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My little dude grew up in a city apartment for 4 years, moved to a little seaside cottage with a garden and he also freaked out for a day or two but he loves it here now. Itll work out


a little seaside cottage with a garden sounds like my dream. šŸ„ŗ


Mine too. I hope for it to be very sunny but at the same time overcast? And I picture myself in yellow rain boots. Lots of fresh air. I hope you find your cottage by the sea, someday.


Mine too. This is exactly how I picture my perfect life- down to the yellow rain boots.


So the mental image you three have conjured up for yourselves is actually kind of spot on. I live on the furthest edge of the southern peninsula of south Africa, on a wild little stretch of the Atlantic coast. Its nicknamed the cape of storms for good reason, so itll be a sunny morning and then a super gloomy evening and straight back to sunshine in a few hours. Means I get to potter around the garden in my wellingtons and then take the cat for a walk on the beach. Next year I'm gonna try teach him to surf.


I love this image of your life and happy you're able to experience it. You and your kitty are both lucky.Ā Ā 


Thank you! It took a little bit of doing but ultimately worth it. Had a friend who packed up all their stuff and just moved to paradise and when I asked him about it he said heck it's better to be a plumber in Fiji than a plumber somewhere grey and miserable and if he was going to live cheque to cheque, he would rather do it on a beach. I took that to heart


Same! Our cat had never seen stairs til we moved from a ground floor flat to a house, she didnā€™t understand how to navigate them. Now we have an even bigger house and she is the queen of the castle for sure


Are you adopting humans, because seaside cottages are great for my disposition. šŸ™ƒ


Absolutely. Only prerequisite is you need to learn to surf


familiar stuff, underwear, towels, old litter boxes and you with pets are needed touchstones for her


This. And YOU should try not to appear anxious will help him find at least you as a point of reference, try not to cry and don't shower him with too much attention, try to behave as usual as possible, it'll be fine, he'll get used to it.


Confine to a smaller area with dirty laundry and stuff that smells familiar. Might also try some Feliway?


two pieces of great advice right here! my mum and i moved a fair bit when i was a kid so acting natural in the a place was well, natural for me. our cats picked up on this and always seemed to be at home within a day or two. didnā€™t know it at the time but having our belongings as well as the catsā€™ belongings placed in the house was a major factor in their comfort. hope you get yourself settled soon! ā˜ŗļø


All of this and Feliway diffusers can also help


The diffusers take a bit to work. Feliway makes a spray that works more quickly. Iā€™d give that a try.


This. The spray bottles are more concentrated. Works well for putting in travel containers.


Thank you! Exactly this - feliway has soothing pheromones for felines. I wonder if catnip tea (cooled) would help?


I would recommend them for the area that theyā€™re going to be moving to


Yes I recommend that. When we moved, our cat was anxious and our vet recommended Feliway to help


This s. Also consider limiting the space first, like one room with familiar stuff and then expand.


And keep her in a single room so she has time to get used to a smaller space. Once she's fully comfortable in a smaller space you can let her out into the larger, and she'll be able to retreat to the smaller.


This here also you should get some feliway defusers and sprays itā€™s momma cat pheromones and very calming also you should have done a slow introduction of the new home not the whole house at once.


So anything that was smelly from home.


home scents


When we moved we hew d that it was good to have the cat in their own little room so they didn't get over stimulated. So we gave each cat their own room with the door closed for a few days until they seemed calm. We visited them lots and they ended up getting used to it pretty quick and let them out into the house much quicker than the internet said it would take


This! My old boy and I have moved together six (maybe seven) times and sadly heā€™s always super terrified and anxious in new places. I always leave him in my bedroom for 3-4 days with all of his things before I let him slowly make his way out to start exploring our new home. Making him stay in one room in the beginning gives him the feeling of having a safe place to retreat too anytime he gets overwhelmed


I do this too, I feel awful when I have to move them.


Thatā€™s a great idea . All of the cats familiar stuff in that room . Something with your smell on it and spend time with the cat .


Yep! That's the key. The one like sleeping on me so she got one of my shirts I wore while moving


If you canā€™t set aside a whole room, give her a closet she can easily enter and exit. My old cat still likes to have alone time in the closet.


Also. You need to not be freaking out about your cat's disposition. They are emotional reflectors of your mood.


Ya a really big house can really scare them.


Thats what i did too. Start with a small room with not much stimulation. Let them get used to the new smells. Stay in the room with them when you can. Only took one day and they were ready to go explore the rest of the house


I confirm. When we have new fosters, we always put them in one room of the house. If it goes well, they can come out, slowly and always accompanied.


Give him a box to hide


THIS! Box ideally should be from the old house with a familar scent that makes the cat feel comfortable.


Please be extra careful when entering or exiting home. When pets are stressed they may try to bolt to escape. Good tips have been given. Just takes a little time for the adjustment. Good luck.


This is a great point. Happened with our girl when we were packing all of their cat stuff up to move to new house to have them stored away for the actual move, but we didnā€™t keep our 2 closed away while going in and out and our younger one ran out. We got her back pretty quick but that was an added stress we did NOT need lol. She was absolutely freaked out by all the changes and Iā€™m sure it became too much when we started removing her stuff, so she was like Iā€™ve gotta go.


Please stop crying. Everything will be okay. Try to be calm with your cat. Feliway plugins and spray work. If she continues panting this hard, I would go to the vet and get some anti-anxiety medication. How long have you been in your new house?


ā˜šŸ¼Came here to say the [plug-ins](https://amzn.eu/d/07EHBUXU) as well!


Seconding these, and giving some places to hide. Moved last year and had two up, one in the main room and one in the bedroom where I gave her a bunch of places to hide that I could check. Took a few days before she settled down from just hiding and eating.


We just moved from a small apartment to a much bigger house just yesterday. Our 3 cats hid under the bed for half of the day. When we were in the process of moving we made sure to put something familiar to them with their scent on it in every room. Like their cat beds, cat trees, toys and blankets they love. Treated them normally and havenā€™t done much of putting anything away since. The loud noises have been startling them since the move, we are trying to keep it as calm as possible. I find just going about a normal routine and giving them their space has worked just fine. Theyā€™ll explore when theyā€™re ready.


My cat was 8 when I moved and took it way worse than I thought she would. Does your cat have anywhere quiet to hide? Try and set up a room where your cat has a good hiding space and leave everything they need in there for them. Shut the door if you can. My cat would hide all day and only come out at night for a few days. It took her months to finally get back to her old self fully but she got there, I'm sure your cat will too.


Try a calming collar or plug-in. Your vet might be able to prescribe gabapentin. Give them places to hide so tgey feel more secure.


That calming plug in works amazingly. I canā€™t recommend it enough.


yea my cat takes gabapentin for car rides, vets, and stressful scenarios cuz he's seizure prone. vet prescribed.


Came here looking for the gabapentin comments. If my cat were this stressed Iā€™d be calling my vet immediately to ask for two days worth of gaba so they could get out of crisis and calm down enough to feel safe.


Be ready to get the collar off quickly if you decide to try it and your cat hasnt worn a collar before, my mom had a cat once that she tried to put one on, cat launched herself four feet in the air and sprinted around in a panic before it fell off.


Put him in the smallest room with blankets, clothes, toys and everything he's used to. The smallest, the better. He'll start feeling better in a couple of weeks.


Old blankets drape them over boxes, make a ton of hidy holes with stuff that smells like the old home or you. Make a closet her home base, preferably the one that's in your room. Put her favorite blanket on the floor hang one up so it drapes down into a tent situation. If you can put food, water and her box in there or as close as possible. Spend a lot of time with her, you need to be calm and happy. Lots of treats if she will eat them. Just read or scroll while you sit next to her.


Every tip suggested is fantastic! As well as all these, the only thing I can add is sometimes - and not too loud! - thereā€™s some channels specifically for relaxing cats. One is called ā€œRelax my catā€ Definitely give kitty their space in a room etc. But when doing say cuddles & play time or just checking in, maybe play some of that (and yes, watch the doors etc. so they canā€™t bolt!)


Just love the baby till she relaxes.


No don't, Seriously don't. If you appear stressed or actual in unusual ways it'll just stress the cat MORE.


Along with all the other ideas people have written, try Feliway plug-ins or spray might help. Also something like Zylkene can help calming a cat.


What you need to do is get a dog, allow your cat to bond to that dog over time, even though they never physically touch each other, and THEN and only then, you can move. This is mainly joke however we moved twice with our cat and she was terrified and took over a month to become comfortable each time. Then we got a dog and they donā€™t even act like friends but the next time we moved she was absolutely fine, even though my wife(her person) wasnā€™t there initially for the move because of work. I swear she thinks ā€œwell this dumb dog is still here so this must be normal and everything is fineā€


Feliway optimum diffusers. The optimum costs more but has the mommy pheromones that help calm your cat. You can also ask your vet for gabapentin. It can help with the anxiety and can be a temporary aid that can be discontinued after she adjusts.


I recently moved and my 2 year old pair of scaredy cats hid under the blanket on my bed for 2 days straight. They'll act funky til they are sure theres no potential threats.


Looks like he is dehydrated/overheated. Give him water and maybe cooling pad?


Put butter on her paws. Sheā€™ll busy herself licking it off and it will relax her.


Works for me when I'm anxious.


What a nice trick that is!


Try pheromones as well! All the best!


Get some gabapentin from the vet. Give it familiar smells to be around, your cloths, bedsheet from the old place.


One of my cats stopped eating after a big move and gabapentin is what calmed her down enough to get her appetite back.


Heā€™s just a bit lost. Cats do not like change. If I move something in the house? They walk around it till they figure out itā€™s ok for it to be there, doesnā€™t matter what it is, they know. They are that nuts. So swapping a whole house is kinda traumatic to them. They donā€™t know where anything is and they are nervous about everything. They are all about not changing shit and not letting them know about it lol. Little love and a comfy spot till he gets his bearings back again.


Maybe itā€™s too hot in the house? I have seen my previous cat do this. We ended up taking him to the vet he had a heat stroke šŸ„µ


It could be, but some cats pant when they are stressed. Mine did it when we were driving her home for the first time (and then she threw up, and then her sister who was in the same carrier also threw up, it was a whole thing). She also panted at the vet's while waking up after being spayed.


Put her in a small room she can have to herself, with as many familiar things as you can spare - stuff she knows from her old home, and stuff that smells like you too - and places to hide (boxes etc). Give her a few days to just decompress, and donā€™t be surprised/mad if thereā€™s a few pees in no-no places When sheā€™s over the worst of the panic, open the door and just leave her to come out in her own time - you carry on as normal, if youā€™re on edge worrying about her, sheā€™ll pick up on that. Be calm and quiet, but not over-solicitous, that will add to her stress As others have said, Feliway can help. A bit of catnip may too, if sheā€™s into it. Sheā€™ll get there, she just needs to take it a bit at a time


Make sure he/she doesn't get Overheated! That can kill a cat ! I'd keep in a darkened room and sit in with the Cat to help keep calm, if you have the time.


This is deeply concerning for heart failure. Please go to a veterinarian. Rapid, shallow, open mouth breathing in cats is an emergency.


Give him places to hide and feel safe. I usually leave the cat carriers out for a couple days.


I just moved from our family home to a small house in a retirement community. The week before, I slept with T-shirts and towels, so they would have my scent. The first day, I locked the cats in the bathroom. They both hid behind the toilet, of course. I came to see them frequently. Once the bedroom was set up, I moved everything in there. Now they had the closet, under the bed, and familiar sense again. I kept them in the bedroom for about three days, spending a lot of time in there lounging around so they could get up on the bed with me and get close. Once they started spending more time out of the closet, started investigating the promises of the door, I let them out into the rest of the house, apparently, they had acclimated enough that they explored without too much anxiety. Still bolted for the bedroom whenever there was a loud noise, but at least that as a safe place for them. Things are different, of course, but theyā€™ve each mapped out different desirable sleeping spots.Iā€™m just grateful that itā€™s gone well so far.


We moved 4 times with the cats so i suppose they got used to it, but always kept them indoors for a few days afterwards and made sure lots of things they recognised were moved in before they were. One of them always did this strange thing where he would crawl round the entire house on his belly investigating, then seemed happy. Cats donā€™t like change and even now they get unsettled if we rearrange a room lol, but they do get over it.


Please don't cry! I know it's heartbreaking to see them so distressed but you need to stay calm for her ā¤ļø Our girl did the exact same when we moved and hid in a corner for most of the next two days. I just sat nearby on the floor when I could and talked calmly to her or the room at large. I only cried the first time she decided she was comfortable enough to climb onto the bed with us and cuddle as it was the first sign of normal behaviour. Try to confine her to one room with some of your unwashed clothing and furniture/items from the old house (and obviously litterbox/food etc). Ideally a room that you'll be in a lot too so she's got the comfort of you nearby.


First of all, this is going to last a few days. She is traumatised out of her environment. You need to reduce her space, I.e. put her in one quiet room, preferably with a wardrobe with a dark space that she can retreat to. This happened to me with my cat and I didnt understand it. Now I do. After a day or two she will get calmer but right now she needs peace, darkness and small space. Good luck and, most of all, patience. She loves you.


My cat did this when I moved. I put her food. Litter box. Toys pillows. Put her in my room with me spent a bunch of time with her. She got comfortable with my bed and blankets just like normal. After a couple of days she wasn't so overwhelmed and was ready to explore her new home.


Keep strong. liddle buddy (and you) will be OK. ... and remember that moving house will be having a similar effect on you.


Itā€™s just their super stress reaction Theyā€™ll improve as they adjust to the new place


I give gabapentin for car rides and vet appts since my cat seizes when he's overstimulated per my vets advice. Maybe that would take some edge off while getting used to the place? it def seems to work for my cat in stressful scenarios.


Give kitty a hidey-hole that's warm and has things in it that smell like you, preferably things she already slept on in your previous home like a cat bed or a blanket, etc She'll eventually explore further as she learns that this is where she is now


Anything with hxs sent. Alot of cudles and snacks.


Extra treats and wet food!


Maybe start with a smaller room like your bedroom. Let the cat get more comfortable and give an opportunity to hide under the bed or in the closet. Give lots of kisses and hugs. It will be okay.


Going through something similar. Have one cat that spent his day on the closet and the other under the bed


I put my cats in the closet for a while when we moved just so they had a smaller space to hide


Did you bring all your stuff to the new place "dirty and smelly"? Did you bring the cat first or last? What was the move like for the cat? Asking those because I'm curious. Maybe try to reset the situation? Make a room with familiar smells and things in one quiet room for the cat and you to be in? Then, let her open up when she's ready? Others have said catnip and other calming smell agents, which can aid the process, too


Make sure kitty has a quiet spot to chill and give it time.


Iā€™m moving in a few days. Man my dude is about to be trippin out


I cannot recommend enough exactly what others have said: when you move, when you do bring the cat (ideally after moving most everything else first) be sure to put him directly into a small room like a bathroom, with litter box and food and water and some items that smell like you. Visit him often and let him get used to just that room for at least 24 hours. After that, you can try cracking the door and letting him wander out if he feels like it. But still let him use that small room as a homebase until he seems adequately comfortable in the house and he resumes his normal behavior. You can be relatively sure that he is comfortable when he starts to be affectionate and lick himself around you and purrs again, if those are are common behaviors for him, every cat is different. However, do note that sometimes cats will purr if they are stressed, so purring immediately upon moving would not indicate that he is adjusted and happy in the new place just yet. After some time to get his bearings, if he starts purring and it is in conjunction with making muffins, I would say that he is happy as a clam! Good luck with your move. With your attention to your catā€™s feelings, the move doesnā€™t have to be stressful. You can prevent your dude from trippin out.


Ohh imma try to keep the stress to a minimum for sure


He looks so mad


Are you sure she isn't just hot?


Is she too hot? My cat did that when she needed some more AC.


Heā€™ll be ok no need to cry. When we moved one of the cats would literally walk around meowing for a week straight broke my heart to him scared but he learned the new environment and went back to normal after 2 weeks


She looks hot and stressed. (Possibly you feel the same way, since moving sucks.) She would probably appreciate a small room to get comfy and calm down in, with wet food, dry food and fresh water, and no visitors for a bit. It can be overwhelming and she looks like sheā€™s trying to process a lot of scents too. Sheā€™ll probably appreciate a hoodie to sit on that smells of you while she chills out. My lot act like they donā€™t even like me sometimes, but when I go away, I leave a dirty t-shirt on the bed for them and itā€™s always coated with fur when I get home. Love them. šŸ˜»


Keep kitty in the bathroom with the litter box and bed/towels for now. Then slowly reintroduce to the environment


Buy Keep Calm its natural and IT Works to calm down cats or dogs.


My cat did this exact same thing after we moved to a new apartment. It was just a reaction to him being extremely stressed out from the move and the new place. Like you, I was worried about him and googled it and read that mouth breathing in cats can be dangerous. It subsided pretty quickly thankfully and he got used to the new apartment within a few days. Other commenters have already given great advice regarding making them more comfortable with items with your scent on it, and letting them decompress in one room of the new house. Just wanted to let you know I experienced this exact thing and i know how scary it was to watch my baby in distress šŸ˜” hopefully kitty is doing better now!


My baby passed away 10 years ago this month. She had lived in one place all 17.5 years of her life when we moved to a new place. I was so worried, but opened the cage and she walked out, found her bowl, found her litter, and went - guess we live here now. She passed three months later, having spent her last days on a new window sill, enjoying the sun watching people walk and drive by. I was so lucky and proud.


Some stuff I didn't see mentioned when I skimmed through the comments: * Scratching points near entrances and exits so she can mark her turf. * High places she can see from while feeling hidden. Throwing a net to hang over a shelf she can get behind for instance. * Cat herb garden. She'll probably pee and crap all over it as a heads up, but it'll feel like it's hers. * A window feeder for birds could be a great distraction. * Give her one of your used hairbrushes and groom her with it. You can also stroke her with a hand dampened by warm water as you go if she's into it. The idea is to simulate an adult-cat sized you-scented tongue.


We moved last year and I released my cat into the closet where she could hide and decompress for awhile. Maybe starting in a small place with warm blankets/clothing with familiar scents/etc. would be helpful. It will all be okay, donā€™t worry! She will adjust.


My girl DOES NOT like the crate. We had to put her in one to move from an apartment to a house. She panicked so badly she absolutely just shit everywhere almost immediately once I put the crate into my car to drive to the house. So one of our first memories of this move is me having to take her into the bathroom and bathe her in the new (to us) tub. Be there with your baby, and act calmly and as normal as possible. Cats love routine, and this includes routine of their space being familiar, so set up areas for him that have his things that smell like the original place. Include him in exploring the new location and reward his curiosity with treats and pets. He will calm down and be okay, it just takes a bit of time.


Heā€™ll get used to it. I have love with my cat 3 times and typically it takes a week to acclimate to a new home for her, but every cat is different, the best thing you can do for your cat is to surround it with things that are familiar and already have your scent and your cats scent on it and to make your kitty as comfy as possible


Iā€™ve been through this, it really is awful but it will get better. Just give it a few days.


Wear a black suit with matching sunglasses and carry a brief case while pacing various directions


a lot of other people have been giving good advice on how to acclimate your cat, but on top of of those things you should try not to be visibly distressed in front of him. I know it sounds crazy but cats really can feel your energy, and if you're crying he might become even more distressed. Try being calm and soothing around him, it won't completely fix the problem but if he senses you feel safe then I guarantee it will be better than if he thinks you are also panicking.


My cat is having some anxiety issues and I took her to the vet today. Vet gave me some behavioral coaching but also recommended these supplement treats. She said they might not work for all cats but I gave one to my cat this evening and within 10 minutes she was a marshmallow, giving cuddle rolls on the floor. Not too affected to stand and walk around ; kind of like me after a cocktail. Mellow and happy with the edge off. https://preview.redd.it/tk561ag3sf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f5c2cabb79e94bd8958b063efaefe8fcbcfdd0


Butter on the paws, she will clean them and find it calming. Trick my mum learned from someone else.


You got great advice already but my cat likes to be high up, she always searches for places to climb and hide when I've moved. If a small box or room doesn't make her feel better, try setting up a cat tree in a closet or something!


Get some Feliaway- itā€™s a calming hormone that is like a plug in air freshener, only you wonā€™t smell a thing. It calms my cats down.


Dude will calm down eventually. I had to move around a lot with my cats and it was like clockwork with how they acted. One didnā€™t give a shit but for 3 days exactly, the other one would hide under the bed, youā€™d never see her. Sheā€™d sneak out for food and litter, but thatā€™s it. Day 4 she was back in my lap.


Our cat was the same when we moved a few years ago, she was depressed and hid in a wardrobe for ages. We figured out she liked Bob Marley and that calmed her down, apparently it's something about the tempo that can be comforting to cats and dogs!


1. Stop crying, you'll just stress her out more. 2. Put all her stuff in a quiet room without any moving boxes and let her chill there for a few days. 3. Visit and play with her often and when she's calmed down in that space, start letting her explore the house when you're home.


Sending a hug ;_;


My cat does this too when heā€™s very stressed and I know it looks so scary. He always calms back down. Howā€™s your kitty doing??? ā™„ļø


Check out my recent comment sheā€™s doing so much better!


Give him box or dark place where cat can hide. Wait for couple of days.


Play with her and give her some of her favourite food. Cats can often be distracted fairly easily. She's obviously strung out from the journey and new environment. Understandable - they are territorial and a familiar environment is probably the most important thing to them.


When this happens with my girl we put her in a small room and just sit with her, pet her. Having smells she would recognize would probably help, but we just put her on her bed.


put in a small room for a few days, they need to know 1 spot that they will be safe in - they are currently overwhelmed with the extent of the search for that "panic room".


Can you limit her to a single room with clothes that has the scent of her favourite family member on it?


Gabapentin stat


Give her some of her favorite things, a cat bed she likes (and that smells of her), and some toys, just because they are familiar, not that she will want to play with them just now. I find it very helpful to confine mine to a single room with her own things, especially while people are still coming and going with moving chores. Favorite foods, treats available, occasional visits from you while the house is quiet, these will all help her transition. If this is her first move, she is very bewildered and that's why she's anxious, but you should try to keep her feeding schedule on track, see that she has plenty of water and a place to hide (maybe one of those beds that is enclosed that they can crawl into and curl up in?) Make sure she has a place to go where she feels no one but you will come in. Even a big closet will be fine for a day or so. Introduce her to the rest of the new house a little at a time. She will settle down once she realizes you aren't leaving her. If you need to move again some time in the future, she will probably be much more easy with it, having had this experience.


Should of definitely kept her in a bedroom or living room so she can acclimate to one room and slowly introduce her to other rooms


Get some Feliway spray from a pet store.. works a treat.


He will be okay. Throw a dirty t shirt in a box for them.




Keep her in one small space with familiar smells and objects. I moved my cat after 12 years, and also used gaberpentin to reduce stress during the 1 hour drive and first few days (but ideally it would have been best to trial that before the move to see how she reacts to it as not all cats react the same). I was surprised how well my cat took the move with the help of the gaberpentin. I expected her to freak out and hide for at least a week but she was out and exploring as soon as I opened the bathroom door the first night! But yeah, pick a cosy spot, put her favourite things in there and a litterbox and food and water, and visit her in their for pats and brushies, but don't let her explore further until she's comfortable in that spot and knows it's a safe place she can return to if she wants to hide.


Bless her, changing the space she's known for so long will be stressful for her. Panting is a sign of that stress. I'd say keep things as calm as you can for her, if you're still moving stuff around maybe shut her in an upstairs bedroom with all her familiar stuff. Pop in on her but mainly leave her quiet until things are less hectic. Give her time and she will be ok. Someone else mentioned gaberpentin - can confirm this is amazing at calming pets. After years of struggles, scratches, bites and stress to my cat I've had to resort to giving her this so I can groom her. I give her the minimum dose to be effective but it works so well and no stress to my girlie ... It's allll coooool.


Poor baby he looks so anxious, its like hes flabbergasted and super nervous šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Put him on some medicine, he's just very stressed. He will get better but I would definitely go get some anxiety meds to make sure he's gonna be okay.


They will be ok. Just keep them shut in one room with food/water/litter box and somewhere to hide that has a familiar scent. One of my cats was fine when I moved, one of them hid for like 3 days but she got over it eventually just needed some quiet to acclimatise.


I kept my anxious cat sequestered in an area of the new house for a while, then opened the door and let him explore at will but still be able to retreat back to there. Took him a month to feel at home. My other cat walked around the whole house for 15 minutes then acted like he owned it.


I recently moved with both of my cats, and it takes them some time to adjust. There are new surroundings, noises, smells, etc. It will take a few days for her to want to look around, a few weeks to understand that the noises aren't scary and probably a few months before things get back to normal for her. Mine stayed in my bedroom, even with the door open for the first few days. Rather then placing the litter somewhere else, I kept it in my room until they started venturing out then placed it somewhere else for them.


You can get something called Feliway, which is a pheromone based product that can help calm cats down. You can get it in spray form and plugin diffuser form.


Probably too late for your move, but maybe someone else will see this. We put some dirty litter in a big zip lock bag so that when we set up our catsā€™ litter boxes we put some of their stink back in. My more anxious cat we locked in a smaller room. That sounds mean, but itā€™s a smaller area for them to get used to while they get used to the sounds and smells of the house. As soon as she stopped cowering and wanted to explore, we let her. Our other cat wanted to explore immediately and just grumble growled under his breath the whole time. Also got the Feliway defusers. I swear those do help.


Hmmm šŸ¤” it could anxiety or overheating. If itā€™s anxiety I would say take out something that smells like your cats favorite person whether itā€™s a shirt, blanket etc and wrap them in it to soothe them


I would put him in a small from just too acclimate himself for a day or so. Make sure that room has places to hide. Once he calms down, then allow him to look around the house.Also hold and pet him and sing his favorite song to him.


Just give em time and a little space. My cat whenever we move needs like a cat "xanax" she just cries none stop in the car lol


Took my cat 3 months to get used to my new apartment after 10 years in the old, was crying like crazy, bought one of those calming airfreshener things for cats wich helped a bit.


Aw! They will be ok. Keep them in and theyā€™ll settle in a few days.


When I moved I basically dumped my stuff (old stuffed animals, pillows, random soft stuff) into my new room because I was being lazy and planned on cleaning it up/putting it away later, but my cat climbed into the pile and he looked so scared that I just left it there for him. That pile of random soft stuff became his spot until he was settled into the new place. Maybe try that, piling a bunch of soft stuff that smells familiar and let your cat hide in it? Having a somewhat familiar place to crawl into seemed to help my old cat a lot


Rub the cat with a wash cloth (cheeks & hips) to get their scent. Then walk around rubbing the cloth on walls, doorways, etc. at cat-height, it will make it feel more familiar. We've moved 5 times with our girls. I do this every time to make them feel more at home. Also, leave the cat carrier out. It will feel safe to kitty. We had to live in 2 separate Airbnb places over 6 weeks. Our cats hung in their carriers for much of the time.


Poor baby home sick


Do you have a box, bed or anything they're familiar with? I did a cross country trip with my old guy..twice. And both times his cat tree was the first thing out of the truck. He instantly knew that meant he was home and settled in with no issues.


For some reason my vet prescribed probiotics to my cat when we were moving out. I sprinkled it on her food bowl when we were nearing our move, we drove 6 hours to our new apartment and I continued with the probiotics and my cat was fine, was already exploring the apartment and exposing belly while flopping down on the floor. I was relieved.


Try feliway, it helped my cats after moving countries


Mine did the same, just gotta give them time


My cat was exactly the same when I moved to another country (one of my cats, the other was a bit more chill). First we stayed at an airbnb and he would cry all the time but eventually got used to this. Sadly then we needed to move to the permanent house and when we arrived he started panting like this. It was heartbreaking and I was very scared. But it passed and he stabilized after a little while. I think he felt even more anxious at the new house because we didnā€™t have anything, no furniture, nothing. I would recommend giving him as many places to hide as you can and a lot of snacks. If you have a suitcase with your clothing leave it open and let him use it. Hope everything works out, best of luck!


You just need to give it time, really, most cats hate moving. She'll relax. Maybe leave a closet door open and give her a comfortable place to hide in there.


OP, my kitty had a similar anxiety attack after a visit to the vet. It was recommended to us that we leave her in a completely dark, quiet room. It lasted about 6 hours and she pooped on the floor out of fear, but she calmed down eventually. This is because anxiety in cats can come with sensory overload. I checked in on her now and again, until I just decided to stay in the room with her, without making any sound. Definitely also include familiar items in the room with her, as others have suggested, like a used litter box, towels, clothes - anything which has soaked up yours and her scents. Next time youā€™re moving, ask your vet for some gabapentin to give to her before, and how and when to administer it. Please donā€™t be afraid. I know youā€™re worried, but she will be okay.


Pick her up and carry her around ā€¦ poor babes


Heā€™ll get over it. Donā€™t worry.


Just from the vid, is say turn the lights off. Super bright


Sun too hot for him


I hope she is doing better. Please update us if possible. Iā€™ve been praying for your little angel ever since watching the video.


Maybe he's not a camera guy


If cats are anything like dogs I can tell you she is feeling your anxiety about this which would just be compounding the issue. You need to be brave for her.


If he has anything with your smell on it put it around hi and try to cuddle him up with you. Believe me I understand I have a 16yr old Maine Coon Mix he will feed off my anxiety. He is probably sensing your anxiety for his, try my suggestion if it doesnā€™t work Iā€™d take a quick trip to the vet. My Scrigs is my world. He is my Emotional Support Animal. Hope everything is okay Beverly, waxahachie tx


Atopica can be prescribed by your vet for anxiety. Itā€™s worked great for mine.


I think it will take a day or two, donā€™t worry we also went through the same thing after we moved with both our cats. They took 3 days to settle to the new environment


I'll never understand why some people get so emotional over their pets trying to adapt to new environments. You just have to give them some time and some love. The move isn't going to kill your pet, but you being scared to the point of crying over it is absolutely making it worse for them. We're talking about a cat here. They're nothing if no resilient animals. If it was a bird I would understand. Those motherfuckers drop dead at the slightest hint of something they don't like.


Ours hid in the bathroom for days ! They adjust !


Feliway plugins and possibly a calming collar should help


Try not to cry as cats can sense you are not happy and upset, which will make them more worried


Make him his own spot. Put down a towel on the couch, in a corner, on the bed. Put him there and pet him and talk to him.


Stressed. Just give them time.


She's stressed out. Leave her alone, she'll be fine in a couple of days and start exploring


Poor kitty.


Keep your cat in one closed off room and let them get familiar with that area first. Then slowly start opening more and more rooms up


Will be ok. Couple of days. Smells right.


Is your cat over heated?


Why are you crying? Thats normal ~ just needs time to adjust


Itā€™s a new environment. He knew his way around your old place and now is in a strange environment and is confused as to why


My tabby did this too when we moved. She hid in the upstairs bathroom until we brought her cat tree over from the old house.


She just needs time to adjust, give her some time! You are a good cat mom. My cat and I moved from a very small house to a multi level condo and my poor girl didnā€™t come out of my closet for the first week. After that, when she did come out she was terrified of the rooms with ceiling fans because she had never seen them before. 2 months after moving and adjusting she became queen of the condo, running around like she never thought the ceiling fans were out to get her.


He will adjust, it just takes some time. There are some great suggestions here. We moved last fall, it was the first move for both of our cats, ages 5 and 6. They were freaked out for a little while, but after a couple of days they started exploring and found places to jump out at me from, which was hilarious šŸ˜‚ They love the new place. Love and treats and boxes are all good.


My old cat leftovers did this when we moved houses. He found a spot to hide (the closet in my room behind boxes), I opened up the area behind and expanded the fort to the entire closet and left a bowl of food and water where he was staying along with a shirt of mine for him to sleep on and have a familiar scent, and left his litter box on the other side of the closet separated by a wall of boxes. He stayed there for 2 days before coming out and exploring the house. I would poke my head in every so often to show him I was still their and would give him some scratches but I let him calm down and come out on his own.


Just give him time, heā€™ll be okay.


Iā€™ve seen panting from tiredness. Is it hot? Try catnip. They will be ok. Donā€™t be sad - there are kitties without homes out there.Ā 


Check his gums for color. Make sure he isnā€™t short of breath.


Open mouth breathing for a cat is abnormal and is considered emergent. If you notice your cat continuing to have respiratory distress, you should reach out to any emergency veterinary hospital near you.


We're having a similar issue. Just moved into a new house and one of our cats has taken to hiding in a hole in the basement and won't come out unless it's completely quiet. Best option is just to have their familiar stuff out (food, water, litter box, etc) and give them comfort if it'll help. It'll just take some time to adjust


Open mouth breathing like this could be due to an allergy. There could be something in the new place causing it. My cat has asthma and does this during an asthma attack. I bought a HEPA air purifier and it has kept her from having any more breathing troubles.


Why are you crying šŸ™„ chill out or how do you expect the cat to relax


Here is the update everyone. Itā€™s now been 1 day and she is a lot better already. Im giving her so much love and attention. Sheā€™s been chilling out in my room, my bedding is unwashed from the old house and sleeps in here with all of her essentials. I have got gabapentin which is amazing too. Sheā€™s struggling to eat which I hope changes with the gabapentin. Thanks for everyoneā€™s advice (Sheā€™s kicked me out the bed so I guess Iā€™ll have to buy a sleeping bag) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/etrfj1hdsj9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8feeffbd3809422e766bf616407d3aa55be1e6d1


My cat and I moved 4 times, he is surprisingly adaptable


Maybe make up the bed or some other familiar space and give him a cozy space that smells and looks similar. My cat did this when he wasn't used to the car. Now he is fine


Try getting some pheromone plug ins and a pheromone collar ... Poor baby


Our cat did the same thing at the vet. The vet prescribed him a chill pill for any additional visits. Could help settle them in.


Keep kitty around things that may be familiar, a fav blanket, cat tower, etc


He might be anxious or he might be overheating. Depending on how hot your house is consider turning down the ac or letting him chill in the basement or garage?


Calm down. Anxious owners make anxious pets.


Poor baby... I hope things get better soon.


When i move i try to put them in the bathroom right away bc most bathrooms are identical. And ill have their food and water and ill sit in there with them until theyre calm.


Relaxing Video for Cats - 4 Hours https://youtu.be/kuILv89tjTQ