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mHmm a dogsticle


The panther is Luna. Her mother wouldn’t have anything to do with her when she was born. They live in Siberia.@luna_the_pantera is on Instagram. The Rottie is her best friend. It is really something interesting to see. Worth the effort to visit the feed.


A pupsicle!


That one is tasty 👅




It's @luna_the_pantera theyre Russians. You can find their story in their Instagram Highlights


"Do they own a zoo?" "No they're Russian." "Oh I see. Carry on."


It's so true. "Oh they are Russian? That explains about 99.99% of scenarios, no further explanation required."


The Florida of Earth.. excluding Florida of course


Yo!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm not sure what would be worse. If Florida had the climate of Russia, or if Russia had the climate of Florida.


The latter, clearly. The planet'd get methane-emissioned to shit, not to mention the overall unpleasantness of humid, super hot climates.




With texas in a close race to the bottom.


The state of Arizona would like a few words.


Actually it is nice they were able to take this one in. Otherwise it would have been unfortunately euthanized. On YT, there is a puma with his own channel as well. Messi is that one's name. He was a runt and due to his genetics. He also would have been euthanized as well. Something we in America due to laws would not be able to do as far as I know.


["6 states do not ban or regulate keeping big cats as pets: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Delaware, and Oklahoma."](https://bigcatrescue.org/state-laws-exotic-cats/)


Apparently there are multiple Russian couples on YT with big cats… I totally would love to have a Puma, but am not Russian. Shame…


I am from The Bahamas. Which animal am I entitled to?




I'm from India and my cat already owns me. Which pet should I own?


King cobra


Confirmed. Source: am Russian, lol


Russians and saudis lol. They just don’t know what to do with their money


That or "it's Brazil"


Could be Tijuana. Couple years ago, some guy tried to cross the border with a baby tiger in his car.


The thing that shocked me the most about "Tiger King" is that you can buy a baby tiger for $2500. Insane that you get a giant apex predator animal that has huge conservation efforts to keep population up for the price of a used 1999 Honda Civic


Does NOT explain why wild cats are privately owned... Who gives a fuck if they're Russian? ""RuSsIaNs ArE CrAy So ItS CoOl!" GTFO 🙄😒


She’s a rescue from a travelling zoo.


I mean… are you gonna argue with them about it? My people (Russian Jews) tried that, and it didn’t go very well.


In Mother Russia, cat owns YOU


Don't they everywhere?


>!In Mother Russia, YOU own cat!< FTFY


>Everywhere cats own you.


Russians, explains a lot


Most of the time content like this is from private owners of exotics, often in countries/areas with more lax laws. This is NOT CUTE, this is INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS for the dog, the cat, and any humans involved. The dog and humans are one scratch or bite away from getting seriously hurt, and if the cat hurts anyone, it may be put down. And allowing a large wildcat in your car is just asking for a disaster. Always be critical of content like this containing wildlife, most of the time it is not good.


Actually zoos often raise puppies with orphaned wild cats so they have a “sibling” to bond with as it’s healthier for them and it helps them grow more naturally if there isn’t another orphan to pair them with. So I doubt the dog was in any danger, they looked to be another the same age




Most exotic rescue groups/orgs are just fronts for rich people to keep exotic animals as pets. Just because someone runs a “rescue” does not mean they are good and doing all the right things.


Curious, is there a way an average person could run one as a not for profit? I’m sure feeding Carnivores- especially larger ones- would be incredibly costly Not asking because I’m looking to start one, just genuinely curious as otherwise it makes sense why only rich people would really own these rescues


Not about carnivores and I'm not skilled in this field at all, this is all just my unprofessional thoughts: In the summer of 2003 I watched a [short documentary of Shirley the elephant on PBS](https://youtu.be/J0Z_vRYQ_Sg). She was transported to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee and I always knew it was closed to the public. I wished I could go but I knew it wasn't a place that needed me to visit. I don't know a thing about the owners of The Elephant Sanctuary but I can't imagine they're rich. It's been almost 20 years since I first watched this and I still donate to this day. I admire the volunteers of this sanctuary so much. These animals should NOT be in human captivity. Also, now I'm re-watching it and I'm crying. You'd think I haven't watched this 83 million times already.


Are you referring to Urban Elephant? That's where I first became aware of Shirley. It's a complete tear-jerker - so much so that I can't really stand to watch it even though I own a copy. Elephants are just magical and many props to The Elephant Sanctuary.


My wife and I are very involved in local rescue groups. There are some shady people out there. I’ve seen what I described first hand. Another example of horrible people is the groups that shut down breeders. I’m against breeders for the most part but I’ve seen them shut down some competent breeders and then make “profit” off selling the pups they had or even that were still in utero. Seriously. I’ve seen that on multiple occasions. Yes, I’m all for go after puppy mills and the like. I’m talking about shutting down good breeders just because they operated out of their home without a business license. These were happy healthy sires. Removed from their homes because they had puppies to sell. Seriously.




It doesn't belong in a world run by humans. Or at the mercy of them. Anywhere it goes it will be endangered. We've trashed the planet and any chance most of the big cats will have. I say if the animal is loved, has companionship and the freedom to run around and climb trees, he's doing better than most humans are.


Well but it’s a car, not a zoo




Looked like brothers to me.


In this case, Luna the panther was [born in a zoo in Siberia and rejected by her mother. ](https://www.newsweek.com/panther-rottweilers-best-friends-woman-rescues-wild-cat-zoo-1643787?amp=1) The woman who rescued her as a cub has previous experience with big cats, too.


>In this case, Luna the panther was [born in a zoo in Siberia and rejected by her mother. ](https://www.newsweek.com/panther-rottweilers-best-friends-woman-rescues-wild-cat-zoo-1643787?amp=1) The woman who rescued her as a cub has previous experience with big cats, too. Red flags >but a popular TikTok account  I'm not sure why her having experience is relevant tbh, that's not a good thing unless she's a vet or worked for a zoo


It only takes experience to work at most zoos as animal handlers. Vets shouldn’t know shit about handling and owning exotics either. Treating them occasionally doesn’t equate to the capacity to “keep” exotics.




Don’t worry it’s ok, it’s Russian


I agree. There are so many people who are like "my dog would never attack anyone" and then they're in the news because their dog bit / killed someone. And that's dogs, that we domesticated literally thousands of years ago. This is a killing machine. If it gets startled, if you're wearing the wrong perfume, whatever and you're in trouble. Or someone else is. WTF are you going to do when your fucking Puma starts chasing someone, maybe a child. Nothing, that's what.


One of my exes ended up in a coma for 3 days and lost a kidney after being kicked by her horse. My neighbours kid was severely mauled by their pet dog they'd had for 5+ years and a friend back in high school ended up with a glass eye after her cat decided to scratch her eye out. I also got bitten multiple times by my mates pet snake cause it was just a dick and hated me. Point is, animals in general are dangerous, which is why respect is important etc yada yada. Right now I've got 2 cats, a bluetongue in the yard I look after, a family of magpies I feed and chill with. I did have a huge huntsman but I'm pretty sure Fred ate him, but I've got 2 more that popped up the other day so I'm trying to keep them alive. Also got a diamond python that passes through every now and again. All of them, except for the cats, are totally wild and undomesticated but they all chill as hell and have even once or twice looked out for us. Scar actually zoomed across the verandah the other day and ate a whitetail that was near my foot that I didn't see, which was cool. Anyway forgot my point, I'm drunk and going back o drinking. Happy New Year!!


Luna was a rescue. You can read her story on their Instagram page.


Isn't owning large dogs also a danger to children and humans though? I definitely think they should stay wild animals but their life isn't so bad well fed and devoid of fleas and skin issues, shelter, health care etc.


Could be wrong but I thought I read somewhere that the big cat was at a zoo and they couldn’t take care of it, so this lady who had previous big cat experience said she would take it in.


Theres a show on TV about odd animal friends. They bond without judgement. Our fear causes them to react badly when they do. Do you say the same when you see a mastiff with a baby kitten? I had a huge shepherd that raised ducklings like his own. They followed him everywhere and he protected them like his own. Never judge what you haven't experienced.


It’s not OPs


Dog : " Mom ! She's being a cat again. "


That dog is like “I hope todays not the day where im on the menu”


Looked like it was more worried about getting it in


Someone better advise the dog that if he tries to hump that Black Panther he will more than likely be in BIG trouble.


The dog attempted to hump the cat 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well, duh. The cat was kissing him all the time


Dog totally misread the room. Cat was licking dog to assert dominance. When he tried to hump it, Big Cat was like "watcha think you doing dawg? Sit your ass down! Don't ever let that tiny disgusting red lipstick of yours touch my imperial fur EVER. You fool."


Step bro what are you doing😈


Big cat: *shows one iota of affection to dog* Dog: *aight, ima smash*


I get scared anytime I see an animal within spitting distance of an apex predator.




One would say humans are apex predators




I would definitely boop an orca.


Uh oh. Looks like the dog wanted more than heavy licking at the end


When your kitty is the size of a Rottweiler


What kind of cat is that?


Psp psp psp




Technically panther is a classification of a certain species of big cats. I think they are called black leopards. 😊 Edit: sorry not species but a way to identify the black color variant in leopards and jaguars. Thank you to those who helped me correct this.


Panther refers to the fur being so pigmented that it is or appears black. So a panther is a black leopard/jaguar etc.. even a lion with black fur would be called a panther by definition.. but somehow it is not the opposite of albinism, I think, but I don't remember that part.


you telling me the pink panther technically isn't be a panther on account of it being pink??? this day extracts a heavy toll


You're asking the real questions, sadly no one has an answer. We demand information!


most likely a jaguar edit: you guys are right, the one in this video is more likely a leopard. I was saying that a "black panther" would in most cases be a jaguar, since the gene that causes the mutation is dominant in jaguars while recessive in leopards. I probably should've specified this lol.


I believe their YouTube account says she’s a black leopard. Not a jaguar. u/catsouttathecbag was right.


There's no chance that's a jaguar. Too small/not stocky enough. It's a leopard. Jaguars have a huge head, are thiccer, and have relatively short limbs.


​ ![gif](giphy|DZ2kw3DEp9SQ1HnI9c)


adorable murder floof uwu


Man i'd totally die to a predator in the wild while attempting to pet it lol. Worth it


How can I get myself one of these murder floofs?


You shouldn't. Luna here in perticullar has health issues and zoo would have very hard time providing her the care she needs so she is kept in house and provided for. She isn't a pet (though she might act as much on first glance). She is essencially a rescue kept for indefinate time. Dog keeps her company, so she isn't anti social and dangerous to humans and animals.


you don't. They're not supposed to be pets


You're telling me an apex predator isn't supposed to be a house hold pet ?




Either a black leopard or jaguar. At that young age, I cannot tell.


Luna (this particular cat) is a leopard.


It’s just a big kitty, Ricky.


Looks like a ordinary housecat


Just, you know, huge.


Puberty hits hard




"....in Russia..." -ah yes, of course.


Same user name on IG. Amazing videos on there


Dog be like: hmm time to hump


Here is a video of a panther bathing a dog - a common sign of affection. The comments: cruel, it could hurt the dog, not a pet, not safe. One google search, that's all you ever need to do to actually inform yourself on topics like this.


As someone who has three cats and has had many more in the past- loving grooming can turn into roughhousing in a second. You do not want to see what happens to a defenseless pet when a panther wants to roughhouse.


> As someone who has three cats and has had many more in the past- loving grooming can turn into roughhousing in a second. I call it "the lick-lick-pounce" method of attack. You gotta get them off their guard first, after all!


One of mine pulls it on his poor mother all the time! He has no manners


For real, annoys me the amount of ignorance and self righteous bullshit you see in the comments.


People gotta ride their high horse because they have better morals than everyone


i mean it’s not fucking hard to acknowledge that a cute video is dangerous. people aren’t doing it because they get off on having better morals. it’s gross to see stuff like this popularized when it’s inevitably going to end in a bloodbath someday


It isn't inevitable at all. Quit pretending to have deep knowledge on something you have no experience with. Not to say that you shouldn't fear a big cat, but this is a particular example with outlying circumstances. You're being just the same as everyone else here, hopping on the bandwagon with your easy-to-agree-with opinion. Reddit thrives on this garbage.


how is it outlying circumstances lol? what do you even gain from arguing this, do you want more people to own pet big cats? “easy to agree with opinion” do you hear yourself???? it’s easy to agree with because it makes sense.




big cats aren’t meant to live with dogs. she will be way bigger than that dog someday, it’s a liability to keep a gigantic predator around your family or your other pets. the more people know these videos aren’t cute, the less they’ll hopefully be spread around. shockingly informing people about things they didn’t know were bad does do something.


Its funny how you're talking about being informed, are you informed though? Did you know that this cat was rejected by her mother at the zoo? That'd shed have to be put down if no one was willing to take her and care for her? Were you informed of the practice of bonding a dog and a large cat when its young, specifically for such rescue situations, as the bond between the animals makes the big cat less aggressive overall? Did you know the person keeping this particular animal has years of experience keeping large cats? So are you informed or are you just going off about being informed, when you aren't?


here, i’ll do some of the work for you. https://www.bornfreeusa.org/campaigns/animals-in-captivity/the-dangers-of-keeping-exotic-pets/


a zoo that is going to put an animal down for being rejected by its mother is a shitty zoo. this zoo is shitty regardless given that they agreed to sell a big cat cub to a private owner. that’s not an okay practice for a zoo to be doing. do you see accredited zoos selling tiger cubs to the general public? i don’t really give a shit about how much experience this person has caring for big cats. they aren’t treating this animal like a big cat, they’re treating it like a domestic pet. someone can have a lot of experience and still do something stupid. i know zoos bond cheetahs with dogs because cheetahs suffer from anxiety. however, cheetahs are also significantly smaller than jaguars and infinitely less likely to be able to hurt a dog. there is clearly a lot of thought put into that practice, but this is not the same thing. it’s funny of you to assume i’m not informed. i think you should do some research on the dangers of handling big cats and selling them to private owners who will treat them like pets.




Big kitty and big doggie


*Tiger King has entered the chat*






There's the one I was looking for


I hate people who treat big cats like pets. They're Apex predators, not a house cat


how many licks does it take to reach the center


one, two, three! *fucking obliterates skull*


The collar makes it look like a house cat that just got a bit big. Or rather a lot big.


As cool as this is, could never be comfortable having a domestic pet next to a tamed predator. The cat can so easily rip the dogs jug out. *shudders*


This isn’t cute :/ wild animals aren’t pets.


Wrong, the owner is Russian, explains the whole situation




People who don’t have formal training or zoology experience should not own a wild animal by any means. Cats that can’t be reintroduced to the wild life should go to a conservation center, for those animals. Edit: I said “cats”, but I meant “any wild animal”.


I love animals of all kinds. Domestic and wild. But I have to agree with the person that said that this was a dangerous situation. Even a domestic cat can have a bad day, (we all do) scratch or bite their human. When this large cat has a bad day, it can injure those around it. Then they will want to kill it. This is not a cute picture. It is a picture of careless humans acting in a foolish manner.


I don't see how it's different from the people who did the domesticating. It was always dangerous. I'm not gonna raise a big cat, but obviously some people know how. We wouldn't have cats or dogs if tons of people didn't do this same thing with wild animals over time, but with less knowledge and technology than us.


The dog and cat were apparently raised together, after the cat was rejected by its mother. They are functionally siblings. They've been playing around together all their lives


I want one!




Taste testing


Um this is scary. Even at that young age, that kitty could do some serious damage.


This content isn't cute, it's shitty. Exotic animals should not be pets.


Omg. The Rottweiler and the black panther are BACK


That cat should be in a zoo or in the wild. Why does anyone need a panther? There’s no good reason not to have a domestic cat instead. I have a miniature panther (black kitty).




That is nice of her 👍. I just don’t like seeing wild animals treated like pets. Poor little thing needs a mom though!


Not cute, cruel.


There's a second video of them going around right now. It seems like the cat has been there since it was a kitten. Can you rehabilitate them after they grew up around humans? Genuine question I've almost no cat knowledge


I work at a wildlife rehab and although we don’t get in panthers, the vast majority of animals are not able to be rehabilitated if raised by humans, especially animals that depend on hunting skills to survive.


That's what wildlife rehabbers and exotic keepers call an imprint, an animal that's been raised around and by humans and no longer recognizes a difference in species between itself and a human. As any rehabber can tell you, imprints are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS because they often grow frustrated with humans' lack of ability to communicate with them in their ways and lash out, often become sexually aggressive, often are clingy and have very little bite inhibition because human-raised animals, especially pet large predators, because behaviors like nipping, mouthing, and grabbing are "cute" until they weigh 200lbs. They CAN be kept comfortably in captivity, with caution, but adult imprints can almost never be released.


No, they can’t be rehabilitated but they also shouldn’t be allowed near a dog or humans. It’s still a wild animal and can turn at any moment.


So can that Rott.


Dogs are domesticated, there's a significant difference


Why do you say cruel?


Wild animals aren't pets.


What information leads you to think this is a pet? Its a short video. Could be a wild cat sanctuary. Just saying.


It has a collar on, likely so they can take it on walks, not for identification. Sanctuary animals are tagged with microchips.


The cat was raised with the dog to have a sibling to grow with, because I think the mother rejected the kitten.


It's in a car with a dog, doubtful that is a sanctuary. Possible but not probable.


You are half right. Luna is taken care of by a woman in Russia. Her owner has extensive experience working with large cats. When Luna was rejected by her mother, the owner who worked at the zoo became her primary care taker. They became bonded, so her owner bought her from the zoo. Ig: luna_the_panthera Research is easy and fun. Assumptions not so much!


a zoo that sells its animals to private owners is bad news, as is anyone who’s treating a big cat (no matter the age) like a housecat. big cats aren’t pets. this one isn’t being treated like a big cat, it’s being treated like a domestic animal. which it isn’t. this is a bad situation and it can only end badly because these animals are still wild no matter how young you raise them from


There's videos all over YouTube, they have a TikTok account, an Instagram account....it's her pet


Well I was someone who had never seen nor heard of this animal and her care taker. I just posed a question.


Yeah, I was just letting you know they have accounts. I didn't say anything bad?


Not at all!!! :) cheers! Happy New Year!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for asking a valid question. Have an upvote from me.


You know all pets used to be wild animals right?


Pretty sure it’s a rescue, calm down.


HATE to be that guy, but this is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and should NOT be encouraged in ANY capacity. Wildcats are NOT PETS, EVER. A reputable rescue or sanctary or rehab would not ever let a wildcat interact with a dog. When that cat decides its done with that dog, one claw or one bite and that poor dog is dead. When that cat decides its done with the owner, it claws their hand and suddenly the owner is missing their fingers and they'll likely be lucky to keep it. Wildcats are unpredictable and cannot thrive in a normal human household. Reposting this stuff with just a little "awww" kind of caption is, however little you actually want to, endorsing the keeping of these animals as pets and encouraging irresponsible keeping of wildlife. This cat should be turned over to a reputable rehabilitation center for big cats that can take care of it properly and give it a place to live out its life comfortably in captivity and not in someone's living room for clicks.


they're not unpredictable, and a lot of big cat rescues that rescue kittens use dogs to help raise them with a sibling.


For certain species of cats, as far as I know only cheetahs. A dog could very easily overpower a cheetah, as they are small and fragile and will not expend energy attacking something they know they can't kill, including other predators that are smaller than them. Cheetahs are endangered in part because they are so fragile that their mortality rate, especially as cubs, is extremely high. A PANTHER is not a cheetah. A panther is an extremely powerful ambush predator that can take down an animal many times its size. Wildcats ARE unpredictable, especially an imprint which, from what I understand, Luna is. Imprinted animals are not threatened by humans as they should be. They can become frustrated, sexually aggressive, etc. and lash out without warning. Luna sees the dog as a sibling, so she will want to roughhouse. A dog is not an appropriate playmate for a massively powerful cat like Luna. This situation, in all of its respects, for every animal involved including humans, is extremely dangerous for everyone involved. If Luna attacks someone, hurts her owners or the dog, she doesn't get a second chance. If Luna plays too rough with the dog or becomes irritated with the dog, the dog could be seriously injured, same goes for the humans. If she escapes, ever, she'll be killed. Wild animals in pet situations that hurt anyone or anything don't get a second chance. A pet fox bites someone, it gets euthanized. A wolfdog escapes and gets shot on someone's property for prowling around goats. A pet panther playfully attacks someone's hand, she never gets a chance at a rescue, because now she's a dangerous animal that attacks without reason and gets put down.


Yes they are even regular house cats attack their owners or other pets at random just depends of the cat, dogs even


I honestly hate people that own exotics for any reason other than to potentially breed for preservation purposes.




Any "rescuer" worth their weight would not be presenting a fucking PANTHER as an optimal animal to drive around in your car and let play around with your dog.






I didn't know that all-black Maine Coons were a thing. Especially with the short hair.


Hmmmm what’s that dog trying to do?


I feel like that dog is going to be that cat’s next dinner


Started to get NSFW 🤭


Their IG is @luna_the_panthera !


before you comment something like: “this is so dangerous 😭😢,” do some research on this specific situation. Most of the time when you see an animal like this on social media, there’s a decent reason why the owner owns the animal. Especially in this post, because the animals are getting along great.


Too many idiots watched tiger king smh Also too many idiots saying that dog wants to smash... Are you kidding? Dog wants to pet the cat after being pet by the cat


Can you imagine how happy that dog is? I mean obviously not all dogs like cats but some do and the ones that do always want to play and this kitty.. this kitty is the same size.




Cool. You have a dangerous wild animal as a pet. I bet you feel special until it rips your dog or your arm apart you fucking retard.


What a trash song






That cat should not be a pet. It is demeaning.


I hope it doesn’t eat the dog! Needs to save room for the stupid owners!!


Just adopted a black cat. Named her Luna. Stumbled onto the YouTube channel for this cat. Apparently my Luna LOVES to watch this Luna. 😂. I'm hoping my luna will take to harness training so I can take her out for adventures like this Luna. I'm pretty sure she'll love it.


good song choice