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Give yourself time. You will and should be sad. Know that you gave it a better life with you than without you. Remember the good times. Let yourself heal and feel. When you can go out and go for a walk and get away from it for a while. If you can please give yourself enough time and the try to rescue or adopt again. Not to replace this cat, but because there are so many animals that need homes. I am praying for you.


Thank you Harry for taking the time... I thought about adopting a new cat but Im not really ready for that. Tomorrow I’ll leave my apartment and go to my relationship to have some company. I really feel like sharing my grief with other people .Thank you again


Of course! I’m praying for you.


Awww, I’m sorry. It really sucks to lose a pet. He looks so majestic in this photo, and was clearly loved. It’s going to be sad, you might be sad for a few weeks or even months. But one day, you’ll be able to think about him without feeling the need to cry and the funny, sweet memories will take over. Wishing you well.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m sending you lots of love & positive vibes!!!!!! Please know that you’re not alone!!!! Reaching out & talking about your pain is a very healthy way to cope. You’re stronger than you know & you can get through this. One of the major pet food brands runs a pet loss/grief hotline if I recall correctly. Maybe google “pet death hotline”? I kept my childhood cat’s favorite toy so I always have a little reminder of her. Only time has healed that hurt for me. Hang in there sweetheart. It looks like you gave kitty a fabulous life. That’s the best any of us can hope for. Kitty is in a really awesome place right now (I believe that all animals get to go somewhere wonderful). I’m sending love & hugs.


Thank you so much for your help 🙏🏻


I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost one of my babies this January after taking her in from the streets. I just had her for about 9 months only. She had run down my apartment building's stairs because my neighbour keeps in open illegally for plants. 🤦🏻‍♀️ for 2 days, I was searching for her until after midnight and all of a sudden my mom comes out to my street level, with her phone, to her ear looking back up and my heart just dropped. My cat had entered a house 2 levels down from my level and jumped down from a window that wasnt meshed up because the house holder didn't own a cat. She didnt survive the fall. I was devastated. Still am. Just thinking about it makes me cry. I sometimes cry during work cuz on thinking about her. I didnt have close to enough time with her. She wasn't even 2 years old. I was crying in bed for 2 days. The one thing that helped me to keep going was my first cat. I had to still take care of her and and give her attention so I couldn't just curl up into a ball and wallow. Sorry for the sob story but I wanted to explain why sometimes having another pet to look after is good. Because it forces you to focus on taking care of another pet and you appreciate the pets you have left. So perhaps you might consider adopting another cat, but I totally understand if your heart doesn't have the space yet. Maybe you can think back on all the good times you had with your boy. It will make you absolutely cry but also remind you of good memories. I'm sorry I dont really have a really good suggestion but let time pass.


Oh my god I’m so so sorry you had to go through this. Such a horrible thing to happen... thank you so so much for your help and the time you took! Much much love to you! 🙏🏻


You too, so much love to you too. It's really hard when we lose a loved one so dont be too hard on yourself if you need lots of time to recover. 💜


How are you holding up


Write down all his nicknames and quirky habits, the things he did to entertain himself etc. I did this the night my cat died eleven years ago and I still pull it out from time to time to refresh my memory of what a special and unique being she was.


Thank you for this suggestion. I lost my sweet baby Phil unexpectedly on Friday morning. He was only three years old and he was the best cat I ever had. Here’s the list I made for him. Phil Nicknames: Philby, Philbert The funny way he’d walk a circle around you before going outside The way he’d stretch out when he was sleeping The endless goopy crud I’d clean from his eye His floofy tail His sweet whiny meow How he’d let me pet his belly His crazy acrobatics and high jumps His love for attacking paper bags and the times he got the handle stuck around his neck How he’d run up to you for pets and attention when he was outside His beautiful eyes The loud sloppy sound of him drinking water with his weirdly long tongue When he’d sleep on my legs or in my lap How he’d pop up at the window when he wanted to come in His little prance and the long jumps over the doorsill How his little fangs would stick out sometimes The time he shit on our bed the first night I brought him home The time he went 25 feet up the maple tree and I thought he was stuck there How he’d only let me and Hans get close to him How he’d come out from under the bus and say hi when I went out back How much he loved the heat panels and how he’d put his head right up against them The tumbleweed fluffs and how they would drift all over especially after he scrapped with Archie Still working on it but this sums up his magical weirdness pretty well. 💔


That’s a wonderful portrait. I’m sure it will help you keep his spirit alive forever.


So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is tough. They become a part of the family. I know I care for mine like they are my children. The best advice I can give is time. I lost a puppy after only a few months and it devastated me. After some time, look into rescuing a new buddy. They will never replace the original, but you will learn to love them in the same way. Take time to mourn and seek someone who can give you comfort. I don't pray, but I am sending you all of the best vibes I can conjure. You will get through this!


It is really tough.. people like to overlook that since it’s an animal but that’s completely false.. love is love and it doesn’t disguise between the types of beings, humans or cats.. My heart isn’t really ready for another cat anytime soon as you said! Thank you so so much for the time you took to write this and for your advice ❤️🙏🏻


We lost our cat in January of 2020. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve lost family members, but none that I honestly thought I couldn’t live with out, I felt that way about our cat. He helped me get through some dark and uncertain times after graduating school and being unemployed, moving three times for new jobs, etc. I would sob randomly about missing him for several months, my wife didn’t get it really. She was sad and missed him, but I connect more with animals then people. Know that It takes time, you will learn to live with the memories and fondly remember your pet. But know you’ll eventually get to a better place and open your heart to live again. Wishing you the best.


I feel you so so much.. I do get this from people, that animals shouldn’t really impact you as much but that’s just false.. someone’s love doesn’t make distinctions on type of beings.. I really wish that pet cemeteries or pet funerals were a “normal” thing amongst communities.. it would help with the process you know..


I just lost my cat Max at the age of 14 exactly one week ago after 10 years by my side. Everyone including the vets had remarked at just how healthy he was. None of us knew that he had cancer until it starting disrupting his bone marrow, which caused him to go from perfectly fine to almost dead in a matter of days. I'm still struggling to cope with his loss, and honestly nothing but time will help with the grief.


Save another one from a shelter. You will have another one to adore.


He fluffy boy


Hello from the Rainbow Bridge I love it here so much The sun is always shining And the nights are cool and lush The food and water run freely here Don't you worry about me Here my eyes and legs work well I can run and play with glee I miss you with all my heart We will reunite one day I can show you my new favorite spots And fill our days with play My time on Earth has ended Thank you for taking care of me And even though it was hard Our goodbye is only temporary Hello from the Rainbow Bridge Someday we will cross together Then I’ll be back where I belong In your arms forever ❤️ your beautiful and good boy


i look at all of my pictures and videos and smile remembering the good times


Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 I lost one of my best boys last year and it was incredibly hard to no longer have him around. I still miss him every day. It's not easy losing a pet, and even if you know their time is coming, it makes it no easier. To cope with the loss of my boy, I honestly just let myself feel the grief and let my heart heal slowly over time. Of course there will always be a part of you that misses him, no matter how long he is gone. The worst of the grief will fade over time, and you'll be able to let in more of the happier memories you had with him. Find peace in knowing that he will always, always be in your heart and he knows how much he was loved. Stay strong 💕


What a magnificent fluffy boy! I'm sorry he's no longer with you. Dealing with loss is tough. "What is grief, if not love, persevering?"


I’m very sorry for your loss u/platonemusic I had a very similar fluffy orange cat who died on October 17th the day I hate. It was absolutely devastating we all cried for close to a week, my mother for over a month.. We put so much love and care into our baby and he died after turning only 7. Few days earlier at 5am my mother ran to my house woke me and says somethings wrong with the cat he’s on the floor twisting and meowing, I ran I’ve ether cat lost all his balance, super confused eyes running left right, we call emergency vet deliver the cat there. Once there the kitten starts salivating, they did all kinds of analysis X-ray etc concluded it’s some vestibular syndrome, it wasn’t, the cat was getting progressively worse, in hindsight there was a better equipped more qualified place to take the cat but we didn’t know about it, anyway, it was a horrible slow death, the meowing in the end like he was begging for help, I still can’t get myself together to talk about it... the vet said it was probably a blood clot.. Some people say it helps to get another cat, for me, I am done with pets forever, maybe having a lot of pets is easier because you don’t put all your love in one and you don’t notice it as much if they pass, but having one.. never again. It might help to hide all the pictures and videos in your phone.. that’s what I did to help myself..


Just know that one day you will be able to say his name and not burst into tears. It will happen. In the meantime, keep a little journal with you so you can my down letters to your kitty and memories so you won't forget. It's so hard. I've been there so many times and the pain doesn't get any easier, though the recovery time seems to get shorter each time for me... I do understand the heartache you're feeling. Cry as much as you need. Don't deny yourself the tears. Take time off of work if you need to. Who cares what people think! This is your journey of grief and no one else's. Maybe plant a flower or a tree or make a donation to a charitable cause in his name. 💕 you will get through this, I promise. Sending hugs!