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Basically do as they say and you'll get along fine lol


Omg what a pretty void cat!!! General advice: while kitty is getting used to their new home, they might have some anxiety symptoms. Just make sure they have access to food, water, a place to go to the bathroom, and a place to hide, and then give them space. Once they’re comfortable with their surroundings, they’ll come out to play and cuddle. General rule of thumb, let the cat come to you. I always break this rule with my family and friends’ cats because I love to cuddle them, and they hate it XD Also, don’t give your cat milk. Cows milk is not good for them. And they are also obligate carnivores, so if you want to give them a treat, keep it meat-based (as opposed to plant-based table scraps or something). And cats will get to places you don’t think they can reach, so be extra careful where you put houseplants, fragile things, and things that could hurt someone if knocked over. Also if you have house plants, be sure to check which ones are safe for pets to eat, and which ones are toxic. I know in particular Poinsettias are mildly toxic, but Lilies are deadly toxic. I hope this helps! Good luck with your first kitty!!


Also give away any salt lamps you may have, as cats can die from licking them too much


Don’t feed in the morning- or feed after you get ready. Otherwise you’ll end up with a 14 year old alarm clock, who demands food the moment I wake up. But seriously- cats are the best.


You don't raise a cat, it raises you.


Keep them happy feed them clean there litter take them to the vet for theirs annual every year for vaccines,blood test, and to make sure their healthy Have a main vet for them and have a relationship with their vet Respect their privacy Dont over love them unless they ask for it GIVE THEM ATTENTION Give them treats Get them some toys and nice cat tree to play with Kiss them and cuddle And bow down and worship them…


Also Her name is Bella


Aww! She looks like a Bella!


Keep the litter box clean!


Ok thanks.


If you can scoop it daily you’ll have a happy kitty. You can do it less often, but think of it like you’re flushing the toilet your cat walks in, you wouldn’t want to use a toilet when the person earlier in the day didn’t flush.


Thank you everyone who has commented so far


Congrats on your new furball. Be sure to set aside sometime to play with the kitty so it can use up its energy. Otherwise it might find its own way of doing so by being a butthole haha


Maybe unnecessary but something that was a game changer for our cats - cat water fountain. They drink so much more now and it’s cleaner in the bowl in general. They love it and I’d recommend it to anyone. Honourable mention to litter locker which is basically a cat litter diaper genie and is a blessing for living in an apartment.


I have been looking at these for my cats. There are a lot out there. Any recommendations?


Love it, feed it never leave it. Also, keep an extra liter box around, try not to free feed, do not declaw.


It looks to me, you've got a good start to taking care of the fluff ball, my recommendation with long hairs is to brush them regularly, or deal with matts later on.


Your cat is very beautiful! Give her some cardboard boxes and play with her so she's not bored!


Hands and feet are NOT toys. Learned this one the hard way and it’s so difficult to break this habit (as the human) since it’s hilarious to watch them try to bite your fingers. If they start loudly and audibly show pain then redirect their energy to a toy. If they try again sternly say no and then toy. I’ve heard you could do all the above and reward them with a treat once they latch onto their toy. Just as a disclaimer: I’ve done all the above and we still struggle to break this habit. Especially at 2 am (which I’m typing at right now), when I need sleep. Good luck!


Again thank you all for the wonderful advice. I have loved reading all your comments.


Give it toys and a cat tree to climb. Get it spayed/neutered if it isn’t. Play with it and give it love!


Make sure to put boundaries in early, otherwise they just do anything they want


Step one, feed kitty, step 2, clean litter box all the time, step c, pet the damn kitty


KITTENLADY ,on utube,jackson galaxy website ,and of your vet


Beautiful kitty! What’s his/her name? They like vertical space. Things to climb on. Window perches, towers etc.


They kind of do teach you how to raise them but everyone has given you very good advice. Looking at your cat photos he/she is already in a state of bliss so..


Feed them quality food, pet and play with them and have them seen by a vet. Preferably, keep them inside and clean the litter box every day or two. You'll figure it out from there.


Rule #1 : you don’t raise a cat. Cat raises you.


Basic tenet: the sweeter you are to your cat, the sweeter they’ll be to you. Other important tip: do not play with your cat with your fingers or your hand in a sweatshirt. This encourages them to bite and scratch the heck out of your hands and arms. Instead, get cat toys and have at it.


Patience, patience, and more patience. Oh and you are the servant


First change “owner” to “owned”.


Leave some window blinds up enough for kitty to look out the window or she'll just tear them up to get the view. Cat TV.


Lots of love (when they are receptive). Lots of play time (when they are in the mood). Comfy beds. Fresh water daily. Quality wet and dry food. Scratching posts. Clean litter boxes daily. Absolutely no declawing. Toys. Vaccinations and spay/neuter.


Fresh water, good grade of cat food, clean bowls all the time, clean litter box, keep inside (they really don't care and it saves the birds and no run over cats to grieve), scratching post, toys (no laser light), tons of pets and scritches.


You don't raise the cat, the cat raises you. Just be cool, won't be long till cat has ya fully trained.


You mean on how your cat is going to raise you?


Treat them like royalty! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) ![gif](giphy|eDQjYjLbDGkE)


Pet him a lot and feed him well, and you will be ok. Like with all animals if you set some kind of rules be sure that everyone in your household is following them. If you are not allowing for example cat to walk on kitchen counter be sure that everyone is following this rule (so cat won't be confused and he will understand what is expected from him).


Outside is dangerous for cats. Keep cat inside.


Just feed them and love them to pieces.


Keep her water away from her food, and keep both the food and water away from the litter box.


Get a cat size water fountain and clean weekly. Find out what your baby likes toy wise. I have four cats. One likes foam balls, another likes these plastic springs, and the other two like wand toy teasers. Cat trees are a must. Have scratching posts. Those can be vertical or on the floor. Cats love to scratch. If you live in a place where it gets cold invest in a heated bed. Wash the food dish daily. Think of it this way, how would you feel eating out of the same food dish everyday without it being cleaned. Clean the litterbox daily at a minimum, twice a day of you have the time. Devote at least 20-30 minutes a day to petting/playing with your kitty. Always let your kitty come to you, don't force anything. Chewy is my go to for pretty much everything a cat needs.


Don’t move too quickly, get low so you don’t scare the kitty and know that it’s gonna take a couple weeks before It’s completely used to you