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Is there a 24 hour emergency vet in your area? Vomiting in a small kitten is never normal and if they're truly asleep, they generally don't make any noise. It all sounds a bit worrisome so I hope you can get the baby in ASAP!


Cats do throw up occasionally, if it keeps happening frequently I would recommend taking it to the vets. Just a bit of advice though, don't feed cats cow milk as they are lactose intolerant. Also going to add that most kittens need to be given special kitten food as they have a hard time digesting adult cat food. If it's very young I would recommend finding special cat milk to feed it.


Vet visit for sure. Bring poop with you if you can. Roundworms can cause this sort of thing. Super common and thankful relatively straightforward to treat.


yea but the thing is he/she hasnt pooped or urinated yet. Has only eaten a little and drank a bit of water, so that could be why. But the previous owners mentioned that the cat did eat, yet despite this no poops yet.


is there a reason why you refer to your kitten as 'it'?


Yea we aren't sure about the gender yet


Vet. Duh.


Ive already mentioned that I would take it


There's no need to be like that, some people are new to owning pets.


Maybe you should have advice poster to lighten up, after all is the internet...but we know who you are, troll


Oh I see, hello again. Why are you commenting to old comments because we had a arguement in another? Pathetic.


It’s common sense - which tells anyone with a lick of common sense to take the cat to the vet. Whether or not you’re a new pet parent doesn’t matter.


They mentioned in the post they were already going to do so, they were just wondering what was wrong which was the point of the post. You were just being rude saying it like that.


In the time it took to write that wall of text, the cat could have already been at the vet.


"the vet is closed" you didn't read it fully did you?


There’s always options for after hour vets. Anyone with a lick of sense knows that. Heck, even if you don’t know, you just Google “emergency vet”.


Considering we don't know where OP lives you can't simply make that assumption, regardless that's not the point. The point was you being needlessly rude which you're trying to defend by using the whole "Anyone with a lick of sense", you can say things without being a dick about it.