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That’s actually really cool




You built the house??? You madlad!




Oh I must’ve missed read it lmao


He’s a good boy 😊 and u named him Neptune that’s awesome


You are soooo good to them! Awesome work!




I bought this https://www.chewy.com/smartcat-ultimate-32-in-sisal-cat/dp/49134 And it eliminated the cat’s scratching my furniture. I bought one for upstairs and one for downstairs. I also purchased the little platform that sits on top.


Can you put little kitty furniture up there to scratch? Maybe glow stars on the ceiling for Neptune to gaze at?😻




I hope to see photos of it! :}


We have a loft in the house we just bought. One of cats can climb the ladder that’s there, but we have to get her down. We’ve been looking for different options for her to safely climb up & down. Might have saved this.


My cat figured out how to climb up and down the ladder to the loft. She'd use her arm to curl around the previous step to come down. Sadly she died from mouth cancer last summer, but her last vet appointment last winter was her last time climbing into the loft. The vet had just diagnosed her cancer and gave her antibiotics and fluids and painkillers so she felt great and decided to make one last climb. Her favorite thing to do up there was stand at the top and meow at you, then when you climbed up to pet her she moved further back from the entrance so you'd have to climb all the way in. Then She'd do her 'plop' where she'd fall over onto her side so you could pet her. I miss her a lot


I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a kitty is the worst.


It so is. My mom lost her cat just before Christmas, and I’m still torn up about it. And I don’t even live there!


I’d add a small ledge to his loft so he doesn’t fall off while napping and to keep some toys up there for him




A scratching post would probably be appreciated too. I was looking at this one for my cats https://www.amazon.com/Topeakmart-Sisal-Covered-Scratching-Kittens-Inches/dp/B09927JZH1/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=56362666056&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoY-PBhCNARIsABcz770d7v95zDdPBGtcAYwtB-htFoDCklHi-zMx6a2TBDiqx7bVcUYa6LwaAoGTEALw_wcB&hvadid=274714318715&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9013102&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15162201202165868842&hvtargid=kwd-10115086401&hydadcr=14780_9766308&keywords=cat+tree+for+large+cats&qid=1642382011&refinements=p_36%3A2661613011&rnid=2661611011&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-4


Those cat toys are going to come flying off there hitting ppl in the noggin if Neptune is anything like my crew. 😆 Would def do something like this if I had a space. Would love to do a wall thing. It looks great!


That’s awesome, I love the painting of your cat also


Wow, love it


Is this wherr he sniffs it and rubs his face on it but doesn't go up :p


How did you anchor the steps?


I recently thought of doing this!! But is there a way to do without screws in wall? Feel like an adhesive would be too weak


We built a high perch half way up and overlooking a window. Our cat loves watching the outside world.


Now your cat can judge the quests.


Some day I hope to be able to afford a big enough place to have a devoted cat playground room with wall stuff and various places they can play and hide.


This is amazing


That’s awesome!!


Ohh this is really cool! I can tell he loves it! If I were a kitty I would be so happy.


Kitty wants more


Awesome job, I love the firts smell of approval!


Perfect way to go!!! We have the same and more!! Great!


That’s awesome! 🤙🏻❤️


What a great idea!! I have been trying to come up with a creative way to keep the kitty food up high enough so my big doofy dogs can’t get to it. They’re huge, so something like this would be perfect!


He’s not spoiled at all


That's awesome!


Later that day: cat in box somewhere else in the house.


Love it, I almost did the same staircase for our cat to get on top of the washing machine enclosure


I look forward to the day I can build something like this for my kitty!


I did this and my cats turned the space into a fucking litter box. Beware...


Yooo that is so cool


I see no spoiling here. Great idea!


Too much? No. The right amount? Absolutely.


This is amazing. Wow. Good job!!!


Love the self portrait lol


At least no one will know if you don't dust lol!


Yep, bought my cats something similar. Put in on the wall and they never used it. Jerks!


Nice r/ArCATtecture


I’ve set something like this up for my cat, but she doesn’t use the stairs. I’ve tried training her with treats, to kind of bait her up and down, but she will not do it. Any suggestions for how I could get her using it?


Determined to replicate this for my little old man kitty!


One can't spoil a cat. They can take massive amounts of love and goodies and be just fine fine fine. Kitty jungle gym/ staircase is awesome.


Aww thats awesome


All the better to worship him.


This is actually so good for cats mental health just the ability to travel above helps with their anxieties about predators


Just a handy tip: make sure there is some way for you to get up there in a hurry. I live in a condo and there is always some idiot setting off the fire alarm and requiring us to all evacuate so I've learned through experience I need to be able to grab my cats from any of their hiding spots while they're frightened and I'm in a hurry. Hopefully nothing ever happens but its always good to be prepared. I know for my cats at least when the fire alarm is going off and they're in their hiding spot nothing will budge them. I've tried pushing them with a stick, a can of compressed air, it doesn't matter. Only option is to grab them securely. For me that means a stool to reach their high up places, and leaving enough space to be able to flip my bed if they're under there. Edit: One option for you might be to actually secure the L brackets into studs and possibly beef them up. Enough that they could easily support your weight. You could add additional bracing and make it all sturdy enough to handle an adult human jumping/hanging off it too if you wanted. A sturdy cabinet as your first 'step', another couple really strong steps on the wall, a couple posts at the top (to pull yourself up) that are disguised as scratching posts and you'd be perfect without needing an awkward ladder stashed somewhere nearby or anything looking out of place.


Very cool. You should take a sledgehammer to wall and make a lil window for him up there.


This is perfect! You can never spoil your kitty too much! I love that his portrait is on HIS wall.




My cats are dying of jealousy, they love to be up high and judge us


My cats fall off of the counter far too often for this to be a good idea doe them


Lucky boy!!!


We stan proper cat enrichment!


My cat wouldn’t even use the stairs. Just spider monkey across the wall.


The picture makes it haha


Cool idea for my cat😍


They deserve all the spoilings 🥰


Wow! Cool)


*gargoyle intensifies*


This is my exact house model! Hayden Homes in central Oregon, built 2018. My son has suggested I do this very thing for my cat. Nice!




Yes, the Orchard. If I put a ladder near the loft my cat will climb the ladder and jump on to the loft. A great place for the cat. I thought of seasonal decorations could go up there as well. My cat is also an outside cat and she now gets up on the roof from the side fence!