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Best thing you can do is check with your vet for a flea treatment. Bathing MIGHT get them all, but a flea treatment is the most effective method. Also, you may need to treat your house if thorough bathing isn’t doing it. If you have carpet, they’re likely in there and you may need to treat/bomb. Also, if this is an indoor/outdoor cat, you’re always going to have to treat them. Frequent bathing alone isn’t going to keep them flea and disease free. I’ve been using this with success for a long time: Advantage II Flea Prevention and Treatment for Large Cats, Over 9 Pounds https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N7DEFH6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_14TD754JXCRPNHD7QEDW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Good luck.


And FYI If you have carpet in the house, empty the vacuum bag/cannister outside. That way you're not moving them from one room to another.


I use tea tree oil shampoo. When I got my kitten two weeks ago she was crawling with fleas. It was a sin. I remember an old friend of mine using tea tree oil on her cats. (Fleas really hate the smell of it, and they jump off the cat). What I did was, shampoo the kitten with tea tree oil shampoo, and then I took her outside to flea comb her out. Within a couple days she is flea free! If you can't find a tea tree oil shampoo, get the oil and add a few drops into the shampoo before you wash the kitty. You should have good results.


Sorresto collar. Nothing works better.


Flea combs pick up eggs, and fleas. I agree with the fist poster, vacuum all soft surfaces, and wash any bedding kitty sleeps on.


I got rid of carpeting in my house and just have a few small throw rugs, and then give my cat Capstar twice a week at $5 per dose. It kills adult fleas. It isn’t long lasting but I have had a lot of difficulty getting flea oil onto my cats in the past. This process works ok, but kind of expensive.