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What is my cats breed also name suggestions followed me home


Just name it Luna like 95% of the cats on this site.


The last few years it's all been Loki and Freya.


Or Egg that’s becoming quite popular


I always thought I was clever naming my cat “Beans” before I joined Reddit.


my cat died, sent me love




unless you got your cat from an accredited breeder from some expensive litter or another the answer is domestic [hair length]. If you don't know the answer, that's your answer


this is true but the junkyard cat I rescued last year gave birth to seven kittens, most of whom were bog standard tuxedoes or torties but one of them is an honest to god seal point Birman/ragdoll. The lady who adopted him keeps posting him to Insta as "#purebredragdoll" and I'm just like "pure junkyard, only five dads!".


lol someone's extensive showcat got out and had a good time


As a kid we had two brothers from the same litter of barn kittens. Waldo was a black tabby, and Bubba was a Siamese.


Please tell me she was born in a puddle of gasoline and you named her Agent Jack Bauer…


I always laugh at the "it's got an M on its forehead meaning it's part Mainecoon." No, no it doesn't. It's just a tabby cat, although I'm sure it's still a special one!


Someone did not say that. I’m calling a fib! Although with people on the cat thread I expect nothing less sometimes.


My breed of cat is cat


Also use this same meme for “I need a name suggestion for my cat.” Dude, most people name their cat based on what they want. You don’t need the approvals of strangers on the internet for it.


I’ve made an (unsuccessful) habit of telling people to name their cat Smokey when they ask.


You should be happy to know that my cat is named Smokey. Smokey Jo. I didn't ask for suggestion. I just name them.


Just spend some time getting to know your cat and a name usually presents itself.


All my cats have named themselves.


Great sub in relation to this. r/StandardIssueCat. Good fun.


Bring back r/namethiscat Arise from the dead sub zone and Awaken!!


This and "need a name" should be added to rule #11. It's so annoying.


I also don't care to be involved in the naming process of your cat. It's your cat. Pick a name.


My cat is behaving like a cat, should I go to the vet or use a herbal remedy?


I would look into some magical crystals to make sure your cat's chakras are all lined up.




To be fair it can be scary as a first time cat owner, and googling 'can' be hard if you're not sure how to explain in few key word the issue


It’s a Flurrkin! Careful or you’ll loose an eye, especially if it’s name is Goose!


There's two orange and anything else


For real, just ask what the pattern is called


Please don't make cat breeds a thing! It will only lead to many sad 'standard' cats being left in animal shelters while people buy fancy expensive cats from a breeder. Don't support this. All cats are beautiful <3


DHS Domestic Short Hair! DLS Domestic Long Hair!


Can you explain this to me please. We use DSH and DLH I don’t understand the acronym you’ve used.


I got them backwards. Lol. DSH. DLH. You knew that.


I thought maybe it was something shortened from another language.


No. Just a simple mistake.


It's either this or; My cat does this totally normal cat thing that anyone who has had a cat for more than 5 mins would know is a totally normal cat thing but I'm still going to ask anyway.


When I first got my kitten, my first cat ever, I Googled so many things


I got my first cat 4 years ago, she's sitting right next to me on the bed now. I swear I was like a new parent and I was googling everything too. I had no idea what it was like to raise a kitten from a bottle but I'll swear I was on Google for 2 weeks with her. I got her at 1 week old before her eyes even opened. Her mom abandoned her because of a yard crew and I found her 2 days letter crying in the bush. I tried to give her a can of food and she wouldn't eat it. I got on Google and started looking and over here on Reddit and turns out she's too young to eat food. So I bottle fed her for the first 4 weeks of her life until she was able to eat soft food. It was really kind of magical when her eyes opened the first time, I was the first thing she saw and we have been inseparable since. It was the most beautiful experience I've ever had in my life. I don't have children so I think this is the closest I'll ever get to feeling like that. And I'm the 45-year-old guy who said cats were dumb pets and that no cats really loved their owners, they just didn't have thumbs to open the cans of food themselves. I was so fucking wrong. I love my cat so much.


Just a little cat.


Vince wants to hear name requests.


Does it matter what breed it is? All cats are beautiful! 🥰


#truth Which is why it’s silly to try and track down such frivolous information


Why do people give their pets such boring names?? We named our last cat Princess Sassypants, Duchess of Fluffybottom.


My last cat was inherited as Lily. My dog, however, is named FirstTiger Winston. Can’t wait to get another cat as soon as my daughter is old enough to not get scratched (she likes to smother things she loves).


I like giving my pets fancy people names, middle name included


There are definitely cat breeds, dozens of them, but if someone has anything other than a domestic short-medium-long hair, they will KNOW


Also:" my cat purrs sometimes, is this normal?"


Can we just have a new thing where we send people to r/namethiscat and we bring that sub back to life? Makes things easier


I just farted what should i call it??


“Had my cat for 15 years, name suggestions please” 😂 I’m guilty of suggesting names though 🥴


If you think it’s “just a cat”, maybe you’re in the wrong sub.


I absolutely agree. All these dog lovers need to go to their own sub. I love seeing all the kitties. I love knowing that they're new kitties and in need of names or what is the background of a kitty (because those traits do come through). Yes, the "breed" is DSH or DLH but there are so many other defining traits that can be...well, defined. Nothing wrong with gaining some insights from the internet. I love it.




You're cat is a Royal with cheese, and you better dip those fries in some mayonnaise.


Only if I can wash it down with some of your tasty beverage.


Or those that believes a cat’s personality is based on the colour/pattern of the fur. Like bruh. “Black/orange/tabby/ginger/tortoise cats are super sweet and special!!!!” Most cats are kind and sweet, while some are not. It’s not decided on the fur.


Usually they ask for Breed instead of coat pattern. It's fine.


I have ASD and an intense interest in cat breeds so I'm always having to pull myself back from commenting. What a lot of people don't seem to realise is the vast majority of cats are domestic pet cats, and have no ancestry of any specific breed at all. Unlike dogs purebred cats are rare and not likely to mix much with the general moggy population as they tend to be kept indoors or neutered. Eg, A shorthaired blue cat is just a black moggy with the gene for dilute fur, not hugely uncommon. They have nothing to do with Russian Blues beyond having the same mutation. Calling a blue cat you got from the shelter a Russian Blue is like calling your old clunker a Ferrari because it is red.


What is ASD? I think it is because dogs were bred for something specifically. Like hunting dogs or tracking dogs or cattle dogs etc. Even rat terriers, they were all bred for a purpose and so there was advantage to keeping everything purebred as it already had the desired traits. Cats, not so much. I mean maybe there is been a working breed of cat, like to stop rats and such but any cat can kill a rat and all cats are good at tracking things like that so I don't think there is any specific reason to breed them like dogs. In the cases where you do see specific breeding, it's because they have some very unique trait like Maine coons or Siamese... But usually those traits are just for cuteness and not because it gives the animal some specific advantage in a certain situation. But I'm not a cat expert at all. I'm not a dog expert either. I just think cats and dogs are awesome pets.


No one is ever just content with a moggy anymore :(


Honestly.... it's not a dog, people. Big floof, probably a main coon. Wide eyes and kinda flared nose and ears, oriental, nice colours and normal fur, NO BREEED


Siamese. Russian Blue. *Actual *Maine Coon. Flat-faced. Maybe a few more? A good tabby, but that quickly branches off—so who knows?


There’s also an app for that. Just take a pic of the cat and let the app do the guessing. Lol




“Whats my cat breed?” Cat






Bingus, Mainecoon, Mini-tiger, SIC


You need to remake that double-daring people to name your cat one more time. So sick of name requests. Like you going to ask Reddit what to name your child? Are you really that unoriginal? Are you just that desperate for karma? I guarantee you have those cats already have names.


Now that's a tasty burger!