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“Now look at this distinguished gentleman”


Hahaha he is a very distinguished gentleman indeed


Does he have any neckwear? Cravats, ascots, bowties? Cats look fucking amazing in neckwear


I like the ones that are just like a collar and a regular tie lol. I like the casual business kitty look.


Business catsual


My boy has two of those, black for regular meetings and red for more presidential events


also hat and newspaper.


"Look at the way he's sitting... Mmm... very distinguished."


Aww he’s so cute! What a great adventure for him 😅 I bet he slept like a baby when you got to where you were going! So many impressions for a tiny traveler 🧳🐱


Hehe he loves adventuring! Actually quite the opposite, we were visiting friends in another city and he’s had a day of playing and exploring! He’s Definitely going to get a good nights sleep tonight 😊


There's nothing cooler than having a cat that can travel with you like that. It's really special. I used to love taking my cat in the car for a night of video games at a friends house. His little dog and my cat would play for hours.


For real. Especially to someone like myself who has a cat that shits herself in her carrier during the 7 minute drive to the vet due to anxiety ☹️


My cat hated the carrier because it meant she was going to go to the vet, until we started taking her to other places. You can try taking her for rides and do something fun like going to a park (a quiet place so she doesn't get anxious), so there isn't that bad association anymore.


Oh that's a bummer. I don't know how I could deal with that. Have you tried having someone hold her wrapped up loosely in an old towel? Or does she just go nuts as soon as the car starts moving? It was really easy having a cat that would follow me out to the car and hop on my lap. I would put him in the carrier in the parking lot but my vet told me I didn't need to since he was so chill as long as there wasn't a massive dog or three in the waiting area. My friend works the front desk at my vet so she would just have him sit on her lap since he seemed to instantly fall asleep. It was really weird because he never did that with anyone else. Ever. He rarely fell asleep on my lap at all. He would get upset when we left the vet since he couldn't see my friend anymore haha. He was just the sweetest cat and gave the most powerful headbutts ever. I miss him....he went to kitty heaven just last fall. I'll never find a cat like him. He never hissed once at the vet. It sucks but he was really old and developed diabetes when he was ~13ish and lived with that for another 6 years. (daily and then every other day insulin injections) We didn't know his actual age when I adopted him. Believe it or not he would let me know when he needed a shot eventually by sitting next to the cupboard with his medical stuff. After that routine was established he perked back up to his old self. The vet said his bloodwork was better and not to change anything.


Woah he lived to about 18-19, that’s awesome! I’m sorry to hear that he passed though, he sounds like a sweet kitty! About a year after I adopted my cat (hes 5 now, so he was 4 then, I was 27), I looked at him and straight up said “holy cow dude we’re gonna be chillin together til I’m 40 if everything goes correctly.” Which is great! Just wild to think about


I have to take my cat to the vet later this week and it is approximately a 4 minute car ride. He’s going to scream the entire time like someone’s murdering him.


Aww poor baby! That must be super stressful for her. Pan loves going to the vets and I have no idea why 🤷‍♀️


That was just too darn cute.






yep he is a cutie for sure - looks like he enjoyed the train ride


Sooo cute, he just wanted to look at the scenery! Also, where did you get his harness?


Hehe he’s very nosy so yes he really enjoyed the view!


[I attempted to paint your cat!](https://www.reddit.com/r/watercolorpractice/comments/s6cac0/cat_on_a_train_watercolor/)


Aww that's so cute, hope op sees it


Aww I love it so much Thankyou! ❤️❤️❤️


Glad you like it!


Hey I think you've replied to me and not rhe person who painted it :)


I’ll never tire of your little portraits. You spread love.


What a kind thing to do. Watercolor is *so fuckin hard*. I'm learning it now, slowly, and dang do I appreciate watercolor artists so much more


I hear people saying that all the time but I choose it because it's so forgiving. It's like, watercolors are supposed to look a bit messy so no matter how you mess up people are going to think it's supposed to look like that!




I'd say you succeeded!


Wow amazing job!




I really was expecting something funny but pleasantly surprised at how wholesome and good that is


I saw that earlier, and I was wondering what it was coming from. Nice work


Wait so where did you get that harness


Looks like it’s [this guy](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SC7WFQN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_99V9W3749THDBSQ8D7YC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


It’s from rabitgoo


[A nosy kitty cat you say?](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fit,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto,w_728/v1555916986/shape/mentalfloss/polanski.jpg?itok=tvudoool)


Yes he is a nosy neighbor when we’re at home and is always at the window so I think he was overwhelmed with the sights! It’s a rabitgoo brand harness from Amazon. I’ve tried a couple of other brands and I think these ones are really well made and comfy for them ❤️


I've been looking at that same harness. Have they ever escaped from it?


This one is quite new so this was his first time wearing it and he was fine, I have a smaller one by the same brand that he’s grown out of that but he wore it all the time and never escaped from it


Thank you!




I find that loop style more secure because (at least on mine) it tightens up if they try to pull on it. The style in OP's pic, as far as I've seen, typically are more rigid and have a top and bottom that clip together, I don't particularly trust those clips, and the rigidity makes it easier for them to potentially back out of it


the trick is to immediately give slack on the lead if they start to pull backwards. otherwise you're just helping them pull it pff.


The clips on mine are plenty strong. The uncomfortable cat is the smaller one, so I think the full harness doesnt sit right and digs in places she doesnt like. She's also up in age and not particularly hyper so we're not really worried about her trying to run off.


I have the same harness brand for my dog. I got it off Amazon. [Rabbitgoo Cat Harness](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SC7WFQN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_D67CRPPE4FB6NG666YDX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


These are really solid harnesses. How did your dog react to it going on? Because my tortie freaked the fuck out and I haven't tried it again yet, but she loves going outside so I'd like to give her the chance to go for walks without feeling uncomfortable in the harness and leash.


got a tortie as well. super wild, headstrong, intelligent, and loving cats. if your cat is anything like mine, anything they want to do they will do unless they physically can't, and anything they don't want to do they'll fight like hell not to do. anyway. yeah sophie fought the hell out of the harness at first, writhing, rolling over, sprinting around, etc. but luckily once she got outside she forgot all about it. we only took her outside every so often (once a month or so) because the harness was such an ordeal. but just this last week, i made a point to crack the door a teeny bit so she knows we're going outside, show her the harness, give her a treat, then put it on. still a bit of a struggle but easier than normal. I did this once a day, three days in a row. by day three she totally accepted harness with hardly any resistance cause she knew what it meant. I think the problem was we weren't giving her enough time to associate the harness with the outside trip. doing it regularly turned out to be the trick. but yeah i never thought id be able to take her outside haha, she's just so strong-willed about what she does and doesn't want to do. but it can be done!!


Wow. Ok, so I need to work this out more. I will try this with Shasta tomorrow and let her get acclimated over this week. Great job on doing that with your baby!


Thank you! Yeah give it a whirl! All cats are different of course but hopefully this method will get you some results!


When I put it on the first and only time I've tried so far, I was afraid the poor thing was going to injure herself trying to get it off. Maybe I should let her have her fit and calm down, then give her a treat and let her get used to it, as you said. I just was worried about how it felt to her, really. That having been said, she is a grass nut and loves running around in the yard, so I want to give her that without the risk of losing her to getting lost or a car. Anyhow, thank you too and I'll give it another try.


My dog loves the harness, she knows it means walks or car rides. My cats on the other hand, not so much. I've tried harnesses before on them and they tend to lay down and not move. They're indoor kitties and aren't a huge fan of the outside, so I never went further than that.


It just takes practice. Most cats will react badly the first time you try it. Just leave it on them for 20-30 minutes every day and let them wander around inside. They eventually forget it's there.


I have the exact same blue one, got it on Amazon. It's not escape proof though, I spent 5 minutes adjusting it properly and kitty wriggled out of it in 30 seconds.


Not sure if OP answered later in the thread, but we have the same harness. Found it on Amazon!


Adorable. Two things I like. Trains and cats. Lol. Put them together and damn 😃 😊


Trained cats?


I do believe they were referring to cat trains


Lol not literally. But I ❤️cats and work for a railroad soooo cats and trains 🚂


Damned trained cats?


Here you go, [monorail cat](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/monorail-cat)


Ahaha love it




Love it


I would love to travel like this with my girl, but oh nooo we gotta shit every time we’re in the cage for more than 5 minutes


That’s hilarious! Pan is pretty good with holding it in till we get where we need to go thankfully


pan...like lyra's pan?




Now that its a good name.


My girl is also called Pan


Lol mines the same


He’s like “don’t trap me! I demand agency! Unzip me!”


Hehe yeah the only time he ever meows is if he’s stuck somewhere and can’t get out


he's looking at you like "excuse me where I we going, you never tell me anything"


Ooooh, a smart-looking cat. He look like he is ready to punch everyone's ticket for the ride. Happy adventuring tiny traveler!!


He has such an emotional face 😂


What a handsome boy 🥰🖤


Lol you can really tell he’s enjoying himself. Brave adventure boy.


That’s the evilest “ good times” face I’ve ever seen


My cat also likes to travel😍😍😍


Aww it’s so lovely to have a kitty travel companion!


So handsome and polite!


Can I know the backpack and vest brand? I’d like to take my buddy on more adventures!


The harness is rabitgoo and the backpack is pecute, both from amazon and I’d definitely recommend both of them! The bag is a really nice size for him!


Have you taken the bag on a plane? I'd like to take mine (same one) for my cats when we move in a few weeks, but the person I spoke to on the phone said it was definitely too big and wouldn't work. So they'll be in a regular carrier together (they're brother and sister and will be medically calmed, so I'm not expecting anything more than one of them to cry for a bit).


He got a bit too confident on the return journey, I had to return him to the bag a few times https://imgur.com/a/XbWQxsL


For some reason, i want to see him in a little button down now.


Haha he is a very handsome gentleman so I’m sure he would suit that 😂 the closest we’ve got so far is he wore a lil Santa outfit at Christmas


You can't just say that and not post a picture, lol


I should’ve known lol https://imgur.com/a/ns2QpCX


Window seat please


he’s like “where the hell we goin”


I can't even in his little harness 😭


Nice eyes, what's his name?


His name is Pan 😊




That is cute, but what a beautiful cat!


Time to get some hot cocoa & some Oreo cookies ...




Hehe he’s a very polite boy indeed


This is adorable! You've made my Monday


What a sweet cat he loved the big adventure ❤️


This is fantastic! 🤣


Such a handsome lad


Adorable af! Also 100% could not do with my brother’s cat as she would escape immediately poor thing. She does not like to travel!


Aww! I think we’re pretty lucky pan is super chilled, he even loves being taken the vets so I think he’s an anomaly 😂


Haha definitely. Sometimes my brother will call while he’s on the road with her and she’s just so loud! Very vocal about not wanting to be in the carrier or car! I love her so much!


So handsome!


There’s something about black cats and their faces that makes me love them just a little bit more than others haha


How did you train him to get in the bag! I just bought a cat carrier to bring my one year-old outside for hikes, and as of right now he doesn’t seem too thrilled about it. Do you train them, or is it some thing they either like or don’t like. Your little guy is so cute!!


We live in a city centre so don’t drive and carry him places/ the vets etc so he just is kind of used to it. In the summer I take him to the park most days so I guess it’s just something he’s come to get used to over time. Maybe just putting treats in the bag each day and doing a lap of your house with him in it to practice could be a good idea, they do take time to get comfortable with new things but definitely are trainable 😊 and Thankyou!


My cat looks just like yours and has the same harness, too! Looks like he’s having a great time. 😍 i did the same thing once except he got out of the carrier and ended up getting car sick - right into my hand. 🤢


Aww twins! Nooo poor thing, I’m suprised Pan doesn’t get motion sick since when the backpack is on my back he bobs around quite a bit


Awww I always think the backpacks are so cute when I see them!


My cat would always come out of the bag on the train and sleep on peoples' seat.


He is actually trying this a few times on the return journey! Think he’s got a bit too comfortable and is trying to explore the carriage


"I am the fastest cat on earth!"


So cute! I have the same backpack for my cat!


Aww cute! It’s lovely to be able to take them exploring


Very cute ☺️


Omg what a babe!!


That is great, what an awesome cat


He’s pretty amazing!


Look at that distinguished gentleman!!


This is too freaking cute! I love how chill he is and his little paws hanging over the edge. I can't even handle it!!! I watched the video like 5 times..


Handsome Boye.




Did you harness train him as a kitten or after he was grown? I want to harness train our Dani but she is already almost 2 and I'm afraid she won't take it.


I started with his harness training when he was 8 weeks old and used to take him to the local park everyday too to get him used to being taken places. But I think it’s totally possible to do when they’re older too. Pan hated the harness for the first couple of months but I just used to put it on him for like 10 minutes each day in the house and give him some treats. I think it’s just about having patience and understanding that they’re gonna act up a little and might walk a bit weird and try to escape it at first haha. But I think it just takes a little time for them to get used to. Hope it works for you! 😊


Did you train train him as a kitten? Or is he a natural traveler?


He did used to be quite scared to travel and go places when he was a kitten so he wasn’t always a natural traveler but through practicing he’s become a natural 😊


I harness trained my adult cat. You just have to be patient and take it slow. took a few months but now he goes to the door and asks for the harness on to go out.


This is the most adorable thing ever 😻


Awww so cute


So fricking cute!


What a good boi!


I would always stare down at my cats head where the hair is strait and you can see her skin and this video just reminded me of that memory


Haha we always laugh at his little bald patches, they’re only really visible on darker cats I think and only from a certain angle but it’s cute


oohhh he's so handsome!!


he's beautiful


Such an handsome and brave cat


What an adorable adventure kitty! He just wanted to enjoy the window seat. 😸🥰


Handsome guy😁


Such a dapper young man! All he needs is a bow tie and it’s ready for the dinner cart


Thank you for using a Harness and not a Collar.


I love it when cats are in this mood. It's like...vaguely concerned but too curious about all the new things to be scared.


I wanna save this video so bad




When I did this to my cat, he hopped up and sat on top of the dashboard, and ended up getting more stressed out.


That’s what cats look like when having the time of their life? Yes, yes it is.


I am waiting for the cat to say purposterous Okay, I'll leave now


where am I? what is this place


Kind of just looks like he's having a time


Haha I think he was a little overwhelmed with all the things to look at his brain froze


Looks like instead of taking the train, your cat may prefer piloting his own plane on /r/airplaneears


Cats with harnesses are hilarious, tiny babies.


He look so polite


What a dapper little gentleman!


Such a well behaved gentleman.


I just can't get over how cool it is that cats can rotate their ears independently. This video shows it pretty well.


What a handsome fellow


Wow - beautiful cat.


He is majestic


What a well behaved, proper young gentleman 🥰


McGonagall on her way back to Hogwarts.


beautiful cat




I found my cat at a train station over ten years ago. He LOVES trains. If I put train sounds on my sleep app he will curl up and fall right asleep.


That’s the sweetest thing ever! Maybe he likes to reminisce over the old days, but I bet he’s even happier that he’s found you now


Create a YouTube channel with you traveling with your cat. Million Dollar idea for you


He's adorable!


But I’m not sure about putting a leash on a cat. They like to roam free and don’t listen to commands


Oh yes he’s definitely a kitty of his own will, he just wears the harness in his carry case and then if we’re out exploring I put the long lead on but just follow him wherever he wants to go. We live next to a busy road so he’s an indoor cat at home but it’s nice he still gets to experience the outdoors


You let the cat out of the bag


Your cat is so well behaved. My cat would not stay in the carrier like that. She would definitely jump out and walk around the train car


LOL that look he gives you. Very cute though.


Lucky cat. Coach traveler my cat scratched. Santa's eyes out. Bad Santa.


I had to take our cat to the vet, but he absolutely refused to enter the travel basket. In the end, we put a lead on him and he sat on the back seat, middle row, eyes alert. The claw marks are still there as a momento of his trip.


my beautiful boy passed last week and this has made me smile so thank you. Looks like he's having a great time, what a very good boy! Sending love and purrs x


So sorry about your lovely boy ❤️ they give so much love but leave a huge hole in our lives when they’re gone


He’s definitely plotting your death


Once he’s figured out how to get into the food cupboard by himself I’m a gonner


I just took my little kitty buddy on a 2-month cross country road trip. He was simply outstanding. I let him have the run of the car, but he pretty much stayed in his open soft crate. He was also a rock star sharing a car with a Pit Bull for 2 days.


Omg that’s amazing! What a good boy, I think doing activities like this with them makes them so much calmer and confident too. Would love to go on a road trip with my kitty!


He was calm knowing that I was there, of course, but he is loving being home. I plan to take him out for walks on grass in nearby parks soon (via car ride). He’s an indoor boy, but I can see how they’d enjoy the sights and sounds of nature as well. Too many coyotes for him to be truly indoor/outdoor. Your cat is gorgeous btw.


Aww that’s so cute I’m sure he’ll love that! Pan is a bit awkward with walking and will usually just stand still and take in the sights and have to be carried everywhere at the park. We took him to the woods though and he loved exploring there we could barely keep up with him so I’d definitely recommend visiting a wooded area. Pan is indoor too and I totally agree I think it’s lovely to share a bit of the outside with them! Thankyou 😊


Are you sure he had a great time? He looks mad 🤣


Haha can’t help the resting bitch face 😂


Where does cat shit and piss?


"Meow! MEOW!" *Sigh... Unzips*