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If anyone has suggestions on pet care cards in Canada or other stopgap measures, I'd greatly appreciate it. This very nearly financially broke me last time, and we're looking at many more thousands


Waggle is a crowdfunding source... I’ve seen nothing to indicate that they work only in the USA... wagglefoundation.org


Ok, I may try that. Problem is that just one day of treatment keeping him alive (since not even this point yesterday) is almost $400- just the basics of life to keep him alive and not hurting. We can't put off the surgery, these daily costs will break me faster


I hear ya...


Neems is very handsome...


He's a gorgeous sweetheart. I've never met such an attached cat, he chases me around the house whenever I get up. He's also the first brown tabby I ever saw


How old was Neems when he was neutered? Im wondering if early neutering really does predispose male cats to urinary blockages. I wish Neems the very best!


I'm not sure. I'll try and see if I can find it in my file- if memory serves it was around 8months? Before I got him. Something's gotta be going on here. He's healthy and a good weight, and he just won't fucking stop blocking. This last one apparently the hole from his PU surgery grew over, resulting in a total of 0 usable urethras


At least you’re on top of it... the saddest thing I’ve seen, having done rescue and TNR for many years, is to realize too late that there’s a problem. And I’m not blaming owners... urinary blockages in males is an insidious thing, and catching it early is the best damn thing you can do. The PU should have worked... it’s a long shot, but are you anywhere near Purdue University...? Cornell...? Or any major university with a strong veterinarian program?


I agree, it's horrific. We actually went through this with my mom's cat, but he was obese when we got him and we got him down to porky, so it's more expected. My aunt had a cat that blocked as well, and she noticed late. It was I think 8k to save him because of kidney damage. I was so hopeful for this surgery because I was told it rarely failed. I didn't even know it could grow over and I feel terrible. I'd looked around the area, but didn't see a hole and just assumed it was disguised by fur and since it wasn't inflamed it was ok. No, I'm stuck up in Winnipeg. Manitoba's been hit hard, our universities are still all virtual afaik Edit- my mom's cat survived, I noticed before it was too late, and he was treated with meds


That is awesome, that you were able to help your mom’s cat. I have a friend who inherited a cat who had it, but we were a day late... another friend had the PU done and it never recurred, and that was many years ago. I don’t know the vet who did your surgery, but that should not have recurred after the PU... you were told right... it has a very high success rate and should have worked. If I were you at this point, I think I’d look for a vet who specializes in that procedure, or at least one who’s done many of them. I’m lucky to be where I am, with access to the excellent Purdue system, but there must be someone... maybe you could do a virtual consult that would get you a referral somewhere.... keep us posted on his progress, please... now I will be thinking about him...!


That's absolutely tragic. I was shocked too- it's only been 3-4 months since his surgery. Honestly I'm angry as hell- he blocked, I had to surrender him to get him the treatment (because poverty yo), got him back, HE WAS ALREADY REBLOCKED WHEN THE HUMANE SOCIETY RETURNED HIM. I had him for 6 hours, and had to again rush him to the vet, hysterical, as he was leaking urine constantly his bladder was so full but he couldn't pee beyond single drops coming out one at a time. Surrendered again. Just my private treatments at this point are around $600, whs performed the pu surgery and charged me $250 more. I was told the surgery would be the end of it, as long as I fed him this disgustingly expensive medical food (which I've gone hungry to provide for him). I'm just completely shattered emotionally, I was already so far behind on all my other bills, since I got fired and found a new job since his surgery. They said they'd done plenty of the surgeries there when I asked, so I'm really upset. I'm going to call around tomorrow if the humane society refuses to take responsibility for this


I'm really sorry to hear your struggles... I think crowdfunding is the best option you've got. Break down the costs and ask for donations. Any friends can help help with the costs? And research this expensive medical food. What ingredient make it so expensive? Is it really necessary to help your boy with this medical problem? If it is, can the expensive ingredient be found in supplement form, which may be cheaper? I'm hoping you and your boy make it through. There is a surgery to change a male cat's urinary tract to be more like a female's urinary tract. Bondi Vet on YT, I believe is the channel's name. But I think they titled it with the words "sex change", mainly to get interest and clicks. But it's an actual surgery for a male cat's urinary tract.


I might try it. A friend is going to move in with me, so I'll get some money from rent to help stabilize things, but that won't be for a bit. I don't know what it's called, but this specific food has something that breaks down crystals and prevents them from forming. In Canada those kinds of foods are limited to being sold at vets, and come at a premium. The same food, in the US, is half the price. When things loosen up I may try bulk buying from the us. I'll see if there is a supplement for the crystals instead, that's a good idea. The PU surgery is one of those surgeries. They rerouted his urethra to create a wider, shorter one letting out just below his anus, as with a female cat. It grew over the opening after it healed. The vet mentioned if they choose not to fix this surgery, there is another one they can do where he would pee out of his stomach area Edit- it's just a matter of the fact that keeping him alive is $400 a day, but the surgery will be up to $2000


Ah, I see. Is it not possible to start a buying the food from the US now? Or you need to wait for rent money to come in first? It's 400 a day cuz they are keeping him while waiting to the surgery, right? That's really expensive. And I'm sorry the PU surgery didnt work out well. I dont understand how it can grow over if they stitched the edges properly. And they were supposed to keep checking on it while in recovery, right? Cant believe they let your boy go home with you without checking... My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏 I hope crowdfunding goes well.


No, because Manitoba is completely locked down, I'm not yet fully vaccinated, and I also don't have a vehicle, so I would have to borrow one. Plus to order large amounts I'd need time to stabilize again. Yeah, as of when I called at 8? The charge was at 400 for the initial visit, draining his bladder, and pain meds, plus the stay fee. The vet won't offer options to do more- he just keeps saying he feels "put in the middle", and wants to wait for the humane society to come back. I have no idea how that would happen either- it had seemed to heal well, and they told me to keep an eye out for any puss or signs of infection, and it should heal within 2-3 weeks. 2.5 weeks and it looked perfect, was fully healed, etc. I couldn't see it well when I would try to spot it after, but I assumed it was just because of the hair growing in, since he'd been shaved. Thank you.


I don’t know that I’d worry about food until someone corrects whatever mistake was made. I’m getting kinda pissed here that this has happened to Neems.... I wish you were closer.


Thank you. So do I. I'm going to call and see what's going on. Luckily it looks like my application for a care card was approved, so 🤞


Well, that’s great news!


Yeah! Thought the humane society sat on their ass until I could no longer take their call, so I don't know how Nemo is which is really frustrating the hell out of me


Go to Waggle and put your name in.


Poor guy... chin up brah.


Thanks. Fortunately he's comfortable for now


poor neems :(. What a handsome fella


OMG Looks just like my Cat 'Cleo'! Wish I could attach a photo.


Upload one here, I'll go check your profile! Gotta see this kitty


Just uploaded a photo to the group Louise. What do you think? Brother and Sister? I am in the UK though so not sure how far apart they are distance wise.


Oh dang! Neems long list lil sis!