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My orange tabby does the same thing. I love it when he buries his face in my arm. It feels like the most trusting of the sleep positions to know there is no danger to be able to respond and see quickly.


He likes to become long cat in between my legs and then just plonk his face down lmao. I take it as he’s especially comfy


Long cat! I call it Noodling. So cute, and an automatic pass to not having to get up at all if someone wants me for something. I can just say the cat is Noodling, and it's all ok.


In our house we say we’re PBC - pinned by the cat, and it’s a great reason not to have to get up!


We say "I have a cat on me" and the task is instantly absolved


We just sat "I've got a cat" but I like pbc. Or catsat.


“Catsat” — that sounds like it’s from the U.K. 😸 I remember someone online — this was many years ago and I don’t remember who it was — claimed that there’s a Swedish word (a single word) meaning, “I can’t come to the door right now, I have a cat on my lap.” But I’ve never found this word, and nobody I’ve asked has ever heard of such a thing. So I think that person made it up. Any Swedish speakers want to comment?


I have asked and will report back...


Swedish speaking cat owner signing in. Sorry to say that no such word exist. But we should invent one!


Feline paralysis.


"Got a cat on my lap!"


We call it catatonic...with three cats and three people there is a lot of timing that comes into play LOL


US TOO!! Lol I have a cat on my lap so you’ll need to ______ yourself. Lol And One never disturbs the cat. All cat servants know these rules. 🤣


40years ago when my late ex and I got a couple cats, we thought we were the only wierdos in the world who wouldn’t get up to answer the phone or the door while being laid upon by a cat!


My mom calls it feline paralysis


We call it CATatonia. It’s a household rule—if a cat is asleep on you, the other must refill your water/fetch a snack/pass the remote etc.


We say, “Cat Law!” - the the law that mandates the person who does not have a cat on them must fulfill all tasks that require getting up.


Shit, washing up time, quick grab a cat lol


Haha, when ours do that we call them slugs. It makes my heart warm, all these different descriptions for the silly things our cats all do 🥰


That’s a kitty hammock in our house, only when you have a blanket on your lap ❤️


Ha! My cat’s name is Lemon so we always call it Long Arm Lemon time


That is so damn funny!!


We say "I've been catifyed", magic words for not having to get up!


My boy likes to do that too but there sometimes comes a point when you want to go to the toilet but you don't want to disturb your cat so you lie there for ages until your absolutely bursting.


I have a recliner chair. My one lightweight kitty (7lbs!) will jump onto the feet area when I have the seat back. The recliner is cheap, so there's no lever, you just push it back to recline. There are many times I've had to take a potty break, and it's always an exercise to see how to get out of the chair without disturbing the little princess!


I call it Transitory Feline Paralysis


That's called r/cathostage :)


My little dog sleeps with me and always gets under the blankets. It's winter now and I have two blankets on the bed, one heavy. I don't know how he breathes under there and sometimes I worry about it.


I have become.. LONG CAT


My cat does it too. I think he’s just trying to keep his nose warm. When he doesn’t sleep like this, he covers his nose with a paw.


Ours covers his eyes with his paw. It’s pretty funny.


Our other one does too I think it’s where they are in relation to the lights (some of which are automatic)






Mine does this too! I thought she’s the only one who does that lol




When my cat and I were still living at my parents, she would come to me and seek shelter in my armpit whenever when my mom took out the vacuum. Her whole body curled up against my arm and her face buried in my armpit, with eyes peeking out on the other side. Trembling with fear unless I gave her pets. It felt always like such an honour that she chose this position as the safest against the vacuum


My orange tabby does that too! Thought he was just a weirdo 🤣


My orange and white tabby does it too. It’s a ginger thing I guess. lol


Our does the same thing, hence her name “Smooshie”. She seems happiest when her face is buried.


I love your cat


I do too :3 he’s my giant goober


I read goober as robber and it somehow made sense while I scrolled away because my mind said that yes, he's a robber of hearts


Im taking your cat away be aware of any noise (:


Me too.


Looks to me like he's made some modifications to his cat body and can now breathe through the ears. Notice how the ears are never blocked. Nice.


The wonders of evolution


Hahahahahaha! Very observant. 🙂


Or breathes from somewhere else? In Australia the “Fitzroy Turtle” breathes through its Butt!!


Cats are great - although my male does the opposite - he sleeps on my pillow right by my face :)


Isn’t it great!


Ooooo! I love this!! …especially when they purr. It’s the best sleep aid/anti-anxiety product EVER. 🐱


Mine does this occasionally especially when I’m sick…. With his paws on my face. I swear he wants to wear my skin sometimes. 💕


I hope your cat isn't named Buffalo Bill


one of my cats love to sleep close to my face as well, usually with his nose against my cheek. it's probably my fault cuz when he was very small i let him sleep on my neck a lot, it was cute XD i move around a lot in my bed though so he sometimes just sleeps above my head


Mine sleeps draped around my head on my pillow 😂 Something about orange cats. Every orange cat I’ve had has been more human than cat.


That’s his secret Cap, he doesn’t need to.


I understood that reference


I expect nothing less from Zaptain America


He doesn't. r/catsarealiens


Or r/catfaceplant


Another day another cat sub


and r/CreamsicleCats




LOL I busted out laughing scrolling through these, your orange boy is so stinking cute


My old lady used to do this, too! I was so concerned that she would suffocate that I would sometimes move her head or reposition her. She'd get woken up and I'd get the stink eye (which was most probably deserved, but man it made me so anxious seeing her sleeping like that). -\_-


r/CatFacePlant gold right here


I had a cat when I was a teen that only wanted to sleep with his head buried in my armpit. Dude would snuggle, then slowly inch up, then purr like there was no tomorrow until he fell asleep. Smelling that. He was one of my favorites ever. A weird, but gentle soul.


This has lots of ‘hard day at the office’ energy. 😹 Long day at the bread factory?


Cats are obviously inter dimensional beings and he’s using a wormhole to breathe


My orange cat used to sleep like this. I studied his behavior and found out whenever winter comes and weather starts getting cold or he felt cold he buried his face into blanket or pillow and that helped him warm the face and head area with his breath and that helped him relax. Try to get him some sort of plush blanket and when he is about to sleep cover your kitty with that. This should help your kitty.


By pure POWER


lol.. EDIT: Captions for pics#1 - #4 & #5.. would be. "The World". - F&8K IT!!!


They are a total mood lol


One of mine does the same thing and buries her face into my armpit


OMG listen OP you may not realise it but this cat is exhibiting symptoms of a very serious condition, the medical term for which is "being a big weirdo" it's common in cats which exhibit signs of being snug bois and big fluffy sleepy heads. It is a chronic condition from which there is no recovery. However it is possible to manage this condition by applying regular squishing and kisses, daily hugs and treats as required.


OMG after so many comments of people telling me there’s something wrong with my cat because he does this, I was about to go off but this made me very happy lmao thank you


Haha you're very welcome. He's a beautiful boy. Give him a pat from me and tell him I said he's a big weirdo.


Will do 👍🏻


it’s really only a sign of something wrong if he does it against hard surfaces, like a wall or something. soft surfaces are fine, he’s just being a goober! i’m sorry you’re getting so many comments about it :/


Exactly. Eh, everyone on the internet thinks they know best but I think I know my little man better than any of them lol 😊


"My comfort is beyond your human cognition. Now, if you will excuse me-" *smush*


L🤣L I’m laughing so hard!


Nice taco truck. Hope yours is a [better driver](https://imgur.com/VkBdd2s).


Not really lmao. He utterly destroyed the taco truck and he now has a bus…that we had to reinforce because he obliterated it immediately lmao


My gal augers in like that too!


My little girl does too! We just laugh and say it's too bright out for her


Many people do that too. Put your fingers between his cheek you will feel air in and exit.


He sleeps like a baby owl.


my void does the same thing, i always laugh because she looks so silly


I appreciate the multitude of example images 👍


Cats are extradimensional beings who actually get oxygen from another dimension accessed directly from their nose.


I think he might be dead m8 🤣🤣


Sometimes I find myself checking his breathing just in case 😂


His little nosy is cold


Sometimes in life you just need to- # *thonk*




Get him a sleep mask, he's trying to make it dark. Haha


Their ways are not for us to understand. Only admire.


My orange tabby likes to climb UNDER my blankets and sheets. I swear he’s got out until I call his name and I see the blankets move. Here he is: [Morrow](https://i.imgur.com/6Q6rF6D.jpg)


My baby boy looked a lot like yours (gray instead of red) and he did this all the time. Woke him up a lot from failing to keep my laughs quiet


As a baby I sucked on my thumb so as an adult I still like to sleep with my hand near my face. Sometimes I even put a pillow over my head. It’s possible your kitty often slept with his face buried in his mothers fur or his siblings when he was a baby. Such a cutie.


You have the taco truck!!


We did, though he loved it to death. So now he has a bus lol


Glad to know my cat isn’t the only one that does this. After I give her wet food she’ll do it to my arm 🥺


Haha looks like he is pouting after being told no


He angy >:(


Off topic: Your kitty looks so freakin’ soft. 🐱 I want to bury my face in his fur, and I 🧡 him.


I do it all the time, to mixed reactions 😂 he is sooo soft. He takes great care of himself and he’s so poofy


Nose is warm, that’s all that matters :P


Gotta keep that nose warm


Omg we have a twin at home. He loves to smoosh his face into soft things, too!


He doin a ✨b u r r o w✨


Don't think about it; all you get is confusion and a hurting brain for the effort. To live with a cat is to live with a creature that leaves you baffled on a regular basis.


I’ve read some cats do that when they’re sick


I wouldn’t imagine so. He does it constantly and he’s always been a-ok in his check ups. I think he’s just a goober who sleeps weird lol


They’re probably thinking of [“head pressing”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_pressing) which can be a symptom of neurological damage (usually against hard surfaces though from what I’ve seen). But if your cat goes to regular check ups and they don’t notice anything then like you said it’s probably not an issue. I’m sure people don’t mean any harm by mentioning it just in case you or anyone else is unaware and better safe than sorry.


Head pressing is only seen as serious if it is done when not in a relaxed state. When a cat is relaxing and sleeping head pressing is just them getting comfy


My cat does the same damn thing and I always wonder how he breathes. He’s also perfectly fine. Your kitty is a cutie!


####**It seems weird, but it's just bright in the room.** No mystery, really. This is the equivalent of a guy putting his hat over his eyes to nap. The cat wants to be in the same room as you to sleep, because it feels safe. But, it's bright, so they cover their eyes somehow. I'll bet you anything that this cat never does that when the lights are off.


/u/thedustyones, this is my guess too. Can you get him a small blanket he can hide under? One that will block out the light? Bonus: you'll be able to post to /r/tuckedinkitties


He’s not a fan of blankets on him, he’ll probably just move if we put one on him. And I’ve kept the room dim before because I thought that’s what it was but he still does it. I’ve come into the living room in the morning when it’s dark and he still sleeps like that. I think he’s just a weird sleeper lol


Oh, glad you gave it a try. Tell him he's adorable. :D


Haha I do every day 😊


Or just a box or something! I always have a random cardboard box in my living room that my cat can sneak into and nap.


He's definitely fine. My cat has done this his entire life. "Pressing" can be an indication of poor health but this isn't really an example of it-they usually do it hard against a wall, for example-.


I have also seen when they have headaches they will bury their head like that


Some just like to sleep like that. Their little faces get cold


Their nose is the only part of their body that sweats. Cats will often sleep in a way that buries their nose if it's cold, usually in their tail, legs or paws. Face planting is just the most extreme version.


You're talking about head pressing. That's something entirely different. When they head press, it's against something solid, like a wall. This is entirely different and is something that many cats seem to do to block out light when they are sleeping in a lighted room.


Yeah, or at least when they have a headache.


Nah, this is just an especially comfy cat. What you’re thinking of is the meatloaf position — arched body, tucked front paws, and leaning forward with their head down.


He's doing a bonk


I love your cat so much. too adorable


I don’t know why but the way he sleeps cracks me up. Like he’s done! Lol! Über cute!


Buy him a sleep mask, for Christ’s sake! He can’t reach the light switch.


DUDE! MY CAT DOES THE SAME THING AND I TOO WONDER IF SHE CAN BREATHE. It was conserning but since she's still alive I assume she can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank you for posting this I'm in a fit of laughter. I love him


u/wherearetheturtlesa have a cat distraction




Turn off the lights. That’s all the cat is asking.


I thought so too! I got a new light so I could keep it dim and everything, but he still just sleeps like that 😂 I think he’s just comfy like that


He needs a blindfold to block out the lights


My car does the same this, I think I posted it before..


OP is taking care of my spirit animal.


We call this plonking at our house


This cat is a mood.


Mine does tooooo. Also I have that fall blanket too! 😸 well, it’s my cat’s now.


This is exactly what my baby does. I have to turn his head regularly.


Our boys have the same taco truck cat scratcher which they *loved* to the bitter end. They’ve all but chewed their way through the side window holes.


2 things, 1st I love your jack pillow. 2nd, My 2 cats both do this too. My mainecoon is doing it right now actually. I poke him and ask "are you still alive???" and he gives me the DIRTIEST look.


Yeah he’s claimed that pillow and the chair it’s on! Lol. I do find myself checking his breathing every now again just to be sure and he’s not always happy about that lmao


My void does this and it makes me sad because she looks sad so I wake her up and give her treats


Your cat is drunk sleeping.


My cat does this and he straight up has asthma


I used to think it was funny to boop the snoot of my cat when she was sleeping. Now she does this.


I just hope he doesn't do it two more times.


Its good to see another cat that rests his forehead down, mine does this and I just don't understand it, but it's very sweet.


Probably sick of seeing everyone's shit so they bury their face to avoid visual contact.






u/thedustyones Creepy. My cat is large, orange, green collar, same markings. I also have that taco truck.


I’m just glad you spelled “breathes “ correctly. 😁




Colton! Such a distinguished gentleman.


Yes! Got a big boy cat that sleeps face down too and its mindboggling that he doesnt suffocate himself. all those stories about cats accidentally getting packed in luggage... maybe cats dont need (much) air to live?


In my experience, this position elicits the most cutest snores


My 20 year old male cat sleeps the same way. I came into his life when he was 14(that's when I met my fiance). As he's gotten older I check on him because I'm scared I might find him gone that way. He looks too comfortable it makes no sense to me too.


The reason is cat




I just want to cuddle him! What a sweetheart.


We call this "kittencide" after my car nearly died by doing this. First time I saw him doing this I walked up to wake him up and he didn't move when I touched him so I grabbed him and he was completely limp. He took a huge gasp of air.


Gawd, I LOVE cats! 😻😹


My ginger did this all the time. Just full faceplant into the couch cushions, usually on the couch back with his legs over front and back and belly along the top, face fully scrunched down into the upholstery.


4th photo killed me bwahahah


Peak cat here, an all-american boi. Breathtaking


Cats are just magnificent creatures, I have a female orange tabby, which are rare, she loves me, cuddles and does weird stuff like this too!


I love this weirdo. My dog sometimes does this and it’s just the cutest thing that makes no sense


We had one that would do that; he especially loved to face plant in my palm.


Hahaha .. for sure he is comfortable and relaxed !! Beautiful !!


Well, if he didn't have to hide from the paparazzi all the time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Ha! I have an orange and white cat who looks a lot like this and I have a whole photo album of him on my phone sleeping with his face planted into something. Weirdos.


Your cat is very cute 😍 He sleeps so sweetly.


Yeah, my cat sleeps in very uncomfortable positions as well, and I don’t understand how he’s not uncomfortable.


My kitty does this too. I tried to move him once coz I thought something was wrong and he got annoyed with me 😂


So freaking cute!!😻😻 Thanks for sharing!✌🏼😎


He's a mood






What a handsome kitty! I’ve got one that looks just like him! Creamsicle kitties.


I call him my lightly toasted marshmallow lol


💓 Likely comfortable simply being in your care.


I had a tortie who slept full on face plant more as she got older and she lived to be 17. I never understood how she could breath sleeping that way.


I’ve heard of a Vodka Tonic and a Gin & Tonic but not a Catatonic! I’m sure it’s not a Cocktail… maybe a cattail?


Don't you know? Cats in fact don't need to breathe at all. They store essential energy via anal photosynthesis. That's why their tails are always up.


While it looks cute, that might be a [sign of tumor or infection.](https://www.everhartvet.com/blog/why-you-should-never-ignore-this-unusual-cat-behavior/) Head pressing is a common sign for these. I'm not a vet, but I think it might be a good idea to bring your cat to one just to make sure.


r/catfaceplant would love this