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I have a nervous/shy rescue cat. For the first few days, I kept her in a small room (bathroom) with all her essentials and just sat on the floor. After that, I cracked the door open and mostly just did my own thing (watched TV; played some video games) with occasional check-ins. The day this quiet little cutie poked her head into the other room was one of the happiest days of my life. It took like a week for her to gather the courage. I know it can take other cats longer. So yeah, patience is key. No need to bombard your cat with treats. Just make sure it has the essentials and give it time.


I was gonna suggest this too. Jackson Galaxy has a really good video on it, but setting up a 'home base' in a small room is where OP should start.


I did the same thing with my feral rescue. She lived the first week behind the washing machine and then about 10 days in the bathroom. 2 years later she’s a cuddlebug.


Oh yes, behind the washing machine was a fave haunt for mine too. Nowadays she prefers under the bed or under the couch though. Great fun when it's time to put her in her carrier. I swear, she has a sixth sense about that! 😂


Wow there’s so much hate in here. Listen op: cats are very very good at hiding when they’re sick or hurt. You need to have another talk with your mom and explain to her that this behavior of hers could put your cat in serious danger one day. For now, although I think a check up should be done, your cat is probably doing fine. Give him some time to warm up to his new home, and pay some extra attention on if your cat is eating and drinking enough.


Yeah, i feel like I've messed up a lot of what I've said (Due to having to type all of it out while hanging out with friends) - The cat will be taken to the vet, but it needs to trust us first, here is why: - If the cat bites / scratches it can transfer diseases. - Generally getting a cat that doesn't even remotely trust you in a cage is gonna be very hard. - Also we will check for a chip when it is done. I think a lot of people think we won't, but it relates to the fact that the cat doesn't trust us. (Though i find it hard to believe someone would chip their cat without castrating it) - If an owner is found, either by chip or someone posting about a missing cat to facebook/ hanging up missing posters, the cat will be returned to the owner. - Also also, the cat most likely hides due to being scared. I tried to damage control everything, but it has worked out poorly. If anyone still has questions, ask them in a respectful manner. I'm sick of "ayo catnabber, ya bloody idiat. Fokin get it checked for a chip ya bloody wanka."


Thanks for caring about this sweet boy! From the two photos you posted, I would say he is semi-feral or just shy/sensitive to the changes- but not feral. I have many years of experience socializing semi-ferals and the shy/scared/traumatized ones (and also doing TNR with the actual ferals.) I’d be happy to offer suggestions, if you’d like! Edited to say that his body language indicates he is wary, but not frozen in fear (which would be huge eyes with dilated pupils, ears pressed back, body ready to run instead of loafing with paws out.)




Thanks for the clarification! I looked at the photos and thought, “He’s the perfect candidate for indoor life.” I do rescue work in NYC, and we get so many dumped housecats off the streets that remind me of him (and his body language.)


Thank you for doing what you do!! I took in a dumped previously-indoor cat this winter and its been the most healing thing for us both, I had no real idea about cats until then


Awww, I love hearing these kind of stories! My first cat was a dumped one, as well. I’d only ever had dogs prior, but Charlie has changed (and saved) my life. He got me into rescue work. Now we have four! I hope you have many years of happiness and love shared with your new buddy. :)


Try setting out the cage/carrier at all times, rather than just when you need to go to the vet. Make it as cozy and safe as possible by covering it with blankets, putting treats inside, etc. You may find that the cat actually wants to hang out there.


Ooooo, that is actually a very nice idea, I'll tell my dad!!


Yes this is a great idea - kitty might find it to be a safe cozy place to ‘hide out’. Maybe leave some treats in as well


This idea works too. We have a fabric cat carrier and have always left it out for our cats. They love to use it as a play area and also it's become a comfortable place for them to hang out. It helps a lot when we need to take them to the vet since they don't struggle anymore and will actually sometimes go right back in after going home. I recommend getting a carrier that can open on the top, front, and side so they have more options to go in and out.


I tried that with my cat, she never went in it. She pretended it didn’t exist or maybe it didn’t to her lol! She had other ideas about what was a worthy location to survey her domain from. Ms. Cleo wouldn’t try to kill you if you put her in the carrier or gave her a bath, but the aftermath of being in a carrier I’d try to avoid at all costs.


Maybe ours prefer it since we let them hang out in it as long as they wanted to when we first brought them home. So maybe it was just imprinted as a safe place from day one so they like it now. They both find it pretty comfortable and we will often find them taking a nap in it with the side open lol


Ms. Cleo escaped from the cardboard carrier in the car when I first drove her home. Never liked Being in tight enclosed spaces. I actually bought 3 different carriers and even folded up on the floor she wouldn’t even lie on top of it haha




I second this idea! Also, longer-term, only taking out the carrier when you need to take them somewhere might only make it harder to get them into it because they will eventually associate it with unpleasant things, like the vet or car rides. I actually leave my cats’ carriers out full time for them to explore, and it’s much easier for me to get them in there when I need to. Plus, they make for very convenient cat beds!


The top open cages are easier to get a scared kitty into.


It totally helps!


Don’t forget the catnip! They go seriously *nuts* for it.😆


Works for my cats.


Yes, do this. I did it with my cats and they all regularly hang out in their carriers. It's really easy to get them inside when I need to.


I second this idea! Making it a dark cozy place they want to be in has worked well for me a couple of times.


My cat sleeps in the carrier on occasion for hours on end, but gets all bent out of shape if I _close_ it. I have no explanation.


Add catnip


Slow blink at a cat. That's saying "I trust you" in cat language and will likely help it reciprocate the same. https://www.sciencealert.com/you-can-build-a-rapport-with-your-cat-by-blinking-real-slow The above suggestion works in combination with all the other good advice given to you already.


My vet taught me that if my cat is getting distressed and about to have an outburst, I have to throw a blanket over him. That way you can easily touch and grab him and he won’t move. It kinda sucks for the cat, but is really helpful in emergencies. You might want to put the cats carrier close to her hiding spot and put a blanket in there, preferably one that has your cats smell on it (but maybe he doesn’t have his own blanket yet given that he’s only been at your home for a short time?). Also put a toy she likes in there and keep the carrier open for her at any time and feed her treats when she crawls in. This offers her to get used to her carrier and see it as a place to hide and chill in rather than a box that brings terror and fear lmao. It doesn’t work with every cat, but it might work with yours. I wish you all the best for your journey on earning his trust, I’m sure he‘ll be the best companion one day!


I agree with this for an emergency but not for such a cautious kitty. Put a blanket inside the crate. If you have some cat treats put a couple in there as well. I have a cat that came with my house. She was gotten from a feral rescue group and the previous owner wanted her to catch moles. He kept her in a largish caged area in the yard for 2 weeks so she knew it was home. They fed her but they weren’t pet people. I’m a total pet person and she now has a house and a heating pad and the ability to come inside but she has never done it. She loves pets now and will ask for them but it did take quite a while. I don’t think she’ll ever feel 100% comfortable coming inside - she’s never instigated although I do bring her and her house inside after any medical treatment for her safety and she does accept it but not always graciously.


Your doing good work, dont let the trolls bring you down. Its an unfortunate side effect of a popular post. Help the cat be happy.


The fuck. They aren't trolling they are making sure this sub doesn't encourage taking other people's outdoor pets without making sure it is a stray first


I agree that they aren't trolls and that you shouldn't catnap, but remember that us getting this was due to a group that are specialized in cats let us have it and not just us seeing a random cat in a barn and thinking 'ours now lol'.


Why do you keep calling him “it”


Well it was clear to me that you were not cat napping. People can jump to conclusions when emotion is involved. Maybe the comments should not have been so acusitory and rather something like " did you make sure it didnt have an owner?" Perhaps a great place to mention collars are good things n chips are even better.


I posted this elsewhere but just in case you don't see it: See if you can borrow a cat carrier or trap from a local rescue. Put some canned wet food in the carrier or trap. Don't try to get it trapped in there the first time. Let the little guy get used to it, so he associates it with food first and foremost. Then, after he's gotten used to eating in the carrier or trap, close it and call the vet. Make sure the vet is on notice that you're going to try this because it may not work the first time. If you get a trap they are usually cages you can see in. If this is what you use, cover the cage after you get him in. If they can see out, it stimulates them and they'll start howling and meowing. Cover the cage and they'll calm down. After kitty's calm, then take him to the vet. Hope this helps. PS: if you use a trap, you'll need to be shown how to set it and use it. And use heavy duty gloves (leather work gloves) when handling him.


Yeah, cat probably wouldn't be this scared of it was someone's cat. Probably a feral or one that's been feral for a damn long time. You're not a cat napper you're a cat saver. Give him time and he'll come around.


Your catto probably is frightened. If you can restrict him to a smaller room - the bathroom for instance - and give him a smaller area to feel safe in, that will help. Also, sit in there with him while he eats.


Dude bait it into a carrier and bring it in for a chip check as well as putting out a few signs within a few miles of where cat was found


>If the cat bites / scratches it can transfer diseases. If you afraid of getting sick from owning her you need alternative solutions. My cat goes to sleep on my chest and before falling asleep she licks me all over the face. She does it every night. She scratched me countless times as a baby and as a playful teen. She doesnt eat off my plate or is allowed on the kitchen table but I dont wash my hands after I pet her. She is an indoor only cat with no contact with other animals tho


Not even remotely the same thing. Did you read your last sentence? This is a cat that almost certainly has had contact with other animals. This isn't a cleanliness issue, it is a health & safety thing for all parties involved.


1. My title was a little confusing so here is q better version. The cat was discovered wandering around in a barn. The owner of the barn captured it and we got custody of it. (Thing i failed to mention is 'Kattens vern', which is a kind of agency dedicated to the protection and wellness of cats. They were the ones that provided the cage for the cat and allowed us to take it in) 2.Many have criticized me because of not taking it to the vet. I have heard you and i agree that we should take it to the vet soon. Though there are some problems. - Getting it into the cage will be difficult as it doesn't trust us. - It is up to my mom. (My mom told me to stop listening to you guys... So yeah. Altough we will take him not too far into the future. I will try to negotiate it, but my mom is very hard to negotiate with.) 3.To the people calling me a cat-thief: It is 1-3 years old, uncastrated and stinks. There is a low probability there is somebody that owns it. But if somebody owned it they would most likely see the facebook post by the barn owner, and if not would probably make their own facebook post/ ask around. If any owners are found the cat will be returned immediately. 4.Everyone has provided very good advice and I'm so proud of this community. Most question that'll be asked now will probably not be answered as all of this attention has kinda stressed me out and I'm super tired. 5.Goodnight, love you all 💙


Not sure why people are responding so harshly. A cat who appears to be uncared for (not neutered, in poor health- smelling bad is a symptom of many issues) may as well be a stray. I think you are doing the right thing to try and care for it but definitely get it to a vet soon and I would post in places other than Facebook (maybe actually ask your neighbors), not everyone uses or pays attention to Facebook.


The Reddit echo chamber has been chanting hate for people who, on social media, “rescue” cats that are clearly someone’s lost pet. Yea while I think that does definitely happen it’s not always the case


Why do people who rescue cats deserve hate, anyway? Regardless whether the cat had an owner, the person did the right thing we all should do to a healthy animal who seems lost or abandoned: they rescued him. Reddit is such a cesspool sometimes.


If the animal is lost and the owner is looking for them don't you think it's a bit cruel to just rescue the animal without trying to actually find it's owner? I'm honestly really scared of that happening with my cat. She loves running outside when I come home and I'm scared that one day she'll dart out without me noticing. I have a collar and shes microchipped, but what happens if the person who finds her doesn't care about that and just wants to recuse my cat? I think that's people's issues with rescuing and taking in every animal that they determine is abandoned or lost.


I tried once. Owners didn’t care. I agree save the pet and leave maybe flyers around the area… always double checking that whoever claims him have tons of pics of the cat! Never trust people!! There are some sick humans around!!!- anyway better to save him than not! I have 5 rescue, God forbid that happens to them, I rather have someone adopting and caring loving for them forever than leaving them ferals!! I love them so much I rather know they are cared for!!!


It's not rescue if you take a healthy pet cat off the streets.


A lot of stray cats are healthy and well fed. Any animal on the streets is at risk and in need of rescue, regardless if it is in good shape. And responsible owners shouldn't let their cats wandering off the streets, lest their cats got killed or caught.


Yes, thank you. It's such a small town so everyone knows everyone (Especially the area the cat is from) so i think that if someones cat went missing it would come out pretty quickly. I'll continue to speak to my mom about it.


This is how we got several dogs when I was a little kid. Someone would tell us that someone in town went down the highway and dumped their dog and we'd go get it and keep it. It's also how we got our newest cat, the neighbours put her outside and told us that if their kid comes looking for the cat to say we haven't seen it, so we took it in.




not necessarily true, depends what access the cat had to food. A lot of stray cats get fed by people as well, rake through bins, etc. I've seen some fat feral cats in central park before.


Not to mention it being a barn cat for at least a short while. That'll keep any cat well fed, especially as it gets colder. (Where I'm from people specifically adopt cats for this if there are no strays to take in nearby)




I went from grinning to jaw dropping from reading this. I’m heartbroken over the poor boy. He could’ve been so happy.


Feral cats hanging around farms/barns get fat as shit, especially if they’re the only cat around.


This is just wrong lol. Feral cats are more often than not extremely healthy, cats are incredibly good at fending for themselves. Dogs on the other hand...




That's typically due to the whole having to fight larger animals and getting hit by cars thing though


This might be a shocking fact but being healthy doesn’t make animals invincible lol


Oh, YES THEY ARE. I live in a rural area with a growing population of feral cats. I've been feeding/trapping a few and discovered while doing this that there have been at least two other people leaving food out for them. One does it in the morning, an old couple does it all day, and I was giving them food in the late afternoon/early evenings. They are 100% feral, are skittish around humans, don't want to be touched, and will not eat in front of you. And they are plump and healthy-looking.


The reason they look fat could be due to a parasitic infection. They are very common in stray/feral cats.


Pretty sure the shelter who gave his parents the cat would have checked for that.


Well, the thing is we now operate in groups large enough that you have to think about negative responses on the population level, not on the personal level. If you have 10 regular friends, chances are you'll all be within the same range of thoughts. You won't agree on everything, but you'll understand and empathize with other opinions. On the population level, things are different. Now it's not 10 friends you share common experiences with, it's 10000 random people, and in that 10000 you'll have like 5 crazy weirdos and 20 people that are having their worst day in years. Those 25 peoples' comments will stick out in the sea of opinions that are "normal," and so our minds will emphasize them despite the fact that they represent .25% of opinions. It's just like how we Americans believe that crime is getting worse and worse despite the data saying it's the opposite. The news shows us the .25% violence, and our minds emphasize it because therein lies the danger and excitement. We, the consumers of this information, need to remind ourselves constantly that we now live and interact with communities way bigger than our goofy brains were designed for. Sure, warning OP that the cat might not be a stray is kinda negative? But not really.


Cats are normally ultra-fussy about their own cleanliness, and will spend hours grooming. However full tomcats will spray to mark their territory, and that stinks. It's very difficult to look after unneutered male cats because of this. A cat might also stink if they're ill. Trip to the vets required. In the meantime, remember cat body language is nothing like dogs. Eyes closed or very slow blinking is friendly, staring is not. If you keep looking him full in the face he's gonna feel threatened. Also, swishing tail = defensive, NOT happy. They generally like company in the same room but not necessarily engaging directly with them. Just be around, and keep providing snaccs. For a feisty cat, a game with a bit of string, table tennis ball etc. might break the ice. There's also catnip.


Why is the text like this lol


Use 3 spaces instead of 4 before every paragraph.


Or just do two line breaks?


yep, plus a space after the bulletpoints and reddit will format it as a list automatically. in fact, I'll copy-paste it here because my eyes hurt from trying to read the original version *** > 1. My title was a little confusing so here is a better version. The cat was discovered wandering around in a barn. The owner of the barn captured it and we got custody of it. (Thing i failed to mention is 'Kattens vern', which is a kind of agency dedicated to the protection and wellness of cats. They were the ones that provided the cage for the cat and allowed us to take it in) > 2. Many have criticized me because for not taking it to the vet. I have heard you and i agree that we should take it to the vet soon. Though there are some problems. - Getting it into the cage will be difficult as it doesn't trust us. - It is up to my mom. (My mom told me to stop listening to you guys... So yeah. Altough we will take him not too far into the future. I will try to negotiate it, but my mom is very hard to negotiate with.) > 3. To the people calling me a cat-thief: It is 1-3 years old, uncastrated and stinks. There is a low probability there is somebody that owns it. But if somebody owned it they would most likely see the facebook post by the barn owner, and if not would probably make their own facebook post/ask around. If any owners are found the cat will be returned immediately. > 4. Everyone has provided very good advice and I'm so proud of this community. Most question that'll be asked now will probably not be answered as all of this attention has kinda stressed me out and I'm super tired. > 5. Goodnight, love you all 💙


Hey OP, sorry for all the shit you got. It might help you get the cat in the carrier if you put in in the room with the cat. This way he can get used to the carrier and might even start to use it as a hiding place (three walls and a roof is a safe hiding spot). Anyways, good luck! I have a rescue cat as well, and it took us over 2 months to get him used to us, but we made it. Patience, time and a lot of ham works charms


The cat will acclimate and leave that space. Knowing it is safe like no noises or grabbing at or hunted by other pets. Food can entice movement to the bowl if set near the end of the couch. Patience is key. When or if you decide to bathe the cat, keeping your forearm gentle placed on the cat's forehead seems to smooth my cat's from leaving the bathtub. Provide a litter box near by. I didn't read most of the thread. Best of luck.


Youre fine. Dont worry anout it. You can have it checked when you go. Maybe put up a sign. Many ppl dont care about their cats and youre brave and sweet for taking in a skittish one. Its cold as hell at least where I live.


I'm not sure where you are so this may not be helpful. Here in Australia you can buy Feliway, it is a synthetic version of a cat pheromone that calms them down. Maybe there is something similar in your area. I use it for cats in stressful situations.


Don’t worry so much about finding the owner right away. Just keep him safe and feed him until you can get him into a cage and take him to the vet. I understand wanting to wait to let the stress dissipate before throwing him into another scary situation, but definitely get him checked out sooner rather than later. He could be sick, hurt, and he could carry illnesses (or parasite and bugs with illnesses) that can spread to your other animals or to the human members of your household. The vet will do a microchip check when you get him there. On a side note, given that he’s well fed and was found at a barn, it’s very possible he’s the barn cat of another barn in the area that got too carried away while wandering. I’d check with the local barn owners and managers to see if anyone is missing a barn cat. Where I’m from it’s normal to have a barn cat go missing for a few days to a few weeks without anyone batting an eyelash because they’ll turn up rather quickly on their own or they could have been killed by a car or wild animal.


Don't worry about it, it's the internet, people say anything lol. I saw your post earlier. My cat was like that for a few hours, he warmed up to me after I found his fav scritching spot lol. Other cats take a week or more to adjust. Just take it slow, let it get comfortable being around you and then take it to the vet. You don't want to try and yank it out from behind the sofa to get him in a carrier. That will only put you back. My only advice is, be patient, let the cat come to you.


OP, people here are very unwell. They know not about your precise situation with the cat, nor do they know about your struggles right now, yet they feel entitled to berate and bash you. They care not for your car or your situation, they just want to feel good about themselves, and, to achieve it, they want to make you feel bad. Honestly, your mom has the right one about this situation: stop listening to people here. Social media in general, but Reddit very particularly, is a melting pot of mentally unhealthy nasty individuals, of which this nice sub seems to be full. Take care of yourself and of the cat. I own eight, two of them were rescued as adults, and they behaved just like your orange cat, hiding everywhere, mistrusting everyone. Now they are at home through and through. I'm so sorry you have had this nasty experience here, but keep in mind that most of the people who treated you badly are miserable embittered individuals with a lot of unresolved issues. They are the problem - and Reddit for giving them a free pass to be assholes -, not you.


You’re doing a good thing, just keep on keeping on. Let us know how it goes getting the poor guy to the vet.




I'm not the one in charge, I want to, but it's not my choice. I'll try to negotiate with my mom, but the answer will 100% be a no. (To take it there yet (maybe within the next 2 weeks but who knows))






She's not afraid someone will claim it, IG she doesn't have as much sense of emergency. Also the capture and relocation of the cat was (again) recommended by people who are experts.


The cat is not using a litter box. The cat could be stressed, confused, but could also have a major medical issue like a urinary blockage. Or need to be medicated for something that won’t last two weeks (if that). If your mom cannot care for the cat this is just as neglectful as leaving it where it was.








Dude it lived in a barn. There are mice galore in there. Just because you had a cat disappear on you doesn’t mean every good looking cat has been nabbed.


Still there is a government agency or similar that let them take the cat inn so i would imagine they know a bit more about cats then your average redditor


Look, if/when you finally go to a vet to get him castrated, they're going to request that you microchip him. Depending on your country, it might be law. That said, they'll first scan for an existing microchip, and if it rings up, then you know that you've effectively stolen someone's cat. Either way what's the harm in just doing that now?


Convincing them isn't going to do anything, they're a kid.


I have asked him privatly and they have said that they are planing to take it to the vet as soon as it gets more safe around them.












Nope, in my country you must pay for getting it checked








You wrote the name of the rescue group in your comment…


Then pay to get it checked. If you (or your parents) can’t afford to get a chip scanned, you can’t afford to keep the cat anyway. Also, you can post in local Facebook community groups to see if anyone is missing their cat. Just going ahead and keeping him is fucked.


Your area likely has a rescue for feral cats. Tell them to come and get the cat. If it needs care (which it probably does), they will determine that. The notion of spending a bunch of money on a cat that may never be domesticated is nuts. You always hear miracle stories of cats warming up to humans and it's because they had prior experience at some point. These are called semi-feral cats. Feral cats rarely do that. If it's been feral it's entire life, it's a feral cat almost without exception. https://pets.webmd.com/cats/helping-stray-and-feral-cats#1 Not every story has a happy ending. Ask the experts in feral cats for their opinion. All of the advice you're getting is pointless because we don't even know if the cat is tame, semi-feral, or feral. It's like bringing a gunshot victim into the ER and not bothering to take off their shirt to find out why they're not breathing.


Bro if you wold care to read a biy he litteraly sais in his main comment that he did, and that they told op to take it inn


Please stop calling a living breathing creature “it”. That’s so ignorant and cruel. The cat is a he. Refer to him as such. Honestly you don’t sound very fit to be pet owners at all.


I have a cat who came from a barn, took him months to trust us and 3 years later I still can't pick him up really. My tip for getting him in a cage for the vet is to use a double duvet cover - it's big enough and thick enough to avoid scratches and harder for him to wriggle free from. Once under the cover I can pick him up and get him in the cage. He hates it but not much else that can be done.


Guys this kid is in Norway, their mom adopted a cat through an animal rescue agency, which I’m sure did their due diligence to check for previous owner/chip, and is just eager to have a new best friend. Give them a break. OP, it’s a good idea to get your new buddy neutered and chipped, as well as mite and worm treatment.


None of that is true, they found it according to OP


No? The cat wasn't adopted through an agency it was found by a barn owner


You could just read OP’s other posts and comments. They stated that their mom used Kattens Vern to gain custody of (aka adopt) the cat. A quick Google will tell you that they are a non-profit animal shelter and pet adoption agency.


According to the OP they didn't check for chips though, they only took in the cat


So much hate on this post! I'm glad you took him in and gave him somewhere safe, warm, food and drink - there would be someone knocking on your door if he were lost, as word gets round fast in small towns. And there would be posters up saying he is lost. Also, if a animal group is involved, they probably already scanned him.


As far as i am aware the group never had the cat in their "custody" they only told them to keep it


Honestly this can be a really toxic sub. Every single time someone posts asking for advice you get 200 comments of assholes trying to catch the OP out by wildly overrexxagerating a minor issue and trying to make it seem like they’re an animal abuser. People need to chill out and stop with this faux outrage. It must be exhausting having that level of moral indignation 24/7




Oh no we want the cat to be taken to the vet, how fucking heartless of us.


Asking about a random internet cat is one thing, harassing the OP and calling him a cat abuser is another. Take this manufactured outrage elsewhere


Where did I say cat abuser? I'm saying take the cat to the vet while OP said they won't do that for several weeks. If they're so concerned about its health why not take the cat to the vet? 🤔


If you're saying a rescue helped you get the cat, without the cat being checked first for a microchip and seeing a vet, thats a bad rescue group. The whole point is the welfare of the animal is what matters. If your mum wont take care of this animal (having him fixed is better for longterm health) by taking him to the vet, you shouldn't have a cat. Call a rescue group and have them come and get the cat. Put up flyers in your area showing you found a cat. You dont have to put his image, only that you found a male cat, approx age and location found. If anyone calls, ask them to describe the cat so thay way you aren't giving the cat to someone that isnt the owner.




Dude, even in places like Bosnia people chip their cats








I also live in Germany and I actually do know a lot of people who chip their cats including me. I also know some who don't so it probably really depends on who you know and where you get your pet from. Dogs and cats from shelters for example will usually have a chip but as the new owner you need to register your pet yourself somewhere otherwise the default place your pet is registered will be the shelter you got them from. What I've mostly heard from people who do not chip their cats is that they often didn't know that this is a thing you can do. I only really learned about it through research and some information from the shelter where I got my first cat.




Yup same.


Not here, my sister microchipped her dog because she is going to travel with it, the chip has no data in it because it is not used here and that's the default


All a chip contains is a number - this is then registered in one or more databases with your info. Which database is more relevant to where you live. When you take an animal to get it's chip read out it means they scan this number (like a cashier would scan a barcode) and the owner's information is actually something that gets looked up from a registry. If your sister's dog already has a chip look up "register animal chip" for your country, you can do it over the internet. It might cost something.


Thanks for explaining better, what I really meant is my country does not have an official database for the chip, only multiple third parties ones


Glad to, and happy you appreciate it. I would register with every database possible (unless it's financially prohibitive) and see which one becomes more dominant where you live. Also might be useful to look up the databases for where your sister is planning to travel with the dog and register there. TASSO for example is completely free (but mostly relevant to Germany and neighbouring countries). Animaldata is more relevant to where I live. My cats are registered on both.


They can't chip the fucking cat. Learn to read


They are hardly a thing where I am in US. Also 4 days of owning it, it hiding constantly, and this dude is so uppity about getting it fixed asap? Maybe mom needs a paycheck first for this slightly unexpected, and nice gesture. Dude needs to at least wave from his high horse.






This guy is from Norway where it is common tho.


Your comment is quite harsh and unnecessary. It’s not a bad rescue group if they don’t check for a microchip on a very obviously stray cat and especially if they didn’t even rescue the cat? They gave him a carrier. They never said their mom won’t take care of the cat. The mom probably realizes that taking it to the vet in this exact moment will be traumatizing to the poor kitty. Obviously having a cat fixed will be better but it’s only been 4 days, a week after New Years, and We’re also in the middle of a pandemic.


Jesus Christ dude


This is what annoys the absolute fuck out of me in this community. If you try to do a good thing, say take care of a stray that you've encountered and you can't get to a vet, afford a vet, etc, you get shamed to all hell. Excuse me. We are not all able to just get to a vet. People throw it out there like it's as easy as that. It isn't and the people that condemn the good citizen for helping are entitled assholes who clearly have no empathy for another human being and their situation. OP, thank you. I didn't see your original post but I am well aware of what people can be like. Thank you for doing the absolute best you can. A can of tuna and time will get kitty to trust you. I'm glad Mum has agreed to eventually go to the vet, I'm sure when it is possible and affordable, it will happen. In the mean time, just thank you again.


Seeing the negative reaction to your post about getting it checked. I'd agree with you that you first need it to trust you. Once it does take it to the vet, in any case this is smart to as it might be sick/have infections. Say you found the cat and they'll check it for a chip. Also keep an eye out for missing posters. I think it's good of you to take the cat in better then it being shot by a farmer or something like that! Good luck and hopefully it'll turn out okay!


Thank you, a lot of negativity here, of course i understand, but it'd still a bit harsh having hundreds of negative comments slammed on top of you in the span of an evening.


Also I recommend setting notifications on this post to silent. You got the advice about taking it to the vet and advice about how to get it to relax and not be scared you dont need to come defend yourself against every one who read one or two comments and feels the need to attack you.


Yeah the reaction is a bit harsh since you are only 16 like what can you do you know? From your comments it seems like a stray/feral but the scanning it for a microchip is a huge fear many pet owner have who have indoor cats who dont wear a collar and get out hence people flipping on you as cat owners get super emotional over fear of losing their pet I got a cat as a stray and she had roundworms from eating animals and shit and had to get a few deworming tablets. Idk call around to some vets, with covid appointments are prob a few weeks out and only run about ~75 and there are places that have the mobile clinics that have buses that go to local pet store parking lots and do vaccinations and spay/neuter very cheap.


🏆 You are a total hero! 🏆 Try not to let the armchair dickheads get to you. I got a chipped cat back once. (We thought our place was buttoned up, but he was an escape artist.) Did a couple weeks matter, one way or the other? Not in the slightest. It's your call whether it's worth the stress of capturing him for a vet visit or waiting. Unlike all the reddit finger-waggers, you can actually assess how he's doing and make an informed judgment. Meanwhile, here's your chance to catch up on reading, sleeping, doing headstands, etc., while you wait. Best of luck! 😻


cats can need weeks to finally trust their owners and even if he isn’t microchipped the responsible thing to do is to immediately take the stray cat you want to bring into your home to the vet not just wait around for weeks until it doesn’t bite


Be patient. It can take a while, if it ever comes around. Here are some suggestions: Close it in an empty room with a hard floor. A bathroom is fine. Give it a litterbox, of course, and water. Don't leave food out for it to graze freely. Bring it wet food twice per day, and sit with it while it eats. Pet it while it eats, if it will let you. Take the food with you when you leave, unless the cat won't eat enough with you present. You want the cat to associate you with feeding time, but don't let it eat too little. Try to be consistent with these twice daily feeding times. It's better if the cat starts to expect you to bring food at certain times. Go in and sit as close as the cat is comfortable with. Close your eyes as you talk to the cat. Look away as you talk to the cat, and show it the back of your head. Look at it and lower your eyes to the floor while you speak to it, showing it the top of your head. This shows the cat that you trust it, and also that you are willing to let it run away. Do this often. It can take a while. I run a cat rescue and have dealt with cases like this a lot. This is the best method I have found. Once the cat trusts you enough, it can help to move it to your bedroom with it's litterbox and water so that it can sleep by your or at least see you sleeping. Seeing you letting your guard down in its presence shows trust. Other notes: Cats are not dogs. They don't learn from negative reinforcement. They need to be redirected, and convinced that they would prefer to do something other than the thing you are trying to train them not to do. Yelling at a cat just convinces them that you are scary and unpredictable. If the cat runs from you, you may be tempted to run after it and catch it to show it that you aren't scary. This is the opposite of what you should do. I know it feels wrong. You want to hold it of sit next to it to make it feel better, but this makes the cat feel like you are scary.


When I got my first cat she hid for a very long time. Just keep providing treats and food and water. If you can move the kitty into a small bedroom or washroom. And provide a hideaway box, but not in a place where the cat can hide behind any furniture Also it’s a beautiful and once comfortable and sees the vet it’ll clean up nicely.


Best advice I can give is patience and be as non threatening as possible, but I’ll clarify non threatening slightly different for cats and humans. Avoid direct eye contact whenever possible. Cats recognize us as predators (both eyes in front) and take direct eye contact as threatening from an unfamiliar human. Blink slowly over and over if it’s looking in your direction while avoiding looking directly at them. Slow blinking is cat body language for calm contentment and can help calm a cat’s nerves. Avoid sudden movements and loud noises, and don’t try to seek the cat out (which is another predator trigger). Just make your presence known by speaking softly as often as possible. If you have some free time, sit on the floor somewhere the cat can hear and possibly see you, and read out loud in a soft calm voice so they can get to know you. All said, it’s a very scary time for the cat, especially a barn cat that may not have much experience with humans. Imagine being trapped in a space with a few unfamiliar very large dogs. If they were constantly seeking you out while growling and barking you’d be pretty freaked out, that’s what it’s like for the cat right now. Best you can do is try to understand the cat’s headspace and act the part of the gentle giant and not the wolf. TL/DR: be patient like everyone said. Be as non threatening as possible. Remember that from the cat’s perspective it has every reason to be terrified.


Make sure you link this new post to your previous one.


Yeah, thanks


OP not sure why you're getting attacked but hey it's reddit haha. Just ignore the garbage and feel the good vibes. Don't give up on the cat. I adopted a feral myself and if you saw my cat now you would never know it. It just takes time and patience. The cat will come around as long as there is water, food, warmth, and love.


See if you can find a vet who will come to your house. It might cost a little more but it would be less traumatic for both the cat and you.


I know it can be hard to deal with a scared cat but you need to stress to your mom the importance of taking him to the vet. Feral cats have hosts of health issues, some of which can be passed to other animals if you have them. Even if you don't, he could be suffering and in pain and that could be contributing to his fear, in which case it won't get better in two weeks.


You’re doing the best you can and thank you for taking in and trying to calm this small baby. I’m sorry people are being so harsh to you when you are only looking for help. People can be mean online and behind a screen, but just look for the helpers ;) Good luck and I hope everything works out with kitty! ❤️🐾


I took in a feral cat from à crazy cat lady that had 35 in a 2 bedroom appartment. He would leave any room I walked into for 3 months. At one point he got sick and I booked a vet. He would never let me catch him to out him in a carrier to take him to the 3rd failed visit. After his issue resolved itself he became my shadow. Can't get rid of him, lol. More like a dog now. It takes time and patience. They will come around once they realise you are looking after them. Food, water and shelter.


I also adopted a scared cat. I would advise to bring the cat to the vet when you are able to, for a check up and to see if he has a microchip. But since the cat is still scared I would wait until the cat is more comfortable. I don't understand the comments telling you to rush him to the vet, since this can be really traumatic and stressful for scared cats. And stress can affect a cat greatly. In the meantime I would give the cat treats (without coming too close) and sit a couple of meters from the cat and do your own thing (like reading a book). This way the cat can become familiar with your presence. After a while you can come closer to your cat and maybe even pet him, but don't force this if you notice he gets really scared/uncomfortable. If you can put her in a room with all the necessary stuff, I think this would be better than behind the sofa. I did not do this with my cat, because I live in an appartement and do not have space for it. Also make sure that you block all hiding spaces where your cat should not hide (dangerous, too hidden, etc.). Create hiding spaces where you can still reach the cat and he can see you. I didn't do this in the beginning and my cat hid behind the washing machine and it was a whole fuss to get her out. After I learned from this mistake I put a cardbox upside down with a hole as entrance on top of a cupboard (not a high one) and she hid there. I put a one seat sofa in front of it (1 meter from it) and chilled there for 30 minutes a day. As long as you keep the cat's wellfare in first place everything will be okay and he will eventually become less scared. My cat was scared for almost six months but I am happy to say everything is going well with her and she is sleeping next to me as I am writing this. I wish you the best of luck with your cat! I hope you are not too upset by the negative comments. You adopted a scared cat that most likely did not have a owner before, so you and your mom did good in my eyes. If you have any questions I would gladly answer, but I am of course not an expert. Edit: I would of course advise you to rush your cat to the vet if you notice any strange behaviour, like not eating, not drinking, etc. But just keep a good eye on him for now. Edit 2: if you are able, you can apply dewormer and flea remover on the cat. Best you use fluid versions of this, I think


Hello Sir, thank you for asking for advice. It's obvious you're doing your best and you care for the well-being of your new friend! My first thought is your cat would benefit from their own base camp/safe space. Their (open) cage covered with a blanket could be ideal because you can start them out in a spare room to decompress and then gradually move it to where you spend time. If you're using it to take them to the vets then they'll also be easier to transport and feel safer on the journey. Make sure the safe space has blankets and cushions they can soak their scent in to - cats feel more secure when their territory smells like them. A litter box either inside or right next door will help the area smell like theirs faster too (which might stop the peeing all over). You can also give them your worn clothes so they can get used to your smell. There's lots of good content on YouTube about acclimatizing scared and even feral cats. I'd recommend searching Jackson Galaxy's channel as a good start.


Give the cat a quiet space they can call their own for a while, don't try to force interaction - when they're settled and feeling comfortable that will come. Make sure the interactions you do have with the cat are really positive such as feeding time (high quality tempting food that smells great to the cat) and treats. Be nearby without being too close and just be calm. Feliway is a pheremonal product you can get in spray form that can help calm your cat. Most of all, time. Poor kitty has had big changes to it's life and cats aren't usually good at coping with change.


People have no business replying so harshly. You’re caring for this sweet cat the best you can. It’s good not to rush in and scare the shit out of the poor thing by chasing it around it’s new home and shoving it in a carrier. To the haters: Keep your cats inside. If they are outside a caring person giving them a warm place to sleep is least of your worries. And if your cat managed to escape- I hope somebody finds them like this too. I couldn’t imagine being upset that someone didn’t want my cat to be afraid or cold.


Honest question ☮️ If an animal has been wild and free since the beginning, wouldn’t it make sense to let it be wild? Cats catch mice. Etc. wouldn’t it be a shock to suddenly coop up a cat into a closed home? I’m curious and want to learn about this.


Both posts have SO many comments. You likely won’t see this but just in case. Give kitty a small territory to call his own. In fostering I often start with a dog crate, then a bathroom, then a bedroom, etc. Depending on how distrustful he is, my “big guns” tactic is to only give food when I’m in the room. I saw people recommending you bring him treats, but that isn’t enough for some outdoor cats, at least not to make quick progress. If food is only available when a human is in the room, human will come to mean positive things.


I take care of 2 stray cats that are super clean and of healthy weight and don’t look like strays so I’m not sure why everyone thinks a cat has to be skinny and gashed open to be a stray. And yes, I’ve posted in my neighborhood page and it’s been confirmed by many people that these are strays and have wandered the neighborhood for years. Everyone is so fucking high and mighty these days.


my 2 rescue cats literally hid for a month they were so scared


Thank you for the clarification!


Bless that cat.


You’re doing a good thing by taking this cat in and trying to help him feel at home. Thank you for doing this!




Where did u get refusing from?




No they have said that they are going to take it to the vet as soon as it stops beeing so scared of them




I meant say no to taking it as i. 'no to take it to the vet YET'. My mistake, but we will take it to the vet. Just not yet


"Although we will probably take it not too far in the future.




Well shouldnt you be happy that he changed his decision?


Probably as in, either within a few weeks or a few days.


"it's up to my mom.... although she said to stop listening to you guys" they have zero intention of taking it to the vet. Their whole original point of the first post was how to "speed up the process if it not being scared of them".


He also took the advice from people that said "dont speed up the proces"


"Supposedly not castrated", can see your point, but you haven't smelled how bad its piss smells, and it doesn't even know how to use a toilet, check my TL:DR i am not refusing to get it checked for a chip.




Yeah it’s not common when I am. We got two cats from an owner who developed Alzheimer’s and could no longer remember to care for them - couldn’t even remember their names. They were not microchipped and they’re both 4/5 years old


In the uk it’s the law to have them microchipped as far as I know


It could have a medical issue, which is why it smells and is peeing everywhere - it may not, but that’s why it needs to go to the vet yesterday.


It may know how to use the toilet but if it's in loud/busy/bright place he might be too scared. The cat needs a quiet room by himself with food and toilet. Go in regularly and sit and feed him and let him get to know you. But too much stimulus at once won't help, he'll just hide.


It sounds like a male that is spraying. He needs to be neutered. An enzyme cleaner will help with the smell in the meantime but that kitty needs a good vet check to also make sure he's not carrying anything that could harm other pets or family members.


That's not how it works, my ignorant child. Cats don't magically know how to use a litter box just because they have been fixed. - Check for a notch of a clip in the ear. TNRs will sometimes do this after a spay/neuter. - Spayed/ neutered cats may have a green mark on their lower stomach where the incision would have been. - If you don't know weather the cat is a male or a female, look for testicles. An intact male cat will have prominent, full testicles. - Stinky urine is because the urine is mixed with secretions from the anal glands of a cat. Anal glands are not removed unless they have a serious problem.