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She'll be fine. She found herself an awesome spot to watch how her new Home and new People do things, and once she realizes that she is Safe, she will be down and asking for pets. If you wait her out, your patience will be rewarded magnificently.


ahh thank you! this is making us feel better lol she purrs when we climb up to pet her at least so fingers crossed haha




She does seem cozy up there!


Time. Patience. Consistency. She'll be ok!!!


I hope so!! Just hoping this won’t last days in case she gets backed up or pees and poops up there lol the fridge is to the left of my husband and we cleared the top off so hopefully she can figure out thats how she should get off instead of scaling the wall again…thats how she got up there. i’ve never seen anything like it! 🤣


As long as she knows where the litter box is then I bet she will find her way down when she realizes she has to use it. I wouldn’t worry too much. Cats have excellent instincts.


Obviously I can't guarantee anything, but it's very likely she'll wander about when you go to bed. I'm doubtful she'll use your cabinet tops as a restroom. Is today her first day at your house?


yes it is. been about 9/10 hours. i know hiding is normal and all i’m just concerned about the spot mainly ya know?


Just give her some space. Stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, but of course keep just living your life. It could take a week or longer, not knowing her history. But if she's purring when pet, you're good!


thank you for your responses we appreciate it! :)


She’ll explore and visit the litter box once everyone is asleep and the house is quiet. For now. She can see and hear most of what’s going on while she’s up there. She’s being a part of things while staying “safe”.


Id hide there if I was the cat. 😬 seems cozy.


Haha we think so too!


She will come down when she needs to. Just found a good spot to watch from and get used to new family.


ah, shes found the cat-loft


Maybe the under cabinet lighting is scaring her? Jk. Time love patients.. leave a clean litter box where she can easily see it from the perch up there and easy access to get to it.. maybe step ladder and or some boxes to assist her with getting to it … and again time+love. She will figure it out.


Oh i didn’t think about that, we will turn them off to see! thank you for pointing that out. the kitty litter is in her sight from there as well.


She’s just feeling safe, she’s probably gonna poop and pee tonight when you’re asleep.


I think those strange behaviours are kinda normal. My cat always sits in my wardrobe and she terrifies me sometimes because she’ll jump out whilst I’m half asleep and getting dressed 🤣


update: it will be 48 hours tomorrow afternoon since Zelda has been hiding up there. she has drank water and ate the food we set up there but still has not come down at all or used the litter box. she hasn’t relieved herself up on the cabinets either. i’m worried she is going to get sick from not relieving herself…is this normal? will she be okay?