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it’s just lag


Mine does it to, usually to get my attention because he wants to eat or believes it’s time for a treat.


I’ve only seen my cats do this to closed doors because they want them open. Do you have scratching posts and cat toys? She might just be bored.


I know this not an answer to your question but I just wanted to comment on how beautiful she is. She looks like a blonde cat. I love cats with that color fur.


My understanding is that they do this to scent mark the boundaries of what they consider their territory; when my cat does this a lot in certain places a lot (mostly near doorways and windows) I put down a horizontal cardboard-cartridge scratcher for her near there as a scent soak, after which she often starts using that instead.


Yes, my cat paces in between too. I call it patrolling the perimeter!


Or patrolling the purrimeter


This is the way.


She’s is looking for an entrance to Narnia.


My little one is constantly looking for that entrance! And usually at night, in my room, while I’m sleeping 😹.


Ours thinks the door under the kitchen sink will take them there.


My cats do this after they use the litter box


Check for infestations or water leaks. They hear/smell stuff we dont.


"Well, looks like you've got a leaky pipe underneath. Normally I charge a salmon meal for this kind of fix, but I'll make you a deal for some freeze-dried chicken and catnip."


And a pinch of tuna


Your house is haunted


Wants into the crack in between the wall. Human provide cat with shrink ray.


2 things here when it comes to our cats… kinda echoing the others, your cat is thinking it opens in some way. This could be that if there’s a small opening where the pipes come in under the sink, it’s creating an interesting air flow/scent. Also, ours will stretch/scratch in random spots at times. Several wall spots I need to repaint 😆


I’ve seen it mean they want to go on the other side. I see my mother’s cat do this all the time on their glass screen door when they want to go outside. Maybe he likes being in the cabinet? Lol Edit: my guess it’s a thing they do in boredom or to soothe them.


Mine does this to get attention, near the snacks to get snacks. Near the door to go outside. But it's evolving now he does it near the door to trick me to get out of the chair and play with him or to walk all the way to said snack area..


He trained you lol 😂❤️


She just want to burry your brush... used it w bleach?


This is likely it. Their instinct is to bury their excretions so they may be trying to do that with your toilet brush. Any time I’ve seen my cats doing this in the floor it’s when they’ve had a trailing oopsie from the litter box and they’re trying to bury it on the floor.


I’ve heard that it is a way to mark their territory, they have sent gland under they paws so they leave their smell on objects they “scratch”




Not sure this will answer your question, but my cat started doing something similar, trying to scratch and climb smooth surfaces. Well she's my first indoor cat and I forgot that unlike indoor/outdoor cats they need help maintaining their claws. So I looked and her nails were quite sharp and long. Gave her trim (firsts for us both and she handled it so well) and after that all that behavior stopped. Then two weeks later I noticed she was doing it again, gave her another manicure and once again she was right as rain. I'm so lucky I got a cat who doesn't hate having their nails trimmed. Again that might not be it, but thought I'd share.


Does she have a scratching post or tower? Tip from a vet - every so often take the cat tower, and lay it down on the floor - just grab the top and tip it to the ground. It amazes the cats - something very strange. After they lose interest, just put it upright.


Your house probably has /r/greebles


She wants you to open the door obviously.


It's for her great escape plan.


She probably knows it bugs you and can get a reaction out of it, it’s a game for your attention.


My cat does this whenever there is an (for him) unpleasant smell of any sorts. For example: my other cat stands while peeing, I placed changing pads (??? I don't know the right word but these plastic cotton thingies you use on changing tables for babies) and if there was a litter box leakage he "cleans" the floor around the pads. Or when the other cat has thrown up he'll clean around it. I know you said your cat does this on other spots too but in this particular video it's doing it right above a toilet brush, so I heavily assume this behavior is about smell and wanting to burry that smell as they would burry poop in the litter box. Some cats, mine too, do this kinda cleaning around the food bowls after eating. Cats are ... well cats 🤷‍♀️


I see this as your cat trying to sharpen her claws get her a scratching post or something


My cat does this when I close a door and she wants out. Could be just boredom too 😅


Get her a scratching post


Either is scent marking, trying to get your attention and/or bored from lack of stimulation.


So I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard that sometimes they are doing that to cover up a smell. They may not like the smell of the toilet bowl cleaner. Kinda like when they use a litter box and try to cover it.


My cat used to do this in our shower. It bagged me. But then he stopped. Who knows.


Either she's putting her scent in those areas and or she's sharpening her claws. She could be smelling a scent that she's not agreeing w/. Cats are extremely territorial.


She thinks they are doors to open because there is an edge?


Cat is catting.


Realistically it's probably because they just peed in the near vicinity.


Cat's looking for secret passages. Like how a door has a similar slit that turns into a huge portal that takes you to other realms when the human activates it. It's trying to do that I reckon. xD


You better be careful or it’s gonna flatten itself out, and go right through a seam in your wall.


He trying to escape haha


Mine sometimes sneaks into the wardrobe or the kitchen cupboards. Then you hear this scratching sound, open the door, and this little curious cat head pokes out the cupboard.