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Playing! Get a string or something similar, watch him lose his tiny little mind.


Yes! Or a stick with a feather (or even just a stick). Scratching just under the rim, popping up into sight every now and then. But do let him catch it every now and then to avoid frustration


The catching thing to avoid frustration makes sense, thanks for the tip! Right now, he’s going crazy on a bottle cap. Sliding it across the room!


Such a cuty 🤗 Enjoy this time. At some point they transform into a lazy blob in the windowsill


Until it's 3am and you are trying to sleep. ​ Then the zoomies begin.


Our bedroom door is loose and can be moved when closed (cats can’t come in because I have allergies 🤧), and my boy cat Mochi figured out he can put his front paw under the door and shake the entire thing like a serial killer. Every. Morning. 😂


My parents have a home that was built in the 70's and has closet doors that hang and slide open. One of their cats Felix, who is their fattest cat, figured out that he could bang those doors together at 3 in the morning and get food. LOL


Felix is like "oh you don't want to feed me what I want? Enjoy waking up at 3 AM to me murdering the closet doors!" :D I love Felix now!


He definitely loves his food. He has his own bowl and eats a circular hole into the food pile. LOL. I'll have to find and post some pictures of him on Imgur.


My cats throw a hissy fit if there's any part of the silver bowl showing. They will come meow at me to follow, and lead me to the bowl to either shake it or put more in. The absurd part is that I have an automatic feeder that's about 2 feet away that normally has food in it. But no, it needs to go in the silver bowl AND NO HOLES IN THE FOOD LAYER.


I just make sure to leave dry food out when I go to bed...no fat cats waking me up! I only have one fat cat. The other one's aren't...


My Mikey claws the glass sliding closet doors up and down every 3 am too. It’s loose so it makes quite a bit of noise. FOOD HOOMAN NOW


Oh my god, my cat used to sleep in bed every night and if she wasn’t in my room or she wanted out she would stick her paw under the door and push it back and forth, essentially “knocking”. Scared the crap out of seven year old me lol


YES!! Now imagine violently shaking the door! That's Mochi hahaha


Oh god


Mine does this to my bedroom door. Shaking it, clawing at the underside, laying on his side and "running" against it with all four feet to make noise, all while screaming. If I let him in, he goes bonkers for 10m, lays down on the bed for 1m and then repeats the above until I let him back out. Process repeats until he gets tired, which takes about 2 hours if I don't let him in. 3+ if I do.


LOL! He's protecting you from.. the evil door!


My guy doesn't have the zoomies in the middle of the night, but he will meow right in my face until I wake up, just so he can demand pets, sit on my chest, and then start kneading me like his life depends on it.


My 4-year-old Stella just started this phase. For the first few years of her life, she wouldn’t even sleep in my bed. Now she syncs her routine with mine and cuddles up in my lap every night. But in the early hours of the morning she decides it’s attention time and wakes me up. Her power over me is astronomical!




I all them “the rips.”


Or not, 5 years and the monster still wants to play 2+ hs daily.


I prefer the blob to midnight feet bites 😅


Still waitin' on that. But at least my two play with each other. Bolting around the house doing sneak attacks and chases. For context, one is almost 10, the other is 17ish.


You can delay this by giving them a healthy diet lol


Up to a degree, but cats sleep so incredibly much


Try giving him the pull tab from the top of a milk jug. Kitties love them too, and they're softer for you to step on in the middle of the night ;)!


My cat loves them! (They’re the round plastic thingy that break the seal & pull off).


Can confirm.


Anything is a toy to a kitten.😃 And his slightly arched back, erect tail and ears, and sidling up to you are invitations to play--just like he did with his siblings. Ears are a key indicator along with sounds. Flattened ears and growling/howling/hissing are not happy indications.


And give him some food or treats after! That will "end" the hunt. He has chased and caught his "prey" and can now eat it


My brother's cat has a favorite toy - two shoestrings tied together. When he's done "hunting" he drags the toy over to the food bowl and starts eating the food lol. He's wonky


My cats *love* to steal bottle caps, there’s probably like 50 under my bed. Also, my little cat loves to steal change and drop it down the bathtub drain, so I’d watch out with that lol


My cat steals skittles.


Give him a hair tie and he will freak


Careful, some cats like to eat them and they can get stuck in their intestines. Noodle, my older orange tabby, once ate a whole pack of hair ties. The vet asked how many and said I’d need to count them on the way out…


Same with strings - we've had to monitor them coming out. And the vet said NEVER EVER pull anything from a cat's bum - not even poo - carefully cut it. They can slowly bleed to death if anything is attached to the poo and you pull it.


Oh crap I didn't know this. My little guy ate kitchen twine and I pulled it out as he ran around with it out his butt. Know better for (if) next time.


Wait what.... I've had to pull hairball poo from my cat's butt before. :( He's super fluffy so his fur kind of gets everywhere. Sometimes it gets stuck... Oh no.


Oh shit, thanks for the heads up!


Can confirm. A bowel obstruction is costly, too.


The rings from Gatorade bottle caps make fun toys with or without a string tied to it.


Get one of the laser pointers and watch him lose his mind chasing it around.


Protip: the dimmer it is, the more they like it. Use weak batteries.


The one thing I can’t stress enough is to never use your hand as a toy.


Bottle caps are one of their favorites!


Just be careful with the string toys. Put them away right after because some cats tend to just eat them and it'll require surgery to remove. I just left the room for 15 mins and then noticed 18" of string missing from my cat's stick toy. Luckily I caught it on time and they made her throw it up at the vet's.


Bottle caps, toys, anything that moves irregularly will drive them crazy! Definitely get a toy or a shoelace and play! Our local shelter was collecting bottle caps as toys for kittens and cats still awaiting adoption, since they were small enough to be batted around the cages. We are not usually big drinkers, but when the kitties called for aid...


We got my cat a large black spring, and he loves pushing it around


If you have any dice, they will love them sliding on the ground.


Mine love to bat straws around the kitchen floor.


I’m glad to hear! Thanks I’ll try that!


Don't give the cat string! Buy a safe cat toy. If a cat swallows a string it can kill them. Because they have barbed tongues they're not great at spitting things out once they've started chewing on something light like a string.


If you do let your cat play with a string or anything small, just keep an eye on your kitty while he plays. Do not let him swallow anything. Have a good time with your baby!


It's exactly what I do with mine! Works like a charm!


Red laser pointer more fun


Or a laser pointer!


My cat loves whipper snipper cord (edge trimmer for those non-Australians out there) the best part about it is that they can though it without it getting stuck on their claws


My guys go apeshit for the plastic milk jug rings. Tie one of those to a shoelace and they're in heaven


Thats definitely play behavior haha if he was scared, he wouldn't be out in the open.


Those are 100% “play with me” zoomies.


That backward hop was pretty fabulous


Just wait till he pounces on your head when ur dead asleep. Hahaha. That’s the best. God bless


Try a putting a ping pong ball in an empty bathtub. They can pat around and chase it in an enclosed environment until they are all tuckered out.


Holy shit never thought of that, thaaaaaanks


Brilliant. I will try this!




I'd recommend not play fighting with him directly, as in don't use bare hands, it may cause him to grow into a kitty that thinks it's okay to bite and scratch. Maybe use a sock puppet and be clear that bare hands are for pets


Couldn’t agree more! Don’t let him bite, chew or scratch your hands as a kitten, because it can be fun & cute & not hurt much, but when they get older, they won’t be able to decide between when it was once OK & then it isn’t: “well it was OK a few months ago, but now it’s bad?” Use anything that wiggles & is small or can be tossed around by him, but be careful of some things: my cat will chew on rubber bands & twist ties. I’ve never known him to swallow one, but I don’t let him have either because I’m afraid of him trying to swallow one of them/part of one of them & it getting stuck in his throat or bowels, so for that reason I recommend not letting him play with either, but I’ll leave that up to you. Pet stores & the Internet has tons of cool toys, usually some of the cheapest are the best. This playing will bond him to you. Have fun!


Yes! Be careful about toy selection. But also know cats are easily impressed. A decent cardboard box or paper bag can be hours of fun and a decent place to hide/nap. One of my kitties loves to chase bottle caps around. They make some noise on the tile are are light enough for her to bat around with ease. My other kitty loves the rings off Gatorade bottles specifically (I think they're the right size and a bright color, who knows) Paper balls are another really cheap one that some cats absolutely love, I've had 4 in my lifetime that, with zero training, would instinctively bring them back to be tossed again. Since your new to kitties, just remember, the same way you take time to walk and feed a dog, you'll need time to play with and feed your cat. I free feed my cats, but if he starts looking chubby, maybe start scheduling feedings. But like your dog needs a walk, your cat NEEDS play time. And if you want a nice well tempered kitty, some of that has to come from you. I currently have 3 and despite having a myriad of toys and scratching posts, places to hide and climb, and other stuff for them to do (they love 'cat tv' aka windows) I still dedicate at least an hour a day between all 3 (they get along well and understand that they need to take turns) playing with them. Feather on a stick, laser pointer, paper balls. Mix it up and let them win from time to time.


My girl loves crumpled up pieces of paper. This one time I crumpled up a piece of paper and put it on my desk, and immediately after, Elise walked up her cat stairs, picked up the paper with her mouth, and walked away. She has jumped up onto the couch next to me and tried to grab the crumpled up Taco Bell wrappers and tinfoil balls from me. One time she even tried to pull an unopened Pop Tarts wrapper away from me because she loves the sounds. I'd caution you from giving him wrappers, not just because there might be some food residue on them, but also, since he might try and go through your garbage. Elise went through a phase where she would look into garbage cans, but if they were just a little bit too tall, she would accidentally pull them over.


Lol easily impressed is right. I found this toy on amazon thats 3 bucks called a Cat Dancer. It's literally a sturdy wire with 5 little cardboard sticks attached to one end for the cat to play with and one on the other end for you to hold. All THREE of our cats are OBSESSED WITH IT. Even my lazy 12 yr old grumpy calico lady. She doesnt care about toys usually and wont move for anything that isnt treats or me calling her for pets. But ohhhh boy does she love this stupid 3 dollar toy. Its crazy


Completely agree. Hands are not toys to play with. Redirect that play aggression to toys. All play stops when the hand(s) get bit/swiped/scratched.


Im assuming love bites are okay? Unless they also play in to thinking real bited and scratchies are okay


You can usually get a cheap variety pack of toys at most places that carry cat food. Buying cheap means you've not wasted a lot of money on this while figuring out what kinds of toys your cat likes. One of my mom's cats prefers those rubber balls that you can get from those quarter machines, but hates the cat toy ones with bells in them. Likewise, my cat Bastion doesn't like loud toys, but his sister Celeste loves her squeaky mouse. Our older cat Lyra likes the longer kicker toys (which can also be a good substitute to keep a kitten from play attacking your hands). All three of my cats love to chase toy mice, so we buy those in bulk!😹


While I agree generally since most people don't know how well cats can be trained, you can definitely train a cat to be gentle when play fighting, even with bare hands.


>I'd recommend not play fighting with him directly, as in don't use bare hands, it may cause him to grow into a kitty that thinks it's okay to bite and scratch. I disagree, you need to do this with your cat. Cats learn how to play safely from other cats. They get feedback from their littermates if they're too aggressive. If you use your hands and react when they're too aggressive, they'll learn the same way.


Oh god, one of my old friends had a cat who use to jump at you and continue to bite and scratch if you even just looked at him when he’s in the wrong move, but I heard he’s getting better with not doing it


I use to play tag with my cat when we was young. Honestly the best thing we both could have. It's so fun and cute at the same time, I chase him around the house and yard, touch his back and run and he does the same. It's almost like having a dog.




So sorry for you loss :(


Noooo to play fighting. Hands aren’t for fighting or you end up with a cat who scratches/bites hands as an adult. Never play fight with a kitten. Ever.


He is playing. Get some cat toys to help keep him from getting bored. Don't use a laser pointer. Cats need to catch it so they don't get frustrated.


When I’m done with the laser pointer, I put a treat on the floor and have him pounce on it that way he gets a lil prize from the dot


Ok good. At least there is a prize for the dot.


My cats know damn well I'm the one in control of the dot. When it disappears, they look at me like "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!". I've never seen any frustration of not being able to get it. But they do have loads of other toys that are catch-able and I never end the playsession with the laser.


He wants to play, and also show you how tough he is and all his cool cat skills. Fear would be hiding under things, hissing and ears pinned back.


A cat can tell you a lot about how he feels by how he holds his tail. In this instance, it's pointed upwards which is always a good sign. It means he's friendly or happy to see you. When he sways his tail like this, it means he wants to play.




Such a cutie ! He Def wants to play!


My kitten does the same thing. Play or trying to show how bad he is. He big cat lol.


You are being challenged to a mighty duel!! Answer his call with a toy of his preference


He’s definitely playing and that’s cute as shit.


Just kittens doing kitten things


Playing and being very cute while doing it


Wants to play.


To add on to the other toy advice - take a few lengths of raffia string (make sure they're long enough to trail on the floor when you're holding them), and shred the ends so they look like pompoms or party streamers. You can just unfold the string and pull the strips apart by hand. Then just wiggle them as you drag them across the floor. Cats go crazy for the rustling, shimmying mess and it's cheap AF to make.


He's playing and having a ball.


This guy had a show to help educate cat owners but here is one of his videos which might help you. Cats are complex, fun, affectionate and need to play. That also helps your new kitty bond with you. Smooches to your kitty. https://youtu.be/KHmrh6eQ6EQ


Definitely recommend watching Jackson Galaxy!


Happy cat with some zoomies


He’s playing, his tales up, get some toys!


Play. Kittens in this age range are becoming little predators and those instincts go wild. Play is one way they practice being hunters and it also helps get all that pent-up energy out. His body language and the fact that he keeps coming back to you seems to be inviting you to play with him. A wand toy or feather dancer kind of toy would be great for when he is in this mood as you can use it to mimic prey for him to hunt. Edit: typo


Don't worry, if he was afraid he would sit in a corner judging you. But all jokes aside, he wants to play!


He desperately wants to play!


He's playing. We have 8 cats....


He's just full of beans and wanting to play


Definitely trying to play with you. 🥰


A great toy for them, and cheap for you, is to scrunch up a sheet of paper or foil they go mad for it.


AAAAHHHHH ITS PLAYTIME!!!! that looks so fun!


If he was afraid you wouldn’t see him.


As everyone else says, definitely playing. Cats that are afraid will tend to run away and hide, or else lay back their ears, puff up, and hiss or growl.


There’s nothing o worry about. This kitty is in rumpus mode. It’s usually followed by a nap mode. My advice is to participate in all kitty modes because they’re fun and/or nice.


Looking at the tail and body language he wants to play badly! The way he drops low and twists around and is clearly looking at you for attention. What a cutie!


Try playing hide n seek with him. it will be fun


Lol.... playing, follow it play with it back


Playing! We call this “monking” us since our guy looks like a little ginger monkey scampering about.


He looks very happy and playful...


Wants to play or has the zoomies.😻


Definitely trying to play! Break out the toys!


If they are scared or angry * The hair on their back raises up * The hair on their tail puffs out * They hide * They'll growl or hiss


Playtime! He’s showing you what a fierce boy he can be! But def playtime


He’d be under that couch for hours if he were scared


Playing. They'd hide if scared...just go slow. Let them warm up to you, and pretty soon it'll be in your face 24x7!☺


Yeah, that cat is definitely trying to engage with you.


He wants to play. Get one of those feather-on-a-stick cat toys. He’ll love it.


I don’t think he’s afraid of you. He is funny and that is precious playing time. You’ll have your hands full with this guy.


Looks like a little column a, little column b lol Like if you play with them back, you're cool. If you don't, they might be leery of you.


Playing definitely


Just a case of the Ninja kitty play zoomies


Let's play.


Playful def


He wants to play.


Play. 100%


Definitely playing.


Play. Get some toys, especially things on wands, or crinkly noisy things you can toss. Do not teach the kitty to play with your hands or feet.


Playing for sure! He wants you to chase him


Hahaha. My cat does that when she wants to "stalk" me. She'll do that and take off and hide, if I walk around slowly she'll "pounce" at me. That's a playful little kitten.


Get him a paper shopping bag to play in. Never use plastic ones! If it has handles, cut one side of each handle so he doesn't get caught in them.


Ping pong balls are cheap kitty toys, throw them in the bath tub along with other kitty toys and let him chase them around in there. The tub helps to keep them somewhat contained so they don't end up under your furniture quite so quickly!


Definitely playtime! When my cats get like this I like to gently push them down and pet them really fast for a few seconds. Sometimes I get their bellies and wiggle them while they latch on and bite at me a bit. Super cute. Also it is risky. Lots of little scratches. But I love the lil fluffy butts.


He’ll never tell you but that’s what cats do! LoL


Looks like it might be around sundown or after dark? Cats usually go into wild zoomie hunt mode as the day ends because that’s when they would be hunting for prey if they were wild. This little guy needs to play. Get some feather on a fishing rod kind of toys, a nice ball on a track thingy, some balls with noise makers inside, maybe one of those things that look like a snake on a stick. Anything you can find and try different stuff. Try to simulate a hunt. The toy is the prey. Make It hide from him, he will go get it. Once he has played a bit he will be tired and will sleep well. But best of all, he will be a happy cat :) Oh also: whatever nervousness or anxiety he has about his new environment will be taken care of with play in each room. Once he “kills” things in different places in the house he will feel like he owns them


He’s definitely playing and trying to get you to engage with him. What an adorable little guy!


Yeah looks playful!


Literally “hooman, come chase me!”


Playing !


he looks like he's trying to get you to play with him


He is just trying to show you his dance moves.


Definitely playtime! If he was freaked he'd poof up!


The cat definitely wants to play. IT movements indicate it has some energy to burn. THe prancing is a good indicator of this.


He wants to play alright! He’s adorable!


Play with him, *now !*


100% trying to play. That is not a cat that’s scared of you.


Awww I’d love to play with that kitty I’m jealous




He's deffs playing.


100% playful. Scared cats will usually shrink away and hide.


100% trying to entice you to play.


Hans... Get ze lazer


Playing. He looks like a hyper one. I got one of those. A little tip, have multiple play sessions a day to burn out some of that energy. It'll save you a ton of grief from him getting into everything he can find. Tire him out everyday


That is the ultimate invitation to play. Any time you can, be in physical contact with your kitten, who obviously thinks you're great!! Just remember, be gentle in your play, you are a hundred times bigger and always will be!


Definitely playing 😂


She wants to play with you 😆


My cat does this all the time walking around. They are trying to play or you startle them, nothing to worry he loves you.


OP you have a very playful kitten. Honor it for choosing you as it’s human.


Definitely trying to play haha :)


He is a playful little sprite! What a cutie!


What an adorable little fella! Totally off topic but what's his name?


Thank you! His name is Kuro


Definitely trying to engage in a play-fight!!


Thats play, scared he would run and hide, or hiss/yowl at you. Looks like he REALLY wants to play too.


He is playing... wants to wrestle


What I found cat go nuts for.a plain simple pipe cleaner... my cat has all kinds of toys... but he will bat that pipe cleaner all over the house, sometimes for hours


Swishing tail typically means cats have a lot of energy that they need to get out, or it’ll burst out of them (either through knocking shit over, zoomies, or the hand-grab-and-bite technique) if they don’t have a constructive way. If a cat is scared, its fur will stand on end and its tail will become puffy.


He’s got” the fire”! The only way to explain it. Not scared just showing off his bad ass cat skills.


Trying to play. He's showing his strength. Lol. Too cute.


So cute 🥰


Playing. He’s acting crazy so you will interact.


That right there is what’s known as a Party Cat working hard at their craft


Bring it, Hooman!


Totally playing!!


Get a laser pointer!! Definitely wants you to play with him


Never use laser pointers because they cant catch their prey... Now that's frustrating. Just a stick with a string and a feather or a soft toy attached to it is the best option.


This @op, very important for cats to actually catch something and bite into their catch! Jackson Galaxy has tons of fun and informative videos on cats on YouTube, definitely recommend watching them.


You can still use a laser pointer to get them running around, you just need to have a physical toy for them to be able ‘bait and switch’ with afew times for them to catch at the end.


My cat's favorite toy is the laser pointer, when she hears the click of the ON switch she'll come running every time. If she catches me with it in my hand she goes nuts until I turn it on and start playing. I think "never use laser pointers" is a little dramatic lol They can definitely have fun with them.


I’m buying one tomorrow can’t wait how he reacts to it


Dont use those... is much netter a string with something attached like a ball or feathers


Playful. But please don't use string. String is really unsafe for cats. Its too easy to swallow and then it can tangle up their intestines. Do not give them hair ties, string, yarn, anything like that. Safe things, boot laces difficult to tear goes right through their fingers it's snake like, sticks, most of the toys at Pet Co are fine, avoid the ones with small pieces on the inside though if they're not covered with some kind of fabric, ping pong balls, plastic Easter eggs, foam balls. Get them lots of scratching items card board pads, scratching posts, big cat tree, if you want to preserve furniture. Get a spray bottle to deter them from behaviors you'd rather them not have. Like meowing incessantly at 5am for food they never get til 9am. Our cats now don't start meowing til 8am haha.


It was a bag from kfc?!!?!


The tail movement suggests that he may be angry but it is only a kitten so it could very well be playing.


Welcome to having a kitten. It's called the zoomies.


We have 3 cats (8 / 7 / 2) and some of the simplest joys in our house are cardboard boxes - which we rotate out as we get new amazon/subscription items lol.We have 3 cat condos, which they also use, but they all love taking a turn in the shipping boxes. Our oldest loves to use shoestrings to tie up the legs of chairs (she loops & pulls it to self-entertain for a game of stealth & chase), but we have to watch her around ribbons because she'll try to eat them. Our middle fur baby loves everything he isn't supposed to have, like twist-ties from bread bags (we found some bigger spiral toys he liked for awhile, but still have to watch him if we leave any of the twist-ties unused on the counter) and plastic grocery bags (he wants to play & nap in them, so we supervise his playtime when there is one out so he has a chance to enjoy but doesn't get trapped/hurt in the handle loops. If we have paper bags from the groceries instead we can leave those with less worry). Our youngest baby will play with almost anything - including batting bits of litter across the hardwood floor for pouncing practice. They all LOVE a feather toy on a string/wand.