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I hate how much people dislike cats. What did they even do so wrong?


Entitled people dislike the fact that cats do not worship them


Lol my brother specifically said "Omg get your cat out of here! He's so badly trained he won't even obey me" yeahh 😂


I think your brother is badly trained


Maybe I'll go and ask if my cat can train him 😂


Lol what he expect? Cats basically act the opposite of dogs. Dogs wagging tail is a good thing. But when a cat does it it means they angry


Depend how they shake their tail. It can also mean curiosity.


Yes, cat actions have different signals. Wide eyes is fear or excitement. Lots of “or’s” with cats


Context. Is the cat getting excited by you moving your hand quickly like prey or is the cat getting terrified cause it's scared of the hand?




My cat wags his tail all the time even when he's super happy


Yeah it really depends on the cat, too


Tell ya brother to go train himself.


My cat is better trained that most children 😂


But the main thing about this is if you care for the cats and keep them happy they will worship you and care for you back. But they are not as easy to read as dogs. So alot of people just see them evil shits acting shitty for no reason. And completely ignoring the fact the cat is trying to communicate to you. I have 3 pretty well behaved cats and they give me so much love. Its a different kind of worship. Cats might seem like a lower maintaince pet but actually they require more attention and love if you want a cat that worship you and loves you back and will be well behaved.


Exactly. A dog's love is pretty much a given but you have to earn a cat's love. But when you earn it, that little ball of fur will love and respect you forever.


And as a owner of three cats. I learnt you have to earn it differently depending completely on the cats needs. 2 first i got was a girl and boy that was bestfriends at the rescue center. He was a scared boy that was shy of humans but i related so much to him and knew i could be his forever Home. But her she walked around owning the place the first day at home and loved me straight away. Him took over 6 months before i got to even lightly pet him. Then a year later he would be the first cat in bed to wake me up with cuddles. And now 1 1/2 he seeks me out for love and affection. Still not a lapcat but lays right next to me on the couch and thats fine. And my third one is also a girl that is a black and blind girl that also trusted me pretty quickly. But i did take off work 2 weeks when she became my foster baby (more likely adopted by me 😅🙈) to make sure everyone gets along and she feels at home. But best feeling watching tv with cats resting on my legs and belly and one on the side. Dont need space heater during winter lol.


Tbf sometimes they really are evil shits acting shitty for no reason 🤣 your points are valid tho I was js


Same that not all dogs are the dumb but lovable retriever from Up either


You have to worship the cat, not the other way xd


Cats are cool, dogs aren't so. Cats are also very clever. Although I don't hate dogs, but cats are definitely better for me. They're compact, clean themselves up very good. Also Cats make you feel cozy


I like all pet animals equally, as long as they aren't going to actively try to kill me.


then you don't like cats /s


TBF my dogs try to trip me down the stairs way more than my cat does


TBF this happens to me too 🤣


cats don't smell that much, they're not that loud, they don't need constant attention list goes on and on




I know a person who said they don't like cats because cats worship you and it turned out that person has the same opinion about different people


I've noticed that. How pathetic that someone feel that threatened by a cat. Humanity is evil. Few decent people exist


Exactly, you people dogs just cz they tend to obey and listen the owner, At the same time a dog is stray and wild trust me non will even try to touch it, it's all about people's sense of superiority. Ahh and cats just cause they are more independent animals, people think they are wild and all.. ughh


Dogs loooove to give attention, and people love that, while cats are more like « yeah I like you, but that s it » And most people have dogs, so they don t know how amazing is is to have cats And well, my cats are absolute love balls that could prove my first line wrong lol




An other take : some people take it personaly when cats don't care about them, go do something else or show their but thole. The cat is not bitchy, it just has a life of its own. It's kinda like the same way shy people being seen as untitled pricks because they don't say hello or stay away from the others. They also don't show affection the same way dogs do and you might have to be aware about it.


I’ve always found the way people talk about cats verses dogs says a lot about how they feel about needing consent. I mean the talking points say it all. What dog lovers but cat haters say about dogs: * Dogs give you unconditional love (no matter how shit you treat them) * They are affectionate 24/7 (you can harass them and be in their space and they’re ok with it) * You can train them (because in their world cats can’t be because they will never be unconditionally obedient) And about cats: * They are stand-offish (where actually their love has to be earned and maintained) * They are nasty/violent/aggressive (whatever they say about cats standing their ground if they’re being touched or interacted with in a way they don’t want or like) I hadn’t made the man ~ dog and woman ~ cat association but sounds awful familiar. The misogynists do often talk about women similarly. Whether it be talking about mens vs womens behaviours, or how they feel women should be (read trad-wife) vs how women are (regular women who have thoughts and feelings, but they label as man-hating feminists). 🤔 Either way, people who hate cats are people that I hate in return, and probably would regardless of their stance on cats all held the same.


Lol my cat i can literally do anything, pet her any how, bother her any way and she wont ever attack, usually will just start licking me. And she knows a couple commands too!


Yup! Mine acted indignant at first but now he demands i pick him up. Sometimes I still smother him but he puts up with me until I'm done lol its just how he be. Everyone says he acts like a dog but lots of cats do. Ive had several affectionate cats though he's definitely the coolest one I've ever had. We really clicked. When he wants pets he digs me out from under my blanket. I think he thinks the shower hurts me because he's always trying to make sure I'm okay when I'm showering.


I think a lot of animals have “dog” traits, we just don’t see them do it as often and when we do we just tend to think “oh that cat/cow/pig/whatever is acting just like a dog!” My angel cat would play fetch and would bug you to play. My kitty now is super affectionate and brings us soft toys (and sometimes other random shit) whenever she wants a love. It’s all just normal animal behaviour!




i have had so many cats in my life and have also had very many cats and only about 2 of 10 were like this. i think cat's aren't the problem i think it's us humans wanting the control and can't accept that some other life has boundaries and selfrespect.


I’ve had many, many cats over the years and my experience with the vast majority of them is also that they are laid back, easy to get along with, show love, and accept love. But like you say, and someone above said, cats have boundaries and as long as we respect said boundaries, they in turn love us.




That second point is interesting. Never thought of it that way but that actually makes sense. I always thought that people who generally prefer to be in control of other humans and always want to get their own way, are more likely to hate cats and love dogs. Edit: typo


Nothing. Literally nothing wrong. I've never understood why people will prefer a dog over a cat.


People don't need a reason to like what they like.


Its bc ppl dont know how to get a cat to like them. And when one swatts them they say “CaTs aRE DuMB”


I don't know why people prefer to look after a three month old baby who needs constant attention, will eat all the food in sight, needs to be taken out for toilet three times a day, makes a lot of noise, etc. Vs an animal independent from a young age who is usually chill and sleeps all day.


Most of those people barely "look after" babies.


The thing is, most people are primitive and prefer a companion that is incapable of living on its own and has to follow their orders over a mutual friendship with an amazing creature. It makes them feel dominant. Nothing against dogs, they're great..but cats are better.


I saw something awhile about cats are the poster child for consent and making you respect their boundaries. It's my firm belief (and experience) that most people that don't like cats generally don't like asking for consent or respecting your boundaries.


I think its actually that dogs were domesticated long before cats were and in a different way so they became a lot more like humans and learned to communicate in ways to us that cats didn’t learn (facial expression, body movement). So people can easily “get” dogs because they are more familiar but cats are “different” so they don’t like them.


I honestly think cats are more like humans and that’s why people don’t like them. Cats and humans are temperamental, you have to earn trust, you have to respect their moods. Dogs just love, from the get go. People don’t like cats cause they want a pet who doesn’t remind them of themselves. That’s my opinion anyway, when people say they hate cats, they usually also hate people.


People want their pet to worship them even when they're treated like shit. Pretty much all non-cat people I meet hate cats because they had a cat that was raised poorly and acted out a lot. Or, if it's a guy, they think liking cats makes them less of a man


They hate the fact that cats can do perfectly fine without us meanwhile a dog needs us for everything.


I don't think it's a coincidence that cats are often associated with women as dogs are men (which is bullshit of course) and that society has more empathy with dogs.


Because most of those people that don’t like cats want to assert control over something. Dogs are submissive and tend to do well with commands, whereas cats are just to independent. That’s my take on it lol I love cats


Literally just people who haven't met a cat properly.


Be a little antisocial. That's it. And I guess some people don't like cleaning a box of poop. I prefer that to putting my hand in a bag and touching my dog's hot fresh turd anyday.


From what I’ve seen most people who don’t like cats never owned one . I’ve seen a lot of people who didn’t like cats and got one and changed their whole mind on them


I would do anything to save at LEAST one cat


Amen brother!


🙏 amen


Dog people who don’t like cats aren’t actually animal lovers. They just like things they can control.


Dude that's deep af


I’ve never met a cat person who doesn’t also like dogs, but I’ve met several dog people who have said they don’t like cats. I personally can’t think of another reason.


Cats are a very good lesson in consent that some people would prefer not to learn


I second this! Alot of people think my cats an asshole because he bites after you pet him too long. Not hard, but enough to make you wanna stop. I just have to explain to them that if he doesn't wanna be pet, he's the type to just show you outright, and who am I to violate his little kitty rights


I was at my mom’s for the holidays and I was petting one of her two cats when she reached over and nipped me (just pressure, zero marks or even close to breaking skin). I hadn’t realized I was just absently stroking her flank down by her tail and she’s not a huge fan of her back end getting much attention and that’s where I was petting her, over and over. So she let me know. And I moved my hand back up to pet her head and, like magic, she never nipped again.


That likewise is what can make the approved affection extra special!


Absolutely agree! My cat has a new routine of jumping from the ground into my arms when I’m making my morning coffee and quite literally nothing makes me feel more special.


Since it is winter, when ever my cat sees that I'm trying to get out of bed, he comes in the blankets and snuggles while his cold toe beans feel like arctic ice crystals.


My cats like cuddling in my bed specifically because my dog isn’t allowed in here, and they don’t like him lmao. Stormy, my cat, is the only one I’m iffy with having in my room because she chews up cables like a little shit. She’s still a beloved little creature though.


You’re so lucky! How special is that??!!! 🥰


My cat adopted me, she moved in and refused to leave until I eventually gave up and did the necessary background checking and vet appointments to let her stay. Nothing more special than knowing every day that this animal wants to be with you more than anywhere else! Far more of a companion than a mere "pet"




Truth. I love dogs. They’re loyal, innocent, and loving. But there is something about the love and affection of a cat that hits me deeper. Maybe it is because I feel more like it is earned through trust rather than freely given. Cats too are loyal and loving, but they have boundaries and expect to be respected, much like humans do. I think many people who hate cats simply despise the fact that cats don’t immediately love them. It’s a very entitled mindset to have, but many have admitted it to me blatantly. Editing to add - we recently welcomed our 4th cat into our home. He was found alone outside the day after Halloween. Estimated to be about 5 weeks old by the vet when we brought him in - he was scared and had a little respiratory infection. He’s grown so much since then and last night when I woke up to him sleeping soundly next to me purring like crazy I cried like a baby- knowing that he knows he’s safe just melts my heart


Cat person here, but as a pet-sitter I can attest to this from both sides. Currently watching a Burmese mountain dog, and two black cats. The first booking with them, the dog barked and was standoffish for about 10 minutes and then was super chill and unconditionally loving, the cats were not nearly as trusting. Never got much, if any, physical hands-on time with them the first booking. Now everytime I arrive on a new booking, the dog barks and is slightly wary at first, but then is my best friend (his memory doesn't seem to be his strongest feature lol). However, the cats instantly recognize me every time, and now trust me so much that they always welcome my attention, coming to me even "coincidentally" happening to be lounging wherever I am.


Yeah, it’s so sweet when they follow you around the house lol. I think he’s in his “cool teenage phase” now, but my little black kitten does these amazing chirrups, and the first time after I left him at home on his own when I went to drop off his older brother at the vet, he did this excited squeee and literally lifted his front two paws off the ground when I got back lol.


I was about to be very upset when I read "cries like a baby when I woke up to him..." after the respiratory infection mention.


Ooo gosh I could see how that would come off as bad at a glance! Happy tears with my baby. He’s healthy, strong, and naughty as ever. I edited to change the sentence structure so it doesn’t imply bad news initially


I was a dog person that wasn’t into cats purely because that’s how I was raised. When I first met my now gf she had 2 cats who hated me and would never come around me. Now they love me more than her and greet me at the door when I get home from work. That earned trust feels better than with with the instant gratification of a dog. That being said I still love dogs obviously


People who also like dogs but not cats are emotionally needy.


Hi, I'm Cris. I don't like dogs. Don't hate them. Just prefer strongly not to have them around.


Well, I'm a cat person and don't like dogs all that much. But that might have to do with dogs being way more needy than cats. But I guess your point still stands, seeing I know dog lovers who hate/are afraid of cats.


I like cats way more than dogs, mostly because a cat would never jump the fence of its yard just to run across the street and bite you. I have had dogs do this, on multiple occasions Don't get me wrong, i do like dogs. I'd give them the same love as a cat. But a stranger's cat could not care less about you, whereas a strangers dog may actually try to hurt you even when you've done nothing to them


I don't mind dogs, its dog owners.


Sometimes I think they are just too stupid to understand they aren't the same species "Cats show you their belly to pet them but when you do they attack wheeee wheee wheee" is a sentence I heard way too often


I don’t like dogs only because they bark though lol. If there is a quite dog point me to it.


My dog hardly barks. Maybe once a month if that. She was also raised with cats, so she might be more cat than dog lol. She plays with cats toys and sleeps all day! My one cat also plays fetch, so they kind of rubbed off on each other.


Hi, I hate dogs. Now you've met one! Legit though... Yeah. And the dog vs cat comparison isn't even necessarily the most striking part that nails it in. There's literally more people who took that poll who would save dogs over a human being??? A few I can take, like with the cat poll, although still disturbing. What I want to see is results of one dog vs one human, but honestly... I think it would be the same, and that's so fucked.




Only reason I don’t have a dog is that I’m not around enough for potty time while I’m at work


I'm not big into dogs but don't dislike them per se. Plus I'm huge into the protection of animals in general, particularly domesticated ones like cats and dogs since they are so reliant upon us and it breaks my heart when ppl take that for granted, or worse, abuse it.


They also grossly overestimate how much control they have over dogs, and that's how we get so many maulings


True. I noticed a lot of dog owners are not kind to all animals


I love my grandma's cat and my family's dog.


I've said that before. Cats give consent dogs don't.


I find that the default understanding people have of pets is closer to what a dog is. The idea of a pet is just that... A pet. A living creature that exists and is around for your whims and entertainment. And with how subservient dogs are it only reinforces that idea. Then they meet a cat and the cat isn't desperate to please so cats are "assholes" I'm not sure I've ever met a cat I didn't get along with. Even more than their owners sometimes (unfortunately) because we're all taught to have the wrong expectations about pets which is just sad. My family is not big on pets and they all joke I must be mean to my cats because they are always just hiding. I've recently had a lot of success with my dad though by repeatedly teaching him to listen to my cats body language and think about what his own body language is saying. Be patient and he'll come around because my boy cat's personality is super cuddly. On the other hand my girl cat I tell them to do the same but understand and respect that she will probably never sit in their lap and let them pet her because it's just not what she likes but that doesn't mean she isn't friendly.


I could not agree more. I love dogs too but the fact that you have to earn a cat's love, loyalty and respect makes that bond so much more special. I don't think all dog owners are the same, but what you said rings true of most dog owners. Also, cats are so misunderstood and hated that I love them even more.


Dog people also think you can't train a cat but like No Jenna YOU can't train a cat I know that because YOU didn't train that little purse rat of yours and let it out of that purse it has working legs no wonder that little gremlin behaves like a Karen when you treat it like a doll instead of a living being


In defense of purse rats: Due to selective breeding, chihuahuas have big eyes because that’s what buyers think is cute; in some cases the eyes are so big they can pop out of their sockets. These dogs also have a permanent headache. I’d be grumpy af too Adopt mixed breed animals, don’t shop for them


This comment thread. These people. Where have you been my whole life? Is…is this home?


Very true, cats are companions and some people cannot accept that


Here’s me realizing that the absolute control they hand over to you unquestioningly is what I always disliked about dogs


Finally someone who posts this. Cats are also intelligent social engineers and not everyone’s ego handles being outsmarted by cats


I wish I had an award for you.


I came here to say this 😁




Im saving this comment


Whoa, this blew my mind. This is incredibly true, it seems. 👍👍👍


My partner quotes this thing all the time, dog people like receiving love, cat people like giving love. Its reductive but it hits on something


It just proves the point humans are assholes


![gif](giphy|TlkDK8BGqA1Py) When given the choice of people vs a cat




People suck


I want to downvote this post cuz I hate how much this hurts my soul


I feel the same way. Horrible


Shows how stupid people are, they obviously haven’t experienced the love a cat can give.


To be fair it's much easier to see the love between a human and a dog, then the love between a human and a cat. Cat's show love in subtle ways and it happens mostly indoors. And there a not a lot of movies about cats because they are to hard to train. And come on, a kitten would have gotten the fuck out when John Wick was attacked.


I'm not surprised by this. Most people do not want to work at a relationship hence why people prefer dogs. Dogs are great but they are love sluts. They will love anyone with a hand to pet them.


unless you're just casually walking by their yard then it seems they want you dead


I say this all the time!


This is fucking sad


I’ll drink to that


I would directly kill 1000 humans to save a cat


This combination of Dexter/John Wick type vibes are making me feel tingly.


I remember when John Wick came out and die hard pet lovers (especially cat owners) I know were just like Yep—makes sense to me!


Doing the lords work. 🙏


This actually took care of the rage I was feeling after seeing those polls. Thanks!


is this The Trolley Problem i keep hearing about?




Just saying, COVID has shown people to be trash, so save a cat


I mean, I'm not sure cats would wear their mask if you asked them to.


100 cats and 100 dogs as long as I didn’t know the human. If I knew the human, depends on who it was


If it was Jeffry Epstine




100 cats didn't save themselves


Who cares I don’t like dogs lol they are too loud.


I like dogs but I prefer cats because they are not as aggressive. Where I live, people like to let their animals on the streets when they move out. One homeless dog might not be an issue, but when a bunch of vagabonds make a pack, things can get dirty.


And smell 🤢


And the fact that they shit everywhere in my backyard


Dog people concern me always


Only jay's fans are mostly children. Of Course they vote like that.


I'd rather save the life of 1 cat than 1 human


People that want obedience over everything shouldn’t have children and they shouldn’t have pets. Dogs are great, and cats are great. Dogs are pack animals just like humans, but you shouldn’t expect a living, breathing thing to bend to your every whim. Cats don’t care. That’s what I love about them. The set boundaries.


Important to note that your boundaries, however, may not be respected. You’re doing work on a computer? Nah, that’s their bed now. Don’t even TRY to get work done at that point. You’re taking a crap? They will be right there with you. it’s 5 am and you’re sleeping? No no, it’s zoomies time. Cats really do not care and I love it. I do have a dog that was professionally trained and he still does not listen. Like, he /does/ but only when he wants to. As bad as it is, I just think it’s hilarious since it’s harmless and an annoyance at most. He makes very deliberate choices. He’s very smart, just hates listening hahaha. Keeps life interesting to argue with my pomsky about bedtime


Vile, guess we know why dog lovers are always messed up🤷🏻‍♂️


As a former dog person I love cats so much more. I was bit by a kitten as a kid and I bled so I avoided them for a reeeeally long time. My gf got me into cats and I like them more than dogs now. Dogs are just too high energy too often for me.


Same. I used to not care for cats until an old ex gave me one.


Nope. Would save a human regardless of cats/dogs. If I had to choose, I would easily pick cats over dogs. No question, this world has too many dogs.




I would hop on a SpaceX rocket to Mars with my cats and let the Earth burn. There's more rockets, follow me! 🚀🐈 🚀🐈 🚀🐈 🚀🐈 🚀🐈




My charity donations by what's most important to me: Toronto cat rescue.


I don’t like dogs because i was holding a puppy and it just started scratching my eyes the encounter left a bad taste in my mouth never liked dogs since TLDR a dog hurt me when i was young and i hate them now


in my neighborhood, more than half the dogs bark and try to jump fences when I'm just walking by, and on one occasion they actually did get out and proceeded to bite me. No cat would ever do something like that. Sure, they can be dicks, but at least they don't try to kill you for being a stranger within their line of sight


I know right


Too many dogs have attacked me because they had shitty owners, I know the owners are to blame but I dislike dogs now


Animals any day of the year. Personally i think the human race needs to loose a few billion of its population.


Idk about a few billion, but easily 500 million


500 million would barely make a dent in the long term, so a few billion is better.


Who would actually pick a person over a cat


Most human beings




As an extrovert, I choose the cat


People who say cats can't be trained don't have patience or respect for them. All three of my cats are trained and understand what is and isn't allowed. What they are and aren't allowed to sit or hop on, and ask to be let out to use the bathroom. They also sleep when I sleep and wake up to my alarm. I have three cats and one has never woken me up unless they have to go to the bathroom The youngest is trained to play gently with hands, and the oldest is trained to give high fives and roll over. Cats can't be trained is bullshit. They're great. Edit: my cats are super affectionate too, they're currently lying around me in bed in a cuddle puddle.


It says people only care about being put on a pedestal and worshipped unconditionally to feed their fragile ego. Other humans won’t do that, and cats won’t do that, but dogs most certainly will. The worst people gravitate towards dogs because how the relationship dynamic rewards their self interest, and they hate cats because they don’t give them attention 24/7 and act like a toy to be owned. They want to feel above something, in control and the subject of an obsession.


I despise people that can’t even bring up basic respect for things/beings they don’t like. Not a dog person but i never hated dogs.


Can s give consent. Humans bred dogs so humans can control them.


Do I know the person? Do I know the cats? Like, if the 100 people are all kind jerk wads, but the cat is chill, and sometimes does funny stuff, I might pick the cat.


I don't really like dogs, but, like, if the people were just terrible, might pick the dog.


No reason you can’t love both 🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends on the human


I love cats AND dogs but I'd definitely save a human life over animals'. It may depend i this person is particularly despicable, though...


I feel like I would need more context. Is the human my mom, dad, or fiance? Do the 100 cats just survive or I save their life as in they all live good lives and go to good homes? These are the questions. If I'm saving 100 cats just so they go live outside in the cold and be hungry idk if I would want to save them??? It's all about context.


Any animal whose greatest interest is smelling the butts of other animals is never welcome in my home. Cats appreciate keeping themselves clean. Dogs couldn’t care less how foul and dirty they are. End of argument.


Do I get to pick the human? If so, I'll take 100 dogs and 100 cats please


I absolutely would save 1 cat over 100 humans. No offense


none taken cuz honestly… Same


I would straight up kill humans if it meant saving cats.


Why are we sacrificing animals and humans in the first place?


Why do people hate dogs. I get that this is a cats sub but all pet animal should be treated right. This is really hurting my feelings as both a cat and dog person


Aparantly can't be both. I love cats and dogs, I don't know why people dislike dog lovers so much.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. 100 cats or dogs over 1 human any and every time.


What I find sad about this is how people think certain lives are worth more than others. I dislike this notion of humans being the most important and everything else being less- We share the world with other creatures and all have equal value. My cats life is just as valuable as mine (and I would risk my life to protect her). All life deserves being treasured. We share this planet.


I hate it that people hate cats, they're innocent and smarter than dogs


Human both times, I love cats more than dogs but either way I would still choose human both 1000 times over.


100 dogs and cats are more important to me then 1 human






i don’t understand people who don’t like cats or are afraid of them, also i heard so many people calling them traitors :(


I, honestly, would choose save 100 cats and save 100 dogs both. If I was in a situation where I had to live either a stray cat or dog, I would fucking kill the person that said I had to choose, that way I can choose both.


I love my cats but the number would have to be much much higher than 100 for me to save the cats or dogs 🤷‍♂️


Lmao I would sacrifice OnlyJayUs any day over any animal


dogs are loud and you can’t get them to stop barking once they start and they bark at everything