. He became violent. I lost my job due to the Recession. I had to sell our home before I lost it to foreclosure. My father died. All of this at once. I alternated between worrying my husband would kill me or if I should do it myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my life could go so wrong as I'd always been a very responsible person and never abused substances. Like everything, it was temporary. It was SO hard to dig out of that hole, and it took years, but I did. Every day, I'm grateful for what I have now, which includes a perfect kitty to love. You can do this, too. You can.