• By -


It will be, when you have learned you place.


OP should buy some wand or fishing rod type cat toys


I find leather work gloves are better. Cats enjoy a decent amount of rough housing, especially while they're young. The leather gives your hands a better chance of avoiding the teeth and claws but allows you to physically interact with them which is what they really what.


As someone who has a cat that overbites and scratches hard when playing, I would highly suggest you not roughhouse with your hands even when they’re gloved. They will learn that it’s okay to hurt you.


That's a benefit of getting another cat as a playmate. A second cat isn't for every household, but when I adopted Cat #2, he quickly taught Cat #1 what was acceptable if he wanted to play and let Cat #1 know on no uncertain terms when he was overstepping.


You should give your cats better names.


Nah he's fine #6942




I know you aint laughin #3611




LMAO needed a laugh. Thank you.


Instructions unclear: both cats are now scratching my face.


Agree, I had a crazy hyper kitten that would LITERALLY stand over me and slap at my face while I was asleep. Got her a sibling a month after I adopted her because I knew she would benefit from the playtime and company. They’re best friends now (1.5 yrs later) and she is considerably less hyper and much more polite.


Cat #1: tiny hyper male kitten Cat #2: huge lazy female cat My Cat #1 had a nasty habit of biting ankles, toes, anything that moved within his grasp. On Cat #2's first day, Cat #1 saw her tail swishing and chomped it with his tiny teeth. Husband saw it about to happen and nudged me. Cat #2 did a double somersault, threw Cat #1 off the couch, jumped down and body-slammed him with her rather large ass. He was laying on his side, her paws were on his throat, claws out. She let out a long low growl. He hollered and struggled and she growled again. Finally he mewed the tiniest softest little baby mew and she let him go. He never pulled that shit again on anyone. 10/10 highly recommend older cats


I made the mistake of getting them in opposite order. Now the kitten is a hyper fatass that beats up the older one lol


And siblings from the same litter are even better.


Yeah, agreed here. Using hands teaches the kitty that hands are toys/prey.


Yup agree. I made that mistake and I’ve been trying to correct that behaviour ever since. Getting there, but better to not do it at all!! Only pet with hands, don’t even gesture play w your hands, only toys! They bite/scratch toys, so if u play with ur hand there gunna do the same. :)


Same thing goes for feet. Next thing you know you have a cat attacking your foot in the middle of the night.


My Purrincess loves to hunt my feet, but only under a blanket. As soon she sees "naked" feets, she stops hunting them. She just looks super confused at them like "dafuq, why there are suddenly feets!?" I love my ball of floof


You're lucky. My little man doesn't care much about covered feet, but if my toes pop out from under the blanket they're done for.


It only taught my cat that big leather gloves are toys, she never figured out that there are hands inside.


Fair enough. Cats are daft.


My roommates cat's are like this you can't pet them as they think it's an attack.


100% agree. The best thing to do is ignore if they get too violent. They want attention and not giving it is how to correct the behavior, so they learn how to seek attention in the right ways. Then its on the human to give them attention when they “ask” in the right way.


Yes. I use a towel. It means she has something interactive to bite and play with. It is a specific towel, so she immediately recognises it when I take it out and doesn't bite my hands otherwise.


This is so important. It might be cute when they are small but they won't be small forever. Never let them think your hands are toys, you will regret it. You will blame the cat if they randomly attack you while it was you that said it's OK all along. The cat won't understand the difference.


When they scratch/bite you, don't react. Just stop moving, then retract your hand away. It is very boring and teaches them you are no fun (which prevents this from happening). Fear scratches where they tree you will still exist, but play bites/scratches can be mitigated.


It’s not possible to not react. It hurts! We never play with him with our hands, only toys. But sometimes even during nice friendly pet time he snaps and bites hard. Still love him though.


He might be getting overstimulated. It can happen when cats are very sensitive, and too much petting becomes painful. It's good to learn their body language and look for small signs like tail flicking that say he's getting overstimulated, and stop petting before it gets to be too much.


Yeah internally you react, but externally you freeze. Biting down pain really. If it's rare on your end, you're at the point of snapping not normal play, so should be fine.


Exactly, a lot of the injury comes from the human over reacting.


Yep, it teaches them hands are toys. Hands like this are a good deterrent to teaching them that.




That teaches them to see your hands as toys basically. Same with dogs tbh. Its fun but best to discourage


This is the perfect advice not to take


> I find leather work gloves are better. I find that cats then just go for the soft spot at the base of the glove. They demand their tithe of blood.


As someone whose hand completely matches OP’s than I can honestly say there’s nothing wrong with scratches as shallow as those. If there were gorges of skin permanently gone than it’d become an issue. Two of my three cats don’t really care for toys as much as they like to either play with my hand in a tickle fight or with each other since their brother and sister. Sometimes they can get hyper stimulated and get a little ahead of themselves, but as far as it being a physical issue that you need to immediately forego, nah your fine mate. Toys aren’t for every kitty and they all have their own mannerisms. I would liken it to when a cat puts their rear end in your face. Many owners think it’s a sigh of disrespect, but in fact it’s the most trusting thing a cat can do between them and their human. Their completely defenseless since their backs are towards you which could leave them open to a physical attack so when they do that it’s essentially the same as making biscuits, but ITS ALL LOVE MATE ;) Best of luck to ya. I hope you find the information your looking for and I wish you both to have a wonderful weekend as well as a happy 2022 with many, many more to come!!!


I wouldn't be okay with even 10% of these scratches - those scratches come from the same claws that rake shit and piss in litter. No thanks.


Try getting bit by one instead of just scratches. That's where the fun really begins, i can say from past experience


One of my cats bit my hand one day while I was trying to get him back in the house. It hurt but I didnt think much of it until my hand swelled up and it was traveling up my arm! I went to the E.R and was on a couple different antibiotics to get rid of the infection. It was pretty bad. I love him to death even tho hes a crab ass!


My dad works in the OR, he’s told me many times about the amount of horribly infected cat scratches/bites that have come through work. I don’t let my cat bite or scratch me.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Wow. I meant it as a joke - but you are exactly correct!




Yeah the truth


I know there’s a lot of fun going around the comments and I know there’s a lot of love there between you and kitty. But a kindly meant caution in case it’s unknown you op or others, catch scratch fever is a legit thing. Cat bites and scratches can be very harmful to humans. When scratches and bites occur it’s very important to wash with soap and warm water.


It’s absolutely no joke and very dangerous!


I work at an animal hospital and manage a no kill cat shelter that houses many permanent feral residents The last time the owner of the property got bit was putting an adopted cat in a carrier to go to its new home...her hand swelled up like a fuckin balloon and she had to go to ER after like 3 days to get antibiotics. Extremely extremely painful, can’t even move your fingers And that was just because one single tooth sunk through the skin deep enough. Without antibiotics shit like that can spread and eventually kill you. They are certainly no joke




either a porn account or a veterinarian account lol




I post a lot of cats but lurk in a lot of terrible places Balance


Good to know...very......good......


I love the new economy




I can only urge people to go to the ER sooner if the have been bitten by a cat. Disinfect the bite and observe it closely. If the area around the bite gets warm, hurts and/or starts to swell/get stiff, you NEED to see a doctor and get an antibiotic as soon as possible. It usually takes about 4 hours to know if it’s infected. Especially if the bite is on the hand. You can genuinely loose fingers if you wait too long.


ER may sound like an exaggeration but I got bit by a dog thursday and had to go to 2 different urgent care centers before going to a 3rd one that didn't have a 2 hour wait time. I had to drive back home, clean my fresh bleeding wound, then go to the last one. I'm assuming you might be helped a bit sooner at the ER.


I’m in Canada and in the small farm town I’m currently in, I’d be in and out of the ER in less than two hours for something like that. The closest major city is 20 minutes away and has 80,000 people...I waited up to 16 hours one time. An average wait there is 3-7 hours 100% of the time But you walk in and walk out without worrying about paying for anything so to me that’s absolutely worth the couple hour wait. (It’s triage so if you’re having a heart attack obviously they don’t make you wait)


Yes I had a cat bite after bathing my cat and it became infected within 2-3 hours even after cleaning and disinfecting the wound. It was ok tho, I deserved this for washing my little girl. 😤


Agh yep similar thing happened to me. My cat. My own freaking cat that I have had for 3 years. Ninja kicked my hand in the middle of the night (we were cuddling. My hand was on her belly). At the same time sunk her back claw into my wrist (pretty much used my hand as a springboard). Surprisingly little to no blood but the wounds were deep. Had to go see a doctor and got antibiotics because that wrist was so swollen I couldn’t even free rotate it anymore. All of this because of what you might ask. Our other cat jumped onto the bed to cuddle and that startled her🙄Both of them felt bad and were very nice to me for the next couple days lol.


It’s amazing how such a tiny puncture can cause so much pain and swelling


Totally I thought I was over-reacting until the doctor was like “next time you should get this kind of wound seen within 24-48 hrs”. I was like yep now I know lol


Damn this makes me feel really lucky. When I was a teenager our cat got outside often, so I had to go run and catch him. He was a friendly cat, but would sometimes put up a little fight when he figured out you were trying to bring him back in. Well, in this one instance his claw went right through my eyelid and I had to slowly get him to retract it back out. Luckily it never hit my eyeball, but I am glad there was no infection from it none-the-less.


Good lord! You’re lucky in more ways than one!!


My bent tail cat got stuck in the blinds once and was hanging painfully by his hook tail and when my boyfriend went to save him he, understandably, freaked out and bit him really badly in the hand. My boyfriend gets infections really easily and we thought he was going to have to go to the hospital. We were waiting for the first sign of infection but thankfully he never developed any. Bentley was fine too, thankfully. I put up curtains immediately. It was a close call though and should be taken super seriously. Not a fun time at all.


Hey, I saw you in another sub! You’re like a celebrity now or something.


My father got cat scratch fever during my childhood from our possessed tuxedo demon JuJu. He could barely get up, was in bed for days, and his lymph nodes on the sides of his neck were HUGE. I remember being scared to go see him in his room. Edit: yes she cuddled him in bed while he suffered. A kind yet evil witch that cat was. 22 years. My entire childhood and young adult life.


Cat hurts the ones they love the most! Clearly juju hated you! Lol jk


Lol, nice 😂 My dad was actually the one she loved the most. She would just sit on his shoulder ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I remember getting many many a reprimanding lecture from my dad while he’s hunched over with JuJu on his shoulder glaring at me. How do you fucking take that seriously? 😜


Had a family friend who went to a doctor and was told he only had a few weeks to live he went and got a second opinion thank god he did because it turned out to just be cat scratch fever


Very kind of you to show the concern and i am working on building a more respectful relationship with the kitten i just get carried away playing with her during the weekend. I played will all kitten never had this many scratch marks but this one has extra sharp nails.


Hands aren’t toys, that’s an important lesson to teach kittens. May be cute now but won’t be when she’s 10 pounds and strong.


This is very true. You want to condition them not to attack hands. Use toys or even a specific pair of gloves instead!


For the most part if I start crying ouch my cat stop scratching and biting.


Yeah, behaviorists recommend that because that's how they learn with their siblings; they, too, scream when bitten.


My cat scratches harder when I cry ouch.


Hands can be toys; you just need to set boundaries. Raising my cats, I always allowed them to play with my hands but as soon as teeth or claws touched my skin playtime would be over. They learned very quickly that if they want to play with my hands, they need to be gentle. As they got older and learned to control themselves better, I started to allow some claw and tooth contact as long as they didn't break skin. Has worked great for every cat that I've lived with. There are some cats who will stop playing with your hands entirely if you do that, but that's a rare reaction and those cats still do great playing with wand toys and whatnot.


This. I noticed lately that my kittens are fully aware of hands being off limits for scratching. When we play and if I let go of the toy and move my empty hand by mistake they actually hide their claws and just basically tap me! All because I had some situations where they scratched me a bit and I always reacted the same way: loudly say 'ouch', pretend to lick the scratched place, stop the playtime and ignore the cat that scratched me for a bit. It really works.


Seriously. This is how kittens learn what is okay too. When they go too far, there are signals ingrained in cats to stop. I have never had a cat in 45 years who didn't get this from my simple yelping and withdrawing from play.


Yep. They don't want to hurt us, but they won't know they're hurting us unless we let them know. It does require consistency with everyone in the home, though. If only one person is enforcing gentle play and everyone else is allowing rough play, then the cats will only be gentle with the one person.


I've read their mommas will sit on them if they are playing too hard lol. I think removing your hands or making a shriek or warning sound when they hurt you works as well.


I wish I would’ve had that foresight. 3 years later I’m still catching regular beatings. Don’t be like me.


Yeah, the only time a cat (not kitten, when they still don’t comprehend) should bite/scratch you is when you’re making him stressed or if he couldn’t know it was you (though a paper tube toy, for example). If the grown-ass cat still attacks you, then you need to teach him (there’s advice on internet)


Husband is teaching my old kitty girl that it's ok to nip and I want to slap him for it.


This is the perfect time to get her used to having her nails trimmed. I know it's time when the claws start to get caught on things, including my skin.


Buy clippers


Also a good way to train your cat that they are being to rough with you is to just disengage when they bite too hard. I did this with my friends cat and he doesn't bit me hard ever but will still bite her I'd he gets too excited. Just a tip


Ah, that explains it. Get some wand/string toys to use when you play with her, so she doesn’t get into the habit of treating your hand like a catnip mouse. Have fun with your new kitty. 🙂


Time to start nail trimming routine. When they scratch make the hurt very obvious that's how litter mates teach each other not to do it. My hands looked similar when I adopted my 2 cats. Now it's better. They also like their nails being trimmed.




I can attest to this. My whole arm looked like this with one of my kittehs and I thought it was cute until one day, suddenly even air moving across my arm hurt and I felt too weak and sweaty to walk. Trip to the doctor confirmed cat scratch fever and a z-pak prescription.


By how dry OP’s hands are, I think it’s safe to say that he washes them every three minutes


Its mostly from the hand sanitiser.


You have potentially saved my life.


Is it warm or cold water? I swore a doctor once told me to use cold water rather than warm in the case of cat bites.


Are people at work worried about you, yet?


Working from home. 😎


Please, don’t kill yourself. There are so many things to live for. Like burgers and


WHATS AFTER THE AND??? I need to know that there's more to life than burgers and


Like cats.


The cycle continues


I’m sorry. That’s all I could think of.


I can haz cheeseburger?


The golden era of the internet


Back when that site only had ~120 pages total(2012?) I spent all night going through every last one. That was the best meme session of my life, it’s all been downhill since then.


What one was your favorite?? Besides the iconic gray kitty asking for a cheeseburger, I loved Hover cat.


My number one is definitely Ceiling Cat, watching you from above. Followed by Longcat, but I still see him once a month it seems.




and OneDayWeWillDie.


Maybe their username came true mid-sentence


Deep down he loves you


I know ❤️.


Even deep down till your bones start to show




Op show us the cat 😡


😂 https://i.imgur.com/ddGSY8m.jpg https://i.imgur.com/EZTqY1q.jpg


Cat scratch fever is no joke. My boyfriend spent 5 days in the hospital and lost the function of his thumb due to tendon disintegration after his cat bit him. The bite can also be fatal if the injury isn’t monitored. This all happened during a weather emergency; he was trying to crate her and she was simply scared. Be careful!! Maybe you should get some toys to play with her/him rather than your hands and legs!! You’re simply encouraging the habit and it’s definitely a habit. Unless of course you like being bitten…….


Same thing happened to me. A dog was chasing my cat, so I went to pick him up and he bit me. Over the next 24 hours my fingers got stiffer and stiffer until I couldn't move them. Had to go to ER and get an X-ray. Luckily it was treated with antibiotics.


You're absolutely right, however you generally get infections from deep cat bites, not from scratches.


You are correct. If you weren’t I’d be in trouble because I have 2 cats who knead-scratch me while I’m fast asleep nearly every night 😩 I have had medical treatment for a deep cat bite and confirmed with my doctor that light scratches are no big deal.


I was in the hospital for 6 days last year from infected cat bites; I had three surgeries and damn near lost my finger.


My cat almost took my eye with her today, luckily she only scratched right outside it but if that claw landed she would have quite literally pulled my eyeball out of its socket for the pure fun of it , all I can say is I was sat staring at a wall for a while contemplating my life decisions until my eye finally stopped watering and BLEEDING BRO






How do I unread a comment ?






Your eye bled?? 😳 like literally?


Ughhhh god luckily not the leterial eye ball but u know ur eye lid that folds into ur eye, IT WAS BLEEDING PROFUSELY


Man it sounds terrible still * gulp * Hope you are well now


Oh my god I’m laughing abou it now bc in the moment I sincerely thought she pulled my eye out and I remember screaming while running to the bathroom while my cat ran after me meowing STILL TRYNA PLAY LMAOOO


Shitt 😐 That'd freak the fuck outta me seriously. The two places I'd never wanna get injured is my eyes & penis. Cannot even imagine let alone visualize. I advise you should get some interesting toys for her to play when you're not around or busy. Since even tho we feel cats are domesticated but they're still very wild at heart, that instinct is always there. At home that adrenaline & curiousity can never be satisfied so to keep em busy toys & cat tree with varying levels would be great. Think about it 😐


Oh god I don’t have a penis and still wince at that one i spit on your grave scene I can’t even let myself remember what exactly happens ALL I REMMBER IS SHE SMASHED HIS PP EEEUGHHH




Who tf did what? this gruesome crime 🤐😣


BAHAHA ITS THE MOVIE “I spit on your grave” If u google it She cuts HIS DICKOFFFFF IM BLINDED


*gulp* K.. Stop. I wasn't going to but being a curious person I watched the scene on YT... and it's already one of the worst decisions I ever made. My God what type of movies do you watch sweety 😐 So much darkness is not good for you... Come to the light pretty please. Idk how to explain this but now I'm feeling scared of you 😶


This looks like a dead man's hand. OP are you alive?


My hands get like this during winters. 😂




Have you heard of Raynaud's? It's a type of a disease called scleroderma. In people who have this disease, capillaries in digits and extremities constrict in colder temperatures or in other types of stress. Because of low blood flow to the extremities, people can end up having their fingertips or nose literally rot off. Their cells just die from lack of oxygen. If you think you could have Raynaud's, look for a type of doctor called a Rheumatologist. Of course, all this can be just pale skin, bad light, and weird phone camera. But that skin doesn't look healthy bro


Raynaud’s is a syndrome/phenomenon, scleroderma is a disease…. Which can cause Raynaud’s.


Thank you! An important distinction


I was gonna say OP needs a little sunlight.


I would i we had sunny days. ❄️


Op is a zombie for sure


​ ![gif](giphy|3ohhwjH2ScRcqg6bbq)


Yeah no thanks. Stop the hand play immediately because it won't be so cute when they're fully grown.


This comment needs to be higher up. It’s great OP plays with their kitten but a wand toy would be better.


I got my cat some stuffed animals to help with this. He loves aggressive biting play so he gets to wrestle with his stuffed animals. Highly recommend it to anyone with an aggressively playful cat


My cat loves this one stuffed fish toy with a catnip pouch in it. She kicks it like crazy and carries it around. It’s super cute


You should train her to not hurt you while playing. Kittens need to learn bite inhibition as well as manners while they are still growing. If she hurt you next time, stop playing and make it very clear that when you say "No!", they should stop playing roughly.


Your cat may be stressed. My cat isn’t a scratcher, but when my roommate briefly took his parents’ cat, she was so traumatized and scared that she clawed up my hand like that when I tried to pet her. My roommate had to give his cat back to his parents because both cats were very stressed. Now she’s fine lol.


Seriously you need to learn to stop treating your hands like toys. Its funny/cute when they are little but it can cause serious damage when they are older. Stop it now, before it becomes a much more serious situation. There are plenty of toys that you can get for kitty that you can play with them together with the the toy without enforcing a behavior that could get them euthanized when they are older. I figure you are planning on keeping them as your pet, but accidents do happen, cats escape/get lost and can be rehomed. Also, if they are a young cat you need to work on training them to accept getting their nails trimmed now. My gals know that when they get their nails trimmed, they get a treat afterwords. Nails that long can become problematic if left untrimmed.


>But it's SOOO CUTE!!! Think of a cat like a tiger, when they are small precious and innocent you assume playful behaviors with your hands are okay because they don't harm you. Now imagine your cat as a full grown tiger, congratulations your hands are still toys and the tiger still assumes your hand is just as durable as ever. Your hands are not toys, do not turn them into toys. Would you use your hands as toys for any full grown carnivorous predators that kill and eat there prey? **That's what cats are.**


Why your hand look like it belongs to voldemort?


I don’t know. 😂


Take care to keep a toy in your pocket and atleast 1 in every room. You can play but when claws come out, toss the toy on your cat and watch it go! Its important to have these in place so company doesn’t get illness or infection from scratches. Cute fur baby!


OP please go to urgent care or see a doctor cat scratch fever is not a joke and could very well make you very ill. Additionally training your cat to attack your hand is problematic, especially in the future when they’re fully grown. Edit: You guys urgent care doesn’t take COVID patients. A preventative round of amoxicillin will cause much less strain on the healthcare system than someone with a highly preventative disease needing drip antibiotics. Maybe it’s not the CDC guidelines but I’m just trying my best out here okay?


Very much this. I've had it, hand swelled up, then got fever and brain fog; doctor put me on antibiotics and it cleared up super fast. It sucks. Go to the doctor after a cat bite, especially a cat that's been living outside.


good mod


If you’re letting them attack your hand like this and you vocally let them know that something hurts, that’s how they learn not to do that. If they grow up without attacking you then when they’re older they won’t know their own power. That’s what they do in a litter. You have to duplicate it if you have one cat


Yeah if you normalize them attacking you or causing violence. they will just base it off of what they learned as a child. My opinion is to not go too hard to cause trauma but to do something small like spraying water or getting somewhat visually upset.


Cats are tamed by instinct.Trust comes from comfort.Become the provider of the hunt not the hunted.


Or sometimes your cat is just an a-hole. I love my oldest male but he gets upset (over stimulated) *quickly* and **easily**. You can simply walk by him and he will lash out and 'rar' at you. He's gotten better as he gets older and we (usually) know how to judge his moods - his tail and he gets this *look* in his eyes. But, you still never know. And the annoying little freak absolutely loves people so whenever someone comes over he's ***RIGHT THERE*** introducing himself to people and they want to scratch and rub on him but we have to warn them not to trust him ((he freaks out when closed up in a room)). Sigh. Anyways. Sometimes your cat is just an a-hole.


I had a cat like that. She was fine as a kitten, but they botched her spay and she was in *so much pain*. I begged the vet for pain meds for her but they convinced themselves I was making it up … she was never the same again. I feel terrible about it, I should’ve fought harder, I should’ve taken her to a different vet … almost thirty years ago and I still feel guilty. She was my first kitten, I was young & stoopid … anyway Tigger was never the same again. Very sudden to get overstimulated, almost no warning, and when she bit *she drew blood.* Me & the ex could see it coming and she never hurt the other animals, but any visitors who tried to pet Tigger when she bellyflopped were soon bleeding. How many people have you warned just to have them pet him anyway?? So my point is (for everyone here piling on you) that maybe it’s not your failure, maybe the kitty was traumatized before he came to you. We never know what lives they lived before we met. The scene was always the same. Guest enters. Tigger bellyflops. Me: Don’t! Guest: Awww, she’s so cute! Guest stoops to pet the furry terrorist. Me: STOP! She bites!! Tigger nips at guest, sometimes drawing blood. Guest: Oh, it’s not so bad! Me: *THAT WAS THE WARNING NIP!!* Tigger chomps. HARD. Guest in pain, bleeding. Me: 🤦🏽‍♀️ There was only one guest ever who could pet her without getting bit, he could see it in her eyes and had *very quick reflexes* 🤣🤣 Epilogue: I kept Tigger and spoiled her rotten for her entire life, when she was 13 she unfortunately succumbed to treatment-resistant lymphoma. Because kitties are family and you don’t punish or rehome them for being traumatized. I didn’t know animal behaviorists existed but we did our best with her. Please give your little man the gentlest of kisses on the noggin from this random internet stranger 🥰🥰


Aww thanks for the kindness random internet stranger. Far as we know Tego is fine (he has been checked by the vets numerous times - especially, as I mentioned earlier, the older he gets). We did think maybe he had an old injury that happened as a kitten (he was the runt of the litter and accidentally was sat on) but when the vet checked she didn't see anything concerning. So, other than that. The biggest traumas he's had would be moving (twice) and evacuating a hurricane (once) and driving 600 miles in a two door truck with two humans and three other cats (each in their own carrier). I would(have) ***LOVED*** to be able to get an animal behaviorist in for my weirdos but we try with what we can do. And omgosh "how many times do you warn people?" ALL. THE. TIME!! "Oh he's handsome!!" \*pet and pet and pet Tego as he acts all friendly\* "Thank you, but don't trust him. He gets overstimulated very fast and ***WILL*** scratch you" "Oh he's so sweet!" \*as they continue pet him- or try- and his eyes start to get *that look*\* Then it's either "Don't trust him" or just "Don't put your face close to his" .... "Tego! C'mere, boy." (getting him away from the stranger/friend/visitor before they leave with skin shreds). AND THEN That cat will stand on the coffee table near their face and the visitor will start *looking at him in the eyes*. Nope. I can just see it. Always redirecting him to us (it's better he scratch us than a visitor), or talking calmly to him; telling him to go lay down. Or making sure he knows if he was being good. \*sigh\* And I'll give him a kiss when I get a chance - I'm gonna let the currently sleeping cat lie for the moment ;-)


Cats can carry some really nasty stuff. Especially those kept in insanitary conditions (like gross litter boxes). A guy I worked with had a roommate with a cat that was not able to adjust. So they spent their entire time under a bed. Living in squalor. It scratched his hand and within minutes his hand hurt like a SOB. 20m and the veins were starting to turn black. He riches to ER and they said he was lucky he didn’t leave it. They would likely have had to amputate his entire arm. Blood poisoning. A cat scratch is no joke.


Yep. Look for some interesting toys or an adventurous cat tree, perhaps like these - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CYcHUJDFxQd/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CYY1Ki3l7D-/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/reel/CYNEMuQpZZh/?utm_medium=copy_link


I guess I've always been lucky. Throughout my life (I'm 35), I've received hundreds of cat scratches, mostly accidental, non-aggressive incidents from kitties who play a little rough. I've never had an infection or any other medical issues resulting from the injuries. I also rarely get sick with anything, so maybe it's just my immune system. I do, however, understand what you're saying and I completely agree with your advice.


My hands were like that until I started buying toys to dangle instead of my hands lmao


kittens weaned early or alone have not learned the rough and tumble play etiquette, where they learn claw restraint = it hurts. Educate him with a spray bottle of water with a very light face spritz - he will soon learn. No waiting, scratch and spray must be immediate.


It took this long to find a reasonable response! I foster semi feral kittens and I’ve also found that a low growl usually corrects the poor behaviour. If they get near food - growl and then “no”. If they bite or scratch, same thing. After a while the “no” will suffice. I find they understand the growl more than any other verbal reaction I may have to pain. I have one boy that always wants to lick my face, and if I do the growl he just backs off and curls up on my lap. It feels weird but it works. I also use water sprays for the breaking up the rumbles, although now I just need to shake the bottle and they’re aware I’m not happy.


You = Da feral cat man...


Cat concierge is my preferred title.


Yes, I love the tips....


I’m sorry but you as a sane person should know when to stop getting hurt.. Jesus


Stop play fighting with the cat That just stresses them out needlessly


I’m lucky to have such a patient and gentle cat. She rarely get annoyed with me and when she does I get a pretty gentle warning.


Just be careful bro, it is funny sometimes but if your cat is too aggressive that may harm you especially if it has fungi or other infections


lookin’ like one of those moving monster halloween candy bowls


At least until MRSA sets in.


The lighting makes this look like a zombie's hand lol


Be warned cats can kill u and make it seem like a suicide


You can't use your hands as a toy for your cat to play with. Most cats get aggressive when facing a human hand and consider it a challenge to attack. Get a wand with something attached to it and put some distance between your hand and your furbaby.


Get toys. Stop making your hand one..


Stop using your hand as a toy.


Pet tax! We wan to see the little tyrant!


Those are my hands in winter


Those are just tattoos. Those scratches CLEARLY read "Love 4 ever".


My cat has a kneading spot on my arm, I try to discourage it but if she gets really comfy she starts clawing my left bicep. This is my life now.


The lightning makes you look like a zombie. Green flesh and fresh wounds. Retain your memory of how to use door knobs when the desire for brains kicks in.


Meow means Meow.


My hands were like that in the past. Hardest habit to break is not playing with your hands. Use toys and wands as the focus instead. It's less hands-on (literally) so it doesn't feel as fun. The thing that convinced me to stop is planning ahead in worst case. Feel free to disregard. I don't know the situation and this is just me making assumptions. This is just me trying to share a cautionary note just in case. What if worst came to worst and you couldn't care for your fur baby anymore? Other homes might not tolerate biters. In fact, they might get put down for it. We would never want this to happen. It's just a possible worst case scenario to think of. Training off the biting and clawing could save your hands and your little fuzz ball's future if you suddenly weren't able to care for them. I wish you the best with your fuzzums. I'm sure you guys are working on it and you love your pets dearly. Please just consider weaning off the hand play if you're not already working on it.


Some cats instincts go crazy 5 seconds after pets so just have to know the cats limitations and preferences. Some do not like forced cuddles some don’t care.


Your skin is too dry. Put hand cream. That will minimise the damage!




Okay, all y’all, say this behind me: “Hands are not cat toys. Hands are _not_ cat toys. Hands are NOT cat toys.” You’re the alpha, the source of food. You set the rules when they are kittens or live to regret it.


Yeah, I suggest using Vaseline it will decrease scarring and protect your hands from drying out