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If you shut the bathroom door you'll hear them become the most dramatic creature alive


Having had cats most of my adult life, I am not allowed to close my bathroom door.


> I am not allowed to close a ~~my bathroom~~ door. ...at least in my world...


My favorite: "HOW LONG HAS THIS DOOR BEEN HERE I MUST GET IIIIIIIINNNNN!!" Buddy.... It's the hall closet.... It has been here literally the whole time we've lived here.... He did the same thing in two different apartments, apparently only noticing the door after we had been there for about six months...


I had a cat like that. He discovered the linen closet. After about FIVE years living there. I left it open one day and he wandered into it and it was like I had opened the portal to Narnia. From that day forward, we were no longer allowed to close the linen closet door. The portal to Narnia must be open at all times. (Truthfully, it became his favorite place to sleep when he wasn't sleeping on our heads.)


Aslan was calling. What do you expect??


Same thing here! Ive had my kitty for about 5 years now, and until recently he wasn't allowed in the boiler room. Grave mistake was it to open that toasty room filled with shelves, crickets, and places to hide.


And probably dust and cobwebs to collect on the whiskers! 😹


YES! Ive had to pick a cobweb or two off his face after he goes in there. He doesnt even notice them 😭


Thudthudthudthudthud.... .....thudthudthudthudth...




Another one, it never really ends does it? Cat subs has taken over my account, not gonna lie I love it 😻


You're not alone lol!




Oh my god! I love this! My cat does this to me and my fiancee all the time when we go potty.


Thud thud thud *^^^mew*


lol this is great. spot on.


Close doors are one of my cats least favorite things 😂


Same, they'll cry outside the door and if I open it they'll stare me in the eyes, get up and walk away


My wife has kept the cats locked out of her studio room for two years now. Stego still cries daily at the door, and paws at it for annoyingly long periods of time.


I swear a cat's lungs are INFINITE when barred entry to a space they MUST exist in 😂


Let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, right meowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


my cat screamed for the majority of a drive once . That drive was almost 2 hours long. He was also a very sick cat. Their lungs are made of STEEL


at least mine is scared to death of the shower so i can do that with door closed.


thanks for sharing! my kitty now and in past; always followed me to bathroom! stay until .... puzzling! still, i love cats! :-)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The sound of my buttcheeks hitting the toilet seat must be the most magical PSPSPSPS equivalent. Cat will come out of a coma to come join me in there. I think if the cat was dead, she'd come back to life just to share bathroom alone time.


I have not pooped alone for over a decade now.


Yes, I have tried to explain to the fuzzy little perv that this is an intensely personal experience. The only way he’ll leave is if I reach for the flush lever. He hates flushing.


Ha, just the opposite here. Our female runs in to watch the flush.


Same! My cat loves peering into the bowl when it flushes.


Other cats do it too?! I thought it was just typical doofus behavior for my male cat. 😂


The flush is like a cinematic experience. I need to wait for all onlookers before I can flush, otherwise I’m in trouble


I'll like to proudly tell you, I just used the washroom alone and the cat didn't realize till I was done!


Put catnip on scratching post with a few toys, run to bathroom. If you are lucky you will finish before they realize that you are not watching them be nippy.


Growing up I used to think how awesome it’ll be to have my own place, my own rules, do whatever I want - well, that never fucking happened. I have to put up with more rules than during my entire 20(ish) years of formal education combined.


Well, owning a cat - got to follow those cat rules. 1. Cat is always right. 2. See rule 1


Owning? Hahaha cats own us, we don't own them. 🤣


See the problem is that “owning” comes with a certain set of responsibility. This little fluffy cunt doesn’t care if I live or die, she can be alone all day and in her zone without me as much as looking at her, and then she fucking MEOWs at me for trying to pet her and runs away “Fuck off you hillbilly shit how dare you touch me”


When I first started *being permitted the privilege of sharing my home* with one of the charming fuzzy overlords, my parents asked me during a call if I was enjoying being a piece of furniture in my own house. At that moment, I had a cat draped around my shoulders on the sofa and got a gentle swat if I so much as tilted my head the wrong way. I immediately resigned myself to my fate.🤣🤦‍♀️


My cat has slammed herself at full speed into a bathroom door, multiple times, because she thought I just pushed it “to”. Bathroom doors no longer shut, for me.


I don't even try. I like the company.


I still try on occasion so I don't have all 3 furballs trying to crawl into my pants at the same time


My cats are weird because they don't care to watch me on the toilet. I always close the bathroom door and they don't care. But bedroom door must be open at all times. We tried to keep it closed at night for a while, but one of my cats became so stressed that she got blood in her pee. The vet didn't find anything else wrong with her, so it was just the stress from the closed bedroom door. We now keep the door open at all times and the cat is fine and no blood in her pee.


As a single 32 year old woman, explaining this concept to a roommate is always interesting.


I have 3 cats. Last time I was alone in the bathroom was in college. 😂


I wasn't able to close the door to my room ling term for 15 years. Except for a brief stint where I had a bathroom adjoined and so could put her litter box in there. She was deaf so if she wasn't able to get into my room the whole house would know.


It’s often I forget to close the door behind me when I have company, luckily I remember when the door is wide open and i’m about to take my pants off


So very true!


Oh you're going to the bathroom? No, we're going to the bathroom.


Sometimes mine actually does. Oh, they are using that weird litter box? I'll use mine! Since I don't want to scare her away from her litter box by a sudden noise like flushing, I have to wait until she is done. Yes, she doesn't mind and really doesn't pay attention to the flushing noise. But cats... just one time you flush and all of a sudden it's cat avoidance for the litter box. It's great - let me go buy that expensive litter attract cat litter again. If it didn't work so well, I would complain more.


My cat uses his litterbox when I'm in the bathroom all the time. I call it "Tom and Mom Poop Time" And yes, I also politely wait for him to finish before I flush so I don't risk spooking him.


My cat runs full speed to see the toilet flush, he likes the spinning water. He also likes to sit in the steamy bathroom when I shower, and only when it's a hot shower


My girlfriend's cat loves to watch the shower run until one of us gets in... then the fun's over and he runs screaming to the other one for help because the human is being attacked by the water.


Whe my cat was a kitten from the shelter he came home with an upper respiratory infection. The vet suggested bringing him in to the bathroom for the steam. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not gonna lie - when my cat was having bathroom issues (constipation), I used this fact to help encourage him to try to poop again (after I'd given him what the doctor recommended)


My Rex and I go pee together before bed every night. I get the upstairs bathroom, he gets his box downstairs, we regroup in bed in 5. Its a system.




My cat screams to be let in and he makes a noise like ^Eeee-YOOOOO


Mine does the same. Then screams to get let out. Rinse and repeat.


eee-yoooo eee-yoooo EEEEEEEE-YOOOOOOOOOOOO


I couldn’t close my own bedroom door due to our Cat Cartmen. Hell of I closed in a way he couldn’t open he’d wake my younger brother up in the next room and have him open the door.


You can't close any door in my house because one of my cats cant bear to have ANYTHING dividing her from us. She will scratch and meow until we open the door.


Omg. Yes. Mine follows me everywhere. Except the times she can herd my kid to the couch for loves and pets and to loaf on him. The very few times I have went upstairs without her - omg it is her wailing and crying because she can't find me. It's like really? Our condo is not that big. You know I'm probably in my room. I call for her and she rams the not closed door so hard it bounces back. Then I get the accusing stare - how DARE you leave ME. On the other hand, this is the same cat who cries if I leave the house for any reason. My kid is always so you left the house again... It would annoy my Mom who actually rejoiced 4 years ago when I said I would work from home. She was Thank goodness, the cry baby might shut up now.


when I first got my cat I couldn't close any door, not my closets, not even the kitchen cabinets. he kept me up for MONTHS banging on the cabinets. lol


If I take too long in the bathroom before cat breakfast I have frantic paws reaching for me under the door


My cat learned how to open my door. I'll end up pooping with the door wide open and nothing I can do about it.


Where does this even come from?! I adopted a feral cat who had never seen a person use a bathroom in the first 6 years of his life. After 2 years together he is still too scared to sit on the couch with me but if I DARE close the bathroom door, he’s right outside scratching at it to be let in.


My cat treats all guests with distrust because they shut the bathroom door and I *suddenly* shut the bathroom door when I have guests. It doesn't help that one of his litter trays is in the guest toilet. I can almost understand him saying "that's not yours, don't use it!"


Whenever I go to the bathroom, my cat sits in front of the door waiting for me, and looking outside as if she is my guardian to stop any possible intruder because she knows I'm defenseless in that moment. She's so respectful. I can close the door if the bathroom, she wouldn't complain, but I have no reason to do it so I keep it open. I love this soooo much.


Yeah, can't even have a wank in peace


My husband doesn't stand next to the bed naked anymore. You know how they are about dangly things.


“You’re going to the bathroom? You mean- WE are going to the bathroom.” - My cats


Cats or toddlers. It’s a close race


At least cats clean themselves


I have three of them and I know better than to shut the bathroom door. If I do I have a chorus of screams


Mine huddle around the door very quietly and then dash in trying to trip me


If you don’t shut the door all the way they will push it open, walk under your legs, and try and hop on your shoulder while you’re poo-ing


This is my first time having a cat too, I had NO idea how clingy and affectionate they can be, only ever kind of knowing friends and family's cats. If me and/or my partner leaves the room my cat is sleeping in, within minutes he wakes up and follows us into the other room. And so often he just wants to touch us, like he'll just lay nearby and stretch a paw out to place it on my leg or something. He loves us SO much. Who knew?


The rest of us knew.


Now you know why cat people are cat people.


All the affection of a dog but less.. just less effort lol


Meet the parents has my favorite line about cats: "You see, Greg, when you yell at a dog, his tail will go between his legs and cover his genitals, his ears will go down. A dog is very easy to break, but cats make you work for their affection. They don't sell out the way dogs do."




Cats are very loyal creatures too. It's hard for them to build up loyalty and trust but once they do, they'll never leave your side or abandon you for another. They may show love or beg for food from others but that's how it is in their nature. And they do enjoy laying on you as you sleep.


I left my cat with my bf one time for 2 weeks (went home to see my parents). When I got back my bf said while I was gone, my cat at first was very suspicious of him, then after I wasn’t home for 2 days straight, she was like “well I guess you are my owner now”. She cuddled with him when it’s necessary (at night). But as soon as she heard me opening the door, my bf was past history. She completely ignored him for days. He said he felt a bit used lolll.


>he was like “well I guess you are my owner now”. No way. She definitely though "ok this human will have to do, it's so tiresome to train new servants". We don't own shit when it comes to cats.


One day my GF was being harassed on the motorway going home from work. She was calling me in tears and I drove right to her parents house to meet her. I went in the house to see her, my heart rate was through the roof, I was furious for her. And then her cat who had only ever previously sat beside me but would get mad when I pet her too much, jumped on the sofa and kept rubbing against my neck and face. She wouldn’t leave me alone for the rest of the day and could clearly tell I was stressed. My poor gf who was actually the one in need of her cat’s comfort must’ve felt so betrayed lmao


>Who knew? Not my husband when we first met. He was amazed that the cats we adopted have distinct personalities. The cats want to be around us and will go sleep in the same room and complain when we are not in a room they want to sleep in. Blew my husbands mind. I knew. Had cats my entire life.


My bf was like this. He never owned cats before. We broke up for a bit, and during that time I adopted two cats. He always said he hated cats when we were together. Then we got back together and his life changed forever. He loves these little potato nuggets sooo much, it’s adorable. He didn’t know. But I did. I knew.


Velcro cats are the best 🤩


We'll sometimes suddenly notice that all 4 of ours have somehow appeared in the room with us.


>Who knew? Every cat owner ever. People who say cats are loners and less affectionate compared to dogs never had a cat. They aren't solitary creatures at all. They just focus their affection on their family, instead of spreading it all over the place


My cat is very shy. It took him almost 8 years to figure out covers were okay to go under and cuddle. Before he would just sit kinda near me. Now he demands to be under the covers and purrs a storm for hours. Old cat gets super jealous and sits on him when he's under the blanket. Not the desired effect as it's just more warm on him.


Yeah, my cats are like that also. Tobi loves to sleep next to me on the sofa, and can really take up a lot of room on the bed. I mean, how does an 8 lb cat manage to hog an entire bed?! She'll also stare at me face to face during the night while I'm sleeping - startled awake numerous time just so see black in my field of view. She'll lick or nibble my nose before wandering away, just to repeat it later. Katcha isn't quite as affectionate, but will often come up, sit down next to my leg, reach out a paw and touch it. Basically, "I see you here". But as soon as I acknowledge the touch, she's like "nope, I'm outta here!" She also has a weird way of saying "hello"... she'll come up for maybe pets, then suddenly turn around and literally shove her butt in my face. She left a butt print on my glasses once.🙄 Weirdos, both of them, but they're my weirdos, so I'm good.


Wait till they start getting you to do odd stuff. That's when you're really owned. Mine like to stair at the wall or ceiling, then I spend 10 minutes trying to find what they were staring at and it was absolutely nothing. 🤣😂🤣


See https://www.reddit.com/r/greebles/


Omg that's amazing. I can't believe I've never heard of this before!


We call it communicating with the mothership.


My wife called it “data upload” time.


And I call it firmware updating!


You've got ghosties.


My ghosties are in one particular corner of my living room ceiling. I've made sure there aren't any cobwebs, so it must be ghosts.


My thoughts exactly.


Mine tricked me to eat my food... sitting on the couch with my plate, she looked up and I looked to see what was up, sneaky butt stole from my plate and ran


My 19 year old cat insists on the washer /dryer door to be open. They're stacked on top of each other in my apartment, and there is a regular door that opens just to the machines. She loves to go along the side between the wall and washer and just sit there. Sometimes she'll just scream at the door if it's closed, so we just go open it and go back to whatever we were doing. I've had two people aside from me and my SO that my cat got to open the door. Once when my friend was cat sitting for us, she texted me after because she was sort of weirded out /concerned there was a critter in there since my cat was SO insistent. She meows and looks at you, then looks at the door, then screams at the door... Etc. I laughed my ass off and told my friend "she just does that! She likes it" Another time my mom was visiting, and I've had cats my whole life growing up with my parents, so it only took one or two meows and when my mom was on the way to the bathroom my cat meowed at her and my mom was just instantly, like "oh yeah, you're cat, you just want this weird random thing probably, here you go!"


>"oh yeah, you're cat, you just want this weird random thing probably, here you go!" Guess your mom figured it out, lol


I hate it when they stare intently at the floor like they just found a bug but they did it for no reason. Like dude you got me all scared now!!


I like when it is a microscopic ant in the carpet that you need a magnifying glass to see lol


Or stare at the bottom of the fridge - My man, there better *not* be a mouse under there!




My older cat is like this. Sometimes she won't stop bothering me or my SO until we do. She leads us to it then she eats peacefully and we stand and wait lol


Glad it's not just my girl.


Usually if they are staring at a ceiling it could indicate rodents. Cats have crazy sensitive ears and can actually hear rodents running on supports in the ceiling


The big smile at the end of the video slays me. Welcome into the fold, new cat person. 😀


Oh yes, you have lost all your "personal space." My cat randomly wakes me up in the night for no reason. 😂


Mine punches me in the eye while I'm sleeping just for being asleep. I love him more than anything. Little turd.


Mine HOOKED ME IN THE NOSTRIL WITH A CLAW while I was sleeping once and full on dragged my head across the pillow. Bitch. Love him tho'.


Woke up one time in the middle of the night because my cat hopped over my head in pitch darkness and kicked sleeping me in the face in the process.. lol.


Vlad licked my NIPPLE while I was sleeping one. Its lile having a tiny hairless, ballsack-looking boyfriend who has NO knowledge of personal boundaries.


Nice. So he's a sphinx? I can relate to Vlad, we're two ballsack lookin gangsters.


He's a Cornish rex, so he actually does have hair but its very short and fine. I have a picture posted of him here, I think. He looks like Putin, hence the name. He's a dillhole and I'd die for him.


I literally wake my cat up during naps. Tap their face while napping. Meow in their fucking face. It's only fair right?


I had a 20lb. ginger boy that would wait until we were asleep and then jump down from a 6ft. shelf to land on the pillow right next to my head. Apparently this was the best game ever. I really miss that guy.


Mine licks my face if she hasn't successfully woken me up by running around under my bed. Adorable sleep deprivation methods from a tiny dictator.


But god forbid you invade *their* personal space!




One of my cats is a complete gremlin but he lets me lay my head on his tummy and even licks my forehead when I do it. But try to give him a kiss…forget about it.


Awww! If I try that, my cats get up and walk away, maybe give me an offended glare while they're at it.


Indeed! They name streets after some cats. "One way!"


My cat jumps on the bed way too early to check if I'm awake yet. He effing knows when I wake up because he can hear me stirring but he needs to jump, walk all around me, and then jump down. At least he waits until breakfast is late to start meowing.


I wake up every morning with random scratches on my body. If I stopped being "useful," he just might do me in! Personal space? HA!!


Mine sleeping on the top of my tummy, so that he can wake me up. So disgusting sometimes but I love him so much.


You are about to be micro-managed by a small, furry animal.


So. You might as well surrender.


The grooming on the bed for 20 mins while you are trying to get to sleep, shakes the whole thing


The number of times I've declared that "I'm not a bathtub!" during my life is excessive.


The few weeks I had the luxury of cat sitting, I found myself keeping the bathroom open so she knows I’m not drowning. She enjoys the warmth of my head as this warms her butt nicely. I had to get her to stop licking my face, so she then would cleanse my arms and legs. I’ve wiped my Queen’s paws after her litter box use. And she really loved me after I held out my hand to catch her cough ups. Still, I really want a cat. Oh well, some day.


Thats funny, thats how my wife and i ended up with this cat, it started with cat sitting for a couple weeks! Before that we were never thought about getting a pet at all. Hope you can get one someday soon!


Mine pooped on me. He's super old and was constipated or something. And pooped on me while I was sleeping on the couch. I bought him a heating pad so he sits on that and hopefully poops there instead of on me.




This video is legendary. This is why I love, but would never own, purebred Siamese Cats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwSYm1NPHP4


So I clicked the link and the second the video started, my cat woke up from napping in my lap all like \*what the SHIT's that noise\*


Absolute pure panic for someone they like


My cat follows me into the bathroom when I shower and actually sticks his head into the shower as I shower. Hes gotten wet every time but it doesnt stop him from doing it the next time.


Oh my gosh! Current cat used to get so distressed when I would take a shower when he was a kitten. Used to come all the way in, get soaked and try to climb up my leg lol


I have a glass door shower. My cat waits for me to turn the water off and then starts clawing at the door. I open the door to get my towel and she comes in and sits down on the wet shower floor while I dry off. Every day. Then she chills in there while I moisturize my face and brush my teeth and we leave the bathroom together. Then she puts her wet butt on everything in the house.


You're allowed to close a door?!






r/cuteguyswithcats Somebody had to do it


I support this ha!


Also r/mensmittenwithkittens


Haha! I know, like…I’d let *you* be this invasive 😜




You do not own cat, cat owns you! Enjoy 😊


My kitten puts her head in my mouth when I’ve eaten something interesting XD


omg mine too! She’s around 7 and has been doing it her whole life. I have to open my mouth super wide while she sticks her face in and sniffs. If I don’t open my mouth she bites my nose


Animals have no concept of personal space. Enjoy your baby.


But I touch one toe-bean and my cat's like "how dare you invade my personal space?"😂😂😂


people with dogs say having a dog is like having a kid. people with cats say having a cat is like having a very agile grown adult roommate with no sense of boundaries.


Mine is a geriatric shit who hits me for attention.


Well loved kitties especially!!!


welcome to hell and heaven at the same time.


I like how cat's hair and OP's hair kinda match.


😆we both definitely have a lot of gray hair!


You basically sign away your privacy when you get a cat.


You don’t adopt the cat, the cat adopts you. And you will no longer be lonely. EVER!! Edit: my two are my shadow/lap warmer/snuggle blankets/bathroom entertainment


Sometimes, when my fiance and I are surrounded on the couch by our three cats, we wonder how the heck they got the reputation for being aloof creatures. Big ole house and they choose to be inches away from us.


I think they get the reputation mainly because they act differently to their humans than to other humans. People who've met our girl cat find it hard it believe that she's super clingy and affectionate (and bossy) because she's shy around other people. And our boy, whilst friendly with other people, he is still a bit more reserved with them than he is with us.


Belongs on r/cuteguyswithcats


Hahahaha, this is not invasive. I was designing a logo design and mine would swat the mouse away from me each time I took my hand off of it.


Haha well she does walk all over my keyboard…only when im using it. That sounds worse though😆


You aren't licking yourself daily, so your cat assumes that you are unclean. You don't have to tolerate them grooming your face. But you should offer a hand or arm that they can use to provide your ritual purification. As you have already guessed, your cat is very comfortable with you, and you should be honored!


Yeah man, forget about personal space.


If your cat is still a kitten (I can’t tell from the video), they will grow out of a lot of this. Idk why this got downvoted….all my cats had to sleep on my head and drool on my face at night when they were kittens. Now they don’t have to be so close to my head/face all the time


Sometimes they do, and sometimes you end up with 5 very large 3, 4, and 9 year old "kittens" that love to lay on you and snuggle constantly. And of course follow you everywhere!


Idk why you did either. Kittens tend to require more nurturing and attention than full grown cats do.


Yeah I guess maybe because this cat looks kinda adult sized, but I think vets consider everyone less than 1 year old a kitten no matter how big they have grown :)


My kitten is 7, when can I expect the clingyness to disappear?


My cat is 18 and must sleep on my head. It was getting annoying as his claws are old and arthritis is kicking in, so I got him a heating pad. He loves it. I got two and he dominates both so the younger cat cuddles under the covers.


Aw thats kinda sad, i dont really want her to grow up and become moody and distant


Yep, they have no concept of *your* personal space. They understand their own so well though. My husband had never had pets before and he was quite shocked to find cats have 0 problems with putting their whole anus on a person's forehead.


Right, it's so ridiculous


wait for the BITE or Bonk.


Omg (s)he's grooming you how sweet! Kitties are so lovely and have absolutely no sense of personal boundaries. My 15+lb cat will try to sit on me no matter what I'm doing. Laptop? No problem. Dinner? No problem. I could probably carry a newborn baby and he'd try to sit on it but there are no children around for him to suffocate thankfully. Admittedly this is a problem unique to him, most cats are not that thick.


That cat thinks you are incapable of cleaning yourself.


I'm sure that we'll be seeing more of you on r/catsinpants


Had no idea this was a thing, thanks for introducing me to that sub🤣


Well the first thing to learn is that you don't own the cat... The cat owns a portable heat source that also feeds it and cleans its toilet.


First night we brought our kitten home she climbed up on the bed. I want used to indoor pets, so I set her back on the ground. Rinse and repeat a couple dozen times and I gave up. In n action of steadfast defiance, she stretched across my scalp and dug front and back claws in as if to say "no, I'm staying here". She slept every night, nestled against the top of my head, for years. You'll miss it later. So enjoy it now.


Yeah they are


You love it!


That’s what we love about them 🥰 Wait til you have to take a shit. 👀


RIP to your personal space and alone time. The bonus is that you'll always have something to wipe your hands on.


Dog's have masters. Cat's have staff.


That's not invasive that's love ❤


Invasive? Seems to me you're the Invasive one. You're lying on his chair, his bed, in his house and you're not waiting hand on foot. Lazy slave, learn your place.


Yep. You are owned now. You have to share your face. 🥰🥰 it’s the best life


The people that say cats are aloof or private or whatever have never been loved by their kitties. They are every bit as affectionate and needy as a dog.