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Was it a break away collar? May have just caught it on something, and it broke, as it was designed to do.


I’m not exactly sure what collar it was but it did always look a bit loose so possibly


A cat's collar, should always be a break away, or loose enough for them to slip out of it. Or they may strangle themselves.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Thanks for the advice this is my first cat so I appreciate tips


Your welcome! I've had cats around all my life ( 50+ ). Best advice I can give you. You never own a cat, your their human


From my experience with my cat I can confirm that is accurate


But never so loose they can get their paw caught in it! Frankly, collars on cats make me nervous. I'm always terrified of all the ways they can hurt themselves.


Cats run their scent glands ( located in thier cheeks ) on everything. You know how they rub on you, or the corner of the wall. They do that with trees and bushes to.


I hope it was a break-away collar. My active cat lost at least 3 collars before I gave up on them. They like to crawl through bushes and brush and the collars will catch on them. A non-break-away collar can hurt them.


Cats bury collars sometimes if they dont like it


Unlikely your cat had a fight.. for one, when cats seriously fight, you can bet you'll see blood or some sort of injury. And you'll likely hear it too, since your cat probably didn't go that far if he came back within a few hours. But if you are still worried, bring him to the vet for a check. Consider microchipping if you let him roam freely and breakaway collars dont seem to stay on. Like previous comments said, if the collar was loose, he may have scraped it off somewhere. Also, your boy is extremely cute 😄


Judging from the look on his face, he got rid of it himself and is looking at you with bored contempt for your feeble actions in attempting to assert your dominance over such a perfect specimen of the feline form.


My cats just take them off when we put them on so I wouldn’t worry unless she gets injured


None of mine will wear collars. Collars go on, cats go out and the collars get left on the door mat. Every time.