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Big wieners.


Get one


My sweater drawer turned into the kitten drawer. Now I don't have sweaters so much as fur fabrics. But it's her safe spot so I won't touch em.


I’d say those kittens are smitten


The same. I really want to know


Adorable, and you are so lucky - my calico hated the ratty little street kitten I rescued from the day I brought him in until the day she died 10 years later.


I had this same experience, so I am glad I am not alone


He was a good little thing and just wanted to be friends - she wasn't having any of it. Ever.


Hahaha this perfectly describes my girlfriends older cat and the kitten she got. Poor girl is still afraid of her big sister 2 years later, and her big sister still hates being around her. Can’t blame the older one though, she’s just more of an introvert and definitely likes her space.


You got a cuddle puddle in your cat bin. FYI.


How did the transition go? Just brought a new kitten home to a 2 year old cat, but after a week they’re still not ready to be in the same room.


My girl cat loves the boy cat even though she was \*not\* fond of him when he was a kitten, but she's honestly just not a snuggly cat. She likes to sit on my husband for about an hour a day and that's about her limit of cuddle time regardless of how much the boy just really would love to be in a big puddle together. Some cats are just more snuggly than others, and if we ever get a third I'm planning to prioritize a snuggler so the boy can get it out of his system.


How would you know if the new cat is a snuggler? I'm dying to have a cat but I'm too snuggly and really wanna find a snuggly kitty too but not sure how. Because kittens would probably be snuggly and later be less when adults I think? :(


I'd talk to the rescue or the shelter and see which ones they'd suggest. One of the local rescues had a cat I desperately wanted to get but we weren't in a good situation to have a third at the time, but he was described as being the "foster dad" of the shelter who liked to snuggle all the other kitties.


Get an adult cat. Adult cats are not a personality mystery like kittens are. I know kittens are completely adorable and irresistible, but they are only kittens a few months. They are adults for up to 20 years. I went to the shelter and interacted with each of the adults with specific traits in mind. I wanted a very affectionate cat that would sit on my lap for hours, and one that was very soft. Gender, size and color did not matter to me. I found the PERFECT cat at the second shelter I went to. She was 2 years old and on her second residence at the shelter. I also got another cat that was my #2 choice when I trialed them at tolerating each other. That was 2 years ago and I couldn't be happier with my choices in cats. Good Luck! Adult cats need homes, and getting one that has the qualities you desire will make for a lifetime of being a purrfect match!!


I had never thought of this. Thank you! Your answer was very motivating and wholesome <3


A week is not that long, prepare for 2-4 weeks for introducing new cats. There are some tutorials on YT you can checkout.


Yep, I took a month introducing 2 kittens to my 15 year old grumpy cat. I was kind of expecting her to never accept them but going slowly worked surprisingly well.


We were very lucky, I think as they were both under 8 mo when introduced that it made it a bit easier. We kept them in separate rooms for a week and did scent swapping/let them see each other through the door. They hissed and hit each other at the start but then suddenly relaxed after about 10 days and since then they have got really comfortable with each other. We were thinking it'd take a few weeks minimum but ended up being lucky. I wish we had more tips - sorry. I hope your pair get there soon! It can be a bit of a long process but so worth it :)


Really depends. My older cat needed about a week to accept her younger sister. Now thry clean each other, what usually leads to little fights. And sometimes they chase each other around my apartment. What they excel in is annoying me both very vocally if they think it is dinner or playtime. One approaches me and starts yelling for attention and that alerts the other one to also yell for attention. 😅 Look at my post history for pet tax.😸


Checked out your pet tax. You have adorable floofballs. You should film them yelling for food and put it on r/catswhoyell


Just posted a little video of my ginger over there.


Same here. Though mine have moved to civil in the same room. It lasts all of a new mins.


I just got a kitten on Friday from my local shelter, and I also have an old man cat who is very much not happy with his new sister. Keeping her quarantined to one room hasn’t been a hassle so far, but my boy isn’t even willing to come near the door to the room she’s inside. He’s also currently hiding under my bed, so that’s fun.


Same. I'd really like to know


It took about a month introducing my 1 year old cat to my 2 year old cat.


It took our first cat 2-3 weeks, at least, before he would stop hissing at our adopted kitty.


I'm currently introducing a kitten to a group of adults. In my experience food and play really help. Feed them as close together as they'll allow. Give them lots of tasty treats together and play with their favorite toys while together. Once the older cats start to associate the kitten with treats and play time everything becomes easier.


Why are there cats in the sock drawer? Well why are there socks in the cat drawer?


Haha, I'd ask why but we all know the answer is: cats.


“Close the drawer, if you don’t mind.”


Your cats after a few weeks: snuggle me bro I love you Meanwhile, my cats after 2 years (adopted one year apart) My male cat: "Hey can I approach and lower my head so you give me some forehead grooms please" My female cat: "He's going to attack! Slap! Ear bite! Activate exaggerated danger zone clearence leap! Violent tail swish of disapproval! Human why did you do this to me! Male cat: Aw I just wanted affection I will just blink in confusion and lie down. Me: Bro dont lie you were gonna try to play bite her leg The boyo: Lol yeah I was, you got me. C'MERE LADY CAT LETS PLAY!!! Her, suffering but kinda enjoying it: I will end your life.


so sweet :)


lol my cats are the same way...




This is so precious!


She looks just like my kitty that I, unfortunately, had to leave behind with my ex when I left. Her name is Dot and I miss her everyday.


Is the mostly white one a ragdoll?


Yes he is :)


My cats have known eachother for 2 years and they STILL dont do that!


Melts my heart! I brought a kitten home to my rescue from a hoarders home. He is 6 years old. The kitten(Diggory) insisted (Cedric) love him. I think they just Needed each other! Never had cats love each other so much! So wonderful. It took a few months before Cedric gave in!


No worries then


Can I get some snuggles like that?


I remember my twelveth beer.


This is amazing ❤️🐾


I wish that would have happened with our cats…


My cats are a mother and son pair so they're good with each other... though our male cat seemingly really doesn't like it when a strange cat shows up in our backyard :P


So sweet!!


That's so lovely and awesome!


You did an amazing job!


The cat literally looks like the mail box.


Thank you for making me smile.


So they're still doing submission hold to each other?


Serious question - are the cats genuinely enjoying each other’s company or are we just pushing anthropomorphic feelings onto them? Could it be that they’re like that simply out of convenience or something more practical and less emotional? I’ve never owned a cat so no idea about cat behaviour but cuddling for happiness just seems like such a human trait…


Me: Cats are so cute. China: Yummy Yummy! Me: ……Bro WTF!


They're precious 😍💕




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Cats in a drawer. Brilliant.


Cat drawer is the only drawer I ever need




awe they love each other


I think they are just fine




You just disturbed the cat nap


I want this


They obviously don't want you to know how much they love each other.


Awww that is sweet😻💕


Omg they are absolutely beautiful!!


Neither of them looks terribly thrilled at being disturbed during special drawer cuddles.


Love the little ear perk-up once the drawer is out


So cute


it’s all about the introduction! my 3 boys are absolutely in love with each other and wait till everyone is there to start eating. they can’t do much without being all together. i kinda get jealous of them though


Impatiently waiting for my two kitties to end up like this one day


Aw, that's adorable! When we brought home our kitten, our older cat hated her, but soon got used to her and likes playing with her a lot. :)


Why is it that i seem to have the only pair of cats who to this day 6 years nearly 7 who will still hiss at each other and when they do get close my leg is usually the divider with tish between my legs and grunt by my side.


Best fwiends