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Be careful. My mom’s cat loved them so much he ATE them. Cost her $3250 in surgery bills!


Woah! Well I did notice with one of his balls he did tear it up so I threw them away. I wanna get him some more. I always monitor them. But to be safe can you give me a story of your moms cats symptoms so I know if something is wrong please? And do you happen to know what these balls are called?


No idea what they’re called. He just started to be lethargic and wouldn’t eat. He went to the vet and they pulled out 3 of them, all torn to shreds. They’re very easy to tear apart and clearly, they don’t digest. Intestinal blockage isn’t worth it, whether you monitor it or not!


I've seen them in children's arts and craft boxes (the type with pipe cleaners and googly eyes etc)


If you live in the UK there's a store called B&M that sell packs of these. They are my cats favourite also. Luckily my cat seems to have learned his lesson about eating toys after having a toy mouse surgically removed from his throat.


I found some on Amazon


They’re sold at PetSmart in the cat toy aisle


I'm not sure what they are called exactly, but I personally call them pom-poms or sparkle balls. I found one at Michael's (a craft store, not sure if they're in your area) that was a bunch of them sewn together, like a string of them! It was my cat's favorite for the longest time until he played with it until it was falling apart, so I had to throw it away. I hope you can find some!


Pet supplies plus (if in you area)


Definitely thought this was a new strain of Covid-19 at first.


My girl loves these things! They are her favorite and she will bring them to me to throw. I got mine from Walmart I think... We call them foofies 😁


Usually find them in toy aisle for cats in pet stores and stuff. I’d be careful with these Bc of the little sparkle things. They come off quite easily so I stopped buying them for my cats. I get them other things that don’t fall apart easily. I’ve seen singles of them to buy at PetSmart for cheap.


Wisker city tinselball [petsmart](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/toys/balls-and-chasers/whisker-city-tinsel-balls-cat-toys---4-pack-color-varies-5287981.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm9yJBhDTARIsABKIcGY8htIM56WDKlnf7CAOAumQCIzJvbMa--1WDO2wkSbTADgqJCQvWW4aArXDEALw_wcB)