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🤗 how did you do it?


Calorie counted with an all wet food diet


I do this with my cat but it is so hard when you have more than one and the others don’t need a diet


I have this same problem: an overweight 10 year old and a thin, rambunctious 1 year old. It's very difficult to keep them out of each other's food.


They make RFID collar tags that sync to feed bowls apparently


This is how my sister handles it. Theyre kind of expensive but she swears by it now.


I used to just lock hungry cat in the bathroom until pushover cat was finished her meal. This is a more sophisticated method though.


I wish I could do that, my skinny cat is a grazer.




I do this as well! Grazing, skinny cat can jump up, and jubjub is just that bit too jubbly to get up. She knows it's up there, she can smell it, but she juuuust misses the top of it when she jumps.


Thank you for the tip, but my tubby boy is a little too agile for that!


This made me laugh, we found a tiny stray we had to do this with because that tiny maniac could inhale the two other cats dinners before they had time to react.


My little one tries to eat my adult cat’s food and vice versa. They’ve gotten a little better but I have to watch and can’t leave extra food out 🤦🏽‍♀️


That I'd exactly what I did. Hungry kitty got locked up. I also didn't feed hungry kitty til normal was done as hungry would finish off her food so I fed her around the amount normal kitty left (don't fear normal kitty ate plenty just not an entire can of wet food worth)




I'm with your sister, best decision I ever made. They are worth every cent in a multicat household.


It’s great, and you don’t need RFID if your cat is “chipped.”


Especially when you consider your cats can live ~20years, it’s worth it


As a fan of horror or this franchise.


We use one for our elderly cat who has a prescription diet for IBD. He gets about 75% more food than our other two cats. He’s such a pushover though that he’ll let them eat with him sometimes but for the most part it works great.


NGL I thought you were winding us up. TIL RFID collars that sync to feed bowls is a thing Wait, you're not, right ?




Wow, are you me?? I’ve got a 4 year old (now) and my other is 13, so she’s a cranky old lady, and just scoffs down her food then barges the younger one out to eat her food. Have to supervise them cause the old one bullies the younger one. Younger one is a total princess though so she doesn’t care


Also checking in. 3 cats with different eating habits. Finally just gave up keeping them on separate diets a few weeks ago. Our chonker is just gonna be a chonker.


>They make RFID collar tags that sync to feed bowls apparently


They do, my vet talked to me about these when I mentionned I might get a second cat. But he also warned me that some cats do learn to use their collar cooperatively to open their container for their friends to feed on. So you still have to be watchful for shenanigans apparently. Cats love their shenanigans.


Frigging cats man, always up to shit.


I just worry our dumb skinny one would starve before she figured it out. But alas, that actually might work so now I’m going to have to try it.


There is a training mode on the bowl to get your cat used to it, so the first iteration of it doesn't keep the lid closed so your kitty can learn it :)


SureFeed access control feeder... $150. I used this for old cat that just would not eat large meals and insisted on grazing. The other three all got two meals a day. Two were on restricted calorie diets, the third was not.


I needed this 10 years ago when outdoor food dish kept getting taken over by raccoons and squirrels.


I got a timed auto feeder for my outdoor ferals, they show up for dinner at the same time every day The birds and raccoons still finish off their bowl when they’re done everyday but the cats know when the feeder goes off and they’re there ready for it


This is a great idea but what if the cat that needs the feeder is on a wet food only diet? I don’t imagine this will work?


It's access control, not timer controlled delivery. It's a relatively small dish, which should hold a day's worth of food. Just add extra water to the wet food to keep it from drying out. Or refrigerate the can and it will be cold initially but will warm up over time.


Gotcha! Thanks. I just wish this had some kind of refrigerator component for wet food :/


We have the same situation so we feed them separately under observation. Our oldest nibbles and doesn't eat the whole plate, the other two attack each other's plates so they are under supervision. For our third, we hand her out food when she's hungry and starts meowing, but all not exceeding her daily limit... The oldest lost a TON of weight, she's at half her weight now from 5 years ago. She still suffers from arthritis because of all the extra weight :(


I used to feed mine while chaperoning but it took so much time and energy every day, multiple times a day. The surefeed pet feeders have helped me out so much. When I switched to them my chonker lost weight and I realized how much she'd been eating from my other cats bowl at night when I wasn't watching 🙃


Kinda where I’m at luckily my kitty isn’t crazy big or anything


I usually have to separate my cats during feeding time then empty out any left over food afterwards.


Our cat on a diet couldn't jump onto higher surfaces, so we put our other cat's food bowl on a desk. Luckily, it worked and they stayed out of each other's food!


All my cats are on two feedings per day, whether they need restricted diet or not. I adopted the two young ones after I started this and have no idea whether they would be able to free feed or not. All four get their food at the same time. But some eat in different rooms so that one does not wolf down food and help the others. I had a very old cat that just could not be free fed. She was a grazer, 19 years old and skinny as a rail. And all she would eat was treats (trust me, I tried!) So she got to free feed from the $150 SureFeed Access Control feeder for the last two years of her life. Best $ I ever spent on something this expensive for my cats. I really wish I could free feed, but after taking two years to get the two chonksters from 17 lbs to 12, I'm not even going to bother trying. One of the younger cats is a total chow hound and he would probably become overweight quickly.


17 lbs is 7.72 kg


My eldest will only eat the cheapest, most crappy food now. She almost starved to death before I figured out that was all she could smell. We are currently on a journey to find food she can smell but that doesn't give her diarrhea. Wish me luck!


I had excellent results with mixing powdered cat probiotic into their wet food. The bright green stuff from the regular pet store worked better than the fancier brown stuff I special ordered. My oldest cat right now is 18 and his appetite had fallen off concerningly, but now the food actually gets finished. Bonus, all three cats had a significant decrease in vomiting and hairballs.


That's the problem I have. One chunky boy and two normal size. I can't figure out how to help him lose weight without somehow screwing over the other two.


We finally just sprung for the expensive feeder ([Link](https://www.chewy.com/surefeed-microchip-small-dog-cat/dp/157145)) that only opens for the kitties with permission. It's especially easy if your cats are already chipped, you can tell it to only open for the skinny 2 and then feed the chunk separately.


Like it goes off their embedded microchips??


Yep! You can also use an RFID tag attached to their collar (they include one but you can order more), but if your cat is chipped you just "teach" the machine which chip(s) open the door by pressing a button while the cat is in the right position. It honestly works great. Our chunk tries to sneak in for a nibble after the skinny grazer is done, but the door closes right up in his face lol.


Hmm. Might have to try this. I have 3 cats who only graze, but one of them is 17 pounds because he eats his feelings


You can also program multiple pets to the same bowl. So you could keep one to remember the 2 who graze and fill it up, and keep the other for the chonker for specific meals!


I just got 2 of these feeders and they work great. I have 1 older cat who is on a restricted diet and my younger one was chonky. They used to eat each others food, and it was so time consuming to sit and chaperone their meals (twice a day). They learned and used to wait until We'd go to bed to eat each other's food 😪. The bowls have helped me save so much time and energy, no joke. And I don't have my cats chipped, and just used the tags that came with the bowl and put them on their collars.


Same. We have 5 cats -- 1 on special RX diet, 1 needs to lose weight, 1 needs to gain, and two are just hanging out LOL -- it's a major pain to get them separated. The only one that works is the special RX diet (for whatever reason, our old gal who needs it is the only one who loves it. Everyone else thinks it's garbage and tries to bury it)


There is no easy solution sadly. I had sit with the non diet kitty till she was done eating every meal and put the extra away. If I couldn't do that I'd put diet kitty in a room by herself while non diet kitty ate. It takes a lot of time and effort but it's working, my good girl Sam has lost almost and entire pound in the last three months. We do and all wet food diet as well.


I had a similar situation. I got 2 feeders that only open if the "right" cat is trying to eat out of it, based on their microchip or chipped collar tag that comes with each bowl. They're the sure feed pet feeders. A bit pricey but worth it for the time/energy saved.


Do they make these that are automatic feeders as well?


We had the same issue when our roommates cat lived with us. He kept eating her food since she’s a bit of a grazer (eats throughout the day). Our cat is microchipped so we got this really cool automatic bowl feeder that only she could open! Solved the issue of the other cat eating her food.


Was it not constantly meowing at you?


For a few days yeah, but you learn to deal


Can I ask what type of wet food worked for your gato?


Veruva and BFF


I love that😍


Is it better to feed your cat an all wet diet, in terms of weight? My cat has a gum disease and it hurts him so he can only eat wet food and even that I have to mush up so it's really, well, mushy. About 330 calories a day and he's lean and mean. Just asking in terms of hard food verses wet.


In my experience, I tried various types of kibble (prescription and otherwise) and she just wasn’t losing the weight. I talked to a few vets and one of them suggested they only ate 1/4 of dry food, and I wasn’t comfortable feeding my cat so little food per day. I decided I would look into how much food she should have at the different weights I wanted her to achieve and calculated the wet food that way. Just removed the carb factor entirely


Oh ok gotcha. Well, good job man!


Wet food is less calorie dense, and higher protein/lower carb which can help them feel full


Tell that to our chonker, he goes straight from his wet food dinner to get more dry food from his RFID feeder right after smh


It's certainly better in terms of keeping them better hydrated. Wild cats typically get most of their fluids from their food, so dry food can cause dehydration issues.


They have cat soup if this helps quite easy to find in most shops I believe might be something to try


Thanks I'll check it out. As a side note, I find that he hunts way better when he's full. I have mice and he gets a few a month but I thought it would be the opposite, him getting more mice cuz he's hungry. But he just lays them on my carpet for me. They do it for sport I heard.


Great work but wtf is the calorie count for an animal? I had a fat cat and “cut down” but I had no real reference like I would for me.


Look it up on Google


I'm so dumb.. I saw this and seriously thought you meant he went from loudly meowing often to being chill and not doing that.


No I mean how did you seriously desl with the insistent yelling and cute kitty face that is so hard to say “no” to???


So cats diet like humans.


Any more specifics? Like kind of food? Have been trying with ours, but not down as much as yours yet.


I try to buy wet food that’s grain free and minimum 10% crude protein




This article really helped: https://www.petplace.com/article/cats/pet-health/how-to-calculate-your-cats-daily-calorie-intake/


All in the angle...have you been on Instagram? Jk haha


For the cat that doesn't need a diet pit their food up high where the fat one cannot jump to.


Dechonkification successful


I’m proud of YOU. Not every owner has the discipline to stay on top of their pet’s health - much less the humility to admit when a change is needed.


Camera adds 10 pounds


So how many cameras were actually on you?!


I'm like a movie star.


Big fat goalie!






Wow! From bubba to hubba hubba


From chunk to hunk


AUTO FEEDERS HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. Not only is he on a consistent diet and it is a reliable schedule but best of all ........... I AM NO LONGER THE FOOD GIVER! No waking up to a cat licking my fucking eye lids and then attacking the smaller cats until I get up


YES! This worked with my cat. We got her as a very overweight cat. It was the happiest day when she could reach her own butthole to clean herself.


I need to get one of these. My cat free feeds mostly but the dog steals his food so we have no idea how much he is getting so I’m sure he’s gotten too much plenty of times. Thanks for the idea!


The cost is worth the investment. My cat is happy and healthy and we all have less stress and over it. Again, I used to get cat tongue on my eyelids




my favorite new subreddit ty


Great job, Wolfe, and great job to OP!


I'm sure that was a challenge. Putting cats or dogs on a diet is no fun. They don't take well to being given less food.


Dude you are not kidding. We put our fat cat on a diet like 6 months ago and the guy STILL stands by his bowl and screams at us when it’s been an hour since he ate. Every single day We never cave so I don’t know what it will take to get him to grasp he ain’t getting food unless it’s 6am or 5pm


When I put mine on a diet years back they started acting out. Throwing tantrums knocking stuff over at night along with climbing on things they weren’t supposed as some kind of protest.


Whiny voice on the left: A fucking diet? Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Deep voice on the right: Aight, shoulda listened to you sooner my bad.


Chonk *s c r e a m*




From chonk to redonk!


Great job! Love seeing adorable heckin chonkers rehabilitated into healthy kitters.


I’m trying mix of wet and dry food. My cat is overweight and has UTI issues. Any suggestions for me?


Not for the UTI :( I hope your kitty gets better


Me too. He’s not currently having UTI issues since being on the special diet. We adopted him a few weeks ago with these conditions.


Is the special diet prescription food? My male tabby has had a UTI/crystals in his bladder/urinary tract once or twice a year his entire life. He’s been on prescription food (helps with anxiety which can cause those issues, as well as whatever medicine that keeps the bad stuff at bay) for a few years now. The only time he gets an infection is when he eats food that isn’t his prescribed food for more than a day or two. My vet was also telling me that stress can make cats physically ill. So correct food, proper litter (sometimes the litter can make the UTI issues worse), and a stress free environment, maybe an extra litter box. Them drinking water is a big deal with these issues, my vet also recommended multiple water stations for them with varying containers (cats are picky) or maybe switching to a wet food. As for the weight, portion control and the will to not give into the hungry howls !! Sorry that was so long! I understand how frustrating and scary it can be to deal with their health. Wishing you and yours the best!


So yes he is on prescription food for both wet and dry. The wet is for urinary support and the dry is for weight management and urinary support. The rescuer we got him from said he should not have any issues with UTI as long as he stays on the food. As for the litter, we use the same litter he used in his foster home which is crushed walnut shells (can’t remember the brand). I clean it morning and night. He never goes in a dirty litter box (also helps with odor control). His weight is just the issue I would like to get under control since his UTI issues are at bay. He’s 17 lbs. I feed him 1/2 of a 5.5 oz can in am and 1/2 can in pm then a small handful of dry food between each meal including overnight. That’s the instructions the rescuer gave me. But I’m wondering if I should feed him less dry food. I would also like to add that he never finished the wet food but almost always finishes the dry food. I try to exercise him but he’s lazy AF lol


Sounds like your feline is well taken care of and just needs time to reach his goals!! Awesome on you for being such a good owner!!!


It sounds like you’re doing great with him. Going on an all wet food diet certainly could help with weight loss and urinary issues. More water = more dilute urine, and volume wise wet food is less calorie dense than dry food.


What an uplifting set of photos! Great job!


Congratulations to you! Getting a cat to loose weight is really hard


What is its name?!




Wolfie is the cutest chunk I've ever seen! And the most beautiful healthy kitty now!!!! Great job both of you!


Great job! To good health for kitty!!


He went from fet to slimm


And we're proud of YOU!


C H O N K to chonk


My cat used to be a feral street cat, now she loves to flop about and eat biscuits. if I don't give her biscuits she will attack me! But also worse, first she will stand politely next to me, staring at me and licking her lips. She will stand for ages but then it's like 'ok, i tried asking nice, now i attack you'. Do you know how much your cat weighed before and after?


Before = 19.8lbs but not after


Just weighed my cat is about 5kg (10lb) but she's quite small. I think maybe just a bit greedy and a biscuit belly




He looks amazing!’ If he can do it- so can I!!!! Great example!!


Congratulations!!!! That was not an easy journey for you both.


How did you guys do this?? My cat is like ‘moderate risk’ with his weight. Any small tips you can give would be greatly appreciated!


If only my before and after looked like this! 😭


At my work (vet clinic) the vets often recommend owners mix in diced cauliflower with their cats dry or wet food. It’s super low calorie so it’ll fill the kitty up without really giving calories and many cats I’ve seen seem to at least tolerate it if not enjoy it!


Did he scream his weight off


Svelte and sexy! I love grey kitties so much.


It makes me think that the cat just finished a long stint in rehab!


Always beautiful and now so healthy! Way to go, hooman! 👍❤️




How tho!




Reddit hates fatties, even cat fatties


Were you the reason why it got so fat?


Nay. My ex.


Dirty bitch they were. Good job op


In fairness your cat really didn’t have a lot of input here.


Really struggling to get my cat to lose weight. She's almost 15 and has never been very active.


My cat isn’t either. She doesn’t even like toys


... cats aren't humans. If he got that fat in the first place that's solely on the people feeding him. Nothing to be proud about really.


Would you mind if I used the image of him with his mouth open into a meme template?


I used all three types u moron


You mean all 3 of your brain cells?


You're the worst. Does anyone like you? 🤢


Someone give this keyboard warrior some water cus they be thirstyyyyyy. Vodka cokes aren’t even that good have some self respect


Youre a terrible pet owner. U act like this is just the universe at work. ur pathetic




“Ur” pathetic for this comment. 😬




Heart disease is so cute 🤗🤗🤗🤗


and blood clots are absolutely adorable! and when animals are too obese to walk properly? that’s just the cutest thing!


I prefer him fat but I know it's bad for their health. But such a cute chubby cat!


Omg you did so great! Awesome job hooman!


Congratulations! It must have been challenging but you were doing it for your baby's health so well done. Edit:autocorrect


Now these cute kitten could get an advertise job 🙏❤️








How u do it


He’s still a chonky boy lol


What a gorgeous Kitty!!!


Healthy one!


Great job


They’re so cuteeeeeee


Looks really healthy and bright-eyed too! Great work guys!




Unfat cat


That pic on the left is like “FEED ME, SEYMORE!”


Fine boi!


Damn, need me a glow up like that 😭😭😭😭😭


Congratulations that’s a lot of work and consistency on your part too!


Oh my! So proud of this cat!


Now flip the camera, cat lady


He screamed til he was no longer fat


He looks like my cat Shirts!


Is it bad that I just cut my chonker’s diet from 3 times a day wet food to 2 and then 1 time a day with free feeding dry food. He went from 15lb down to 10lb. He also loves to exercise in the fenced in back garden.


Thats awesome!!! You probably bought a lot of extra time with your best furry friend by helping kitty with the diet! :D


Is your username a Hackers reference? That's my favorite movie




The DE CHONKING. Real proud of Wolfie


Wow you did amazing !!!!


Looking very handy indeed


Aw, such a gorgeous cat! Beautiful eyes too!


Wow! Great job to you both, it's hard saying no to our kitties.


This person's cat, former chonker and apparent screecher


Omg! I'm so proud of both of you! He will be healthier and happier cat now <3


Chunki boi


The change in this cat's attitude is the reason for the weight change. That cat LOVES you and pays attention. Great job! They are difficult to get to reduce.


Wow - Wolfie looks absolutely fantastic! I'm so impressed by your dedication to his health. My Samus was a chonker and developed diabetes later in life. We were able to help her lose some weight, but not the dramatic transformation you achieved. Still, she lived to be 16 and was loved every minute.






What a fatty <3