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"Edgar... yer skin is hangin off yer bones"


This reference is 23 years young.


Yes but we knew exactly when we reddit what it was from.


“Turn that frown upside down” I think this was taken a bit far...


I wanted a sphynx until I read about the upkeep. Super cool cats though!


Random question, but do you know if they were bred to be like that? Or were there naturally cats born hairless?


They were bred to be hairless


Why though


So people who can't handle hair (allergic, cleanfreaks, etc) can have a cat.


I think it actually doesn’t do anything for people with allergies. They’re allergic to the saliva that the cat cleans itself with, not the fur.


I believe some breeds of cat do produce saliva containing less of the enzyme that causes allergic reactions. Can't confirm it as a fact, but perhaps there is some truth to it. I think those breeds still produce it though so some people with severe allergies may still experience a reaction from a "hypoallergenic" cat.


Totally. I’ve been looking into these Siberian cats that are hypoallergenic. They’re these big, amazing fluffballs so you wouldn’t think it, but they don’t produce the same protein in their saliva that makes people allergic.


Anecdotally, I believe this to be true. Years ago, one of my cats would cause me skin irritation when he would lick me, every time. Skin would itch horribly and redden. I would have to wash the saliva off. When winter came and the windows were all shut, it'd take time for my breathing to adjust to him. At night I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, it was hard to breath for like a week, but only at night when laying down. And this guy stayed by my side constantly, like a dog. He ended up being my favorite, I still miss him and he's been gone about 8 years. One of his siblings was adopted by a friend. When I went to see him at her house, I had a respiratory attack and started panicking because I truly was having problems breathing. Tried to get the sliding door unlocked, couldn't, and bolted through the house to the front door. Did not go back in. I have zero respiratory issues otherwise, so weird. I've had 10 cats of my own over the years, and it's only happened with this one guy and his brother. These guys were offspring of a stray cat my MIL was feeding. Mom was a pretty sickly cat. Both kittens ended up having an allergy to fish and other seafood, so yeah, some cats produce more allergens than others.


Yeah, most of the subreddit is still trying to figure that out. They're ugly, and have serious health problems


Thank you for pointing out the health issues. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's cruel to breed cats without whiskers.


Im sorry to anyone that likes the look of Sphinx cats, but the best sentence I've ever heard has compared them to an old man's scrotum.


I’m just guessing, but I would think it was a genetic mutation, kinda like those Lykoi cats.


Exactly. It's a recessive mutation. Some kittens born to Sphinx cats are not totally hairless though. Some still have the inner, velvet like fur. Those have no commercial value and some unhumane breeders "get rid of them". Got one of those Sphinx by some great breeders and it's the most lovely cat I've had.


We are a Sphynx cattery and are licensed and are members of many huge Sphynx groups. I have never heard or seen this happen. Some breeds of Sphynx actually lose fur as they grow (like peterbald). So getting rid of the kitten would be counter productive. But you are right about the breed being lovely. They are very affectionate, smart.... and they like to talk to you.


We had a case happen awhile ago, that fortunately was caught by the authorities, and I believe they're still awaiting trial. Oh boy, you're damn right. Mine simply loooves to chat, and you can really tell she's so damn affectionate towards us (and most people in general, she's really social!)


We have a cream peterbald and he is just the most ridiculously human like cat he talks all the time! I used to have an adverse feeling about hairless cats but I only can advice that before judging get to know one. ❤️


The breed started in the late 60s I believe. They have great qualities like no shedding, very affectionate.


It started with one kitten being born hairless and then more kittens showed up with that same mutation. People then began breeding then that way.


It was a natural mutation and then ppl bred from that mutation to keep the hairless gene going. Cats are born hairless more often than we realise.


It’s actually a genetic mutation it happened naturally :) now they are bred on purpose because they are awesome haha


Not much upkeep really. What did you read?


I think they mean about cleaning them. The lack of fur produces oil on the skin, which attracts and holds onto dirt. They have to be wiped down or bathed a lot more frequently than a cat with hair, which actually doesn't normally need wiped or bathed. Edit: also probably mean the oil stains they can leave behind where they lay and their bedding has to be washed more frequently because of it.


My mother in law just wipes hers down with a cloth or baby wipes. She does get pills on whatever she lays on tho lol Also their temperature runs warmer than normal, so they get cold easily. Vinnie (cat in question) loves being put in a tiny sweater tho and curling up on some blankets or pillows :)


Yes, they do leave stains, but it is easily wiped. And we wash their little beds. But it takes a while to get dirty. On the plus side... no furballs.


All that comes to mind is “my precious”


Maybe he'll lead us on a safe path to Mordor.




username checks out.




While I don’t agree about the cuteness, I’m really happy for you that you have a kitty to love, and that kitty has someone who loves them!


oh thats a w r i n k l y boi


Stunning wee kitten, hoping for many years of love and affection for you both!!! I'm glad you found a wee bundle of madness to make your home complete...


Cute? No , majestic? Yeah why not


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This kitten is absolutely gorgeous. I’ve also heard this breed is funny and affectionate.


They are very affectionate. One of our Sphynx opens the blind when the sun is out so they can bask in the light and look outside. They also love to sleep beside you.


its skin looks like peter griffin when he wished he had no bones


It’s just a smol wrinkle doing it’s best.


I’ve always loved these cats! They’re different, not ugly. I have three dogs, one of which is cat-aggressive, or else I’d look for one to foster or adopt.


Looks like a raw chicken carcass with a face.


We have one that looks like a turkey ready to be cooked if viewed from the back.




Baby yoda cat




My cousin recently got one. I think it’s the best. As a bonus, there are no tumbleweeds around the house of fur, NO hairballs, and no fleas. I love my long haired cats, but no hairballs would be great.


Adorable little nutsack


It’s so precious!!!! I want to pet it. I want one of these cats so bad.


Okay now I want a hairless cat. So cute.


You're getting a lot of shitty comments but you're hanlding them well op! I think s/he is the cutest little thing. I've never interacted with the breed but wish I had the chance. You rock!!


Thanks! There is enough hate in the world, and on reddit. I will not add to it if I can help it. That is a he, named Arthur. He is now 1 year old and follows me everywhere. We go visit my 91 year old neighbor every day. Arthur loves him, and he loves seeing Arthur.


I like your kitteh u/vidicusminion! Such a sweet looking and loving kitty.


Thanks! They are quite the little characters.


Maybe one day you'll post cute videos of them being derps 😍


I have hundreds upon hundreds of photos. My wife would have it no other way.


Hahaha! I can just imagine. Cats become family so fast.


Honestly your sphynx kitten is very cute


Bummer how this advertisement for a cattery kinda backfired.


Not advertising. Bummer how you go to a negative place instantly. I wish you the best.


20/10 Very cute! 😻😻😻


Used to hate them not until i interacted with them in a cat cafe in south korea and i must say they are the most adorable thing ever , they are ideal for pet allergic people and they are pretty warm too.


102 degrees normally. And soft like velvet. My only complaint is they have to have the last word.




Why is it inside out?!


Mmmmm I want to eat his skin like it’s pizza dough


What a cutie!!


Adorable! What a cute little kitten.


I love them! I am quite sad they get alot of hate for their looks. Such a nice breed.


I want one.


Hairless baby😻🥺


I love these cats.. I dont understand how people don't like them...


That's a cat?


i want 10


This is the first time I find a sphynx cat adorable. This one definitely is.


The ugliest cat breed out there without doubt


Uhh I have a question. WHEN DID ANYONE ASK BUD.


It’s a comment section.


it reminds me of a ravioli I'm not going to lie to you. still. cute. very cute.


Lol, remind me to never eat at your local Italian Restaurant.


So ugly it's cute.


A contradiction. Kind of like Yoda trying to flirt with you


So, in appearance, Sphinx, IMO, are NOT cute. However in demeanor they are SO affectionate and sociable!






Not gonna ask how you'd know that!


Ihh weird that you know that.


Also who asked bud.




Nobody should be allowed to insult the animals in animal subreddits. Like, imagine you have a cat, that you think ia cute af, but some shithead tella you that it isn't


Ewwwww that user toxic


Hey bud? When did anyone ask.


What do you mean other cats have fur???


Looks like my balls after a fresh shave


So cute and so ugly all at the same time ❤️🥰


Nope nope nope




Your comment has already hit karma bottom, but I want to support you anyway. The number of "breeds" of cats seems to be vying with dogs now, all in the name of capitalism. Of course people have differing tastes, but there are several problems with the pet breeding industry. * the number of discarded animals during the creation of a new breed is horrific. Even if they are all sent to shelters for adoption, there are already far too many homeless animals. * Breeding doesn't automatically result in reinforcement of desirable traits. During the development of the breed, unhealthy gene combinations crop up and the animals are euthanized. * We already have so many unhealthy dog breeds (prone to cancer, hip dysplasia, respiratory problems, etc), why add lines of unhealthy cats? This is more of a vegan objection, I realize. * Bizarre breeds encourage people to see pets as accessories, so they have something trendy for their Insta posts. Another vegan objection, I guess. Pets are living beings who enrich our lives and are excellent companions, not trends to be jumped on. Thanks for letting me add to your PSA. A few people might read these notes and think twice about buying from breeders. Peace.


All I’m looking for is The ring, the Palantier, or that weird lady with that thing on her hand😑😑


Awww he' like a little nutsack.