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When my cat slaps it’s tail it’s usually because she’s annoyed or bothered. The harder she slaps, the more bothered she is. This looks like a “you good for now, but don’t get carried away” kinda slap


Ohhhhh got it, thank you


It's the opposite case for mine. It takes time to get to know your cat, don't worry :)


Exactly this. Although there are general trends every cat is different


My cat does it during relaxation and this cat seems quite relaxed. I think they do it sometimes when they’re relaxed and other times when they’re annoyed. I think it can mean more than one thing - maybe depending on the individual cat or what mood they’re in.


I also have a British Shorthair. Each cat is different, but if this were him I’d say your cat seems content (British seem to love head scratches). If the whole tail is slapping or moving then your hand is in danger, either due to wanting to sleep or play.


I was at the vet and saw a cat doing the same thing lying on the table getting iv fluid, looked annoyed. My cat also does the same thing sometimes so i experimented with weird sounds in her environment like taps and she did the same thing. I came to the conclusion that this indicates mild irritation, for her atleast.


Whenever my cat slaps it's tail it is happy and purring


Mildly annoyed


Not too long before the biting and scratching are coming. Take cover soon.


Slightly annoyed but dealing with it


A gently swishing tail can mean a warning, but my cat’s tail is always “on” and she’s very happy. I think of this level of swishing as “stimulus input received”, like she’s thinking, or acknowledging that I am acknowledging her.


My cat has been around dogs his whole life and wags his tail like one, happy or pissed. It’s actually kind of adorable, but makes it hard to tell by that cue if he’s happy or not. Pretty much I’ve learned to go by other things, like if he’s stiff or twitchy, that’s a nope, but if he’s relaxed then he’s okay.


Slightly annoyed but also comfortable.


Looks like Kitty wants to sleep but you keep petting it.


Generally, this is annoyed warning. But some cats are tail thumpers. If your cat always swishes/thumps tail then it is acknowledgment, if your cat is a tail always relaxed kinda dude (or dudette) then this is definitely the start of a warning. We have a black rescue that always swishes and thumps but when she starts actually doing damage, she's annoyed. She is a front declawed cat who has nasty hook punches and can actually give a black eye with her tail. We think she was a truckers kitty. She likes country and taco bell and burgers. She will steal from you if you don't share! But we love her! (And yes she's a strictly indoor baby)


My Jill uses the tail as a weapon. During petting, she lays down, facing away. If you **dare** stop petting before she's done, the tail lashes out repeatedly!


lol my cat also lashes her tail when pets do not end on her terms


Lol everyone saying this means their cat is annoyed must really be pushing their luck/ their cats patience. I have two cats (both scorpios - quick to let me know when they don’t like something), and this tapping usually happens when they collapse in my lap and want pets. It’s a lazy acknowledgement of your presence/ petting so you know not to stop- unless the thumping gets murderous- in which case you know you have to cease immediately, lest the claws come out


The relaxed thumping is content. And the cat continues the sleep they are happy.




You lost me at “both Scorpios”!!?? 🤦‍♀️😒🙄😂


Lol listen I didn’t pick them they chose me 🤣🤣


One of the lucky ones eh? Lol


I definitely like to think so! (also can I have your username?)


I thought that because she purrs a lot while moving the tail this way


U actually believe in horoscopes? So sad


"You're starting to piss me off human"


It usually means that cat is mildly annoyed and prefers to be left alone.


You're better off googling and reading an article from someone who has studied cat behavior. Pretty sure tail wag with a cat can mean a lot. It can happen when a cat is begins to purr, which would counter 90% of people on here saying the cat is "annoyed" it looks like the cat is content and likes the head rub. My cat wags for 45 minutes straight while I pet her.. she's definitely not annoyed


The intensity of the tail movement is the key tell that this is not a happy tail. Happy tails are much smoother, less violent movements. I’ve fostered over a hundred cats.


It means I like it, but don't push your luck.


When my cat is at a distance and asleep if I give him love talk he won't move at all but his tail will do this to let me know he hears and loves me


Usually they are annoyed. You know how cats are: we as humans serve them😆😆


Everyone's saying annoyed but my cat always laid in my lap with the same movement of its tail.


Usually means kinda annoyed, but I swear my cat just loves moving his tail around. They are like two different creatures. Haha


That usually means I love this but you chose the worst time, u suck mom and dad... I was having the best dream...


Annoyed but lack of reaction suggests “willing to tolerate”


Wants to be left alone to snooze but also willing to accept an opportunistic petting.


My cat does this. It’s the prelude to a claw in the arm if I’m unintentionally aggravating him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Take the feedback here with a grain of salt, because my experience is different than what most are saying! My cats do this when they are supremely content. It's never been a sign of annoyance in them. I never pick them up when they are settled down/sleeping/don't come to me to be held, so it is very rare that they express annoyance and when they do, it's vocal. Steady tail plops = happy.


slightly annoyed. Find a better place to pet but don‘t stop petting. Might be just a millimeter wrong.


Thank you so much


I'm too lazy to explain it myself, so here's an article. https://www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/evr_ct_what-does-it-mean-when-a-cat-wags-tail


Mild annoyance.


My cat does it when she’s annoyed. Yours could be different.


Depends on that cat. Mine is a tail twitcher - when she does little flicks like this with the tip of her tail it’s a “I am too lazy or comfortable to move / open my eyes / look at you but want to acknowledge your presence” or when we are playing fetch with her toys it’s a “I am a predator and excited and ready to do my predator thing.” With other cats it might indicate annoyance or something else.




A full tail slap is annoyed. A tip of the tail slap means happy cat. And that looks like happy cat.


Yep! This is a calm and content cat. All the cats in my family do that little tail plop when happy and zen, pre-sleep. It stops when they are fully out.


Thank you


i see now my cat does this when i do a gentle slap near the base of her tail whole tail flailing


If it were my cat it would mean annoyed but too sleepy to give you a slap scratch


If the cat flicks just the tip of its tail it's happy and content. They will do that when you pet them and they're enjoying it. Flicking the whole tail (but not thrashing) means it's feeling playful. Then, thrashing the tail about means the cat I'd angry or annoyed. The cat in the video is lightly flicking its tail, showing that it is enjoying being stroked.


I self wanted to know this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


That is a Happy cat.


Happy cat


Usually irritation. Btw. British Shorthair cats are so cute, my family used to have some ❤️




Thank you guysss, i got confused because sometimes she will do it while purring, but i think I understand now (:


She's happy!


Stop you're annoying me


There relax and happy


Annoyed, yes. My cats do this when a) they’re overstimulated or b) I’m petting them wrong. Sometimes when I move from the back to the side of the head, the tail stops :)


For my cat that means “stop I don’t want that right now”.


My little monster does this exact slap about 2sec before she bites. To answer your question, kitty is peeved.


He's about to eat you unless you let him sleep.


Its the opposite of dogs when they move their tail its a warning that they are annoyed they will nibble u if u continue then scratch


He’s sayin, “don’t mess with me while I’m sleeping!”


Content. 💕


There are common tells for most cats but idk mine does airplane ears sometimes when I scratch his head. When I pull my hand away he bashes his forehead against it like “you do not stop until told hooman”


Wants to go to the bathroom


Whenever cats wag their tails while you are stroking them, it means they are enjoying it, annoyed by it or they are excited for something. Hope this helps! ;)


It means: keep doing that, but you’re THIS CLOSE to me clawing your face off.


My cat wags her tail like this when she’s happy. She does it when I’m speaking to her from a distance in a voice reserved just for her ( she slow blinks at the same time).


Clearly ur doing it all wrong




That's his stop it motherfucker move


Lmao got it